Reinstatement of a reserve officer to military service. The Russian leadership has recently become very attentive to the issue of increasing the prestige of the service. Reinstatement of a reserve officer to service under a contract

Deadlines for military service

Unlike citizens who are not in the reserve and do not have an officer rank, the conscription of reserve officers into military service is not determined by strict time frames and the inevitability of conscription of all 100% of reserve officers who do not have grounds for exemption or deferment from conscription.

Recruitment of reserve officers to military service is carried out within the time limits established by the President Russian Federation(clause 2 of article 25 Federal Law"On military duty and military service"). Currently, the conscription of reserve officers for military service is carried out on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the conscription of reserve officers for military service in 2000-2005” dated April 10, 2000 N 660. According to subparagraph. "a" clause 1 of this Decree, up to 15 thousand citizens who have graduated from state, municipal or non-state educational institutions of higher education who have state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) are annually called up for military service vocational education, enlisted in the reserve with assignment military rank officer and not entitled to exemption or deferment from conscription for military service, including up to 5 thousand citizens - immediately upon graduation from the specified educational institutions, in military or civilian specialties related to the relevant military specialties, according to the plan, annually developed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Thus, the determining factor in the conscription of reserve officers for military service in a particular military registration and enlistment office is the assignment for the conscription of reserve officers, which the military commissar receives.

Annual plans for the recruitment of reserve officers by branch of the Armed Forces, branches of the military, main and central directorates of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, military districts and other federal executive bodies, based on their applications, are developed by the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The personnel department of the military district brings to the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation the assignment for conscription of reserve officers in military specialties and distributes the candidates selected for conscription from among the reserve officers in accordance with the received assignment for conscription.

Stages and types of conscription for military service of reserve officers

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 26 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, conscription of reserve officers into military service includes three stages:

In addition, the specificity of the call for reserve officers to military service is that such a call can be implemented:

Conscription for military service immediately after graduation;

Conscription for military service at another time, according to the plan for implementing the conscription assignment.

Medical examination of reserve officers

Medical examination of reserve officers when they are called up for military service is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on Military Medical Examination (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2003 N 123) and Art. 205-215 Instructions on the procedure for conducting military medical examination in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for conducting military medical examination in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" dated August 20, 2003 N 200.

Examination of reserve officers is carried out by order of the district military commissar by the military medical commission of the district military commissariat. The conclusions of the military medical commission are recorded in the book of minutes of meetings of the military medical commission and, in addition:

In relation to persons recognized as fit for military service, fit for military service with minor restrictions - in the medical examination card of a citizen in the reserve;

In relation to persons declared unfit for military service - in a certificate of illness, which is sent for approval to the regular military medical commission of the military district;

In relation to persons recognized as limitedly fit for military service, or temporarily unfit for military service, a medical examination card of a citizen in the reserve is filled out, which is sent for approval to the regular military medical commission of the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Reserve officers called up for military service (if there is an order from the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on conscription for military service), but have not yet been sent to their place of service and have filed complaints about their state of health, are sent by the military commissar for examination to garrison or hospital military medical commissions.

Question: I am a reserve officer and have a disease that, according to column 1 of the Schedule of Diseases, falls into category “B”. And according to this column, citizens are examined when conscripted for military service. Can I count on exemption from conscription for military service due to health reasons?

Answer: According to sub. 15 clause 84 of the Instructions on the procedure for conducting a military medical examination in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2003 N 200, you, as a reserve officer, will be examined under a different column, under Column III of the Schedule of Diseases. The criteria for establishing a fitness category for different columns do not coincide, and your right to receive an exemption from conscription for military service will become known only after doctors have established your fitness category for military service.

Conscription of reserve officers to military service immediately after graduation

The head of the military department at the university, after receiving the assignment for conscription of citizens from among the students who have completed training in the training program for reserve officers graduating from the university, conducts a preliminary selection of candidates for conscription for military service. Lists of selected candidates are compiled and sent to the district military commissariat at the location of the educational institution. Citizens who do not have the right to a deferment are subject to selection.

The military commissar of the district at the location of the educational institution sends the citizens indicated in the list for a medical examination in order to determine the category of suitability for military service. Citizens are subject to medical examination as reserve officers.

