Is human levitation possible? Levitation from a scientific point of view. The most famous flying man

Why humans are not destined to soar like birds

It is believed that people with superpowers have a similar talent to “fly”. But physicists say: although from a scientific point of view there is nothing unusual in levitation, it is inaccessible to humans. At least for now.


From Newton to Einstein

From science fiction literature and cinema, we gleaned information that spontaneous flights of heroes over short distances are possible. However, in life we ​​cannot fly without the help of technology. There are several reasons for this. The main obstacle is the laws of physics. In particular, gravity, or universal gravitation, discovered by Isaac Newton (remember the textbook story with the apple?). Gravitational interactions are described in more detail by Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, and at the present stage, quantum theory is also under development.

In the scientific interpretation, levitation (from the Latin levitas “lightness, lightness”) is the overcoming of gravity without additional devices, in which an object floats freely in space without touching the surface. Moreover, the process accomplished by repulsion of air (as in birds, insects and bats) is not considered levitation. It requires the presence of a force that compensates for the force of gravity. For example, a rarefied atmosphere.

Like a pillar pressing

A person's weight depends on the gravitational force of the planet. Once on the Sun, a 65-kilogram earthling will “weigh” about 1800 kilograms, on Jupiter - 153 kilograms. It’s easy to appear “slim” on Mercury and Mars, where 65 Earth kilograms will feel like 24.5, and on Pluto - just over 4 kilograms. Supposedly, if a person tries to jump there, he will fly into the air effortlessly. But this is in theory. And people were able to understand what everything looks like in practice only after visiting our natural satellite (by the way, there the weight decreases from 65 kilograms to 10.7).

Lunar grasshoppers

In 1969, the Apollo 11 crew landed on the Moon. When Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldgreen climbed out of the descent module and jumped slightly, they suddenly soared up almost two meters. Moreover, there were difficulties with the descent. They were constantly being pulled to the side (as if blown away by the wind, although there is no trace of it on the Moon), and the landing on the Moon happened as if in slow motion. And only due to the fact that Neil and Edwin are men, quite physically developed, they managed to maintain their balance without hanging upside down. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the problem is not only the low force of gravity, but also the very rarefied atmosphere of the Moon, which is ten trillion times less dense than the earth’s. It turns out that the Moon is the very (so far the only) place where levitation is possible for us?

Legends are intriguing

One of the interesting theories suggests that our distant ancestors knew the secrets of moving through the air. Images reminiscent of modern aircraft decorate the frieze above the entrance to the temple of the Egyptian pharaoh Seti I in Abydos. But at the time the picture was discovered in 1848, scientists had no idea what it was. After all, the simplest model of the Wright brothers' airplane, which made stable horizontal flight, appeared only in 1903. And if such miracles take place, why not believe that ancient people (for example, the inhabitants of mythical Lemuria) knew how to levitate? By the way, this is a fairly common theory among esotericists.

Knowledge about “how it works” is supposedly stored for the time being in the secret parts of our brain. Indeed, anyone at least once dreamed that he was moving freely through the air. They say that in this way genetic memory sends us signals. But scientists doubt it. Among other things, the atmosphere on the planet was formed long before the appearance of people, and even more so of Homo sapiens - Homo sapiens. And its density in no way allows us to simply soar into the air “with a vertical takeoff” - the laws of physics are the same, whether now or millions of years ago.

Attention, acoustician!

With the development of science, it became clear that the sources of forces that compensate for the force of attraction can be gas jets, laser beams, and a magnetic field (the so-called Meissner effect). By the way, it is the latter that scientists tend to explain some legendary cases. For example, according to legend, the coffin with the body of the Prophet Mohammed hung in space without any support. Without touching on the religious aspect, according to scientists, this is evidence of the presence of powerful magnets repelled by a superconductor (possibly a very cooled ceramic plate). At least a laboratory experiment in which a small magnet levitates above a surface frozen with liquid nitrogen confirmed this version and is now known as the “Coffin of Mohammed.”

A relatively new direction is acoustic levitation (stable position of an object in a standing acoustic wave). Recently, physicists at the University of Bristol created a new type of device (called an acoustic trap) using a combination of two sound vortices. Previously, this only worked for particles a few millimeters in size. Now, researchers have been able to hold a 1.6-centimeter polystyrene ball and even make it rotate at a given speed. An article describing the development was published in the journal Physical Review Letters. Scientists are confident that acoustic levitation has good prospects. For example, in medicine, it can be used to remove kidney stones or transport medications inside the body. Science is developing rapidly, and all this is already technology of the near future. However, there is no talk of human levitation even in the future. As Maxim Gorky said: “Those born to crawl cannot fly!” Although why think ahead...


