All about vending where to start. Coffee vending business plan. Mashed potato dispenser

Capital investment: from 163 000 rubles
Payback of vending business: 6 – 18 months

What do you think unites shopping centers, cinemas, hospitals, offices?

All of these areas are considered excellent locations for vending machines.

Automated sellers are adapted not only to the sale of small goods with low cost, they also act as mini-producers (for example, coffee machines).

They quickly entered our lives and confidently took their place.

Because the question how to start a vending business, has been relevant for more than a year, and this is not at all surprising.

The vending business is especially attractive to newcomers.

There are many reasons for this: from a low threshold for entering the business to the absence of an advertising campaign (the benefits will be discussed in more detail below).

The vending business has many advantages, and the development prospects are quite bright.

What development trends and prospects does the vending business have?

The history of the emergence of the vending business has "gaming" roots.

Back in the distant 20s, the so-called one-armed bandits were popular - slot machines, which soon fell out of favor with the state.

The reason was simple - the entire cash flow from the devices was not taxed.

Therefore, they were hastily converted to other needs - the sale of chewing gum.

However, it is not the United States that now leads in terms of the number of “cars” per capita.

In America, there are 40 people per machine, but in Japan, the main (60%) trading operations are carried out on machines.

And one vending machine accounts for only 20 people.

In Russia, the level of popularity is much lower, so the domestic vending business has a lot to strive for.

The vending machine business that flourished on the territory of the USSR since the 50s was based on coins.

The devices of the famous sparkling water were especially popular.

But with the disappearance of iron money, popularity gradually faded away.

The current machines "use" mainly paper bills.

In the late 90s, second-hand machines began to be delivered from abroad, and, moreover, very different ones: for soda, chewing gum, newspapers.

But time has shown that the most popular vending machines are for selling coffee.

What are the pros and cons of the vending business?

The vending business has some features that can be called disadvantages:

    Automatic machines often deteriorate or even break down.

    Therefore, the entrepreneur must lay a considerable amount in the budget, for which the vending machines will be repaired.

    We must not forget that this is also a simple one, during which you take into account the profit inexpensively.

    To minimize this risk, it is worth choosing places where there is security surveillance: shopping and office centers, etc.

    Machines need round-the-clock connection to the electrical network.

    Any vending machines - gaming, for soda or shoe covers, require systematic maintenance.

    You need to fill new consumables, wash inside and out, just check the performance.

    Equipment suppliers may provide this service by agreement.

    It matters a lot where exactly your vending machines will be installed.

    Only in places of large concentrations of people or their active movement will you receive sufficient demand.

    And some of them (such as shoe covers vending machines) can only be placed in specific places.

    Beginners in the field of entrepreneurship may be frightened by gaps in the legislation of the Russian Federation regarding the vending business.

    However, the difficulties with the design, if desired, can be solved if you understand the intricacies and design of the equipment.

However, the number of advantages of the vending business is still greater, which explains its high popularity.

  • The vending business gives a stable income, which is almost not subject to risks.
  • Entering the vending business requires a low investment threshold.
  • An exceptional case - for the vending business, advertising is not needed at all!
  • Machines can be quickly moved if the location has ceased to triple you or no longer brings the desired income.
  • The vending machine will be sold at any time of the day or night (if it is located in an open area, of course).

    At the same time, you do not need to hire a seller for this - an additional savings item.

    For 7-10 installations, it is enough to involve only 1 person who will be engaged in filling water, coffee, cups (depending on the type of device), cleaning and minor repairs.

  • Such a personal matter as a vending business can be combined with other business options without any difficulties.
  • Vending machines are easy to install and register despite gaps in the law.

    For example, you do not need a cash register.

How to open a vending business in a promising niche?

Indeed, now vending machines have been adapted for so many activities.

For a Russian person, familiar associations are vending machines for soda, coffee, and snacks.

But there are also absolutely unique use cases for automated sales.

And not only abroad, but also in Russia.

For example, in the office of Mosenergosbyt, a vending machine was adapted for the sale of energy-saving light bulbs!

In the future, several more were installed around the city.

After all, we all know how important (and more recently fashionable) to take care of the environment!

And in Spain they implemented an idea that would appeal to many Russians.

Local entrepreneurs have installed equipment in supermarkets that sells liquid soaps and powders “for bottling”.

The absence of the need to hire a seller and make beautiful containers made it possible to reduce the cost of goods.

And this created a great demand for the service.

In order for you to decide on the direction for your own vending business, follow these steps step by step:

  • analyze the market in your region to identify profitable niches to start;
  • watch your competitors - do they fully satisfy the demand in the vending category?
  • study which places in the city are especially crowded - the success of a business depends almost 100% on the location;
  • consider running several different machines at once (for example, install a duo of a soda and sandwich machine so that a person can have a full meal).

