Matcha green tea beneficial properties. Matcha is the most valuable green tea for detox, rejuvenation and healing of the body. Composition of Matcha tea

If you are looking for something that can give you energy and strength, lift your mood and speed up your metabolism, matcha tea may be just what you need. Unlike its other relatives from the green tea family, this one differs both in its cultivation method and in its processing and methods of application.

In Japan, matcha, along with sencha, is one of the most popular drinks. The powdered leaves of this green tea are added to various drinks, dishes, desserts and cosmetics. The Japanese really value this type of tea and believe that it gives strength, improves immunity and helps to stay young and healthy longer.

What is matcha?
This is the name given to tencha leaves that have been grown in the shade. These are the same tea leaves from which both sencha and gunpowder are made, only the latter 2 varieties are grown in the sun.
That is, at first all tea leaves are called tencha, and only then, depending on the method of growing and processing, they turn into different types of tea.

Matcha tea - features and differences

Powdered matcha tea is considered especially beneficial for health, since when drinking this drink, a person absorbs the whole tea leaves, which means he receives much more antioxidants and vitamins, which are rich in all types of green tea.


Today, matcha, or matcha as the name sounds in Japanese, is grown not only in Japan but also in China and other regions of East Asia.

Almost as soon as green leaves appear on the tea bushes, they are covered with a fine net, which blocks almost all sunlight. This is done in order to slow down photosynthesis, which, according to manufacturers, increases its beneficial properties in tea.


The harvest of matcha tea leaves begins 88 days after the first day of spring. The first harvest produces the youngest leaves and is considered to produce the highest quality tea. Matcha lovers can distinguish the tea obtained from the leaves of the first harvest by color, smell and taste.


Unlike other teas, matcha leaves are steamed after picking to prevent oxidation and preserve antioxidants. Then the stems are carefully removed and the tea is dried in a well-ventilated area, after which the leaves are made into a fine powder.


Matcha tea has a very rich, delicate taste with a slightly sweet aftertaste. If the purchased matcha has a bitter aftertaste, this is a sign of poor quality or the brewing water was too hot.

Matcha tea - beneficial properties

Connoisseurs of matcha tea are confident that one cup of this tea provides as many benefits for the body as 10 cups of regular green tea. In addition, by absorbing not only the drink, but also the tea leaves, the body receives vitamins, minerals and fiber, which they are rich in.

  • Matcha tea powder contains 137 times more antioxidants than regular green tea;
  • A cup of matcha has about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee, but the difference is that this tea also contains l-theanine. Together, these substances not only give energy, but do not increase nervousness, as coffee does;
  • Recent studies have shown that matcha increases physical endurance by 24%.


Unlike coffee, which is considered an acidic product, matcha is alkaline, which helps maintain the acid-base balance in the body. This is an important aspect of health, given the fact that most of the food we are used to consuming has a high level of acidity. To maintain balance, you need to eat enough alkalizing foods.

Brain stimulation

More than a thousand years ago, matcha was brought to Japan as a meditation aid. Soon, it was its ability to relax and improve concentration at the same time that made this tea so popular.


A cup of matcha in the morning will fill your body with energy and new strength. Just like coffee, this tea is rich in caffeine, however, judging by many reviews, this energy is calmer and helps to focus on important things, since the energy from coffee is more impetuous.


Boosting immunity

Green tea is rich in polyphenols called catechins, of which matcha contains several times more than other varieties. These polyphenols are known for their immune-stimulating properties.

Acceleration of metabolism

It is one of the properties of matcha, for which it is very much loved by those who like themselves to be slim and athletic. According to many lovers of this drink, when playing sports. Matcha helps burn calories faster.

Benefits of matcha for skin

Antioxidants and polyphenols, which tea is rich in, increase the skin's ability to fight the negative effects of the environment, reduce sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and neutralize free radicals. Green hour of any variety has long been recognized as a drink that preserves youth and health of the body.