Yuri Kurochkin, Head of the Center for Theoretical Physics Institute of Physics named after B.I. Stepanova NAS Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences:

There is nothing surprising about levitation as a physical phenomenon. However, I note: in order to make some conditional object float, you need to create certain conditions. For example, using superconductivity (the property of some materials to have strictly zero electrical resistance when they reach a temperature below a certain value), you can make a magnet hang in the air.

But with regard to spontaneous human flights (that is, you suddenly took off and soared without the help of any devices), there are well-founded doubts. Of course, there are different views on this issue, in particular among mystics. There are also still difficult to explain phenomena associated with various eastern practices, for example, yoga. But as a physicist and a person with a materialistic position, I don’t believe in such miracles without scientific justification. People themselves can only fly in their dreams. But this cannot be called a serious experiment that proves something.


In the mid-19th century, mediums were very popular in high society. The Scot Daniel Hume became the most famous. His admirers included Napoleon III, Alexander II, Kaiser Wilhelm I and Arthur Conan Doyle. Hume’s “crown number” was levitation. He rose into the air indoors to a height of several meters, and once even managed to fly out the window and fly back. Moreover, Hume, who invited independent observers to his sessions (among them were famous physicists Oliver Lodge, William Crookes and William Barrett), was never convicted of fraud. The question of how he managed to levitate remained open.

Does levitation really exist? Man has always been attracted by the hypothetical possibility of flying without the help of any aircraft. People dreamed about it, wrote fairy tales, passed legends about flights from mouth to mouth...

But are these really legends, or does history actually know cases of flight without the help of instruments - the so-called. levitation?

Little Muk flew with the help of the witch's magic shoes. Let's start with the fact that we all - without exception - fly in our dreams. It is believed that dreams of flying occur when the body releases a hormone responsible for the growth of bones and skin cells. At the same time, to the poetic question “Why don’t people fly like birds?” science gives a clear answer: “The reason is the gravitational attraction of the Earth. Only by overcoming the force of gravity can a person rise into the air.” The founder of aerohydrodynamics N. Zhukovsky wrote: “A person will fly relying not on the strength of his muscles, but on the strength of his mind.” Beautiful! The aphorism became the motto of the first conquerors of the Fifth Ocean. The phrase implies that man will be able to overcome the force of gravity thanks to the development of science. However, the “father of Russian aviation” had no idea how close he was to the truth! We are talking about a person’s ability to levitate at the moment of complete liberation of the brain from the external and internal information that “clogs” it. And although such virgin purity seems absolutely incredible, facts are stubborn things. For example, in different parts of the world there is evidence of more than two hundred saints who, at a moment of religious trance or ecstasy, rose above the earth. Among them are the “flying monk” Joseph Desa (1603-1663) from the Italian city of Copertino (more than 70 levitations documented by the then scientists and reigning persons), the Carmelite nun Saint Teresa, who spoke about an unusual gift in her autobiography (1565), Ignatius of Loyola, Saint Adolphus Ligiori, as well as the famous Carmelite Sister Mary. Contemporaries of Joan of Arc said that as a child she sometimes flew up of her own accord in front of her friends. And when she grew up, many began to pay attention to her unusually smooth and light gait: as if she did not walk on the ground, but hovered above it. Among the Russian levitants one can name St. Seraphim of Sarov, St. Basil the Blessed... Moreover, the number of levitants officially recognized by the church does not include witches. How many of them were burned at the stake by the Holy Inquisition cannot be counted. One of the most famous levitants is the Scot Daniel Douglas Hume (1833- 1886). World-famous scientists have recorded hundreds of his levitations. But he is far from the only one who baffled scientists. So, in 1934, the Englishman Maurice Wilson, who had trained for many years in levitation using the yogi method, decided to make huge jumps, soaring above earth, to conquer the summit of Everest. His frozen body was discovered in the mountains the next year. Wilson did not “reach” the summit quite a bit. But the fact that he was able to overcome the most difficult route without special climbing equipment speaks in favor of levitation.

But most often cases of levitation were noticed in the East. Unlike the eastern levitants, the western ones did not specifically strive to master the art of levitation and did not prepare for flight. Usually they flew into the air in a state of rapturous religious ecstasy and without even thinking about it. The Easterners subordinated their entire lives to the art of controlled flight.

