What foods do you need for proper nutrition? List of weight loss products

We are what we eat. Some “consist” of chips and soda, and others of broccoli and turkey. Look at your store receipt. Who are you? The grocery list will help you analyze and evaluate your diet.

Sometimes we underestimate the importance of our nutrition. We don’t want to understand that skin problems can come from another chocolate bar, and stomach pains can come from a hamburger for lunch. Even seemingly harmless curds or fruit juices actually turn out to be enemies of our health and beauty, and the cause of excess weight.

By switching to proper nutrition, you will understand that there is much more healthy food than unhealthy food. And this article will give you basic recommendations about proper nutrition and will tell you which products can be put in the shopping cart and which ones should not be.

We all have different tastes, and the needs of our bodies differ, so don’t choke on broccoli or cottage cheese if you can’t stand them. But still, some basic tips and rules can make it much easier for you to choose healthy and high-quality products.

Principle 1 – Only fresh products.

Seems obvious? But do you always check deadlines? What if you remember products on sale that are nearing their expiration dates? Yes, the goods are not expired yet, but do you need such dubious savings? Irreversible chemical processes occur in every product, and at what stage they are in your “fresh for two more days” cottage cheese, one can only guess. Don't experiment.

Principle 2 – Less is more.

Saving on your health is a big mistake. Therefore, it is always better to buy good products in small quantities than to buy cheap junk. In most cases we need less food what we buy. Subsequently, it either spoils, or you will eat it forcefully, it’s a pity. What kind of weight loss is that? Set yourself up for what you deserve to eat good products. No “butter” with vegetable fats, canned food instead of fish or other “substitutes”. It is better to abandon the product altogether than to buy a harmful analogue.

Principle 3 – Local products.

You should try to purchase products produced in your region. Nature never makes mistakes, whether apples grow in your garden or coconut on your palm tree - this is exactly what the body requires to live in this area. Many local products are from private farms, and what could be healthier than homemade meat or fresh milk?

Principle 4 – Don’t neglect freezing.

If you need to run away from semi-finished products and canned food like fire, then this storage method like freezing is ours reliable assistant . This method is not harmful to health (if freezing was done without the help of chemicals), and preserves the beneficial properties of the products.

Principle 5 – Plan ahead.

Try to create a menu for the week before going to the store: this will not allow you to buy products that will be superfluous on your table. You can take a ready-made healthy nutrition menu on the Internet and replace exotic products with familiar ones - the shopping list is ready.

List of products - sources of health and slimness

We've sorted out the basic rules. Now let's see what products it would be nice to have in your refrigerator. For clarity, we will combine the list into tables that can be printed and carried with you.

Products containing protein

Product Calorie content Notes
Eggs 150 Be careful - the yolk contains cholesterol
Chicken fillet 170
Turkey fillet 134
Lean meat veal – 92
rabbit meat - 197
Lean fish pollock – 67
hake - 84
pink salmon – 151
Seafood 50 — 80 They contain many minerals (calcium, iodine), support nervous system, prevent cardiovascular diseases while remaining dietary products
Dairy milk - 50
low-fat cottage cheese – 89 It is better to prefer low-fat cottage cheese to low-fat cottage cheese, since the latter is much less digestible
kefir – 57

Protein products should be present in the diet every day and form its basis. Protein is used by the body to build muscles, despite the fact that almost all protein foods are not only healthy, but also dietary.

Foods containing carbohydrates

The importance of carbohydrate-containing products is energy production. Best time for such products - morning, so that until the evening full of energy. It is better to give preference to complex carbohydrates, such as the cereals listed above. Simple carbohydrates, in particular sugar, are not recommended.

Products containing fats

Fatty foods probably don’t need any comments. With fiber contained in foods from the following list, for all its beneficial properties You should also be careful. Fiber has the ability to “clean” the body - it is practically not digested, but at the same time it gets rid of toxins, playing the role of a kind of “brush”. Moderate consumption will bring invaluable benefits, while excessive love for vegetables and fruits can result in indigestion.

Products containing fiber

As can be seen from the tables, the diet is quite varied. In this case, the list of products was compiled simultaneously for healthy eating and for weight loss, so you can and should choose products from it that suit your specific goals.

If your the goal is to lose weight - give preference to dietary types of meat, as well as vegetables that are rich in fiber. If you just want to maintain your health, you don’t have to monitor calories, but be guided only by the needs of your body.

The above list is not unambiguous and may be supplemented by you with other products. If not eating a piece of chocolate makes you unhappy, is it worth it? So try to stick simple rule: 85 – 90% in the cart is from the list, and the rest is for your favorite. The main thing is to know moderation in everything.

Slimming people should always have a list like this on hand! Maybe it's time to memorize it?

1. Low-calorie foods

Five main characters: tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, white lean fish, citrus fruits.

2. Hearty foods

Five main characters: oatmeal, durum wheat pasta, beans, whole grain bread, apples.

3. Foods that do not cause spikes in blood sugar

Five main characters: skim milk, lentils, mushrooms, berries, lettuce.

4. Low fat foods

Five main characters: low-fat cottage cheese, chicken by-products, seafood, perch, tuna.

