Get pregnant after IVF naturally. Can a woman get pregnant naturally after unsuccessful IVF? Symptoms of miscarriage

The fact that conception can occur not only naturally is no longer surprising today. A method of pregnancy planning, like IVF, is considered effective and safe at the same time. This is truly a huge chance for those who have gone through a difficult path and difficult test in the fight against infertility.

However, it is worth understanding that the IVF procedure itself does not guarantee one hundred percent confidence in a favorable pregnancy outcome. Something may not work out, and panic in this matter can only do harm.

A woman who is committed to IVF needs to be prepared for many difficulties, but a positive attitude on her part is a prerequisite.

Briefly about the IVF method

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a proven reproductive method through which a woman has a high chance of conceiving and carrying a child by fertilizing her own egg outside her body and then transplanting it into the uterine cavity. This method requires regular monitoring and attention from the woman and the doctor, since bearing a fetus after IVF is a vulnerable process, complicated by constant research of the woman’s hormonal background.

The fact of conception after the IVF method at an early stage can be determined in a laboratory way, namely, by testing for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

The levels of this hormone should change 14 days after embryo transfer. After 48 hours, the analysis is repeated to examine the level of hCG. A jump in hCG towards an increase indicates that so far everything is normal. However, it happens that human chorionic gonadotropin levels decrease, which is a signal of an abnormal course of pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy

Two calendar seven days after in vitro fertilization, a woman can check the results of embryo survival. This process allows you to evaluate the result of pregnancy by testing. Due to the fact that a woman is forced to take hormonal replacement, conventional tests, in terms of information, do not always 100% confirm the fact of conception and do not guarantee pregnancy, so testing is carried out several times.

Determining the level of the beta-hCG hormone is a reliable method, which is carried out 12 days after IVF intervention. By the end of the tenth week, hCG levels should reach their highest level.

Additional pregnancy symptoms

The symptoms are not distinctive and are difficult to identify from those of a natural pregnancy. These include conditions such as:

  • dizziness and pain in the head;
  • nausea and indigestion;
  • decrease in systolic blood pressure;
  • sensitivity in the lumbar area.

If a woman has slight bleeding from the vaginal tract, then there is no need to panic. This is only a sign of the engraftment of the implant - the embryo and the processes taking place in the woman’s body. There is no threat to the fetus or the expectant mother.

The first days of pregnancy after IVF

The first months after IVF are critical and especially stressful. This is an important period in terms of long-term and favorable pregnancy. It is at this time that the “foundation is laid” for successful gestation.

During this time interval, a woman should show maximum caution, caution and attention to herself and her health. The same applies to all doctor’s recommendations and prescriptions, which must be followed without delay or excuses.

Doctors say that a woman’s psycho-emotional background can most directly influence the course and outcome of pregnancy, so it is very important for a pregnant woman to remain calm and not get nervous over trifles.

Hormonal stimulation (or hormone therapy) during the IVF protocol somewhat disrupts the hormonal balance in a woman’s body, so maintenance therapy with progesterone and estrogen is more necessary than desirable. The balance of these hormones will help a woman quickly switch to “pregnant mode”.

A woman should not be afraid of such moments as constant monitoring of hormone levels and it is important to calm down and understand that this is necessary for a possible adjustment of the dose of drugs.

Also, a pregnant woman should be prepared for the fact that the doctor will urgently require bed rest and rest in the first 12 weeks. The successful completion of the first trimester will allow the woman to breathe deeper and calm down a little.

The course of pregnancy by trimester

After IVF, the stages of pregnancy are divided into three trimesters, as in a normal pregnancy. Each trimester is a kind of step towards achieving the long-awaited birth.

First trimester

The initial or first trimester is characterized by the transformation of a fertilized cell into an embryo, and a fetus into a fetus, and it lasts from the moment of conception to the 12th week. During this period, all the organs of the child are formed.

