Conspiracy for the sketchy New Year calendar. The most powerful conspiracies and rituals for Christmas! Love spell for New Year and Christmas - the magic of winter

New Year conspiracies are a great way to attract prosperity, love and everything you want into your life. New Year's conspiracies involve complete cleansing of the soul from the negativity accumulated over the year. The main thing in performing rituals is complete cleansing; if you cannot forget old grievances, not a single ritual will work, and troubles will only increase. The pre-New Year and New Year period is considered the most successful for performing all kinds of magical actions.

How to maintain youth and beauty

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • three red candles;
  • warm blessed water;
  • a tablespoon of buckwheat honey.

An hour before the chimes strike, stand in front of the mirror, light candles and take a spoonful of honey. Read the plot:

“Life-giving moisture nourishes the earth, washes away all illnesses and sorrows. A drop of sweetness on my lips, my eyelid is sealed in the bins.”

After pronouncing the words, eat honey and drink it with warm water. This simple ritual can significantly improve your health, preserve youth and beauty. Particularly effective if applied annually.

Spells to attract benefits

This ritual should only be performed on the day of December 31st. New Year's Eve will strengthen your plot if the soul is completely cleansed of negative emotions. First you need to carry out a cleansing ritual. To do this, take a shower and wash with your favorite shower gel and sea salt. Standing under streams of water, imagine that it washes away all adversities and they, along with the dirt, go into the drain.

After your shower, pray at the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“Nicholas the Wonderworker, you are God’s ruler. I submit my will to your judgment. I know that mental torment is the path of purification. So help all my relatives and enemies. Let my soul be cleansed of filth, and my thoughts from bad thoughts, so that in the New Year I, the servant of God (name), will not know grief, and may not suffer from want.”

Spell on the ring

Strong spells for rings on New Year's Eve can attract luck and prosperity into the life of any person and fulfill their most cherished desires. To make a wish come true, you will need a gold ring, maybe even a wedding ring. First you need to hide it in a box with multi-colored threads. The ring should lie in the box with the balls for a day.

Before the chimes strike, 20 minutes before, looking at the night sky, say the words:

“Different threads were intertwined, red and blue, green and white. My wildest wishes come true that night, a miracle begins. The star fell, and I picked it up, brought it into the house, and put it on the window. Now she will shine for me all year and bring happiness to my house.”

After the charm words, quickly find the ring in the box. Put it on your finger and try not to take it off. Then return to the guests, drink champagne and make many wishes, all of which will certainly come true.

Spells for mutual love

If you have the opportunity to celebrate New Year's Eve with a person who has long won your heart, but he himself does not pay attention to you, it’s time to win his favor. You need to ask the guy to pass you an apple from the New Year's table, from hand to hand. Don’t eat the fruit, but hide it so that no one notices. Later put it under the Christmas tree.

When the chimes strike, make a wish that your loved one will always be there. Before leaving, take the apple, and at home wrap it with a red woolen thread and say the following spell:

“Sadness, longing eats me up for my beloved (name). I want him to at least know my name. Just as an apple dries up, so my dear one will dry up to me in thoughts, body and heart.”

Hide the fruit in a warm place and wait for it to dry. You will feel the effect of the ritual as soon as the apple begins to dry out. Already in the first days, your lover will become interested in you, and then it’s up to you.

How to bring wealth into your home

Well, who doesn’t want to attract wealth into their life? Many people, on New Year's Eve, December 30, conduct a special ritual to attract money to their home. They take freshly baked bread, tear off a piece and sprinkle it generously with salt, saying: “Like bread on the threshold, so the misfortunes have fled, the troubles have evaporated. I eat bread and salt, but my wealth increases.” After this, the charmed piece of bread should be eaten with great pleasure, part of it should be divided among your family, and the crumbs should be fed to the sparrows.

After the New Year, the first change you receive for change in the store needs to be hidden in a clay vessel and wait for the new moon. On the first new moon, begin the ritual. The pot of money should be kept in a dark room. During the waxing moon, read the money growth plot every night:

“Just as a little month is small and daring, so my little change will turn into great wealth. Penny by penny, I’ll add them up quietly. As the month grows, so does my profit increase.”

To enhance the effect, each time during a conspiracy, add a little little things to the pot. On the full moon, around midnight, you should bury your wealth so that no one will ever find it.

Protective conspiracies

On New Year's Eve and January 7th, the Nativity of Christ, amulets are often read. which can protect a person from any misfortune along the way, from enemies and damage. On the morning of December 31st, you need to go to church and light candles at the altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary, stand for a while at her icon and read prayers, ask for the protection of your family and friends.

On New Year's Eve, look at the sky, look for the brightest star and focus all your thoughts on it. Think about the people closest to you, imagine them happy and healthy. When you are ready, say the spell in a half-whisper:

“Guiding star, light the way for everyone who is dear to me. Protect, amulets from misfortunes, from any misfortunes, on land, on water, in the air. Do not burn them in fire, do not drown in water. Let any misfortune bypass their home and never come to visit them. Amen".

Charms and amulets before the New Year have been used by mothers and wives for several centuries to protect children and husbands. A spell for protection when a person has a long journey ahead:

“Most Holy Mother of God, help me protect my beloved son (husband) from bad weather, from wind, from fire. May all doors open before him, may all barriers be dispelled.”

Before reading the conspiracy speeches, pray to the Mother of God. This plot should be read before leaving and during the absence of a loved one.

Drying at a distance

Before the New Year, you can improve your relationship as a couple. This plot will help strengthen the feelings of a couple who, due to circumstances, are constantly separated in different cities. 21 days before Christmas Eve, begin the ritual. It will require:

  • salt;
  • photo of your loved one.

The ritual is performed in the morning on an empty stomach. Take a photo of your loved one and concentrate on his image. Pour a little salt and move your index finger over the photo and read the spell text:

“With my hands I will take away trouble from you. I dare all women to see me alone. Just as I miss you, so do you.”

Every time you go to bed, look at the photo and wish your loved one good night. Such a ritual helps strengthen relationships and make feelings stronger. Conspiracies before the New Year can work real miracles. Perhaps on New Year's Eve, your loved one will even propose marriage.


To attract wealth and good luck into your home, you need to appease the owner of the year. For example, in 2015, the author of one of the articles on fashion recommended that women wear green dresses for the New Year. Sheep are herbivores, so clothes of this color can be used to appease the mistress of the year, but it was recommended to put red dresses away in the closet.

In 2017, women and men had complete freedom of choice. The Rooster loves bright, extraordinary people and patronizes those who are creative. To achieve success in business this year, it was recommended to wear the most extravagant outfits and not put chicken on the festive table.

