“Hacking” of Olga Buzova, Ksenia Sobchak and other high-profile hacker attacks on stars. Hackers hacked Buzova, posting correspondence with Nagiyev and intimate photos. Leaked icloud of Russian stars

scandal known as The Fappening or Celebgate. On March 15, 2016, the US Department of Justice published an official statement according to which 36-year-old Pennsylvania resident Ryan Collins was guilty of the massive hacking of Gmail and iCloud accounts of stars (with the subsequent publication of their personal photos on 4chan).

Let me remind you that in 2014 they got into the network intimate pictures stars of the first magnitude, including Jennifer Lawrence, Kim Kardashian, Kirsten Dunst and others. Then the hacker managed to gain access to other people's iCloud accounts, most of whose owners were famous personalities.

But it seems that Collins has found worthy followers. Today, March 15, 2017, the attackers “celebrated” the anniversary of The Fappening by leaking new personal photographs of two famous actresses- Emma Watson and Amanda Seyfried.

In addition, a message appeared on the 4chan imageboard, according to which this leak is just the beginning. Unknown people promised to soon publish personal photographs and videos of several dozen more famous actresses. Photos of some of the stars on this list have already started appearing on thefappening.so.

It is still unknown how exactly the attackers got their hands on intimate photos graphies of actresses. Let me remind you that in 2014, Collins sent targeted phishing emails to his famous victims and their friends, in which he introduced himself as an employee of Google or Apple and asked the victims to provide their username and password. Thus, he gained access to 50 iCloud accounts and 72 Gmail accounts. This time there are no details yet. What is known is that the leak was “announced” on Reddit. User Alverx warned that Emma Watson and Amanda Seyfried were about to make headlines, writing: "Don't want to break Reddit rules so no links yet, but we've got some really good drama coming up in the next couple of days."

The phone of TV presenter and former participant in the show “Dom-2” Olga Buzova was hacked as a result of a hacker attack, writes Trinixy. A number of Olga’s correspondences and her intimate photos were leaked online. The TV star's personal life appears to be taking on the dark hue of divorce. Judging by the information received from correspondence, happy marriage is experiencing with football player Dmitry Tarasov Hard times. Thirty-year-old Buzova lives separately from her husband and communicates very closely with the odious Dmitry Nagiyev.

The Moscow Lokomotiv football player is credited with an affair with Anastasia Kostenko (Miss Russia 2014). Judging by the correspondence, his mother knew about Tarasov’s affair, but did not say anything to her daughter-in-law. Buzova thanked her mother-in-law with the following message.

After a quarrel between Buzova and her mother-in-law, her husband began writing to Olga.

Olga’s mother intervened in the conflict, trying to save her daughter’s marriage to a football player. Of course, my son-in-law makes good money.

As can be seen from the correspondence, Dmitry was tired of the constant dirt in the house, since his wife did not do housework or clean the apartment at all. Although the earnings of both spouses allow them to hire a housekeeper... After persuasion, Buzova’s mother switched to pure pragmatism.

A little later I joined the discussion younger sister Olga.

In addition to her mother and sister, the TV presenter found another comforter. It turned out to be famous showman Dmitry Nagiyev, with whom Olga has been communicating for quite some time. Messages contain profanity.

A small attempt at conspiracy from Olga

Judging by the following messages, the TV star, offended by everyone and everything, kept her promise.

Apple's cloud service is increasingly becoming the anti-hero of scandals that receive wide public attention. Moreover, this time the attackers really managed to amaze even the public, accustomed to various kinds of leaks—almost a hundred intimate photographs were leaked onto the Internet.

The issue of third parties gaining access to intimate materials stored on the cloud was first widely discussed after the release of the film (in Russian box office " Home video"), the heroes of which accidentally sent their adult video to friends and relatives. In addition, just recently, Russian hackers from the Anonymous International group announced that they were from the accounts on Facebook, Twitter and VKontakte of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. However, the current action of cyber criminals raises many more questions.

So, according to the 4chan hacker who published the archives with photographs, he was offered a sum of six zeros for providing the exclusive right to print and publish the photographs to the tabloid TMZ, but he chose to simply post them on open access. We are talking about photos of celebrities such as Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, Avril Lavigne, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kate Olsen, Rihanna, Victoria Justice, Ariana Garanda, Kirsten Dunst, Nadezhda Solo, Kristen Ritteri and many others who have set up automatic synchronization of Camera Roll with iCloud . Everything would have been fine if celebrities had not taken selfies naked and without makeup - such fame turned out to be of no use to them.

Experts traditionally cite the human factor as one of the most likely reasons for hacking - weak passwords, lack of two-factor authentication, simple code words, access to the cloud from a large number of uncontrolled devices, etc., but in this case we're talking about oh too large quantities celebrities whose accounts could have been accessed either as a result of an unprecedentedly large-scale targeted group of hackers, or if a vulnerability was discovered in the iCloud system itself. Parallels security specialist Anton Dedov notes that cloud service it is very difficult to make secure, since it must be accessible to the user from different devices, from anywhere in the world, to store arbitrary information.

Be that as it may, the hackers who carried out this action are at great risk, because several years ago a similar incident occurred in the United States when an attacker published photographs of Scarlett Johansson and Mila Kunis. The result is 10 years in prison. As for Apple's reputation, it has seriously suffered in Lately and experts will certainly make every effort to avoid similar incidents in the future.

Unknown hackers exposed personal photos of actresses Emma Watson and Amanda Seyfried to the public. The girls themselves have not yet commented on the leak, but this is not the first such case. Medialeaks tells how other celebrities previously commented on the leaks, blaming photoshop for everything and even finding something funny in what was happening.

“People, these so-called naked photos of me are FAKE. Let me nip (rumors about this) in the bud.”

Ariana Grande also stated that it was photoshop, and joked that the authors of the pictures could have found someone more beautiful. And at the same time she advertised her tour.

“To everyone who has seen my “naked pictures” - none of them are real! My tiny ass is much cuter than the one over there. I’m laughing to tears, I’ll publish information about the tour soon.”


“What a wonderful day it was when my husband and I frolicked on the beaches in Mexico City! Do we seem to have forgotten something?

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