How to start a vending business?

After you have finished choosing the type of machine you will be working on, you can finally proceed directly to the implementation of the idea.

If we reduce everything to a brief instruction, it will look like this:

    The future businessman must choose between an LLC and an individual entrepreneur, and then register to conduct legal activities.

    In addition, it is necessary to decide on the taxation system.

    Machines can be bought as a single payment, or take a loan.

    In the first option, it is also worth considering buying used equipment, especially if this is your first business and the business model still needs to be tested.

    Like any other business, vending should be started with.

    An example for financial calculations is given later in the article.

    Analyze the prices and assortment of competitors, as well as the cost of the raw materials you use.

    This will help you price your items.

    For machines, you need to choose a place in accordance with the recommendations that will be given below.

    Enter into an agreement with the owner of the territory, agreeing on a fixed monthly fee or a percentage of the proceeds.

How to open a vending business alone?

Usually, entrepreneurs immediately open a network of vending machines and hire a person to service it.

Beginners may strive to perform its functions on their own in order to save money.

If you intend to do the same, you should read the list of responsibilities.

As a rule, for a salary of 15-20,000 rubles, a hired person travels with a check several times a week.

During his visits, he checks how the machines work, cleans them inside and out, repairs them on site, or sends parts that need repair for service.

These items vary depending on the need.

But the list of these remains unchanged: to fill with consumables and take the money.

Theoretically, one person can safely do this work if he has a car.

But do not forget that even minor repairs require special knowledge.

At the same time, specialists are in a hurry to reassure you - if the equipment is purchased new and of high quality, you will not have frequent repairs.

It is enough to allocate $ 1000-1500 per year in a business plan to cover such a need.

But even a beginner can solve accounting issues on his own - you don’t need an outsourcing company, much less a full-time specialist.

How to choose a location for a vending business?

"Business is the art of taking money out of someone else's pocket without resorting to violence."
Max Amsterdam

Nothing determines the success of a vending business like the location of the vending machines.

The main rule is that there should be an active flow of people in this place.

But at the same time, it is important that people do not rush past this place at maximum speed (as at the entrance to the subway, for example).

But the schools are great.

After all, although students actively move along the corridors, they stop with pleasure to “intercept” a bar or a glass of coffee.

One negative side of this arrangement is the difficulty in reaching an agreement with the management.

An alternative to this option is office buildings.

Here the public is more solvent, and it is easier to conclude a lease agreement if competitors have not yet completely occupied the territory.

But the most popular option for the location were and remain shopping centers.

The management is open to any agreements, because renting space to entrepreneurs is their main goal.

And if the shopping center is popular, then the machine will accordingly have a large flow of customers.

Another significant plus of such a place is the presence of security and video surveillance.

How to start a vending business: starting investments

As mentioned earlier, the threshold for entering the vending business is relatively affordable.

The list of expenses is unusually short:

What monthly investments are needed in a vending business?

Unlike capital investments, in the table of regular expenses the list will be wider:

A few more words about the vending business,

its types, advantages and disadvantages,

you will hear in the video:

What are the payback periods for a vending business?

If we talk about vending machines for soda or coffee (which are the most popular in the CIS countries), then the average revenue from one is about 17 thousand rubles per month.

At the same time, the margin for one glass of drink is about 300%.

In addition, you can earn income by placing advertisements from partners, both on the equipment itself and on cups of water or other drinks.

With such indicators, the payback of the machine comes in six months or a year.

The figure varies depending on the correct choice of location, the quality of the sparkling water or coffee itself, the frequency of breakdowns or shutdowns for other reasons.

Experienced people suggest that a vending business should be considered as such only if an entrepreneur purchases 5-10 machines at once.

Therefore, having recouped the first investment, it is worth directing funds to scale the business.

No matter how easy and accessible it is to enter into vending business, yet it will also require constant participation from the entrepreneur.

You need to keep track of soda supplies, bring in cups and coffee, send broken parts for repair, look for new placements, and compete with competitors.

But everything comes with experience.

So if there is a desire to open your own business and develop it, even a beginner will be able to open a vending business!

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In this material:

Vending business is a direction in the field of selling goods and services using specialized machines. The first vending machines for soda water appeared in Soviet times. After the collapse of the Union, the Russian vending business was not very popular at first, but in the 2000s it began to actively gain momentum.

The following main areas of business of this type are distinguished:

  • trade in packaged products (chocolate bars, chips, popcorn, bottles and cans of drinks), piece goods (chewing gum, shoe covers, condoms, cigarettes, contact lenses), toys of small and medium sizes;
  • sale of coffee, tea, carbonated and soft drinks;
  • jukeboxes;
  • massage chairs;
  • electronic scales with various functions;
  • slot machines.

