Stars who didn't finish school. Star Losers: Celebrities Who Didn't Even Finish School. …And the “ex-bad boys”

September 1 is not only the beginning of autumn, but also World Knowledge Day and the first day of school. School is the first stage of education and, of course, the most important. After all, there we receive all the basic knowledge, and at the same time we decide what of this knowledge we want to use further in our life and work. School education is the basic minimum that is necessary for further advancement in studies and, of course, career.

However, in Hollywood everything is much simpler. To become famous, some celebrities didn’t even need school education. Let's meet celebrities who never bothered to finish school, but still went on to have successful careers.

Ryan Gosling

Ryan attended high school in Ontario, but when he turned 17, acting became his main priority. Leaving his native Canada, Ryan moved to the United States and appeared on the show “The Mickey Mouse Club” along with other future stars such as Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake.

Cameron Diaz

She left school at 16, but quickly switched to acting.

After signing a contract with the famous modeling agency Elite Modeling Management, Cameron decided to postpone her education until better times. She left school at 16, but quickly switched to acting.

Daniel Radcliffe

Although the filming schedule for the Harry Potter franchise left plenty of time for studying, Daniel chose to leave school. He studied with tutors from time to time, but eventually decided that going to college would interfere with his acting career.

Catherine Zeta-Jones

Many celebrities dropped out of school because of acting, but instead of sitting behind a desk, Katherine took a three-year course in musicals at the School of the Arts in London.

Tom Cruise

Having spent his childhood in Canada, Tom began acting in films at the age of 14. And although he received a church scholarship to study at a Franciscan seminary, Cruz decided that acting was his true calling.

Charlie Sheen

Charlie was expelled from school for bad behavior and poor grades.

Just weeks before graduation, Charlie was expelled from school for bad behavior and failing grades. He still thinks that he was lucky, because he was able to switch directly to his career.

Gisele Bündchen

Few celebrities who didn't graduate from high school can boast the highest earnings in their field. Gisele has been the highest paid model in the world for several years now, and this year Forbes magazine included her among the hundred most influential women in the world.

John Travolta

John's acting career also prompted him to leave school. Travolta left school at 16 and concentrated on the stage until he became a global celebrity.

Drew Barrymore

At the age of 13, she was already undergoing a rehabilitation program for alcohol and drug addiction.

This actress not only dropped out of school, but already at the age of 13 she underwent a rehabilitation program for alcohol and drug addiction. And although she entered Hollywood life as a child, Drew eventually managed to find the right path and earn success.

Whoopi Goldberg

She is one of the few celebrities to have won every major award (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony). However, she did not graduate from school and, before becoming an actress, worked as an operator in “phone sex”.

Mark Wahlberg

Most celebrities who drop out of school never return to school, but Mark decided to complete his education at 42. In 2013, he finally received his certificate. “Now I can look at my children every day and understand that I did this not for myself, but for them,” Wahlberg said in an interview with one of the newspapers, commenting on his return to school.

At school, the future Oscar winner was considered mentally retarded. All because Anthony suffered from dyslexia, a feature in which a person cannot distinguish between letters and words, and, accordingly, cannot learn to read or write. The only thing he could do well was play the piano, but this ability was not appreciated by teachers and Hopkins was forced to leave school.

Jim carrey

Kerry did not finish school due to financial difficulties in the family. Despite the fact that the boy tried very hard and did not miss classes, he would be forced to work after school in a factory for eight hours. This could not but affect his studies; Kerry remained in the 10th grade for three years in a row until he finally broke up with school.

Kate Winslet

It is difficult to imagine today that little Kate was bullied by her classmates because of her excess weight. They teased her, the most harmless nickname was “Bubble.” Unable to withstand the bullying, the future actress dropped out of school.

Al Pacino

Al Pacino initially dreamed of a sports career and even played on the school baseball team. But at the age of 17, he decided to earn money and quit his studies. He only has an acting school diploma in his pocket, but that doesn't stop him from being a superstar.