The military commissar of the district, in relation to citizens who do not have the right to a deferment from conscription, makes a decision on their conscription for military service.

For citizens selected by the district military commissar for conscription, the head of the military department prepares the necessary documents (conscription material) and sends them to the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The list of documents is determined by the personnel departments of military districts. After checking the submitted documents by the military commissar of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, they are sent to the personnel department of the military districts in the prescribed manner.

The Military District Personnel Directorate distributes the received documents for reserve officers in accordance with the order of the Main Personnel Directorate according to the branches of the Armed Forces, branches of the military, the main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and federal executive authorities, to which, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, reserve officers are called up ; compiles lists of names, which are approved by the commander of the military district and, together with service records, are sent to the relevant personnel authorities.

Directorates (departments) of personnel of branches of the Armed Forces, branches of troops, main and central departments The Ministries of Defense of the Russian Federation prepare in four copies draft orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the conscription of reserve officers to military service and, after the first copies of these projects have been endorsed by the relevant commanders-in-chief (chiefs), submit all copies to the Main Personnel Directorate. At the same time, draft orders on the conscription of reserve officers - university graduates, along with service records, must be submitted 2 months before graduation.

Personnel directorates (departments) of branches of the Armed Forces, branches of the armed forces, main and central directorates of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, extracts from orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the conscription of reserve officers to military service are sent no later than 7 days after receiving the orders to the personnel directorates of military districts and military commissariats subjects of the Russian Federation indicating the code names military units and their points of deployment, where these officers are to be sent, as well as to the personnel authorities of military districts, fleets, armies, flotillas, associations and formations, at whose disposal officers called up for military service are enlisted.

Military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation must communicate extracts from orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on conscription of reserve officers to military service to subordinate military commissariats: for reserve officers from among university graduates - no later than 15 days before graduation, and for other reserve officers - within within 5 days after receiving extracts from the orders.

The heads of military departments of universities, together with invited representatives of the heads of administrations of districts, cities and military commissariats, orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the conscription of reserve officers - university graduates for military service are announced in a solemn atmosphere.

A reserve officer called up for military service immediately after graduating from a university must arrive at the district military commissariat no later than 3 days after graduation to receive a leave ticket and an order to leave for the place of duty.

If, within a month after graduating from an educational institution, a citizen for whom an extract from the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation has been sent is not sent to a place of military service for various reasons, his personal file with an extract from the order on his conscription is sent within 5 days to the military commissariat of the district at the officer's place of residence. This officer is seconded to the place of military service by the military commissar of the district at his place of residence in the prescribed manner.

These officers who are not seconded to their duty station within a month after graduating from higher education institutions without a valid reason, lose the right to receive leave before being seconded to their duty station.

Such valid reasons are:

Under treatment, serious health condition or death (death) close relative a reserve officer called up for military service (spouse, father (mother), father (mother) spouse, son (daughter), sibling (sister) or a person under whose care there was a reserve officer);

A fire or other natural disaster that befell the family or close relative of a reserve officer.

Reserve officers called up for military service are given two copies of an order to leave for the place of military service at the district military commissariat. The commander of the military unit sends the second copy with a note about the arrival of the called-up officer to the military commissariat of the district that sent him.

The considered procedure for conscripting reserve officers into military service immediately after graduation contains a number of controversial positions.

Subparagraph "b" of paragraph 1 of Art. 22 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” defines legal facts, in the presence of which, along with age parameters, a citizen falls into a specific category - the category of citizens subject to conscription for military service:

Graduation from a state, municipal or non-state university with state accreditation in the relevant areas of training (specialties) educational institution higher professional education;

Enlistment into the reserves with the assignment of the military rank of officer.

These legal facts must take place before conscription begins. Others testify to this legislative norms. A citizen who has successfully completed his studies at the military department of a university can receive the military rank of lieutenant only after graduating from an educational institution (subparagraph “b”, paragraph 2, article 21 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service (approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 N 1237).

As mentioned above, conscription of a reserve officer into military service includes three stages:

Appearing for a medical examination;

Appearing before the military commissar to make a decision on conscription;

Appearing at the military registration and enlistment office and receiving an order to leave for the place of military service.