The second stage is the second trimester of pregnancy, which is characterized by intensive development of the fetus and placenta. The second trimester covers the time frame from the 14th to the 28th week.

This is how pregnancy develops from the 19th day of conception

Finally, the final or final stage of pregnancy is the period of time between the 25th and 40th weeks of gestation until the birth itself.

Why is the first trimester one of the most difficult after IVF?

Firstly, at this time the risk of pregnancy complications is highest and most likely, so it is extremely important for a woman to remain in a balanced state. The slightest emotional outbursts can negatively affect the course of pregnancy after IVF.

Secondly, the IVF procedure changes a woman’s hormonal stability through medications that can provoke hormonal imbalance, while during normal pregnancy and conception there is a natural independent restructuring in the woman’s body to bear the fetus.

From the beginning of the fourth week, the embryo begins to form intensively. During this period, discharge from the female genital tract should be colorless, so if any alarming changes are detected, it is important to report the problem to the doctor as soon as possible.

Another risk during IVF planning may be such a common occurrence as an ectopic pregnancy. To exclude this pathology, a woman is prescribed an ultrasound without fail.

Be sure to watch this video:

Also, in vitro fertilization increases the likelihood of multiple pregnancy. However, it is possible that one of the embryos stops its development and resolves. This phenomenon is safe for the remaining embryo and does not have any negative effects.

It happens that in women who have undergone IVF, the formation of the fetus can be fraught with congenital malformations. Usually, to reassure the woman and doctors, an ultrasound examination is performed at the 10th week of pregnancy to identify or not, as well as the likelihood of a defect in the child.

How to maintain pregnancy in the first trimester and reduce the risk?

Here are the simple rules:

  1. It is very important for the expectant mother to be observed in the very center where she underwent the IVF protocol.
  2. The patient needs to monitor her diet and intake of a number of vitamins and microelements.
  3. Hormonal therapy is a prerequisite at this stage.
  4. A woman’s attentive attitude to physical and emotional stress should protect her from all kinds of risks. Do not lift weights or engage in strenuous aerobic exercise.
  5. Proper rest and sleep is another important condition for the successful bearing of a child after IVF.
  6. Hiking in a forested area is highly recommended and especially recommended for women during the first trimester.
  7. Often, in order to reduce all possible risks, specialists suggest that a pregnant woman be registered as an inpatient.

The course of pregnancy without complications allows the patient to be observed on an outpatient basis - in the antenatal clinic. An immunogram can inform you about how pregnancy is progressing in the early stages after IVF.

Second trimester

The fourth month of pregnancy opens the second trimester, which also contains certain risks for the expectant mother. A syndrome such as cervical insufficiency (ICI) is manifested by softening of the cervical canal of the uterus (cervix), entailing the risk of unexpected birth. In order to prevent and prevent this pathology, a transvaginal ultrasound of the pelvic organs and cervix is ​​performed, which makes it possible to more accurately determine the threat of ICI. To prevent premature birth, stitches may be placed in the cervix. Predisposing causes of this phenomenon may be the congenital characteristics and structure of the cervix, as well as multiple pregnancies.

Particular importance, after IVF, should be given to such a possible risk as pathology of the placenta - a serious disorder that appears against the background of existing disorders of the reproductive system. To monitor blood flow in the fetal vessels, a woman is prescribed an ultrasound examination and Doppler method (Doppler) every month.


This complication during pregnancy has not been fully studied, but this pathology occurs in the form of a disorder in the functioning of the main organs, in particular the vascular and excretory systems. One of the earliest signs of gestosis is swelling in the extremities.

Preeclampsia is otherwise called dropsy of pregnancy. The most dangerous symptoms of gestosis include the presence of protein in the urine and increased blood pressure. Preeclampsia is dangerous not only for the expectant mother, but also for her unborn child. Possible development of fetal hypoxia and the risk of early labor. The woman needs urgent hospitalization.