In the East, levitation was practiced by yogis, holy hermits, as well as brahmins and magicians. The Indian Vedas, which literally means "knowledge" in Sanskrit, even contain a practical guide to levitation, a kind of know-how that describes how to put yourself in such a state that you can lift yourself off the ground. Along with India, levitation was also practiced in Tibet in ancient times. Buddhist texts say that after the Indian founder of Zen Buddhism, Bodhidharma, came to the Shaolin Monastery in 527, he taught the monks to control the energy of the body - an indispensable condition for flight. Both the Buddha himself and his mentor the magician Sammat used levitation, who could remain suspended in the air for hours. It is characteristic that in both India and Tibet the art of levitation has been preserved to this day. Many oriental researchers also describe the phenomenon of “flying llamas.” For example, the British traveler Alexandra David-Neel observed with her own eyes how on the high mountain plateau of Chang Tang one of the Buddhist monks, sitting motionless with his legs tucked under him, flew tens of meters. Currently, the greatest results in the field of levitation have been achieved by those who use yogi techniques. Over the centuries-old history of the era of loss of knowledge and the era of ignorance, much of this technique was lost. But some of the secret knowledge was still preserved. One of their guardians was the Indian guru Devi. Our contemporary, a young physicist, became his student. In 1957, having moved to the United States under the name of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, he became a preacher of the new philosophical and religious teaching of the Science of Creative Mind. Its cornerstone is transcendental consciousness, which is not limited by any boundaries and can receive information directly from the surrounding world and from the universal mind, and not only through the senses. Maharishi claims that the ability to levitate is inherent in everyone, you just need to learn how to use it. In July 1986, the first competition of “flying yogis” prepared according to the transcendental meditation program was held in Washington, about which the press wrote a lot and films were made. Although the results shown by the participants are not comparable to the descriptions of levitation cases that have come down to us in the past, they can certainly be considered very impressive: a rise of 60 cm in height and a movement of 1.8 m horizontally.

True, it is impossible to call what the “flying yogis” demonstrated flights. Rather, these are just short jumps: a person sitting motionless in the lotus position suddenly smoothly rises into the air, hangs motionless for a while, and then lands just as smoothly. Well, at the sixth competition of “flying yogis”, held in 1993 in The Hague, Subha Chandra excelled, rising above the ground by a maximum of 90 cm, flying horizontally 187 cm and remaining in the air for 3-4 minutes. What is levitation - an accident or a pattern? Despite numerous cases of such flights, it is perceived as a miracle or, at best, as a mysterious phenomenon bordering on fantasy and contrary to scientific laws. And this assessment will not change until the answer to the main question is found: what is the nature of the force that lifts a person into the air? Does it arise in the body itself due to the mobilization of some internal reserves, its unknown, hidden capabilities, or is its source located outside the person and he only “connects” to it? Judgments about the physical nature of levitation are very contradictory. A number of researchers believe that levitation occurs as a result of the appearance of a biogravitational field, which is created by a special psychic energy emitted by the human brain. Until recently, many serious scientists spoke very harshly about levitation and antigravity in the spirit that it was all “bullshit.” Now they have to reconsider their position. It all started when, in March 1991, the authoritative scientific journal Nature published a sensational photograph: the director of the Tokyo Superconductivity Research Laboratory was seated on a dish made of superconducting ceramic material, and a small gap was clearly visible between him and the floor surface. The mass of the director together with the dish was 120 kg, which did not prevent them from hovering above the ground! This phenomenon was later called the Meissner effect.

Of course, this cannot be called levitation yet. However, this experiment may help reveal the mystery of levitants - if it is proven that the hovering of living objects in the air is explained by the activity of cellular processes. Studying the issue of levitation, scientists could not help but wonder: if a person, being in a state of religious trance or ecstasy, can fly, i.e. overcome the gravitational pull of the Earth, does this mean that the doctrine of gravity is untenable? A difficult question... In the East they teach: in order to achieve the state of levitation, a person must lead an ascetic lifestyle. Before performing levitation, the adept must fast for several days and then perform a series of specific exercises, the purpose of which is to “awaken the snake” and raise the kundalini energy along the spine: from the lowest chakra to the highest. In the process of long-term meditation, an adept first achieves coordination of the frequencies of the chakras located in the head, as a result of which the brain is completely freed from all kinds of external and internal information, i.e. turning off the mind. Then gradually, starting from the lowest chakra, mentally moves to the chakra with a higher frequency and harmonizes their frequencies. Having reached agreement, the adept mentally moves on to the next chakra and so on - until he reaches a single value for the vibration of all seven chakras. At the moment of achieving coordination of all frequencies, the adept enters a state of enlightenment and is able to fly within his aura. Scientists, whose consciousness is not blinkered by standard knowledge, go even further in their reasoning. Christopher Dunn, an engineer and researcher, discusses this issue: "What is antigravity? In my understanding, it is a means by which objects can rise against the gravity of the Earth. We use antigravity methods every day. When we get out of bed in the morning, we use anti-gravity. The airplane, rocket, forklift and elevator are technologies invented to overcome the effect of gravity. To create an anti-gravity device, it is necessary to understand what gravity is as a physical phenomenon, and from there use technologies such as creating out-of-phase gravitational waves that neutralize the Earth's gravity. The nature of gravity still eludes us. But perhaps this concept is too complicated! What if there is no such thing as gravity? And the natural forces that we already know about are sufficient to explain the known phenomenon that we designated as gravity? "Perhaps this approach will help to penetrate the mystery of what we call levitation. Scientists with an even more open-minded consciousness go even further in their explanations of the phenomenon of levitation. For example, Professor Eric Bergoltz from the USA is convinced that the modern human race is the descendants of aliens, and it was from them that people inherited the ability to overcome the shackles of gravity. The main thing is to awaken the genetic memory, and then levitation will not seem like something out of the ordinary, then each of us will be able to take to the air without any problems and fulfill the dream of our childhood: to fly not only in a dream , but also in reality! As is almost always the case, the truth is somewhere in the middle, between science and religious self-awareness. In this case, at the junction of different sciences. Probably, the day is not far off when philosophers, scientists and engineers will stop arguing and gather and analyze the rich heritage of their ancestors, and will certainly find ways to overcome gravity and teach us to fly.