Thus, conscription for military service, or more precisely, the first of the specified measures for conscription for military service - appearing for a medical examination, should take place only after the citizen has graduated from a university and enlisted in the reserve with the assignment of the military rank of officer.

Really this condition, defined by law, is not observed. Activities for conscription into military service are beginning to be carried out in relation to students who are not included in the category of citizens subject to conscription for military service. Two of the three stages of conscription for military service (medical examination and the military commissar making a decision on conscription for military service) are carried out in relation to students who have not graduated from a university and are not enrolled in the reserve with the military rank of officer.

According to paragraphs. 26 and 27 Instructions for the preparation and implementation of activities related to the conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation into military service with the assignment of the military rank of officer (Appendix No. 2 to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 6, 1999 No. 400), even before dispatched by the head of the military department necessary documents(conscription material) to the military commissariat of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, students undergo a medical examination as reserve officers. During the same period, the military commissar of the district at the location of the educational institution, in relation to citizens who do not have the right to a deferment from conscription for military service, makes a decision on their conscription for military service.

In connection with the above, there is a need to bring some provisions of this order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation into compliance with legislative norms.

Conscription of reserve officers to military service at other times, according to the plan for implementing the conscription task

A reserve officer who was not called up for military service immediately after graduating from a university is summoned to the military registration and enlistment office after receiving an extract from the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation using a standard summons. This order must be communicated to the reserve officer within 5 days after the military registration and enlistment office receives an extract from the order.

A reserve officer is called to the military registration and enlistment office as needed, determined by the annual assignment for the conscription of reserve officers for military service.

After receiving the assignment for the conscription of reserve officers, the military commissar of the district and the head of the 3rd department of the military commissariat assess the availability and quality characteristics of the reserve officers subject to conscription, and the possibility of completing the task. Registration documents are selected for reserve officers subject to conscription for military service.

To conduct targeted work on selected candidates for conscription, a list of reserve officers subject to conscription for military service is compiled, based on the assignment for conscription. This list includes all reserve officers who have military specialties specified in the conscription assignment, as well as those who have a civilian specialty related to the military specialty for which the conscription assignment was received.

Reserve officers who have the right to a deferment (release) and who are not subject to conscription this year for various reasons are taken into account in the list of reserve officers under the age of 27 who are eligible for release and deferment from conscription.

Personal files of reserve officers selected for conscription for military service are selected for preliminary study. Reserve officers are identified who are or have been brought to criminal or administrative liability, who are under investigation, who are registered in tuberculosis, psychiatric, dermatovenerologic, and drug treatment clinics, as well as those who have the right to exemption and deferment from conscription for military service.

During the conversation, the military commissar studies Family status, health status and other issues influencing the decision to enlist in military service. The results of the conversation are reflected in the candidate’s study sheet for conscription. One of the following decisions is made regarding a reserve officer:

On conscription for military service;

On granting a deferment from conscription for military service;

On exemption from conscription for military service;

On exemption from military duty.

The decision of the military commissar regarding the reserve officer is recorded in a study sheet, which is signed by the military commissar, certified with the official seal and filed in the personal file of the reserve officer, and is also entered in the book of decisions of the military commissar on the conscription of reserve officers to military service.

If a decision is made to call up a specific reserve officer for military service, he is given two copies of an order to leave for the place of military service.


1. I am a reserve officer. In February of this year, they called me to the military registration and enlistment office (ostensibly for registration). After a personal conversation, the head of the department for work with reserve officers said that I would definitely be called up in June. Is this oral statement considered a decision of the military registration and enlistment office on conscription? If not, what should this solution look like? IN this moment There is an order from the Minister of Defense and they are trying to serve me a summons. Should my name be on this order? Or does it just say how many people to call? Until what date can a reserve officer be called up (until June 30, like a soldier, or all year round)?

2. I graduate from a university, passed through the department, and an order from the Minister of Defense for conscription is issued regarding me. But I have the right to a deferment (in my case, due to work). What happens in this case? Will the order for my conscription be canceled completely, or will it “hang over me”, and I will be conscripted if my deferment runs out? At the military registration and enlistment office they say something like: as soon as the order comes to them, I will have to write a report on the cancellation of the order, or something like that. Please explain exactly what is happening and how it is technically accomplished.