To recharge with energy and feel confident in the new year, astrologers recommend that women give preference to brown and yellow. This choice will help you get rid of stress and, when the time comes to make an important decision, show prudence. Astrologers advise men to dilute dark suits with bright shirts and accessories, in the form of gold or amber cufflinks, as well as interesting belts and ties.

Final part

The most powerful magical rituals are carried out before the New Year, on New Year's Eve and Christmastide. Magic sparkles in the air these days. This is the brightest period of the year. The time has come to leave behind everything that happened and step forward with new strength, as if overcoming another obstacle.

New Year's magic has been used by people for many years. All rituals before the New Year are aimed at cleansing the soul. It is customary to celebrate Christmas Eve in new clothes in order to attract something new into your life and recharge yourself with positivity. Astrologers recommend wearing clothes in yellow and brown shades in 2018. Yellow is the color of the sun, which saturates a person with vital energy and strength for new beginnings.

Before the New Year, it is recommended to completely clean your home of accumulated negative energy and unnecessary things. Throw away all the trash without regret, and boldly step forward. Don’t regret what you’ve done, let go of your worries and grievances on all four sides, this will help make room for new sensations and positivity.

On the last day of the passing year forgive all your enemies, be sure to thank the Lord God for allowing you to live this year, for supporting you in all your affairs and endeavors, and for the fact that your family is with you.
And shortly before midnight, read the charm charm - and you will definitely be lucky in the new year.

My merciful Lord,
Be with me in the new year.
Send it to me and my family
Box of goodness, gold and silver.
Bless us with peace and quiet,
To never be separated from You.
Good angels, holy archangels,
The whole heavenly army,
Don't let us suffer in the new year:
Neither from illness nor from trouble,
Neither from fire nor from water.
Throughout the new year, Lord!
Save us, preserve and defend.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

1st of January read the amulet for the whole family.
A storm at sea raises waves,
The Mother of God shelters Her Son Christ.
Twelve girls walk past
Twelve young women.
The Lord asks them:
- Twelve maidens, twelve youths,
Where are you going past Me?
What are you carrying in your hands?
- We carry for twelve months:
January february march april,
May June July August,
September October November December.
God bless me (name) for the whole year too.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

January 2 From time immemorial, healers on this day read a prayer spell against drowning in the waters.
To do this, at twelve o’clock in the afternoon (at this hour the service is being held), they poured holy water into a ladle, dipped three knives into it and, kneeling in front of the holy water, read the conspiracy:
On the sea-on the ocean the water rose to the sky,
The Mother of God descended from heaven,
Under Her foot the water was pacified.
Mother of God, save and help,
Calm all water.
As the Lord God, Your Son,
Walked on water and did not drown,
So would our family
The water didn’t harm, didn’t kill any of us.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
All family members should wash themselves with this water.

To be healthy in the coming year, wash your face January 3 with words:
When the water touches my face,
So my body will fill with health.

4 January read a conspiracy that protects from all troubles. Early in the morning, knock on the door of your room with your left hand and say:
May God grant that God Himself protects my threshold.
As long as there is a knock on this door,
Until then, God and the saints will not forget me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

5 January- an unusual day when you can make any wish and it will definitely come true. Buy rye flour, knead three handfuls of dough in blessed water and bake a cake of happiness. When you knead the dough, read the secret conspiracy to fulfill your cherished desire:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Lord was born, the cross was erected,
The heavenly angel shed tears.
The Mother of God said:
- I promise to give every person
I love grace.
Who two days before the birth of Christ
He will take the holy cake into his mouth,
The Lord will send His grace to that person.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Are being treated 5 January from any ailments. To do this, pour out the last water after general cleaning with the words:
How did this dirt leave my house?
So that my illnesses will disappear from me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On Christmas Eve - 6th January- make a talisman for the whole family on the birth towel. To do this, buy a new linen towel and use it to heal from various, including serious, diseases. If later in the family someone gets sick, then this towel should be used to wipe the patient, and he will definitely recover. The following plot is read over the towel:
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I speak from 77 ailments,
From any pain, from night toil,
Feigned dryness, from traveling cancer,
An epileptic fit,
From damage, from night cramps.
The Mother of God washed Her Son,
I wiped it with a linen towel.
God bless my flax too.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Whom I, the servant of God (name), wipe with this flax,
From then on, I will erase all 77 ailments.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To make a husband and wife love each other more, twist on the night of January 6-7 two white wax candles. A special spell is read over these candles twelve times in a row, and then they are allowed to burn out.
God bless us (names of husband and wife).
Forever and ever, from now to eternity.
As these candles burn fiercely, they spill wax together,
So we (names of husband and wife) can live together,
They loved each other fiercely, passionately.
And until people forget Christmas,
Until then, we won't lose each other.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To talk yourself into wealth, on Christmas tap your nickel on the glass of the window and say:
Christ was born
Piglet showed up.
How did he show up to me?
It would never have been translated that way.
Christ is born
My money is multiplying.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

New Year's fortune telling.

New Year's fortune telling can be carried out from December 25 to January 17. It is necessary to exclude fortune telling on Sundays and Mondays.

1. On the night of December 31, remember your dream. He predicts the future for the whole year.
2. A little paraffin or wax needs to be melted over a candle fire and poured into a glass of cold water. The year is judged by the figure. A dog means you can hope for the loyalty of a friend, a snake means treason, betrayal, and so on. What you see will come true.
3. On the night of December 31 or January 1, pour water into a low vase and throw in a pinch of ash, salt and sugar. Mix and put in 3-4 hairs of your own (not scattered, but in strands) and three or four of those you love or your husband. The next morning, look at the position of the strands: if they are together - you will be together, if they are separated - one of you or both will walk.
4. Wishes are written on small cards or on a poster:
- Children will delight you in the New Year!
- The replenishment of the family is guaranteed!
- Your projects will be a success!
- Prepare your wallets for big money!
- Everyone will like you!
- Mutual love will delight you!
- In the New Year, two of your cherished wishes will come true at once!
- Be careful in January and don’t miss out on your happiness!
- May will bring new opportunities!
- A meeting with fate awaits in July!
Now every person who comes to visit you or members of your family stand with their backs to the cards that should be hanging and, concentrating on themselves, closing their eyes, answer “this!” or "not that!" to the question of the presenter, who randomly points to divinations.
Everyone can only tell fortunes twice.
5. Take a sieve, fill it with any grain and add there a copper ring without a stone, a silver ring, a gold ring, it is advisable to get more of the same metal, but with stones. Mix the rings with the cereal. Each girl, without looking, at random, without fidgeting in the sieve, takes a handful of cereal from it. If there is no ring in the handful, but only cereal, then the year promises to be difficult and you won’t have to wait for marriage. If you come across a gold ring with a stone, then wealthy people will propose marriage.
6. Place a piece of bread and a ribbon in a box or saucepan and, without looking, take whatever comes into your hand. Ribbon - for marriage, bread - for now to be a girl.
7. In the morning (any day of Christmastide) before breakfast, they bite off bread and go outside without chewing. Ask the first man you meet his name. That's what the groom will be called.
8. Stand with your back to the window, holding a mirror in your hands. Catch a month with a mirror. The number of months you see in the mirror, the number of family members the person you marry will have.
9. Take three glasses (for those who want to know about their marital status, four) and fill them halfway with water. Add a quarter teaspoon of sugar to 1 glass; 2 cups - salt; in 3, put bread (if a 4th is needed, then put a ring in it). The fortuneteller is turned away from the glasses, blindfolded, rotated around its axis once or twice, and the glasses are rearranged. They bring the fortuneteller and let him choose a glass.
With sugar - happiness and success await you in the New Year. Salt won't stop you from crying. With bread - a money year. With a ring - family year.
10. Turn off the light, light a candle. Crumple up a sheet of paper, place it on a saucer turned upside down and set the paper on fire. When it goes out, keep it between the candle and the wall. Whatever shadow you see, interpret it that way. Let your imagination run wild.

