South park stick of fate walkthrough. Walkthrough of South Park: The Stick of Truth

Attack Clyde's fortress. Cross the moat using the Nagasaki ability. At the entrance to the fortress, use the Whisperer on the water to electrocute enemies.

South Park: The Stick of Truth Walkthrough Guide

South Park: The Stick of Truth Walkthrough Guide

Teleport to the generator and turn off the electricity. Come inside.

South Park: The Stick of Truth Walkthrough Guide

South Park: The Stick of Truth Walkthrough Guide

Break the barrier, defeat the enemies. Shoot at the stairs or at the shelf with the bowling ball (there is no difference, just two ways to get up). Neutralize the enemies and go upstairs. Approach the fence, wait until the Nazi who was raising the cow goes down to the cages.

South Park: The Stick of Truth Walkthrough Guide

South Park: The Stick of Truth Walkthrough Guide

Then shoot the tire from above, this will neutralize both that Nazi and the cat. The remaining cats will run up to the fence, use the Stink Charm on the lamp. Break the barrier and fight off the remaining Nazis. Break the wooden support and use Nagasaki on the crack. Go upstairs. Go to the right and beat the guys who offended the kids, and turn the “wheel”. Use the anal probe and teleport to the roof. Shoot the lamp, it will fall down and start a fire. Fart on this fire with the Stink Char.

South Park: The Stick of Truth Walkthrough Guide

South Park: The Stick of Truth Walkthrough Guide

Get down and turn the second “wheel”. Go through the gate. Stop Craig from releasing the Nazi cows.

Stan will ask for help (you will find him in the upper left corner), he will throw a lamp, shoot it, and then fart. Ike is waiting for you on the other side, use Nagasaki to help him enter and use the Stink Charm on the ignited mechanism.

South Park: The Stick of Truth Walkthrough Guide

South Park: The Stick of Truth Walkthrough Guide

Fight Clyde and the last cow. Go upstairs. We need to defuse the pussy bomb in Mr. Masochist's stomach. Use dwarven dust and go straight into his ass.

South Park: The Stick of Truth Walkthrough Guide

South Park: The Stick of Truth Walkthrough Guide

Walk through the rectum, bumping into the “white substance” in places. Once inside the condom, tear it, and then climb up the corn (I hate even to write about this). Choose Stan as your partner and use his help in overcoming the electrical barrier.

South Park: The Stick of Truth Walkthrough Guide

South Park: The Stick of Truth Walkthrough Guide

Shoot the red growth to kill the germ and teleport away.

South Park: The Stick of Truth Walkthrough Guide

South Park: The Stick of Truth Walkthrough Guide

Continue on and climb up Mister Hat. Break it down billiard ball with the help of Nagasaki. Get to the flashlight. Climb it and go down the small poop slide. Insert the battery and turn on the flashlight by pressing the yellow button. Make your way further until you meet Prince Sparrow. Prove to him that you are worthy to advance by defeating him. Break the animal's skeleton, use Nagasaki, climb up the pile of poop, teleport to the button and turn on the vibrator.

Our website will tell you how to play South Park: The Stick of Truth. At first Walkthroughs of the game South Park: The Stick of Truth you must go outside and help Bathers. Then follow him to talk with Cartman. Follow these heroes, and then create a character, class, etc. To pass the combat training stage, strictly follow the instructions and try to deal with all the “evil elves”. Very soon you will receive a task from Eric to gather allies.

Call the best

After leaving Cartman's home, turn left, and keep in mind that an ambush awaits your hero at the very first flag with fast movements. Go to Craig and you will find out that he was punished by his parents for giving the middle finger to the school principal. After this, you will need to head to either Tweek's coffee shop or Clyde's mansion to get Additional tasks. When you complete these tasks, return to Cartman.

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Flammable coffee

Enter Kenny's house to talk to his mother, then head to the garage. Deal with the homeless amphetamine addicts and go upstairs to get the package, which is on the shelf near the beast. With this package, go back to the coffee shop and give it to Tweek.

Uninvited guest

It is impossible to get inside the building - the entrance is protected by a guard with pepper spray. So go ahead and visit Jimbo's.

Detention after school

Next, as you progress through the game, you will need to go to school and beat the redhead. Then go to the room that is to your right and use the "dragon roar". When your hero farts on the fire, the barrier will be destroyed. Move along the corridor until you reach the obstacle and, when you find yourself at it, switch to Kenny - you need to change shooting to control your partner and order him to open the door. Having dealt with all the redheads, go straight to the door that was previously locked.

Continue to beat the redheads, actively using gases and throwing weapon. You will notice a guy in the corner of the room - you need to treat him with Bathers. You will receive a key, with which you will need to go out into the corridor and head to the door that requires a silver key. When you get to this place, you can throw down the golden key. Go to the locked door, and then to Mr. McKee. Deal with the duty officer and, having released Craig, go to Cartman.


Kill all the enemies in the tavern, and then select a special fart from the menu to “blow gas” on the candle on the barricades. Shoot through the window where you will see Craig. Heal Craig with Bathers. When you get out, engage in battle with enemies and save Cartman.

Follow the bard to the second floor. However, to do this you will have to overcome traps - fart on the fire and let your allies into the house. Having broken the barrier, enter the battle. When you have dealt with all the enemies, hurry upstairs. When you find yourself in the room with Princess Kenny, you will need to shoot accurately at the illuminated objects. Once the rise is lined up, go up and throw something at the chandelier. All that remains is to accurately shoot down the evil elf.

Switch to Kenny and show your chest to the guy who is looking into the hatch from above. Deal with the enemies in the attic, shoot the chest, and then just jump down. After the fight with Jimmy, clear the room and go to Cartman.

Go home

When you return home, go to bed. And remember to squeeze your sphincter tightly when they try to insert an anal probe.

Alien abduction

Use the anal probe to navigate through the fields, and then leave the room altogether. Shoot the pipe that is directly above the aliens. Teleport to those aliens that remain and defeat them. Use the probe to open the door (there is a lighted indicator above it that you need to aim the beam at). Kill the alien near the laser and go upstairs. Kill the rest of the aliens and, using the switches, turn right. After opening the door on the left, go to the panel and play the game so that Randy doesn't get it.

Once at the bottom, throw the alien off the switch to activate it. Move the central platform and, moving down, beat the alien. Make another attempt to save Randy, and keep in mind that you won’t be able to do it right away - you’ll have to wait until the simplest combination appears.

Move up, straight to the control panel, and go to the aliens. Rush to Randy at the very beginning of the level. After freeing Randy, engage in a fight with the homeless man who is in the basement. Then use the door that opens and don't forget to deal with the flying saucer pilots.

Chapter 3
Find new allies

On at this stage After completing the game, your hero will receive another task from Cartman - to find new allies.

Recruit ready

You can see the goths in the backyard of the school. But in order for them to join you, you will have to change clothes and also bring coffee and cigarettes.


Take away the cigarettes from the schoolchildren you see near Jimbo's shop, buy clothes from the homeless man who sits near the trash heap, and for coffee you will have to go to Tweek's dad. When you return from the coffee shop, be prepared to meet enemies who will try to deliver your hero to their leader. When you arrive, talk to Kyle and return to completing the task. Wearing goth clothes, chat with representatives of this subculture. Your character will be asked to hang one of the posters on parent meeting. When you complete this task, go back and dance a little (to dance, use the arrow buttons on your keyboard).

Problems of the parent committee

Go to the restroom to talk to Randy. Focusing on the marker on the map, move towards the soldiers and use a guided bow. Distract the two guards, and then quickly run to the gate. When passing the next episode of the game, again use the tactics of distracting the guards and use the anal probe to get to the roof, and then from there move to the ventilation. After watching the video, go down and deal with the Nazi zombie. After picking up the item in the room that is on the table, hurry to Randy. Near the exit you will also meet zombie Nazis, but you can quickly run past them. Further in the plot there will be several forks, but, in fact, they do not play any role.

