The meaning of the “Mirror” card in the “Tarot Manara” deck according to the book “Erotic Tarot. Exploring the mysteries of love. Divination tarot manara

Interested in learning more about tarot card divination? In this article, we will tell you about the features of the layouts and interpretation of Tarot Manara, as well as give several popular types of divination for the love sphere of life. Enjoy reading!

Features of the Manara deck

The main task of Taro Manara is a deep study of a person's love relationships. When divining the features of the image of the Arcana, their interpretation can cause mixed or conflicting feelings - delight, confusion, rejection, etc.

The author of the deck is Milo Manara, a native of Italy. He gained fame thanks to the creation of erotic comics. Illustrations of the Major, Minor Arcana balance on the verge of pornography, erotica. The female focus of the deck is emphasized by its main characters and the Queen, who is one position higher than the King.

The task of the deck is to display everything hidden, intimate, located in the subconscious of a person, pulling it out. If the fortuneteller is not afraid to find out the “uncovered” truth about himself, the people around him, we suggest visiting the courses of the Russian Tarot School, where he can find out detailed information about this type of Tarot cards.

Popular Tarot Manara layouts for relationships

Consider several popular Tarot Manara layouts for relationships. Detailed schemes and interpretations of divination are given below.

Relationship layout

It is a popular divination that allows you to assess the level of relationship between two people. Carefully shuffle the cards, mentally holding the image of a loved one in front of you, and then lay out the Tarot according to the diagram below.

Note! The right column of cards is the card of the querent, the left, respectively, of the person of interest. If the situation is viewed by an uninterested person, the value of the columns can be determined arbitrarily

A detailed interpretation of each position is given below.

  • First. Type of relationships, their state at the current time. It is a test lasso. The alignment is considered carried out correctly if the card reflects the real state of affairs. If not, you should postpone fortune-telling until another time or identify an error.
  • Second, seventh. Mutual thoughts about each other - what are they?
  • Third, sixth. The state of the emotional background of relationships - sensations, feelings, fears, etc.
  • Fourth, fifth. How the feelings of partners are expressed (what is actually there, how it is demonstrated to another)

Note. The process of analysis gradually moves from the spiritual sphere to the sensual, then the physical. The presence of an imbalance indicates problems in the relationship of two people - there is something to work on

Layout "Two hearts"

The following divination is used in a number of the following cases:

  • Ways to develop existing relationships
  • What each of the partners expects from the union
  • Events affecting the harmony of communication

The alignment will indicate to the fortuneteller the actions to make the union more harmonious. It can be used to characterize the relationship between friends, relatives, friends, lovers. The scheme and interpretation of divination are given below.

The interpretation of the received positions is as follows:

  1. What is the relationship between people now
  2. Compatibility with a loved one/friend/acquaintance
  3. Expectations of the querent from an alliance with a partner
  4. Expectations of the object in relation to the fortuneteller
  5. How will the union develop in the foreseeable future?
  6. What to do to improve relationships
  7. Will the union worsen from outside events
  8. Extraneous influences on the development of relationships, their presence / absence in the life of a fortuneteller

Video of Tarot Manara layouts will help to simplify the process of divination several times. Be sure to check them out!

Here are some popular layouts for the love of Tarot Manara, which allow us to determine the truth of the feelings, intentions, emotions of another person in relation to the querent.

The layout of the "Mystery of love"

This fortune-telling on Tarot Manara on a person’s feelings allows you to find out the truth of the intentions of a loved one / beloved, get answers to questions related to the love sphere (readiness for marriage, duration of relationships, etc.). The alignment is especially relevant for relationships in the "embryo" stage. The scheme, interpretation of the positions are indicated below.

Pre-prepare for fortune-telling by discarding extraneous thoughts, imagine the face of your beloved / beloved. Shuffle the deck well, randomly take out eight cards, laying them out as indicated in the diagram.

The position breakdown is as follows.

  1. The answer to the question of Taro Manar "What does he think of me." Shows an objective picture in sexual, sensual, emotional overtones
  2. The truth of existing intentions
  3. How does the querent relate to the second half
  4. Course of events in the foreseeable future
  5. The state of the union after a few months
  6. Review of the situation after a year
  7. Partner's readiness for marriage
  8. The final card indicates the rationality of continuing the relationship, the level of compatibility between partners

The layout "Checking love"

Checking the feelings of Tarot Manara is a simple layout that reveals all the hidden intentions of the chosen one / chosen one regarding the fortuneteller. You can find out the partner's plans, his true feelings for you.