For early detection of gestosis, it is important to constantly monitor body weight, blood pressure, take a urine test and monitor daily diuresis - this is the ratio of the fluid drunk and excreted by the body. Preeclampsia is treated in a hospital setting.

Third trimester

After 32 weeks, it is important to intensify monitoring of placental maturity. The fact is that IVF has an adverse effect on the placenta, and its premature aging after in vitro fertilization increases, which entails a disorder in the functioning of the organ.

In this video, a woman shares her experience of maintaining pregnancy after IVF:

Miscarriage and threat of miscarriage

Probably the worst thing a woman fears after many months since the start of the IVF procedure is a frozen pregnancy, that is, intrauterine death of the fetus. This dramatic phenomenon occurs more often in the first trimester of pregnancy, but late miscarriage is also a documented fact.

Symptoms of fetal development disorders

A woman complains of thick discharge from the genital tract. There is nagging pain in the pelvic area. Body temperature may also increase. Late miscarriage is characterized by the cessation of signs of toxicosis. Of course, premature fetal death can be caused by various reasons, the main ones being:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. Late age of a woman.
  3. The presence of chronic pathologies.
  4. Frequent stress.
  5. Failure to comply with the basic prescribed regimen and much more.

To prevent hormonal deficiency, a woman can be prescribed hormonal medications to correct the balance of estradiol and progesterone.

The failure of IVF or why it didn’t work?

After a failed first IVF, it is extremely important to determine the main cause. Both partners may need to be tested again. Sometimes the solution is to change your hormonal treatment. There is no need to rush and repeat IVF in the next, coming cycles, since the likelihood of miscarriage is still high.

Harmonizing a woman’s emotional and physical background will help in her next IVF attempt. The shattered hopes that a woman has after an unsuccessful attempt at this reproductive method may well be justified. But in this situation, there is a real chance of becoming pregnant as a result of the natural method. After all, according to statistical studies, many women became pregnant on their own, without assisted IVF. There is evidence that IVF helps a woman become pregnant naturally.

Dependence of independent conception on the age of the expectant mother

The following factors can facilitate spontaneous conception after an IVF procedure:

  • intensive hormone therapy that the woman received before the IVF method;
  • complete therapy and prevention of indolent chronic diseases;
  • stabilization of a woman’s emotional state.

All this increases the chances of conceiving a child naturally.

Problems that interfere with natural conception are more extensive, and most often the following conditions inhibit the onset of pregnancy:

  1. Obstruction of the fallopian tubes.
  2. Defective development of the uterus (endometrial hypoplasia).
  3. Weak sperm activity.

One last positive video about IVF:

Those who have encountered difficulties conceiving using the IVF method should not despair and it is important to realize that there are always chances. Write your stories in the comments. Tell us about your IVF experience and help others. Thanks for visiting.

The article will discuss what the prospects are for getting pregnant naturally if you have previously had in vitro fertilization (IVF) surgery.

The in vitro fertilization procedure helps people who have lost hope of having children realize their dream. Some people want one child (although often the number of children during pregnancy as a result of IVF is higher), while others want to become parents for the second and third time. In this situation, the question arises: is a natural pregnancy possible after a successful IVF, or after an unsuccessful one? Let's try to understand this issue.

When is it carried out?

If pregnancy does not occur naturally, the future parents, primarily the woman, undergo a thorough comprehensive medical examination. The reasons can be different, both somatic and psychological. Before you think about IVF, eliminate possible factors why conception does not occur. As a rule, the lion's share of couples experiencing such problems do not proceed to IVF.

The list of indications for prescribing IVF is clear: these are physiological female and male infertility of certain forms, as well as cases where, after a long examination of the couple, the cause of infertility has not been identified.

Several failed protocols: consequences

Naturally, a woman who has gone through an unsuccessful IVF protocol and who pinned her cherished hopes on it is in a state of frustration when her hands give up and the whole world seems meaningless. It’s hard to even guess what kind of feelings you’ll experience after the second or subsequent unsuccessful attempts.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the break for carrying out a new procedure after an unsuccessful protocol is at least six months. Unfortunately, depression in this situation is almost inevitable. Therefore, it is necessary to use courage, and perhaps the support of a psychologist, in order to successfully cope with it.