For each of the areas of the vending business, their own vending machines are created, differing in size, design, set of functions and other parameters.

The vending business is considered to be a very promising and highly profitable type of business. But providing for taking into account a number of features and specific requirements.

Starting a business

How to start a vending business? As in any other form of commerce, building a network of vending machines begins with determining the target audience, with identifying your client. The business can target young men and women, businessmen and office workers, shoppers in malls and other clientele.

The choice of the target audience largely determines which machines should be purchased and in which places to install. Successfully chosen locations of vending machines can provide high profits and vice versa. It is better to install vending machines for snacks and drinks in shopping centers, universities and schools, railway stations and airports, on busy streets and squares. Cafes and bars, foyers of cinemas, recreation areas in shopping centers will be the most successful place for musical and slot machines.

Aspiring entrepreneurs with little start-up capital are limited to purchasing tea and coffee machines and snack vending machines. The exception is projects that were initially focused on the development of a network of specialized vending machines (for example, selling contact lenses).

When choosing the form of a legal entity, preference should be given to individual entrepreneurs. Limited liability companies and joint-stock companies are too complicated in terms of taxation, so it makes sense to open them only if the company has a separate position of an accountant.

According to the law, if an individual entrepreneur does not earn more than the established norm for a year, a simplified taxation system is available to him. It is recommended to adhere to it until the revenue from the business overcomes the established bar.

Vending company employees

Like any technology, vending machines require maintenance and repair.

When there are no more than 10-15 machines, an individual entrepreneur can perform the functions of loading goods and withdrawing proceeds independently. If there are many machines and they are located far from each other, you cannot do without the help of hired labor.

Repairs are more difficult. Self-repair by the organizer of the business is possible only if he has enough special technical knowledge for this. If they are absent, saving on specialists is categorically not recommended. Only a knowledgeable and experienced person can quickly solve any technical problems on the spot, while not damaging or breaking the device.

An extensive network of vending machines requires a whole staff of employees who can control the operation of the machines several times a day (including on weekends) and monitor the presence of products in them.

Expensive models of vending machines can be equipped with GSM-GPRS modules and transmit data on the availability of a product range via the Internet. This allows you to monitor the operation of the machines remotely and send specialists for their maintenance and repair not according to the schedule, but as needed.

Business plan for the development of vending

Drawing up a business plan is very individual and depends on many parameters related to the amount of investment in the project, the chosen direction, the high cost of the machines and their maintenance, and the lease of retail space.

Estimated costs will be as follows:

  • coffee machine will cost from 100 to 300 thousand rubles, snack machines - from 200 to 500 thousand;
  • expenses for coffee components and cups - about 10 thousand rubles per month;
  • renting an area in a good location - from 3,000 rubles per month;
  • the salary of a service worker - from 10,000 per month, a repair specialist - from 20 thousand, in Moscow and St. Petersburg even higher.

When planning revenue, start from averages of 100 servings of coffee per day if the machine is located in a crowded place (station, shopping center, airport).

A business plan for a vending business should also include the cost of maintaining and repairing vending machines, advertising, paying taxes, and contingencies.

Advantages of the vending business

The main advantage of the vending business is the high potential for development in Russia.

According to statistics, in developed countries there are 300-400 vending machines per 10 thousand people. In Russia - only 4-5. The same is true in Belarus and Ukraine. This indicator best characterizes the prospects for the development of the vending business in our country.

The second advantage of the vending machine business is its high liquidity. Always and at any time to find a buyer for a vending machine is not difficult. Thus, it is quite easy to sell part of the machines or the entire business.

The third advantage is simplicity and ease in mastering and running such a business. If there is an intelligent machine repair specialist, the entrepreneur himself does not need any specific knowledge. There is no licensing or certification for the purchase and commercial operation of the machines. However, trade in certain categories of goods still requires registration of licenses and relevant documents, including permits from the SES, electrical supervision and fire inspection. It is also easy to expand the business: you buy a machine, choose a point, rent an area and start the sales process.

In conclusion, it should be noted that almost all vending machines are easily adapted from the sale of some goods to the sale of others, similar ones. The coffee machine can dispense several types of coffee and tea. Changing the recipe of one, unpopular, type of coffee to another, more popular, is a fairly simple procedure. It is even easier to reorient the vending machine selling buns to sell, for example, chips.

Disadvantages of vending machines

Along with undeniable advantages, the vending business also has very specific disadvantages.