Gerard Depardieu

Depardieu began to show his character in early childhood, when, instead of lessons, he began to steal and subsequently resell cars. At the age of 12, he said goodbye to his classmates and no one else noticed him at his school desk. Journalists are still not sure that Gerard can write correctly.

Angelina Jolie

And another victim of bullying by classmates. Angelina, unlike Kate Winslett, was teased by her schoolmates because of her thinness and braces on her teeth. The stress made the girl completely depressed and she dropped out of school. But who knows her classmates now and doesn't know Jolie?

Tom Cruise

Cruz, like Hopkins, suffers from dyslexia. It goes without saying that he had a hard time at school. He changed 15! schools, but this came to nothing. The boy even tried to become a priest, but changed his mind in favor of an acting career, to our delight.

Pierce Brosnan

The future James Bond moved to London at the age of 15 and immediately came under a hail of ridicule from his fellow students, who called him a “dirty Irishman” because of his accent. He endured it for five years, and then, at the age of 16, he ran away from home and school with a traveling circus. He never returned to study.

Nicole Kidman

Kidman was doing well at school - she studied diligently, studied in a choreographic studio and sang. But the illness of her mother, for whom there was no one to care for except Nicole, forced her to interrupt her studies. She never received her diploma.

Johnny Depp

Johnny didn't intend to do well in school, he wanted to become a rock star. Therefore, he skipped classes, going to band rehearsals, and there was nothing to think about homework. At the age of 15 he was forced to leave school. Instead, he completed acting courses and is earning millions.

Famous actors, in the minds of ordinary people, are the best of the best who have achieved everything thanks to their intelligence and hard work. In fact, many of the stars were unable to even graduate from high school, let alone obtain a higher education.

Gerard Depardieu

Depardieu is considered one of the most scandalous French actors. It turns out that he had a difficult character even in early childhood. The schoolboy stole cars and resold them on the black market, and also sold contraband.

The future actor wanted to go on a European tour, for which he had to leave school at the age of 12. There is no information that Gerard has resumed his schooling. Many, including fans of the actor, suspect that the celebrity never learned to read and write.

Al Pacino

Another celebrity who was raised on the streets. Al Pacino wanted to become a professional athlete since childhood; for this he spent a long time on the baseball team.

The actor also dropped out of school, albeit at the age of 17. Lack of money forced him to leave school. Before becoming a recognizable actor, Al Pacino worked as a courier, dishwasher and even a cleaner.

It is worth saying that the celebrity has an acting education: Al Pacino graduated from acting school.

Nicole Kidman

The Australian actress spent her school years in Sydney at a girls' school. The educational institution taught not only the standard program, but also singing and choreography.

Kidman had every chance to graduate with honors. But as a teenager she was forced to leave school. The reason was my mother’s illness, which required care. Nicole never mastered the school curriculum.

Kate Winslet

The actress gained worldwide fame after her role as Rose in the legendary film Titanic. As a child, Kate was overweight. Because of this, she was often bullied by her classmates: they called the future actress Bubble. Constant bullying from her peers forced the girl to quit school.

Kate never returned to school, but she received excellent training in life, which allowed her to become a successful actress and achieve the recognition of millions.

Angelina Jolie

It’s hard to believe, but at school one of the most beautiful women in the world was considered ugly and called Scarecrow. Angelina was extremely thin even in her school years. Plus, the girl was tall and had braces on her teeth.

Angie's classmates either bullied her or ignored her presence. All this developed complexes in the teenager. Constant psychological tension and stress forced Jolie to stop studying at school.

Pierce Brosnan

The main James Bond of Hollywood was born in Ireland, and at the age of 11 he and his family moved to the capital of Great Britain. Classmates made fun of Pierce because of his pronunciation and called him “the dirty Irishman.”

Pierce endured ridicule for 5 years, and then ran away from school, joining a traveling circus. Later, the actor tried himself in the fashion industry. The actor never had any desire to return to school.