New Year's fortune telling with cubes (bones).

We take one or two cubes with dimple dots marked on their sides. Focus on yourself and the year ahead. You can roll the dice for a shorter period, but you can do this later, but for now you need a characteristic, the main direction of the year.
Place the cube(s) in a glass and shake it or shake the cube(s) between your palms.
Roll the dice(s). Now watch the interpretation. If you used one cube, then read the interpretation for it. If you used two dice, then read the meaning of each dice separately and their combination.
When Christmas time is over, you can use this fortune telling by making any period or wish (again, without losing sight of the period in which you want the wish to come true).

Values ​​of individual dice:
1. Stability. One, two, and even more so three units mean an emphasized I, a person capable of not only winning, but also maintaining its results. As a rule, this number falls on people who have already achieved their goal, but have concerns about the future. There is nothing to fear, this number says: if you stick to your chosen course, nothing threatens you. You don’t need any changes (change of place of residence, change of job, change of partner). Forecast for the near future (up to two weeks): good news. The forecast for the year (counting from the date of the request) is favorable. Traveling abroad is useful. Possible health problems: heart, eyes, hypertension.
2. Changeability of Fortune. One or more twos indicate an unstable situation. The person asking is required to take initiative, to intervene in the course of events, but not forcefully, but diplomatically: try to find a compromise, give in on something, and they will also give in to you. It is better to devote yourself to spiritual work, scientific or creative activities now: material (financial) success is not yet guaranteed. Change of place of residence or place of work no earlier than three months later. Forecast for the near future: important information, learning new things. Forecast for the year: increase in income. Possible disorders: liver, digestive tract.
3. Contact. A good number for entrepreneurs. A business started recently will end successfully. However, the questioner, apparently, has a habit of overestimating his strength, he does not know how to rest. Meanwhile, constant stress can cause nervous and even physical disorders. Now it’s better to give yourself a rest and spend more time with your family than to embark on new adventures. It is worth changing your area of ​​interest or place of residence only if they offer you a win-win chance. It is better to start new things only next year. The forecast for the near future is favorable, for the next year it depends on the person asking. Possible disorders: joints, skin.
4. Labor. A number favorable for creative people - artists, writers, musicians. Successful performance, exhibition, concert: Your inspiration finally receives public recognition. For employees or businessmen - a time of family changes: weddings (your own or one of your relatives), the birth of a child. Forecast for the near future: trip (tour). Your job (area of ​​interest) most likely should not be changed for now. Forecast for the year: troubles, worries. Possible disorders: kidneys, back pain, headaches.
5. Risk. The person asking the question is prone to adventure or is going through a period full of adventures. First of all, he is tormented by the fear of losing money. To get rid of this fear, he needs to make a plan or stick to an already drawn up plan of action, regardless of his own feelings and moods. This applies to both business and personal spheres: jealousy in this case is groundless, it is better to overcome it and be more attentive to your partner. Forecast for the near future: the period of luck is ending, so don’t look for new adventures, live quietly for now. The forecast for the year is favorable. If you didn't have time to do something this year, don't worry: next year will bring you long-awaited luck. Traveling abroad is risky; you'd better be home for the next few months.
6. Harmony. The state of your personality does not cause concern: you are confident in yourself, and no little things can unsettle you. However, the objective situation requires reflection.
So far everything is going well, but excessive self-confidence can lead to a loss of control over the situation, and then any surprise can be unpleasant. You should control your temperament and make decisions not immediately, under the influence of emotions, but after thinking carefully. Forecast for the near future: everything will end even better than expected. Forecast for the year: everything will not happen as expected, but it’s also not bad - if you don’t expect too much. When it comes to travel, only trips to well-known places are recommended.