First of all, this is the high cost of the devices themselves. Moreover, it will not work to save money by purchasing used machines. With a high degree of probability, all profits will go to their repair and maintenance. Starting a business with 1-2 machine guns is also a joyless task. The level of profit from one device will be disproportionately small in comparison with the efforts to purchase, install and maintain it. And certainly will not allow you to hire a repair specialist.

According to experts, the minimum number of machines that will allow you to make a tangible profit is 10. To buy this number, you need an initial capital of at least 1 million rubles.

Secondly, the payback period. It equals, on average, one year. Even if the entrepreneur installs the machines in a very good place and assumes the responsibility for their maintenance and repair, this period can hardly be reduced to six months.

Thirdly, damage to the machines by intruders and vandals. If the machines installed in trading floors and centers are somehow looked after by guards, then street machines are not protected by anyone.

The last drawback can be considered the fact that all the production of vending machines is concentrated abroad. Fluctuations in the dollar and euro exchange rates directly affect both the cost of new machines and the price of spare parts and consumables for them.

The relevance of the vending business in 2020

Due to the 2-3-fold depreciation of the ruble against the world's leading currencies, the cost of new vending machines increased accordingly. For example, if 2 years ago a top-end coffee machine cost 150-200 thousand rubles, now only simple models can be purchased for this money.

The development of vending in Russia has practically ceased. Only individual owners of extensive networks are trying to expand their business, occasionally buying new devices. Most entrepreneurs try to profit from existing ones.

The increase in the cost of spare parts and consumables affected the prices of the products offered. To keep their business profitable, entrepreneurs have to raise prices and cut costs.

But rising prices do not always lead to higher profits. The limited purchasing power of the bulk of the population leads to an outflow of customers. Under these conditions, entrepreneurs begin to sell their business in parts or in whole, often at a loss.

Currently, investors and aspiring entrepreneurs are advised to carefully weigh their options and current market conditions before starting a vending business.

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Often, many people want to start their own business, but they are looking for such a start option so that the costs and efforts are relatively small, and the income is high. One of these is the vending business. There is little competition in this area. This is just a plus.

For example, in Japan, the record-breaking vending country, there is one vending machine for every twenty people. The United States of America is a little behind - there is one device for every forty people. In the CIS countries, the situation is quite different. The number of vending devices is approximately one in eight to nine thousand people! If you go into this business now, you will be able to operate in this market with little or no competition.

Type of product or service

The first step in starting a vending business is to decide what product or service you will sell through vending machines. Both food and non-food products can be sold as goods. Of the food products sold through vending, the most common are drinks - coffee, tea, juices, soda, and sweets - chocolate, bars, sweets, ice cream, chewing gum. It is also easy to sell chips, snacks, nuts, and indeed any packaged products with a relatively long shelf life through the devices. From non-food products, you can also sell a lot of things - cigarettes, magazines / newspapers, pocket-size books, batteries, stationery, flowers, cosmetics, household chemicals, children's toys.

If the goal is not only to sell, but also to attract attention, then it makes sense to think about what unusual goods can be placed in vending. For example, in China, even live crabs and whipping china are sold through vending. Here you can learn about other unusual vending devices.

Vending machines through which you can get a certain service are also common abroad. Residents of the CIS countries are still familiar only with payment machines, but vending makes it possible to sell other services: hardware massage, instant photography, photocopier, charging phones and other gadgets, shoe shine. You can create information devices. They will be especially good in tourist cities.

Business registration

To install vending machines, you must register your company. You can choose between LLC and sole proprietorship. Having chosen an IP, starting a business will be somewhat easier. It is necessary to immediately determine the type of taxation. It depends on what product and how the device will sell. After all, he can not only sell, but also “produce” goods (for example, pizza vending machines are prepared from ingredients and heated before being given to the buyer). We determine the type of activity (retail trade, production), and then we look at which taxation system can be used in this case. Usually owners of vending machines choose a simplified taxation system.

Equipment selection

The necessary equipment can be purchased from supplier companies, which are now many. Brand machines are common: Necta, Venson, Saeco, Jofemar, Unicum, Azkoyen, Bianchi and others. Make sure that you are provided with a warranty card for each machine. Companies that deal with equipment can also supply you with the product itself or the ingredients for it. If the machine breaks down, then also contact the manufacturer - he will help with the repair and provide the necessary spare parts.

Many entrepreneurs succumb to the temptation to buy used vending machines, as they are much cheaper. SES employees, when checking equipment, impose very strict requirements on it, and the risk that they will still find critical flaws greatly increases. Therefore, it is better for us to buy only new high-quality equipment from reliable suppliers.

To obtain a permit for vending activities, it is necessary to check the machines and the product itself for cleanliness and suitability for trade. Such an examination is paid, carried out by sanitary and other services.