For divination, the entire deck is used. Shuffle the deck, visualize the image of a loved one, move the cards with your left hand towards you, see the interpretation of the positions below.

  1. Feelings of the second half regarding the querent
  2. Hidden emotions known only to the partner
  3. How will the relationship develop?
  4. The most likely prospects for a union

Note! In divination, ONLY direct positions of the cards are used!

Divination by Tarot Manara for the future of relationships

Tarot Manara's divination for the future of relationships predicts options for the development of an alliance between lovers. Suitable for people who have recently started dating. The alignment will help to find out the weaknesses / strengths of partners, to find answers to other exciting questions. The scheme, interpretation of fortune-telling are given below.

After shuffling the cards, their layout according to the indicated scheme, look at the values ​​​​of each dropped position.

  1. What are current relationships based on?
  2. Is the current union comfortable for the fortuneteller
  3. How does the relationship lover / beloved
  4. What will happen in the near future
  5. Your feelings, thoughts regarding the course of the relationship
  6. Feelings, thoughts of a partner regarding an alliance with you
  7. Summary for the querent
  8. Outcome for the second half
  9. Estimated future of the union

Interpretation of the cards of the Manar deck in divination for love

Below is a brief interpretation of the Tarot Manara layouts for the Major and Minor Arcana.

Major Arcana

  • Jester: Relationships that do not promise anything serious, good. Your partner doesn't know what he wants
  • Mage: Confrontation of reason with feelings, manipulation
  • Priestess: The presence of complexes, "double game", forbidden feelings
  • Empress: Serious rival, dominance of the fair sex
  • Emperor: Misunderstanding of partners, squabbles, fears
  • Priest: Judgment, rash acts
  • Lovers: Non-reciprocal feelings - selfishness / complete dissolution in a person
  • Chariot: Fear of failure, repetition of past mistakes, etc.
  • Strength: Sexual incompatibility of partners
  • Hermit: Anger, dissatisfaction, lack of understanding
  • Mirror: Narcissism, narcissism
  • Justice: Interest in a married person
  • Punishment: Relationships that are mentally/physically painful
  • Death: A crisis is coming, the fading of feelings, an attempt to hold on to the past
  • Moderation: Comfortable bonding with an older partner
  • Devil: Jealousy, mutual passion, sexual addiction
  • Tower: Painful relationships, lack of intimacy, narrow-mindedness.
  • Star: Platonic relationship to an unattainable person, expectation of a character from a fairy tale
  • Moon: Innuendo, illusory
  • Sun: Romanticism, falling in love, self-sufficiency
  • Judgment: Transformation of relationships, feelings, emotions. The neighboring Major Arcana will help you understand the map.
  • Peace: Open relationship, no obligation to each other

