Zhanna Friske latest photos after treatment. Zhanna Friske: last photos before her death. Farewell and burial place

The death of Zhanna Vladimirovna Friske is described here. With the events of the last day of life, the cause, date, time and place of death are indicated. A photo of the coffin and a photo of the grave are shown. Therefore, this information is strictly not recommended for viewing by all people with unstable mental health, as well as persons under 21 years of age.

Zhanna Vladimirovna Friske
08.07.1974 — 15.06.2015

Cause of death

The cause of Zhanna Friske's death was a serious cancer - glioblastoma - an inoperable brain tumor. Died from a similar disease

Glioblastoma is one of the most malignant tumors. At this stage of medical development, the mortality rate from this type of cancer is 99%.

Date and place of death of Zhanna Friske


Farewell and burial place

Farewell to Zhanna Friske, Moscow, Crocus City Hall

On June 17, 2015, a civil memorial service for the singer was held in the Crocus City Hall concert hall. Later, a Christian funeral service took place in the Elokhovsky Epiphany Cathedral. Zhanna Friske was buried at the Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Grave of J. Friske, Moscow, Nikolo-Arkhangelskoye Cemetery.

Farewell and funeral of Zhanna Friske. Video.

Death of Friske. Details.

As you know, after all the tragic events, Dmitry Shepelev wrote a book about Zhanna Friske. For all fans, the book “Jeanne” is a must read. A very touching, sad book.

Death of Friske. Circumstances.

We deliberately omit questions regarding the nationwide collection of funds, Rusfond, Shepelev, the Kopylovs, Plato, the missing millions, all the litigation, squabbles, scandals, and all this vile dance on the bones that began after her death. If you need this, look elsewhere, you won't find it here.

Oddly enough, all this dirt seems to be aside from, in fact, Zhanna herself. In the memory of millions of people, Zhanna Friske remained radiant, cheerful and sweet. Woe to those who organized this Sabbath. Let's not be like them.

Zhanna felt the first symptoms of the disease soon after the birth of her son. She began to experience headaches, general weakness, and fainting. The singer was given a disappointing diagnosis - brain cancer. This was a truly terrible blow for Jeanne herself and for millions of fans.

It should be noted that Zhanna used every chance. The best doctors, the best clinics in Europe and America, the most advanced drugs and methods. In particular, a special cancer vaccine called “Abdiva” was used during the treatment, costing 200 thousand euros for 15 ampoules.

The last months of her life spent in Moscow, Zhanna was observed at the Moscow Oncology Center on Kashirka, where her treatment was carried out by the head of the department of chemotherapy and combined methods of treatment of malignant tumors, Mikhail Lichintser:

When she arrived in Russia, her illness had progressed greatly. They turned to us to administer drugs prescribed in the USA to her. It was, of course, impossible to cure, but her relatives insisted on it, so they brought her in once a week to administer medications. It was already the finish line.

Zhanna Friske

Unfortunately, the singer’s condition only worsened. Zhanna could no longer navigate in space and suffered all the side effects of chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. Her hair fell out, she gained excess weight, her legs gave out, and for the last two months Zhanna was completely unconscious. By the end of her life she was practically blind.

Olga Orlova:

She hasn't spoken for the last two months. For the last two months she has been dreaming all the time. I don’t know whether it’s a coma or what it’s called, but, in my opinion, she was conscious, she just didn’t say anything. She was asleep the whole time, but I think maybe I was crazy that she heard everything. Somewhere far away she understood, because we talked to her, tried to joke, I read in her ear the letters that came to her

Children of Zhanna Friske

Jeanne had one child:

  • Platon Dmitrievich Shepelev, 04/7/2013, from Dmitry Shepelev

The most beautiful woman, the favorite of millions, a loving mother and wife, Zhanna Friske, has passed away.

Her name has truly become a symbol of success and beauty. It took two years to fight a terrible disease - cancer, a brain tumor. The money collected for treatment, expensive clinics, support from loved ones and relatives, and even the birth of a long-awaited son could not prevent the tragic outcome.

Zhanna's disease first appeared during pregnancy. According to her common-law husband, she knew about her illness, but refused treatment in order to bear a child. During this time, the singer became very close to her sister Natalya. It was she who had that ill-fated dream that foreshadowed trouble.

Natalya Friske saw her teeth falling out in a dream, which means the loss of a loved one.

Zhanna did not go to the doctors for a long time, although she had been tormented by headaches for a long time. She was taken to the hospital after she lost consciousness in the shopping center. Mom, Olga Vladimirovna, was inclined to consider her daughter’s poor health and headache a sign of postpartum depression, and therefore decided to distract her daughter by going shopping with her.