Johnny Depp

Little Johnny's main dream was to become a rock musician. To implement this, Depp studied music a lot, often forgetting about schoolwork. Constant skipping classes and unwillingness to do homework made the future actor one of the most lagging students.

As a result, Depp decided to quit school - this happened at the age of 15. Soon Johnny graduated from acting courses and now earns $50 million a year.

Quentin Tarantino

One of the best directors in Hollywood also got bad grades at school. The reason for such academic performance is banal - just laziness. The student did not understand why he needed secondary education and therefore did not even try to delve into the course of the lesson. Soon Quentin stopped going to classes altogether.

The future director's mother allowed him to leave school only on the condition that he find a job. Quentin did not refuse work: first there was a ticket office, and then a film distribution point. The young guy’s first job predetermined his future fate.

Tom Cruise

In elementary school, this handsome actor was considered mentally retarded. Tom was diagnosed with a developmental disorder - dyslexia. Because of this pathology, the boy could not learn to read, write and count.

Cruz changed 15 schools throughout his school life, but in each of them he experienced only bullying from his classmates. This forced the teenager to say goodbye to school life. Tom went to serve in the church, and later decided to become an actor.

Jim carrey

The American comedy star studied diligently, but dropped out due to difficult life circumstances. Jim's parents experienced financial difficulties, so the boy was forced to work at the factory for 8 hours a day after school. With such a schedule, there was simply no energy left to study.

The student remained in the 10th grade three times, after which he decided to stop studying at school.

Anthony Hopkins

Anthony was diagnosed with the same diagnosis as Tom Cruise - dyslexia. In those days, no one had heard of this disease, so the boy was called underdeveloped. Hopkins was only good at playing the piano, but this did not help him graduate from school.

Actors have always been role models for many. We can only learn from them determination and self-confidence.

12.10.2018 |

From a young age we hear that we need to study well in order to take a place in the sun. However, while some people find it easy to study, others have difficulty comprehending science. Does poor academic performance always guarantee failure in a future career? It’s interesting that many celebrities studied at school with bad grades.

Alla Pugacheva found drawing, labor, mathematics and music lessons easy at school. The future Diva played the piano with pleasure. Alla had C grades in chemistry, algebra and a foreign language. In addition, the singer did not like physical education.

Despite the fact that not all subjects were given successfully to Pugacheva, she was an activist. The girl published wall newspapers and participated in school events. The singer's classmates recall how, 10 years after graduation, she came to an alumni meeting, already popular, and told interesting stories about trips abroad.

Mikhail Derzhavin

Mikhail Derzhavin was a poor student at school. He did not receive certification in some subjects. When his father died, Mikhail had to go to evening classes in order to work and help his family. The Derzhavin family lived in the house where the Shchukin school was located. Therefore, the boy often communicated with famous actors, organized theatrical performances and ballroom evenings with friends.

Mikhail Derzhavin

Mikhail's future profession was determined from early childhood. After graduating from the Shchukin School, he went to serve in the Satire Theater, and then became famous thanks to the popular program “Zucchini 13 Chairs.”

Vladimir Kristovsky

Vladimir Kristovsky did not like school and skipped classes. He enjoyed writing music and lyrics. Vladimir's older brother was a musician and helped him. After 9th grade, Kristovsky went to study to become an electrician. Later he went through many professions: watchman, salesman, courier, manager.

Vladimir Kristovsky (right) with his brother

As a result, Kristovsky returned to music and began singing in restaurants, creating the group “Uma Thurman” together with his brother Sergei.

Fedor Bondarchuk

Fyodor Bondarchuk studied very poorly at school. He was a hooligan, smoked, fought, argued with teachers, which upset his mother. She dreamed that her son would become a diplomat. Poor academic performance did not prevent Bondarchuk from graduating from art school, because he had a real talent for drawing.