How to brew matcha correctly

The Japanese don't just drink tea. It is matcha that is used in their tea ceremony and brewing it requires a whole set of items, but the point is that you need to mix the water and tea powder well. Thus, admirers of Japanese traditions use a measuring cup to accurately determine the amount of water and powder, a strainer to sift the tea leaves to avoid lumps, and a special bamboo brush with which to mix the drink.

The basic rule for brewing matcha is to monitor the water temperature. You should never pour boiling water over the powder; this will spoil the taste of the tea and reduce its beneficial properties.

Frequent green tea drinkers today have the opportunity to buy teapots with temperature control. An easier way to solve the problem is, after boiling, let the water cool for 5-7 minutes. The optimal temperature for brewing matcha is 70-80 degrees Celsius.

Brew matcha to taste. In Japan, there are 2 types of matcha based on strength: “usucha” (weak) and “koicha” (strong).

Celebrities go crazy for matcha tea. What it is?

Matcha can be added to drinks, desserts and dishes. It's a great idea to add powdered tea to your morning nutritious smoothies and breakfasts.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite all the benefits of green tea, and matcha in particular, do not forget that caffeine-rich drinks should not be drunk 6 hours before bedtime.

There is still one problem with the match. Studies have shown that even organically grown tea leaves contain lead. This is especially true for tea grown in China, where the level of environmental pollution is higher than in Japan.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that tea absorbs lead from the environment, and if when brewing other types of tea, 90% of the lead remains in the leaves, which are then thrown away, then with matcha things are a little different. So, when drinking tea along with tea leaves, we absorb all the lead contained in the leaves.

How to Choose the Best Matcha Tea

When buying matcha tea powder, pay attention to the following aspects:

  • The color should be bright green, not dark green like sencha, for example;
  • It is better to give preference to tea grown without chemicals, that is, organic;
  • Matcha shouldn't be too cheap. Very often you can find ground sencha leaves on sale instead of real matcha. 30 grams of quality matcha will cost in the range of 20 to 50 dollars per 30 grams.
  • Give preference to tea produced in Japan rather than in China. Japanese matcha is considered to be of better quality and is grown in more favorable conditions.

Japanese matcha tea powder is an interesting drink and deserves its popularity. Green tea lovers will appreciate this tasty and invigorating drink.

If we talk about Japanese tea, we mean, first of all, high-quality green tea - black tea is not produced in the Land of the Rising Sun. There are not as many Japanese varieties as Chinese ones, but they are all very different and are valued in many countries around the world. Matcha (matcha) is a fine powder of high-quality tencha green tea. According to tradition, a portion of tea leaves is ground on millstones immediately before drinking tea. I ground it, brewed it and drank it. It's not all that simple though. “Brewed and drank” - this is purely European - on the go and in a hurry.

Matcha tea is a traditional drink for tea ceremonies. And this, as you have probably already heard, is a whole action that does not tolerate fuss and haste. We will not repeat this, and we should not even try to imitate the Japanese at a tea ceremony.

Beneficial properties of Japanese matcha tea

The unique production technology allows us to talk about matcha tea as one of the healthiest drinks in the whole world. Matcha tea contains ten times more nutrients than regular tea leaves, and such an amount of antioxidants cannot be found in almost any other product. Thanks to the special composition of Japanese matcha tea, when drinking it, there is no need to throw away the tea leaves. When crushed, it is drunk without residue - this is where the whole usefulness of the drink lies. So, the main advantages and properties of Japanese matcha tea:
. Strengthening immunity;
. Promotes concentration, improves the efficiency of memorization and perception of information;
. It is a strong antioxidant that even ginger, spinach, and blueberries cannot compare with;
. Reducing blood cholesterol, strengthening the cardiovascular system;
. Neutralizes the effects of ultraviolet rays on the skin, slowing down its aging;
. Matcha tea increases energy expenditure (thermogenesis), making it suitable for use in a weight loss diet program;
. Prevents the appearance of kidney stones and sand in the gallbladder;
. The properties of matcha tea are similar to a powerful energy drink. A very curious fact remains that on the islands of Okinawa, where the highest quality teas are produced, including matcha, life expectancy reaches 90 years.
Local residents are not even aware of such a disease as varicose veins. Doctors say that the key to public health is successful prevention - the benefits of Japanese matcha tea produce results.