In addition to the impact on the psychological state, several unsuccessful protocols in a row can also lead to problems with the digestive system, kidneys, liver, and new (or worsened) problems of the female reproductive system. This is due to the abundant medicinal support of the body during preparation and completion of the procedure, as well as a high level of stress.

The likelihood of pregnancy on your own without IVF

The possibility of pregnancy in the future without IVF remains the same as before the procedure. The chances of conception are more likely to increase. An organism that has undergone preparation for IVF, even after an unsuccessful protocol, remains “in the stimulus” set during preparation for the procedure. There are many cases where, after an unsuccessful protocol, and sometimes after several failures, patients became pregnant naturally.

A team of scientists from France calculated the proportion of “spontaneous” conceptions in patients who underwent IVF: about 24% of French women who underwent unsuccessful in vitro fertilization subsequently gave birth to babies without resorting to this procedure. The proportion of women who became pregnant naturally after successful IVF was approximately 17%.

What can contribute to a positive outcome?

A woman’s positive emotional background and a healthy lifestyle have a beneficial effect on her ability to conceive: a balanced diet, moderate physical activity, and careful attention to the health of her body. All this is required both to achieve the desired result using the IVF procedure and is a positive background for natural conception.

What negative factors can interfere with spontaneous conception after IVF?

Factors that are exactly the opposite of those described in the previous paragraph can interfere with conception after IVF, namely: a depressed emotional state, inattention to one’s own health and lifestyle.

Does the chance of a natural pregnancy increase after successful fertilization?

The likelihood of getting pregnant after an IVF procedure with a positive result becomes higher. Firstly, the body has “learned” and “remembered” the mechanism of conception and gestation; this effect is most relevant in the first year or two after birth and weakens over time.

Secondly, the psychological state of a woman: awareness of her “fullness” (with which there are often problems during the struggle with infertility), happiness from acquiring the long-awaited status of a mother is only beneficial.

Natural conception after unsuccessful in vitro fertilization

After unsuccessful IVF, the body’s ability to conceive naturally also increases. This is especially true in the first month after an unsuccessful procedure. Since the parents were prepared for the protocol: they followed the regime, received medication and hormonal support for the body - all this is a favorable background for the onset of a “spontaneous” pregnancy.

Sometimes psychological factors interfere with pregnancy. There are no contraindications to conception due to health reasons, but a woman cannot become pregnant. This may be due to excessive experiences and reflection on this topic. On the other hand, the woman herself is not psychologically ready for the birth of a child and has hidden anxieties. In these cases, not medical, but psychological help is required.

In vitro fertilization is a real opportunity to become parents when the situation seems hopeless.

However, it should be remembered that this is not a magical panacea, but a serious medical procedure. First, it requires responsible preparation on the part of parents. Secondly, there is no need to be afraid of failure.

A number of couples are diagnosed with infertility. This diagnosis is not a death sentence, since many methods have been developed by which this condition can be overcome, for example, IVF.

The procedure is popular and helps many couples find the babies they want. Let's consider in the article whether natural pregnancy is possible after the IVF procedure and the reasons why it is quite possible.

Is it possible to get pregnant on your own after the procedure?

Many couples dream of children, but this is not always possible. The IVF procedure is popular, but it is not always effective. Many people resort to this procedure, but the question remains: “Is it possible to get pregnant on your own after in vitro fertilization?”

In case of unsuccessful attempts

It's hard to realize that what you strived for so much has gone to waste. But don’t be upset, because, according to statistics, the chances of conceiving a baby naturally after an unsuccessful attempt at the protocol exist. And scientists say that they are even increasing. The couple should not lose hope and should try again and again. Pregnancy is possible in the next cycle after an unsuccessful attempt.

