All berries begin with the letter a. A complete list of delicious exotic fruits and berries with descriptions. What is a fruit

The term “fruit” appeared in 1705 and since then has meant edible or inedible fruits of trees and shrubs (previously, all plant fruits were called vegetables). The product is one of the main components of the human diet, since, depending on the variety, it contains many vitamins and microelements. According to rough estimates, there are just over 2000 fruits on the planet.


A small tree or large shrub with a wide-rounded crown. Its reddish-brown or brown-olive, shiny, bare shoots, often in places (but not completely) covered with a grayish film, buds 2-3 side by side, are very elegant. Very decorative during flowering, decorated with numerous large white or pale pink flowers, with dark red reflexed sepals. The apricot is no less beautiful at the time of fruiting, decorated with velvety-pubescent, often blushing, sweet, rounded fruits with a longitudinal groove up to 3 cm in diameter. The tree loves light and tolerates drought well, lives up to 50 years or more.


Interest in avocados has been steadily growing in recent years, but still few people know that there are varieties whose fruits are more like bottle gourds: there are black, pimply, oval and huge spherical avocados. Moreover, some of these varieties differ from each other three times in a number of important indicators of chemical composition. However, with the help of properly selected varieties, people in different parts of the world take care of their skin condition, hair health, treat atherosclerosis, alleviate the symptoms of arthritis and normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Cherry plum

Strongly thorny branched multi-stemmed trees, sometimes shrubs, with thin brownish-green shoots, 3-10 meters high. Cherry plum flowers are white or pink, solitary. Blooms in early May. The fruits of the cherry plum ripen in August-September. An excellent honey plant and rootstock for plums.

A pineapple

Everyone knows that sweet ripe pineapple is added to salads, yoghurts and pies. Fewer people know that pineapples can be fermented and made into cabbage soup. Even fewer have heard that pineapple leaves are used to produce a light and durable leather substitute, new types of fabric, and nanofiber, which has become an alternative to plastic. And very few people know that scientists today, using the enzyme bromelain contained in pineapple, are finding new ways to treat respiratory diseases, angina pectoris, ischemia, and are also actively exploring the potential of the enzyme in the fight against cancer cells.

Annona (guanabana)

The tree in natural conditions reaches 6m in height, in a room it is much lower. Unlike some other annonas, this is an evergreen tree. The leaves are oval or oblong, glossy, leathery, dark green, up to 15 cm long. They have a slightly spicy odor, especially noticeable when rubbed. The flowers are fragrant, large (up to 4.5 cm in diameter), consist of three yellow-green fleshy outer petals and three pale yellow inner ones, and can appear in different places - on the trunk, branches and small twigs. Flowers never fully open. Guanabana fruits are oval or heart-shaped, often irregular in shape, up to 30 cm in length, 15 cm in diameter and weighing up to 3 kg, dark green in color, becoming yellow-green when ripe.


There are many legends about the beneficial properties of orange, some of which, however, are not confirmed by anything. For example, some believe that orange breaks all records for vitamin C content, although in fact it does not stand out among other citrus fruits in this parameter. Others believe that orange fruits (or freshly squeezed juice) can effectively burn fat and help you shed extra pounds in your diet. This is also not entirely true.


Bananas have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-allergenic properties. With the help of banana components (dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline and norepinephrine) they treat atherosclerosis, hypertension, increase the activity of the liver enzyme, relieve convulsions, and small doses of banana increase the quality and quantity of sperm. The main thing is not to abuse the banana diet, so as not to get the opposite effect, and also not to provoke problems with excess weight and varicose veins.


Bergamot is a hybrid species of artificially bred plant of the Citrus genus. The plant was obtained by crossing orange and citron. Bergamot peel contains valuable essential oils used in the cosmetics and perfume industries, as well as in medicine.


Grapefruit (English) grape And fruit- grapes and fruit) is a citrus yellow-orange fruit that grows in subtropical climatic latitudes. Grapefruit grows on an evergreen tree of the same name, reaching a height of 13-15 m. The ripe fruit is no more than 15 cm in diameter. In terms of external characteristics, grapefruit is most similar to an orange, but its pulp is more sour, and the internal white veins are bitter. Many scientists believe that grapefruit appeared in India as a result of natural hybridization of pomelo and orange.


This is a fruit plant with a multi-thousand-year history of cultivation, which almost all this time has been fighting for the right to be no worse than its close relative - the apple. And the pear is really no worse. Potassium, antioxidants, coarse dietary fiber, lower amounts of fruit acids, fiber-related “light” sugars and other beneficial substances make this fruit both tasty and healthy, and in some cases, medicinal. For example, the ability of pears to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and prevent strokes has been experimentally proven.