Answer: The algorithm for selecting and calling up a reserve officer for military service is determined by Ch. III Instructions (Appendix No. 2 to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 6, 1999 No. 400). The decision of the military commissar regarding the reserve officer is not only announced to him orally, but is also written down on a study sheet, which is signed by the military commissar, certified with the official seal and filed in the reserve officer’s personal file, and is also entered in the book of the military commissar’s decisions on conscription of reserve officers for military service . If the citizen in respect of whom the decision was made so desires, he is given a copy this decision(Clause 6, Article 28 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”).

Orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, by which reserve officers are awarded the officer rank, contain the surnames, first names, and patronymics of specific citizens who have been awarded the military rank of officer. The orders do not contain instructions that these citizens who have been awarded the rank of officer are subject to conscription in a specific period of time, for example, in July of such and such a year. Such orders also contain a rule, determined by law, that these citizens are subject to conscription for military service in accordance with current legislation. The current legislation also provides for the provision of a deferment. If on the day the military commissar makes a decision regarding a specific reserve officer, this officer presents him with documents confirming his right to a deferment from conscription, the military commissar will be obliged to grant him a deferment.

There is no strictly defined period for calling up reserve officers for military service during the year. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 10, 2000 N 660, only total reserve officers subject to conscription for military service annually - up to 15 thousand. The end of the deferment period from conscription for military service does not mean that the reserve officer will definitely be called up for military service. In such cases, everything will be determined by the plan for recruiting reserve officers, which the military commissar has at that time and which is drawn up by the General Staff for each year based on the needs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for officers of specific specialties.

Question: How should graduates of military departments with the rank of officer still serve? In the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” it is very difficult to get an unambiguous answer to this question (in some places it says one thing, in others it is completely different). By conscription, by contract (on a voluntary basis), according to presidential decrees, by decision of military commissars?

Answer: The Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” establishes only two options for citizens to perform military service in Russia: by conscription and voluntarily (under contract). This is defined in paragraph 2 of Art. 2 of this Law.

According to sub. "b" clause 1 art. 22 of this Law, graduates of military departments who have been awarded the rank of officer, aged 18 to 27 years, are included in the category of persons who are subject to conscription for military service (regardless of their desire). Need, i.e. the specific number of reserve officers who need to be called up for military service during the year is currently determined by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the call-up of reserve officers for military service in 2000-2005" dated April 10, 2000 N 660 - annually up to 15 thousand .

The decision to call up a specific reserve officer for military service is made by the military commissar (Clause 1, Article 28 of the above-mentioned Law).

In 2018, the draft commission operating in municipal area, on which it is located. Its work is based on the decision of the leadership of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or the President of Russia, together with the agreement of the proposals put forward by the military commissar. Who will be drafted in 2018 The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly states who can do military service:

  • citizens of the state;
  • persons who expressed own wish by concluding a contract;
  • persons of other states, according to the contract.

Persons who are members of the Russian Army have the status of military personnel. In 2018, young men who have reached the age of 18, but not older than 27, will be conscripted. Reserve officers are recruited in exact dates, which were established by the President of the Russian Federation. At the moment, these persons are not conscripted for military service, according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the conscription of reserve officers.”

Latest news about the conscription of reserve officers in 2018 in Russia


In essence, dismissal under the NUC is a disciplinary measure, and the commander has the right (but not the obligation) to apply this measure at your own discretion. If it so happens that a serviceman was dismissed from the army in connection with the NUC, it will be quite problematic for him to be reinstated in service, since this wording is very broad and can imply both minor violations of service and serious offenses. To be reinstated, you must go to court, where you will have to prove the unlawfulness of the dismissal.

If you disagree with the court's decision, you can file cassation appeals to higher authorities. Sometimes dismissal due to the National Criminal Code is confused with dismissal due to service inconsistency, but the latter is a fundamentally different basis for excluding a military personnel from the lists personnel parts.

