The famous Russian giantess Elizaveta Lisko. Giant woman: successful, rich, in demand (Photo and Video) A huge giantess woman sits and presses

Being tall can be an advantage, but there are women who have become real giants because of their height, which is not always a good thing. Whether it's genetics or due to disorders in the pituitary gland, 10 of the most gigantic women in history never led a normal life.

Malgorzata Dydek

Her impressive height 2.18 m made a Polish girl Malgorzata Dydek known as professional basketball player, becoming the best forward of his time.

After leaving professional sports, Malgorzata Dydek moved to Australia with her husband and died of a heart attack at the age of 37, while she was pregnant with their third child.

Sun Fang ranks as the seventh tallest woman in history. Since the end of 2012 it is currently the highest with 2.21 meters. Apart from this entry, little is known about the life of this tall Chinese woman.

Born in the United States in 1872, Ella Ewing surprised everyone with her height of 2.24 meters. For 17 years she devoted herself to appearing in circuses and exhibitions, selling her gigantism.

Ella Ewing's health was fragile due to complications in her growth, but she managed to earn enough money to lift her family out of poverty.

Delores Pullard

A tumor in her pituitary gland resulted in North American Delares Pullard being 2.26 meters tall, although the circus shows in which she was featured were exaggerated to make her appear even taller.

Delores Pullard never stopped growing and died at the age of 24 during surgery to remove a brain tumor.

This Greek woman, born in 1882, not only attracted attention for her height of 2.29 meters, but also because everything on her body and face was of gigantic size, which gave Vassiliki Kallianji a very strange aspect.

An American who, with a height of 2.31 meters, was the tallest in the world between 1976 and 2008. Sandy Allen suffered from a tumor in her pituitary gland, which made her gigantic.

Sandy Allen had a busy life: she appeared in three films and even recorded a music album, but her health deteriorated and she died at the age of 53.

In 2011, Yao Defen became the world's tallest woman, a title that was only given for a short time as she died the following year.

This Chinese woman's impressive height of 2.34 meters was caused by a tumor in her pituitary gland, which, in addition to gigantism, caused her not to develop the characteristics of puberty.

Jane Bunford

Born in 1895, this Englishwoman reached 2.41 meters, and even after her death in 1922 she was considered the tallest in the world.

Jane Banford achieved her impressive height as a result of a childhood accident that caused permanent damage to her pituitary gland. Although it attracted attention due to her height, another characteristic that made her stand out was her hair, which was even longer than her.

With a height of 2.43 meters, Anna Haynn Bates from the Canadian countryside has brought her life to a relatively normal existence at 41 years old, since, in addition to being an actress and artist, she was married and was the mother of two children.

Her husband is 2.32 meters, and both were dedicated to capitalizing on their enormous height in circuses. Although her first child was of normal size, her second was born at 76.2 cm and died 11 hours later.

Zeng Jinliang is the tallest woman in history, with a height of 2.51 meters and a very short life, as she died at the age of 17. As a result of the deformity in her spine, she was unable to stand up straight.

1.56 meters at the age of 4 and at 13 exceeded 2.24 meters in height, something impressive, but torture for this young woman who has never had a normal life.

These 10 women had interesting lives, but they were marked by not always positive attention that resulted from their growth, in addition to health complications that led to their deaths at an early age. Moreover, they were recorded in the history books as the 10 tallest women on the planet.

Have you ever met the tallest woman in the world? Not just very, very tall, but a giant? No, this is not a joke at all, and there is absolutely nothing funny in the story of these women. If you are even a little curious about who these 9 representatives of the fairer sex are (although it is difficult to call them that, because they are the tallest women on Earth), just continue reading. We guarantee that you will be simply shocked!

Yao Defen (China)

Yao Defen's height was 2 m 34 cm, which gave her the official status of “The Tallest Woman in the World.” Yao was born into a poor Chinese family and grew up like all normal children until she began to eat three times more than everyone else her age. By the age of 11, her height was already 1 m 88 cm. Like most cases of gigantism, her incredible height was caused by a brain tumor. Yao managed to live a more or less happy life and died at the age of 40 (in 2012). It should be noted that this happens quite often in such anomalous situations.

