Women's. Name days and names. Women's Name Days in June

Angel Day is a day of remembrance of the heavenly patron, when birthday people turn to their saint, attend services, confess and receive communion. It is celebrated so that the saints remember and intercede for us before God. Even if the parents gave the baby a name not mentioned in the Saints, then at baptism a consonant Orthodox name will be chosen for him.

Names for boys according to Saints

Sociability, openness, charm - qualities that hide the assertive and tough nature of men. Young people are insightful, honest and generous, but also secretive, distrustful and difficult to understand. However, the formation of personality is influenced not only by the date of birth, but also by the chosen name. According to Saints, the day of the angel is celebrated by guys named one of the names presented below.

Boys' names starting with "A"

In young years Akakiy manifests himself as a shy and defenseless boy. He is kind, gentle, and needs constant parental care. Avoids communication with peers due to his insecurity. Over time, everything will change: Akaki will grow into a sociable and caring person, an extrovert. He will make every effort to achieve justice.

Alexei soft and flexible since childhood. If raised incorrectly, these qualities can turn into laziness and passivity. The boy is often unsure of himself, as he is accustomed to constantly giving in to the demands of others. But people are drawn to him. Alexey has a heightened sense of justice: the young man will defend the offended, and will go to great lengths for the sake of his loved ones. The main advantage of a man is responsiveness.

U Afanasia I have many friends since childhood. He is flexible, friendly, inquisitive. In conflict situations, he knows how to remain calm. He has a good memory and learns quickly. Excessive complaisance often prevents him from achieving success. It is difficult for a man to defend his rights and apply for leadership positions. He won't worry about his dreams remaining dreams.

But if a young man develops self-confidence, he will be able to climb the career ladder. A flexible mind and the ability to negotiate promise Afanasy good luck in work related to establishing contacts.

Male names from "B" to "L"

Accuracy and integrity are the main qualities George. The boy is peaceful and sociable, but only among people he knows. Therefore, many may seem closed and arrogant. He always relies only on his own strengths and is responsible for his actions. Appreciates good humor. Strives for order in everything. He allows “useful and necessary” people into his circle of friends - this fact is carefully hidden.

U Ivana(Yana) also has a name day on November 6th. His masculine qualities surprise those around him. He knows how to adapt to difficult circumstances. The young man is distinguished by his openness, good nature, and natural wisdom. Selfishness is alien to him. Strives to obtain a high status in society. A man is suitable for leadership positions without clear requirements for appearance, with a flexible work schedule.

U Irakli great willpower. He is persistent and purposeful. Always tries to be a leader. The boy is distinguished by his friendliness, so Irakli always has many friends who love and appreciate him for his courage and activity.

Treats family and friends with respect and protects them. Popular among women. Demanding of others. Responsible, does not waste words. Knows how to stand up for himself.

Brave, self-confident, resilient - this is about Lawrence. Outwardly balanced. But feelings are always burning inside him. The guy constantly hides his emotions and keeps them under control. Sometimes he can flare up. He is harsh towards attempts to subjugate him, “break” his will, and humiliate him. A man will look for a reason to take revenge on such a person, to humiliate him in front of everyone. Sociable, likes to spend time in friendly companies. Lavrenty is an excellent organizer, endowed with leadership qualities from birth. He can always find a way out of a difficult situation.

Guys' names from "M" to "Z"

In accordance with Orthodox canons, name days are celebrated on November 6 according to the church calendar for boys who were given names at baptism:

How to name a girl according to the Saints

Interesting personalities with problematic characters are about girls whose name day is November 6th. Of the feminine qualities they have:

  • coquetry;
  • thrift;
  • sexuality.

In personal relationships, they are distinguished by devotion and honesty. Birthday girls celebrating the day of the angel on November 6 - and Syncletikia.

Victoria stands out for his strong character and desire to achieve his goals as quickly as possible. But if she is unsure of the rightness, then she will not go ahead. A girl always tries to challenge the male sex: in her personal life, at work, her brother, her boss, etc. In this way, she asserts herself and fights her insecurities. Her mood is changeable: the woman is quick-tempered, but quick-witted. Vika is a person with high morality, she never acts unworthily or basely. She skillfully hides her stormy temperament, seems gentle and in need of patronage and protection.