At the hospital they discovered a brain tumor that was deep-seated and therefore inoperable. Later, doctors came to the conclusion that it was glioblastoma, a tumor that can be treated surgically.

This is one of the types of cancer that is insidious and aggressive; after the first symptoms appear, the patient lives no more than three months if left untreated. And even with the help of treatment, life expectancy does not increase much at all.

Hamburg and the Eppendorf clinic were the first starting point in the series of fight against the disease.

We continued treatment in New York, at the best specialized clinic named after Sloan-Kettering. Treatment in this hospital was quite expensive, consultation with specialists alone costs $5,000, and the cost of a single course of procedures is about $300,000. After exhausting consultations, chemotherapy was chosen.

After treatment in the USA, it was decided to transfer Zhanna to Los Angeles, where the chemistry was replaced with experimental drugs. Relatives did their best to protect the patient from media interference, but the information leaked to the media was as follows: Zhanna was allegedly treated with a new nanodrug ICT-107, which, according to the developers of the miracle vaccine, increases the chances of recovery.

Despite the protests of her family, Zhanna decided to try an untested medicine, which, as it turned out, was not in vain. After taking it, she felt better, lost 7 kg and even returned home. But it turned out that the disease only stopped for a short time.

In recent months, the singer was already unconscious, in a comatose state. Before her death, the singer no longer recognized her loved ones. At the time of the death of the people's favorite, there were her mother, father, sister and an old friend from “Brilliant” - Olga Orlova.

The latest photos of Zhanna Friske’s illness show that the singer has gained weight and is left with almost no hair.

Natalia, sister of Zhanna Friske:“They went shopping with my mother, she lost consciousness. Mom thought maybe it was postpartum syndrome. And then they went to the beach, she went swimming and mom said: I’m looking, and she keeps throwing her head back and almost drowned.”

Vladimir Friske:“I was just in Dubai, and my wife called me and said: something is really bad for her, headaches, she closes the windows all the time and sleeps, sleeps, sleeps. Then, he says, his legs began to give way. I started calling: quickly see the doctor, let’s see the doctor.”

The first to hear the doctors’ stunning verdict was her common-law husband, Dmitry Shepelev. They hid this from my father for two months because he has a weak heart. But this could not go on forever.

A week before her death, the 40-year-old pop diva, who suffered from brain cancer, stopped recognizing her relatives, and spent the last two days in an unconscious state.

Relatives discovered the singer's body on her bed on the evening of June 15, but only an hour and a half later they gathered strength and called doctors, who pronounced the patient dead.

On April 7, 2013, Zhanna Friske gave birth to a son, Plato. On June 7 of the same year, Zhanna's father learned that the singer had a brain tumor. It all started when Zhanna began to complain of headaches. And when I was in Miami, I went swimming and didn’t return for a long time. Then it turned out that she had confused heaven and earth. Zhanna often went to bed and darkened the rooms with curtains. And there was a case when she tried to put Plato to sleep, holding him upside down.


Zhanna fainted. The worst thing is that at these moments, according to Vladimir, she was “severely crippled,” and the doctors feared that she would break her spine. Therefore, Zhanna began to be tied up.

In New York they found a very expensive medicine that helped Zhanna. So much so that her tumor began to disintegrate. As Friske explained, it was impossible to get rid of the tumor surgically - it was too far away and there was a risk that after the operation Zhanna would “become a vegetable,” as Vladimir put it. The same drug had a miraculous effect on the singer.

Vladimir advised Dmitry Shepelev to consolidate his success and invite the director of the Institute of Virology to help, but the TV presenter refused. And two months later Zhanna began to relapse. Friske said that when her daughter could no longer speak, she was asked who to leave Plato with. And Zhanna chose her friend Olga Orlova.

According to Friske, at the end of her life Zhanna realized what kind of person Dmitry Shepelev was. When he came (and, as Vladimir said, in two years the presenter was with her for 56-60 days), Zhanna turned away, her pulse even quickened.

Friske’s friend Alena Premudroff also appeared in the studio of the show “Secret for a Million”. She stated that Zhanna suffered from headaches long before pregnancy. And she even fainted. She advised her to visit a doctor, but she did not listen to her.

After giving birth, when the disease progressed, Zhanna, according to her friend, became simply unbearable. According to Alena, it was impossible to communicate with the singer; they often quarreled, and over trifles. Vladimir Friske admitted that his wife’s parents and older sister died of cancer.

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