5. Products that will support your appearance

Five main characters: pure water, olive oil, almonds, flaxseed oil, avocado.

6. Foods you enjoy eating

Five main characters: vegetables and fruits that crunch while you eat them - apples, carrots, bell pepper, celery, etc.; whipped dairy products without sugar, fruit purees, low-fat chicken pate, juicy berries.

7. Foods that will not retain water in the body

Five main characters: green tea; orange juice diluted with water; cowberry; berry fruit drinks and lemonades without sugar; celery and juice from it.

8. Products that will always be with you

Five main characters: bananas, low-fat dairy products in half-liter packages, grain breads, nuts, dried fruits.

9. Foods that will help you build a new body

Five main characters: low-fat cheese, dietary cottage cheese, white fish, legumes, egg white.

10. Products that will support you

Five main characters: dark chocolate without additives (the composition must contain at least 75% cocoa), dates, tomatoes, olive oil, nuts.

You carefully monitor your diet so as not to gain overweight. Buy yogurts, kefir, ice cream, cottage cheese, cookies and other products with a low fat content or no fat at all.

But in fact, its small amount or complete absence in no way indicates a low calorie level. Such food does not help control weight at all; it is just as high in calories as regular food. And the fact that the package says “no fat” is perceived by many as “ green light“and often overeating torments them. Therefore, in order to be in shape and not gain excess weight, we need to choose the right low-fat foods.

What are the harms of low-fat foods?

Such elements of your diet taste good and give an excellent boost of energy. But low-fat foods lack fiber, proteins, minerals and vitamins. In addition, to save taste qualities When fats are removed, sucrose and starch are added to products. This way the food loses fat and gains more carbohydrates.

What is the right thing to do in this situation? At overweight or elevated level cholesterol in the blood, the amount of fat in your menu should be limited. You can eat foods low in fat or without this harmful substance at all: low-fat cheese, skim milk, light mayonnaise, salad dressing.

But don't get too carried away with such substitutes. Initially, you should exclude really fatty foods from your diet - lamb, beef, snack meats, cheeses, whole milk, potato chips, ice cream. We figured out the composition.

Next, you need to start changing the very method of preparing food. Replace frying in oil with grilling, boiling in water or steaming. It is also extremely important to eat natural foods. Keep in mind that the less processed a product is, the healthier, more nutritious it is and contains less sugar and fat.

Learn to read labels correctly! Most often, manufacturers use a trick in which the packaging indicates the amount of fat in one unit of the product (for example, in one cookie). People who want to lose weight or stay in shape, having seen magical numbers, as if under hypnosis, do not see the true indicators and proper nutrition becomes the way of their life.

Therefore, to avoid such a situation, you should know:

  • In a low-fat product, fat is no more than half a gram per unit, and a product with a low percentage of fat content or no fat at all is 3 g or less. “Light” products have 25% less fat than regular ones;
  • is indicative general content carbohydrates (sucrose, starch);
  • be able to distinguish between the weight of the package and the weight in relation to which the amount of fat is indicated.

Low-fat fermented milk product in the table.

Proper nutrition means enriching your body with useful and necessary ingredients.

Many who suffer from a predisposition to obesity study low-calorie foods and try to use them in their diet.

But there are also people who believe that healthy foods must also be delicious.

Low-calorie protein foods

Protein-containing foods satisfy hunger quickly and for a long time. But you don’t always want to eat only lean meat! But if you add vegetables, fruits or berries to turkey breast fillet or lean fish, sprinkle with aromatic seasonings, the taste of these dishes will change fantastically. Skim cheese and yogurt, kefir can be mixed with fresh fruit or dried fruits, then you will get a satisfying and very tasty dish at the same time.

Vegetables and fruits for weight loss

Vegetables and fruits, as well as berries, fresh or frozen, are not only tasty, but also healthy. They contain not only vitamins and minerals, but also fiber, which gives the effect of satiety and improves digestion. You should not limit your diet to young lettuce and spinach leaves, fresh cabbage, grapes, tomatoes - they rejuvenate the body’s cells, contain few calories and taste good. When a person has problems with edema, he should eat more fresh cucumbers and season your dishes with herbs (parsley, spinach and dill) and aromatic seasonings.

Steamed vegetables, oranges and pineapple slices satisfy hunger well and are healthy.

Many diets recommend eating lean foods chicken breast, but it’s dry and gets boring quickly. Try making this breast with tomatoes and place it on a plate boiled vegetables, then the result will be not only tasty, but also beautiful dish. For seafood lovers, we can recommend shrimp, they contain a minimum of calories and have a pleasant taste.

Even popcorn can be made tasty and low-calorie, just add grated cheese to it and put it in the microwave.

Low-calorie foods for weight loss. List.


A wonderful natural dietary supplement for weight loss, which has incredible fat-burning properties, can be an effective addition to your diet. Olga Buzova recommends a new method fast weight loss no extract based diets Liquid Chestnut Night+. This extract was developed specifically for the treatment of obesity in private clinics in Moscow and does not contain any chemicals or hormones!

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading about a new method for cleansing the body from Elena Malysheva.

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