Yalta mountain forest reserve in Crimea. Yalta Reserve - the gateway to the mountainous Crimea Yalta Mountain Forest Reserve - the most beautiful place in Crimea

From Foros and the Baydar Pass in the west to the Nikitskaya Yayla in the east, the unique Yalta Mountain Forest Reserve stretches 53 km in length. The northern border of the Yalta Nature Reserve runs along the Ai-Petrinskaya, Yalta and Nikitskaya yailas, the so-called treeless flat peaks of the Crimean Mountains, translated from the Turkic “yayla” - “summer pasture”, the highest point of the reserve is Mount Roka (1349 m). In several places the reserve shares a common border with the sea.

The territory of the Gurzufsky, Alupkinsky and Opolznevsky forest districts received the status of a reserve in 1973 to preserve in their natural state and restore both typical and unique natural complexes of the southern Mountainous Crimea. Some of the objects were declared protected areas back in 1947.

Yalta Mountain Forest Reserve - flora and fauna

On an area of ​​14.5 thousand. ha you can get acquainted with the Crimean nature in all its diversity. home sight Yalta Nature Reserve - forests that occupy almost 70% of the territory - relict mountain conifers.

About 1,363 plant species grow in the Yalta Forest Reserve, which is 65% of the species of the entire Mountain Crimea, among them 78 rare ones, including Persian edianum, adiantum (Venus hair), high juniper, Crimean lumbago (sleep-grass) and Crimean violet.

The fauna of the Yalta Nature Reserve is also very diverse, 150 species of birds live here, you can even see very rare birds such as the black vulture and the griffon vulture. Among mammals, the most interesting is the Crimean subspecies of red deer.

Yalta Mountain Forest Reserve - museum and attractions

The local museum will tell you more about the Yalta Mountain Forest Nature Reserve, the flora and fauna of Crimea. And for active tourists, excursion routes have been developed to visit it attractions(resting place “Cherry Garden”, “observation deck “Silver Gazebo”, Solnechnaya path, Devil's staircase etc.).

You can walk around the territory of the reserve by climbing Mount Ai-Petri.

Crimea is rich in natural wonders, but in the conditions of a constant powerful tourist flow and economic activity, they need protection. Consequently, a considerable part of the peninsula’s territory has been declared a protected area. The Yalta Mountain Forest Nature Reserve appeared in 1973 and is impressive in both its species and size.

Where is the Yalta Mountain Forest Reserve located on the map?

Less known, but very interesting (especially in spring) is the place known as the Cherry Orchard. Usually excursion leaders use it as a rest area along the route. This is not a real garden, but a chair, that is, natural thickets of fruit trees. Chairs are an integral and original part of Crimean nature.

The reserve also has a museum where you can not only view an exhibition telling about the flora and fauna of Crimea and the history of their protection, but also listen to a popular science lecture. It also hosts classes for schoolchildren and various competitions for them. From time to time, the reserve announces “open days” in order to better familiarize everyone with its work.

How to get there (get there)?

The headquarters of the reserve is located in the village of Sovetskoye. The most convenient way to get here is by taxi or car. This is what the route of the car from the center of Yalta looks like on the map:

Contacts and prices

  • Address: Dolosskoe highway, 2, Sovetskoe settlement, Yalta, Crimea, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 44.531342, 34.189075.
  • Official website: http://yglpz.umi.ru/
  • Phone: +7-3654-23-30-50.
  • Opening hours: from 8:00 to 17:00, Saturday and Sunday – days off.
  • Entrance fee: 100 rubles per person.

The Yalta Mountain Forest Nature Reserve is an important scientific and recreational center of Crimea. Tourists visiting it should try to understand the purpose of the object. Then they will perceive the beauty around them differently and will never turn into a danger to the environment! In conclusion, watch a video about it, enjoy watching!

Description and boundaries of the Yalta Nature Reserve

The Yalta Mountain Forest Nature Reserve was created in 1973. The main part of its significant territory of 14.5 thousand hectares is occupied by forests lying between the coast and the southern slopes of the Main Range of the Crimean Mountains. In the west, the reserve begins in the vicinity of Foros from Cape Chekhov and stretches along the Black Sea coast, sometimes reaching the coast between settlements (which, naturally, do not belong to its territory).

And the cable car station, and the weather station, and the market with restaurants are located within its boundaries; like the village of Okhotnichye, from which paths and roads diverge in all directions.

The Yalta-Bakhchisarai highway leaves the territory of the Yalta Nature Reserve immediately beyond the Ai-Petri pass. The highest mountains outside the plateau are Kaboplu (993 meters) in the east of the Yalta Nature Reserve, Nishan-Kaya (981 meters) and Chaka-Tysh (928 meters) near At-Bash, Mount Pendikul (869 meters), on which the Silver Gazebo is located and the extinct Pilyaki volcano (850 meters) near the exit of the Eski-Bogaz trail to Yayla.