Sums of numbers:
2 (two units). Happiness in love and marriage, as well as in financial matters. For now, it’s better not to change anything in your life: both you and your partner should adapt to the existing circumstances.
3 (one and two). For a woman, marriage is for money; for a man, it is entertainment that can be bought for money. In the professional sphere: leadership role. The prognosis is favorable. Short distance travel.
4 (one and three). A situation fraught with conflict (including a lawsuit). The prognosis is unfavorable, so be careful, especially in small things.
4 (two deuces). Success in business or matters of the heart; for family people - success with children. Income growth. And yet, the advice is: do not wait, but act, take initiative in order to consolidate and deepen success.
5 (one and four). The main thing is movement: you can’t sit still! The more activity, travel, movement, the more money, and money for you now is a guarantee of stabilization of the situation. If there is money, many other problems can be solved.
5 (two and three). A good combination for your own affairs and an alarming one for relationships with children: conflict is possible. Children set out on their own path; there is no need to lecture them or provide them with valuable advice. But you should always be ready to listen to them.
6 (one and five). A lot of troubles, worries, but also a lot of joys. It is possible that a child will be born to one of your relatives. Financial difficulties. It’s a difficult, conflict situation at work, but don’t rush to change jobs: changes will happen soon. If you intend to go abroad, then your departure will most likely be final - “for permanent residence.”
6 (two and four). A period of change is coming for you. What do you want to change? Place of work, apartment, partner? Think and get ready. Whatever is done is for the better.
6 (three and three). Money. You will receive a very large amount, and in the very near future. In his personal life, everything is also fine, conflicts do not have a serious basis.
7 (one and six). Period of active activity. You need; do not refuse those who contact you. You should behave the same way towards your partner (spouse): meet him halfway! Otherwise, in a few years a serious crisis may occur in your relationship.
7 (two and five). Now you are required to be calm and tolerant of other people’s opinions. Take your time! This especially applies to business people. In personal affairs, this is a difficult period. Bad time to get married.
7 (three and four). “Great strategist”: a lot depends on your entrepreneurial spirit. It’s better not to put anything off until tomorrow, do it today.
8 (two and six). Integrity. You will have to do difficult, troublesome work; hack work is unacceptable. If you work conscientiously, without trying to deceive others, success is guaranteed. Otherwise, it's a complete failure.
8 (three and five). “A period of rest,” as Chinese astrologers say. A good time for learning, learning new things, developing views and discovering the Americas. It can also be used for relaxation. Improving a bad situation and maintaining a good one.
8 (four and four). Another attempt. Something starts again. A condition common to scientists or artists, but stressful for others (wedding, adventurous vacation). However, the result of the “attempt” will be even better than you might expect.
9 (three and six). Home, family - or revealing secrets (the work of an investigator, space exploration, occult studies). Perhaps your partner is a citizen of another country or has a different religion. During this period, you will finally be able to understand each other. For the student of mysteries - advice: try not for the sake of money, but for the sake of knowledge.
9 (four and five). Difficulties, financial problems. Possible losses. In marriage (union) and (or) occult science - a serious test, an exam. Don't demand too much from others, demand more from yourself.
10 (four and six). Large scale of activity, major success: power, money, influence. However, behind political and social ambitions, one should not forget about the family: it is better to behave more simply with loved ones, children, and friends and, first of all, think about them.
10 (five and five). Success and money, but the situation is unstable. Maintaining success requires persistence and planning; Don’t look for happiness just around the corner, don’t take unnecessary risks. It’s better to continue the business you started without accepting new offers.
11 (five and six). You have a difficult situation, there were losses and defeats, although it was not your fault. Don't worry: everything will work out. New opportunities and new friends will appear. The main thing is to keep trying! There is no need to change anything in life yet.
12 (six and six). Very favorable bones. A good, stable situation with a tendency for further improvement. Changes are possible - it's your will, but they won't actually change anything. Both at a new job and with a new partner, the same thing awaits you as it was. So is it worth changing?

Reading a plot for the New Year 2019 is an opportunity to attract more money, love and health into your life. During the winter holidays, a lot of energy accumulates that can be called upon for help. Rituals and spells on New Year's Eve, which are held from December 31 to January 14, are sure to make your life richer and healthier. In Rus', from time immemorial, fortune-telling was carried out on Christmas Eve and asked for help from otherworldly forces. Make wishes during the New Year holidays, and they will definitely come true.

Rules for fulfilling New Year's conspiracies

Conspiracies before the 2019 New Year are a real opportunity for newcomers to the world of magic to improve their lives. The energy of this holiday is enormous and can be used by a person who does not have special power. New Year's Eve, Christmas Eve and Old New Year's Eve are the best opportunity for money, love and health.

If you decide to ask for help from otherworldly forces, then there is no better time. Take advantage of well-known rituals on New Year's Eve and immediately after it. Other “active” days are January 7 and 14.

If you approach the rituals correctly, they will definitely help you.

Spells for the New Year 2019 for money

When reading magic words, you should have no doubts. Everything will work out and the day of wealth will definitely come into your life!

To increase well-being, you can cast a money spell on New Year’s Day. But first, take a ceramic pot (new, not used). The product that became the first purchase in the new year has greater power. You need to put a few coins in the pot and read the plot:

“The month in the sky is growing and increasing and adding to my finances.”

The best time for this ritual is Old New Year's Eve. You will have time to purchase a beautiful pot. From the moment of carrying out and for the next 7 days, “feed” him by adding a few coins.

Powerful words

Video spells for wealth:

You can take advantage of the help of the 2019 New Year; to do this, read the New Year’s Eve plot:

“With a word of wisdom, an important hour, I cast a spell for a year. Let trouble pass by; poverty will not find housing in my house. As grass grows in a meadow, may my wealth never end. I shut my mouth. Amen (3 times)."

You need to read the spell words, and then wash your face 3 times. If you want to enhance the effect of magic words, then repeat the ritual on January 1, but no more than three times.

New Year's spell for debt repayment

Debt is difficult to take on and repay. And it’s not uncommon for situations to happen when they owe you money, but they don’t repay the debt. And in this case, you can use the help of New Year's energy. If you want, use the following spell with a church candle.

Light the candle with old matches and place it on the table next to the window. Ask the Lord for help and cast a debt recovery spell:

“I conjure this flame so that the fire will help. May God’s servant (Name) repay the debt to me.”

Say the magic words only if you have forgiven the offense to your debtor.

New Year's Eve spell for good luck 2019

This spell can attract good luck if performed in the last seconds of the old year. Take a glass of champagne and say a powerful spell:

“The year is coming, good luck awaits me, I will prosper, I will not know troubles. I’ll drink champagne and get lucky.”

Immediately empty the glass in one gulp and celebrate the holiday.

New Year's spells for good health

For greater impact, magical rituals should be performed during the New Year or Christmas. To improve poor health, turn off the lights, sit in front of a mirror and light three red candles. Color plays an important role, so candles of a different color are not suitable. While the candle flames are burning, eat a teaspoon of honey and drink warm tea.

“Let my health be stronger, avoid illnesses. Heal, heal my body, I want to be with a bright head.”

Leave the candles to burn out and go celebrate.

Prayer for the whole family

Take a church candle and pour holy water into a clay cup. Dip your fingers into it and read the prayer for health:

“Bless the Lord in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, me, my family and relatives.”

Remove your fingers from the water and cross yourself three times.

New Year's spell for a beautiful figure

Do you want to lose excess weight?

Will you get rid of excess fat or thinness? There are several spells on this topic. In New Year 2019, you can use the following beauty spell:

“The moon walked along it and reached the turn, the moon began to wane and took away my fullness.”

The incantation is read on New Year's Eve over a blue woolen thread. If you suffer from underweight, then instead of “my fatness will be taken away,” read “my thinness will be taken away.”

Plot for breast growth

Large full breasts are the pride of any woman, but by nature, not everyone is given to have them. If you suffer from this, you can ask for the following New Year's spell:

“As the dough grows and swells, it turns into sweet buns. So my breasts grow and meet beauty.”

New Year's spell for rejuvenation

Anyone can become a cancer woman, but not everyone can become smart. Decide for yourself what is more important and act!