A small evergreen tree up to 3-4 m high, it belongs to the myrtle family and tolerates drought well. Blooms once or twice a year. It produces one main harvest - up to 100 kg per tree and 2-4 additional, much smaller harvests. Guava ripens ninety to one hundred and fifty days after flowering. The shape and size of the fruit are extremely variable. Guava looks like a lumpy green or yellow apple. Guava fruits are round and pear-shaped, with bright yellow, reddish or green thin skin. The weight of fruits of cultivated varieties is from 70 to 160 g, fruit length is from 4 to 6.5 cm, diameter is 4.8-7.2 cm. Due to the content of hexahydroxydiphenic acid ester and arabinose, unripe fruits have a very sour taste, which disappears in ripe fruits.


A plant of the mulberry family, a close relative of the breadfruit tree. Jackfruit is the national fruit of Bangladesh. Jackfruit fruits are the largest edible fruits growing on trees: 20-90 cm long and up to 20 cm in diameter, they weigh up to 34 kg. Their thick skin is covered with numerous cone-shaped projections. Young fruits are green, when ripe they become green-yellow or brown-yellow and when tapped they make a hollow sound (unripe fruits are hollow). Inside, the fruit is divided into large lobes containing yellow, aromatic, sweet pulp consisting of juicy soft fibers. Each lobe contains one rather large oblong white seed, 2-3 cm long. The cut jackfruit fruit has a pleasant specific smell, slightly reminiscent of banana and pineapple.

Dragon Fruit (Pitahaya)

An extraordinary fruit. It is currently grown in southern Mexico, some countries in Central and South America, Vietnam, and also in Israel (in the Negev Desert). Depending on the species, the size of pitahaya fruits, the color of the pulp (white, pink, purple), the color of the skin (from yellow to orange, from red to purple) and the texture of the surface of the fruit (with small outgrowths, with thin colored scales) vary. The pulp of the dragon fruit is always filled with small black seeds, which are usually peeled out.


Durian has such a disgusting smell that you are unlikely to be allowed into a public place with it. However, if you overcome your disgust or simply close your nose and taste the juicy pulp, you will immediately understand where the concept of the king of fruits came from.


An evergreen, slow-growing tree 5 m high with drooping branches and a dense, highly branched, rounded crown or shrub. The leaves are soft, dark green, smooth on top and covered with whitish pubescence below. The leaves are sensitive to light and cluster together at night. The flowers are small pink or purple-red. Carambola fruits are fleshy, crispy and juicy, slightly spicy, with massive ribbed growths, ranging in size from a chicken egg to a large orange. Ripe carambola fruits are amber yellow or golden yellow in color. They are unusual in shape - they look like a ribbed airship.


The herbaceous vine Actinidia sinensis and its fruits are berries with green flesh and brown skin covered with small hairs. The history of the kiwi is quite unusual. The homeland of the vine called mihutao, which became the ancestor of kiwi, is China.


Clementine or Citrus clementina is a variety of tangero. This is a hybrid of orange and tangerine. It was created back in 1902 by Father Klemen, who was not only a priest, but also a wonderful breeder. The shape of the fruit is the same as that of a tangerine, but they are much sweeter.


whale. golden orange
A yellow-orange tropical fruit of the citrus family of evergreens. This fruit also has other names - kincan and fortunella. Externally, the kumquat looks like a very small oval orange. It reaches a maximum of 5 cm in length and 4 cm in width. The fruit is consumed completely with the peel. The taste of the fruit is very close to the sour tangerine, but the peel has a sweet-tart taste. The kumquat is native to the southern part of China.


Lime is a fruit of a plant of the citrus family native to India, genetically similar to lemon.
Lime is a small tree or bush with a height of 1.5 to 5.0 m. The crown is dense, the branches are covered with short spines. Inflorescences are axillary, with 1-7 flowers, remontant flowering. Lime fruits are small - 3.5-6 cm in diameter, ovoid, lime pulp is greenish, juicy, very sour. The peel is green, yellowish-green or yellow, and very thin when fully ripe.


Although lemon is popularly considered to be the record holder for the amount of vitamin C, in fact, in terms of ascorbic acid content, it does not stand out among other citrus fruits and even lags behind some of its “brothers.” But this does not make it a useless product. Traditional medicine includes lemon in recipes for “a thousand diseases”: from seborrhea and arthritis, to constipation and tuberculosis. And scientific research is aimed at using lemon potential in therapy to restore liver function, reduce “bad” cholesterol and blood pressure.


lat. Litchi chinensis– Chinese plum
A small sweet and sour fruit covered with a crusty skin. The fruit grows on evergreen tropical trees, the height of which reaches 10-30 meters. The homeland is China. The fruit has an oval or round shape with a diameter of 2.5-4 cm. The ripe fruit has a dense red skin with a large number of sharp tubercles. Only the pulp of the fruit is used for food, which has a jelly-like structure, and in color and taste resembles peeled white grapes. Inside the pulp there is an oval brown seed. The main lychee harvest occurs in May-June.

Longan (Lam Yai)

The fruit of an evergreen longan tree, common in China, Taiwan, Vietnam and Indonesia.
The juicy pulp of longan has a sweet, very aromatic, nephelium-like taste with a peculiar tint. The color of the tough, inedible outer shell of the fruit varies from mottled yellowish to reddish. Like the Chinese lychee, the longan fruit contains a hard, dark red or black seed.