Mount Ai-Petri as a nature reserve

The nearby Mogabin lakes are reservoirs, and access to them is closed for obvious reasons. That part of the Yalta Reserve, which is occupied by the plateau, is practically waterless, with the exception of the springs of the Besh-Tekne basin that flow on the very border with the Crimean Reserve.

Climate of the Yalta Nature Reserve

The climate of the forests below the plateau is relatively mild; only in the belt of beech forests is a drop in temperature clearly felt. The part of the reserve that includes Mount Ai-Petri is characterized by difficult meteorological conditions, especially in the cold season. Fogs and strong winds are frequent guests of the eastern part of Ai-Petrinskaya Yayla. The possibility of avalanches remains. There is usually much more snow than in the forests below.

Autumn in the Yalta Nature Reserve is mild and conducive to hiking. At this time, mushroom pickers become more active - that's what the forests of the reserve are rich in - mushrooms of any size. Local residents also harvest dogwood and rose hips.

Routes around the Yalta Nature Reserve

There are several popular tourist routes along the territory of the Yalta Nature Reserve, which take nature lovers to the mountains. Some roads are paved - such as the Old Sevastopol Highway and the roads connecting it with Oliva, Parkovy and Foros. In this convenient way you can quite comfortably get to or to the Shaitan-Merdven pass. But most of the routes are paths, in some places wide and gentle, in others inconspicuous and steep.

The Eski-Bogaz trail connects the village of Opolznevoye and the pass of the same name in the area of ​​the Besh-Tekne tourist camp. Its lower part passes through vineyards, mixed deciduous forest, past Mount Biyuk-Isar and beautiful lakes. The upper part runs through a beech forest. Read more about this route on our website. By the way, the route has many branches, allowing for maximum interesting things in these parts.

From Opolznevoy, just to the west, another trail goes into the mountains, narrower and with a more intense climb. It is called Kerezla, and it leads to the vicinity of Mount Morcheka. Along the trail you will find both deciduous and pine forests. There is also an article about this trail on the website.

Alupka also has its own access to the plateau. The old Jewish Trail, known to any tourist (the official name is the 49th tourist route), reaches the plateau approximately in the same place as Eski-Bogaz, and also has a wide network of branches in all directions. The largest can be considered the Eastern and Western Shanghai trails, leading to the yayla in the area of ​​Mount Dome, on which the military unit is located. Their name comes from the name of Mount Shaan-Kaya.

In the area of ​​Mount Chaka-Tysh, the picturesque Vorontsovskaya trail branches off from the Jewish one, which also takes the tourist to the Ai-Petrinskaya yayla. You can also get to the Jewish Trail from the Blue Bay. Read about this route on our website.

The Koreiz trail is the shortest route to Ai-Petri for those who decide to climb there on foot. The route running through a pine forest, the cleanest air and beautiful panoramas from observation platforms bring genuine joy to the climb. The trail starts from the highway in the Koreiz area, and the road to the Silver Gazebo, located on the Bakhchisaray highway, also starts there. This route leads to the plateau near the village of Okhotnichy.

Both routes are described in detail in the corresponding articles on the website. You can climb to the Silver Gazebo along a path through Mount Mogabi (805 meters). This outlier mountain was previously considered an extinct volcano. It is surrounded by a system of lakes and reservoirs that feed Yalta. The surrounding area and even the top of the mountain are completely covered by forest.

The Bakhchisarai highway leaves Yalta near the village of Vinogradnoye. One of the sharp turns is always crowded. and retail outlets. This excitement is caused by a local landmark - the Uchan-Su waterfall - the highest on the Crimean peninsula (98 meters).

Very popular trails among tourists also start here. Taraktashskaya leads along steep slopes through a pine forest to the beautiful Taraktash rocks, and then comes out to the yayla.

Shtangeevskaya goes north, where in the area of ​​Mount Stavri-Kaya it changes its name to Botkinskaya. Both of these routes are described in detail on our website.

From Mount Stavri-Kaya, which is famous for its observation deck topped with a cross, the road leads to the Stream Waterfall, and from there to the plateau. All three trails are extremely popular with tourists due to the stunning beauty of the area and accessibility.

Three more trails go from Yalta to the Yalta Plateau through the forests of the reserve, which are an order of magnitude steeper and more difficult than ecological paths such as the Botkin Trail. Stilya-Bogaz and Kizil-Kaya-Bogaz, however, are in no way inferior to the previous ones in the beauty of the opening panoramas. on our website.

They, like the Uzenbash trail, lead to an elevated (about 1400 meters) part of the Yalta Plateau. On the way to the plateau, the Uzenbash trail passes by the Iograph cave (named the same as the ridge along which the road goes), where there once was a Christian temple.