Attack the school

Once in the backyard, use Jimmy to open the lift for the disabled. Walk through the rooms and kill the enemies. To get through the barricades located at the food machine, you can use the ventilation system. Shoot first at the water hose and then at the lamp. This will help you win without a fight. “Get gas” on the door with torches and defeat the remnants of your enemies.

When you find yourself in the next corridor, shoot the fire sensor, and then break the fan. Fart on the torch. Take part in the battle with the red-haired Nazi zombies on duty. When you deal with them, move forward, climb up and turn the valve. Follow the ventilation to the distribution panel and break it by throwing something at the panel. Break the pipe that you see below, and then quickly turn off the electricity in the nook (very close to you). After this you can fight the guards.

At the next stage of the game you will meet Bathers and his assistants. Use the probe to go up and approach them from behind. To make a passage, you will need to fart on a burning barrier. Having dealt with the guards, get to the catapult and throw fire. "Get gas" on the fortifications, beat Bathers and go up the stairs. There are a couple more skirmishes ahead of you, after which you will need to engage in a fight with the boss (which one you decide for yourself). When you deal with Kyle (Cartman), return home.

The winner of the linen gnomes

First, beat the gnomes, and then use the hole that you see in the wall. Once inside, go upstairs and break the pipe. Shoot the wire and, after waiting until the rat dies in the trap, go down. Go forward, and then go upstairs along the wires. Before the battle, do not forget to neutralize a couple of rats - you need to drop a tree on one, and fart on the other next to the torch.

Go to the table, which is located in the parents' bedroom, and then fight the gnomes again. Next, your hero will have a fight with a shaman, while his parents will shamelessly copulate. And at this stage of the game, the most important thing is not to miss sudden attacks with eggs.

Chapter 4
Creation of alliances

Go to Kyle's house for the briefing.

Recruit girls

Your hero will need to go to the center to receive the next task.

Pretend to be Bebe's boyfriend

Approaching a bench in the park, beat the bully. Go back and when your hero is asked to dress, give preference to the things shown in the screenshot.

Unplanned Parenthood

Once inside the clinic, find the desired room. When the doctor leaves, take the clothes from the table and change into them. Go to that room that was previously inaccessible. After watching the video, climb into the hole you see in the floor. To kill the zombie Nazi rats, you need to shoot the pipe that is located at the top. And use the same tactics when a next group enemies.

After getting out of there, put on the doctor's suit again and be prepared that at the next stage of the game you will have to perform an abortion on Randy. To handle this task, wait until the tools are aimed at the middle and press the action button. When the time comes to “suck”, press only the indicated buttons, otherwise you will not cope with the task. Go into the corridor and you will witness an attack of murdered Nazi zombie babies. When you find yourself at the locker with the rats, quickly shrink down and hurry upstairs, passing the torn soldier. Then you will need to make your way, constantly “blowing gases”, and then you will run into the abyss. To kill the rats that are here, knock down the beam located at the top. Hurry to the grate to get out of this room.

When you find yourself in a room with a machine gun, immediately shoot the grenade that is on the soldier's body. Once smaller, use the anal probe to reach the vent and turn off the water. All that remains is to teleport inside the pipe to destroy the machine gun by knocking the platform onto it. After this, you need to fart to blow up the platform, and your hero will be able to move on.

Before entering the battle, change into normal clothes. At the very beginning of this stage, you must concentrate and inflict damage precisely on the center of the umbilical cord, which is used to treat the embryo. To influence the umbilical cord, it is best to use Cartman, and take Two-handed weapon. The faster you deal with the umbilical cord, the better, because then you will have to move on to the battle with the embryo itself. If you have enough food, then completing the task will not be difficult. When you find yourself outside, don’t forget to report to the girls, and only then go to Kyle’s house.

On North

To further progress through the game, you will need to go to a photo studio and, after beating the photographer, take away his passport. Then get to the farm, fart on the mice that are on the upper path, and go deeper into the forest. From here you need to move clearly upward to find yourself near the border. Go to the first of the settlements, and then hurry to the palace.

Oh Canada

Now go to the neighboring town and, after talking with its leader, go beat the bear-men. Having defeated them all, turn in the task and return to the prince, after which you will be given the next goal - you need to kill the bishop and bring his eggs here. Go to the castle and do this. Bring the eggs to the prince and go to the last city to deliver the letter to its ruler.

Move southeast, cross the river and talk with Terence and Phillip. To start a conversation, you will have to show them your farts. As soon as your hero learns the Nagasaki spell, you need to go to the cave to blow up the stone. Talk to the person who is in the room and return to the girls. Go to Kyle's house.

Beating Clyde

Apply "Nagasaki" to the bridge fastenings. Go around the gate and shrink down to get through the hole in the wall without any problems. With the help of Bathers, cure the gnome and set the rat on fire - to do this you need to fart on the lighter. Move straight and then make a climb, breaking the beam at the very end. Climb higher to deal with the zombie Nazis. Having broken the leg, “let off the gases” to completely destroy the entire structure. Once on the very edge, your hero will receive a ladder from his allies.

It remains to demolish the two towers located on the sides. Take down the first one by farting on the rocket. Shoot the lamp inside the second tower and release the gases again. Turn the levers to open the gate. Even before you engage Craig, start destroying the cows. Well, in order to kill Craig himself, it is important to figure out where the real one is and where his copies are.

Having gone upstairs, climb into the anus of the masochist. Go forward, overcoming obstacles, and break through some strange thing. Climb up along the corn and, calling Wall, remove the electricity. After shooting at the strange thing, teleport further. Go down the guts and then up the Mr. Hat. Blast the ball with your fart.

Kill the next batch of fascists located where the iPhone is. Climb up the lantern, go down using the feces and replace the batteries. Click on the button you see above and the mouse will fly away. Next, as you progress through the game, you will have a fight with the ghost of a sparrow. Having won, move straight and use Nagasaki near the dildo to open the passage. Climb higher, use the anal probe to move onto the plug and turn on the vibrator. Ahead you will see a couple of guards - beat them up and start defusing the pussy bomb. Coping with this task will not be difficult - after all, you have already had an abortion for Randy.


When you get back, go watch the video. Hurry up for Princess Kenny. You will have to fight for a long time against the undying Kenny, but after victory the plot walkthrough of the game South Park The Stick of Truth will be over.

Additional quests of the game South Park: Stick of Truth

Additional task “Volcano is everywhere”

You will be given this task at Kevin Stoley's house. And to complete it, you will need to go to the church and find the iPad - it is hidden behind the Christmas tree, on the right side of the entrance to the building. When you take the gadget, go back to Kevin.

Additional task “Find Jesus”

The task will be given to you by priest Maxi, who sits on a bench in close proximity to the “City Hole”. To complete it, rush to the church and find Jesus there, hiding behind the benches and giggling. Return to the priest and he will again ask you to go to the church and find Jesus. In the temple premises, turn the two lamps crosswise and turn off the light using the toggle switch that you will find on the right. Approach the podium and use the "action" button.

Additional task “Parcel for Mr. Masochist”

The task will be given to you at the post office, which is located in the city center. And then you will need to pick up the jumping dildo behind the counter and take the long-awaited package to Mr. Masochist.

Additional task “Hide and Seek”

To start completing this task, you must first get it from the boy who is on the playground in the children's park. Well, it will help you complete the task special list with screenshots:

1. On the farm, on the left side;
2. Down in the sewer (this is central part cities);
3. Near restaurants;
4. In the immediate vicinity of the lake - behind the tree on the right;
5. Near the house of Mr. Masochist;
6. In a jar that is located at the table.