It should be remembered that after IVF the body needs to recover and gain strength.

After successful in vitro fertilization

Having received the desired child, parents often stop using contraceptives. The diagnosis of infertility, the possibility of natural conception tends to zero. But one day, after testing negative, a woman receives a test with two stripes, which greatly amazes her.

The fact is that often infertility has an unclear etiology, which has nothing to do with hormonal changes or the physiological characteristics of the body. These conditions can resolve on their own, leading to the possibility of repeat pregnancy naturally.

Is it possible in case of obstruction of the fallopian tubes?

Tubal obstruction is a condition in which the passage of an egg from the ovary through the fallopian tubes for the purpose of fertilization is disrupted. To treat this pathology, doctors offer many techniques, but one of the most effective is laparoscopy.

After this manipulation, time is given for a natural pregnancy to occur. If this event does not occur, then IVF is considered the last option. But the situation can change after pregnancy and childbirth, and the couple has an increased chance of conceiving a baby naturally.

Reasons why conception is likely

There are a huge number of causative factors due to which pregnancy can occur naturally. The main factors of natural pregnancy are:

  • hormonal support over a long period of time;
  • cure of specific female pathology;
  • state of readiness of the body for pregnancy;
  • psychological mood;
  • improving the health of partners;
  • lifestyle change.

Hormonal support over a long period of time

The protocol for the in vitro fertilization procedure involves long-term therapy with a number of hormonal drugs that enhance the course of various processes in the woman’s body.

In hormonal terms, the period is similar to the time before ovulation, when the maximum concentration of hormonal substances in the blood is observed.

Treatment of specific female pathology

One of the most common indications for IVF is obstruction of the fallopian tubes., which occurs most often after infectious and inflammatory diseases in the pelvic organs. Various treatment methods are used to treat it.

Often in practice there are cases when pregnancy does not occur after therapy, but can occur after IVF pregnancy.

The state of the body's readiness for conception

Hormonal therapy during IVF is a preparation for future conception and a successful pregnancy. Even if IVF is unsuccessful, the body remains in a prepared state, which represents the basis for a possible future pregnancy.

Psychological attitude

Quite often, the cause of infertility remains unknown and a psychological factor may be a factor in this condition. Spontaneous conception occurs very often after successful IVF and subsequent successful pregnancy. This is explained by the absence of oppression, unnecessary fears and haste. A kind of emotional barrier is removed, without which the chances of conception increase sharply.

Improving the health of partners

In preparation for the IVF procedure, each partner undergoes training. It consists in correcting identified deviations from the norm through appropriate treatment. Even minor pathological processes in the body of a man or woman can serve as the basis for achieving the desired result, and when they are eliminated, everything becomes possible.

Lifestyle change

Preparing for IVF is not only a protocol, but also adherence to a daily routine, as well as a rational and balanced diet.

Often stress and a lack of any nutrients in the body cause disruption of a woman’s hormonal status. Elimination of these factors leads to the normalization of the body’s condition and the conception of a child.


Features of natural pregnancy include::

  • tendency to miscarriage;
  • high risk of developing placental insufficiency and gestosis with subsequent retardation of fetal development.

In order to prevent these conditions, constant monitoring by an obstetrician-gynecologist is required with all necessary diagnostic measures:

  • ultrasonography;
  • biochemical tests.

Throughout pregnancy, hormonal support is necessary to avoid disturbances in placentation and further development of the fetus.


Delivery may occur:

  • physiologically;
  • via Caesarean section.

Management of childbirth through the natural birth canal in this case has no special features. A caesarean section may be indicated if:

  • the duration of infertility was about 5 years;
  • woman's age over 35 years;
  • there are chronic diseases for which this method of delivery is indicated;
  • gestosis.

Natural pregnancy after in vitro fertilization - is it possible? Yes, it's possible. The main thing is not to give up, constantly see a specialist, follow all prescribed instructions and believe in the best.