Syncliticia strives for independence. Therefore, the girl chooses a path that no one has ever taken before: there are no “authorities” - no one will tell her what to do. Always takes an active life position. He clearly knows what he wants to achieve. Perfectly oriented in difficult, extreme situations. It is impossible to outrage her with the changed circumstances. Knows how to make money. Tends to make impulsive decisions.

After naming and baptism, the baby will have a guardian angel who will protect and ward off evil spirits. If the name you like on your child’s birthday is not in the Saints, you can look up the names of the saints a few days in advance. When considering the options, it is worth paying attention to the qualities that are inherent in them.

Attention, TODAY only!

Holders of exclusively male names, according to the traditional calendar, can celebrate name day on June 6; female names are not presented for this period.

Happy Angel Day today you can congratulate those who were baptized Gregory, Ivan, Semyon, Stepan, Fedor and Ian. These are the male names that should be chosen for boys born today.

In order to name girls born on this day in accordance with all canons, their name day should be postponed for eight days, as required by the ancient tradition of naming.

And so choose female names in honor of the saints revered on the specified date. If there are no suitable names for a given period, it is advisable to name the baby in honor of the saint revered on the day of her christening.

According to the church calendar for 2019, on June 6 the memory of St. Nikita the Stylite is honored, and everyone who was baptized in this way celebrates their name day during this period. This is the most suitable name for newborn boys.

After all, then they will find a strong patron who will lead them along the smoothest and widest roads and from whom, as they believed in the old days, they will inherit the best traits.

And the birthday people of this day can boast of such qualities as ambition, prudence; these are real strategists who set really high goals for themselves and always achieve them.

St. Nikita is an example of the fact that there is no sin that God would not forgive us after sincere repentance, as well as how much the human soul can rise after a fall.

Initially, Nikita was in the service of the bloodthirsty Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, his duties included collecting taxes. So he lived, demanding more and more money from people, some of which went to him personally.

God had mercy on his sinful soul and directed it to salvation. While in the temple, he heard the words of one of the apostles about the need for repentance, which deeply touched him and deprived him of peace.

In a drunken feast, he decided to forget about these heavy thoughts, but received a new sign: in the cauldron where the dishes were being prepared, he saw a human body. Then Nikita heavily repented of what he had done and went to atone for his sins in the monastery.

Having taken monastic vows, he put on a hair shirt and chains and began to do all the menial work. Then he dug himself a narrow hole, from which he could only see the sky, and spent all his time there.

Whose name day is in June? What Orthodox holidays take place in June? You can see a detailed list of all female and male names by date in this article!

Name day in June (what to name boys and girls in June)

Name days in June:

1 - Alexander, Anastasia, Anton, Valentin, Vasily, Victor, Georgy, Dmitry, Ivan, Ignatius, Ippolit, Korniliy, Maxim, Matvey, Mitrofan, Mikhail, Nikolay, Pavel, Sergey.

2 - Alexander, Alexey, Ivan, Joseph, Nikita, Timofey.

3 - Andrey, Elena, Kasyan, Kirill, Konstantin, Mikhail, Fedor.

4 - Vladimir, Daniel, Zakhar, Ivan, Makar, Mikhail, Pavel, Sophia, Fedor, Yakov.

5 - Athanasius, Euphrosyne, Leonty, Maria, Michael.

6 - Grigory, Ivan, Ksenia, Nikita, Semyon, Stepan, Fedor.

7 - Elena, Ivan, Innocent, Fedor.

8 - Alexander, Georgy, Elena, Ivan, Karp, Makar.

9 - Anastasia, David, Ivan, Jonah, Leonid, Leonty, Nil, Peter, Fedora, Ferapont.

10 - Denis, Dmitry, Elena, Zakhar, Ignatius, Makar, Nikita, Nikolai, Pavel, Peter, Sofron.