Who among us, watching cartoons or fairy tales as a child, did not dream of learning to fly like our favorite characters? Yes, that's probably it. However, from early childhood we were taught that all this was fiction, and in real life it was impossible to do something like this, but what if such a phenomenon as levitation really exists? Perhaps you and I will soon be able to fly without any special devices. Let's try to carefully understand this issue.

Description of the phenomenon and its types

In the scientific literature, the term “levitation” is used to describe a person’s ability to lift off the ground and rise above it without any technical devices or supports. From a religious point of view, this is the ability of a person to supernaturally violate gravitational rules and patterns without additional resources. In this case, the ability of birds to fly or levitate is not considered, since they are repelled from the earth's surface or air.

Conventionally, all these phenomena can be divided into several types:

  • natural;
  • man-made;
  • magical (or the so-called “levitation trick”).
An example of a natural variant is ball lightning, man-made hovering above the ground requires the presence of technical means, and the magical “levitation trick” is more often found in fairy tales and, which mention a flying carpet or a broom for Baba Yaga’s flights.

Did you know? The term "levitation" comes from the Latin word "Levitas" - relief.

The latter option is rather based on faith and is often perceived as a religious phenomenon.

By the way, as for the latter, for most people it is precisely this that is considered an acceptable option, since few people believe in the ability of a person to fly.

Fact or Fiction

Research conducted by physicists in the field of levitation and antigravity is still taking place. It was they who proved that for real flight above the ground several basic components are necessary: ​​the presence of a force that compensates for the force of gravity, and the presence of a return force capable of ensuring the stability of the object of study.

However, it has not yet been possible to explain how they arise and where they then disappear, and therefore it is almost impossible to learn to levitate (we will not take into account the possibility of studying Eastern practices for now). What is it really: a trick or reality?


Of course, you can't completely believe everything you see, and in most cases, levitation is nothing more than an elaborate trick.
Sleight of hand, a little imagination and additional hidden equipment - and now you are flying.

Based on the complexity of the number, the necessary tools can either be limited to a copper coin and a nylon thread, or they can be more complex devices and mechanisms. Therefore, it is so important to determine in advance for yourself what exactly you want to raise and how many viewers you will have.

Did you know? In the world of magic tricks, the name of David Copperfield is still widely known, who, in addition to the usual levitation, also flew through transparent boxes and hoops.

Thus, the success of a trick with levitation of a person, first of all, depends on distracting tricks that should prevent the audience from seeing the device that allows the magician to be lifted above the stage.

Considering that it is almost impossible to stay in the air without a propeller or an anti-gravity device, you have to look for other equipment for levitating a person (this is where the secret lies).
One of the most characteristic of such devices is a special lift on which the magician or his assistant lies down, and after they are covered with a blanket, they rise up. In this case, it is the fabric that prevents the audience from seeing the true reason for the takeoff.

Of course, the greatest effect and admiration of the public can be achieved when the “magician” himself flies, since most often there are no additions that could explain his ability to levitate. He appears to actually be floating in the air without any safety net or support.

The answer to such magic lies in the many very thin and almost invisible cables and boxes with slots into which the cables fall during the “captivity” process. Of course, these are only additional components of success, and its basis always remains the dexterity of the magician himself.


There was a time when levitation was given a very honorable place. If we translate the term from Sanskrit, then we get “knowledge”, so it is not surprising that in Buddhism, where the spiritual quest of man is of great importance, flying in the air has become of interest to the public.

In particular, the famous Indian Vedas clearly describe the sequence of all the actions that need to be performed to raise your body above the ground. Levitation was often used for practical purposes. For example, it is convenient to move heavy luggage or stones with its help. In this case, there is nothing supernatural here, since energy generators were simply attached to things for transportation, covering them with a special energy layer.
It was he who neutralized the gravitational connection between the earth's surface and the same stone. This greatly facilitated the task of moving statues or blocks during the construction of buildings. History also preserves facts about one of the miracles of Buddha Gautama, who could calmly move against its current. He remained hanging for hours.