Minor Arcana

  • Ace: Energy bindings, vampirism, cheating for sexual pleasure
  • 2: Predominance of instincts, showiness
  • 3: Mismatch of temperaments of partners
  • 4: Secret relationship
  • 5: Having conflicting feelings
  • 6: Unequal relationship, frivolity of intentions of one of the partners, suffering
  • 7: Union fatigue
  • 8: Communication at a distance via phone, internet
  • 9: Common interests, but difference in outlook
  • 10: Pickiness, aggressiveness, dissatisfaction
  • Servant: Workaholic, tired, lethargic, relationships with colleagues
  • Horsewoman: Relationship at a distance (one partner on a trip / business trip)
  • Queen: Deflowering, passion, sexuality
  • King: Candy Bouquet Period with Casanova Man
  • Ace: Desire for adventure, romance, new, interesting acquaintances
  • 2: Breakup manipulation - one won't let go of the other
  • 3: Every man for himself, respect for personal space
  • 4: Restraint in expressing feelings, excessive alertness
  • 5: Desire for evidence of partner's love, maximalism in relationships
  • 6: Curiosity, the desire to understand the zest of the partner
  • 7: Fear of sexual infections, fear for relationships
  • 8: Attentions, jealousy
  • 9: Awareness of desires, persistent feelings for a previous partner
  • 10: Dreams, desires for more, longing for perspective
  • Servant: Friendship that does not grow into love
  • Horsewoman: Relationship Stasis
  • Queen: Lack of understanding, each to himself
  • King: Seduction, passion, lust
  • Ace: Dreams, compliments, the beginning of a relationship
  • 2: Coolness of feelings, presence of manipulation
  • 3: Unreasonable grievances, parting
  • 4: Recent acquaintance, infantilism, fantasies, dreams
  • 5: Disappointment in a partner
  • 6.: An attempt to endow a partner with the necessary qualities, window dressing
  • 7: Lack of feelings, fantasies
  • 8: Reluctance to intimacy, far-fetched fears
  • 9: Surprise (its color depends on the adjacent cards), the beginning of a relationship
  • 10: Desire for novelty, pickiness in choosing a life partner
  • Servant: Pleasant communication, euphoria
  • Horsewoman: Affection, friendship.
  • Queen: Not wanting a long, serious relationship, flirting
  • King: Man - overgrown child, tendency to idealize relationships
  • Ace: Thrift, stability
  • 2: Studying a partner for your interests
  • 3: The framework of the relationship, can mean a desire to marry
  • 4: Treason, betrayal
  • 5: Desire to find common sense, low self-esteem
  • 6: Relationships Based on Pragmatic Calculation
  • 7: Unjustified hopes, longing for the past of the current relationship
  • 8: Forced break from union, rest from partner, apathy, depression
  • 9: Fear of not fitting in with your partner
  • 10: Appeasement, loneliness, desire for illusory relationships "as they say in the book"
  • Servant: Jealousy, possessiveness, deceit, surveillance
  • Horsewoman: Desire to maintain relationships, self-sufficiency, lack of interest in the activities of a loved one
  • Queen: Difficult breakup, fear of loneliness, despair
  • King: Sexual self-affirmation, perversions, hidden intentions. Partner provocateur

We are sure that the information provided will help to better understand the mysteries.

Taro Manara. All colors of love Nevsky Dmitry

X. Wheel of Fortune (The Mirror)

Keywords, meanings : coquetry, flirting, narcissism, emotional game, affectation.

Type - Flirtatious

This is a type of a windy and flirtatious person who is exclusively occupied with herself and prefers to enjoy any moment of her life. She should always be the center of attention and should always please both herself and other people. Only in this way, by causing admiration, does she receive those emotional forces that give her the opportunity to live in such a vein.

Such people have many fans and admirers. Often there is one - the main, permanent, which provides her with a rear and the possibility of further influence on the world with her "genuine beauty."

The value of the card in the upright position

Self-admiration and complacency are not the worst thing in a person. But at the same time, excessive concern for how he looks and is perceived by others gradually deprives a person of the need for real feelings and relationships. Everyone who is nearby (friends, acquaintances and partners) is perceived (often unconsciously) only as a retinue that should admire their idol.

Live event

In real time, we can see a person who is absorbed in the contemplation of himself. No, he is in life, in a process, in an event, but at the same time, as it were, he is always in front of a mirror - he evaluates how he speaks and what he does, how he behaves.

Description of the situation, plot, setting

Have you read the fairy tale "Pinocchio"? It has a character called Malvina - a girl who did everything to impress ... herself. How right is she! How neat she is! How smart she is! "Puppet from the puppet theater!" - you say. No, there are plenty of such “dolls” in real life.

The image of a person in work, deeds

In work and affairs, every act of a person is aimed at impressing others. No education or knowledge? Let's take a bright make-up and beautiful clothes! No professional skills? Let's wear a short skirt and a tight-fitting blouse. And so on ad infinitum - our type knows how to oppose "strength" to weakness.

Monetary and financial aspects of relationships

Money is an extremely important tool because it can buy "so many pretty things." They are always missing. And our character is always in search of a situation or a person who will give her something that will allow her to continue to enjoy herself.

Psychological and behavioral aspect

Behavior "childish" - predictable, sincerely simple and always a little whimsical. There is always something that you do not want and there is something that you want. And, without concealing in herself and without hiding, she shows the whole world (more often a specific character) what exactly she wants.

Fears and concerns

Fear!? No, he's not here. In order to be afraid, you need to understand or feel the future threat. And a person always feels himself in the present time, not particularly bothering his intellect.

Relationships - the position of people

Relationships are built according to the scheme: if you need (need) me, then do this and that. Relationships from the category of commodity-money, which are almost always understandable and predictable.