Military Mortgage News

Ministry of Defense 37 000 38480 45 Head of the military training and scientific center, first deputy commander of the military district troops 37 500 39000 46 Deputy commander-in-chief of a branch of the Armed Forces 38 000 39520 47 Commander of the military district troops, commander of the armed forces of the Armed Forces, head of the main department, director (director) ) Department of the Ministry of Defense 40 000 41600 48 Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Deputy Chief General Staff Armed Forces 42,000 43680 49 Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 44,000 45760 50 First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 45,000 46800 Well, I think it won’t be difficult to calculate how much everyone’s pay has changed in connection with the new salaries for military personnel.

Peculiarities of service as reserve officers


The corresponding courses can only be taken at military departments that have received state permission from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. All specialties are available for men, and separate areas for women. For maximum efficiency, in any case, regular military training is organized, which allows one to acquire not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge.

A reserve officer can be reinstated in service. Every military citizen of the Russian Federation can successfully serve with the possibility of further return to military service. The same applies to reserve officers. To successfully and quickly return to military service, you need to know how to do it correctly.

Reinstatement of a reserve officer to military service

In case of illegal dismissal from military service of a serviceman before he acquired the right to a pension for length of service or without providing him with living quarters, he, on the basis of clause 2 of Art. 23 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” is subject to reinstatement in the service in the previous (or with his consent - equal or not lower) position with compensation for all losses caused and compensation for moral damage. At the same time, recognizing a serviceman as unfit for military service due to health reasons or reaching the age limit for military service cannot serve as an obstacle to making such a decision.

New salaries for military personnel in 2018

As a result, such a bleak picture emerges with reinstatement in the RF Armed Forces - there are ways, but everything depends on the ban, so everyone who wanted to serve as a reserve officer was advised to try to get a job in other law enforcement agencies (for example, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Emergency Situations, at customs), where they can also call the military. This, of course, is not exactly what they wanted and everywhere has its difficulties, but the path to the Moscow Region was completely closed. Hopes for recovery. Perhaps the situation will change or even has already changed! IN Lately Information has appeared on military Internet forums that supposedly the recruitment of reserve officers will soon resume, and there is a “special order” from above. However, so far no unambiguous documentary evidence of this news has been provided.

All this is confirmed by the inclusion in State Duma draft law: “As a measure to support other categories of federal workers government agencies who are not subject to the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as judges, prosecutors, employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, federal civil servants and other categories of federal employees government agencies, military personnel and persons equivalent to them, it is planned to increase budget allocations for the annual increase in wages, salary, and allowance in accordance with the forecast inflation rate from January 1, 2018 by 4 percent, from October 1, 2019 and from October 1, 2020 .


After all, it will not be easy to prove that you are right; besides, the court is civil, and the big question is how to real life his decisions will be carried out by the military leadership. And if you still manage to achieve restoration, then even psychologically it will be difficult for such a conscript to continue serving. There is a separate issue with the reinstatement of the category of military personnel in the army - those dismissed for health reasons with the wording “limited fitness”.

Some time passes, and they, having “healed” and looking at new realities financial situation military personnel also want to return to the army. In this situation, the same comrades advise resolving the issue through the courts as a last resort, and before that they recommend trying other options, for example, going to a military clinic (or hospital) at the place of residence and military registration.
The security of the Russian Federation largely depends on reserve officers who have successfully served for the benefit of the state and are sent to the reserve. Only officers who have fully served Russia can form the Reserve of the RF Armed Forces. Reserve officers of the RF Armed Forces: what do you need to know? Interesting: Bloomberg learned about plans to deprive the iPhone 8 of a fingerprint scanner. Every citizen has the opportunity to receive the military rank of officer only if he successfully completes training at a military department in a certain specialty, and then fulfills the corresponding duty to his homeland.

At the same time, the officer is successfully transferred to the reserve. Every citizen liable for military service who decides to devote himself to full-time service in Russia must acquire certain skills and successfully complete a training course. Mandatory stage there are special military training camps.

Other fees are not included in the duties of officers of the Russian Federation. Service in the army as a reserve officer becomes possible only after a successful health check and admission to study and labor activity. To do this, the military commissar calls officers for military service.

Reserve officers must receive the first summons and immediately undergo all the necessary examinations from doctors, after which they must go to the military commissar with the provision of a full package of established documentation in order to make a final decision on the possibility of military service in Russia. If the situation develops favorably, the citizen receives an order and leaves for the place where he must serve. If a person liable for military service receives a summons and does not appear for conscription events and medical examination, he becomes a draft dodger.