Nowadays, more and more spouses are unable to have children due to the infertility of the man or woman. But there is a method that allows you to find real pleasure in life and solve your infertility problem through a fairly new reproductive method - eco. What kind of method is this? And what is the pregnancy rate with IVF? Let's try to understand these issues a little. So, IVF (in vitro fertilization) is one of the leading programs in reproductive medicine, carried out outside the body with the further development of pregnancy in the female body under the control of reproductive specialists, allowing them to achieve the main goal of life. Until recently, it was not even in people’s thoughts that fertilization could occur outside a woman’s body. Nowadays, the technique of this technology is widely used in medicine to enable spouses to become happy parents. The technique itself consists of several stages. The fertilization protocol always begins with the stimulation of ovulation to obtain a larger number of eggs, in contrast to the natural cycle, which increases the likelihood of selecting genetically complete eggs. Next, under ultrasound control, follicular fluid is collected, the eggs are washed and placed in a special chamber for fertilization in a laboratory with their growing within three to five days. Next, the best zygotes are transplanted into the uterine cavity and maintenance hormone therapy is carried out until a diagnosis is made: whether pregnancy has occurred or not. Is there a chance of pregnancy through IVF?

IVF success rate to get pregnant

Eco. The likelihood of pregnancy decreases with age, since the ovarian reserve of each woman decreases, and also with age, each woman develops a number of pathologies in which it is impossible to become pregnant on her own, and IVF is a contraindication. According to statistics, if a woman’s age is less than 28 years old, then up to 83% of cases have a positive result, 30-35 years old - only 60% have a favorable outcome, if a woman is under 40 years old, then the probability decreases to 30%, but for ladies over 40 years old significantly reduce the likelihood of getting pregnant, which is up to 25%.

Is IVF possible without ovaries?

Pregnancy rate after IVF

Eco The probability of success from the first time of the program occurs only in 40% of cases, while each attempt increases the chance of in vitro fertilization and in 8 out of 10 women pregnancy always occurs after the fourth attempt. These are the results of international studies, but among them there were cases with a positive result after the 10th attempt. And if your period begins during IVF pregnancy, then perhaps the next attempt will be successful.

Let's try to look a little at the factors that increase the likelihood of successful eco. Among them are:

  1. Woman's age. A little higher, we discussed how the probability of pregnancy changes with increasing age. But it should also be remembered that IVF protocols are not recommended for use by women after 42 years of age, since the chances of a favorable outcome are very low and there is a threat to the woman’s health, even a threat to life.
  2. Concomitant diagnosis. It is known that with tubal infertility, the chances of pregnancy are much higher than if a woman has, for example, anomalies of the uterus.
  3. Proper preparation for IVF is of great importance, while a thorough examination and treatment of extragenital and gynecological pathologies significantly increase the chances of pregnancy.

  4. Sperm quality. If there are problems with the male factor, then it is necessary to carry out a collection in advance to increase the likelihood of fertilization of the egg.
  5. Diet, physical activity and emotional stress directly depend on the onset of pregnancy, since good sleep, proper nutrition, giving up bad habits and good emotions increase the chance of successful fertilization and achieving a good pregnancy outcome.

Eco. The likelihood of having a child after a successful conception is not always favorable, since during IVF there may be cases of miscarriage, since the age of women entering the protocol exceeds 40 years with the presence of concomitant pathology, which is already a risk for miscarriage, as well as the administration of hormonal drugs , according to protocols, weaken the protective properties of the embryo. Therefore, in order to avoid such negative consequences, pre-implantation preparation of embryos should be carried out with the selection of genetically healthy ones and hormonal treatment should be used after embryo transfer. Transfer of embryos at the blastocyst stage into the uterine cavity during IVF can increase the pregnancy rate and reduce the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy in ART programs .