11 - Alexander, Andrey, Ivan, Konstantin, Luka, Maria, Faina, Fedot, Feodosia.

12 - Vasily.

13 - Boris, Nikolai, Polycarp, Roman, Philip, Christina.

14 - Valerian, Vasily, Vera, Gabriel, David, Denis, Ivan, Pavel, Khariton.

15 - Ivan, Nikifor.

16 - Afanasy, Denis, Dmitry, Lukyan, Mikhail, Pavel, Julian.

17 -Ivan, Maria, Martha, Methodius, Mitrofan, Nazar, Peter, Sophia.

18 - Igor, Jonah, Konstantin, Leonid, Mark, Mikhail, Nikandr, Nikolai, Peter, Fedor.

19 - Vissarion, George, Hilarion, Jonah, Susanna, Thekla.

20 - Alexander, Alexey, Anton, Afanasy, Valentin, Valeria, Veniamin, Victor, Vladimir, Grigory, Zinaida, Ivan, Ignatius, Lev, Maria, Mikhail, Nikolay, Pavel, Peter, Stepan, Taras, Fedot.

21 - Vasily, Ephraim, Konstantin, Fedor.

22 - Alexander, Alexey, Ivan, Kirill, Maria, Martha, Thekla.

23 - Alexander, Alexey, Antonina, Vasily, Ivan, Nikolay, Nikon, Pavel, Timofey, Feofan.

24 - Varlam, Bartholomew, Ephraim, Mary.

25 - Andrey, Anna, Arseny, Ivan, Jonah, Peter, Stepan, Timofey, Julian.

26 - Akulina, Alexander, Alexandra, Andrey, Andronik, Anna, Antonina, Daniil, Dmitry, Ivan, Pelageya, Savva, Yakov.

27 - Alexander, Varlam, George, Elisha, Joseph, Methodius, Mstislav, Nikolai, Pavel.

28 - Gregory, Ephraim, Jonah, Kasyan, Lazar, Mikhail, Modest, Fedor.

29 - Ephraim, Constantine, Michael, Moses, Nicephorus, Peter, Tikhon, Theophanes.

30 - Joseph, Cyril, Clement, Maxim, Nikander, Nikita, Pelageya, Philip.

  • - a variant of the male name Agapius (Agapit), derived from the Greek agape - “love”.
  • - female form from Eugene, derived from the ancient Greek name Eugenios (from the word eugenes) - “with good genes”, “noble, from a good family.”
  • - feminine form of Claudius, derived from the Roman generic name Claudius (from Latin claudus) - “to limp.”

Name of the day January 6 - Agafya

Agafya is an ancient Greek name. Translated it means “honest”.

Agafya, born on January 6, is a person who can pass through ice and fire, water and copper pipes. In spiritual terms, she is stoic, but in material terms, problems can often arise. Agafya is passionate about lofty ideas and cannot stand empty chatter. She strives to comprehend the secrets of the universe, is interested in the structure of the higher worlds, which may be why it is not always easy for her to live in the sublunary world. It is difficult for Agafya to feel comfortable in the company of unfamiliar people; she prefers small companies and is wary of new acquaintances.

To get rid of tense situations, Agafya needs to meditate on her name day with the help of the Golden Fish constellation. To gain strength from meditation, you need to imagine a constellation. The constellation can be represented in any way you like. Every constellation is a huge repository of energies.

Agafya is able to feel how the rays of the constellation destroy bad energies and impart good powers. Along with inhalation, light rays penetrate the soul, and with exhalation, dark rays leave.

A goldfish pendant will protect you from misfortunes.

Fish frolicking in a clean pond is good luck, a goldfish is good luck. Fish in an aquarium - you will have to follow someone’s lead.

Name of the day January 6 - Evgenia

Evgenia is an ancient Greek name, translated as “noble.” As a rule, the roots of any Eugenia are associated with an aristocratic family. Evgenia herself may not know about this, but the breed is often visible in the gait, look and manner of holding her head. Evgenias are intellectuals, they achieve everything themselves, ignoring outside help, and this is often the reason for their failures. Evgenia believes that no one will do this job as well as they do, no one will pay as much attention to the child as they do. Eugenes can overestimate their strengths and as a result they quickly burn out and forget about that ringing feeling of happiness that was characteristic of them in their youth.

