Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev. Yakovlev Yuriyumka Gray Neck - Mamin-Sibiryak D.N.

Yakovlev Yuri

Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev


Do you know how to build a good den? I'll teach you. You'll need this. You need to dig a small hole with your claws and lie down in it more comfortably. The wind will whistle above you, and snow flakes will fall on your shoulders. But you lie there and don’t move. The back, paws, and head will be hidden under the snow. Don’t worry, you won’t suffocate: warm breath will create an outlet in the snow. The snow will cover you tightly. You will lie down on your sides and your paws will go numb. Be patient, be patient, until a huge snowdrift grows above you. Then start tossing and turning. Toss and turn as hard as you can. Crush the snowy walls with your sides. Then stand on all fours and arch your back: raise the ceiling higher. If you are not lazy, you will have a good den. Spacious and warm, just like ours.

So the polar bear taught the little bear Umka, and he lay on the side of her warm furry belly and impatiently kicked his hind legs, as if he was riding a bicycle.

It was warm in the den. It was a long, warm night outside.

And the stars did not shine through the dense snow roof.

“It’s time to sleep,” said the bear.

Umka didn’t answer, he just started shaking his paws harder. He didn't want to sleep.

The bear began to comb Umka's fluffy fur with her clawed paw. She didn't have another comb. Then she washed it with her tongue.

Umka didn’t want to wash. He turned around, turned his head away, and the bear held him with a heavy paw.

“Tell me about the fish,” Umka asked.

“Okay,” the polar bear agreed and began to talk about the fish. - In a distant warm sea, where there are no ice floes, there lives a sad sunfish. It is large, round and only swims straight.

And cannot dodge the shark fish's teeth. That's why it's sad.

Umka listened attentively and sucked his paw. Then he said:

What a pity that the sun is a fish and that a shark ate him. We sit in the dark.

Our sun is not a fish,” the bear objected. - It floats in the sky, in the blue upper sea. There are no sharks there. There are birds there.

When will it arrive?

“Sleep,” the polar bear said sternly. - When you wake up, there will be sun and it will be light.

Umka sighed, grumbled, tossed and turned and fell asleep...

He woke up because his nose itched. He opened his eyes slightly - the entire den was filled with a gentle bluish light. The walls, the ceiling were blue, and even the fur of the big bear was blue, as if it had been tinted blue.

What is this? - Umka asked and sat down on his hind legs.

“The sun,” answered the bear.

Has it arrived?

Is it blue and has a fish tail?

It's red. And he doesn't have any tail.

Umka did not believe that the sun was red and without a tail. He began to dig a way out of the den to see what the sun was like. The packed dense snow did not give way, white icy sparks flew from under the claws.

And suddenly Umka jumped back: the bright red sun hit him with a blinding ray. The little bear closed his eyes. And when he opened his eyes again, he felt happy and ticklish. And he sneezed. And, peeling off his sides, he got out of the den.

A fresh, elastic wind blew over the ground with a thin whistle. Umka put his nose up and smelled many smells: the smell of the sea, the smell of fish, the smell of birds, the smell of earth. These smells merged into one warm smell. Umka decided that this is what the sun smells like - a cheerful, dazzling fish that swims in the upper sea and is not afraid of a toothy shark.

Umka ran in the snow, fell, rolled head over heels, and had a lot of fun. He walked to the sea, put his paw in the water and licked it. The paw turned out to be salty. I wonder if the upper sea is also salty?

Then the bear cub saw smoke above the rocks, was very surprised and asked the polar bear:

What's there?

People,” she answered.

Who are these people?

The bear scratched behind her ear and said:

People are bears who walk on their hind legs all the time and can take off their skin.

And I want to,” said Umka and immediately tried to stand on his hind legs.

But standing on my hind legs turned out to be very uncomfortable.

There is nothing good in people,” the bear reassured him. - They smell like smoke. And they cannot waylay a seal and kill it with a blow of their paw.

Can I? - asked Umka.

Try. You see, among the ice there is a round window into the sea. Sit at this window and wait. When the seal peeks out, hit it with your paw.

Umka easily jumped onto the ice floe and ran towards the ice hole. His paws did not move apart, because hair grew on his feet - he was wearing felt boots.