The evergreen mango tree has a height of 10 - 45 m, the crown of the tree reaches a radius of 10 m.
New leaves grow yellowish-pink in color, but quickly turn dark green. The flowers are white to pink and, once opened, have a scent similar to that of lilies. Ripe mango fruit hangs on long stems and weighs up to 2 kg. Mango peel is thin, smooth, green, yellow or red depending on the degree of ripeness (a combination of all three colors is often found). Mango pulp can be soft or fibrous, and depending on the ripeness of the fruit, it surrounds a large, hard, flat seed.


Tall evergreen tree up to 25 m high with a pyramidal crown and black-brown bark. The leaves are oval-oblong, dark green above and yellow-green below, 9 - 25 cm long and 4.5 - 10 cm wide. Young leaves are pink. Flowers with fleshy green petals with red spots. The mangosteen fruit is round, with a diameter of 3.4 - 7.5 cm, covered on top with a thick (up to 1 cm) burgundy-purple inedible peel containing adhesive coloring latex, under which there are 4-8 segments of white edible pulp with seeds tightly adjacent to it . Mangosteen bears fruit late - the first fruits on trees are 9-20 years old.


There are many myths about tangerine. Many people have probably heard that you can’t eat more than 4 fruits a day? This is an exaggeration - there is no common table for everyone indicating the dangerous amount of this citrus. They also say that the green leaves on a tangerine are a sign of its special freshness, that the oranger the peel, the sweeter the fruit, that the naringin contained in the zest directly burns fats, and that citrus fruits in general and tangerines in particular are perhaps the best source of vitamin C. That’s all. This is also not entirely true. But tangerine has properties that have been in demand in folk medicine for a long time, which make it a promising product in the fight against some serious diseases.

passion fruit

An ancient tropical crop of the genus Passiflora, producing oval fruits of yellow or dark purple color (when ripe) growing on vines. Passion fruit is grown for its juice, which is often added to other fruit juices for flavor. Passion fruit is a yellow-orange or dark purple oval-shaped fruit measuring about 6-12 cm. Fruits with smooth, shiny skin are preferred, but are sweeter with rough, cracked skin.


tour. muşmula
This is a whole genus of plants, including almost 30 species. However, there are two main cultivated types of loquat: German and Japanese. The German medlar has been known to mankind for more than 1000 BC. In the territories of Ancient Babylon and Mesopotamia, it was freely traded, and it was transported on ships to the west to Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. It was from here that medlar came to European lands. Today, German medlar grows in the Balkans, Asia Minor, the Crimean Mountains, Transcaucasia, Armenia, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Greece and northern Iran. The tree is quite finicky and grows well only in dry, sunny places and slightly acidic soil.


A fruit that is a smooth-skinned peach. Despite popular myth, nectarines are obtained through selection or simple mutation of peaches and are not a hybrid of peach and plum.
This classic example of a bud mutation occurred when peach trees self-pollinated. Peach trees sometimes produce nectarines, and nectarine trees sometimes produce peaches. Nectarines were first mentioned in 1616 in England.


A low, slender tree with a thin, branchless trunk 5-10 meters high, topped with an umbrella of palmately dissected leaves on long petioles. Papaya leaves are large, 50-70 centimeters in diameter. The flowers develop in the axils of the petioles, turning into large fruits, 10-30 cm in diameter and 15-45 cm in length. Ripe papaya fruits are soft and have a color ranging from amber to yellow.


Tree of the Rosaceae family, has a subgenus almond. It differs from almonds only in its fruits. The leaves are lanceolate with a serrated edge and almost sessile, appearing before the leaves develop, pink flowers. The fruit is a peach, spherical, with a groove on one side, usually velvety. The peach pit is wrinkled, furrowed and pitted.


English pomelo
Citrus fruits of the evergreen tree of the same name. The peel of the fruit is quite thick, and the segments are large, separated by hard white partitions that taste bitter. The color of ripe broom can vary from light green to yellow-pink. Usually only one side acquires a pink color, which was turned towards the sun during ripening. The fruit is a record holder among citrus fruits. Its diameter can be 30 cm, and its weight can reach 10 kg. The taste of pomelo is very close to grapefruit, but the pulp is not as juicy and when peeling, the internal membranes are more easily separated from the edible part.


It is also called Chinotto or Bigaradia - it is a woody evergreen plant belonging to the Rutaceae family, a species of the Citrus genus. It is considered a hybrid of pomelo and tangerine. Fresh bitter orange is considered inedible, and is valued mainly for its zest. The peel is quite easy to separate from the fruit; you just need to cut it into 4 parts. Orange zest is used to make desserts. It is also often added to ice cream. For this dessert you need to take orange zest and juice, cream and sugar. All this needs to be whipped with a mixer and sent for freezing.