Additional task “Manbearpig”

Take this task from Elgor, finding him in the bushes near Tweek's coffee shop. Just remember that it can only be completed if a teleportation probe is inserted into your hero’s anus. Place the beacon on the roof of Kenny's garage (you can get there by shooting at the rocks at the top). As for the second beacon, it needs to be placed on the roof of the farm located to your right (climb the stairs there). Well, the place of the latter is on the lake - it should be attached to the board.

Go to Elgor, and then go to those garages that you will see behind bars. You need garage No. 204. Go to the city center, go down into the sewer and use the probe to teleport to the other side. Go to the installation that is located below, and then rush to Elgor again to turn in the task.

Additional task “Mongolian beef”

Pick up the quest at Wong's restaurant and then go to the tower to complete it. Shoot the fasteners at the top to get rid of the guards. Go ahead and knock on the gong to summon the Mongols. You will find the key to the treasure outside the window. Deal with the Mongolian children, shoot the dragon's tail on the balcony and attach it to the door. Shoot the pair of dragons' eyes twice more. Deal with the bunch of Mongols you see at the top and go back to the restaurant.

Additional task “Rats in the cellar”

To complete this task, you need to go to the local pub (complete it right there, in the basement). As a reward, your hero will receive an excellent throwing weapon.

Additional task “Flower for the Princess”

Take the quest to Cartman's castle after talking to Princess Kenny. The flower can be found in the courtyard (to the left of the entrance).

Additional task “Disembarkation of children”

To get the task, go through the sewers. Use an anal probe and remember to carefully examine the area. Stock up on tacos ahead of time because you'll be fighting a lot. There are no offspring of Mr. Henkey in the crab territory, which means there is no point in going there.

Additional task “Magic songs”

Jimmy will give you the task at the elf base. Take this character as your partner and go to the farm. After taking the key from the farmer, hurry to the barn. Inside you will find Nazi cows who will die from dynamite. To win, your hero must have a lot of health or kill several cows in one turn. When you go upstairs, knock down the lamp and “gas” your way to the bag with the flute.

Additional task “Giantess”

Get a task at the elf base near Stan, and then go to this hero's house and beat Sheli. Hilka and taco will help you with this. Well, or, as an option, you can upgrade your hero and use more serious weapons.

Additional task “Restoring balance”

Find a guy at the elf base (in the lower right corner) from whom you can take this quest. And to complete the task you will need to walk around the city and knock down several banners.

Additional task “Unfriend Elgor”

Elgor's headquarters is located in the garage - go there to receive the task. The easiest way to damage this hero and his guards is with throwing bottles (they cause bleeding and severe nausea). You can also add coffee for a double kick. Enemies will die from bleeding themselves - you only need to withstand their attack. And of course, do not forget to block the soldier’s attack with a grenade - otherwise your hero will definitely be defeated.

Additional task “Ruined Stocks”

Once in Mackey's garage, you need to place the monitor on the shelf near the entrance.

Additional task “Defeat the manbearpig”

After you “make” Elgor, this task will become available. Go to the church and look to the left to find the "Manbearpig" in the bushes. It will be even easier to deal with him than last time, and for victory you will also receive an excellent weapon.

Additional task “Phase 1”

After the fight with the gnomes, you will be able to complete this task, in which you need to find five pairs of panties. Four of them are located in the homes of the main characters of the cartoon.

Additional task “The Homeless Problem”

Get a task from the mayor by visiting the city hall. The mayor will ask you to clear the city of homeless people. Remember that the main forces of your temporary opponents are located in the sewer, which you can get into using a hatch located in the center of the city and an anal probe. You will find another one behind Kenny's house, and another one in a truck along the road that leads to Canada. The last one will be in the forest, and to get there you will have to go left from your house, get to the shop and turn behind the tree.

Additional mission “Big Game Hunting with Jimbo”

Buy the book from Jimbo's store using the Miscellaneous tab to receive this quest. And then do this:

1. Go to school (past the Goths) for mutant microbes. Roll into the boiler room and use alcohol to attack the sample shelf.
2. Hurry to the cinema and go down the hatch. You need to get to the bottom path and put a “bloody” orange near the pile of excrement.
3. Without leaving the sewer, get to the battery where you previously turned on the defibrillator. Go left along long journey, go up and turn right. You need to be near the hole with glowing eyes.
4. Go to the farm and ring the bell at the entrance to strike the cow.
5. Travel to Canada and get to the web, which is at the very top of the map.
6. Go to Kenny's house and place the sausage to the right of the building.

That's all - the task is completed.

Tell friends:

We start the game by creating our hero. Main character The New Kid has just moved to South Park and the adventure begins.

To make friends

Search your house more carefully and go for a walk outside. It’s even better to inspect all the houses in the game, since this way you can find many useful items. So, move on and you will see a fight involving Bathers and an elf, help Bathers. After which you will kill Eric and receive the task of gathering friends.

Call the best

We leave Cartman's house and go to the left side to Craig's house, it turns out that he was punished by his parents. Then go to Tweek’s coffee shop and then to Clyde’s house, where you will be given a new task, after completing the tasks, go to Cartman.

Flammable coffee

Go to Kenny's house, then talk to his parents. Then go to the garage and engage in battle with the amphetamine dealers and take the bag from the shelf near the doors. Now you can return to the coffee shop and turn in your assignment.

Uninvited guest

The guard won't let you in, so now head to Jimbo's store. You need to take a gas mask from the store.

Detention after school

Now go to the school, after which you need to fight the red one. In the school hallway, use your "dragon roar" to clear the hallway. Well, you can reach the iron grate that is blocking your path. Therefore, you need to select the Kenny character and use his special skill. After Kenny opens the grate for you, you will need to fight Red again. After the victory, go to the locked doors, in battles it is better to use what surrounds you, thanks to this, the battle process will go much faster. Now switch to the character Bathers and heal the child who has huddled in the corner. Take the key and go out into the corridor, and go straight to the doors, when you get there, open the doors with the key. Then knock down the golden key and take it immediately. Travel to Maki and free Craig. Now you can return to Cartman.


Go to the tavern, where you will have to fight the elves. Where there is a candle, use a fart to clear the passage for yourself. Afterwards, shoot the window where Craig is. Next, choose Bathers and heal Craig from the wounds he received. Get out and save Eric. For allies, you need to clear the passage and go to the second floor. Once you are in Kenny's room, you will need to shoot at objects that glow in order to “build” your way. Drop the chandelier and you will immediately kill the elf. Now switch to Kenny again and use his “unique skill” on the one in the hatch. At the top, fight the elves and shoot at the chest. Next, go down to the first floor and fight Jimi. After winning, you can return to Cartman.

Go home

Return to your home and go to bed. Once you find yourself with the aliens, follow all their instructions.

Alien abduction

You will gain the ability to teleport when using a probe and special points. Now you can move through these fields and leave the room. There will be a pipe above the aliens, shoot at it. Then teleport to those who are still left and kill them. Using the probe, open the doors. Near the laser you need to destroy the aliens again, then climb to the top. Finish off the enemies that are still left and go to the right. Open these doors, then play a mini-game with music. Go to the bottom and turn on the switch, thus throwing off the alien. Go to the central platform and go down, here you need to beat the alien. Now we need to save Randy again. After making a few “mistakes”, you will find the combination simple and necessary. Go to the top and fight the alien spawn again. And now you can free your friend Randy. Next, you have the opportunity to complete the task “The Homeless Problem” by going down to the basement and defeating the homeless man. Well, the final station is the cockpit, go there and fight last time with aliens.

Find new allies

Cartman will give you a new task regarding new allies.

Recruit ready

Walk to the school, then find the gate on the right. The party is ready here. To join them, you need to change clothes and find cigarettes along with coffee.


Go to Jimbo's shop and on the right side there will be cigarettes from the high school students, but pick them up. After which you can take coffee from the Twinks in the coffee shop and clothes from the homeless person who will be located near the garages. You will now meet elves who will offer to meet with their leader. The choice doesn't matter; you'll be taken to Kyle anyway. After you talk to Kyle, you can return to the ready, but before that, change into the attire of a homeless person. Goths will ask you to bring a poster to a meeting. local residents. After fulfilling their request, return to the ready and dance the Gothic dance.