Since drinks vending machines are common in our country, we will dwell on them in a little more detail. Devices preparing hot drinks must be connected to the water supply. You can use tap water to make tea and coffee. A water filtration and purification system must be installed - this is an invariable condition of sanitary and epidemiological stations. Moreover, the source of water supply must be constant. All ingredients for drinks (tea, coffee, milk and other additives) are loaded into the machine in dry form. But the inspectors also examine them for suitability for eating and draw up their conclusion. You cannot do without a cash register in any kind of trade, but in the vending business it is not needed. The payment system installed in vending will cope well with this task.

Equipment installation

It is best to place vending machines in crowded places - in shopping and entertainment centers, office complexes, educational institutions, manufacturing enterprises, clinics, car washes and service stations. The owners of such companies usually give the go-ahead for the installation of vending machines on their territory, since this is also a plus for them - consumer loyalty to the institution increases. Devices with "children's" goods - sweets, sweet soda, toys - are best placed near schools and various children's sections, courses.

For renting a retail space for the device (about one square meter), you will have to pay about 10% of sales or a fixed amount in the range of 20-100 dollars. It is possible to install vendings just on the street, but this implies some potential dangers. The machine can become a victim of vandalism and hooliganism, and you will incur losses.

Payment systems

The payment system installed on the vending machine affects the level of income from sales. The wider the possibilities of the payment system, the more customers and profits vending will have. The device should be able not only to accept paper bills, coins and give change, but also to work with plastic credit cards.

Where to start a business?

And a couple of final points. There will be no problems with loading goods into the device - you only need to allocate a few hours a week. It is necessary to monitor the demand for goods and the level of sales. If sales are not going the way you would like, you may have chosen the wrong vending location.

Change broken parts in time and always keep the machines in working condition. The psychology of the consumer is such that if he stumbles upon the same non-working machine several times, then the next time he is unlikely to approach him, having lost confidence.

How many devices should you start with? Here the opinions of the players in this business differ. Some advise starting with several at once - the more there are, the higher the profit, and the business will pay off faster. Others believe that you need to start small - install a couple of pieces, follow the reaction of consumers, understand whether this is your business or not. And then expand. If you have not come to a clear decision in this matter, we recommend that you start with ten machines located in different places. If from the very beginning you aim yourself at a serious matter, then success will surely come to you!

Vending - from English. “vending”, which means “retail sale of various goods and services through vending machines”. A similar meaning is given by the economic dictionary.

Vending machines

Almost everything is possible to sell using equipment for the vending business. In Japan, they even acquire live beetles in this way, which, according to local beliefs, are talismans. In China - the most common eggs. In Russia, for example, it is possible to install a special device for the sale of car windshield washer fluid. Thus, it is possible to sell various shoes or appliances or newspapers or books. Similar equipment is already in Russia.

However, today the most popular vending business ideas are vending machines that offer everyone to treat themselves to coffee and other hot and cold drinks, various chips, crackers, chocolate bars, sandwiches.

Vending devices are also considered devices that provide the sale of services - payment terminals, in addition, cameras.

Directions of vending business

Thus, the vending business today has three major areas:

Sale of food products;

Sale of various consumer goods;

Provision of services.

Vending today

The vending business today is one of the few areas that will be especially relevant for individual entrepreneurs. He has several advantages. Firstly, this is its insignificant initial price, secondly, the relative ease of doing business, and thirdly, a quick payback.

Vending business: the beginning of the beginning

First of all, it is important to determine the area and place of activity. After that, it will become clear what is needed for the vending business.

If you choose a coffee machine for your business, then its installation will be very relevant in the company's office, a large library, an educational institution, a shopping center, and a train station. Both employees and potential visitors of these establishments will agree to treat themselves with a cup of aromatic coffee.

Installing a copy machine will be relevant for a library or educational institution; apparatus for the sale of various press - for the hospital, station; for the sale of packaged shoe covers - for a hospital and a museum, etc. After choosing a location for installing the equipment, you can begin to develop a detailed business plan for a vending business.

Also pay attention to the installation of signs to draw attention to the product of potential buyers, the presence of competing machines.


To start your business in such a direction as a vending business, one machine is enough. However, according to the experience of many manufacturers and entrepreneurs, the minimum and economically advantageous number of devices is reduced to three. In such a case, transport costs will be very optimal. And with regard to consumables, at appropriate costs, it will be possible to count on the provision of bulk discounts.

Required documents for equipment

Opening a vending business requires an appropriate set of necessary documents for all purchased equipment:

Firstly, this is a product passport, which, in turn, should contain key information about the machine provided;

Secondly, these are the technical characteristics of the purchased equipment, as well as a description of its features;

Thirdly, a complete set of delivery;

Fourth, a description of the warranties that the manufacturer provides for this equipment;

Fifthly, a description of the working conditions under which this type of equipment can last the maximum amount of time, etc.