Love is the real background of feelings

Self love is the most important feeling. For his sake, you can “love” another if he allows you to continue to love yourself.

Family - patterns of behavior

Family?! For a relationship with such a person, this word is not entirely appropriate, since it implies too wide a range of relationships, which in this case cannot be manifested. As such, there is no family, no matter what anyone says or tries to portray in public.

Appearance and attractiveness

She looks after herself, dresses beautifully and fashionably. There is always a “light longing” in appearance and look - naturally, you will have to look for a new wardrobe and convince your husband (read the sponsor) that “this hat goes so well with these shoes.”

Magic - signs of influence

There is no magic, but at the same time, such individuals often resort to the help of magic - their own charms are not always enough to keep a partner.

After describing the type, advice suggests itself and is concluded in the answer to the questions: “Why do you need this person?” and “What are you willing to give to have him with you?” If you know both answers for sure, then you don't need advice.

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We offer online fortune-telling on Tarot cards Manara for love, relationships and checking feelings. The Tarot Manara deck will help in clarifying the relationship between partners. Divination on these cards is aimed at uniting with the subtle energies of divine love and carnal passion. Usually, Tarot Manara is read for lovers and passionate people. With the layouts presented here on the Tarot Manara cards, you can tell fortunes about love and relationships online.

Can fortune-telling with the help of computer technology be considered "real"? Yes - you can. As theory and practice show, when working with a computer, as well as when divination on the usual tarot, your subconscious mind signals to select a card: pressing a key is equivalent to touching the back of a certain card. Cards can answer with varying degrees of depth, which, of course, depends on the ability to understand the problem. If the readings of the cards are outwardly inconsistent, see which values ​​outweigh or seek the help of expert professionals. Try to focus on the Major Arcana.

Fortune telling Tarot Manara test of feelings

Fortune telling on Tarot Manara cards for relationships and feelings will help you understand an unclear situation, understand what emotions and feelings your partner is experiencing. The "Checking Feelings" layout shows the prospects for the development of your relationship, emotional relationships, feelings and fears. In the layout for relationships on 4 Tarot Manara cards, the following aspects are considered: thoughts, emotions, external and perspectives.

Free online fortune-telling on Manar cards "Distribution of feelings"

To start fortune telling CLICK ON THE CARD

Fortune telling on Manar cards "Partner's Choice"

Fortune telling on Tarot cards to choose between two partners will help you in choosing your partner who is more suitable for you. Love is such a strange thing, sometimes it is very difficult to decide which of them is better and stay with someone alone. By choosing 6 Tarot Manara cards, you will understand how relationships with each partner will develop. Fortune telling will reveal the hidden sides of the personality of each partner and it will be easier for you to decide on the choice of the applicant. Manara cards will give a forecast for the development of relations with one and the other partner.

To start a new alignment, or close this one, click again on the card

Fortune telling online on Tarot Manara cards "Partner's Choice"

Fortune telling online "Yes and No" on Manar cards for free

To start fortune telling CLICK ON THE CARD

Fortune telling on Tarot cards Manara "Development of the situation"

Fortune telling on Tarot cards on the situation in relationships and love will give clarity in the event of some kind of difficult situation, which, unfortunately, is not enough in love. A 4-card spread will show the possibility of developing a planned plan or a love situation that has arisen in a relationship with your partner. Internal - these are unconscious motives that drive you in this situation. External - external influences that help or hinder in the current situation, these can be actions, behavior or attitudes of people. Fortune telling on the Manara tarot "Development of the situation" will tell you how to act or not to act in this situation.

To start a new alignment, or close this one, click again on the card

Fortune telling on Manar cards online for the development of the situation

Using Tarot Manara cards, it is possible to predict the development of relationships between a man and a woman, the duration and significance of their connection. Remember that the key to long-term, harmonious relationships is the compatibility of partners on a sensory-emotional level.
If you really love a person, and appreciate and respect intimate relationships as a bright and necessary component of close relationships, then the alignment on Tarot Manara is for you. Professional Experts at any time they will answer all your questions online, suggest the right path to the harmony of relationships in your personal life.

In order to find out about the events of the future or to understand the current situation, many people use fortune-telling cards. They help to find out a lot of useful information. If you want to find answers to questions about your personal life, then it is better to choose Taro Manara, which were created in early 2000.