Full restoration of the violated rights of a serviceman dismissed from military service without payment involves his reinstatement in the lists of unit personnel until all amounts due are paid. How to recover after dismissal due to organizational and staffing measures (OSM)? In connection with the reform carried out in the Armed Forces in last years, many military personnel were dismissed early, before the expiration of their contracts, due to organizational and staffing events (OSM). Dismissal due to general management occurs in cases where: 1. There is a reduction in the position held and there is no possibility of appointment to a similar one; 2. The military rank of the position held is reduced; 3. The period of being at the disposal of the unit’s command has expired, etc.

After the commissioner checks the collected documentation, it is sent to the personnel department. In turn, the personnel department of military districts, upon receipt of documents, distributes conscripts according to types of troops, the Armed Forces, to various departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and military districts. Lists of officers are also formed, which are approved by the Chief Commander of the district, and, having received their service cards, they are sent to the approved personnel authorities. For reserve officers who were not called up immediately after graduating from university, slightly different conditions apply. They receive notifications as soon as the military registration and enlistment office receives an order from the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation in the form of summons of the established type. After the order arrives at the military registration and enlistment office, this information must be brought to the attention of the reserve officer within 5 days.

The security of the Russian Federation largely depends on reserve officers who have successfully served for the benefit of the state and are sent to the reserve. Only officers who have fully served Russia can form the Reserve of the RF Armed Forces.

Reserve officers of the RF Armed Forces: what do you need to know?

Every citizen has the opportunity to receive the military rank of officer only if he successfully completes training at a military department in a certain specialty, and then fulfills the corresponding duty to his homeland. At the same time, the officer is successfully transferred to the reserve.

Every citizen liable for military service who decides to devote himself to full-time service in Russia must acquire certain skills and successfully complete a training course. Special military training sessions become an obligatory stage. Other fees are not included in the duties of officers of the Russian Federation.

Service in the army as a reserve officer becomes possible only after a successful health check and admission to study and work. To do this, the military commissar calls officers for military service. Reserve officers must receive the first summons and immediately undergo all the necessary examinations from doctors, after which they must go to the military commissar with the provision of a full package of established documentation in order to make a final decision on the possibility of military service in Russia. If the situation develops favorably, the citizen receives an order and leaves for the place where he must serve.

If a person liable for military service receives a summons and does not appear for conscription events and medical examination, he becomes a draft dodger. In this case, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of bringing to administrative or criminal liability.

What do Reserve officers of the Russian Armed Forces need to know?

Currently, every citizen who has acquired the rank of lieutenant and above can find a job in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Contract service reserve officer has numerous differences compared to other options. This is explained by the peculiarity of protecting the Motherland.

Important differences:

  • reserve officers are sent to units constant readiness And air force RF;
  • junior and senior officers always consist only of those citizens who have successfully graduated from higher educational institutions or special courses with mandatory completion of the military department;
  • citizens who have already worked in the relevant military ranks have the right to successful employment;
  • The minimum age for employment is 18 years, the maximum is 40 years.

All the requirements described above are imposed on women of officer rank, so it is not possible to note any differences from the requirements for men. This has a direct bearing on all positions liable for military service, including doctors and special services employees.

By submitting the established package of documents with the appropriate rank (reserve officer) at the reception point, employees can select a suitable list of vacancies. Citizens first determine the regions of Russia they are interested in, so moving to another region is not always necessary. IN mandatory A consultation conversation is held with the future employee, who must understand the specifics of returning to service or employment. Compliance with the qualifications and title of the employee becomes mandatory, therefore special requirements include the appropriate level of professional training.

How are reserve officers trained at military departments?

Universities offer special courses for training reserve officers. The corresponding courses can only be taken at military departments that have received state permission from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. All specialties are available for men, and separate areas for women. For maximum efficiency, in any case, regular military training is organized, which allows one to acquire not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge.

Reserve officer may be reinstated

Every military citizen of the Russian Federation can successfully serve with the possibility of further return to military service. The same applies to reserve officers. To successfully and quickly return to military service, you need to know how to do it correctly.