It is also mandatory to have a certificate of conformity on hand, which must be issued by the authorized body of the general certification system of the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

The instruction from the operator of this machine is important. It is desirable that there is also an appropriate manual for the operation of certain individual components necessary for the successful operation of the device, as well as programs and a variety of drivers.

Adaptation of machines in Russia

The adaptation of any of the imported devices in Russia is carried out by the structures selling them (either sellers or technical staff providing further maintenance, service centers). Having installed vending machines, the business of which is becoming more and more popular, they must provide the buyer with all technical and service documentation, and in addition, issue an appropriate certificate. Any of the documents must be in Russian in a high-quality translation from the language of the manufacturer. Of course, all this will be reflected in the final cost of the purchased equipment, due to which the vending business, the reviews of whose owners can now be heard anywhere, will be profitable.

The owner of the equipment himself will be able to deal with the daily maintenance of such machines (cash collection, loading various consumables, etc.), but in the event of a breakdown, the seller’s service department is usually already invited to solve the problems that have arisen.


However, it is important to think in advance how it is worth arranging everything so that the suddenly failed machine is checked and repaired as soon as possible, and the sale of the vending business is not required due to constantly inoperative equipment. A positive nuance is that in modern machines there is such a program that will report a breakdown on its own, i.e., through an SMS message, it will send a “distress signal” to the declared mobile phone number.

Do not forget that a broken vending machine will not cause positive emotions either for potential buyers (who were just going to use the service or purchase goods), and even more so for those who have not received the previously paid service or item in part or in full. Just imagine your emotions when you wanted to quench your thirst, paid for a bottle of sparkling water, and it crashed due to a breakdown of the machine! Or you were in a hurry to print the necessary document, and the paper issued by the machine was jammed in the middle of the order! At the same time, there is also no way to contact technical support, since today is a day off ...

True, the entrepreneur, the owner of the machine, will also be the victim in such a situation. Since part of the daily revenue will be lost irrevocably due to the fact that the device was currently full of products and could provide the appropriate service more than once and "receive" a large revenue. Especially if your equipment is located in a particularly profitable place on weekends. For example, in any of the hypermarkets, sports clubs, dance floors of the city, etc.

as well as the fiscal problem

Such an occupation as vending has no place in OKVED. Therefore, different codes are used in this case. For vending machines that sell food, as well as other types of goods, group 52.63 is usually used - “Other retail trade outside stores”, for terminals it is most often recommended to use the full set of codes: 52.61.2 - “Retail trade via computer networks and teleshopping (trade, including the Internet)”; 52.48 - "Other trade in various specialized stores"; 72.60 - "Activities related to the use of computing information technologies and equipment"; 74.84 - "Provision of other services"; 93.05 - "Provision of other personal services".

For machines that perform autocopying, code 74.83 should be used. Thus, “the provision of editorial, secretarial, and translation services, including blueprinting, copying and other similar copying activities,” is encrypted. Or the OKUN code, which means "All-Russian classifier of services to the population." Or code 019726 is "Provision of services for writing applications, filling out forms, making copies."

Car seats that provide “masseur services” to everyone, as a rule, are carried out through codes 71.40.3 (this is “Rental of furniture, non-electric and electrical household appliances”) and 71.40. use for various households").

In order not to run into the problem of correctly determining the code, it is worth getting advice on this issue from the relevant tax office where you are registered with the tax authorities, since it is these inspectors who will later evaluate the documents you provide.

Taxation of the vending business

With taxation in this case it will be much easier. In this situation, it is quite possible to use any of the presented tax regimes, both general and simplified, or UTII (if it was previously introduced in a particular region for a certain type of activity). Although taking into account that the activity involving the sale of something using vending machines, as a rule, is already attributed to retail trade or to the provision of personal services, the latter option will be mandatory for further use. The Ministry of Finance has nothing against such an interpretation.

However, if we study the taxation of the vending business, then the most controversial issue regarding vending machines is the need to use cash registers with fiscal memory in such devices.

Approximate payback calculation

An approximate calculation of the payback will be performed using the example of one of the automatic copiers, which is installed in a large educational institution.

For 1 hour, the copier, for example, is used by 5 students, making 3 pages of copies for themselves. At the same time, the copier is available from ten o'clock in the morning until eight o'clock in the evening, which in total will be ten hours a day. The library is open every day except Sunday, that is, about 26 days in 1 month. Thus, having made the appropriate calculations, we conclude that the machine produces 150 photocopies for the whole day or 3900 copies for a month. If such data is multiplied by all 12 months of the year, then it is realistic to get 46,800 copies for this period.