The Bible is known for similar stories, which mention the levitation of Jesus Christ over water.

There are also references to the fact that the apostles and saints covered long distances in just a few seconds (“From the Lives of the Saints,” Gospel).
During communion, Saint Teresa rose above the ground, which is also easy to find references to in historical records. One could say that she imagined all this if Mendos had not been next to her at that moment.

Moreover, such levitations of hers were repeated more than once. She herself spoke about all such cases in the book “Life” (written in 1565).

At one time, the greatest Roman Catholic theologian, Francesco Suarez, levitated twice, although the flights of Joseph Des, who first took to the air during prayer, were no less fascinating.

All the monks who were with him at that moment began to pray. In addition, cases are mentioned when, instead of himself, he lifted other people into the air. It is interesting that even the most ordinary one often brought him into a state of levitation: while walking in a tree, he could fly up onto absolutely any tree.
All these names will forever remain in, but the most amazing example of a levitating person is the spiritualist medium Daniel Dunglass Hume, who also had the gift of clairvoyance.

Unlike many others, he was never accused of fraud, and he always enjoyed a good reputation. Hume took off in front of witnesses more than 100 times and repeatedly lifted various objects into the air.

Did you know? While in a state of trance, which is also necessary for successful levitation, yogis may stop breathing for 1-3 minutes, followed by a change in its character. The pulse often increases to 90-100 beats per minute.

His sessions were attended by such famous personalities as W. Crookes, O. Lodge, C. Lombroso and many others. Writer Arthur Conan Doyle was also a fairly frequent guest.

Daniel Hume showed his most sensational trick to the public in 1868, when, in the presence of three people, he flew out of a window on the third floor, and then returned back, flying about 70 pounds over the street.

Is it possible to learn this

Of course, such impressive facts about human levitation may lead many to think about learning such a technique, but is this possible? Detailed information about the art of levitation is preserved not only in Indian history, but also in Tibetan teachings.

According to all existing knowledge, only those who have been able to reach the highest stage of their spiritual development can levitate, and it is not at all necessary to know about it.

In some cases, this phenomenon manifests itself as an innate ability, although training in Tibet has already proven that it can be learned.

Each person can undergo a lot of psychological tests that help them understand whether they have the ability to levitate and what level of these abilities.
You can also determine the level of spiritual development and natural predisposition to “flying”. That is, theoretically it is possible to learn levitation, but it is better to do it in Tibet or India.

Levitation techniques and practices

Be that as it may, the best people to understand the issues of raising your body above the ground are those who use ancient psychic practices, which means that it is easiest to try to learn levitation, especially at home, taking into account their recommendations.

Important! This exercise will require a lot of internal energy from you, so imaginary levitation should be performed no more than several times a month. In this case, the duration of one session should not exceed 30 minutes.

However, there is one problem with the Indian Vedas: they still need to be translated from Sanskrit. This language has not yet been thoroughly studied, and in such practices it is unacceptable to distort the original meaning of words.

In addition, the ancient Indian sages do not consider the state of levitation to be a trick for the public and do not attach much importance to it, considering it simply a convenient basis for self-realization.
Nevertheless, recommendations have already been developed according to which you will have a greater chance of soaring above the ground.

Let us accustom ourselves to this possibility. There is an opinion that many supernatural abilities of people are blocked by their minds as something forbidden, something that cannot or cannot be done. Therefore, to achieve what you want, you need to “reprogram” yourself, overcoming skepticism.

Work with your imagination, because the subconscious does not divide the world into real and imaginary, therefore the imagined feeling of flight will be identical to real levitation.

Any thought is already a reality, you just need to accustom yourself to such a statement.

The following steps will help you achieve the desired result:

  • Take a horizontal and comfortable body position and close (it is better to do this in absolute silence and darkness), forgetting about reality for a while.
  • Relax your body, paying attention to all groups, and observe your breathing without interfering with it (this should put you in a trance state).
  • As soon as you feel your consciousness changing, think about your body and imagine how it becomes heavier and presses deeply into the bed.
  • Concentrate your attention completely on this feeling of heaviness, and gradually consciousness will fade into the background.
  • Imagine walking through a field illuminated by . Try to completely immerse yourself in these thoughts, perhaps even feeling the sun's rays on yours.
  • Having achieved the desired result, imagine how you slowly rise into the air, lifting your feet off the surface of the field, and find yourself some distance above the ground.
  • Completely immerse yourself in this sensation, enjoying the feeling of flight and weightlessness, remembering the lightness in your body and the absence of all experiences in.
  • To complete, mentally return to the ground, slowly reaching your usual.