Do you want to get rid of wrinkles and restore youth and beauty to your skin? Use spring water and the following spell:

“God help me! I wash my face with spring water, bask in the sun and smile at the sky. I will be beautiful, young like a diva, my skin will be transformed and my youth will return.”

New Year's Eve conspiracy to get married soon

We wish you happiness and reciprocity in the New Year!

Stand on the threshold of your apartment on the night of December 31 to January 1, and cast a spell to attract a groom:

“I appeal to you, my Lord! Help me find my betrothed, let him enter my house and become my husband. Amen! (3 times)".

A spell for mutual love

Take the bull by the horns!

If you love a person, but he does not pay attention to you, then the following words for mutual love will help:

“The New Year comes after the old one, like the sun flares up after darkness, like I can’t take my eyes off the frosty dawn. So look at me, how the old and new years are inseparable. This way we will be better together.”

New Year's spell to make wishes come true

On New Year's Eve you can make a wish that will definitely come true. But you can help with this by reading the spell words:

“The clock will strike 12 times, let the guests drink for happiness and health, I will make a wish, and I wish it to come true.”

Conspiracies for the Old New Year

A conspiracy for the old New Year can bring passion back into relationships, success into business, attract good luck and money into the house! It is not for nothing that New Year’s Eve, according to the old calendar, is considered the best period for casting magic spells. Since all wishes on a magical night come true!

It is generally accepted that the best days for performing magical rituals and reading conspiracies are January 13 and 14. However, due to the fact that the earth’s axis has shifted slightly, you don’t have to be tied to a specific date. You can cast magic spells on January 11, 12, 15, and 16 - the effect will be equally strong!

In this article we will publish for you the best slander that is ideal for the old New Year! With their help, you can really change your life for the better!

Living in abundance and not needing absolutely anything is a dream that can come true! To implement it, it is not at all necessary to rob a bank or actively demand an increase in your monthly income from your bosses. You can ask for help from the Higher Powers, which, with a competent and educated approach to this issue, will help you with great pleasure! We share the most proven spells for good luck!

Ritual with cereals and spruce branch money

The best time to perform a ritual for good luck and money is midnight. Ten minutes before the clock strikes, you need to put a spruce branch (or a small one) on the table in front of you and place a glass of cereal. To enhance the effect, you can light church candles, but they do not play the most important role in this ritual.

As soon as the clock shows exactly twelve o'clock, sprinkle the twig with grain and begin reading the magic spell, which sounds like this:

“Needle to needle, grain to grain, money to money. This year I will neither starve nor beg, but live in wealth, prosperity and luxury! Let everything be as I say!”

After this, the branch should be placed as close as possible to the window or to the front door. Sweep the cereal back into the cup and sprinkle it around the yard.

It is ideal if no one sees or distracts you during the conspiracy. This will only strengthen the magical power of this ritual and contribute to the speedy implementation of the plan!

Ritual with water for wealth

All people who have used the New Year's spell for wealth note its amazing effect: “The ritual really attracts money to the house!”

Video ritual for money and wealth:

Wake up half an hour before dawn and fill a bottle of clean water. It would be ideal if you collect it from a spring or a well, but if this is not possible, then do not be lazy to go to church and collect a bottle of water from a holy spring there.

When you return home, pour the water into a bowl or wide cup, put your right hand in it and

“I will get up early in the morning and bless all your creations, Lord! The land is clean, the sun is clear, the water is cool. As I glorify all your gifts, so you, God, bless me! Make the life of my family (list names) well-fed and worthy, deliver from want, share wealth and joy. I will let her into my house willingly. For this I will praise you forever! Amen!"

After reading the plot, you need to cross yourself three times and sprinkle water on all the walls of your house.

Ritual with coins and church candles

Another very powerful and profitable ritual for the old New Year, which even amateurs in the world of magic and witchcraft can easily perform. So, for it you will need:

  • Three coins (any denomination).
  • One church candle.
  • Red thread.

Light the candle and wait until it starts to melt. Drip wax onto the coins and connect them to each other. At the moment of connection, you need to say in a barely audible whisper

“Lord, on this great holiday, I want to ask you not for overseas gifts, but for well-being. Let me live without needing anything, so as not to deny myself my daily bread! You are merciful and powerful, so help me too. I will not remain in debt - I will repay with kindness! Amen!"

After all the coins are connected to each other, you need to wrap the amulet with red thread and store it next to the money.

Spell on a paper bill

This is a simple ritual for money and good luck; to carry it out you will need one banknote of any denomination. On Old New Year's Eve you need to take the money in your hands and cast a magic spell to attract finances:

“Lord, give this house peace, goodness, mountains of gold, platinum and silver! Grant, Lord, the joy of prosperity and prosperity! Deliver us from want!

After pronouncing the magic words, the bill must be hidden behind the door frame or under the carpet.

Despite its simplicity, this is a very powerful ritual that will bring you good luck and help you get rich!

Old New Year rituals for love and fidelity

According to leading magicians, ritual actions performed in the name of Love on the old New Year are especially powerful! At this time, all heavenly forces unite to help people in their affairs regarding relationships with each other. That is why, if you want to return your husband or wife to your family, cast a love spell or try to improve your relationship, the old New Year is the ideal time for magic!

Rite of fidelity

Cheating is not always obvious - that's a fact.

Sometimes this is felt on some intuitive level, and if you are sure that you find yourself in the role of a victim, then you should not create a huge scandal. Try reading a special one that will make your chosen one repent of what he has done and return to you, starting life from scratch!

  • A clean waffle towel.
  • The candle is red.
  • Salt.
  • Sugar.
Spread a towel in front of you on the table. Place a candle directly on top of it and light it, the wax should melt and drip directly onto the fabric. First of all, take a handful of salt in your palm, start sprinkling it around the candle and read the man’s fidelity plot:

“As the water in the sea is salty, as my tears are bitter, so will your “Name” be bitter and bad without me! You will regret it, beat your forehead on the floor, but it’s too late, the doors are all closed.”

After this, take the sugar in your hands and do a similar procedure, but this time reading an enhancing spell for fidelity:

“With me, my soul “Name”, it will be sweet and smooth. Your life will not be a fairy tale."

You need to let the candle burn out completely, then tie the towel in a knot and hide it for three days. When the time has passed, take the bundle and carry it into the forest, where you bury it under a white birch tree.

Spell to save the family

It's terrible when a marriage is falling apart at the seams. The reasons for this can be different - from a banal skirmish to serious problems (domestic, financial, moral). A simple conversation cannot always achieve the desired result. And then on New Year’s Eve heavy artillery comes to the rescue in the form of slander for happiness in the family.

We share the most effective ritual at home!