The low probability of pregnancy during IVF increases the birth of a healthy child, as opposed to waiting for an independent pregnancy. Therefore, you should not wait a long time for pregnancy; spouses should contact a reproductive center for diagnosis and determine the chances of pregnancy. What is cryo during eco?

Eco method

IVF method with a guarantee: the chances of getting pregnant on your own if you are infertile are almost non-existent, while many couples have already been able to achieve the main pleasure in life - having a child. If a couple has been sexually active regularly for a year without using any means of protection against unwanted pregnancy and they cannot conceive a child, then we should talk about infertility. What its genesis should be understood by reproductive doctors and determine the chances of pregnancy on their own or with the help of in vitro fertilization. The pregnancy rate during IVF in infertile couples averages up to 50%, since all of the above factors should be taken into account, which lead to a decrease in the likelihood of artificial fertilization.

Statistics on ecology - what is it like?

Since the IVF procedure is carried out in several stages, the likelihood of getting pregnant during IVF increases as you go through each of them. With ovarian hyperstimulation, a woman’s ovaries grow up to 10 eggs, while normally their number does not exceed two, which also increases the chances of IVF.

If pregnancy does not occur on the first try, then you should not give up, since the likelihood of getting pregnant after IVF increases with each attempt. And if several attempts are unsuccessful, then the doctor will recommend you a break and after that change the protocol with the drugs and their dosage, and you will certainly become happy parents and everything will work out for you.

The success of eco, according to statistics, after failure the first time, increases with the second and third attempts, and it is generally accepted that these are the most effective chances. This is primarily due to the analysis of failures, taking into account errors and adjusting the treatment program.

Eco. Chances of success - how to increase them without harming the body of the expectant mother. For this, there are protocolized standards, according to which the break between attempts at fertilization must be at least 2 months in order to find the cause of failure and to restore the body’s strength. if the reason is poor quality of eggs, then you need to resort to surrogacy or donor sperm, if the quality of sperm is poor.

Eco. The success rate also depends on the intake of vitamins, in particular vitamin D, in fish oil and chicken eggs, as well as the intake of zinc, contained in oysters, meat and chicken fillet.

In order to increase the percentage of pregnancy after IVF, you should follow some recommendations: immediately after embryo transfer, you should lie with the pelvic end raised until the morning, then maintain complete physical and sexual rest, you should not visit saunas, steam baths and hot baths, play sports, and you should observe protein intake. diet with adequate drinking.

And yet, it should be remembered that in modern reproductology, in vitro fertilization is the most common method of treating infertility throughout the world, when the probability of natural fertilization is zero. Today, almost 7% of all couples who could not conceive a child on their own have fully experienced this joy of motherhood and fatherhood, and only 0.3% of all couples ended in vain. Most often this is due to severe concomitant pathology and detection of cancer.

Recently, the chance of getting pregnant with IVF has increased, since not all couples can afford this expensive procedure, but those who have a compulsory medical insurance policy and Russian citizenship, after confirming the diagnosis and preparing a number of documents, first submit an application on the website of infertile couples in Russia, By registering on our website, you increase the chances of pregnancy as a result of free IVF.

In vitro fertilization is the most effective method of treating infertility. For many couples, this is their only chance to become parents. However, not every protocol ends in pregnancy. As a rule, two out of three women are doomed to fail. In this situation, it is important not to lose heart, not to become depressed and not to stop trying. In addition, it often happens that after failure with IVF, a couple was able to conceive a baby on their own.

There is great hope placed on every protocol. After all, this procedure requires considerable financial and moral investments. Every couple hopes that this time everything will work out. The two weeks of waiting for the coveted two lines on the test pass slowly and with great excitement. And what a blow failure is. For many, the sensation is comparable to falling into a bottomless abyss.

The important thing here is not to lose hope and keep trying. As you know, it is possible to make another protocol only at least six months later. All this time you need to rehabilitate your moral and physical strength.