If the price of one page of printing is equal to 5 rubles, then for the year the "performer" will receive 234,000 rubles.

The copier will need two different types of cartridges to work successfully. Toner, firstly, and print cartridge, secondly. As a rule, the first element will be enough for about 4000-6000 copies. And if you take the minimum, then the replacement of the cartridge will have to be done once a month. At the same time, the price for it will be somewhere around 3200 rubles. However, the ability to refill the toner cartridge is limited (up to two times). And the price for each of the gas stations is 900 rubles. Thus, counting on 5000 rubles, it is realistic to use one toner cartridge only three times. Replacement will be necessary four times during the year. And already 20,000 rubles. will go a year only for cartridges.

The photoconductor is typically rated for 20,000 prints. Thus, 2 such elements will be needed for one year. If one drum is valued at 3,000 rubles, then for the year an amount equal to 6,000 rubles is already obtained.

The cost of paper is about 120 rubles, if there are 500 sheets in a pack. When 3900 copies are published per month, then, accordingly, 8 packs will be needed, which will amount to 960 rubles per month or 11,520 rubles per year.

Thus, the total expenses for the year are 20,000 + 6,000 + 11,520 = 37,520 rubles.

Now we add up the two amounts received (for consumables and operating costs) and thus get 85,520 rubles.

Also be aware of taxes. From certain calculations, an amount equal to 14,040 rubles appears. in a year. And the total amount of expenses is 99,560 rubles.

Considering the total income for the year (234,000 rubles), we obtain the value of the possible annual profit - 134,440 rubles. And already for this amount it is quite possible to purchase one and a half very functional copiers. Thus, the autocopier will pay off in full within a year.

True, one should not forget that this calculation is only a simplified example, in which it is initially assumed that the work is carried out by the entrepreneur alone without the involvement of hired persons. The fixed contribution for mandatory pension insurance remains outside the calculations.

Vending as one of the most promising business areas

However, excluding a variety of law enforcement and legislative, in addition, practical problems, vending today remains one of the most promising areas, which provides everyone with the opportunity to implement possible options for various business strategies.

Business strategies

1. Limiting yourself to one or three machines, get less significant profit from them, or work on a network of machines, accumulating more and more income.

2. Development according to the franchising scheme with the involvement of other entrepreneurs.

3. As a second activity. You already own your own store, and also introduce slot machines as a second income option.

All in your hands! Maybe you should take action?

Perhaps this article will help novice vendors avoid some mistakes or even choose a different type of activity for themselves. I am a person, more than many, interested in the growth of the market, the development of business in Russia, because our company has been selling vending machines for more than seven years. Today we are also novice vendors-operators. I honestly admit that over the years of activity we have tried ourselves in many segments: a small network of payment terminals, coffee machines, snacks. But all this ended at such an insignificant level of development that many do not even know about these unsuccessful experiments. To write this article, I was prompted by the constant question of our customers: “Where does the used equipment come from, or, as many say, “used machines” ??? Behind this question, there is a suspicion or doubt whether we, the equipment sellers, are deceiving that the vending business is really profitable and brings at least some profit. Of course, we answer: “Yes, yes, it is very profitable”, but we add “If anything, we will always help you sell your machines.”

What happens? Are we really deceiving everyone, just to sell us? But how then to explain such a successful development of this business in Western Europe, the USA, Japan??? Do they have that much money, or do they invest it in vending and don't expect any return??? All work for the image???

In this article, I will try to answer all these questions as simply as possible. And perhaps the doubts that torment many novice vendors will disappear or, on the contrary, will intensify.

First: Of course, automated trading is the business of the future, in just a few years the number of vending machines in all segments of vending will grow rapidly.

Second: Automated trading is a NETWORK business.

Let's start with the second one, "Why haven't many people been able to build a network?".

I will try to give examples, using not only my own experience, but also the experience of entrepreneurs whose machines enter the secondary market. Of course, I will only use examples that I know personally. First, I will briefly describe the directions that are most popular today. After reviewing the market segments, I will answer the questions why people leave the vending business. The answers are almost the same, regardless of direction.

I want to note that I will refer to pessimistic and average data, I will not write about super-profitable places that are legendary. Moreover, from such places, machines rarely enter the secondary market.

Coffee machines.

“This is the simplest and most profitable line of business,” vending experts say and write. Despite this, the market for used coffee machines is growing rapidly, and not just because operators are replacing old models with new ones. After spending a little time on the Internet, you will find both old "prehistoric" models and practically new machines.

The profitability of the business is high, the margin on drinks reaches 500%, but ... the average revenue from the machine is up to 15,000 rubles, the machines require careful maintenance, because of the high competition it is quite difficult to find a location.