You will need a photo of your husband or wife, two red candles and a thick woolen thread. Place the photo directly in front of you. Mentally scroll through your memory the moments when you were especially happy with your significant other. Then light both candles.

While they are burning, slowly and thoughtfully repeat:

“Just as a mother suffers for her child, so “NAME” and I will suffer for each other. We have no life on earth, we cannot find any other happiness in the whole world! We will know neither rest, nor sleep, nor peace if we are not together! Lord, you see everything that is happening in our mortal world, so help us with the “NAME” to save our marriage! Amen!"

Wait until both candles burn out and tie them tightly to each other with thread. Be sure to leave this amulet, hide it and do not show it to anyone.

From people who have resorted to this ritual, you can hear only the most laudatory reviews.

Magic for adding to the family

If your family’s plans in the coming year necessarily include having offspring, then do this simple one!

The following attributes will be required:

  • Bread crust.
  • Glass of water.
  • Glass with rice.
  • Candy or cookies.

The expectant mother should go to the window on the night of January 13-14, leave all of the above on it, and read the prayer for pregnancy three times:

“Lord, I am your servant “NAME”, I ask the light power to give me a child. In 40 weeks, let the miracle happen! Send all your angels and sorcerers to help me, let them help me in my work. I don't ask for anything in return, I just give! Anything you ask is not a pity! Amen!".

Treats should be left on the window for 3 days! The girls who performed the ritual managed to get pregnant quickly! Of course, everything can be attributed to chance, but in no case can one deny the help of Higher Powers!

Old New Year's Eve spells for health

The Old New Year is a great time to ask the Higher Heavenly Powers for health and longevity for yourself and your household. We bring to your attention a selection of the most healing rituals!

Rite No. 1

In winter, when the celebration of the old New Year falls, this will be especially important. To carry it out you will need only two things - a spruce cone and a church candle.

You need to take a candle in your right hand, and a pine cone in your left hand. As soon as the wax begins to melt, start pouring it on the cone and saying the magic spell:

“The power in my body is awakening! Energy and power are increasing! My arms are strong and strong, my legs are fast and agile. There is no evil illness in me, and as soon as it comes, it will disappear in an instant! I am not afraid of any attack as long as the heavenly powers stand on my guard!”

The candle should burn out completely. The cinder can be thrown away, but the cone needs to be hidden in the safest possible place and used as a talisman that will protect you from all diseases!

Rite No. 2

It is best to perform ritual actions alone! You will need a bowl of water, as well as three church candles, which you need to buy on the day of the ritual. By the way, water can be taken from a holy spring, if there is one at the church.

When you arrive home, lock the door and cross it three times. Light the candles and pour water into a decanter or deep plate. Place both hands (palms) there and read the white spell for healing:

“Water is a source of strength, just as you nourish the earth and give life, so make my family healthier. Let the “names of the household” not know grief, illness and other misfortunes! Please, please, please! Amen".

After this, you need to sprinkle water from the bowl on all the doors and windows in your house or apartment!

If water remains in the bowl after this, you should not pour it out; you can add it to drinks and dishes, or water flowers.

How you greet 2019 is how you will spend it!

Everyone knows that the groundwork for next year begins on the festive night. Therefore, have fun and don’t get hung up on rituals. The more often you resort to such magical rituals this holiday, the weaker each of them will be.

Use one conspiracy, the more internal energy and desire for fulfillment you put into it, the stronger it will be.

Fragment of the picture
K. Makovsky
Yuletide fortune telling,

The fortune teller said that my future is unclear, so I hope to move to London soon.

New Year's conspiracies have special depth and great power. Whatever such a conspiracy is aimed at, it will be stronger than at any other point in the year.

When New Year's Eve is called magical or witchcraft, they usually mean its romantic festive atmosphere, but in fact this night and the entire New Year's period can be called magical.

This is a period of change in the annual cycle, when not only the numbers of the calendar change, but also the renewal and rebirth of all things occurs. The magic of New Year's Eve is strong and effective. Don't miss magical days!

New Year will come very soon, followed by Christmas. These are dates so saturated with energy and mysterious power that it is on these days that the strongest New Year’s conspiracies are carried out.

New Year's spell for love

A conspiracy not only for the love of a man, it helps to gain the love of others, their kind attitude, help and support.

Take a colored scarf, the main thing is that you can wrap your shoulders in it. Throw it on yourself. Then light 7 candles - place one in the center, it will symbolize you, and place the rest of the candles around. And designate: the first candle is the love of a man, the second is the love of relatives, the third is the love of friends, the fourth is the love of colleagues, the fifth is the kind attitude of other people around you, and the sixth is love as a sense of self.

After this, read the plot:

“Love will envelop me in a bright blanket, whoever looks at me will love me, will love me, whoever hears me will not forget me, whoever takes me by the hand will follow me. I will be the sun for everyone, I will be ringing gold, I will be clear water, a radiant smile. A new year begins, it is filled with light, light emanates from me and descends on others. And I will become a joy, a beloved and a reward to everyone who appreciates me, who will not abandon me, who will not change me. Love will envelop me, entangle me in its networks and never let me go! No loneliness and sadness! My word is strong!”

After the spell, do not remove the scarf for another 10-15 minutes. Then, throughout the year, throw it over your shoulders whenever you need to charm someone. You don’t need to carry it with you, just walk around in it at home for five minutes when getting ready for an important meeting.

New Year's spell for mutual love

If you are celebrating the New Year with your loved one, ask him to give you an apple from the New Year's table. Hide it discreetly under the tree, and in the morning take it out and remove the core from it. Write your loved one's name on a piece of paper and insert it instead of the core. Tie the apple with red thread and hide it in a warm place. While this enchanted apple dries, your loved one will fall in love with you more and more. Everything must be done in complete secrecy. Keep the apple and don’t show it to anyone.

New Year's spell for health

This ancient conspiracy is very effective, but you just need to read it with a sober head. However, you can create it not on New Year’s Eve, but on January 1, when you wake up. So. Light a church candle, pour holy water into a clay bowl (necessarily into a clay bowl, plastic and other materials are not suitable), dip the fingers of both hands into the water (hands, of course, must be clean) and read:

“Lord, God! Bless! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen!

Just as the Lord God strengthened the sky and the earth, and the water, and the stars, and just as on that raw mother earth there is no disease, no blood wound, no pinch, no tumor, so the Lord created me, the servant of God (name), as The Lord created, firmly established and firmly strengthened my veins, and my bones, and my white body, so I, the servant of God (name), would not have had a whole year on my white body, on my zealous heart, neither on my bones nor which disease, no blood and no wounds, and no pinching, no aches, no swelling. One Archangel key: forever and ever, Amen!”

