Yuri Vasilievich Shatunov biography. Yuri Shatunov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Yura Shatunov affectionate May biography

Are you a real fan? Happy May"? Then you should definitely know as much as possible about the life of your favorite performer. The biography of Yuri Shatunov will help you understand the musician’s work, understand the feelings embedded in the lyrics and music.

early years

The singer was born in 1973, on September 6. In childhood and youth, Yura Shatunov faced bitter disappointments. After the birth of his son, his own father, Vasily Dmitrievich Klimenko, did not have any paternal feelings: the boy was completely uninteresting to him. Therefore, from childhood, the mother, Vera Gavrilovna Shatunova, dealt with all the difficulties associated with raising a child. Unfortunately, she passed away in 1984.

Left an orphan, little Yura at first lived with his own aunt, but even here he was not very welcome. So at the age of 11 the boy found himself in orphanage, having stayed there for some time, was transferred to Orenburg boarding school No. 2. This is where his creative life begins.

The biography of Yuri Shatunov was decorated with new events. In 1986, he met Sergei Kuznetsov, the head of a music group. Together they recorded the first few songs on the tape recorder available in the cultural center. This is how the first cast of “Tender May” appeared. We have not yet said a single word about the other two participants - bass guitarist Vyacheslav Ponomarev and Sergei Serkov (he was responsible for the light and music).

Biography of Yuri Shatunov: the beginning of his career

In 1988, the manager of the Moscow Record studio, Andrei Razin, accidentally heard the song “White Roses” and decided to find the boy performer at all costs. He, as we already know, turned out to be Yuri Shatunov. After some time, Razin arrived at the Orenburg boarding school, but the soloist was not there - he ran away. When Yura was found, he and the other group members went to Moscow, where a new group, “Tender May,” appeared.

It existed for a relatively short time. In 1992, Shatunov left the team, which marked the beginning of the collapse of Tender May. Razin's attempts to recreate the group with Yuri Barabash did not yield any results. So “Tender May” completely disintegrated.

Solo career

The biography of Yuri Shatunov is full of secrets and mysteries. Let's understand further. After leaving his previous team, the singer tried to start solo career. But, as it turned out, the 90s were not the most favorable time for this. However, in 1992 the album appeared young singer entitled “So May is over...”. In the same year, Yura received an invitation from Alla Pugacheva. At the "Christmas Meetings" some compositions from this album were presented. After the performance, fate prepares a new period of trials for the artist.

Refusing further cooperation with Pugacheva, Yura decides to work independently. However, he ends up in the hospital for 2 months with acute gastritis, and his producer A. Kudryashov also ended up there.

The biography of Yuri Shatunov is unlikely to seem boring. Another terrible event occurs in his life: in 1993, he witnessed the murder of his old friend, Mikhail Sukhomlinov. Six months later, the artist’s second solo album, “Do You Remember,” appeared, however, it did not bring huge success, especially financial. The presentation of this record even gave rise to rumors that Shatunov was gradually beginning to lose his popularity. The situation did not change after the appearance of a remix album called “Artificial Respiration.”

The difficulties in my career do not stop there. In 1999, one very unpleasant circumstance became clear: the musical material, on which the artist spent a lot of time, was being published illegally in Germany. This led to long trials, which took place in Munich. In this regard, Yuri Shatunov had to spend a lot of time in Germany, and soon he even became a citizen of this state. In 2001, a new album entitled “Remember May” appeared. Remember the song “Forget”? But it was she who became the main hit of the record. After this, Russian fans for a long time haven't heard anything about the artist.

The singer's return

The biography of Yuri Shatunov, known to many, continues with the events of 2009. At this time, he goes on tour to many cities in Russia. What prompted him to make this decision was Feature Film“Tender May,” which tells in detail about the fate of the legendary group.

In 2010, the artist was invited to film the comedy series “Happy Together,” after which the public heard new compositions. Several new tracks appeared in 2011. A year later, the singer recorded the album “I Believe.”

Biography of Yuri Shatunov: family

In 2007, in Germany, the artist married a girl whom he had previously dated for 7 years. Yuri Shatunov’s wife, Svetlana, whose biography is practically unknown, gave birth to his son Denis in 2006, and in 2013 - daughter Estela. The boy's baptism took place in the city of Sochi, and Andrei Razin became his godfather. Today, Shatunov and his family live in Germany.