Problems of the parent committee

Chat with Randy and follow him to the toilet. Here you will learn a new skill, after which you will need to test it on Mac. Now go to the place where the space saucer fell and use your new skill on the soldiers that will be there, after they start passing, you can pass by them. After which you again need to distract the fighters and use the probe to teleport to the roof of the building. Climb into the ventilation shaft. After your descent, you will need to kill a couple of zombies. Take the item you need and return to your friend Randy. Now you will be faced with a choice of side, which will change little in the future.

Attack the school

Return to the school and go again to the place where the Goths were once. Here you need to switch to Jimmy and open a passage intended for the disabled. Go to the school where you need to fight enemies. Can still be used at school environment to make battles easier. To get beyond these barricades, go through the ventilation shaft. Also, if you don’t want to fight, you can shoot at the hose in the lamp. Now all that remains is to fart on the torches and finish off the enemies that remain. Then shoot under the fire sensor and break the fan and fart on the torches again. Next you will have to fight the red zombie and then go higher. Turn the valve and climb into the ventilation, break the electrical panel there. Now you just need to break the pipe and turn off all the electricity near you. Now fight the local security guard. After which you will meet Bathers and his friends. When using a probe, you can teleport to the top and hit the enemy from the rear. The barrier that says you need to fart.
Now fight Bathers himself and climb the stairs to the top. After a couple of fights, you will have the main fight, with the Boss. The boss will be Kyle or Cartman, it all depends on what you decided above. After the victory, go home.

The winner of the linen gnomes

At night, gnomes will arrive before you and begin to reduce you in size. Then fight these gnomes and go into the hole of the local mouse in the wall. There are no stairs, instead there are wires. Climb up and break the pipe. Shoot the wire to kill the rat in battle. Now go down, then walk forward a little and go up again. You need to destroy a couple of rats to make the fight easier. To do this, you need to drop a tree on one rat and then fart on another. Now go through your parents' bedroom and fight the gnomes along the way. In the end, there will be a gnome shaman left. When you fight with him, be as careful as possible and try to dodge dad’s attacks, as he does them unexpectedly.

Creation of alliances

Go to Kyle's house, after which you will find out what you need to do next.

Recruit girls

After which you will need to save Justin Bieber's doll so that the girl will take you to the others, they will give you a new task.

Pretend to be Bebe's boyfriend

Go to the park and fight with the bully. Now go back to the girls and change clothes.

Unplanned Parenthood

Go to the hospital where they perform abortions. Go see a doctor and wait until he leaves. Take the doctor's clothes and change into them. Then go into the doctors' room. Here you need to crawl through the hole that is in the floor. Once you go down, you will have to fight zombie rats, it is better to shoot at the pipes. After you get out, put on the doctor's suit again in order to perform Randy's abortion. The button must be pressed when the instruments are aimed at the middle. Go into the corridor, after which you need to shrink and go through the corpse of a soldier who has a hole in his chest. After which you will get to the abyss, where you need to knock down the beam that is at the top. Go down to the grate and leave the room. Now shoot the grenade, then shrink down and teleport to the valve. Turn off the water. Using the probe, teleport into one of the pipes in order to drop the platform onto this machine gun. Use a fart to blow up the platform, after which you can move on. Now you will have a boss fight with a giant germ zombie. I recommend that you change clothes. First, attack half. Then the embryo itself. After the victory, you can turn in the task to the girls and return to Kyle.

On North

Go to the photo salon and take a passport photo. After which you will need to fight the perverted photographer and take your passport from him. Now go to the farm, where you will need to fart on the local mice so that they leave and clear the way for you. Once you are in the forest, move upward at each new territory, after passing a couple of locations, you will find yourself on the border with Canada. Go to the first city you come across and go to the palace.

Oh Canada

To avoid fighting with dire wolves and other bunch of animals, just run away. After going to the neighboring town, you will receive the task of killing a couple of fierce bears. After victory, turn in the quest and return to the prince. After which you will receive a quest to showdown with the episcop. After you go to his castle, you will receive the item you need. Now you will be sent to another city, but this time send a letter. Move to the Southeast, when you reach the river, there will be a pier that you need to use to cross the river. Now you have a meeting with Phillip and Terence. Use all your abilities in the areas of farts. Then learn a new ability - Nagasaki. Go to the cave and use your new ability there. After which you will save the man who was trapped there. Well, now we can return to South Park. But first, go to the girls, and then to Kyle himself.

Beating Clyde

Use your new ability on the bridge. Go around the gate, then shrink down and go through the hole in the wall. Now go to Bathers and heal the gnome. To kill a rat, fart on a lighter. Then go straight and break the beam. Climb higher and defeat the Nazi zombies. Fart on one of the legs and break the entire structure. Then climb up the stairs. Now you will be faced with the task of destroying two towers. Inside the left tower, fart on the fire. To the right, fart on the rocket. Then pull a couple of levers and open the gate. Now you have to fight Craig himself. In battle, only hit it, not its copies.

After which you will need to get into Mr. Masochist. Inside you will need to fight bacteria and other enemies. You can climb up along the corn, after selecting the Wall, you will get rid of the electricity. Now you need to teleport behind the fence. Go down through the guts, and then up through Mr. Hat. Use a fart to blow up the ball. Go to the flashlight and put the batteries back in. There will be a button at the top, click on it and kick it out bat. After which you will need to fight the ghost of a sparrow. After victory, open the passage using Nagasaki's ability. Get as high as possible and when you use your probe you will teleport, after which you need to turn on the vibrator. And now there is a battle with the soldiers. After defeating them, you will need to defuse the bombs. The meaning of neutralization is the same as with Randy's abortion.


Now watch the video and follow Princess Kenny. After a very long fight with the immortal Kenny. You will have to perform a bunch of actions for various characters. After victory, the story will be over.

General information:

Achievement Difficulty:4/10

Offline: 50 (1000 )

Online: 0 (0 )

Approximate time to get 1000: 15-20 hours

Minimum number of playthroughs:1, if performed correctly (see below)

Number of achievements you can miss: 24

Do cheat codes disable achievements?: No cheat codes.

- Does difficulty affect the achievement?:No

Unbreakable/glitchy achievements: No

Optional equipment: Not required


South Park: The Stick of Truth is the long-awaited South Park role-playing game from Matt Stone and Trey Parker, and developed by Obsidian. The game makes it feel like you're not playing a game, but watching a big episode of a show, not only because of the visuals, but also because of the content. So if you are a fan of South Park, then you will love this game to the point of laughter. Even though the game is not that long, you will find a lot of collectibles in it, like finding friends and making friends with all of them. The content in the game is quite vulgar, and the style gameplay follows the tradition of old-school turn-based role-playing games.

Option 1: All in one playthrough

If you plan to complete everything in one playthrough, then the main thing to remember is the following:

1. Play as a Jew.

2. Don't sell anything the entire game.

3. Never end a battle when your ally is stunned. Either revive him and then win the battle, or load a save and try again.

4. Follow the guide to the locations of friends, costumes and Chinpokomon that you might miss. Also be sure to use the guide to all your friends.

5. Follow the achievement schedule below so you don't miss any. They are listed in the order in which they were received and where they can be obtained.

Day 1

  • Acceptance / Humility– In Cartman's fortress at the beginning of the game.
  • Heisenberg / Heisenberg– On Tweek’s instructions at Kenny’s house.
  • Gingivitis / Ryzhevyanka a – First visit to school (the first time you can get it).
  • Day Walker / Luminous- First visit to school.

Day 2

  • Gingivitis / Rustwort– Second visit to school (second time when you can get it).
  • KKK Hero / Hero of the K.K.K.– Second visit to school.
  • Elven Hero / Elven hero– Second visit to school.