Yakovlev Yuri

Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev


Do you know how to build a good den? I'll teach you. You'll need this. You need to dig a small hole with your claws and lie down in it more comfortably. The wind will whistle above you, and snow flakes will fall on your shoulders. But you lie there and don’t move. The back, paws, and head will be hidden under the snow. Don’t worry, you won’t suffocate: warm breath will create an outlet in the snow. The snow will cover you tightly. You will lie down on your sides and your paws will go numb. Be patient, be patient, until a huge snowdrift grows above you. Then start tossing and turning. Toss and turn as hard as you can. Crush the snowy walls with your sides. Then stand on all fours and arch your back: raise the ceiling higher. If you are not lazy, you will have a good den. Spacious and warm, just like ours.

So the polar bear taught the little bear Umka, and he lay on the side of her warm furry belly and impatiently kicked his hind legs, as if he was riding a bicycle.

It was warm in the den. It was a long, warm night outside.

And the stars did not shine through the dense snow roof.

“It’s time to sleep,” said the bear.

Umka didn’t answer, he just started shaking his paws harder. He didn't want to sleep.

The bear began to comb Umka's fluffy fur with her clawed paw. She didn't have another comb. Then she washed it with her tongue.

Umka didn’t want to wash. He turned around, turned his head away, and the bear held him with a heavy paw.

“Tell me about the fish,” Umka asked.

“Okay,” the polar bear agreed and began to talk about the fish. - In a distant warm sea, where there are no ice floes, there lives a sad sunfish. It is large, round and only swims straight.

And cannot dodge the shark fish's teeth. That's why it's sad.

Umka listened attentively and sucked his paw. Then he said:

What a pity that the sun is a fish and that a shark ate him. We sit in the dark.

Our sun is not a fish,” the bear objected. - It floats in the sky, in the blue upper sea. There are no sharks there. There are birds there.

When will it arrive?

“Sleep,” the polar bear said sternly. - When you wake up, there will be sun and it will be light.

Umka sighed, grumbled, tossed and turned and fell asleep...

He woke up because his nose itched. He opened his eyes slightly - the entire den was filled with a gentle bluish light. The walls, the ceiling were blue, and even the fur of the big bear was blue, as if it had been tinted blue.

What is this? - Umka asked and sat down on his hind legs.

“The sun,” answered the bear.

Has it arrived?

Is it blue and has a fish tail?

It's red. And he doesn't have any tail.

Umka did not believe that the sun was red and without a tail. He began to dig a way out of the den to see what the sun was like. The packed dense snow did not give way, white icy sparks flew from under the claws.

And suddenly Umka jumped back: the bright red sun hit him with a blinding ray. The little bear closed his eyes. And when he opened his eyes again, he felt happy and ticklish. And he sneezed. And, peeling off his sides, he got out of the den.

A fresh, elastic wind blew over the ground with a thin whistle. Umka put his nose up and smelled many smells: the smell of the sea, the smell of fish, the smell of birds, the smell of earth. These smells merged into one warm smell. Umka decided that this is what the sun smells like - a cheerful, dazzling fish that swims in the upper sea and is not afraid of a toothy shark.

Umka ran in the snow, fell, rolled head over heels, and had a lot of fun. He walked to the sea, put his paw in the water and licked it. The paw turned out to be salty. I wonder if the upper sea is also salty?

Then the bear cub saw smoke above the rocks, was very surprised and asked the polar bear:

What's there?

People,” she answered.

Who are these people?

The bear scratched behind her ear and said:

People are bears who walk on their hind legs all the time and can take off their skin.

And I want to,” said Umka and immediately tried to stand on his hind legs.

But standing on my hind legs turned out to be very uncomfortable.

There is nothing good in people,” the bear reassured him. - They smell like smoke. And they cannot waylay a seal and kill it with a blow of their paw.

Can I? - asked Umka.

Try. You see, among the ice there is a round window into the sea. Sit at this window and wait. When the seal peeks out, hit it with your paw.

Umka easily jumped onto the ice floe and ran towards the ice hole. His paws did not move apart, because hair grew on his feet - he was wearing felt boots.