The peak of popularity of the group “Tender May” occurred in the early 90s, but their best songs are still listened to today. The main reason for such popularity is the soloist Yuri Shatunov.

Even modern critics say that Shatunov did not have an amazing voice, but with his energy he charged listeners and filled stadiums. How does the idol of millions, who turns 45 on September 6, live now?

Yuri Shatunov cannot be called a poor artist, which is not surprising if we take into account his wild popularity earlier and his fairly successful solo career now.

According to Andrei Razin, a longtime friend and producer of “Tender May,” Shatunov has an apartment in Moscow, donated by Yuri Luzhkov, but the singer comes to Russia infrequently - only for rare concerts or even rarer tours. Although the cost of one performance is impressive - at least 15 thousand euros.

Yuri most currently lives in Germany with his wife Svetlana, they are raising a son, Dennis, and a daughter, Estella. The family lives in the suburbs of Munich - the artist bought a spacious house there a long time ago.

The singer met his future wife in Germany, where the girl lived most of her life. When we met, Yuri was struck by the fact that Svetlana did not know about the group “Tender May,” although their songs were popular in Germany at that time.

German neighbors speak of Shatunov as a modest and very family man. They say that he can look after the children himself and run the household at the same time, even without the help of his wife.

"I am very home person and it’s impossible to get me out somewhere. Friends invite me to visit, but I often refuse. For me, the best way to spend time is at home in family circle», - says Yuri himself.

At one time, the singer complained that everyone was making money from the work of “Tender May” except him. As a result, he even filed a lawsuit against former producer group of Andrei Razin. He voluntarily admitted guilt and paid Shatunov about 10 million dollars.

Later the situation became clearer. According to Razin himself, he is glad that Yuri Shatunov filed a lawsuit against him.

“Initially, I planned for the money to stay in the bank, and Yura to receive 3% for 50 years. But he moved to Germany and needed the money all at once. The bank refused to terminate the contract, so I myself suggested that Yura sue me, calling the bank as a co-defendant. I successfully lost and the bank paid out the money.”

Therefore, the talk about the quarrel between Yuri Shatunov and Andrei Razin, which previously circulated in the press, is fiction. In fact, these two get along great. And after winning the lawsuit, Yuri even invited Razin to be his son’s godfather. The producer agreed.

Today, Yuri Shatunov only occasionally releases new songs and gives private concerts. I would like to congratulate him on his birthday and wish him further creative success, and also express gratitude for those.

Yuriy Shatunov. The name of this singer immediately brings to mind the melody of the song “White Roses”. His life resembles the story of Cinderella. Early death mothers, boarding school, fame - these are the main stages creative path popular performer. It has been popular for 25 years now. He is known throughout the vastness of Russia and beyond its borders. Both women who have long since passed the age of forty are interested in his work, and young girls who recently turned 13 years old.

Yuri Shatunov now lives in two countries, combining creativity and family life.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yuri Shatunov

IN last years Yuri Shatunov’s popularity is gaining momentum again, so yesterday’s girls, who went crazy over the young boy in a denim suit and sneakers, striking with his sweet voice, are looking for information about the singer, who was very popular in the difficult 90s. They are also interested in the question: “height, weight, age, how old is Yuri Shatunov.” The answers to it are very contradictory.

IN in social networks his height varies from 169 to 178 cm, and the artist himself assures that his height is 173 cm and his weight is 73 kg. No one knows whether these data are true, since Yuri Shatunov was never officially measured or weighed. And on social networks you can post any parameters you like.

Only one thing is officially known – the singer’s age. This year popular singer and the favorite of yesterday's girls will turn 44 years old.

Biography of Yuri Shatunov

He was born on September 6, 1973 in one of the small settlements of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The father left the family immediately after Yura was born. Mom tried to improve her personal life by getting married a second time. The new husband drank, so Yura often ran away from home, he went to his grandmother. Yuri Shatunov does not like to remember his childhood, saying that it ended early. At the age of 11, his mother became seriously ill; his grandmother had died by this time, so she had to send Yura to a boarding school. A few months later, his mother died, and Yura was taken in by his aunt. But the boy could not get used to the new living conditions and constantly ran away from home, so his relatives sent him to the Akbulak orphanage in the Orenburg region, from where he again ran away more than once.