Methods of reinstatement in military service for reserve officers:

  • report to the military registration and enlistment office and submit a report on the resumption of service in the ranks of the Russian Army in the position of interest;
  • legal process for reinstatement. This option has a minimal level of productivity. However, the method is suitable for illegal dismissals.

In most cases, reinstatement becomes an easy task that just requires finding the right approach given the circumstances.

A distorted interpretation of the law often leads to confusion that combines several related issues, and although the vast majority of the audience is inclined to clarify the nuances of conscript service in the army, there are still those who cannot understand the concept of service for a reserve officer. The reason for this is the haunting analogy with citizens who joined the army with the rank of private and left at the same rank.

It is known that after demobilization a citizen is sent to the reserve. If necessary, by Presidential Decree it can be sent to military training. There is no point in dealing with statistics here, since fees are often provided for officers who have not completed military service. It is precisely the situation for this category that raises acute questions.

Persons who do not seek to make a military career for themselves will certainly be called up for military service and, possibly, will be recruited for training. A reserve officer, regardless of how the rank was assigned, can be drafted into the army, but this cannot be called compulsory service:

  • Firstly, studying at a military educational institution is equivalent to military service.
  • Secondly, after graduating from a civilian university with military department, the graduate receives a military ID and is sent to the reserve.

What kind of emergency service can we talk about then? An officer is drafted into the army, but it is equivalent to contract service. As a result, in order to fully raise the issue that illuminates conscription in a general sense for reserve officers, we will divide this event into two types: training and service.

Military training

For the most part, training camps for reserve officers are similar in organization to training camps for privates and sergeants. The period of one-time stay has been determined; it is no more than two months. Thus, the total number of events in which a citizen will participate is determined by the total duration of the exercise. It is 12 months. The period and duration of military training for calendar year established by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief by his Decree.

Unlike the conscription campaign, training camps start on February 5. It should be noted that all officers sent to the reserve without passing conscript service, will be called up, if not for military service, then for training camps, and in the absence good reasons, they will end up serving the full 12 months.

To increase the efficiency of recruiting officers, pre-allocation is often used. It implies appointment and registration to a military unit in advance. When an officer joins the reserves, he receives a mobilization order; this is a receipt that serves as an addition to his military ID. It contains all the necessary information about what the person liable for military service must do and where to report in the event of mobilization.

Those with early childhood one dream manifested itself: “I want to serve,” they deliberately prepared the ground for this and entered the Higher Military educational institution. Upon completion, graduates have the rank of lieutenant. Usually the state trains personnel for which a preliminary order has been drawn up at its own expense.

This means that the cadet, even during the training period, enters into a contract according to which he will be distributed, regardless of his will. If the personnel is not in demand, which happens extremely rarely, then his personal file is transferred to the personnel departments of all districts, and the officer leaves to serve upon the request received. Otherwise, it is sent to the reserve. Next, he can only expect military training.

Concept for the development of the state's defense capability

Over the course of two decades, development trends can be observed Russian army. By the end of the 90s, the popularity of the military specialty reached its minimum. They also contributed internal conflicts. The state could not adequately support young personnel, so contracts were terminated and thousands of military school graduates were forced to look for themselves in civil life. At the turn of the last decade, the picture changed dramatically. The analysis showed that there are not enough competent specialists from among the officers.

Today, quotas for free education in almost all military universities have been significantly expanded. The state keeps strict records of graduates in order to prevent them from joining the labor exchange, and on the other hand, to meet its own needs for personnel. We can safely say that at the moment, reform in the army has begun to bear significant fruit.

There are such officers who are ready to retire from the army, with a new look, ahead of schedule.

This is due to the fact that such officers cannot understand whether he needs to serve in such an army or not. The fact is that few people like everything that happens in the army today. For those officers who have served enough in the army, they have good service and have nothing to lose. and endure until you are transferred to the reserve.

Among such an abundance of officers, there are officers who do not want to serve. Such officers have their own views on serving in the army. There is a category of officers who endure the first contract and leave the army after honestly serving their due term. Somewhere out there, in civilian life, they raise their glasses for those who are wearing boots.

And there are others, but also .