The bear cub reached the hole and lay down at its edge. He tried not to breathe. Let the seal think that he is not Umka, but a snowdrift and that the snowdrift has neither claws nor teeth. But the seal didn’t show up!

Instead, a big bear came. She said:

You don't know how to do anything. You can’t even catch a seal!

There are no seals here! - Umka growled.

There is a seal. But she sees you. Cover your nose with your paw.

Nose? Paw? For what?

Umka opened his small eyes wide and looked at his mother in surprise.

“You are all white,” said my mother, “and the snow is white, and the ice is white.”

And everything around is white. And only your nose is black. He gives you away. Cover it with your paw.

Do bears that walk on their hind legs and skin also cover their noses with their paws? - asked Umka.

The bear did not answer. She went fishing. She had five fishhooks on each paw.

The cheerful sunfish swam across the upper blue sea, and around there was less and less snow and more land. The shore began to turn green.

Umka decided that his skin would also turn green. But it remained white, only slightly yellowed.

With the appearance of the sun, an interesting life began for Umka. He ran on ice floes, climbed rocks and even plunged into the icy sea. He wanted to meet strange bears - people. He kept asking the bear about them:

Aren't they found in the sea?

Mother shook her head:

They will drown in the sea. Their fur is not covered with fat, it immediately becomes icy and heavy. They are found on the shore near the smoke.

One day, Umka escaped from the big bear and, hiding behind the rocks, went towards the smoke to see strange bears. He walked for a long time until he found himself in a snowy clearing with dark islands of earth. Umka brought his nose to the ground and sucked in air. The earth smelled delicious. The little bear even licked it.

And then he saw an unfamiliar bear cub on two legs. The reddish skin glistened in the sun, and no hair grew on the cheeks and chin. And the nose was not black - pink.

Throwing his hind legs forward, Umka ran towards the two-legged bear cub. The stranger noticed Umka, but for some reason he did not run towards him, but took off running. Moreover, he ran not on four legs, as was more convenient and faster, but on two hind legs. He waved the front ones around without any benefit.

Umka hurried after him. Then the strange bear cub, without stopping, pulled off his skin and threw it on the snow - exactly as the bear had said. Umka ran to the shed skin.

Has stopped. Sniffed it. The skin was tough, the short pile gleamed in the sun. “It’s a good skin,” thought Umka, “but where’s the tail?”

Meanwhile, the stranger ran away quite far. Umka set off in pursuit. And because he ran on four legs, he soon approached the biped again. Then he threw his front feet onto the snow. The feet were without claws. This also surprised Umka.

Then the two-legged bear threw off its head. But the head turned out to be... empty: without a nose, without a mouth, without teeth, without eyes. Only large flat ears dangled on the sides, and each ear had a thin tail. All this was very interesting and curious. Umka, for example, could not shed his skin or empty head.

Finally he caught up with the biped. He immediately fell to the ground. And he froze, as if he wanted to waylay the seal. Umka leaned towards his cheek and sniffed it. The strange bear didn't smell like smoke - it smelled like milk. Umka licked him on the cheek. The biped opened his eyes, black, with long eyelashes. Then he stood up and jumped to the side.

And Umka stood still and admired. When a white, smooth, completely hairless paw reached out to Umka, the little bear even whined with joy.

Then they walked together across a snowy clearing, along earthen islands, and the two-legged bear cub picked up everything that he had thrown away. He put an empty head with flat ears on his head, pulled his feet without claws onto his paws and climbed into the skin, which turned out to be without a tail, not even a small one.

They came to the sea, and Umna invited his new friend to swim. But he remained on the shore. The bear cub swam for a long time, dived and even caught a silver fish with its claw. But when he came ashore, his new acquaintance was not there. He probably ran to his den. Or he went hunting in a clearing, hoping to meet a two-legged friend. He sniffed, but the wind did not smell of smoke or milk.

The red sunfish swam across the blue upper sea-sky.

Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev
- Do you know how to build a good den? I'll teach you. You'll need this. You need to dig a small hole with your claws and lie down in it more comfortably. The wind will whistle above you, and snow flakes will fall on your shoulders. But you lie there and don’t move. The back, paws, and head will be hidden under the snow. Don’t worry, you won’t suffocate: warm breath will create an outlet in the snow. The snow will cover you tightly. You will lie down on your sides and your paws will go numb. Be patient, be patient, until a huge snowdrift grows above you. Then start tossing and turning. Toss and turn as hard as you can. Crush the snowy walls with your sides. Then stand on all fours and arch your back: raise the ceiling higher. If you are not lazy, you will have a good den. Spacious and warm, just like ours.
So the polar bear taught the little bear Umka, and he lay on the side of her warm furry belly and impatiently kicked his hind legs, as if he was riding a bicycle.
It was warm in the den. It was a long, warm night outside.
And the stars did not shine through the dense snow roof.
“It’s time to sleep,” said the bear.
Umka didn’t answer, he just started shaking his paws harder. He didn't want to sleep.
The bear began to comb Umka's fluffy fur with her clawed paw. She didn't have another comb. Then she washed it with her tongue.
Umka didn’t want to wash. He turned around, turned his head away, and the bear held him with a heavy paw.
“Tell me about the fish,” Umka asked.
“Okay,” the polar bear agreed and began to talk about the fish. - In a distant warm sea, where there are no ice floes, there lives a sad sunfish. It is large, round and only swims straight.
And cannot dodge the shark fish's teeth. That's why it's sad.
Umka listened attentively and sucked his paw. Then he said:
- What a pity that the sun is a fish and that a shark ate him. We sit in the dark.
“Our sun is not a fish,” the bear objected. - It floats in the sky, in the blue upper sea. There are no sharks there. There are birds there.
- When will it arrive?
“Sleep,” the polar bear said sternly. - When you wake up, there will be sun and it will be light.
Umka sighed, grumbled, tossed and turned and fell asleep...
...He woke up because his nose itched. He opened his eyes slightly - the entire den was filled with a gentle bluish light. The walls, the ceiling were blue, and even the fur of the big bear was blue, as if it had been tinted blue.
- What is this? - Umka asked and sat down on his hind legs.
“The sun,” answered the bear.
- Has it arrived?
- It has risen!
- Is it blue and with a fish tail?
- It's red. And he doesn't have any tail.
Umka did not believe that the sun was red and without a tail. He began to dig a way out of the den to see what the sun was like. The packed dense snow did not give way, white icy sparks flew from under the claws.
And suddenly Umka jumped back: the bright red sun hit him with a blinding ray. The little bear closed his eyes. And when he opened his eyes again, he felt happy and ticklish. And he sneezed. And, peeling off his sides, he got out of the den.
A fresh, elastic wind blew over the ground with a thin whistle. Umka put his nose up and smelled many smells: the smell of the sea, the smell of fish, the smell of birds, the smell of earth. These smells merged into one warm smell. Umka decided that this is what the sun smells like - a cheerful, dazzling fish that swims in the upper sea and is not afraid of a toothy shark.
Umka ran in the snow, fell, rolled head over heels, and had a lot of fun. He walked to the sea, put his paw in the water and licked it. The paw turned out to be salty. I wonder if the upper sea is also salty?
Then the bear cub saw smoke above the rocks, was very surprised and asked the polar bear:
- What's there?
“People,” she answered.
- Who are these people?
The bear scratched behind her ear and said:
- People are bears who walk on their hind legs all the time and can take off their skin.
“And I want to,” said Umka and immediately tried to stand on his hind legs.
But standing on my hind legs turned out to be very uncomfortable.
“There is nothing good in people,” the bear reassured him. - They smell like smoke. And they cannot waylay a seal and kill it with a blow of their paw.
- Can I? - asked Umka.
- Try. You see, among the ice there is a round window into the sea. Sit at this window and wait. When the seal peeks out, hit it with your paw.
Umka easily jumped onto the ice floe and ran towards the ice hole. His paws did not move apart, because hair grew on his feet - he was wearing felt boots.
The bear cub reached the hole and lay down at its edge. He tried not to breathe. Let the seal think that he is not Umka, but a snowdrift and that the snowdrift has neither claws nor teeth. But the seal didn’t show up!
Instead, a big bear came. She said:
- You don’t know how to do anything. You can’t even catch a seal!
- There are no seals here! - Umka growled.
- There is a seal. But she sees you. Cover your nose with your paw.
- Nose? Paw? For what?
Umka opened his small eyes wide and looked at his mother in surprise.
“You’re all white,” said mom, “and the snow is white and the ice is white.”
And everything around is white. And only your nose is black. He gives you away. Cover it with your paw.
- Do bears that walk on their hind legs and remove their skin also cover their noses with their paws? - asked Umka.
