Andrey Kovalev and Alexey Panin. Alexey Panin read obscene poems at Andrei Kovalev’s anniversary. The famous actor again gave rise to gossip

Alexey Panin gave frank interview NTV after another deafening scandal, when shocking footage of an actor or a person very similar to him became public. An exploding landmine would have made less noise. From the taiga to the British seas, everyone is discussing this incredible scandal. Until now I have only remained silent main character. But finally he spoke too.

Alexey Panin: "I am not an angel. I do not deny or renounce my sins, I only ask you not to attribute others’ sins to me. Yes, yes, I’m not making excuses, but few people are interested in why this happened.”

The artist admits that he was shocked by the video and assures that.

Alexey Panin: “When I saw it, I was a little shocked, because the person who was there was like two peas in a pod like me. The viewer, naturally, did not notice this, and the viewer does not know me that well. I started taking screenshots from this video and frame by frame, just looking at this person frame by frame.”

The artist did not recognize himself in these shots.

Alexey Panin: “The first thing that surprised me, of course, was: where are the tattoos? You can, of course, say that the video was filmed a long time ago and there were no tattoos yet, then another question: the person in this video has a gray head, like I have now, in a circle on the back of his head and temples. Then another question: if this video was made now, where I am gray-haired, then there should be tattoos.

At the same time, Panin notes that friends and relatives treat the situation with humor.

Alexey Panin: “I understand that people from my circle, my friends, do not believe in this and everyone treats it with humor. Uncomfortable in front of some people. I’ll meet someone and wait for a reaction from the person - he’ll ask me about it. I feel a little uncomfortable."

And the actor’s friend, businessman Andrei Kovalev, said that Panin could not hold back his tears after the scandal.

Andrey Kovalev: “Alexey called me and he was crying. He really cried and said: Andrei, this is terrible, now no one will come to my concerts at all.”

To prove your non-involvement scandalous video, Panin even agreed to take a lie detector test at the NTV studio.

Expert polygraph examiner: “Are you in Ostankino?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “Your name is Alexey Panin?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “Is it true that you have not drunk alcohol for more than three years?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “Do you still love your wife Lucy?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “Ever wanted to film yourself having sex?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “When asked about your possible involvement in an Internet video, will you answer truthfully?”

Alexey Panin: "Yes".

Expert polygraph examiner: “The person who looks like you in the dog sex video, is that you?”

Alexey Panin: "No".

The artist’s friend, singer and businessman Andrei Kovalev joined the irreconcilable struggle between actor Alexei Panin and model Yulia Yudintseva for their eight-year-old daughter Anna.
According to the man, the girl does not want to return to her mother because she swears and drinks.

At the end of December, actor Alexei Panin took his daughter from her mother, model Yulia Yudintseva. After New Year's holidays the artist was persuaded to give the girl to her mother. However, the child ended up with his father again. Panin’s friend, singer and businessman Andrei Kovalev, who participated in the negotiations, said: “Nyusya is very good girl, modest, unspoiled. She loves her father. We talked with Yulia for a long time, trying to come to a common denominator. In the end, I realized that it was impossible to come to an agreement with her. The man didn't want to hear anything! Then I asked her mother to call. The first thing she said to me: “You are scoundrels, scoundrels, freaks.” Nyusya has group sex with Panin. He treats his daughter like a man. This is incest." Can you imagine this is what your grandmother says? Have you gone completely crazy, or what?” – said Kovalev.
Andrei told how the meeting between Panin, Yudintseva and their daughter took place, which ended with the girl’s flight. “When Yulia saw the girl, she immediately began to say: “You’ve been zombified!” She took the phone away again. I ask: “Why did you do this?” She answers: “I lost my temper!” Then they all together - Yulia, Lesha and Nyusya - went to the restaurant. When Yulia, according to her, drank three glasses of wine, her daughter got scared. Seeing that mom was drunk, she wrote to Lesha on a napkin: “Dad, I want to go to Moscow.” Panin asked her: “When?” Nyusia’s answer: “Now!” He gave her the car number, and she left with the driver. At the same time, Yulia was in the restaurant with Lesha for another hour and a half, completely forgetting about her daughter,” Kovalev said. Allegedly, the girl herself did not want to talk to her mother, although she was repeatedly offered to contact Yulia. “When we asked her to call her mother, she immediately closed herself off. Then she let it slip that my mother drinks almost every day and begins to curse at both Panin and her paternal grandmother. Nyusya didn't like it. Therefore, I asked Yulia not to scold either her grandmother or Panin. She agreed. And then Lesha took the girl to St. Petersburg,” ProZvezd quotes Kovalev.
The artist admitted that at first he did not take Panin’s stories about the struggle for his daughter seriously, but now he understands that the situation is very difficult. It got to the point where the mother doesn’t want to give the girl her favorite toy. “She still has all the girl’s things, including her favorite doll. Her daughter wrote her an SMS asking her to return the toy. “I didn’t receive anything!” Yulia answers me. Only later, when I showed her screenshots of the messages, did she back down. I ask Yulia, when can I send someone to get things? You understand that your daughter still has her favorite doll there, she’s crying. But she doesn't want to listen to anything! When Panin and his mother told me that Yulia drinks and is unhealthy, I divided everything by four. And now I understand that we need to multiply by two,” Kovalev said.
According to Panin’s friend, Yudintseva needs to be treated. “Mom needs to first recover from alcoholism, and then build a relationship with her daughter. I really feel sorry for her. I offered to help her. I have good doctors, which helped more than one of my friends. But she doesn't want anything. She doesn't even call her daughter. Although she has her phone. During all this time, not a single call!” – noted the artist.