Mastering the skills of real levitation. Once you have learned to easily recreate the feeling of weightlessness in your thoughts, you can move on to learning the real skill. First, you should master the technique of lifting individual parts of the body (or) above the surface. To do this we do the following:

  • We prepare the space to be used properly: dim the lights and light an incense stick.
  • We sit down at the table and place our right hand in front of us (in the initial stages it is most convenient to work with it).
  • We completely relax and try to focus on the feeling of our own body (we take several deep breaths and exhalations). You need to try to let go of all your thoughts from your consciousness.
  • As soon as the previous goal is achieved and everyday problems no longer occupy our mind, we begin to concentrate all our attention on the right hand. You need to imagine how heat passes through it, making it hot and heavy. We mentally travel along it to the shoulder, while feeling the muscles, the strength of the current through the veins and tendons.

  • We maintain this feeling of heaviness, trying to exaggerate it, making it stronger every second. After a certain time, the feeling of heaviness in the limb will reach the point that you will no longer feel it at all.
  • After your hand “disappears,” try to clearly imagine the presence of an air cushion underneath it, lifting it up.

Important! You cannot interfere in this process. That is, you don’t raise your hand, but she does it herself. At the same time, one should maintain a state of unconsciousness.

  • When we achieve the desired result (the hand rises into the air), we continue to concentrate our attention on breathing, without disturbing what is happening with our emotions.
Having achieved success with the right hand, all of the above should be repeated with other parts of the body, and after the skill has been consolidated, it must be moved to the whole body, connecting the sensations into a single whole.

You don't have to lie down to levitate, and all of the above can be performed in a standing position.
Just try to feel the weight of your body as strongly as possible, after which you also “lighten” it, and as soon as you feel completely light, create a feeling of levitation by placing an “air cushion” under your feet.

It is she who will lift you up, you just have to imagine (to move forward or backward, clearly imagine how someone pushes you into or presses on). Even if you can’t “fly” in reality, it is quite possible to relax after a hard day at work, and this is already a lot.

Buddhists believe that only highly spiritual people, for example, monks, for whom distance, gravity or time do not matter, can learn to levitate. They don’t even need to drink, but it’s impossible to say exactly how long it takes to soar above the ground, since according to their worldview, a person lives forever, which means there is no difference.
In any case, levitation must be carried out using the energy that is in the human body, achieving complete relaxation and concentration.

Safety during exercise

At first glance, the whole procedure seems to be a very harmless activity, but you can only perform it as long as you feel good. If some kind of internal tension appears or you feel that something is bothering you, then you should interrupt the training. According to experts, the results will be very disastrous, and the person will simply “burn” alive, as if a current is being passed through him.

In general, there is nothing wrong with meditation, but who knows, maybe you will actually be able to not only free your thoughts, but also soar above the ground.

Every person at least once in his life dreamed of learning to fly like a bird or soar in the air above the ground; this term was called “levitation.” It is believed that only selected people have this talent; in ancient times they were called saints or sorcerers. Modern researchers believe that learning this technique is real, but requires a lot of patience.

What is levitation?

Scientists give an exact formulation of what levitation is. This is the ability to stay in the air, overcoming gravity, without any devices. Several meanings of the word have been formulated; levitation is:

  1. Antigravity.
  2. A phenomenon where a body hangs in the air without support.
  3. The ability of a person to become weightless.
  4. The excess of the human energy field over the field of the planet.

Levitation - a myth or reality?

For decades, the ability to soar above the ground was considered charlatanism or a trick, because people who had a true gift did not advertise themselves. The reason for this is compelling: if such an individual was not canonized, then he was declared possessed by an evil spirit. In search of an answer to the question of whether levitation is possible, modern scientists have taken the experimental route. They were able to determine that the essence is the Meissner effect, which is based on superconductivity.

The human biofield is constantly in contact with the energy fields of the Earth, and the force of gravity prevails. It has been proven through experiment that the point where the gravitational force is compared with the buoyant force is located half a meter from the ground, at this distance yogis and fakirs hang. A person can stay in the air if:

  • will redirect the body's energy charge so as to overcome gravity.
  • neutralizes its own weight;
  • will go into an anti-weight state.

Levitation in a dream

Every person has flown in a dream, most often this happens in childhood, but when scientists began to study this phenomenon, very interesting facts emerged:

  1. The feeling of flying is extremely real.
  2. The pictures seen during the flight are easily remembered in reality.

This gave reason to assume that the gift of flight is inherent in a person with a gene code. The skill is activated when falling asleep; during the transition, the body goes into weightlessness. The levitation technique is complex; it takes years to learn, but you can make sure that the feeling of floating is familiar to your body in a simple way:

  1. Stand up straight, concentrate, feel the weight of your body.
  2. Try to reduce this weight mentally.
  3. When the body becomes light, imagine a layer of elastic air under your feet that lifts you upward.