Margo Didek (Poland)

This woman was the most famous Polish basketball player with a height of 2.18 m. Margot went down in history as the tallest female basketball player in the world. Unfortunately, in 2011, she suffered a heart attack and died, leaving her husband with two sons, who currently live in Brisbane, Australia.

Mali Duangdi (Thailand)

Until August 2016, she was the tallest woman in Thailand and the second tallest in all of Asia. Her height was 2.08 m. Unfortunately, her height played a cruel joke on her, because the taller a person is, the more likely she is to have a heart attack. This happened with Mali - she died of a heart attack.

San Feng (China)

The girl was born in 1987 and is currently the tallest woman in China and the world, as her height is 2.21 m. San Feng is actually often mistaken for Yao Defen because they look very similar.

Alicia Jay (USA)

The height of this lady is also shocking - 1.98 m. She is the most famous fashion blogger and has also become popular as the tallest virgin in the world. As she says, it is very difficult for her to meet guys, since they are often much shorter than her, and this creates certain inconveniences. Many people are surprised that she is still a virgin, but Alicia is simply waiting for her prince on a white horse. Some speculate that her story could become a Disney film in a couple of years.

Rumeisa Gelgi (Türkiye)

Doctors diagnosed the girl with a rare disorder known as Weaver syndrome, which causes rapid growth. And now she is known as the tallest teenager in the world, her height is 2.13 m. Some people who are not tall say that she has been blessed and are jealous of her height, but in fact she already uses canes because It is very difficult for her to move independently. Believe me, there is absolutely nothing to envy here!

Elisani Silva (Brazil)

This is an 18-year-old Brazilian model, whose height is 2.06 m. Although she is still a teenager, she is already planning a wedding and, of course, really wants to have children. Elisani is concerned that she may have problems due to the tumor she previously had, but adoption is still not an option for her.

Ulyana Semenova is a legendary Soviet-Latvian basketball player of the 70-80s of the last century. She won several championships in the Soviet Union and Europe, and also took gold medals for the USSR in the 1976 and 1980 Olympics. Ulyana's height is 2.10 m. This, of course, is not the tallest basketball player, but she had the largest shoe size - 21 (US)/58 (EU)!

Zeng Jinlian (China)

And finally, the tallest woman who has ever lived on this planet is Zeng Jinlian. There were only 17 people in the world who reached a height of 2.44 m, and Zeng Jinlian is the only woman among them. Unfortunately, she didn't even live long enough to celebrate her 18th birthday. She died in 1982, at the age of 17, her height was 2.49 m.

Ana Lucia Barbosa, also known as Amazon Cynthia, makes her living in a very unusual way for a woman.

A Brazilian model who was forced to drop out of school because she was teased as a “giraffe” has gained incredible popularity not only in her homeland, but also abroad, having begun to pressure men for money.

The height of the resident of the South American country is 2.03 meters. She makes money by fighting and crushing people for money. Also, Cynthia, who weighs just over 90 kilograms, flies around the world meeting fans one-on-one.

“Some men want things that other women don’t do or are afraid to do, but I’m quite brave,” says Cynthia, 30. “I have a lot of clients who are willing to pay me to sit on them or wrestle with them.” ".

The woman admits that her new job has changed her whole life and now she is able to provide for her family.

Growing up in the countryside, Cynthia struggled with her height and never felt comfortable. At the age of 15, she dropped out of school because children constantly teased her and called her a giraffe.

“I constantly suffered from depression and never even liked myself,” says the giantess. “The meaning in my life appeared after I took up basketball, but a knee injury put an end to the big sport.”

The girl was introduced to the world of Amazon models by a stranger who approached her in a bar. Then Cynthia realized that she had finally found her calling.

Becoming one of the tallest models in the industry, she found herself inundated with orders soon after starting her career. Men are willing to pay $300 for one hour with a girl.

However, despite the rather intimate nature of the work, Cynthia insists that nothing sexual ever happens between her and her clients. She even claims to have once made $10,000 in a day by accepting financial donations from adoring fans.

"I get more orders than I can handle. This job has given me the opportunity to travel all over the world. I get most of the requests from Japan, but I have regular clients in New York and London," the woman said Mail Online.

According to statistics, the average height of women is 162-164 cm. The famous Russian giantess Elizaveta Lisko was 2 meters 27 centimeters tall! Judging by the surviving photographs and reviews of contemporary eyewitnesses, she had normal body proportions and was considered a very pretty girl.