The bear did not answer. She went fishing. She had five fishhooks on each paw.
The cheerful sunfish swam across the upper blue sea, and around there was less and less snow and more land. The shore began to turn green.
Umka decided that his skin would also turn green. But it remained white, only slightly yellowed.
With the appearance of the sun, an interesting life began for Umka. He ran on ice floes, climbed rocks and even plunged into the icy sea. He wanted to meet strange bears - people. He kept asking the bear about them:
- Aren’t they found in the sea?
Mother shook her head:
- They will drown in the sea. Their fur is not covered with fat, it immediately becomes icy and heavy. They are found on the shore near the smoke.
One day, Umka escaped from the big bear and, hiding behind the rocks, went towards the smoke to see strange bears. He walked for a long time until he found himself in a snowy clearing with dark islands of earth. Umka brought his nose to the ground and sucked in air. The earth smelled delicious. The little bear even licked it.
And then he saw an unfamiliar bear cub on two legs. The reddish skin glistened in the sun, and no hair grew on the cheeks and chin. And the nose was not black - pink.
Throwing his hind legs forward, Umka ran towards the two-legged bear cub. The stranger noticed Umka, but for some reason he did not run towards him, but took off running. Moreover, he ran not on four legs, as was more convenient and faster, but on two hind legs. He waved the front ones around without any benefit.
Umka hurried after him. Then the strange bear cub, without stopping, pulled off his skin and threw it on the snow - exactly as the bear had said. Umka ran to the shed skin.
Has stopped. Sniffed it. The skin was tough, the short pile gleamed in the sun. “It’s a good skin,” thought Umka, “but where’s the tail?”
Meanwhile, the stranger ran away quite far. Umka set off in pursuit. And because he ran on four legs, he soon approached the biped again. Then he threw it into the snow...
front feet. The feet were without claws. This also surprised Umka.
Then the two-legged bear threw off its head. But the head turned out to be...
empty: no nose, no mouth, no teeth, no eyes. Only large flat ears dangled on the sides, and each ear had a thin tail. All this was very interesting and curious. Umka, for example, could not shed his skin or empty head.
Finally he caught up with the biped. He immediately fell to the ground. And he froze, as if he wanted to waylay the seal. Umka leaned towards his cheek and sniffed it. The strange bear didn't smell like smoke - it smelled like milk. Umka licked him on the cheek. The biped opened his eyes, black, with long eyelashes. Then he stood up and jumped to the side.
And Umka stood still and admired. When a white, smooth, completely hairless paw reached out to Umka, the little bear even whined with joy.
Then they walked together across a snowy clearing, along earthen islands, and the two-legged bear cub picked up everything that he had thrown away. He put an empty head with flat ears on his head, pulled his feet without claws onto his paws and climbed into the skin, which turned out to be without a tail, not even a small one.
They came to the sea, and Umna invited his new friend to swim. But he remained on the shore. The bear cub swam for a long time, dived and even caught a silver fish with its claw. But when he came ashore, his new acquaintance was not there. He probably ran to his den. Or he went hunting in a clearing, hoping to meet a two-legged friend. He sniffed, but the wind did not smell of smoke or milk.
...The red sunfish swam across the blue upper sea-sky.
And there was a big endless day. The darkness completely disappeared. And the den began to melt and filled with blue water. But when there is sun, a den is not needed.
The ice has moved far from the coast. And the lower sea became clear, like the upper one.
One day the big bear said:
- It’s time, Umka, to move onto the ice floe. We will sail with you across all the northern seas.
- Do two-legged bears swim on ice floes? - asked Umka.
“Only the bravest ones swim,” answered the mother.
Umka thought that maybe he would meet his new friend on an ice floe in the northern seas, and immediately agreed to move to a new place. But before setting off, I asked, just in case:
- The shark won't eat me?
The bear growled quietly and laughed:
- You are not a sad sunfish. You're a polar bear!
And then, not a single shark has ever swum into our cold sea.
Mother and son approached the water. We looked back at our native places.
And they swam. Ahead is a bear, behind her is Umka. They sailed for a long time on the cold sea. They felt warm in warm skins, greased with lard. A white field of ice appeared in the distance.
Umka and her mother, like all polar bears, began to live on ice floes.
They hunted and fished. And the ice floated and floated, taking them further from their native shore...
...Winter has come. The cheerful sunfish swam somewhere along the upper sea. And again it became dark for a long time. In the polar night neither Umka nor the bear are visible. But bright northern stars lit up in the sky.
Two star scoops appeared. The big dipper is Ursa Major, the small one is Ursa Minor.
And when the two-legged bear cub - a boy who lives on the shore - goes out into the street, he looks for a small ladle with his eyes and remembers Umka. It seems to him that it is Umka who is walking across the high sky, and that Mother Ursa Major is walking with him.