Name day meditation on the constellation Crane will help you get rid of tense situations. To gain strength with its help, you need to imagine this constellation. (You can take the Crane constellation from the atlas of Jan Hevelius as an example.) You must try to feel yourself inside the constellation. There, inside this constellation, the star Alnair shines. Do not confuse with Altair! Evgenia can feel how the rays of this star destroy bad energies and impart good powers.

After a 15-minute presentation of the constellation, you need to return from space to earth.

A beaded crane on a bracelet or a silver pendant in the shape of a crane will protect you from envious people.

Cranes bring happiness and change for the better, storks promise money, profits and healing.

Name of the day January 6 - Claudia

Only noble people could have the Latin name Claudia; when translated, the name means “lame.”

“Limping” is interpreted not as a disease of the legs, but as a special marking by higher powers. It is no coincidence that the chosen ones of the gods - holy fools and saints - had some kind of physical defect.

The name of Claudius went down in history thanks to the Vestal Claudia, who was accused of adultery, but proved the falsehood of this accusation.

Claudia has wisdom, she is able to see, know and notice more than those around her. She has felt the need to serve all her life. Claudia can find joy in serving the cult of the family; somewhere in the depths of her soul she considers herself a saint, or almost a saint, this is largely true. Claudia is a righteous person, although her life is somewhat limited within narrow boundaries: either at home, or at work, or in the circle in which she moves.

Because of such isolation, sometimes - extremely rarely - she wants to break free, run away...

You can make a talisman for the name Claudia yourself, using the tradition of the Vestal Virgins. They held a small stone in their mouth and said prayers or spells. When more than a thousand such prayers were said, the pebble became a container for the forces of protection. In order for the stone as a talisman to have power, it is carried with you in dark suede. The inconvenience of the name amulet is that after a while it is depleted and then you need to recharge it again. The stone can be an amethyst, or it can be one that suits your horoscope or just likes it.

A miniature lamp brings good luck.

A burning candle, flame in a lantern or fireplace on January 6 portends success. The ship will predict a trip around the world.

Name of the day January 6 - Nikolai

The name Nicholas is Greek and translated means “conqueror of nations.” This name is also popular in England and France. It is associated with the name of St. Nicholas, who saved the daughters of a poor man from prostitution. St. Nicholas is known just like Santa Claus; surprises are expected from him, especially at Christmas. Nicholas is the best Santa Claus, the winter month of December gives him a special power of foresight, his predictions are good... St. Nicholas is the patron of children, sailors and merchants. Nikolai can work with children, fearlessly embark on sea voyages and open his own business.

The meaning of the name Nikolai in Russia is quite consistent with the European sound: Nikolai is a cheerful person, you can expect jokes, pranks and surprises from him. He is brave, cheerful, romantic, capable of singing serenades under the window of his beloved.

Nikolay must not forget about the power of movement, which helps to realize a personality as quickly as possible. The “drunk cat” styles in martial arts or the practice of similar stances remove tensions and help self-affirmation. But you can’t study such stances on your own - you need to study them in groups.

The name amulet for Nicholas is “cat grass”, it is also called “earth incense” or “miaun”. The scientific name of the herb is valerian. Valerian is often perceived only as a sedative, but this is an incomplete understanding of the properties of earthen incense. Its powerful energy can serve as a strong attraction, it’s not for nothing that it is called “grass-me-un”. Just as cats meow from it, so women lose their heads if this herb is in the hands of Nikolai. Whether it is purchased at a pharmacy and added to a drink, or displayed in the form of a bouquet on the table - Nikolai receives a huge amount of strength by being in contact with this herb. A living plant is always preferable, but dried grass is also energetically effective. It must be carried with you as a name talisman, wrapped in a piece of red silk.

For Nicholas, yellow flowers on name day night are not a symbol of separation, but, on the contrary, of a happy meeting.

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