The Japanese barely survived the adventure at sea and on a desert island. And all because of an attempt to take a beautiful photo. Hit movie: Three beauties, Tom Hanks and Diana's secret love Meanwhile

The first December frosts have arrived. Meanwhile, it's going to be hot at the cinema this week. The hot comedy “Luck Island” is hitting the big screens today. It was filmed in Thailand. So, if you are not flying to warm countries, there is an opportunity to plunge into the beach atmosphere. It is also heartwarming that the main roles of three fiery beauties in the film were played by the charming Anna Khilkevich, sexy Agniya Ditkovskite and charming Svetlana Khodchenkova.

It's already winter outside. And if you are not flying to warm countries, I suggest you forget about the frost in the movies. It's going to be hot here this week. An incendiary comedy is hitting the big screens today."Island of luck".

The plot is unexpected for Russian cinema.The viewer is in for the exciting adventures of three beauties and one guy who find themselves on a desert island after a liner crash. The girls according to the script are finalists of a beauty contest. And their fellow sufferer is the host of the show. It is he who comes up with a legend for the alarmists that the last round of the competition is taking place on the island. The beauties believe in the story and willingly enter into the fight for the crown. Meanwhile, their "island boss" is trying to save everyone. In fact, I think the film is every man's dream.The film was filmed in Thailand. We spent a little, a lot of $2 million on the film. An experienced Comedy Club resident, Roman YunUsov, was hired as the presenter. The long-legged girls in the film are perfect.

The charming blonde Yulia was played by the sweet Anna Khilkevich, the bitch Dasha was played by the sexy Agniya Ditkovskite, and the fiery Lenochka was played by the incomparable Svetlana Khodchenkova. So the comedy promises to be hot.

If "Luck Island" is a pure director's fiction, then the drama "Captain Phillips" was filmed exclusively based on real events. A few years ago, a cargo ship in Kenya was hijacked by Somali pirates. Finding himself hostage, Captain Phillips convinces the terrorists to release his team. The brave navigator is left to suffer alone.

The outcome of the story coincided with Hollywood film plans. The daredevil and the cargo were released by force by the American government. The captain was played by Tom Hanks. He has already won an Oscar twice. The new role can undoubtedly bring him another film award. The actor has extensive experience in serious survival films. So, you can be sure that the picture turned out to be plausible.

It is much more difficult to believe in a film supposedly based on real events, “Diana: A Love Story.” The British chose a delicate topic for the film. The secret relationship between Prince Charles's first wife and her Pakistani surgeon Hasnat Khan was revealed. According to the script, he became the love of the life of an influential British princess.

The love affair flares up after Diana breaks up with the prince. Her new lover turns out to be unprepared for fame. The main role was played by Naomi Watts. In the media, critics say that the actress lacked Diana’s aristocracy. At the same time, the actress has been nominated for an Oscar more than once, and she is not only a philanthropist in the film. Naomi is a goodwill ambassador in real life too. There is a lot to learn from such examples from cinema and life.

So don't waste your time on good films. Meet me at the cinema.

Arina Sharkova, Andrey Zhukhevich, Dmitry Khrykin.

It so happened that one modern girl went on a cruise. But her ship crashed, and of all those present on it, only she was saved. The girl woke up on a desert island, and for 6 whole days she ate exclusively fallen coconuts. And so, when the coconuts were already running out, and the hope of being saved and not dying of hunger had almost disappeared, a boat appeared on the waves. The girl screamed, waved her arms - and the owner of the boat noticed her. He turned out to be an incredibly handsome guy - tall, athletic, with tanned skin, snow-white teeth and a very pleasant voice. - How did you get here? - he asked, pulling the boat onto the sand. - My ship crashed! – the girl burst into tears. “And it seems like I’m the only one who survived.” Where are you from here? - A similar story. Only I was flying in my own light plane. - But you're on a boat! – the girl exclaimed. -Where did you get it? - What do you mean you took it? – the guy was surprised. - I made it. It's quite simple. At least for a man. -Where did you live? I've been here for 6 days now, and I've only been to the far end of the island. “That’s where I live,” the guy answered. – And I’ve been here for 6 months already. – Maybe we can sail to me? - Certainly! – the girl agreed. And when they rounded the island, she was amazed again. From the place where they moored, a path of multi-colored stones neatly fitted one to another led upward. And on the hill there was built a spacious hut - with several rooms, wicker furniture, windows with grass curtains and even a real bath with running water from two sources - cold and hot. In the bathroom there was a fragrant paste and original sharpened shells, with which the girl was able to cleanly and painlessly shave her legs, armpits and even private parts. And then they sat down to dinner - lobsters baked over a fire, shrimp in sweet and sour sauce, some meat, breadfruit, seasonings and even delicious wine (the guy said he made it from local fruits). She got a little drunk, lay down on the bed, and the guy showered her with petals of strange flowers and sat down next to her. - Did you really do all this yourself? – she was amazed. - Well, of course! – he answered with a smile. And you won’t be bored - and I will always be there until someone comes or flies for us. And, of course, you will have everything you want here. And I can fulfill any of your wishes. - Any-any? – she asked again. - Well, of course! And you probably already have a cherished desire? After all, you were here all alone for 6 whole days! - And can you fulfill it? – she cooed. - I promise! – he solemnly swore. She jumped up. She threw herself on his neck. Then she moved away and exclaimed: “Then you are the best man in the world!” Quickly show me where your computer, smartphone and Wi-Fi are! My girlfriends will die of envy after seeing my selfies on this island!!!