Day 3

  • Perverted / Pervert– The main story quest of the Linen Gnomes.
  • Too Far / Too Far– Abortion Clinic.
  • Truth to Power / Voice of the People– Cave in Canada (location of the Prime Minister, the only character who can be missed).
  • Inside Joke/Rich Inner world – Inside Mr. Masochist (you need to complete his first side quest).
  • Face Hoff / From the face like Hasselhoff– Final boss battle.
  • TwoGirls,OneStick / Two Girls, One Stick – Final boss battle.
  • Outpatient / Outpatient– Final boss battle.

6. The following achievements can also be skipped, since they cannot be completed after completing the main story campaign, but can be completed more than once during the passage: “”, “ Dragon Wrath”, “Re-Buttal / Counterargumentation”,Mastery" Be sure to check them out in the guide and complete them as you go.

Option 2: Divide into 2 passes.

If you want to just sit back and enjoy the game without spoiling the game thanks to the achievement descriptions and collectibles guides, then I recommend that you play through your first time without selling any items to get the achievement" FortheHoarder / In reserve". Thus, on the second playthrough you can sell all the unnecessary junk and buy more Supplies, which will help make it easier to obtain “”, and buy costumes from merchants along the way.


It doesn't matter how you choose to play this game. Even if you thoroughly search every corner of the game, I still recommend using a collectibles guide so you don't accidentally miss something and have to start all over again. But don't let that stop you from enjoying this great game. If you're a fan of the series, you'll notice a ton of references and easter eggs in this game, as well as hear a lot of hilarious dialogue.

New Kid On The Block / We have a new guy


Join the K.K.K.

The achievement will unlock after completing the main story quest "Bard".

First Day in South Park / First day in South Park


Spend a day in South Park.

Story achievement. Unmissable.

This achievement will unlock after you go to sleep for the first time. A little later after completing the main story quest "Bard".

KKK Hero / Hero of the K.K.K.


You defeated the Jewish High Elf Kyle.

Cm. " Elven Hero / Elven hero ".

Elven Hero / Elven hero


You defeated Grand Master Cartman.

*Missable achievement!*

Create a save during your second visit to the school. At the end you will have to choose whether to fight Kyle or Cartman. Fight one, then load a save and fight the other to get both achievements in one playthrough.

Nonconformist / Nonconformist


You made friends with the goths, just like everyone else who plays the game.

Story achievement. Unmissable.

You will unlock this achievement after completing the main story quest to befriend the Goths behind the school.

Gingivitis / Rustwort 15

Let the redhead bite you three times without blocking the attack.

*Missable achievement!*

This achievement can be obtained when visiting the school for the first time, in the main story quest to save Craig. Most redheads can be gotten rid of using surrounding objects, and the game will prompt you to do this. I would recommend that you save before entering the school. Enter the school and whenever you fight the redheads, let them attack and block all attacks except bites. Let yourself be bitten 3 times to unlock the achievement, then load a save to restore the potions you spent waiting for the redheads to bite.

Day Walker / Luminous 15

Apply freckles and in this form defeat the boss on duty.

*Missable achievement!*

In the end, during your first visit to the school, you will have to fight the boss on duty. The boss battle will begin as soon as you use the Golden Key. You will need to apply freckles before starting the fight. The easiest way is to create a character with freckles at the beginning of the game. Or you can find freckles at school, but don't forget to stick them on before you start the fight.

Made This for You / Made Especially For You 15

During battle, throw a turd you made at your enemy.

First you need to make a poop. This can be done in any restroom. Go to the toilet and press to sit on it. Now you will have to press the button very quickly to fill the indicator until the timer expires. If you successfully fill the indicator, the poop will fall into the toilet. Stand up and press again to pick up the poop from the toilet. Now that you have a dangerous weapon, then in battle, select the items section, and then select the poop. Select an enemy to throw it at. The enemy will vomit and the achievement will unlock.

Inside Joke / Rich Inner World


You called Mr. Masochist for help while inside him.

*Missable achievement!*

First, you need to learn how to summon Mr. Masochist. Go to the post office. Behind the counter you will find a package for Mr. Masochist. Return to his home and you will unlock the ability to summon him. REMEMBER that he can only be summoned once per day, so only summon him when you are inside him at the end of the game. During the battle inside Mr. Masochist, summon him to unlock the achievement.

Are We Cool? / No offense, right?


Find Jesus as a Jew.

*Missable achievement!*

First, you will need to create a Jewish character at the beginning of the game to unlock this achievement. If you want to play as a different class, then don't worry, as this achievement can be obtained almost immediately. After completing the training, we leave Cartman's fortress and go to the mayor's office. Talk to Maxie's father to receive a side quest from him. Go to the church and find Jesus hiding behind the bench. Return to Maxie to continue the quest. Return to the church and Jesus is now hiding behind the altar. The achievement will open and Jesus will become your friend and you will be able to call upon him.

Parkeologist / Garageologist


Open all garages in South Park.

Each house in the area usually has a garage. Some of them may be public, while others require a key. You can find the key either in the house or after completing a side quest for one of the residents of this house. The earliest you can unlock this achievement is when the main story takes you to the backyard of Kyle's house. Once there, you can go into the house and find the key to the garage. His garage will be the last one to be opened. It is also worth noting that you only need to open garages to achieve this, you do not need to open storage rooms.

Note on the other three garages:

1. Jimmy's garage key can be found inside his house during the second story quest or later in the hallway next to his bedroom.

2. Mr. Masochist's garage in the house next door only partially opens (requires the ability to shrink to enter), but this counts as an opening.

3. Don't forget about Token's house, which is separate from the residential area.

For the Hoarder / In reserve


Don't sell anything during the entire game.

*Missable achievement!*

The description of the achievement speaks for itself. You can't sell anything. Just ignore the Sell tab every time you visit a merchant. Once you defeat the final boss, the achievement will unlock.


You defeated Princess Kenny while disguised as David Hasselhoff.

*Missable achievement!*

You can get a David Hasselhoff nose from plastic surgeon Tom. It will cost you $125. Then you have to beat the game (Kenny) wearing David Hasselhoff's nose. I recommend you finish Canada first, then save, get a nose job, complete the game and get the achievement, then load your save and get your $125 back to spend on the gear you need.

" And "".

Truth to Power / Voice of the People


Fart on the mayor, Holy Father Maxi, the headmistress and the prime minister.

*Missable achievement!*

  • The mayor is at City Hall.
  • Father Maxi is on the bench in front of City Hall.
  • Headmistress Victoria - in the cultural center (you need to go far enough in the story)
  • Prime Minister - It's possible to miss him! Found in caves in Canada. Before talking to him, fart on him, because after the conversation he immediately disappears, and you will have to start all over again.

The achievement should unlock after you fart on the Prime Minister. Simply push the right stick down in front of each character's face to fart on them.

You can watch the video guide.

Irritable Bowels / Irritable Stomach Syndrome


Shit your pants in a boss fight.

*Missable achievement!*

See achievement " PullingMud/Captain Brown Pants" for details. Just repeat on the boss.

Additionally, during the fight with Jimmy, at one point he uses the Brown Bomber attack. If you don't block this attack, your mana meter will reach maximum and you'll shit your pants. The achievement will then unlock.

Acceptance / Humility


You resigned yourself to fate and chose the name Schmuck.

At the very beginning of the game, Cartman will ask your name. It doesn’t matter what you write, Carman will insist in any case that your name is schmuck. First select “not true” and then “yes”.

You can watch the video guide.

Dog Whistle


Fart on an enemy dog ​​while in gnome form.

As you progress through the story, you will unlock the ability to shrink to the size of a Dwarf. Now all you have to do is fart on the enemy dog. This can be done either before the battle, if you stun them, or after defeating them, when you can fart on their prone bodies. If you never received this achievement throughout the game, then after completing the story, you can go into the forest and fight the wolves. After winning, you can fart on their bodies.