After you have read the spell, take three sips from the bowl, and wash your face with the rest of the water three times. Pour the remaining water into a small bottle and take three sips if you feel unwell.

New Year's spell for health and youth

To be even healthier in the new year, be sure to perform this short ritual. It is held in the last hour of the outgoing year. Stand in front of a mirror, light three red candles, take a spoonful of honey in your hand. Tell:

“On three sides there is a day, on the fourth night. Water flows out of the ground. Flow away, disease, flow away the illness. Heal yourself with Mother Earth, water. I will pour a sweet drop into my mouth and walk along the ground like a swan. I will become young forever, I will seal you with sweet honey. Amen".

Eat honey and drink it with warm water. The ritual has been completed and excellent health awaits you in the new year!

New Year's spell for good luck

Make a talisman for the corresponding year for good luck. Take a small figurine of the patron of the year, the main thing is that you can carry this little thing with you everywhere without drawing attention to it. After New Year's midnight, light a golden candle and cover your talisman with two palms, like a house, feel the warmth emanating from it, imagine that the warmth turns into a bright light that breaks through your fingers. Now read the plot in a whisper:

“Luck accompanies me in everything, I know no misfortune in anything, I see how I only cry with happiness, how Fortune is my second mother. The palms are filled with light, the light of Luck enters the talisman, the coming year drives away problems, lies, resentments, tears and deception. Luck will be my companion, every turn is a happy occasion, everything around is beautiful - the world and the people, that’s the only way it will be, that’s the way it will be. My word is strong!”

After the spell is read, leave the candle lit for another 7 minutes, and then hide it and take it out when you need additional magical support. In this case, light the candle again, say your request to it, that is, just say out loud why you need Luck at this particular moment.

Another effective New Year's Eve conspiracy to attract good luck in the coming year is pronounced in the last seconds of the outgoing year. It goes well with our tradition of celebrating the New Year with a glass of champagne in hand. At the same time, the Chimes themselves do not play any magical role, but they help to keep track of time. So, at the last minute of the year, holding a glass of champagne in your hands, say to yourself:

“A glorious New Year is coming, promising me great luck. I will succeed in everything, I will not know misfortunes and sorrows. Good sweet wine will be given back for that year.”

Having finished these words, in the first moment of the New Year, spill a little champagne from your glass on the table and quickly drink the rest. Spilled champagne is your sacrifice for the coming year. If the New Year’s plot has achieved its goal and the year will really be successful for you, do not forget your promise and sometimes (no matter what days) “feed” the year by pouring again from your glass, while saying to yourself: “I don’t forget good things.” , I present thanksgiving.”

In order for good luck to accompany you in the coming year, you need to burn seven candles in turn on New Year's Eve. The candle can be placed on the festive table and replaced as the next one burns out. This will not only bring good luck, but will also add a solemn flavor to your holiday.

New Year's spell for wealth

Option 1

For this plot you will need: 7 coins, if you have gold collectible coins - even better; a piece of natural fabric 25 by 25 centimeters; a piece of honey, preferably in a honeycomb, or three tablespoons of regular honey; and seven green candles. Place the coins on the cloth, place a saucer of honey there, surround it with candles, light them and read the plot:

“I’ll collect the coins, tie them in a knot, lie there, magical ones, you’ll have time, each small coin will attract a hundred, and these hundred will gradually attract another five hundred. Lure your brothers, coins, so that my everyday life will be marked with wealth. So that the holidays are generous and rich, so that everything I do finds payment. In order for things to turn out like coin, I, coins, took you into a magic knot. I will hide the bundle, and the time will come when every coin will attract a hundred. To these hundred, gradually add five hundred more, and there will be as many of them as in a hive of honeycombs.”

After reading the plot, eat honey, and remove the bundle and candles from prying eyes so that no one finds these attributes of the plot within a year.

Option 2

To do this, go shopping early in the morning on January 1st; you can buy anything. Throw the first change you receive in the new year as change as high into the sky as possible, saying before that:

“Happy coins, fly to freedom, and return them to me a hundredfold. So that luck does not pass me by and my wealth grows day by day.”

After tossing coins, do not wait until they fall to the ground, but leave without turning around.

New Year's ritual to increase prosperity

On New Year's Day, carp is cooked and eaten by the whole family. What's the secret? When cleaning carp, the scales are collected and placed to dry on the windowsill.

Glue together small symbolic wallets from paper and put scales in there, a pinch at a time (as much as you grab).

Each family member should put such wallets in their wallet, 1 wallet is hidden in a secluded place in the apartment, and the rest should be given away to friends, acquaintances and colleagues.

And then all year long there will be no need not only for you, but also for your friends.

In order to avoid financial problems, before the onset of the New Year and during the New Year holidays, you should try to count your money as often as possible, naming large sums of money quietly and in a whisper (even if in fact they are quite insignificant).

New Year's spell to make wishes come true

If you want all your passionate desires to come true, then after the onset of the new year - any time from midnight to dawn - light 12 blue candles according to the number of months in the year. Wait until the flame is even and read the plot:

“In January, whatever I want will come true. In February, all wishes will come true. In March, I will wish for a lot, and I will not be denied anything. And in April, whatever I want, I will certainly get it. In May, all I have to do is make a wish, and the wish will come true again. And in June the desired thing will be, I just need to drink water. And in July I won’t know any worries - all my desires will come to my doorstep. August, strew my path with stars, so that my wishes come true. In September, as if by a secret from the outside, all my desires will return to me. And October will not let you down - it will find fulfillment for your desires. In November, I will get what I want from other people. And December, as a result, is the deadline for your innermost desires. My word is strong!”

Just remember that this plot is not for trivial desires. And you don’t need to use New Year’s magic on little things.

Another simple ritual for the New Year, to fulfill wishes. When making a wish during the chiming clock, do not forget to touch the gold ring to your left earlobe - then your wish will surely come true. And don’t forget that it is more effective to formulate a desire in the present tense, as if it has already come true.

New Year's enchanted bath for beauty

To amaze everyone with your beauty in the coming year, prepare a magical bath. On Friday - this day of the week is dedicated to Venus, collect a magical bag of herbs - you will need mint, chamomile and orris root. It’s good if you collected all this and dried it in the summer. If not, buy it at the pharmacy.

The proportions are as follows: one orris root, if it is in powder, then take 3 pinches, 1 pinch of chamomile and 2 mint. Combine this in a bag and ask these herbs for beauty in any form. Choose words that come from the heart, call the herbs by name.

Sleep on a bag of herbs overnight. And on December 31, before you dress up in your New Year's dress, put a bag of herbs in the bath, fill the bath with very hot water so that the herbs open and brew.