Tarot cards Manara

The presented Tarot deck was drawn by the Italian artist Milo Manara. The design of the cards was created at the request of the famous publishing house Lo Scarabeo. The author never had a goal to draw Tarot, but he could not refuse an interesting offer. Since the main direction of Milo is erotic comics, this was also transferred to the drawings on the cards. The result was the erotic Tarot Manara, which captivated astrologers and predictors with their accuracy. The main direction of this deck is personal life.

Tarot Manara - deck overview

This erotic deck contains 78 cards, as in the classic Tarot, and 22 of them are the Major Arcana (plot set) and 56 cards are the Minor Arcana of the emotional set, which are divided into subcategories:

  1. Element Air- cards belong to the suit of Swords, and they can tell about the secret dreams and fantasies of a person.
  2. Element Fire- they are compared with the Wands, and with their help you can learn about deeds and actions.
  3. Element Water- the personification of the suits of the Cups, and the main meaning of the Tarot Manara cards is associated with the thoughts and feelings of a person.
  4. Element Earth- is equivalent to the suit of Pentacles, and this group will tell about whether the plans will become a reality or not.

It is worth noting that the Aces, personifying the behavior of a woman, are of particular importance in the Tarot Manara. For the correct interpretation of these cards, it is necessary to learn to feel the questioner. It is important to understand that a deep meaning is hidden behind the eroticism of the drawings. It is especially easy to learn how to interpret Tarot Manara layouts for people and good and fantasy.

Divination rules for Tarot Manara

After buying a new deck, you need to charge it with your energy. For this purpose, you need to hold them in your hands for a while and do a little meditation, imagining how energy passes through your hands into cards. It is important to treat divination responsibly, and not as a joke, otherwise the meaning of Tarot Manar will be deceptive. Another rule regarding fortune-telling for another person is that in order to obtain a true result, it is recommended to be unbiased during the alignment. You should not start fortune telling in a bad mood and well-being.

Divination Tarot Manara

Each card in this erotic deck is a symbol of a different interpersonal relationship, so divination is carried out in order to find answers to questions related to the opposite sex. Fortune telling on Tarot Manara cards is able to determine important details and compatibility of partners, as well as the causes of problems. The alignment can be done for a difficult situation, the choice between several partners, to determine the cause and to receive useful advice. The meaning of the Manara Tarot cards can be found here.

Fortune telling on Tarot Manara for relationships

With the help of the popular “Two Hearts” layout, you can find out options for the development of relationships, what to expect from a partner, and also events that, to a greater or lesser extent, affect the harmony of the union. The alignment of Tarot Manara for relationships will be a kind of indication of actions that can improve mutual understanding between lovers. It is worth noting that the “Two Hearts” layout can be used not only to understand the relationship between lovers, but also relatives, colleagues and friends.

Take the Tarot Manara deck, shuffle it and make a layout. After that, go to the interpretation:

  • card number 1 - what is in the relationship at the moment;
  • card number 2 - compatibility level;
  • card number 3 - the fortuneteller's expectations about relationships;
  • card number 4 - the expectations of a lover;
  • card number 5 - possible prospects in the near future;
  • card number 6 - tips on how to improve relationships;
  • card number 7 - which can negatively affect relationships;
  • card number 8 - whether or not there is outside influence.

Fortune telling Tarot Manara for the future

To learn about future events related to relationships, you can use the "Wheel of Fate" layout. Tarot Manara will talk about the potential of relationships, and they can also show what can be obtained from an alliance with a chosen one. In addition, the alignment will help to understand for what purpose the meeting took place from the point of view of karma. Shuffle the deck and do the layout, and then read the interpretation of Tarot Manara:

  • card number 1 - a karmic lesson explaining why relationships are needed, and for what purpose people met;
  • card number 2 - what is currently happening in the relationship;
  • card number 3 - a fortuneteller in a relationship;
  • card number 4 - a partner in a relationship;
  • card number 5 - a critical point that will help you understand whether the potential will be realized;
  • card number 6 - the maximum that can be obtained from the union.