A+ A-

Umka wants to fly - Plyatskovsky M.S.

A story about little Umka, who wanted to learn to fly. However, it never took off. And Umka decided to wait until his wings grew.

Umka wants to fly read

Little Umka, a polar bear, said to his mother:
- I want to fly.
“Try it,” answered the Big Dipper. - Maybe you can do it.
“But I don’t know how,” Umka breathed.

The Big Dipper affectionately patted her son by the ear and pointed to the loons sitting on the rock.
- Look how the birds fly. They can do it. And I'll go fishing.

The Big Dipper left, and Little Umka was left alone and began to watch the loons. The loons were sitting. The loons screamed. Loons flew over the bear cub. And he watched them go with a sad look, raising his pointed muzzle to the sky.
“We can probably take off... with a running start,” Umka decided. He quickly, quickly scrambled his paws through the snow, but instead of taking off, he tumbled so many times that he even felt dizzy.
“No, something’s wrong,” thought Umka, stood up, shook off the snow and hobbled towards the very rock on which the loons were making noise.

“I’ll try to fly off a cliff like these same loons. Everyone will fly off the cliff!” - Umka became brave.
Somehow the bear cub managed to climb the rock. He closed his eyes in fear, waved his paws and jumped... It’s good that Umka landed right in a snowdrift and wasn’t too hurt. He got out of the snowdrift and grumbled:
- You can fly from this rock... only to the ground!.. But I want to fly into the sky!
Umka stood, stood, scratched behind his ear with his paw and said to himself:
- These birds apparently fly because they have wings. I'll wait until they grow up. In the meantime, I’ll go and learn how to fish from my mother.

(Illustration by V. Suteeva)

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This page of the site contains a literary work Umka the author whose name is Yakovlev Yuri Yakovlevich. On the website you can either download the book Umka for free in RTF, TXT, FB2 and EPUB formats, or read the online e-book Yakovlev Yuri Yakovlevich - Umka without registration and without SMS.