Creative biography Yuri Shatunov's life begins from the moment he entered the Orenburg boarding school in 1986. Sergei Kuznetsov, Vyacheslav Ponomarev, Sergei Serkov become his friends, with whom he organizes a group. The young musicians recorded their first songs, according to their recollections, on a tape recorder. Soon young boys and girls of Orenburg began to listen to their songs. Andrei Razin, who helped the Orenburg orphanage, heard the song “White Roses” and decided to take the performer who amazed him with his ringing voice in new group, which he called " Tender May».

Together with Yuri Shatunov, the group recorded their first album, Gray Night. The group becomes so popular that they give 7-8 concerts a day. After 3 years of extreme popularity, conflicts began to arise between members of the group, so in 1991 the group fell apart.

After this, Yura Shatunov was not heard from for a long time. It turned out that in the harsh 90s he moved to study in Germany, where he still lives. In 2000, the singer released a disc on which the most popular melodies were recorded past years. The disc was sold out in just a few days.

Only since 2009, Yuri Shatunov began to come to Russia and give solo concerts, which attract admirers of his work. He also records new melodies, but the compositions “Gray Night”, “Childhood”, “Tender May”, “White Roses”, which were performed for the first time as part of the group, are popular. These compositions in mandatory are performed at the singer’s concerts, causing delight from the public.

Personal life of Yuri Shatunov

The personal life of Yuri Shatunov is the subject of constant rumors in the press. But since the beginning of the 90s, this information was constantly refuted by the singer. For example, he was credited with having affairs with such popular artists as Alsou, Tatyana Ovsienko, Lada Dance, Tatyana Bulanova. But Yuri Shatunov refutes this relationship, saying that he admires their creativity. He has been friends with some singers since he was 90, but that’s all. According to rumors, they tried to marry the singer several times, but he stubbornly answered that he had not met his beloved.

Yuri Shatunov hides his personal life, although many people want to know about it. It is known that now the popular singer-performer is happy in his personal life, he is married, has two children, about whom he does not want to talk almost anything.

Family of Yuri Shatunov

The life of Yuri Shatunov seems fabulous. About strong and happy family The singer has dreamed of this since childhood. He is a popular performer; his concert performances are always sold out. Yuri Shatunov’s family, as he admitted, for some time consisted of friends, members of the “Tender May” group. He began to consider the stage his real home.

But it turned out that this was a hoax. The producers deceived the young singer. The performer’s mark became the definition – “A boy from orphanage" He was considered an abandoned teenager, no matter where he went and no matter what business he did.

After the singer left the group, he continued to tour extensively. And his dreams of a family never left him for a minute. His dreams came true after he met his girlfriend Svetlana. She became his wife and gave him two children, so the family life of singer Yuri Shatunov is now also happy.

Children of Yuri Shatunov

The children of Yuri Shatunov were born and live in Germany. The singer is very happy that he has them.

When Yuri Shatunov comes to the country, he helps children from orphanages and children left without parental care. The singer believes that his fate has changed thanks to good people, including Andrei Razin, to whom Yuri is immensely grateful. The singer even after some time made peace with Razin, with whom he had been in a quarrel. Yuri Shatunov even invited him to become the godson of his beloved son Dennis.

Yuri Shatunov helps children selflessly. His financial aid is not temporary. He sends gifts to the Orenburg boarding school for New Year. Recently, while performing in Orenburg, the popular performer visited a boarding school, which became his temporary refuge for some time. He visited his teachers, thanking them for their attention and understanding.

Son of Yuri Shatunov - Dennis Shatunov

The son of Yuri Shatunov, Dennis Shatunov, was born in early September 2006. His birth occurred just before the singer’s birthday. Doctors predicted that he would be born prematurely, in July. But contrary to doctors' predictions, the boy was born on time.

Yuri named his son Dennis in the European manner. They decided to baptize the child in a Sochi monastery. Andrei Razin and Svetlana’s sister, Yuri Shatunov’s wife, Irina, became the child’s godparents.