We all love delicious fruits, aromatic berries and healthy nuts. But what are they all called in English? Let's find out!

First, a little grammar: it should be noted that the word fruit in English has two plural forms - fruit and fruits. When talking about any fruit without specification, fruit is used. For example, a store department might be called “Fruit and vegetables.”

Or you can say: “It’s hard to buy fresh fruit in winter.” If different types of fruit are meant, fruits is used. For example: “I want to try the tropical fruits of this island.”

Fruits in English

Let's look at the names of the most common types of fruits:

apple apple nectarine nectarine
avocado avocado orange orange
apricot apricot pear pear
banana banana papaya papaya
date date fruit pineapple a pineapple
fig figs peach peach
grapefruit grapefruit plum plum
grapes grape persimmon persimmon
kiwi kiwi pomegranate pomegranate
lime lime passion fruit passion fruit
lemon lemon quince quince
mango mango tangerine mandarin
melon melon watermelon watermelon

Berries in English

Along with fruits, it is worth remembering berries. Berry in English is berry, and this word is part of many berry names.

Many wild berries have different names depending on the region. For example, cloudberry can be called cloudberry or yellowberry, in Canada it is called bakeapple, in England - knotberry, and in Scotland - averin. Lingonberries can be found under the names cowberry, foxberry or lingonberry.

Nuts in English

And finally, we list the names of some nuts. These words often include the word nut, which means “nut”.

Fruit(Latin fructus - fruit) - a juicy edible fruit of a tree or shrub. Variety fruit are also berries.

In Russian botany, instead of the word “fruit,” the term “fruit” is used, denoting any plant organ containing seeds, formed from the ovary of a flower, regardless of edibility. Among the fruits, the following varieties are often distinguished:
Fruit from juicy pulp with seeds (cucumbers, oranges, melons, apples)
Fruits made of juicy pulp with one large central stone (cherries, plums, peaches)
Dry fruits (nuts, beans, peas)
In some other languages fruit and fruit denoted by the same word.
Fruits are an important component of food for humans and many animals.
At home berry, as a rule, call any small pulpy fruit (regardless of its botanical classification of fruit type and truth), for example, currants, gooseberries (berries), strawberries, wild strawberries, rose hips (false berries), cherries, cherries, raspberries (drupes). At the same time, large fruits in everyday life, as a rule, are not associated with berries (even if from a botanical point of view they are), for example, tomato, eggplant, banana, kiwi.

Apricot fruits are consumed both fresh and dried. Patients with diabetes should limit their consumption of apricots due to their high sugar content.
Apricot vodka is prepared from apricots, and the apricot juice is fermented and then distilled.
The seeds (seeds) are eaten like almonds, and milk is obtained from them by squeezing. The seeds are used to produce a fatty oil called apricot oil and is used in medicine as a solvent for certain medicinal substances for the preparation of injection solutions and as a base for liquid ointments.
The seeds of bitter varieties are used to make almond water.
Mascara is made from burnt apricot kernels.
In Chinese national medicine, apricot seeds are used as a sedative for coughs and hiccups.

Avocado fruits are often sold dense and hard. The pulp of unripe fruits is quite dense, similar in consistency and taste to an unripe pear or pumpkin.
The pulp of ripe fruits has a delicate consistency and tastes vaguely like a mixture of butter and herb puree; Sometimes there is a nutty flavor, reminiscent of pine nuts.
The pulp of a ripe avocado is used in cooking in cold dishes: salads, for example, in combination with red fish, cold appetizers, sandwiches. Lemon or lime juice is usually added to avoid oxidation, which spoils the appearance and taste of the avocado.
Avocado is used in vegetarian cuisine as a filling for vegetarian sushi, and as a substitute for meat and eggs in some cold dishes.
Avocado tops the list of anti-aging foods because it contains healthy vegetable fat and vitamin E, both of which fight atherosclerosis. Avocado helps manage symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. This fruit contains a lot of potassium, which keeps the skin and blood vessels in good condition and has antiarrhythmic properties. Another important element found in avocados is glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that helps keep the body oxygenated.

Quince medicines have a tonic, diuretic, astringent, antiulcer and antibacterial effect. Fresh fruits are used as a choleretic and diuretic. Quince seeds in the form of a decoction are used in medical practice as enveloping agents to reduce the local irritating effect of other medicinal substances and slow down their absorption.
The seeds are used internally as a laxative, expectorant and emollient.
Quince in the Mediterranean was considered in ancient times a symbol of love and fertility and was dedicated to the goddess Venus.
Quince is bred as a fruit tree, which produces beautiful and fragrant fruits, and as a rootstock for grafting pears in mold culture. The fruits in their raw form are inedible; they are most often used to prepare soft drinks, compotes, jellies, jams, marmalade and as a seasoning for meat.
In folk medicine, the seeds are used for constipation, colitis, flatulence, respiratory diseases, uterine bleeding, and cough. Ripe fruits are used for tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, and gastrointestinal diseases. An aqueous solution of mucus is used to make eye lotions, for cosmetic purposes, and to strengthen hair.
Slime is used in textile production to add shine to fabrics; a water decoction can replace gum acacia.
Quince is also grown as an ornamental plant; This plant is suitable for organizing hedges and tolerates pruning well.