Kovalev told the story of meeting an Odessa woman Maria Bulgakova. By the way, the age difference between Andrei and Masha is almost 40 years. However, this does not bother the couple much. According to the millionaire, he saw Maria in Odessa three years ago. The girl was walking with a friend, was modestly dressed and behaved just as modestly, which is what pleased the businessman. True, she did not refuse Kovalev’s offer to buy her clothes in a boutique, but, having heard the man’s invitation to the hotel, Masha chose to disappear. After some time, Andrei came to Odessa again, and a serious romance began.

The news that Masha was expecting a child brought Andrei into complete delight. However, Bulgakova and her son arrived in Moscow to visit Kovalev just a few days ago. For the beautiful blonde and his heir, the businessman arranged in his luxury home room, explaining that he was used to sleeping separately. The presenter of “About Love” Roza Syabitova immediately began to criticize Andrei, but the experts in the studio came to his defense, remembering how a couple of centuries ago aristocratic couples lived in different bedrooms.

The studio also raised the question of why Andrei Kovalev does not marry the mother of his child. Maria said that the stamp in her passport does not matter to her, but her mother said that this is not true: Masha dreams of a white dress with a veil, and of Kovalev marrying her, but it’s certainly not about Masha. And then the hero of the program, pushed by Sofiko Shevardnadze, declared that, in principle, he was ready to start a family. The marriage proposal, however, looked very feigned, as did the awkward fall on one knee. Kovalev’s young darling replied that she did not want to get married in this way (when the groom was almost forced).

By the way, the singer and businessman revealed the secret of how he immediately figures out the girls who need his money, but he himself is not interesting: “First, of course, a lot of life experience. I quite often come across girls who want rich men. They have a sparkle in their eyes, they are predators. It can't be hidden - they still blurt it out". Plus, Andrei Kovalev advised girls to dress correctly and throw away their Louboutins.

Singing millionaire Andrei Kovalev showed his young lover and son for the first time

The scandal surrounding Alexei Panin’s daughter, 8-year-old Anechka, erupted with new strength. At the end of December, the actor took the child from his mother, Yulia Yudintseva. After the New Year holidays, Panin was persuaded to give the girl to her mother. However, the child ended up with his father again. Why this happened, ProZvezd told close friend actor - singer and businessman Andrei Kovalev.
- Alexei loving father, says Kovalev. – Millions of men after a divorce not only don’t want to communicate with their children, but don’t even pay child support. And Alexey is reaching out to his daughter, and Nyusya is reaching out to him. They had not seen each other for more than a year since Nyusha was kidnapped from a Moscow school.
According to Kovalev, the girl is happy next to her father, and Yudintseva does not like it. She demands to return her daughter back. Long negotiations began. Lolita and Andrey Kovalev resolved the difficult situation.
“Nyusya is a very good girl, modest, unspoiled,” Kovalev continues. - She loves her father. We talked with Yulia for a long time, trying to come to a common denominator. In the end, I realized that it was impossible to come to an agreement with her. The man didn't want to hear anything! Then I asked her mother to call. The first thing she said to me: “You are scoundrels, scoundrels, freaks. Nyusya has group sex with Panin. He treats his daughter like a man. This is incest." Can you imagine this is what your grandmother says? Have you gone completely crazy, or what?
According to people close to the actor, Nyusya herself did not want to talk to her mother, although she was repeatedly offered to contact Yulia.
“When we asked her to call her mother, she immediately closed herself off,” continues Kovalev. “Then she let it slip that my mother drinks almost every day and starts swearing at both Panin and my paternal grandmother. Nyusya didn't like it. Therefore, I asked Yulia not to scold either her grandmother or Panin. She agreed. And then Lesha took the girl to St. Petersburg.

It was assumed that the actor would leave his daughter with his mother, and he would be able to visit her regularly. But this was not destined to happen.
“When Yulia saw the girl, she immediately began to say: “They’ve zombified you!” shares Kovalev. – She took the phone away again. I ask: “Why did you do this?” Answers: “I lost it!” Then they all together - Yulia, Lesha and Nyusya - went to the restaurant. When Yulia, according to her, drank three glasses of wine, her daughter got scared. Seeing that mom was drunk, she wrote to Lesha on a napkin: “Dad, I want to go to Moscow.” Panin asked her: “When?” Nyusia’s answer: “Now!” He gave her the car number and she left with the driver. At the same time, Yulia was in the restaurant with Lesha for another hour and a half, completely forgetting about her daughter. Then I came to my senses, and endless calls and SMS began. She still has all the girl's things, including her favorite doll. Her daughter wrote her an SMS asking her to return the toy. “I didn’t receive anything! – Julia answers me. Only later, when I showed her screenshots of the messages, did she back down. I ask Yulia, when can I send someone to get things? You understand that your daughter still has her favorite doll there, she’s crying. But she doesn't want to listen to anything! When Panin and his mother told me that Yulia drinks and is unhealthy, I divided everything by four. And now I understand that we need to multiply by two.
According to Kovalev, under no circumstances should the child be given to the mother.
“Mom needs to first recover from alcoholism, and then build a relationship with her daughter,” Kovalev continues. – I really feel sorry for her. I offered to help her. I have good doctors who have helped more than one of my friends. But she doesn't want anything. She doesn't even call her daughter. Although she has her phone. During all this time, not a single call!

Now Alexey Panin is working on placing his daughter in educational institution. It is still unknown where Nyusya will study. But it is assumed that, in addition to general education, Nyusya will also attend a music school.

Photo: Gennady Usoev, Global Look Press

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