In addition, disorders often occur due to stress, hormone therapy and a large number of medications. You shouldn’t drink diuretics heavily, but you also shouldn’t reduce the amount of fluid you consume. It is better to limit yourself to natural remedies.

Restoring moral strength

In addition to health problems, many women and men experience loss of energy, changes in mood, depression and apathy. Under no circumstances should they be allowed to develop. You must understand that IVF is just a chance, but not a 100% solution to the problem. There is no need to fall into despair. It is extremely important to start doing something, find a new hobby, and get your appearance in order.

To avoid gaining excess weight due to stress and depression, which can then become a problem the second time you try, you should go in for sports. Any physical activity is suitable - from morning walks in the park to training in the gym. The main thing is to do it with pleasure.

In many cities, at least on the Internet, there are a huge number of thematic communities of women who have undergone IVF. Here everyone can find support, help in solving various problems and generally friends with similar interests.

During the recovery period, you can work, read, breed plants and animals, and do charity work.

Watch this video about embryo transfer:

Family relationships

Trying to have children is not an easy experience for any married couple. There is no need to start blaming each other, shifting the blame, or completely withdrawing into yourself. During this period, on the contrary, it is worth spending as much time as possible with each other and supporting each other in every possible way.

This is a good period to start arranging romantic dates, walks under the moonlight, and you can go on your honeymoon again.

It often happens that when people relax and take their mind off problems, they are able to conceive a child on their own. Sometimes the cause of infertility is an emotional block.

Are there any chances of becoming parents on their own in the next cycle?

Even an unsuccessful attempt at in vitro fertilization is not a missed last chance. Infertility is not a death sentence. Data from recent studies by scientists from France and Great Britain show that the chances of conceiving naturally after a failed protocol are increased.

Literally in the next cycle, the couple has a chance to get pregnant on their own. Moreover, studies have shown that people were able to conceive even two or more years after stopping the protocol, and in cases where the process was not completed.

It turns out that a woman after an IVF protocol, in case of failure, has a chance to become a mother without the participation of technology. Couples should not lose hope and stop trying. Nevertheless, doctors recommend taking a break of two to three months to restore the body's resources.

Support and mutual understanding are important success factors

Is it possible to get pregnant after successful artificial conception?

There are frequent cases of pregnancy in families where there is already one child born through IVF. It happens that after many attempts at protocols, conception finally occurs and a baby is born. After this, the body’s reproductive system returns to normal. Most likely, in this case, the natural process of pregnancy and childbirth stimulates the restoration of one’s abilities.

Often, after being diagnosed with infertility, couples ignore contraceptives. IN As a result, almost 20% of them may well become parents for the second or even third time. The fact is that about 15% of people have unknown causes of infertility that are not associated with any health problems. It is in such cases that the likelihood of natural conception is high.

Reasons why conception can occur on its own

Seeing a doctor and undergoing in vitro fertilization increases a couple's chances of a natural pregnancy. This can be explained by the following factors:

  • Long-term hormonal support. During the entire protocol, the woman’s body is strongly influenced by drugs that stimulate various processes. The same thing happens as during natural ovulation, but much more intense.

Follicles stimulated during IVF
  • The body's readiness for pregnancy. The entire IVF protocol is preparation for conceiving and bearing a child. Even if he fails, he still remains ready.
  • Improved health. Before the IVF procedure, the woman and man are fully examined. If problems are identified, they undergo appropriate treatment. So, to some extent, the obstacle to natural conception can be eliminated.
  • Lifestyle changes. While in the protocol, the couple changes their diet and daily routine. A woman begins to expose herself less to stress and anxiety. If the reason lay in hormonal imbalance, then the chances increase, her fertile function is activated.
  • Emotional component. On the one hand, a serious attitude towards pregnancy creates certain impulses in the body. On the other hand, even in case of failure, when the couple begins rehabilitation and lets go of the situation, the tension goes away and the conception process is treated as work, a miracle can happen. Some emotional barrier is removed. This is typical for couples with unclear etiology of infertility.

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