A half-hour ferry ride turned into a day and a half survival quest for a Japanese businessman. He had to swim to the nearest land - an uninhabited island, where he found himself completely alone, exhausted and without access to drinking water. When the man was finally noticed, getting him off the island was also not easy. It all started with a few glasses of alcohol and admiration for the beautiful evening views.

28-passenger vessel used as a ferry. Hisateru Soejima fell into the water from this

Businessman Hisateru Soejima from Fukuoka Prefecture wanted to cross the bay in the Sea of ​​Japan on a ferry that went from the city of Hakata to Shikanoshima. This trip takes about half an hour, which is much faster than if you go around the bay around the perimeter. But on August 27, this trip ended for the man in a completely different way than he expected, writes SoraNews24. Soejima went out onto the deck of the ferry to photograph the shores of the bay at dusk. But that evening he drank too much and, while trying to take a photo, accidentally fell overboard.

No one noticed that the businessman had fallen into the water and did not come to his aid. But, oddly enough, despite the alcohol in his blood and such a sudden fall, Soejima did not go to the bottom. He was able to keep his head above the water and swam - it was the only thing he could do. The man saw the light of a lighthouse in the distance and headed towards it. Eventually he reached Hashima Island and climbed out of the water onto the shore. But there was no one else on the island except him, because it was uninhabited.

Hashima Island

The lighthouse that Soejima saw from the bay is autonomous, and in the evening it shone without the participation of people. Apart from the lighthouse, there are only rocks and a small area of ​​forest on Hashim. But there is no source of drinking water at all. However, Soejima was in no hurry to look for him: at 53 years old, swimming from the crash site to the island became a difficult ordeal. The whole next day he just lay on the shore, trying to come to his senses. Meanwhile, they didn’t even start looking for him: although there were only 28 passengers on board the ferry, no one paid attention to the disappearance of one of them. And this is in Japan, where it is customary.

Fortunately, on the morning of August 29, Soejima saw a fishing boat passing by the island. He began waving his arms and was able to attract the attention of her owners. But the boat could not get close enough to the island because of the shallow waters. Then one of the fishermen swam to Soejima and treated him to a sports drink. The fisherman could not take him with him: the businessman was too tired. But he was able to call the coast guard, and soon a smaller and lighter boat was sent for Soejima. The man was finally pulled from the island. When the doctors were sure that everything was fine with him, he was able to safely go home.

The French Coast Guard Agency (Conservatoire du Littoral) has announced a search for volunteers willing to settle on the tiny island of Quemenes off the coast of Brittany.

The family, who have lived there for 10 years, decided it was time to move to the mainland, and now authorities are looking for volunteers to take their place. Kemenes is a picturesque island one and a half kilometers long. It is covered with sand, rocks and grass. Seals, seabirds, rabbits and a herd of black dwarf sheep live there, writes

The island was inhabited for at least a thousand years, but 25 years ago the last inhabitants of Quemenes decided to leave. The Conservatoire du Littoral immediately bought this island. But instead of creating a nature reserve there, the owners decided that the remaining farm on the island should continue to operate. They began looking for volunteers who were willing to settle there and take care of the housekeeping. In 2007, David and Soisic Cuisnier got an unusually romantic job: living alone on an island and looking after him.

Over the course of 10 years, two children were born into the Cuisnier family. Now the family is ready to leave the island for the mainland so that the kids can live closer to school.

If David and Suazik are to be believed, something amazing is in store for the new residents.

Moving here was an act of unparalleled recklessness. But it turned out to be an amazing adventure. The farm has become a real successful business. Our children grew up. It’s unforgettable,” says David.

The main condition of the contract with the Conservatoire du Littoral was that the family must earn its own living. The Cuisniers expanded their farm, began growing Mona Lisa potatoes and selling them online, sending parcels from a neighboring inhabited island. They also raised sheep, collected edible seaweed, and hosted tourists.

Electricity on the island comes only from a windmill and solar panels. Water is only available from a well, which is replenished after rains. A dry toilet is installed in the house, but instead of water, the waste ends up in a layer of sawdust, which then needs to be cleaned.

We have demonstrated that it is possible to lead a normal, modern lifestyle using only the gifts of nature. We have all the gadgets we need, even an electric buggy that we use to drive around the island,” says David Cuisnier.

Over the course of 10 years, many adventures happened to the residents of Kemenes. Once they found four skeletons on the shore, which turned out to be the remains of sailors. One day, a balloon flew to the island with a letter from a couple from Dublin whose child had died of a congenital disease. Cuisniers wrote to them, and the two families still keep in touch. And in 2014, David had to return home in a 10-point storm. At sea, he was hit by “salt fog” - a cloud of salt squeezed out of sea water by the force of the wind. One day the rabbits ate the entire potato crop. But suddenly an epidemic of myxomatosis began on the island. Of the two thousand pets, only about a hundred remained.

We live in the modern world. From our farm we can see the mainland and other islands where people live. We have the Internet, guests come to us all the time. We were never lonely! - says David.

The deadline for applications from applicants wishing to settle on the island instead of Cuisnier has already passed. Now the authorities are choosing from 20 candidates. The winner of the competition will be announced in the next few weeks and it is promised that the lucky ones will move into the island in early 2018.

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