In this post I want to tell my readers about an incident that happened to an officer who did not want to continue military service under a contract. This post is about another officer.

Courage gives an officer success, and success gives courage; this is the approach the officer took to the issue of early dismissal from the army.

The fact is that just wanting to quit early is not enough. You need to especially decide for yourself whether you need to quit or not. Today, for example, an officer is not persuaded to leave the army. If there is something to fire an officer for, he is fired. But that's today. Maybe that's a good thing. Thus, only those officers who are ready to serve one hundred percent faithfully and truly will remain in the army.

This is not what we are talking about. What was it like before, my reader asks?

We are talking about recent times.

In the mid-nineties, it was difficult to leave the army quickly. Especially if you are an officer after graduating from military school. There was an unspoken and invisible opinion among senior commanders - graduates of military schools for the first five years not to be dismissed from the army, even if they wanted to. Everyone knew about it and everyone used it. Each officer decided for himself whether to serve after graduation or not to serve.

Lieutenant Mehoeda was one of those officers who, after graduating from military school, became disillusioned with military service. After serving for six months, the officer was still unable to fall in love with his chosen profession. Sergei was burdened by military service in every possible way. It was difficult for him to cope with many things in the army. There was a lot he couldn't understand. So he decided for himself - to quit the army and start new life in civilian life.

But writing a report, followed by another, was not enough. Nobody wanted to listen to the officer. Everything ended the same way. The situation was aggravated by the officer's place of duty. It must be said that the service on a separately located island in the middle of Lake Ladoga was itself impressive with its characteristics of an island unit. People say about such units that a helicopter does not descend lower than fifty meters. This is done in order to local residents did not have the opportunity to jump into a helicopter.

And the young officer began to miss and yearn for the lights big city. For himself, he firmly decided that such a life was not for him and he needed to quit, no matter what. And then Sergei had an idea that he did not share with anyone. I just decided and that’s it. I decided to become a vegetarian. An apple for breakfast. Cabbage for lunch. Banana for dinner.

In a small military team, it is difficult to hide what you do in life. However, it was also difficult to be a vegetarian in the army, where at that time they served stewed meat. This was incompatible with the way of military life. But for Sergei, it was a fix idea. To be different from all the officers in the unit. Eat plant foods, running in the mornings and evenings, not drinking alcohol - he was proud of all this and put it into practice. It was the image for Sergei that became the first step to victory.

In the company of officers, he was not given vodka. They also didn’t offer him a cutlet when they celebrated something together.

For a while, everyone forgot about his desire to leave the army early. In this regard, Sergei did not stop bringing his dream closer.

As befits a true vegetarian, he became addicted to urine therapy. Since Seryozha lived alone and did not have a family, he could afford to take his own liquid into a saucepan and brew a life-giving drink. Everything would be fine, but being a neighbor with such an officer and living next to the wall was not entirely pleasant. Considering that the house is assembled from prefabricated slotted material on a quick fix. The neighbors rushed to fight Seryozha. And, as you know, in war all methods are welcome. Many military operations and espionage attacks were undertaken at that time.

But you can live with such a “wound”. Everyone had to endure the lieutenant's antics. Everyone understood that he was a young officer and needed to be taken care of.

But the officer himself did not want to put up with his state of affairs. He needed early dismissal, and not this whole “battle”. And then he realized that if his antics became more sophisticated and pronounced, then victory would not be far off.

The officer began to pretend to be a not entirely “normal” soldier. In full view of everyone, he began carrying empty cans into his house. There were more than enough of them in our landfill. Between us we called it “catering”. There was a lot to eat there, both domestic and wild animals.

What is noteworthy is that Seryoga chose only the most valuable banks from the entire abundance. He arranged them in his apartment as if they were valuable collectibles. The props were piling up.

All the residents of the unit were perplexed by such an officer. All news in the unit began with an unusual officer.

Conversations and persuasion with Sergei did not have a positive result. The officer stood his ground. He carried empty cans into the house and was silent. Time passed inexorably. It couldn't stop.

Meanwhile, the commander reports to the command about the officer’s preferences. Officers educational work They are making every attempt to bring the officer to reason and put him on the right path. All efforts were in vain, the guy stood his ground.

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