A pineapple
Pineapple pulp consists of 86% water, it contains quite a lot of simple sugars (12-15 mg%), represented mainly by sucrose, organic acids (0.7 mg%) - the advantage of citric acid, and up to 50 mg% ascorbic acid. In addition, pineapple contains vitamins B1, B2, B12, PP, and provitamin A.
The pulp of the fruit is rich in minerals - potassium (up to 320 mg%), iron, copper, zinc, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iodine.
Pineapple fruits, in addition to carbohydrates, vitamins C, A and B and numerous microelements, also contain bromelain - a complex of highly active proteolytic (that is, protein-degrading) enzymes. Thanks to bromelain, the body's absorption of protein substances improves. Abuse of pineapples leads to damage to the oral mucosa. Pineapple contains vitamin C 40 mg% (in leaves - up to 120 mg%).
The fruit of the true pineapple is a valuable food product. It is eaten raw and canned, and is widely used in the confectionery industry (sweets, jam, preserves). Thanks to a complex of biologically active substances, pineapple has beneficial properties: it stimulates digestion, sanitizes the intestines, and reduces blood viscosity. However, it should be borne in mind that pineapple is a spicy product; it is not recommended to use it if you have stomach diseases.

The fruit of the orange tree (Citrus sinensis), which is a hybrid of a tangerine (Citrus reticulata) and a pomelo (Citrus maxima) and was cultivated in China as far back as 2.5 thousand years BC. e.
Orange juice is a good antiscorbutic remedy. The oranges themselves require very good packing during transportation and easily spoil, so they are removed unripe and packed in boxes of 200-500 pieces, each wrapped in unglued paper. The peel, in addition to the well-known economic use for zest, infusions, jam, etc., is also used for the preparation of various kinds of liqueurs in Bologna and Florence. Orange oil is also obtained from the peel.
Due to the presence of a complex of vitamins and other biologically active substances in oranges, these citrus fruits are recommended for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis, diseases of the liver, heart and blood vessels, and metabolism. Pectins, which are contained in oranges, promote the digestion process, enhance the motor function of the large intestine and reduce putrefactive processes in it.

Watermelon fruit pulp contains from 5.5 to 13% easily digestible sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose). By the time of ripening, glucose and fructose predominate; sucrose accumulates during watermelon storage. The pulp contains pectin substances - 0.68%, proteins - 0.7%; calcium - 14 mg/%, magnesium - 224 mg/%, sodium - 16 mg/%, potassium - 64 mg/%, phosphorus - 7 mg/%, iron in organic form - 1 mg/%; vitamins - thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, carotene - 0.1-0.7 mg/%, ascorbic acid - 0.7-20 mg/%, alkaline substances. 100 grams of the edible part of the fruit contains 38 kilocalories.
Watermelon seeds contain up to 25% fatty oil. Watermelon seed oil contains linoleic, linolenic and palmitic acids; its physical and chemical properties are similar to almond oil and can replace it.
The fruits of ripe watermelon (pulp, rind) and seeds are used as medicinal raw materials.
Watermelon has strong diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, laxative and restorative properties. Normalizes metabolic processes, enhances intestinal motility.
Watermelon is used in therapeutic nutrition for anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver diseases, gall bladder and urinary tract stones, and also as a diuretic for urate diuresis, obesity and the need for fasting as indicated during treatment. It does not cause irritation to the kidneys or urinary tract. The content of easily digestible sugars and water in watermelon pulp determines the use of watermelon for chronic and acute liver diseases. The fiber in watermelon pulp improves digestion and helps eliminate cholesterol, and the folic acid and vitamin C contained in watermelon have an anti-sclerotic effect. Watermelon juice is a good thirst quencher during a fever. The content of alkaline compounds regulates the acid-base balance, as a result of which watermelon is used for acidosis of various origins.

Traveling abroad means getting to know more than just gorgeous landscapes and culture. Outlandish overseas fruits and unusual berries will help you create a complete taste picture of your location. It’s easier to choose what you like from the variety of offers using the description.


It is considered to be a fruit. The taste leans more towards the vegetable, namely pumpkin with notes of unripe pear with a nutty undertone. Ripeness is determined by the degree of softness. It has a large bone inside. The peel is not edible. Sizes up to 20 centimeters. The soft, oily flesh is eaten raw. Butchering involves removing the skin and bones. You can try it in Vietnam, India, Cuba, Dominican Republic


Visually similar to a red-yellow or orange pear. Ripe fruits are consumed (unripe ones are poisonous) heat-treated, with a taste reminiscent of walnuts. Maturity is determined by the openness of the fruit - a ripe one bursts and the pulp comes out. It is offered to be enjoyed in Brazil, Jamaica, Hawaii.