Composition of matcha tea

Everyone knows about the nutritional properties and benefits of regular green tea, but compared to matcha tea, it is noticeably inferior. Half a teaspoon of this Japanese tea contains 289 mg of protein, while regular tea contains just over 3 mg. The same applies to elements in matcha tea such as iron, potassium, calcium - their amount is many times greater. which brings great benefits to the human body. In terms of potency, one cup of matcha is equivalent to 10 cups of high-quality green tea.

How to brew matcha correctly to get the most out of it?

Brewing matcha means mixing it well or whisking it in hot water. The tea can be prepared in a light or more concentrated form. In Japan, weakly brewed matcha is called “usucha”, and strong matcha is called “koicha” - it all depends on the amount of water and brewing.

Utensils for brewing matcha:

Measuring cup to accurately measure the amount of water

Bowl for brewing tea - chawan (let it be ceramic or porcelain)

A bamboo powder measuring spoon called chasaku that holds 1g of tea powder. You can also take a teaspoon, but you must keep in mind that two bamboo measures are equivalent to one teaspoon

A strainer through which tea powder is sifted to remove lumps. To grind lumps of powder in a strainer, you can use a chasaku (measuring spoon)

Bamboo whisk - chasen (required, otherwise the match will not work)

Preparation of usutya (weak tea):

Pour 2 g (two scoops) of tea leaves into a pre-warmed and wiped dry bowl and add 70-80 ml of hot water (80°C).

Mix thoroughly with a whisk so that there are no lumps or tea leaves on the walls of the bowl. You can whip it into foam, you don’t have to whip it - at will or in accordance with a certain tea tradition.

Usutya is bitter in taste, bright green in color, and not thick in consistency. This is a democratic tea, it is usually drunk without strict formalities with family or friends (as part of everyday tea culture).

Preparing koicha (strong tea):

The dishes are heated as for any brewing, but the tea vessel must be dry.

Take twice as much powder - 4 g (4 measuring spoons or a full teaspoon).

You will need 50 ml of water.

The mixture must be stirred with slow rotational movements. If the technology is maintained, the koitya will turn out thick and viscous with a sweetish-tart taste, with a beautiful, rich green foam on top. Koicha is a drink of tea ceremonies.

Since matcha (matcha) has an unusual taste - with bitterness and astringency, it is customary to serve national sweets - wagashi - with tea. They are eaten before tea.

When brewing matcha in any way, the tea is drunk together with the ground tea leaves, which is the key to its usefulness.

How to brew matcha tea correctly

Using matcha in cooking

Matcha powder is used both to prepare tea according to a traditional recipe and as an additive to various drinks and dishes.

When added to other teas and culinary dishes, matcha enriches them with a vitamin complex, giving a fresh aroma, taste and greenish tint.

The well-known Latte drink is prepared with brewed matcha, sugar and milk.

Matcha ice cream is not only original in appearance, but also much healthier than usual.

Matcha powder can be added to baked goods, syrups, jellies, mousses, desserts, coffee, cocktails, etc.

Wonderful sauces for meat dishes can be made using the wonderful green powder matcha (matcha).

Matcha (matcha) in cosmetology

To prevent caries and treat gums, matcha is added to tooth powder or paste.

Matcha powder is added to creams and soaps.

To heal and cleanse facial skin, masks are made from matcha powder.

To eliminate pimples and blackheads on the face, masks are also made using additional ingredients.

Weakly brewed matcha is used to wash and wipe the face.

Enjoy your tea!

Drinks from the world are sometimes so amazing that they leave an indelible impression on us, and this includes Japanese matcha tea. These are powdered leaves that, when brewed, give the drink an unusual green color. Eating matcha in your homeland is a very beautiful experience, but one that today can be experienced at home.