Levitation of yogis

The most famous masters of levitation are yogis; on the streets of India you can often see a fakir hanging in the air. Many people consider this to be a trick, but in vain. In the ancient Indian Vedas, scientists managed to find instructions on how to learn levitation, but no one has yet been able to translate it from Sanskrit. In Hinduism, it is believed that a person who has reached the highest level of consciousness and become a siddha can levitate through “siddhu lyaghima” - lightness.

Levitation - how to learn?

How to learn to levitate? This question is asked by many esotericists and. Special techniques have been developed, but they take a long time to master. It is advised to start by bringing parts of your body into weightlessness; you need to do this exercise one by one, starting with your arms and legs:

  1. Choose a room that is familiar to you for comfort and turn on relaxing music.
  2. Sit at the table, put your hand on the lid. Relax, don't think about anything. Breathe slowly and deeply.
  3. Concentrate on your hand. See the flow of heat that passes through it.
  4. Tighten your body and mentally feel the skin, muscles, feel how the blood flows through the veins.
  5. When your hand becomes heavy, imagine that it begins to lose weight. Do this until the hand can no longer be felt.
  6. Mentally place an air cushion under your arm, which will lift it up.
  7. Return to previous state.

Levitation - exercises

The second stage of practice was called “The Road to Heaven.” But the main secret of levitation is to have limitless faith in your capabilities. Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Choose a less crowded road. Walk calmly, without rushing. Mentally distance yourself from reality, focus only on movement.
  2. Imagine that you are walking in an ocean of energy, this is identical to taking steps in waist-deep water.
  3. Feel the energy rising up, around and inside the body.
  4. Imagine that the road goes off to infinity. At the same time, it is raised 15-20 degrees from the surface of the earth.
  5. Feel the rise, as you move up this road, using energy.
  6. Concentrate on the sensations and remember them.
  7. Walk this way for at least an hour.
  8. After the walk, conduct meditation, applying the methods mentally.

How to make light objects levitate?

For experienced fakirs, levitating small objects is common practice. And it is extremely difficult for an ordinary person to learn this, unless he has supernatural abilities. But there is one little trick that will surprise and entertain your friends. For this you will need:

  • clip;
  • thread;
  • salt;
  • water.

The trick is very easy to perform, you just need to strictly follow all the recommendations:

  1. Dilute a very strong saline solution, pour in salt until it stops dissolving.
  2. Cut a piece of thread up to 40 centimeters long. Soak in the solution for 24 hours.
  3. Dry unfolded, the thread should be perfectly even and straight.
  4. Wrap thread around a paperclip or other lightweight object. Holding it suspended, set fire to the thread. The idea is that the paperclip will be held in the air by invisible salt crystals, making it appear as if it is hanging in the air. The main thing is not to pull the thread too hard after it has burned out.

“His body shook with small tremors, joy, fear and delight were alternately reflected on his face” - this is how some eyewitnesses describe the action called human levitation.

Levitation is a phenomenon that, like many others like it, has not yet been explained by science. The effect of levitation, when a physical body can lose its earthly gravity and soar into the air, itself remains quite mysterious to us. And yet - let's try to figure it out and explain what levitation is in simple and understandable words.

What is human levitation

“Lightness, lightness” translated from Latin levitas(levitation) - is nothing more than overcoming the force of gravity, when a person moves smoothly or soars in the air without any support.

The secret of levitation, as experts and researchers explain this phenomenon, is that, as a result of a certain kind of energetic heating, each cell of the body, receiving this energy impulse and also warming up, accelerates in its movement. This, in turn, leads to a change in the weight of the entire body.

It is no coincidence that in transphysics this phenomenon is considered a side effect of spiritual practice.

Levitation - a myth or reality?

It must be said that numerous facts of movement in space of objects and living beings have taken place since ancient times.

Thus, the first cases of levitation were noticed back in 632, after the death of the Prophet Mohammed. It was at this time, according to eyewitnesses described in legends, that the prophet’s coffin hovered in the air for quite a long time, not supported by any physical supports...

It is also known that much later, in the sixteenth century, such a famous person as the Catholic holy nun Mother Teresa was distinguished by the ability to levitate.

So, during communion, she actually soared above the earth at a sufficient distance and was in the air for more than half an hour, as mentioned in the relevant historical notes telling about her life.

The Catholic priest Giuseppe Desa, who lived a little later, already in the seventeenth century, also soared into the air during prayer.

One of the most famous Roman Catholic theologians, Francesco Suarez, also had the ability to levitate.