It has an oval shape and a golden color. Grows in clusters. Hard skin on the outside, hard, spiky bone on the inside. The pulp is sweet, juicy, with mango and pineapple flavor. Places of growth: India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and the Philippines.


The taste is not comparable to those sold in Russia - juicy, fleshy, sweet and sour fruits with a bright aroma. Sizes from an average apple to the ones we are used to. You should choose a medium-hard pineapple - the pulp will definitely be tasty. It will be possible to take a sample in Brazil, China, and the Philippines.

Bail (Tree Apple)

A fruit with a hard skin. Only a hammer will help you divide it in half. On sale it is often presented cut up. The fluffy, yellow pulp has an irritating effect on the throat. It will be available for sale in India, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka.


The taste of the fruit is reminiscent of borscht with mayonnaise and sour cream. The smell is specific. Cleaning consists of removing the crust. They can offer a curiosity on the island of Borneo on the Malaysian side.

Banana pink

A miniature species measuring up to 8 centimeters with a thick skin. The skin of ripe pink bananas bursts, revealing pulp with many seeds. An unpretentious plant that can be grown even at home. Distributed everywhere in many warm countries.


A berry with a black color and a neutral taste (neither sweet nor sour), similar to lingonberries. Externally it resembles blueberries. There is an opportunity to try it in the countries of the northern hemisphere - Korea, Japan, Canada, USA, China and even Russia.

Eye of the Dragon

Round brown fruit. The skin and the pit inside are not edible. The consistency is jelly-like, transparent white. The taste is bright and sweet. High calorie content. Excessive consumption may cause an increase in temperature. You can buy it in Thailand, China, Cambodia, Vietnam.

Strawberry Guava (Cattleya)

The fruits are yellow to red. The size reaches a diameter of 4 centimeters. Juicy, sweet guava with strawberry aroma - exotic fruits of India, Africa, Bermuda, America.

Guanabana (soursop)

A fruit weighing from 3 to 7 kilograms. The shape is round, oval. The green surface of the soursop is covered with shoots in the form of soft bells. The inside is white, soft, with a taste reminiscent of lemon juice with sourness. The ripe fruit is pressed with a finger. You can eat in the Bahamas, Mexico, Peru, Argentina.


Fruits that grow on poles and branches. Grows in clusters. Externally they look like black grapes. The skin is bitter and unsuitable for consumption. The pulp is like transparent jelly, sweet, with seeds. Grows in Brazil, Argentina, Panama, Cuba, Peru.


A large green fruit, weighing up to 34 kilograms. It should be purchased already cut. The yellow slices taste like melon and duchess. An allergic reaction and difficulty swallowing are possible. The symptom goes away within a few hours. Grows in Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand.


King of fruits. It has a specific smell of a mixture of onions, garlic and dirty socks. The pulp is soft, sweet and healthy. You should buy cut slices. The whole durian reaches a large size and is covered with spines. Due to the smell, you should not eat in public places or transport it in public transport. You can taste this wonder in Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia.

Imbe (African mango)

Exotic tree with orange fruits. The size is small - up to 3 centimeters. The taste is bright, rich, sweet and sour. Has a coloring effect. You can try it in Africa.


The fruit is pear-shaped and blue-violet in color. Weight varies between 80 grams and 8 centimeters in diameter. The peel can be eaten. The taste is juicy, watery, reminiscent of strawberries with an admixture of black currants. You can eat in the Mediterranean countries, Crimea and Central Asia.

Spanish lime (Giseps)

It is similar to the usual lime only in shape. It looks light green, the peel is not edible, the inside is pleasantly sweet with a pit. You can eat it by removing the tip of the peel and squeezing it out. Found in Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia.


A yellow-green, star-shaped fruit. It has a smooth skin that is edible. The taste is bright, with notes of a flower, similar to an apple. There are seeds inside that are edible. You can see it on the shelves of Thailand and Indonesia.


An oblong fruit of bright yellow color. The ripe fruit is covered with yellow-orange horns and is bright green inside. The cut looks like a cucumber. The flavor is a combination of melon, avocado, banana and cucumber. They eat the pulp by cutting the fruit like a watermelon. You can try it in New Zealand, Africa, Chile, Israel.


Looks like a hairy potato on the outside and a gooseberry on the inside. Size up to 80 grams and 7 centimeters. The flesh varies from yellow to green with edible black seeds. You should choose soft, smooth fruits. The taste is similar to strawberry. Cultivation countries: Chile, Italy, Greece, Krasnodar region of Russia.


Round, large fruit, reaching 3 kilograms. According to the degree of maturity, it is divided into young and overripe. A young coconut has a tender husk, juicy flesh and milk/juice inside the shell. Overripe coconuts have a fuzzy surface, a cloudy liquid inside, and a tough interior. The latter are found in countries of import. Countries of origin: Thailand, Vietnam, India.


Exotic fruits of China mainly. Small citrus fruits are 2-4 centimeters in length. They have inedible bones inside. Eaten with the peel. The taste is similar to orange, but more sour. You can also try it in Japan and Southeast Asia.