You can watch the video guide.

Dragon Wrath


Outside of battle, hit 3 elves with one punch.

The description of this achievement is misleading. You need to not only hit three elves with one fart, but also stun three enemies with one fart. This is best done on your second visit to school. By then you will have unlocked Sneaky Squeaker, which allows you to lure enemies to a specific location. There are three locations in the school where it is possible to lure 3 enemies into one location and then use the environment to stun them all. One of these places is shown in the video guide.

Two Girls, One Stick / Two Girls, One Stick


You defeated Princess Kenny as a girl.

*Missable achievement!*

You acquire the disguise during the main storyline. Equip all the disguise items (4 in total) before the final battle and you will unlock the achievement after completing the final battle.

Please note that you must take off everything additional equipment, including rings, gloves, facial hair, face paint or achievement will not count. You must only equip 4 disguise items.

This achievement can be combined with receiving “ Face Hoff / From the face like Hasselhoff" And " Outpatient / Outpatient”.

Just Saying Hi / Just Say Hello


Fart on every available partner in the game.

You have to fart on Cartman, Butters, Kyle, Stan and Jimmy. After you open them all, then switch and fart on each one. The achievement will unlock as soon as you fart on the last one.

Re-Buttal / Counterargumentation


Use a fart to interrupt 5 spell preparations.

*Missable achievement!*

The enemy will begin to prepare spells only for the first visit to the school. The Boss on Duty can prepare spells at times, just like the Bard. It is worth noting that the easiest way is to interrupt Dwarven spells. Whenever an enemy casts a spell, make sure you have enough mana (you can use a standard fart spell, which requires 40 mana for this achievement), then use the fart spell on the enemy that prepares the spell. This will interrupt the attack and cancel it completely. The achievement is cumulative and you need to do this 5 times. I recommend making a save and farming it on Linen Gnomes. Gain mana before the fight (you will fight 3-4 in the fight). When they start preparing, it is usually not just one enemy, but two. If you have prepared the maximum amount of mana before the fight, you can drink a Potion of Speed, use Dragon's Breath on one of the preparing gnomes, then use breath on the other. This will give you the ability to interrupt two spells in one turn.

Heisenberg / Heisenberg


Put on an evil Cartman beard and a bald cap and defeat the methamphetamine addicts like this.

*Missable achievement!*

The goatee can be found in Cartman's room. You will find it in the chest of drawers. You will find the bald cap in Romper Stomper's cell at the police station. You need to go up to the second floor, open the ventilation with a shot, get into the locker room, steal the key to the prison cells, then open the cell and search the bag. Now don't forget to put everything on. You have to put them on before I send them to Kenny's house on the main story task, in which you need to recruit Tweek. This is one of the first quests, so head to the police station as early as possible. After defeating the meth dealers, the achievement will unlock.

You can watch the video guide.

Outpatient / Outpatient


You defeated Princess Kenny while suffering from severe AIDS.

*Achievement can be skipped!*

You can get severe AIDS from wolves in Canada. Let them attack until the game tells you that you are infected. Don't get rid of it. Just finish the game with him and the achievement will unlock. Dire AIDS won't affect you outside of battle, so don't worry about it. I recommend saving after Canada, letting the wolf bite you to get AIDS, and then ending the game.

This achievement can be combined with receiving “ Two Girls, One Stick / Two Girls, One Stick" And " Face Hoff / From the face like Hasselhoff”.

Perverted / Pervert


For 60 seconds you watched your parents have sex.

*Missable achievement!*

During the moment with the laundry gnomes during the main story, you'll get to a point where you'll be hiding on your parents' dresser while they have sex in bed. Just look at the bed and sit back for 60 seconds and watch until the achievement unlocks.

Shutout / Full Blocking


Successfully block every enemy attack in a single battle (except the tutorial battle).

Once you learn how to press to block enemy attacks, you can complete this achievement at any time. You need to let the enemy attack you at least once to block the attack rather than letting them attack. Try to complete this achievement with a minimum number of enemies in battle, and deal as much damage as possible to get rid of all but one. Let him attack, and be ready to block him so that the PP meter at the bottom is Perfect. Finish off the last enemy and after the battle the achievement will unlock. I found the easiest way on two elves found in the area. You can easily kill one in the first turn, then let the second one attack you and block it (their attacks are quite simple and predictable). Kill the second elf to end the battle and unlock the achievement.

Stay Down / And Don't Get Up


Fart on 10 enemies when they are already defeated.

Every time you defeat an enemy, their bodies will lie on the ground until you leave the area. Be sure to fart (right stick down) on every downed body before you leave, and you'll get the achievement at the very beginning of the game. You'll know you farted on them if their bodies jerk and they react to it.

Avenger / Avenger


Defeat at least 3 enemies in one battle while your partner is unconscious.

NOTE: If you finish the game and your partner was down at least once at the end of the battle, you will not receive the achievement “ No Child Left Behind / Without Loss”.

You need to fight at least 3 opponents. Let your partner be stunned while 3 other enemies are in the fight, then defeat them all alone. The easiest way is to attack all three enemies until their health is reduced to a minimum. Then have them stun your partner and then you can finish them off. I recommend making a save before the battle so that obtaining this achievement does not affect “ No Child Left Behind / Without Loss”.

Easiest places to get: rats in Skeeters Bar, as they are very weak, or against a group of 3 kids in the area. To avoid killing enemies, simply don't press or after selecting a melee attack.

No Child Left Behind / Without Loss


Complete the entire game without your partner being knocked out at the end of the battle.

*Missable achievement!*

As stated in the achievement description, you cannot end battles while your partner is unconscious. If your partner is knocked out, you can revive him before the battle is over. Once you defeat the last boss, the achievement will unlock. I recommend saving before each fight in case you are unable to complete it successfully. If you accidentally end a fight with a partner passed out, reload your save or checkpoint to avoid losing the achievement. It's also worth remembering that you can always lower the difficulty in the Options menu, and this will not affect any achievements.

Poco Chinpoko / Poko-Chinpoko


Collect 5 Chinpokomon.

Cm. "".

Chinpoko loco / Chinpoko-Loko


Collect 15 Chinpokomon.

Cm. " Chinpokolypse / Chinpocalypse".

Chinpokolypse / Chinpocalypse


Collect all the Chinpokomon.

*Missable achievement!*

In total, you will meet 30 Chinpokomon scattered throughout the game world. Some of them can be skipped, as they are found in locations that you will not be able to return to after completing story quests.

You can watch the video guide.


If you miss these Chinpokomon, you won't have a chance to get them another time, so keep an eye out for it in the following missions:

  • Roidrat- (Bard) In the attic of the Neighing Donkey.
  • Beetlebot- (Alien Abduction) On the UFO, shoot the Beetlebot that is lying on the hanging monitor in the room before the final boss.
  • Gunrilla- (Getting New Allies) Knock the Gunrilla off the top of the filing cabinet in the government meeting room.
  • Fetuswami- (Forming Alliances) This one is next to the automatic turret in the Abortion Clinic.
  • Pterdaken- (School Attack) In a locker on the second floor of the school.
  • Shoe- (Beat Clyde) At the very top of Clyde's fort. Use the anal probe to move towards him.

Daddy Issues


Make friends with your dad.

First you will need to make at least 50 friends. Then talk to your father in your house and he will become your friend. See the list of all friends to make all 120 friends. You won't be able to make 50 friends until you get the Probe ability.

More Popular Than Jesus


Make friends with half of South Park.

*Missable achievement!*

Cm. " MorePopularThanJohnLennon / More popular than John Lennon"You need to make 60 friends.

More Popular Than John Lennon / More popular than John Lennon


Make friends with everyone in South Park.