Now Dennis is studying at school, making good progress in his studies, playing sports and singing. His interests include computer games and cycling.

The boy does not come to Russia, living in Germany. With this, the singer is trying to protect Dennis and his sister from the intrusiveness of journalists.

Daughter of Yuri Shatunov - Estella Shatunova

The daughter of Yuri Shatunov, Estella Shatunova, was born in 2013. The singer calls his daughter exclusively a princess in an interview. The girl became a long-awaited girl. During the period of childbirth, Yuri was next to his wife, supporting her morally. He held her hand.

Yuri Shatunov says that his daughter is very similar to his wife. She loves to play with her mother and grandmother, who helps her daughter raise her grandchildren during Yuri's absence. Her cry is like a song, it is melodic and demanding. The girl inherited her character from her dad; she is persistent and demanding in her desires.

The daughter was named by the singer and his wife Estella, which means “star” in Latin. Yuri loves his daughter very much and believes that the future awaits her great life.

Yuri Shatunov's wife - Svetlana Shatunova

Yuri met his future wife in a restaurant. He invited the girl to his concert, but, as it turned out, she had absolutely not heard of him and was not interested in his work. The relationship of young people lasted almost 6 years. Svetlana became pregnant, which made the future dad incredibly happy. After the birth of her son, the girl agreed to become Yuri’s wife. The wedding took place in 2007. After some time, the couple had a daughter, Estella.

Yuri Shatunov’s wife, Svetlana Shatunova, now works as a very successful lawyer, that’s all free time focusing on raising children. She has never been to her husband's concerts.

Yuri Shatunov does not give Svetlana bouquets of flowers because she does not like them. She considers the best gift to be the infrequent visits of her husband, who tours around Russia.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yuri Shatunov

There is a page on Instagram and Wikipedia for Yuri Shatunov, but the information here is not updated often. Here you can see only a few photographs, and even those were taken during the period of popularity of the group “Tender May”. On the Instagram page you can read general information which is known to everyone. Songs that are business card singer

Subscribed to the page a large number of admirers of his talent, who declare their love for their idol, wishing him success in creative activity. Yuri Shatunov does not visit his page very often, as he is very busy with the work process. The singer apologizes that he cannot answer everyone. He says that he wishes everyone happiness, and will delight the public for many years to come.

September 6, 1973 Yuri Vasilievich Shatunov was born in the village of PyatkI in an ambulance on the way to the maternity hospital in the city of Kumertau (Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). Parents: mother - Shatunova Vera Gavrilovna (date of birth 01/28/1955 - date of death 07/11/1984), father - (according to the mother) Shatunov Vasily Vladimirovich.


Yura spent the first years of his life, up to 4 years old, and was raised by his grandmother Ekaterina Ivanovna Shatunova (date of birth 12/05/1924 - date of death 11/26/2002) and grandfather Gavril Egorovich Shatunov (date of birth 06/04/1923 - date of death 01/20/1976) in the village of PyatkI (suburb of Kumertau).


In 1977— Yuri and his mother move to the village of Savelyevka.



Summer 1982- first public speaking young Yuri Shatunov - at a wedding in the village of Savelyevka he sings to the accordion.


September 1, 1984- Yuri Shatunov’s mother, due to the worsening illness, transfers Yuri to boarding school No. 2 in the city of Kumertau.

November 7, 1984— in the regional hospital of the city of Kumertau, Yuri Shatunov’s mother dies during an examination before heart surgery.

November 9, 1984— Vera Gavrilovna Shatunova was buried in the cemetery in the village of Savelyevka.

From November 1984 to October 1985, Yura Shatunov goes on the run and begins to wander around Bashkiria and the Orenburg region.


November 1985- in the city of Orenburg in the regional DISTRICT a commission was held where it was decided further fate study and residence of Yuri Shatunov. Here Yura was seen by Valentina Nikolaevna Tazikenova, the director of the orphanage in the city of Akbulak (Orenburg region). She decides to take the boy with her and registers him in an orphanage in the city of Akbulak.