The tallest woman in history is the Chinese woman Tseng Jin-lian (1964 -1982). She died at the age of 17 with a height of 2.48 m. The name of 18-year-old Thai woman Malee Duangdee is also included in the Guinness Book of Records. Currently, her height is 208 centimeters, but she continues to grow. Doctors discovered she had a brain tumor at the age of nine, which causes hormonal growth in the body. She currently receives expensive injections ($3,200 every three months) to control her explosive growth.

In our country, the most famous living giant is Ulyana Semenova, a famous basketball player and Honored Master of Sports (2, 18 m). She was born in 1952 in a small Latvian town and made a lot of efforts to enter a basketball school. As they wrote in the newspapers: “Passages under the shield, where Semenova is on duty, have no chance of success. The rivals either end up under Semyonova’s hands or are driven away like annoying flies.” Semenova is by far the tallest athlete in the world.

But the tallest woman of all those born in Russia is still Ekaterina Lisko, who was born in the small town of Krasnokutsk near Novocherkassk into a family of poor burghers. This happened in 1877. At first she was a completely ordinary pretty girl. But after three years she began to grow “by leaps and bounds” and at the age of 9 she reached 2 arshins 11 vershoks (1.92 m).

Her parents were of average height, so those around him heatedly discussed her unusual appearance. But the girl continued to gain centimeters and by the age of 17 she reached 2 meters 27 centimeters. Her weight reached 8 pounds (132 kilograms). By the way, it’s not clear where these kilograms came from, because she always ate a little...

Soon misfortune came to the family - the father died, and Lysko’s situation became simply disastrous. Then the elder brother of the deceased, Mikhail Gavrilovich, decided to take a gamble - to use Elizabeth’s extraordinary external data to make money, showing her as a phenomenon (at that time various “freak shows” were becoming fashionable in Russia).

Uncle and niece went to travel to different countries. They traveled all over Russia and Europe. At first, Elizaveta lived for some time in St. Petersburg, where she was a welcome guest at all dinner parties. The girl loved theaters and was often seen at various performances. They wrote a lot about her, calling her “the miracle giant”, and “the giant maiden”, and even... “the miracle of the Lilliputians”. In Moscow, Lisa was at a reception with Prince Dolgorukov. When visiting Kyiv, Metropolitan Platon himself blessed the girl in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and presented her with a silver icon. Lisa also did not hesitate to take part in various fairs and exhibitions.

After success in Russia, her uncle took her on a foreign tour. Elizabeth was capable of learning, and during her travels she mastered languages: she knew English and German quite well. In 1889, Lisa and her uncle visited Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Marseille, and then visited the cities of Great Britain: London, Liverpool and Manchester. In 1893, Elizabeth walked along the streets of Italy - Naples, Rome, Milan, then visited Zurich, Munich and Vienna.

In Rome, the maiden Lisko was granted an audience with Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich (third son of Alexander II). The Don giantess became increasingly famous in high society, and it was considered good manners to invite her as a guest to secular salons. In London, she attended an evening at the home of the Russian ambassador, Baron Staal, where she made an indelible impression on his wife, Baroness Staal. She even presented Lisa with diamond jewelry for her beauty and beauty. As a result of her foreign tour, she gained fame, became rich, and princes and barons were predicted for her husbands.

Indeed, Lisa was surprisingly good for her height, as she did not suffer from gigantism, a characteristic disease of very tall people. This pathology is associated with improper functioning of the pituitary gland. In patients with gigantism, the bones are bent, cartilage tissue grows, and often the person cannot even move normally. Also, the cause of the abnormal growth could be a brain tumor, but medical observations did not reveal any pathologies in the Krasnokutsk beauty. She was examined by doctors in Leipzig and gave evidence that she was “an exceptional phenomenon in the world.” This evidence was confirmed in Berlin in 1893.

There, a forecast was made about its further development by Professor Rudolf Virchow. It was disappointing - the girl should grow another 13 vershoks (58 centimeters), that is, reach almost 3 meters! However, these predictions were not destined to come true. Lisa died under mysterious circumstances at the age of 17 somewhere abroad. It was rumored that by that time she even had a fiancé - some Russian prince. The reason for her sudden death, as well as the mystery of her gigantic growth, remained a mystery to everyone.

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