*Missable achievement!*

This achievement requires you to befriend 120 villagers South Park, INCLUDING Clyde at the very beginning of the game, who can technically be considered 121, but he stops being your friend after he gets banished. You must talk to Clyde at the very beginning of the game in Cartman's Fortress before talking to Pocket, or you will not be able to unlock this achievement even if you get all 120 friends.

You can watch a video guide to all friends.

Junk Peddler / Junk Picker


Sell ​​300 junk items.

You'll collect various items throughout the game by searching bags, boxes, and knocked out enemies. If you search and collect everything, you can get this achievement early in the game. But after getting this achievement, you will not get the achievement “FortheHoarder / In reserve" I recommend you first get the achievement “FortheHoarder / In reserve”, and after finishing the game, sell all the trash.

Stick Savior / Stick Savior


You defeated Princess Kenny and took the Stick of Truth.

Story achievement. Unmissable.

Receive after completing the game. Make sure you have enough healing potion as you will have to fight Princess Kenny three times. This is the final battle, so feel free to use a Speed ​​potion to get an extra attack every turn.

Ass of Fire / Ass on Fire


Use Cartman's ass to kill 20 enemies.

When Cartman becomes your partner, take him into battle. In combat, you will need to use one of his fart attacks to kill your opponent. The achievement is cumulative, so repeat this 20 times to unlock it. His best fart attack is on the right side of the attack wheel. This is an AoF attack that hits all enemies with fire, and you will most likely kill several enemies with one such attack. You will unlock Cartman when the zombies have already appeared. It's best to do this on a farm, as there are a lot of zombies there and they are weak against fire.

Canadian Handshake / Canadian Handshake


Fart on people 100 times.

This doesn't have to be done at 100. different people. You can do it on one. Just stand nearby and spam farts until the achievement unlocks. Push the right stick down to fart.

Animal Cruelty / Cruelty to Animals


Fart on animals 25 times.

You don't have to do this on 25 different animals, and the animal doesn't have to be hostile. This achievement can be achieved at Cartman's fortress on a cat in a pen or on any other cat in the city. Just fart until you get the achievement.

Pulling Mud / Captain Brown Pants


Shit your pants three times in battle.

First, you need to get Mana, which you will receive after Cartman teaches you fart spells in the fortress. You will also need to purchase Mana potions. You can use them outside of battles to replenish your Mana gauge. Then go into battle and you will see the Mana Jackal flashing with a warning sign. This means that if you use another Mana Potion, you will shit your pants. Drink the potion to shit your pants.

This is a cumulative achievement, so you don't have to shit the states 3 times in one battle. I recommend saving before the battle, and repeating this three times in one battle, reloading the save after each time. This will save your Mana potions.

Shopaholic / Shopaholic


Get half of the available costume sets.

*Missable achievement!*

Cm. " FullArsenal / Full Arsenal".

Clothes Whore


Get all available costume sets.

*Missable achievement!*

Cm. " FullArsenal / Full Arsenal".

Too Far / Too Far


You farted on the corpse of an aborted zombie fascist fetus.

*Missable achievement!*

You should get this achievement when you get to the Abortion Clinic in the story. After you fight the zombie fascist fetus (or kill it with the environment), fart on its corpse before moving on and the achievement will unlock.

Friends in Strange Places / Strange Friends


Make friends with crab people and linen gnomes.

To become friends with the underwear gnomes, you must complete the quest that requires you to find 5 pairs of panties. The panties can be found at any time, but the side quest with the underwear gnomes becomes available only after you complete the quest associated with them at the beginning of Day 3. The panties are located:

  1. In Cartman's room.
  2. In Stan's room.
  3. In Stan's parents' room.
  4. In Kevin Stoyley's room.
  5. In Kyle's room (will become available during the story).

To befriend the crab people, you need to get the Nagasaki fart spell from Terence and Phillip in Canada at the end of the game. You must then go to the end of the sewer (or enter next to the cinema if you opened the hatch) and destroy the rock with Nagasaki. This will open the way to a human slave who will become your friend if you talk to him.

Weapon Proficiency / Weapon Proficiency


Perform 100 perfect attacks.

During the tutorial, Cartman will teach you how to press (or ) while attacking to perform the perfect attack. You will need to do this 100 times throughout the game to unlock the achievement. You'll know you made a perfect attack if you see "Perfect" written below your PP.

Skilled Defender / Skilled Defender


Block 100 attacks.

During the tutorial, Cartman will teach you how to press when an enemy is attacking when a sign appears to block the attack. You will need to do this 100 times throughout the game to unlock the achievement. You'll know you've made a block if you see "Perfect" below your PP.

You bastards! / Bastards!


Let Kenny die in battle 10 times throughout the game.

NOTE: Please note that you will not receive the achievement “ No Child Left Behind / Without Loss” if Kenny is dead at the end of the fight.

The easiest way is to finish the game (i.e. open from the beginning “ No Child Left Behind / Without Loss"), and then go with Kenny to Canada. Use Kenny's rat ability and don't move the stick. This will automatically kill Kenny and harm enemies. Complete the battle with your character. Repeat against all animals encountered in Canada. Enter the cave, then exit and repeat until Kenny has died 10 times in battle.



Unlock all upgrades for one of the Newbie's abilities.

*Missable achievement!*

You need to clear one of your five abilities to level 5 to unlock the achievement. Be careful because maximum level There are 15 in the game, so you can only get 15 upgrades out of over 20 options. You can see the levels of each ability at any time, so you can study each ability and see which one is best to level up. In the worst case scenario, if you prefer to spread the upgrades across all abilities, then you can save an upgrade or two and upgrade one of the abilities to the maximum, then load your last save before that.

Make it Rain! / Money by the River!


Spend $500.

This is a cumulative achievement. If you are going to get the achievement" FullArsenal / Full Arsenal", then you can easily spend that much money on buying equipment. To accumulate that much money, collect everything that catches your eye throughout your entire playthrough, including all the junk. After you finish the game and get the achievement “ FortheHoarder / In reserve”, then sell all the junk and you will have over $500 to spend.

Full Arsenal / Full Arsenal


Get all the weapons and all the costumes in the game.

*Missable achievement!*

You need to purchase all 153 pieces of equipment/suits. You can see a list of everything in the Finds section in the Equipment tab. Here you can view the statistics of the collected equipment.

You can watch a video guide to all weapons and costumes.

Costumes/equipment can be obtained by collecting items from bags, crates, sacks, etc., searching knocked out enemies, receiving them as rewards for completing quests, and purchasing them from merchants.

Note: You don't need to have all the equipment in your inventory! In other words, you can sell old things to earn money and buy new ones. If you picked up an item, it will already be noted in the statistics.

If you are having problems with Walkthrough of the game Stick of Truth, you can always use our advice and information to take action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to completely complete the game. Stick of Truth. In the most difficult places we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough The Stick of Truth read on our website.

Create your character, watch a few introductory videos.

To make friends

Your parents want you to make new friends. Explore the house, collect items. Go outside. Go right. A block away you will notice a fight between Butters and Elf. Hit the last one, talk to the Paladin. He will take you to Cartman's house, where you will be taught your first fighting techniques. You can chat with all the children and add them as friends (if Kenny gives you a task about a flower, you can pick it on the left side of the lawn). After training, go into the tent with the Master and study the Stick of Truth. The elves appear. Kill them all. The stick was stolen, in order to return it you need to gather your army.

Chapter 1: Calling the Best

The squad needs to be replenished with three fighters. Open the map. Your closest option is Craig. Walk down the street to his house. The boy's dad will say that a Level 14 Thief was left at school for making an indecent gesture. Next on your list is Jimbo, he lives in the northwest of South Park. Go to his mansion.

Uninvited guest

The security guard doesn't want to let you into the boy's house and sprays it in your face gas canister. Go left to the military store, buy a gas mask and put it on. Return to the guard, he will not be able to blind you, defeat him in battle. Examine the body, go into the alley of the house. Knock on the door, give Jimbo the letter. He agrees to join.