Matcha is a powdered mass of Japanese green tea. As a result of its brewing, the drink acquires a beautiful bright green color. Matcha is an integral part of ceremonial tea drinking in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Note! Which is correct to say: “matcha” or “matcha”? The correct name for Japanese ground tea is “matcha”, the stress in this word falls on the second syllable. “Matcha” is an acceptable colloquial form that can often be heard in Russian speech today.

From the history

Matcha powder owes its appearance in Japan to Zen Buddhists. In 1191, a monk named Eisai introduced Chinese matcha tea to his country. Over the years, matcha became forgotten in the Middle Kingdom, but in Japan, on the contrary, it gradually gained popularity. It became especially widespread among different social strata in the 14th-16th centuries. It was then that Japanese tea plantation owners improved the technology for producing the highest grades of matcha.


The preparatory process of matcha begins even before collecting the raw materials: for some time (usually for several weeks), the tea bushes are shaded so that they are not exposed to direct rays of the sun. Such manipulations ensure that the growth of the plant slows down, its leaves become darker in color, and their leaves are enriched with a number of amino acids, which give the tea a sweetish taste.

At the next stage, the base for matcha - tencha - is prepared. This involves drying the collected untwisted tea leaves and then grinding them. In the direct production of matcha, the prepared base is removed from the stems and veins, and then this mass is ground to obtain a green powder reminiscent of talc.


The original taste of matcha is determined by the amino acids it contains. High quality tea has an intense, slightly sweet taste and rich aroma. Low-quality varieties (harvested later) have more modest taste characteristics, sometimes they can even impart an unpleasant and strong bitterness to the drink.

Benefits and contraindications

The benefits and harms of matcha for our body are incomparable: this Japanese powdered tea is a real treasury of valuable substances.

Beneficial features

Traditional tea from the Land of the Rising Sun has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Matcha is rich in antioxidants. In terms of their quantity, this drink occupies a leading position among all other “antioxidant” drinks, berries, fruits, and vegetables. Powdered matcha contains more antioxidants than plain green tea, blueberries, prunes, broccoli, etc.
  2. Due to antioxidants, it prevents skin aging. Reduces the negative impact of ultraviolet rays on it.
  3. It helps strengthen our immunity.
  4. Improves brain activity, ensuring good concentration and increasing the quality of assimilation of a large amount of information. At the same time, it relieves a person from nervous tension. Matcha is a drink that students in Japan are especially fond of during exams.
  5. Stimulates the process of losing weight.
  6. Helps reduce low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels.
  7. Used to prevent heart and vascular diseases. According to doctors, men are more often exposed to cardiovascular diseases than the fair half of humanity, but if they are fans of matcha tea, their risk of developing such ailments is reduced by 11%.
  8. Makes a person more energetic and invigorates. At the same time, it does not increase blood pressure and does not have a negative effect on the activity of the heart. The effect of one cup of matcha can last up to 6 hours. It contains the amino acid L-theanine, which gives vigor and strength.
  9. It is an excellent natural remedy for preventing urolithiasis. Promotes general cleansing of our body.
  10. Reduces the risk of cancer. After all, matcha tea is a source of the strongest antioxidants - catechins (which are polyphenolic in nature).
  11. Improves mental state, fights depression.

The listed provisions are only the basic properties of matcha. He also has other valuable qualities, thanks to which his fans prolong their lives.


Matcha tea has both beneficial properties and contraindications. The latter are due, first of all, to the presence of caffeine in the drink, which, however, has a milder effect on our body than other caffeine drinks. However, people for whom caffeine is contraindicated should drink matcha tea very carefully.

Also, the leaves of the tea bush can contain significant amounts of lead. When drinking powdered green tea, this heavy metal also penetrates into our body. Therefore, you should not neglect the “doses”: it is enough to drink 1-2 cups of matcha per day.

How to brew

Today, matcha brewing options are not limited to traditional methods. Let's look at some recipes and algorithms for preparing this unique drink.

Classic recipe

There are two main ways to brew matcha according to the classic recipe, one of which involves preparing a strong drink (koitya), and the other - a weak one (usutya).