Upon arrival at the orphanage, Yura meets Akan Tagaevich Biksitov, the hockey coach at the orphanage. Shatunov is interested in hockey and begins to actively participate in the section. He is taken to play in the main team as a left winger.


October 4, 1986— Valentina Nikolaevna Tazikenova is transferred to boarding school No. 2, Orenburg, and appointed director.

November 10, 1986— Shatunov escapes from the Akbulak orphanage to boarding school No. 2 in the city of Orenburg to Valentina Nikolaevna Tazikenova.

At the boarding school, he meets Sergei Borisovich Kuznetsov, the leader of an amateur art group. Yura begins to study vocals with him and makes the first test recordings of Sergei Kuznetsov's songs.

December 6, 1986— Shatunov and Kuznetsov decide on the name of the group “Tender May” based on a line from the song “Summer”.

December 30, 1986— Yuri Shatunov’s first performance took place in assembly hall boarding school No. 2. Yura sang Sergei Kuznetsov’s songs “Evening cold winter”, “Let there be night”, “I am frank”, “Summer”, “Well, what are you doing”, “Melting snow”.


During 1987, all the main future ones were recorded - “White Roses”, “Grey Night”, etc.


February 18, 1988— Sergey Borisovich Kuznetsov sells a recording of Yuri Shatunov’s first album for 30 rubles at a recording kiosk located on train station city ​​of Orenburg.

September 3, 1988— Shatunov finds out that Sergei Kuznetsov is going to leave for Moscow. He decides to go with him. Late in the evening, Shatunov runs away from the boarding school and, together with Kuznetsov, takes a train to Moscow.

September 5, 1988– Yuri Shatunov arrives in Moscow at the Kazansky railway station, where he meets Andrei Razin, who meets him. From the station they go to the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR to the reception room of the deputy minister, who is urgently deciding the issue of transferring Shatunov to boarding school No. 24 in Moscow.

September 6, 1988— we met and started working with Arkady Vladimirovich Kudryashov.

September 10, 1988— Yuri Shatunov begins re-recording his first album “White Roses” at the Record studio in Moscow.

September 20, 1988- the beginning of a large tour of Yuri Shatunov as part of the group “Tender May” in the cities of the USSR.

October 1988- release of the updated album “”, recorded in Moscow.

November 18, 1988- the first major publication about Yuri Shatunov and the group “Tender May” in the newspaper “ TVNZ“,” the article was called “Yurka’s tour.”


January 8, 1989— the video “White Roses” was shown on central television in the “Morning Mail” program.

March 1989— Sergey Kuznetsov leaves the “Tender May” group, and with his departure the group ceases to exist in its original composition.

April 1989— creation of the studio “Tender May” under the leadership of Andrei Razin.

Spring 1989- release of Yuri Shatunov's new album - "".


May 1, 1990- in Vladimirsky Cathedral city ​​of Kyiv took place baptism of Yuri Shatunov. Godfather became Arkady Kudryashov.

June 19, 1990— Yuri Shatunov graduated from secondary boarding school No. 24 in Moscow and received a certificate.


June 1991– the group went on a large tour of US cities.

October 1991— Shatunov leaves the “Tender May” studio and begins a solo career with Arkady Kudryashov.


December 1992— Yuri Shatunov takes part in Alla Pugacheva’s “Christmas Meetings” with the song “Starry Night”.


September 29, 1993- Yuri Shatunov was shot at the entrance best friend for the group “Tender May” Mikhail Sukhomlinov (keyboardist).


September 1994- presentation of the new album "".


Autumn 1996— Yuri Shatunov begins a big tour of German cities.


In 1997— in Germany, Yuri Shatunov begins to study to become a sound engineer.


December 1999— New Year - New Millennium celebration at the resorts of Thailand.

year 2000

December 2000— Yuri Shatunov meets his future wife, Svetlana Georgievna Shatunova, in Germany.

year 2001

August 2006— Yuri Shatunov’s acquaintance with his mother-in-law, Ekaterina Ivanovna (Svetlana’s mother).

September 5, 2006- birth of a son Dennis Yuryevich Shatunov in Germany.


January 10, 2007– wedding of Svetlana and Yuri Shatunov in Germany in the city of Munich.