Fortune telling on Tarot Manara on a person's feelings

With the help of a simple layout, you can conduct some kind of test of feelings. He gives answers to questions that are related to the development of relationships, and also talks about the thoughts, feelings and emotions of a partner. To test feelings, you must first hold Taro Manara in your hands for some time and clearly imagine the image of your lover. After that, shuffle the deck and make a layout. The interpretation of Tarot Manara cards is carried out as follows:

  • card number 1 - thoughts of a lover related to intimate life, and feelings;
  • card number 2 - his real intentions;
  • card number 3 - the fortuneteller's feelings for the object of feelings;
  • card number 4 - how personal life can change in the near future;
  • card number 5 - what will the union be like in a couple of months;
  • card number 6 - what will happen in a year;
  • card number 7 - do partners have thoughts about marriage;
  • card number 8 - a result that reflects the compatibility and rationality of further relationships.

Fortune telling Tarot Manara for a career

Although it is believed that the Manara deck provides answers to questions related to personal life, it can also be used to learn about career prospects. For this purpose, there is a “Path” alignment that will help analyze the situation in the team and find out about the possibility of career advancement. Shuffle the deck and lay out seven cards as shown. The decoding of Tarot Manara cards is as follows:

  • card number 1 - the essence of the issue and the prospects for a solution;
  • map No. 2 and 3 - description of the mental background;
  • card number 4 and 5 - tips on how to change the behavior of a fortuneteller, taking into account the situation;
  • map number 6 - recommendations for adjustment;
  • card number 7 - conclusions to be drawn from the current situation.

The Spanish and German Tarot decks feature a king and two jacks, but no queen. But in the French and Russian decks there is both a queen and a king, but there is not a single jack.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of Manara tarot cards.

The Tarot card Manara Mirror, which can also be called the Wheel of Fortune, indicates that the main goal in life is bliss and pleasure. There is self-knowledge, but for a person only his point of view matters, and he will consider the opinion of the rest to be erroneous (if it does not suit him). There is a firm confidence in their own attractiveness, a person can consider himself irresistible. He also tends to be the center of attention.

General value

Straight. A person thinks too much about how he looks. His complacency can greatly irritate those around him, to whom the person himself often treats somewhat condescendingly, perceiving them as his retinue. At the same time, in large companies, he feels very comfortable, trying to always draw attention to his person.

Inverted. In an inverted position, the Mirror card indicates that a person does not pay attention to how he looks at all. He sincerely believes that only the content is really important, and the shell is just nonsense. At the same time, he does not quite meet generally accepted standards, which forces him to stay away from people and avoid events with a large number of participants.

Detailed description

State. The Mirror card indicates narcissism, egocentrism. All attention to yourself. Surrounded by bad cards, he speaks of losing himself, that is, a person is confused and does not understand where he is and where his reflection is. The environment is perceived solely as an addition to one's own personality.

Feelings and relationships. Looking into the eyes of his partner, a person sees only himself there. He does not really need reciprocity (in the traditional sense), but if he is admired, then he will like it very much. But sooner or later, the partner will get tired of constantly admiring, or his significant other will think that she is too good for this person and will look for another.

A partner is usually perceived as a means for self-affirmation, there are similar thoughts in relation to the whole world. Feelings are often there, but they are somewhat perverted, and if there is love, then only for oneself. It is always difficult with such a person, especially if you do not sincerely admire him.

The physical state. There is selfishness in sex, a person does not think about his partner at all, but is focused only on himself. There is a great emphasis on one's own appearance, a lot of time and attention can be paid to this issue.

Warning. It is worth evaluating yourself and your capabilities sensibly, otherwise there is a risk of drowning in illusions.

The positive side of the card. A person knows how to enjoy the actual existence, sometimes he doesn’t need anything else. He understands that he is very good and that this can be used to his advantage.

The negative side of the card. Such people often begin to perceive others too simplistic, dividing people by appearance. If a person is handsome, he is good, and if he is ugly, he should not be trusted. Of course, this approach is very erroneous, limits the horizons and will not allow you to make the necessary acquaintances.

positive development of the situation. When there is such a positive attitude, then a person experiences any adversity very easily and simply. Of course, if they do not irreparably affect the object of his admiration, that is, on himself. In this case, the consequences can be catastrophic, because a person will lose the most precious thing in the whole world.

negative development of the situation. The closest environment will begin to turn away from the person, since people do not like his eternal narcissism too much. This will force him to look for another social circle, where all people will be the same as himself. In addition, excessive obsession with one's appearance in old age can lead to severe psychological problems, because people have eternal beauty only in pictures.

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