But don’t go straight into the bath, wait 15 minutes. During this time, light candles in the bathroom, prepare the most beautiful robe and your favorite body lotion. After you are in the water, close your eyes and say:

“I am the goddess of beauty and love, my skin glows from the inside, it is young and fresh, smooth and silky. Everyone is amazed at my beauty! Let it be so!"

Lie in the water for 15-20 minutes, feel how your body is filled with vigor and strength, how every part is smoothed out. Then pat your body a little with a towel, wait until the skin dries itself, apply lotion and continue preparing for the New Year.

New Year's Day conspiracy for complete well-being

This plot is read on the morning of January 14 (New Year according to the old style). Get up before everyone else in the house, take water from the well (or pour it from the tap, but don’t drain the water first, take the very first one). Water should be poured into unpainted metal containers. Fold your fingers on your right hand as if for the sign of the cross, lower this hand into the water and begin to draw a cross inside the water - up and down, left and right.

Cross the water like this and read the plot:

“I will get up early in the morning and bless all of God’s creation, the earth, sky, air, water, sun, month and frequent stars. I will bless the New Year of the Lord and all the days to come. I will pray to the Lord God, I will ask the Lord God. Lord God, Creator and Creator of all visible and invisible creatures, Who created times and years, Himself bless the New Year that begins today, which we count from Your incarnation for our salvation. Let us spend this year and many years after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors; Strengthen and spread the Holy Universal Church, which You Yourself founded in Jerusalem, and sanctified with the saving sacrifice of the broken Body and the Most Pure Blood. Raise, preserve and glorify our Fatherland; give us long life, health, abundance of earthly fruits and good air; save me, Your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians, as our true Supreme Shepherd, protect and establish me on the path of salvation, so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world, reach Your Heavenly Kingdom and were worthy of eternal bliss with Thy saints. Give, O Lord, to this house Your prosperity and favor, our daily bread, silver and gold, and above all Your peace. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This plot must be read twelve times, according to the number of months in the year. Then take your hand out of the water, cross yourself, and spray all the corners in the house with this water in a cross pattern. Pour the rest of the water under the threshold of the house in which you live. This is a conspiracy for the whole year. It affects not only monetary well-being. Whoever does this will have everything go well both in the family and at work.

Amulet against bad luck in the New Year

Make it, and it will faithfully and truly help your Guardian Angel, protect you from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes.

For this purpose, before the New Year, sew a round piece of red fabric with white thread (along the perimeter).

Then gather to form a small bag.

Inside place several pine needles (a small cone), a woolen thread (13 cm long), a copper object (you can use wire).

Add a few sprigs of silver wormwood, a pinch of dried lilac flowers, red rose petals, a sea (river) shell, seven grains of wheat (oats), three dried yellowed oak leaves, a white metal coin, a piece of silk and a little wax (shaved from a candle).

In total, if you noticed, there are twelve objects symbolizing the number of months in the year.

Finally, put three of your hairs into the assortment, and before tightening the thread, blow into the bag three times, saying after each time:

“Winter, spring, autumn, summer, don’t leave me without an answer.

Keep God's servant (your name) from evil words,

from the slander of witchcraft, from painful illness, from loose damage,

from a thief, from the evil eye - twelve times at a time. Let it be so!"

At the moment when the clock begins to strike twelve, holding the bag by the thread in your left hand, swing it so that, like a pendulum, it makes twelve movements in time with the chimes.

Always carry this miracle amulet with you and you will see that failures will turn away from you.

A conspiracy is not entertainment, so don’t get carried away with magic unless absolutely necessary.

For your New Year's conspiracies to be truly effective and useful, you must sincerely believe in what you are doing, but at the same time, do not “lie on the stove” all year. Remember, any conspiracy, any magic gives a chance, an opportunity, help, but it never does anything for you from beginning to end. So, hope for conspiracies, but do the deed. Happy New Year!

1. On January 2, healers from time immemorial read a prayer spell against drowning in the waters on this day.

To do this, at twelve o’clock in the afternoon (at this hour the service is being held), they poured holy water into a ladle, dipped three knives into it and, kneeling in front of the holy water, read the conspiracy:

On the sea-on the ocean the water rose to the sky,
The Mother of God descended from heaven,
Under Her foot the water was pacified.
Mother of God, save and help,
Calm all water.
As the Lord God, Your Son,
Walked on water and did not drown,
So would our family
The water didn’t harm, didn’t kill any of us.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

All family members should wash themselves with this water.

When the water touches my face,
So my body will fill with health.

3. On January 4, they read a conspiracy that protects from all troubles. Early in the morning, knock on the door of your room with your left hand and say:

May God grant that God Himself protects my threshold.
As long as there is a knock on this door,
Until then, God and the saints will not forget me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

4. January 5 is an unusual day when you can make any wish and it will definitely come true. Buy rye flour, knead three handfuls of dough in blessed water and bake a cake of happiness. When you knead the dough, read the secret conspiracy to fulfill your cherished desire:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Lord was born, the cross was erected,
The heavenly angel shed tears.
The Mother of God said:
- I promise to give every person
I love grace.
Who two days before the birth of Christ
He will take the holy cake into his mouth,
The Lord will send His grace to that person.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

5. They are treated on January 5 for any ailments. To do this, pour out the last water after general cleaning with the words:

How did this dirt leave my house?
So that my illnesses will disappear from me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

6. On the eve of the Nativity of Christ - January 6 - they make a talisman for the whole family on the birth towel. To do this, buy a new linen towel and use it to heal from various, including serious, diseases. If later in the family someone gets sick, then this towel should be used to wipe the patient, and he will definitely recover. The following plot is read over the towel:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I speak from 77 ailments,
From any pain, from night toil,
Feigned dryness, from traveling cancer,
An epileptic fit,
From damage, from night cramps.
The Mother of God washed her Son,
I wiped it with a linen towel.
God bless my flax too.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Whom I, the servant of God (name), wipe with this flax,
From then on, I will erase all 77 ailments.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

7. To make a husband and wife love each other more, twist two white wax candles on the night of January 6-7. A special spell is read over these candles twelve times in a row, and then they are allowed to burn out.

God bless us (names of husband and wife).
Forever and ever, from now to eternity.
As these candles burn fiercely, they spill wax together,
So we (names of husband and wife) can live together,
They loved each other fiercely, passionately.
And until people forget Christmas,
Until then, we won't lose each other.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

8. To charm yourself into wealth, on Christmas Day, tap your heel on the window glass and say:

Christ was born
Piglet showed up.
How did he show up to me?
It would never have been translated that way.
Christ is born
My money is multiplying.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

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