Flammable coffee

Only Tweek remains on your list. He is in a coffee shop. Go to her. Talk to the boy's parents, go to the warehouse. Tweek will give the bag and ask Kenny's parents to take it to him. Go to the house of the famous suicide bomber, knock on the door. Kenny's mom gives you the key to the garage so you can give the package to their tenants. They turned out to be methamphetamine addicts. They will think you are a policeman. Kill the drug addicts. Break everything in the garage, go along the beam, there is a package on the shelf at the top left. Take it and take it to Tweek. Now Tweek’s parents can easily replace the sugar in their coffee with methane phetamines and let the boy go for a walk. Return to Cartman.

After lessons

Craig needs to be saved anyway, go to school. In the hall a redhead without a soul will try to stop you, beat him up. Go right and use the Dragon's Roar to break the barrier. Continue to the next obstacles. Put Kenny in the group and ask him to show his tits to the guards, they will open the gate. After defeating all the redheads, you will receive the key. If you have examined the doors, you will understand which one is needed. Open the door, you can use small items kill the saffron milk cap without a fight. Include Butters in the team, heal the guy and get another key. Go into the director's room, hit the golden key with arrows. Go back to the dining room, open the door. The chief duty officer appears. You need to defeat him and two guards. Try to beat main goal using a bat and gas attacks. Try to do everything quickly so that the boss doesn’t call your parents. After winning, say goodbye to Mackey, take Craig and go to Cartman.

Chapter 2: Bard

The Stick of Truth is in the possession of the Bard, who is hiding in the tavern. Go to your goal, talk to the bartender and go down to the basement. It's very dark everywhere, go through the various debris to the southwest, shine the light on Bard. He stutters very badly, so skip the scene with his dialogue. Kill the elves. Next you need to get out of the basement, you can kill several elves with a fart, and distract others with a broken socket. Shoot Craig who is sitting in the window. Heal him and go upstairs. Go to the kitchen, talk to Cartman, heal him.

Go into the hall, eliminate a new batch of elves and go upstairs. The bard is cheating and does not want to open the door. There's a guy sitting on top, call him with Kenny's tits. Go up to the attic, kill everyone there. Break the floor in the far right corner. Go downstairs. You need to defeat the Bard. His songs can deafen you, so be careful. Try to use attacks with the highest possible damage yourself. After victory, take the Stick of Truth.

Go home

It's very simple, after the meeting - go home and go to bed.

Alien abduction

The aliens love to study people, so you will have to flee from them. First, fight off anal attacks with your butt. Now you have a probe and with its help you can navigate through locations where there are special indicators. Leave the room, go to the hall. Kill aliens and use the probe to move to different corners of the map. Collect bonuses and weaken your defense. At the end you will find yourself at the main mechanism.

You need to save Randy from anal punishment, press the necessary music buttons. Return to Randy, take the crystal from his cage and insert it into the elevator on the left, which is located in the next room. Go up, kill the two alien pilots and land the ship. The US government noticed the crash and is sending a reconnaissance team to you.

Chapter 3: New Allies

Cartman wants to join the ranks of the human race, so new warriors are needed. Go to the school, go into the backyard.

Recruit ready

Talk to the Goths, they will tell you their conditions that must be met for their entry. Next, you will be kidnapped by an elf. They'll tell you a few interesting facts about Cartman and will be given the right to choose - stay with the people or go to the elves.


Go to a coffee shop, buy black coffee. Then follow the homeless man. Buy black clothes from him and wear them. Run to the military store. Beat up schoolchildren in an alley and take away cigarettes. Now go back to the Goths. Dance. They are ready to join the human race, but they need to complete one more task - carry a poster at a parent-teacher meeting. Go to the stadium.

Problems of the parent committee

Randy is ready to help with the photo, but first he needs to go to the crash site of the flying saucer and find out the truth about the government. Randy will teach you the magic fart - a distraction. Go into a crowd of people, watch how cleverly the soldiers try to stop everything and kill a person. Distract the guards and run through the main gate.

Distract another guard and climb onto the roof using the probe. Next, crawl into the ventilation. Government agents are planning to blow up South Park. Go downstairs, steal the tape and kill the Nazi zombie. Return to Randy. Take a photo and take it to the Goths. Next you will have to choose which side you are on - people or elves. After decision taken watch the video.

School attack

The mission is very long, but simple. Enter the school through the backyard (where the goths hang out). Next, you need to go through familiar locations and kill enemies and Nazi zombies that appeared from the basement. Get to your office. You need to choose who to kill Cartman or Kyle. Fight and win. It turns out that Clyde has the Stick of Truth. He created his own squad of zombie Nazis. The boy's goal is to take over the world. Come home, go to bed.

Linen gnomes

Tricky little men from Belgium want to steal your panties. Fight them. After victory, you will become a gnome. You need to return to your previous appearance. Go through the walls to Mom and Dad's room. They have crazy sex and a Shaman sits next to their bodies. Challenge him to a fight. Fight and dodge genitals. After victory, return to your appearance and gain the ability to shrink in the future.

Chapter 4: New Alliance

Kyle and Cartman decided that they needed to join forces for a great battle.

Recruit girls

Head towards the courthouse. Girl Emmy is beaten by high school girls, beat the latter. Emmy will take you to the secret base of all the girls in South Park. They will agree to help you if you find a two-faced bitch.

Pretend to be Bebe's boyfriend

Go to the park to meet a potential traitor. It turns out that she is not the one starting the rumors. Beat up the girl's boyfriend.

Unplanned Parenthood

To find out who the two-faced bitch is, dress up as a girl and go to the hospital to have an abortion. Go to the doctor, resist him on the table. When the doctor leaves, change into his clothes. Go to the central door, go through it. You will find yourself in the archive, study the documents. Randy and the soldiers appear. It turns out that Nazi zombies are attacking. Turn into a little gnome and try to leave the hospital.

Are you in in good condition find yourself in the operating room. To prevent the soldiers from killing you, deprive Randy of the fetus. Continue on your way after killing the embryos. Dr. Faginophile appears and says that Kim Kardashian's baby is going to kill everyone. Fight him back and after winning, return to the girls. They will agree to join your squad if you help translate the letter. Talk to Kyle.

On North

Before traveling to Canada, you need a passport. Go to a photo salon, take some photos. Listen to the photographer. A little later it turns out that he is a pedophile. Kill him.

Oh Canada

Go north to the farms. Scare away rats with a fart. Run along the path to the north all the time. You will find yourself in Canada. Pass the border. This country According to the creators of the game, it is similar to a 2D game for Dendy. Go to the first city. Talk to the prince. He will send you to his advisor. Chat with him, and then run to the prince again. He will ask you to kill the Bishop and cut off his balls. Run northwest. Do as you are asked and bring the trophy to the prince. He will refuse to help you, go to Vancouver. Give the letter to its leader. He will help you, but first you have to learn the new kind pukomagii. Go south. Swim across the water. Show Terence and Philip what you can do. They will teach you a new ability. Follow the caves and free the French Canadian. In response, the former prisoner will translate the letter. Return to the girls.

Beating Clyde

You need to clear 4 floors of Clyde's Tower. Once you reach the very top, kill Craig. First, break the levers so that the Nazi cows do not help him. Then you will have to deal with the boss who returned from the other world.


Buy the maximum amount of elixir to replenish your health and strength. You will have to kill Kenny. Thanks to Morgan Freeman, it turned out that your friend is a former orc and the true heir to the Stick of Fate. To defeat Kenny, hit him with a bat and with the help of Mr. Chaos. No matter how funny it may sound, you need to kill Kenny 6 times, and then fart on his balls after the cutscene. Once you complete the assigned tasks, throw away the Stick of Fate. Send all your friends. Credits and game completed. But don't stop, you can collect all the Chinkpocoms and do a lot of cool things in the town of South Park.

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