Melon-shaped fruit. Covered with a red-brown hard crust. The inside is white, sweet and sour with seeds. The most delicious fruit is considered to be the one that leaves the tree itself. The trees are located in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia.


A fruit shaped like a cucumber on the outside and corn on the inside. The ripe color of the fruit is bright yellow. Inside is fiery orange flesh. The taste is juicy, sweet, with sour notes. Contains a lot of water. Grows in Bolivia, Uruguay, Colombia, Argentina.


It is similar in appearance to longan, but has a brighter taste and smell. Ripe lychee is distinguished by the red color of its peel. The transparent, smooth pulp has a sweet taste. Contains an inedible pit. Where to eat: China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand.


Externally it resembles a longan. It is distinguished by its larger size and yellowish peel color. The delicacy inside is similar in shape to garlic. The taste is specific, sweet and sour. The peel is inedible, but useful. You can find it in the markets of Thailand.

Magic fruit

Guest from West Africa. The small red fruits reach 2-3 centimeters and grow on trees. They have a bone inside. The magic of the fruit lies in its ability to retain the sweetness of the taste for a long time. Lemons and grapefruits eaten after the treat will also seem sweet.

Mameya (Mammaya)

Similar to apricot in appearance and taste of the pulp. Larger in size - up to 20 centimeters in diameter. The peel is light brown. The berry has one to four seeds. The flavor is mango-like. Place of offer: Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela.


A popular large fruit in tropical countries. It is better to cut the fruit with a knife - remove the skin and bone. The color of the fruit changes with the degree of ripeness - from green to orange-red. The palate gathered notes of melon, rose, peach and apricot. Countries of origin: Myanmar, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam.


Outwardly it resembles a persimmon, only the color is dark purple. The skin is thick and inedible. Inside are garlic cloves with a unique sweet and sour taste. Ripe fruit is elastic and without dents. Mangosteen peel juice does not wash off. Sample locations: Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand.

passion fruit

Fruits of various colors from yellow to purple. The diameter is 8 centimeters. Ripe fruits are covered with wrinkled skin. The pulp is the same rainbow, depending on the variety, similar to sweet and sour jelly with seeds. Is an aphrodisiac. Grows in Vietnam, India, Cuba and the Dominican Republic.


The fruit is elongated. The peel is covered with spines; the degree of ripeness is determined by their hardness. Inside are white fruits with a seed. Flavors range from sweet sundae to light marshmallow. Perishable, cannot be transported. Grows in Australia, Malaysia and the Philippines.


A perishable fruit that can ferment. The effect also affects animals. The fruits are small, yellow, with a stone. Fresh with a light aroma and not sweet in taste. Can be found exclusively in Africa.


Small fruits in yellow, orange and red shades. They grow up to 5 centimeters. The thin skin conceals transparent slices of fresh, sweet taste. The bone of the fruit is bitter and tightly attached to the pulp. You can find it in India, China, Thailand, Vietnam.


Sunny orange small fruit with brown seeds. The unripe taste resembles persimmon - tart and viscous. Ripe has the aroma and taste of blueberries. Native home of the fruit: Egypt, Dominican Republic, Crimea, Abkhazia, southern Russia.


A fruit similar in shape to cherry tomatoes. The hairy fruit goes through stages of maturity from green to bright orange. Taste – strawberry-pineapple with notes of mango. Grows in Panama, Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica.

Noina (sugar apple)

A fruit that is the size of a medium apple and has the appearance of a green cone. The internal component is soft, sweet, and pleasant to the taste. Cutting is difficult due to the uneven, inedible skin. The maturity of the fruit is determined by its softness. But don’t be overzealous - the fruit is fragile and may fall apart when checked. Place of growth: Thailand.


The fruit is shaped like a convex potato and is green in color. The fruit has a specific smell - spoiled blue cheese. The taste is not pleasant - bitter. But in its homeland it is considered very useful and healing. Noni is a staple of the diet of poor people in Southeast Asia. You can find it in Australia and Malaysia.


Fruit in the shape of a cylinder. Color ranges from unripe green to mature yellow-orange. The size reaches 20 centimeters. It is more convenient to buy cut ones. The flavor is a melon-pumpkin mixture. Places of cultivation: Bali, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia.


Exotic fruits from Egypt. Large – up to 700 grams. Painted in different shades of yellow with lilac stripes. Inside are seeds that are edible. You should choose a ripe fruit - it is tender, soft, with a melon note. The skin is removed - it is possible, but unpleasant to eat. You can also try it in Peru, Turkey, New Zealand.


An oblong fruit of bright color (pink, burgundy, yellow). The surface is scaly. You can peel it like a grapefruit or cut it and eat it with a spoon. Inside the pulp is transparent, white or reddish, sprinkled with small grains. Grows in Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Malaysia, China, Vietnam.