Fedor Bondarchuk

After high school, the young man tried to enter MGIMO, but failed the entrance tests. He made more than 30 mistakes in his essay on the Russian language. Then Fedor submitted documents to VGIK and entered the directing department.

Maria Aronova

Maria Aronova was not good at exact sciences at school, but she loved the Russian language and literature. The girl took part in children's matinees and performances, and organized concerts for neighbors. Her father did not approve of this. He believed that Mary was making a fool of herself.

Maria Aronova

However, Aronova liked to sing and dance so much that she did not want to listen to anyone. After school, the future actress went to work at the House of Culture of the city of Dolgoprudny, and then successfully passed the exams at the Shchukin School.

Marat Basharov

Marat Basharov studied poorly until the 8th grade. According to the actor, he had two diaries. Marat also suggested that his classmates make a second class magazine. One was kept by the teachers, the other was given to the headman by the children. When the teachers found out about everything, Basharov was almost kicked out of school.

Marat Basharov

In high school, he firmly decided to improve - after all, his parents dreamed that their son would graduate from university. To improve in subjects, you had to visit a tutor. Marat got up at 5 am and went to the dining room, where he washed the floors. He spent the money he earned on additional activities.

Lev Novozhenov

Lev Novozhenov often had twos in his diary. After the 7th grade, he went to evening school and got a job at a factory as an assistant mechanic.

Lev Novozhenov

Later, the young man entered the Pedagogical University, but after studying there for two years, he moved to the editorial department of the Printing Institute. He began his journalistic career in the newspaper “Evening Moscow”.

Nikita Mikhalkov

Nikita Mikhalkov was an excellent student until the 4th grade. Later, his parents sent him to an educational institution with a mathematical bias. After some time, it became clear that the boy could not cope with the tasks and could not solve a single problem. Then Nikita was transferred to a regular high school.

Nikita Mikhalkov

But Mikhalkov showed an ability for music and drawing from an early age. He attended a theater studio and dreamed of becoming an artist. After finishing high school, Nikita entered the Shchukin School, but he was expelled for acting in films during his studies. The young man did not give up and successfully passed the entrance exams to VGIK.

Benedict Cumberbatch

Benedict Cumberbatch studied at the prestigious Harrow School for boys in London. He was not distinguished by good academic performance and exemplary behavior. Together with his friends, the young man ran away from classes and made fun of the teachers. Benedict liked to perform on the stage of the school theater.

Benedict Cumberbatch

His acting debut took place in the play A Midsummer Night's Dream. Benedict appeared in the role of the fairy queen Titania. After school he entered the Manchester University of Theater Arts.

Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg was behind in his studies and had a hard time with school subjects. In addition, the boy was Jewish by nationality, which is why his classmates teased him. His passion for filming helped Stephen take his mind off his problems. Spielberg made short films. The main roles were played by the boy's relatives, and for special effects he used firecrackers and cherry juice.

Steven Spielberg

After graduating from high school, Stephen applied to the University of Southern California School of Film Arts, but failed. Then he entered a technical college, continuing to work on films after classes. Later, Spielberg made the film Emblin, which was noticed by the Universal film studio and entered into a contract with the young man.

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz admits that she was a bully as a child. She skipped classes, walked until the evening with friends, often fought, and listened to rock music. The girl dreamed of becoming a zoologist because she loved animals and constantly brought them home. This dream was not destined to come true.

During one of the parties, the girl was noticed by photographer Jeff Dunas and offered a job in a modeling agency. Cameron signed a contract and dropped out of school. At the age of 18, Diaz was cast for the lead role in the comedy “The Mask.” After this, the girl woke up famous.

Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore grew up in an acting family, from childhood she was used to attending social parties, and received her first acting experience at the age of three. Since then, job offers followed one after another, so Drew rarely showed up for classes and studied poorly.

Drew Barrymore

At the age of 7, Barrymore became famous throughout America by playing the main role in the cult film E.T.