In the Yalta Nature Reserve:
View of western Yalta
from the Iograph ridge
View of eastern Yalta
from the Iograph ridge

View from Yalta Yaila
to the Iograph ridge

Uzenbash trail
on the Iograph ridge
Uzenbash trail before the exit
to the Yalta yayla

In the eastern enclave of the Yalta Nature Reserve, the most famous trail is the one that leads from Krasnokamenka to the Gurzuf saddle. Sometimes it is called Artekovskaya, but more often the route Krasnokamenka - Roman-Kosh. Its popularity is due to the fact that its end point is the highest mountain of Crimea and the harsh Babugan plateau. The route is long, but the result is worth the effort. You can also read about it on our website.


In January of this year, many of you supported the appeal “Stop the destruction of the Yalta Mountain Forest Nature Reserve!” – against the legalization of the illegal seizure of almost 1000 hectares of his land, which is being prepared in accordance with the “Project for changing the boundaries and expansion of the Yalta Mountain Forest Nature Reserve.” Over the past time, we have received answers to it, and with colleagues from other organizations we have sent requests that more accurately clarified the situation.

Now, based on the results of our correspondence, it can be argued that the situation around the Yalta Nature Reserve calls into question the future of the entire natural reserve fund of Ukraine. Indeed, despite the protests and demands of the public, the project, according to which part of the reserve’s lands will be allocated to private estates, is moving through the authorities and receiving all the necessary approvals. Now we can safely say that the deforestation of protected lands was planned at the highest level!

A cloud hung over Yalta back in 2011, when the President of Ukraine voiced the need to structurize and “expand” the reserve’s lands. This idea was picked up, and at the end of the year, with money from the budget of Ukraine, the Crimean Academy of Sciences developed a project to “expand” the territory of the reserve. And the mechanism started spinning...

Now the “expansion project” has received the name “project for changing the boundaries of the Yalta mountain-forest nature reserve”, and solves all the issues of the derivationists. Here you have the pipeline (the decision on which was blocked by the public back in 2010), and all the illegal allocations of land in the reserve (precisely illegal - after all, since Soviet times, not a single piece of land has been officially transferred to anyone, and about 1000 more hectares of reserved lands are whose owners will quickly be found.

The most interesting thing in this situation is that our rulers do not show any documents to the people - neither the CAS report, nor the project itself for changing the boundaries of the territory. The documentation that should be put up for public discussion is classified for a reason. After all, it is practically impossible to justify the need to carry out any work at the expense of the reserve’s lands.

But let's return to our appeal. According to the response of the Ministry of Economy and Resources, the project to “change borders” was agreed upon and sent for consideration by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Presidential Administration and the Cabinet of Ministers simply ignored the appeal, and the Crimean Prosecutor’s Office cannot deal with the illegal allocation of land.

In the hope of rectifying the situation, and taking into account the responses received, we turned to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Environmental Policy, Irina Sekh - since the project documentation has not been made available for public access, and the issues about existing illegal seizures of the reserve’s lands have not been resolved, at the moment we consider it necessary to any withdrawal of land from the Yalta Nature Reserve will be subject to a moratorium.

In general, if the Yalta Nature Reserve still has a chance, it will only be if there is a massive public campaign in its defense.

We hope that the information received by us and Lviv EcoPrav (Ecology. Law. Man) will be useful for her.
1. Response from the Republican Committee on Land Resources of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

2. Response from the Ministry of Energy and Resources.

3. Response from the Republican Committee of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea for Environmental Protection.

4. Response of the Republican Committee of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on forestry and hunting issues.

5. Response from the Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

6. A very informative answer received by colleagues from the IBO "Ecology. Law. Man".


Oleg Vyatkin, ECG "Pechenegs": tel. 0951396278, troll_ecoukr.net
Prepared by the ECG "Pechenegs", a member of the International Social-Ecological Union.

Our news

The Supreme Court, as part of the panel of the Criminal Court of Cassation, in a decision dated March 5, 2020 in case No. 666/5448/15-k, declared protocols on the results of covert investigative (search) actions and video recordings thereof as inadmissible evidence due to the fact that in this case, actually there is an interrogation of a person, not an invasion of privacy.

The reserve in Yalta is an interesting living museum of nature. The area of ​​almost 15 thousand hectares was once home to local forestry. However, the natural collection of Crimean flora and fauna here turned out to be so rich that in 1973 it was decided to stop any use of this place for economic purposes and assign it the status of a protected area. Since then, employees of the reserve have been actively working to preserve and enhance natural wealth. The Yalta Nature Reserve is protected by the state as a particularly significant object.

The mountain forest reserve is located between Gurzuf and Foros. On the one hand, its space is limited by the sea, on the other - by the Crimean peaks. The highest point of the reserve is Mount Roca, almost one and a half thousand meters above sea level.