“Today, the profitability of snack machines exceeds coffee” - Hooray!!! Let's all put snack vending machines!!! There is a huge selection of vending machines for the sale of snack products from various manufacturers, there are centers for the sale of fillers, i.e. there is no need to go to "Auchan", "Metro" or some other wholesale base. Everything will be delivered to you, just download ...

But, despite all the charms of the business, second-hand machines appear, and many are disappointed. Again, placing a snack vending machine is not that easy.

Carbonated drinks.

“We remember them from childhood, they were and will be in great demand, the profitability of the business is very high!!!” - Yes, we remember them from childhood and they were in great demand, but after all, there were countless alternative drinks, today it can make your head spin if you start choosing lemonade in a hypermarket.

Mass business is most relevant in the southern cities of Russia and during the season .... There is also a market for used machines.

Hot food.

It's over, the topic mostly concerns our company, although there are already other market representatives developing this direction. /
"A new niche, you can become the first globalist and win a large market share, a super profitable business." The niche is new and completely unfilled, but the market for used machines already exists.

First of all, in your calculations, you need to start from an average revenue of 40,000 rubles, and not 100,000 rubles, as many mistakenly believe, and do not forget about the cost of equipment. There are many nuances in the approach to this business that clearly distinguish this direction from traditional vending. I will write a separate article about them.

Other vending machines

I will not touch on vending machines for services such as massage chairs, scales, etc., but only on vending machines /

I can say that in the secondary market there are dvd vending machines (but in fact these are the same vending machines for piece goods) of popcorn, hot dogs and other innovative areas in small quantities.

What does the majority of entrepreneurs who left vending summarize, thanks to which we have a secondary market for vending machines??? – And this despite the fact that the vending market in Russia is at the initial stage of development, or as some people write: “There is no vending market in Russia yet.”

Not a coincidence of desires and their capabilities,

Not a coincidence of desires and business opportunities.

Let's analyze the main illusions.

Illusion #1. “You can enter a business without money”

Start-up capital is required to enter any business, vending is no exception. If you go into business entirely on borrowed funds, and even with the expectation of a return of funds within a year, this is immediately a “collapse”. Completely without investment, you can try yourself in various companies as an employee. And in order to become a borrower or lessee for vending machines, one must have a positive business history, security, etc.

Illusion #2. "Invest money and make a profit."

Of course, this is the most common misconception, at least you still need to find good locations for the machines. This is the salt of vending. You can try to invest in some mutual funds, shares of state corporations, etc. But even the most famous company name in the world does not guarantee you a dividend. So why vending, a new, developing business, should give you a 100% guarantee????

In the case of vending machines, at least you can change the situation, rearrange the machines, change the fillers, reduce costs, etc. But at the same time, you must work or you must have a competent manager who will do this work, which you can afford if you have a network of 50-100 machines. But even so, assistance in the placement of machines is necessary. It's really difficult.

Illusion #3. "We will create a business with partners"

The key word partners, based on our practice, is a fairly common illusion. A group of 2 to 5 people gathers, develops to purchase the first 20 or even 50 machines, then a company is created, staff is hired. As a result, at best, the company works to zero. Further, the meeting of founders decides that the business is not interesting.

Networks with up to 20 machines in their payback calculations do not include hired personnel, office and other commercial and administrative expenses. This is a business for one person and a maximum of a hired operator. Not to mention partners and dividends, even if they are, they will be so insignificant, it will still not be interesting to anyone.

A network of 20 machines, no matter which ones, can bring marginal income at best from 200 tr. up to 500 tr, and if you subtract the salaries of employees, rent, taxes, other costs, and divide the remainder into 3-4 parts, then there will be from 20 tr for each businessman. up to 60 tr. I don’t think that anyone starting a business dreams of such a “fabulous” income.

Illusion #4. “I will start a completely new direction, which is not available in Russia today, and I will get rich”

It's good when people think creatively, but maybe there is no vending direction because no one needs it? This also happens sometimes. Starting with what is not there, you start an experiment, if it is successful, it can turn into a business. That is why some new areas of vending in Russia end before they even start.

Maybe the article turned out to be pessimistic and while reading it, someone got sick of going into this business. But this could only happen if you had at least one of the above illusions...

Vending is really the business of the future, soon there will be dozens and hundreds of times more vending machines than today. Vending is cost-effective and profitable, there are absolutely empty niches.

First of all, vending is a business, and any business requires: investments of financial resources, effort and time, development of a development strategy, market monitoring and proper business planning.

When planning the development of a vending business, choose professionals in this market as partners and suppliers. They will not only sell you equipment, but also provide full consulting support, teach you how to run a business correctly, help you avoid typical mistakes of beginners and build a profitable network.

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