Jim carrey

Jim Carrey was born into a poor family. The boy worked as a cleaner after school. Kerry admits that he was very tired at work and did not have the energy to do his homework. The actor had to study in the 10th grade three times. Despite his poor academic performance, the boy was popular with his classmates. He participated in concerts where he funny parodied teachers and friends.

Jim carrey

After school, Kerry began performing at the Yak-Yak comedy club in Toronto. He then moved to Los Angeles and began appearing on television in comedy programs. His film debut took place in 1983 in the film “Rubber Face”.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise grew up as a notorious child due to his short stature. In addition, the boy suffered from dyslexia. This is a disease in which a person cannot correctly perceive the order of letters in a text and reads slowly. Tom studied poorly and changed 15 schools. Later he managed to get rid of the disease.

Tom Cruise

At the age of 16, the young man tried himself in the theater and realized that he wanted to become an actor. The first film auditions were successful. Cruise got several episodic roles, and in 1983 he played the main character in the drama “All the Right Moves.”

Quentin Tarantino

Quentin Tarantino says he hated going to class - he was bored. Among school subjects, Tarantino loved reading and mathematics; the boy skipped other classes. His mother was constantly called to school, but she could not do anything about her son. Realizing that it was useless to persuade Quentin to come to his senses, his mother allowed him to leave school.

Quentin Tarantino

Tarantino got a job as a cinema ticket attendant, and in the evenings he attended acting classes. Then he started writing scripts. Tarantino's first famous film was the thriller Reservoir Dogs.

Low academic performance and bad behavior do not prevent you from achieving your dreams. Many stars did not do well in their studies, some of them dropped out of school altogether. However, perseverance and a strong belief in their destiny helped them become famous.

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The importance of education cannot be denied. It is believed that the more educated a person is, the more successful his future career will be. Many people assume that people who drop out of university or school choose a long and painful career in fast food cafes. But there are always exceptions to the rules. Below is a list of 10 such people.

10. John D. Rockefeller.Billionaire.

Before becoming perhaps the richest man in history (adjusted for inflation), John Rockefeller was the humble son of a slick swindler and a high school student in suburban Cleveland, Ohio. Although he had little education, when he was sixteen, Rockefeller decided to drop out of school and start a career with the goal of earning $100,000.

We can safely say that he made his dream come true, as well as many others. Rockefeller made his mark on the oil industry by founding the Oil Company and eventually creating a monopoly over the entire industry. By 1902 he had $200 million, and before his death he accumulated a fortune of over one billion dollars. Studying must have been important.

9. Horace Greeley.Journalist and congressman.

Unless you're a big fan of journalism history, you've probably never heard of Horace Greeley, except perhaps for a passing mention somewhere. Born in New Hampshire in the early nineteenth century, Greeley became one of the most influential press men in American history. He also became a congressman and one of the founding members of the Republican Party.

Greeley did all this without a high school education. At the age of fifteen he left home to become an apprentice to a printer in Vermont. When he turned twenty, he moved to New York and began working for The New Yorker magazine and the New York Tribune newspaper. It was his work with the Tribune that made him famous. He also helped found the city, which later began to bear his name. To this day he is considered one of the most influential journalists in history.

8. John Glenn. Astronaut.

During the intense space race of the 1950s and 1960s, a man emerged who became the first American astronaut as the United States battled the Soviet Union for supremacy, first in space and then on the Moon. This man was John Glenn. He became a war hero and one of the most famous astronauts in history, despite dropping out of university. Glenn attended Muskingum University where he studied science. But when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, he left it to fight in World War II.

7. Steve Jobs.Co-founder of Apple.

The late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries have seen a plethora of great figures who have accomplished incredible things without even graduating from college, such as Bill Gates (Microsoft) and Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook). But perhaps the most influential "technological" mind of the last century was Steve Jobs, co-founder of .