Of course, the result of such abilities could ultimately be different. Some, like the above-mentioned saints, were canonized, while others, like magicians and heretics, were simply burned at the stake of the Inquisition...

There were saints whose names are associated with examples of levitation in Orthodoxy. First of all, this is the Monk Seraphim of Sarov (lived from 1754 to 1833), St. Basil the Blessed, who crossed the Moscow River from time to time, rising into the air; Saint John, the archbishop of ancient Novgorod and Pskov, also possessed a similar gift.

The name of the spiritualist-medium Daniel Hume, who also had the gift of clairvoyance, is also known to many who are interested in this topic. This man repeatedly rushed into the sky in front of witnesses, lifting various objects into the air. At one time, very authoritative personalities, such as the philosopher and psychologist Charles Lombroso, the world-famous Arthur Conan Doyle and some others, were present at his levitation sessions.

Types and methods of levitation

And they, I must say, are quite diverse and multifaceted. From a physical point of view, it can be:

  • Magnetic (physical)
  • Ultrasonic (acoustic)
  • Optical (related to the strength of light pressure)
  • Aerodynamic (overcoming gravity using air pressure)
  • Electrical (occurs as a result of combinations of electrical discharges)
  • Electrostatic and electrodynamic (result of the previous process).

Even this considerable list gives us reason to cast aside all doubts about the question of whether levitation is real. The answer here suggests itself. And, nevertheless, it is still difficult to treat this process normally - in the universal human sense.

Why is human levitation considered a paranormal phenomenon?

From a generally accepted point of view, everything that has not been proven by official science is considered such. And really, how can you prove the unprovable?.. And, nevertheless, it exists:

Levitation magic

There are different views on the cause of this mysterious process. Some believe that it is caused by a state of deep trance, in which a person may find himself for one reason or another. This version is adhered to by most ancient Eastern teachings, such as yoga, Buddhism, etc.

For example, the Indian Vedas directly describe the sequence in which actions of a certain nature must be performed in order to lift your body off the ground. However, speaking about this primary source, it should be noted that it was written in Sanskrit: an ancient language that still cannot be considered thoroughly studied. And any possible distortion of any word in these records can lead to a complete distortion of their meaning.

The overcoming of gravitational forces by the body, according to others, can be directly or indirectly associated with an increase in the volume of bodily energy, which ultimately lifts the levitating person away from the stable earth’s surface.

Some believe that human levitation is associated with the phenomenon of psychokinesis, when the power of thought allows its owner to reunite with the noosphere or spiritual sphere, while neutralizing the laws of the earth.

Levitation in ancient Tibet

Levitating Tibetan monks have long become, one might say, the talk of the town. Their special unique abilities as a whole completely distinguished these people from all the rest of their fellow tribesmen.

Flying llamas are an object that appears quite often in the descriptions of a variety of researchers. So, the famous French traveler, writer and researcher of Tibet, David Neel, who observed the flight process of one of the Buddhist monks personally, spoke about this at one time.

Here, for example, is how she describes it:
“Before he soared, he jumped several times, without taking his eyes off some star...”
It should be noted that we were talking about a star, the rays of which the monk saw even in daylight.

Theories of ancient times, texts and teachings about teleportation have accompanied humanity throughout almost its entire history. But we still talk about this phenomenon as a miracle.

Levitation in a dream

This condition is familiar, perhaps, to each of us. When, even in a sleeping state, we feel our heart skip a beat and we uncontrollably rush somewhere upward...

I must say that this feeling of flying in reality is also completely real. Moreover, when we wake up, we still see for some time before us the pictures that accompanied us on our nightly journey...

Scientists recognize that the ability to get off the ground is inherent in a person at the genetic level. But this gene is not yet fully manifested in us. Although in a sleeping state it, as has been noted, seems to turn on in our body - and the body becomes weightless.

Elena Blavatsky once spoke about her night travels through times, cities and countries in her notes: to this day, for many years now, I cannot forget these stories of hers that I once read...

About levitation today

Cases of this phenomenon, as we already know, have been observed throughout almost the entire human history. Looking back at relatively recent times, we can give the following examples:

1990: Riga. Being in an excited-emotional state, an employee of one of the Latvian enterprises soared into the air, lifting herself off the floor by 10 cm; Later, while “calming” those present, she demonstrated her ability to float in the air, waving her arms and moving through space.

1993: American doctor and writer of Indian origin Deepak Chopra caused a sensation among Westerners with his flights “in dreams and in reality”: for example, photos appeared in the newspaper “Private Detective” of him flying in the air with his students. Chopra believed that levitation training could be put on stream, as they say, and this ability, in essence, is available to anyone.

The ability to levitate was and continues to be demonstrated to the world by our contemporaries: psychics Yuri Longo, Valery Lavrinenko and some of their other colleagues.

Maybe we should try it too?..

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