Alla Baranovskaya and Tishchenko. Nikolai Tishchenko spoke about his beloved and plans for the future. Personal life of Alla and Nikolai

It is worth recalling that Nikolai was already married twice and both marriages ended in divorce. The press began to actively discuss the personal life of a celebrity, after all. In an interview with Katya Osadchaya, Tishchenko admitted that he had met his the perfect girl, so it's set to serious relationship. Nikolai says that Alla is a very educated and erudite girl. Despite her young age, she has already established herself as a businesswoman and knows exactly what she wants to achieve in life.

Nikolai admits that he thought for a very long time before proposing to Alla, because past experience taught a man to carefully look at women. Tishchenko was in no hurry to reveal the details of his personal life, so as not to give journalists a reason for gossip. After all, in Nikolai’s past relationships they were constantly in full view of the press, and this did not lead to anything good.

Tishchenko admits that, like all men, he loves beautiful, slender women. And important role education plays a role moral qualities. Nikolai believes that a woman should be beautiful both externally and internally. Tishchenko said more than once that he felt in his heart that Alla was exactly the girl who was destined for him by fate.

Nikolai Tishchenko is known in the world of show business as a restaurateur, TV presenter of the “Inspector General” and “MasterChef” programs. And recently the man again reminded of himself by participating in the show. Despite the fact that the couple in which Nikolai danced dropped out of the project, interest in his person does not subside, the site notes.

Alla Baranovskaya is Nikolai Tishchenko's main fan

Each artist has his own army of fans that supports him and inspires him to new achievements. At the head of each such army is one only person, who is the biggest fan and biggest critic. In the life of Nikolai Tishchenko, such a person is his wife Alla Baranovskaya.

The frame depicts Nikolai himself and his charming wife Alla. The editors of JoeInfoMedia invite you to enjoy the beauty of Baranovskaya by viewing the 10 most striking pictures of the girl that we have collected in the photo gallery. Enjoy watching!

Personal life of Alla and Nikolai

The world only recently learned that the thief of women's hearts got married. Athletically built Nikolai, appearing on the screen, flirted with women, falling in love not only with his colleagues on the set, but also with the participants of the show, which he hosted, as well as television viewers.

And then it became known that the handsome man’s heart was no longer free. Alla Baranovskaya became Nikolai Tishchenko’s chosen one. The age difference between the spouses is as much as 23 years, but thanks to the excellent appearance Tishchenko, she is not visible at all. The young and beautiful wife of a restaurateur a year after the wedding. The happy father sometimes posts photos with his baby on his Instagram.

I would like to wish this couple happiness and love... long years, and Nikolay personally - to please us, TV viewers, as often as possible with his enchanting appearance on the screens. All projects in which Tishchenko is a participant are simply doomed to success!

: Alla Baranovskaya gave her husband a son. The baby's name has not yet been disclosed - the young parents joke that for everyone he is just a Smurf. As you know, the TV presenter and restaurateur is already growing up.

Upon arrival from America, where the baby was born, the parents held a christening at the Vydubetsky Monastery. “It was not in vain that we chose this particular church,” comments Nikolai Tishchenko. “This is one of the oldest and most sacred places in Kyiv, a place of power and special energy.”

Happy parents Nikolai Tishchenko and his wife Alla Baranovskaya with their little heir

The sacrament took place in a narrow circle of relatives and friends - Alla and Nikolai's parents, godparents and friends. According to stories happy father, at the beginning of the ceremony the baby did not behave very well, but when he was dipped into a font of holy water, he instantly calmed down. “Perhaps it was not only the water that calmed him down, but also the prayer, because he really loves listening to music. It was funny to watch how my son froze, wrinkled his forehead and began to listen carefully to the priest.”

At the end of the ceremony, the whole company traditionally celebrated the first an important event in a baby's life. Godmother Alice Homer gave the baby an exclusive car seat, custom-made and decorated with the boy's initials. From his godfather, the hero of the occasion received a silver cross and a collection of clothes for the next two years!

The baby's mother Alla Baranovskaya and his godmother Alisa Homer

Parents of Alla Baranovskaya

Nikolai Petrovich, father of Nikolai Tishchenko

Sweet treat for guests

Alla Baranovskaya became very popular after she won the heart of a famous Ukrainian bachelor and restaurateur. Alla is only 22 years old, while her chosen one is 44. Nikolai and Alla are not afraid of this age difference. And as it became known, the couple had been dating for three years and all this time they hid their relationship on Nikolai’s initiative. It turns out that at the beginning of the relationship the girl was only 19 years old. Now it’s clear why Nikolai wanted to hide this relationship. Alla Baranovskaya and her life.

Alla Baranovskaya and her life.
How a girl conquered Nikolai Tishchenko

Alla Baranovskaya in in social networks calls himself a model. The girl studied at the Faculty of Philology of Donetsk national university. But she graduated from another university - Shevchenko National University. Alla herself is from Donetsk. The girl dreamed of becoming a journalist.

So why does Alla Baranovska call herself a model? All because at the age of 18 the girl won an intellectual beauty contest in the city of St. Petersburg. As a reward, the girl received the opportunity to study at St. Petersburg humanitarian university trade unions free of charge.

Alla was made more or less famous by her participation and victory in a beauty contest. As a reward, the girl received not only the opportunity to study in St. Petersburg, but also a Skoda Fabia car. But on the Internet, the public masses believe that these are not the main awards for Alla. And the fact that she was noticed by the most eligible bachelor in Ukraine. Well, if she was able to marry him to herself, that means she’s really smart.

The fact that the girl is erudite is confirmed by her husband Nikolai:

“She is a very smart, erudite girl. An excellent pupil. He studies well at the university. Among other things, she found herself as a businessman. I'm generally surprised how a 22-year-old person can do own business, especially a girl, not lying on her back.”

Nikolai has never hidden the fact that he loves thin and young girls. I met Alla and realized that she was also smart. He really liked this, but she was very young - the chosen one was only 19 years old at that time. They hid the relationship for several years and as a result beautiful family and an addition in the form of a son.

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