Jobs and Steve Wozniak created the first successful personal computers and introduced numerous revolutionary products such as the iPod, iPhone and iPad. Jobs did it after only six months at university.

By the way, Jobs was adopted. His biological mother agreed to give him to Clara and Paul Jobs only on the condition that he attend university. Well, the mission is partially accomplished.

6. Mark Twain.Writer and satirist.

Arguably America's most beloved writer and humorist, Mark Twain rose to fame after creating the classic characters Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. His novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered by many to be the “Great American Novel.” Not bad for a man who had incomplete secondary education and worked as an apprentice since the age of eleven.

When Twain was eighteen, he worked as a printer in New York, Philadelphia and St. Louis, and spent all his evenings in the library. Before he became a steamship navigator, he expanded his knowledge by reading everything he could get his hands on. Twain continued to work on steamboats until the Civil War, and after a short stint in the Confederate Army, he began to travel throughout the country and write widely. Twain is clear proof that intelligence is something you are born with.

5. Henry Ford.Industrialist and entrepreneur.

In the history of America, perhaps, few people are the personification of the “successful self-taught”, more of a person who is remembered by mankind for almost single-handedly creating the US automobile industry. Ford did not complete high school education. He was born on a farm outside Detroit, where he worked with his father, who dreamed that his son would one day have his own farm.

Instead, at the age of seventeen, Ford left home and became an apprentice machinist in Detroit, thus choosing a career that would ultimately change his life, making him a very wealthy and successful industrialist. Despite having little to no high school education, Ford created a mechanized assembly line long before his work earned Detroit the name "Motor City."

4. William Shakespeare.Poet and playwright.

Currently one of the most famous historical figures, William Shakespeare is one of the most famous historical figures. He created some of the most beloved works the world has ever known: Romeo and Juliet, Lady Macbeth, etc. But very little is known about Shakespeare's early life; in fact, there is no record of him ever receiving a secondary education.

Scholars suggest that he attended the New Royal School, but at the same time, judging by some of his works, he left school at the age of thirteen. It seems surprising that the man who gave the English language more than 1,700 words apparently dropped out of high school.

3. Winston Churchill.Statesman and politician.

One of the most prominent political figures of the 20th century, a famous satirist and master of aphorisms, Winston Churchill was born into an aristocratic family. It is therefore not surprising that he quickly rose through the ranks and eventually led Britain to victory in World War II. What is truly amazing, and why he is on this list, is that he reached such heights with less than a high school education.

Churchill, who came from a wealthy family, had access to the best education. But, unfortunately, this did not mean that he was a good student. Studying was not easy for him and he studied quite poorly, and was often punished for poor performance. The military service also had problems due to poor performance. He tried three times to enter the Royal Military School, and was accepted only after applying to the cavalry class rather than the infantry class, as the requirements there were lower and knowledge of mathematics was not required. To be fair, it is worth noting that no one likes mathematics.

2. Abraham Lincoln.President of the U.S.A.

Perhaps the most popular US President of all time, a man who, contrary to popular belief, did not fight vampires, Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth President of America. He led the nation through perhaps its most difficult times. But the man who gave the Gettysburg Address and ended slavery in the United States, although not with the Emancipation Proclamation, was not well educated.

Lincoln was almost entirely self-taught, despite being notoriously lazy at an early age. This did not stop him from starting his career in politics from the bottom in his early twenties. Lincoln became a member of the Bar after studying the law on his own in his spare time. It seems that he was a political prodigy. And if everything they say about him is true, then he achieved everything thanks to reading by candlelight in his small wooden house.

1. Albert Einstein. Yes, a man whose name is now equated with the word “genius”, who published more than 300 scientific papers; the man who created the theory of relativity (E=mc2) and the man who won the Nobel Prize was a high school dropout. He tried to enter the university, but failed the entrance exams.

Einstein eventually went to college and graduated, of course, precisely because people of his unrivaled intellect will always find a way. But the fact remains: the greatest mind of the twentieth century was expelled from school.

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