The collection of flora preserved here is of greatest value. In the reserve you can find most of the plants that are characteristic of the Crimean Mountains as a whole. A considerable proportion of these representatives of the plant world are on the verge of extinction and are listed in the Red Book.

The forest component of the reserve occupies two-thirds of the entire space, and is divided into several main zones. The lower level, closer to the coast, is oak with occasional patches of juniper and pistachio trees. Above it are pines, hornbeams and ash. The upper “floor”, at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level, was occupied by pine and beech trees.

On the yailas (flat, treeless spaces that are traditionally used by mountain residents as summer pastures) lush herbs grow here - carnation, bindweed, rockweed, chin, peony and many other steppe and meadow grasses.

After plants, the most numerous inhabitants of the reserve can safely be called birds. Thrushes, goldfinches, buntings, peregrine falcons, siskins, blue tits, jays - more than 150 species in total.

Compared to the diversity of plants and birds, the fauna collection here is almost modest - only 37 species. Mammals, for example, are represented by roe deer, mouflon, red deer, foxes, badgers, and weasels. However, most of them belong to the so-called “Crimean subspecies” and have their own characteristics, characteristic only of representatives of this region.

Occasionally reptiles and amphibians are found here: geckos, lizards, newts, tree frogs and toads.

In addition to scientific research and nature conservation activities, the reserve is engaged in active educational and educational work. For this purpose, a museum has been created on the territory of the reserve, and special routes have been developed that help visitors to the reserve get to know the nature of Crimea better and become imbued with the idea of ​​a careful, environmentally friendly lifestyle.

What to see

Most of the Yalta Nature Reserve is accessible to the public. However, movement within it is limited - you can only move along specially permitted routes.

The main administration building is located Museum of Nature reserve. The results of many years of scientific and practical work of the entire team working here flow here. Scientific materials, herbariums, zoological information and collections revealing the features of the flora and fauna of the Crimean Peninsula.

The exact address of the museum: Sovetskoye village, Dolosskoe highway, building 2.

Be sure to take a ride on cable car "Miskhor-Ai-Petri". This is one of the most popular walks both among local residents and tourists who come to Crimea. The road has three stations: the lower one is “Miskhor”, the middle one is “Sosnovy Bor” and the upper one is “Ai-Petri” (1152 meters above sea level). It is breathtakingly beautiful along the road and incredibly interesting at the observation decks.

You can climb Ai-Petri peak and in other ways. You can get there on foot or go on horseback, booking a horseback ride with a guide. From here a stunning panorama of Crimea opens.

The easiest, shortest and safest way to the top is Miskhor (Koreiz) trail.

In the summer heat it will be a special pleasure to go down to Trekhglazka cave. The entrance there consists of three gaps or “eyes”, which is where the cave got its name. 22 meters down the stairs and you find yourself in the epicenter of the coolness. It never gets warmer than +1 degree here, so be sure to take warm clothes with you. The middle of the cave is always occupied by a huge block of ice and frozen ice splashes, illuminated from above by rays from the hole.

You can get to the cave along a path starting near the upper cable car station. Follow the signs.

On Ai-Petri you can see the highest waterfall Crimea - Wuchang-Su. Powerful streams of water rush down from an almost hundred-meter height. It looks especially impressive in the spring, after the mountain snows have melted. In summer the waterfall almost dries up.

There are dozens more interesting routes and objects in the reserve, from which we can separately highlight Uch-Kosh gorge, Devil's stairs , "Ecological ring" and many others.

Visiting some sites is only possible with special permission or with a tour group.

Shtangeevskaya trail of the Yalta Nature Reserve - Google Maps panorama

Prices in the Yalta Nature Reserve 2020

Residents of Yalta have the right to discounted visits to the reserve. To do this you need to get an annual pass. It will cost 200 rubles.

All other visitors are charged for individual visits. For example, climbing to the top of Ai-Petri costs 100 rubles, visiting the Uchan-Su waterfall costs 50 rubles. There is a fee for visiting the Yalta, Geodesicheskaya, Trekhglazka caves and some hiking trails - Botkinskaya, Shtangeevskaya and others.

How to get to the Yalta Mountain Forest Reserve

The territory of the reserve extends 53 kilometers from Foros to Nikitskaya Yayla. The nearest settlements are: Alupka, Yalta, Gurzuf.

You can get to the Yalta Mountain Forest Nature Reserve either by car or by public transport. When traveling by car in winter, you need all-wheel drive vehicles, because the reserve's roads are replete with serpentines. In snowfall, you will also need chains for the wheels.

Bus routes No. and operate from the Yalta bus station towards Mount Ai-Petri. You need to get off at the “Lower Ropeway Station” stop. The easiest way for tourists to find themselves on the hiking trails of the reserve is by taking the cable car from Miskhor.

Yalta Nature Reserve in June (video)

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