Before brewing, it is advisable to pass the powdered tea through a special sieve, for example, using a traditional wooden spatula, to prevent the appearance of lumps.

The correct way to brew matcha tea is as follows:

  1. A small amount of matcha is placed in a cup, traditionally using a chashaku (bamboo spoon).
  2. Water is added to the powder. Its temperature should not exceed 80°C - this is a strict rule.
  3. The resulting mass is whipped until smooth, using a traditional matcha tea whisk (chasen), also made of bamboo.

Note! The prepared drink should be free of lumps and tea grounds on the surface of the cup. According to the classic recipe, milk and sugar are not added to tea. To “bring down” the possible bitterness of the drink, you can eat a traditional sweet (wagashi) before drinking it.

Usucha, a weak matcha, should be properly prepared in the following proportion: 2 g of tea (2 tablespoons of chashaku or 1 level tsp) per 70 ml of water. This amount of ingredients is taken for 1 cup. This tea can be drunk with or without foam. What is the taste and color of usutya? It has a lighter hue and produces more bitterness than strong matcha.

The concentration of powder in koitya is much greater. It is prepared in the following proportion: 4 g of tea (4 spoons of chashaku or 1 heaped teaspoon) per 50 ml of water. The result is a mass of dense consistency, which should be stirred slowly to prevent foam from forming.

This is interesting! For strong matcha, as a rule, expensive raw materials are used, collected from the oldest bushes (their age reaches 30 years or more). As a result, this tea becomes softer and sweeter than weak matcha.

You can make matcha tea at home. It is important to acquire the powder itself and the necessary tools. To learn how tea is brewed according to the classic recipe, watch this video:

How to brew without a whisk

You should brew real matcha tea at home using the devices listed above. But, if you don’t have a special whisk or sieve at hand, you can resort to some tricks.

The following brewing method has long been known. Using a regular strainer, sift the tea powder. Pour a small amount of water heated to 80°C into a container with tea, lightly beat the mixture with a spoon. Then pour the mixture into a vessel with a well-closing lid, add the remaining volume of water (about 120 ml in total) and shake it all (just like a cocktail). Of course, this recipe is far from traditional, but you can still feel the taste of matcha, reminiscent of the real thing.

Matcha with milk, or matcha latte

Matcha tea latte is a popular milk drink today. To prepare it according to one of the recipes you will need (1 serving):

  • water – 1 tbsp.;
  • almond or plain milk – 1 tbsp.;
  • matcha powder – 2 tbsp;
  • coconut oil - about 2 tbsp;
  • vanilla extract – 1 tbsp;
  • honey (to taste) – 1-2 tbsp.

After boiling, leave the water for 5 minutes. for easy cooling. The milk is heated. Using a blender, tea powder, coconut oil, and vanilla extract are mixed. Water and milk are added to the resulting mixture, and everything is lightly mixed again. Honey is added to the finished drink. Then the matcha tea with milk (latte) is poured into a beautiful cup and drunk with absolute pleasure.

Some rules for using matcha

This Japanese drink, prepared according to a classic recipe, is bitter, so before drinking tea you can eat a non-cloying sweetness. Also, matcha tea should be drunk immediately after preparation: if it is left for a while, sediment may form. You need to drink matcha slowly, taking small sips.

Note! If you feel small particles in your mouth when drinking this foamy powdered tea, the matcha has not been whipped well enough.

Matcha during pregnancy

Drinking matcha tea during pregnancy is not prohibited. However, due to the presence of caffeine in it, expectant mothers should do this with extreme caution and better after consulting a doctor. Weak matcha definitely won’t harm pregnant women if you drink it no more than 2-3 times a week, one cup a day.

For weight loss

According to nutritionists, matcha is an excellent drink that can be included in a person’s diet for weight loss. This tea helps speed up metabolism, regulate cholesterol levels and, as a result, treat obesity.