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Yakovlev Yuri
Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev
- Do you know how to build a good den? I'll teach you. You'll need this. You need to dig a small hole with your claws and lie down in it more comfortably. The wind will whistle above you, and snow flakes will fall on your shoulders. But you lie there and don’t move. The back, paws, and head will be hidden under the snow. Don’t worry, you won’t suffocate: warm breath will create an outlet in the snow. The snow will cover you tightly. You will lie down on your sides and your paws will go numb. Be patient, be patient, until a huge snowdrift grows above you. Then start tossing and turning. Toss and turn as hard as you can. Crush the snowy walls with your sides. Then stand on all fours and arch your back: raise the ceiling higher. If you are not lazy, you will have a good den. Spacious and warm, just like ours.
So the polar bear taught the little bear Umka, and he lay on the side of her warm furry belly and impatiently kicked his hind legs, as if he was riding a bicycle.
It was warm in the den. It was a long, warm night outside.
And the stars did not shine through the dense snow roof.
“It’s time to sleep,” said the bear.
Umka didn’t answer, he just started shaking his paws harder. He didn't want to sleep.
The bear began to comb Umka's fluffy fur with her clawed paw. She didn't have another comb. Then she washed it with her tongue.
Umka didn’t want to wash. He turned around, turned his head away, and the bear held him with a heavy paw.
“Tell me about the fish,” Umka asked.
“Okay,” the polar bear agreed and began to talk about the fish. - In a distant warm sea, where there are no ice floes, there lives a sad sunfish. It is large, round and only swims straight.
And cannot dodge the shark fish's teeth. That's why it's sad.
Umka listened attentively and sucked his paw. Then he said:
- What a pity that the sun is a fish and that a shark ate him. We sit in the dark.
“Our sun is not a fish,” the bear objected. - It floats in the sky, in the blue upper sea. There are no sharks there. There are birds there.
- When will it arrive?
“Sleep,” the polar bear said sternly. - When you wake up, there will be sun and it will be light.
Umka sighed, grumbled, tossed and turned and fell asleep...
...He woke up because his nose itched. He opened his eyes slightly - the entire den was filled with a gentle bluish light. The walls, the ceiling were blue, and even the fur of the big bear was blue, as if it had been tinted blue.
- What is this? - Umka asked and sat down on his hind legs.
“The sun,” answered the bear.
- Has it arrived?
- It has risen!
- Is it blue and with a fish tail?
- It's red. And he doesn't have any tail.
Umka did not believe that the sun was red and without a tail. He began to dig a way out of the den to see what the sun was like. The packed dense snow did not give way, white icy sparks flew from under the claws.
And suddenly Umka jumped back: the bright red sun hit him with a blinding ray. The little bear closed his eyes. And when he opened his eyes again, he felt happy and ticklish. And he sneezed. And, peeling off his sides, he got out of the den.
A fresh, elastic wind blew over the ground with a thin whistle. Umka put his nose up and smelled many smells: the smell of the sea, the smell of fish, the smell of birds, the smell of earth. These smells merged into one warm smell. Umka decided that this is what the sun smells like - a cheerful, dazzling fish that swims in the upper sea and is not afraid of a toothy shark.
Umka ran in the snow, fell, rolled head over heels, and had a lot of fun. He walked to the sea, put his paw in the water and licked it. The paw turned out to be salty. I wonder if the upper sea is also salty?
Then the bear cub saw smoke above the rocks, was very surprised and asked the polar bear:
- What's there?
“People,” she answered.
- Who are these people?
The bear scratched behind her ear and said:
- People are bears who walk on their hind legs all the time and can take off their skin.
“And I want to,” said Umka and immediately tried to stand on his hind legs.
But standing on my hind legs turned out to be very uncomfortable.
“There is nothing good in people,” the bear reassured him. - They smell like smoke. And they cannot waylay a seal and kill it with a blow of their paw.
- Can I? - asked Umka.
- Try. You see, among the ice there is a round window into the sea. Sit at this window and wait. When the seal peeks out, hit it with your paw.
Umka easily jumped onto the ice floe and ran towards the ice hole. His paws did not move apart, because hair grew on his feet - he was wearing felt boots.
The bear cub reached the hole and lay down at its edge. He tried not to breathe. Let the seal think that he is not Umka, but a snowdrift and that the snowdrift has neither claws nor teeth. But the seal didn’t show up!
Instead, a big bear came. She said:
- You don’t know how to do anything. You can’t even catch a seal!
- There are no seals here! - Umka growled.
- There is a seal. But she sees you. Cover your nose with your paw.
- Nose? Paw? For what?
Umka opened his small eyes wide and looked at his mother in surprise.
“You’re all white,” said mom, “and the snow is white and the ice is white.”
And everything around is white. And only your nose is black. He gives you away. Cover it with your paw.
- Do bears that walk on their hind legs and remove their skin also cover their noses with their paws? - asked Umka.