December 2009- nominated for the “Song of the Year 2009” award for the song “Childhood” (music and lyrics by Yu. Shatunov).


In 2010— Yuri Shatunov took part in the filming of the television series “Happy Together.”


December 2011- at the anniversary concert dedicated to the 40th anniversary of “Song of the Year”, nominated for his contribution to Russian show business with the song “Gray Night” (music and lyrics by S. Kuznetsov).

year 2012

June 23, 2012- creation of an official website and official pages in social networks.
June 29, 2012– presentation of the new long-awaited album by Yuri Shatunov “”.

September 1, 2012— Yuri Shatunov’s son Dennis is going to school in first grade in Germany.

The name of Yuri Shatunov is known to everyone in our country. The group "Tender May", whose lead singer he was, simply thundered on all stages of the USSR in the late 80s. Rarely has anyone achieved such popularity as this group had; it was simply stunning. There were periods when musicians gave up to 8 (!) concerts a day and up to 40 concerts a week.
Yura Shatunov was born on September 6, 1973 in Bashkiria in the city of Kumertau. His parents were young and got married when his mother was 18 and his father was 23. The father was not too interested in the baby, and the first years of his life, Yura’s grandparents were raised by his maternal grandparents.
The parents did not live together for long; their marriage broke up three years later. The mother remarried, but new husband had problems with alcohol, little Yura disliked him and kept running away, as a rule, to his grandparents.

At the age of 7, Yura, like all children, went to school. And four years later, tragedy struck - his mother died of heart failure. Two months earlier, she transferred Yura to a boarding school, as she learned about the exacerbation of the disease. Since his own father did not need his son, his mother’s sister took custody of him. But Yura, who had a wayward character, decided to run away and wandered until the fall of next year in the Orenburg region and Bashkiria.
In November, a commission met in Orenburg that decided the boy’s fate. The director of an orphanage in the suburbs of Orenburg felt compassion for the boy and took him into her orphanage. There he became seriously interested in hockey and was a left winger.

Career of Yuri Shatunov

And a year later, the director of this orphanage was transferred to the same position in Orenburg, and Yura fled there after her. It was in Orenburg that he met Sergei Kuznetsov, who led an amateur art group. The boy began to study singing and together they recorded the first songs composed by Kuznetsov. This is how the story of creation began Happy May" They came up with the name of the group together, taking a line from a song.

Yuri Shatunov is a soloist in the group "Tender May"

At the New Year's party, Yura already performed several songs in the assembly hall of the boarding school.
A group gradually formed and included other performers. The group began to actively perform at discos and at the local House of Culture. Over the next year, the group recorded its main hits, which later brought it fame.
At the beginning of 1988, the group’s first album was recorded, which Kuznetsov sold to a record kiosk at the railway station, and in the fall Kuznetsov decided to go to Moscow. Yura followed him, escaping from the boarding school.

Andrei Razin, who at that time was producing the Mirage group, once listened to a purchased recording of “Tender May” on the train. He went to Orenburg to find a talented performer, but did not find him in the city. They later met in Moscow. Yura and the other guys from the group were transferred to a Moscow boarding school, where they lived for the first time.
In the fall of 1988, the group’s first big tour took place in the cities of the USSR. Soon, performances of “Tender May” began to be shown on central television. The popularity grew like a snowball.
And in March 1989, Kuznetsov left the group and Andrei Razin became its leader.
In October 1991, Yuri Shatunov left the group, deciding to take up solo career. After his departure the group broke up.

After leaving the group, Yura moved to live in Germany, trained as a sound engineer and began studio work. Over the next ten years he recorded several albums.

In 2009, the film “Tender May” was released. dedicated to history groups. During these years, Yuri actively toured Russia in support of the film, and today he is also a frequent participant in retro concerts.

Personal life of Yuri Shatunov

Now in family life he's quite happy. With your chosen one Svetlana he met back in 2000. He wanted the girl not to know about his popular past, but to treat him as to a simple guy. Sveta, who lived in Germany, really knew nothing about Tender May.

7 years after they met, they got married, and a year before that their son Dennis was born, and their daughter Estella was born in 13. Yuri lives mainly in Germany, but often comes to Russia for concerts.

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