Those who want to correct their figure can prepare matcha tea as follows: 0.5-1 tsp. powder tea leaves are sifted into a container through a strainer, then the tea is poured with 100-150 ml of heated boiled water (80°C), then everything is mixed well and infused for about half a minute. The calorie content of this tea is approximately 1 kcal per 100 g of powder (i.e., if one serving contains 2 g of matcha and 70 ml of water, the drink will contain 0.02 kcal or 20 cal).

What is the difference between mate and matcha

The names “mate” and “matcha” are similar, but they are completely different teas. Considered a tonic drink, it is especially rich in caffeine. The raw materials for this tea are leaves from the shoots of the Paraguayan holly tree. Mate is an ethnic tea that is an integral part of Argentine and other South American cultures.

Mate in a calabash (vessel) with bombilla (pipe)

How to choose

  1. Before purchasing, look at the color of the matcha. The bright green powder is one of the proofs of the good quality of this tea.
  2. Choose organic matcha.
  3. Do not try to buy green powdered tea at a low price; its high-quality types have a high price on the market. It varies depending on the store, variety, quality and country of production (except for Japan, matcha is obtained in Korea and China) and averages 700 rubles. for 100 g. Premium Japanese tea sells for about 850 rubles. for 50 g.

Helpful information! You can purchase this unique tea in shops specializing in the sale of tea products, in stores selling Japanese goods, or through Internet resources.

Blue matcha

Blue matcha tea is obtained from dried Clitoria (moth pea) flowers ground into powder. The country of its production is Thailand. This tea is similar to traditional Japanese matcha only in that it is also a powder and is prepared using a bamboo whisk.

Interesting! To change the color of the flower drink to purple, you can add a drop of lemon juice to it.

Chocolate with matcha green tea

Today this powder is often used in cooking, for example, you can make cookies with matcha tea or buy ice cream with it. Chocolate with matcha green tea – Okasi – is popular. It is made from white chocolate with the addition of premium Japanese tea powder. It is a green chocolate bar. It goes well not only with green tea, but also with matcha latte and coffee. You can buy such a chocolate bar for 200 rubles or more.

Various recipes with matcha tea to realize your own culinary fantasies can be easily searched on the Internet.

Matcha tea will be an excellent find for those who are looking for something that can improve their mood, speed up metabolic processes in the body, and recharge them with strength and energy. This is a green tea variety, which, unlike its “relatives”, differs in its cultivation method, processing and method of use.

What is matcha?

This is the name given to the tencha leaves that grew in the shade. This type of tea is one of the most common and sought after among the Japanese.

The crushed leaves of this tea are used as an additive in cosmetics, desserts and various dishes.

This is what matcha tea powder looks like

This variety of green tea is highly prized among the Japanese. They are confident that it is he who gives them the opportunity to remain healthy and young for a long time.

Collection and processing

Tea leaves begin to be harvested 90 days after the first day of spring. With the first harvest, you can get the youngest leaves. It is generally accepted that it is from them that you can get the highest quality drink. Fans of this tea can easily distinguish tea from the first leaves by taste, smell and color.

Collection and production of matcha tea

After the castings are collected, they are steamed so that all antioxidants are preserved and there is no oxidation process. After this, the stems are very carefully removed. The tea is dried in a well-ventilated room. The leaves are then used to grind into powder.

The tea has a delicate, rich taste, with a slightly sweet aftertaste. If you purchased this tea and it tastes even a little bitter, then this indicates two things - either very hot water was used for brewing or you chose a product of poor quality.

Beneficial features

Due to the fact that tea leaves are completely dissolved in water, green tea saturates the body with a large charge of strength. That is, when you completely absorb the tea leaf, and do not throw away the tea leaves. Your body fully absorbs beneficial antioxidant components.

Studies have been conducted in which it was found that this drink contains 7 times more antioxidants than dark chocolate, 60 times more than spinach.

Composition of matcha tea compared to green tea

You can list the beneficial properties of this tea for a very long time.