The bear did not answer. She went fishing. She had five fishhooks on each paw.
The cheerful sunfish swam across the upper blue sea, and around there was less and less snow and more land. The shore began to turn green.
Umka decided that his skin would also turn green. But it remained white, only slightly yellowed.
With the appearance of the sun, an interesting life began for Umka. He ran on ice floes, climbed rocks and even plunged into the icy sea. He wanted to meet strange bears - people. He kept asking the bear about them:
- Aren’t they found in the sea?
Mother shook her head:
- They will drown in the sea. Their fur is not covered with fat, it immediately becomes icy and heavy. They are found on the shore near the smoke.
One day, Umka escaped from the big bear and, hiding behind the rocks, went towards the smoke to see strange bears. He walked for a long time until he found himself in a snowy clearing with dark islands of earth. Umka brought his nose to the ground and sucked in air. The earth smelled delicious. The little bear even licked it.
And then he saw an unfamiliar bear cub on two legs. The reddish skin glistened in the sun, and no hair grew on the cheeks and chin. And the nose was not black - pink.
Throwing his hind legs forward, Umka ran towards the two-legged bear cub. The stranger noticed Umka, but for some reason he did not run towards him, but took off running. Moreover, he ran not on four legs, as was more convenient and faster, but on two hind legs. He waved the front ones around without any benefit.
Umka hurried after him. Then the strange bear cub, without stopping, pulled off his skin and threw it on the snow - exactly as the bear had said. Umka ran to the shed skin.
Has stopped. Sniffed it. The skin was tough, the short pile gleamed in the sun. “It’s a good skin,” thought Umka, “but where’s the tail?”
Meanwhile, the stranger ran away quite far. Umka set off in pursuit. And because he ran on four legs, he soon approached the biped again. Then he threw it into the snow...
front feet. The feet were without claws. This also surprised Umka.
Then the two-legged bear threw off its head. But the head turned out to be...
empty: no nose, no mouth, no teeth, no eyes. Only large flat ears dangled on the sides, and each ear had a thin tail. All this was very interesting and curious. Umka, for example, could not shed his skin or empty head.
Finally he caught up with the biped. He immediately fell to the ground. And he froze, as if he wanted to waylay the seal. Umka leaned towards his cheek and sniffed it. The strange bear didn't smell like smoke - it smelled like milk. Umka licked him on the cheek. The biped opened his eyes, black, with long eyelashes. Then he stood up and jumped to the side.
And Umka stood still and admired. When a white, smooth, completely hairless paw reached out to Umka, the little bear even whined with joy.
Then they walked together across a snowy clearing, along earthen islands, and the two-legged bear cub picked up everything that he had thrown away. He put an empty head with flat ears on his head, pulled his feet without claws onto his paws and climbed into the skin, which turned out to be without a tail, not even a small one.
They came to the sea, and Umna invited his new friend to swim. But he remained on the shore. The bear cub swam for a long time, dived and even caught a silver fish with its claw. But when he came ashore, his new acquaintance was not there. He probably ran to his den. Or he went hunting in a clearing, hoping to meet a two-legged friend. He sniffed, but the wind did not smell of smoke or milk.
...The red sunfish swam across the blue upper sea-sky.
And there was a big endless day. The darkness completely disappeared. And the den began to melt and filled with blue water. But when there is sun, a den is not needed.
The ice has moved far from the coast. And the lower sea became clear, like the upper one.
One day the big bear said:
- It’s time, Umka, to move onto the ice floe. We will sail with you across all the northern seas.
- Do two-legged bears swim on ice floes? - asked Umka.
“Only the bravest ones swim,” answered the mother.
Umka thought that maybe he would meet his new friend on an ice floe in the northern seas, and immediately agreed to move to a new place. But before setting off, I asked, just in case:
- The shark won't eat me?
The bear growled quietly and laughed:
- You are not a sad sunfish. You're a polar bear!
And then, not a single shark has ever swum into our cold sea.
Mother and son approached the water. We looked back at our native places.
And they swam. Ahead is a bear, behind her is Umka. They sailed for a long time on the cold sea. They felt warm in warm skins, greased with lard. A white field of ice appeared in the distance.
Umka and her mother, like all polar bears, began to live on ice floes.
They hunted and fished. And the ice floated and floated, taking them further from their native shore...
...Winter has come. The cheerful sunfish swam somewhere along the upper sea. And again it became dark for a long time. In the polar night neither Umka nor the bear are visible. But bright northern stars lit up in the sky.
Two star scoops appeared. The big dipper is Ursa Major, the small one is Ursa Minor.
And when the two-legged bear cub - a boy who lives on the shore - goes out into the street, he looks for a small ladle with his eyes and remembers Umka. It seems to him that it is Umka who is walking across the high sky, and that Mother Ursa Major is walking with him.
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