Small brown fruits up to 13 centimeters in diameter. Inside there are several unusable grains. The interior is white with a tropical taste and aroma. Used as a base for sherbet and jelly. Habitat: Paraguay, Colombia, Brazil.


Citrus hybrid of orange and grapefruit. It is large in size, reaching up to 10 kilograms. The peel is thick, fleshy, green in color. The pulp is in filmy segments that are bitter. The taste is less juicy than grapefruit. You should choose a ripe one based on its bright citrus smell. You can eat in Tahiti, India, China, Japan.


A fuzzy fruit of red-violet color. You can open it by twisting it with both hands in different directions. The inside is transparent, with a bright taste. Unprocessed grains are poisonous. Ripeness directly depends on the brightness of the color of the fruit. They will be offered to buy in the Philippines, Indonesia, India, and Thailand.

Hand of Buddha (Citron)

Beautiful on the outside and uninteresting on the inside. The unusual shape of the fruit resembles a hand with many fingers. But 70 percent of the fruit consists of peel, 30 percent of sour-bitter pulp. Actively used in culinary arts. You can admire this wonder in India, Japan, Vietnam, and China.


A convex brown fruit with small spiny projections. It is advisable to clean with a knife. The inside is divided into 3 parts with a bright sweet taste of pear persimmon. Parameters – up to 5 centimeters. Grows in Malaysia, Thailand.


It has a pear shape and an uneven brown color. The peel is inedible and requires removal. The pulp is white with a bright mangosteen flavor. The seeds have a laxative effect and are used as needed. Grows in Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines.


A small fruit with a thin matte skin. The size of the fruit is 10 centimeters and 200 grams. The taste is milky caramel, causing viscosity in the mouth. It is not recommended to eat sunflower seeds. Grows in Indonesia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Hawaii.

Sugar palm (Cambodian palm)

“Female” trees bear fruit. The fruit pulp is packed deep inside, transparent white. Has refreshing properties. It is the basis for Thai sweet ice. Distributed in Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

Natal plums

The fruits of this tree are the only part of the bush that does not harm people. The branches and leaves are unfit for consumption and contain poison. The color of plums is bright pink with a wrinkled texture, and the taste is sweet. Suitable for use in baked goods as a filling. Homeland - South Africa.


The berry is oval-shaped with dimensions up to 5 centimeters in diameter. Skin color options: yellow, burgundy, purple. The peel is unhealthy and can be peeled off with a knife. The taste is currant with notes of tomato. The smell is bright fruit. Located in Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile.


Outwardly, it resembles a bean pod with a light brown skin. Used in preparing sweets and sauces for meat. The pulp is dark brown in color with a spicy, sweet and sour taste. Has bones. You can try it in Sudan, Thailand, Cameroon, Australia, Panama.


Green fruit with a tail on top. Weight reaches 45 grams, size up to 5 centimeters. The peel is thin with an ambiguous taste, sour and causes viscosity in the mouth. It is recommended to peel the fruit or cut it into two halves and eat it with a spoon. The color of the pulp varies from cream to burgundy (the latter indicates spoilage of the product). The taste is fresh, tropical, with strawberry notes. Grows in South America, Georgia, Abkhazia, and the Caucasus.


The unripe fruit serves as a source of nutrition for residents of African countries. When cooked it has a bready taste. Ripe fruits have a pleasant sweetness, similar to bananas. The size is large, up to 3.5 kilograms. It is recommended to purchase cut up. It is possible to take a sample in Southeast Asia.

Chrysophyllum (Star apple)

The fruit is oval-shaped with a skin color that matches the flesh – soft green or lilac. The flesh is sticky, sweet, and has the consistency of jelly with seeds like an apple. Cut like a star. It is recommended to consume only ripe fruits. Where it grows: India, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia.


A relative of pitaya, it is round and has a smooth surface. Inside is juicy transparent watery pulp with seeds. The taste is tropical, bright, sweet. They eat it by cutting it in half with a spoon. The peel is not suitable for food. Grown on Israeli plantations.


The surface of the fruit is green in color and may or may not have tubercles. The pulp is similar in structure to orange, but includes the flavors of mango, banana, strawberry with notes of ice cream. Contains hard, inedible grains. Habitat: Asian countries, Israel, Algeria, Australia, Spain.

Black sapote (Chocolate pudding)

A dark green variety of persimmon. The pulp takes on an almost black color with brown seeds. The taste of chocolate pudding, sweet and bright. The size reaches 13 centimeters in length. The birthplace of the product is Guatemala, Brazil, Southern Mexico.


The shape is similar to bell pepper. The light varies from green to red. Inside is white flesh. The taste is sweet, watery. It quenches thirst well. It is not subjected to purification and has no seeds. Grows in Sri Lanka, Colombia, India, Thailand.


Small fruits up to 6 centimeters. Smooth, green with brown spots. It has a sweet apple taste and a tropical aroma. Delicious fruits - dense, not hard. The skin is edible, the pit is not. Found in Japan, China, Thailand, and the Caucasus.

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