  • Prevents the development of cancer. This tea contains catechins, powerful antioxidant components that successfully fight free radicals. The most powerful catechin is epigallocatechin gallate. If you drink a cup of matcha, you will get 130 times more of this component than when drinking plain green tea.
  • Slows down the aging process. Surely I know everything about the fact that there are a large number of centenarians among the Japanese. It is worth noting that the average life expectancy of people who live where this tea grows is much higher than in other regions of Japan. This is due to regular intake of matcha.
  • Prevents the development of heart disease. Recent studies have proven that regular consumption of a green drink can significantly reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream.
  • Provides weight loss. Regular consumption of green tea accelerates the process of thermogenesis. This means that the rate of energy burning increases. A study was also conducted that found that if you drink this drink before starting a workout, it will burn fat by about 30%.
  • Acts as a detoxifier. Since this variety of tea grows in the shade, it contains a significantly higher concentration of chlorophyll than other varieties. This component provides detoxification of the body. That is, this component is able to cleanse the body of dioxins, complex metabolites and other bad substances.
  • Eliminates stress, improves brain activity. This tea contains much more (5 times) L-theanine than regular green tea. This amino acid has psychoactive effects. It eliminates stress and provides relaxation, while reducing blood pressure.
  • Source of energy and dietary fiber. The leaves of this tea contain a large amount of fiber, which is very easily absorbed by the body. Dietary fiber cleanses the body of toxins, and they also stabilize blood sugar levels.
  • Benefits for the skin. Polyphenols and antioxidant components, which this drink is rich in, increase the skin's ability to fight bad environmental influences, reduce sensitivity to UV and neutralize the influence of free radicals.

How to choose the right quality matcha?

When purchasing powdered matcha tea, you need to pay attention to several factors.

  1. Choose a product that was grown not in China, but in Japan. Matcha from Japan is a very high quality product that grows in more suitable conditions.
  2. Don't be fooled by this not cheap product. If the matcha is real and of high quality, then it cannot be cheap. You can often see crushed sencha leaves on the shelves, which are sold under the guise of matcha. And it costs several times less.
  3. Choose an organic product that has been grown without the addition of any chemicals.
  4. The color of real tea is bright green.

Contraindications for use

  • Although green tea has a lot of beneficial properties, and matcha as well, you need to remember that all drinks that contain caffeine should not be consumed 4 hours before bedtime. As for the type of tea in question, there is a certain problem. Research has shown that the leaves, when expressed without added chemicals, contain lead. This especially applies to tea, which grew in China.
  • It is there that the level of air pollution is much higher than in Japan. The leaves of this tea absorb lead from the air. If you brew another type of tea, most of the lead remains in the leaves, which you simply throw away after brewing. And when you drink this type of tea, lead enters your body along with the leaves.

How to brew and cook correctly?

To brew matcha correctly and get all the benefits from this drink, you need to know how to brew it correctly.

So, first you will need to get a vessel. A measuring cup is required to help you determine the exact amount of water. You also need a chavan bowl, directly for brewing. You need to choose either porcelain or ceramic.

You will also need a measuring spoon to stir the powder. It is made of bamboo and has a name - chasaka. You need to place 1 g of powder in this spoon. A teaspoon will also work, but be aware that 2 bamboo measuring spoons are 1 tsp.

Also, among the “tools” you will need a strainer, through which you will sift the tea powder to rid it of various lumps. Also a mandatory attribute is a chasen - a bamboo whisk without which you will not be able to make tea.

  • Making weak tea. It has the name usutya. Take 2 g of tea leaves (this is 2 measuring spoons), pour into a bowl that has been warmed up earlier and well wiped from moisture. Fill it all with hot water (not boiling water). Using a whisk, mix everything until you get a completely homogeneous mass. Weakly brewed tea may be slightly bitter and light green in color. The consistency is thick.
  • Making strong tea. First you need to heat the dishes and wipe the vessel. Take 4 scoops of powder and add 50 ml of water. Mix the mixture with a rotating motion, slowly. If you did everything correctly, the koitya will come out tartly sweet, it will be a viscous and thick mixture, with foam on top.

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