Happy birthday to a man doctor cool. The best congratulations on the doctor's day to a man. Congratulations in prose to a veterinarian

First, I want to wish you good health
To avoid visiting your colleagues,
I wish more obedient patients,
Generous, contented, generous.
So that your work is appreciated in the ministry:
The salary was raised, and even rewarded.
Let prosperity settle firmly in the house,
There will always be summer and more sun.
I wish all dreams come true
And miracles happen more often in life!

Relax. Breathe calmly.
Not one bit will hurt you.
congratulations injection.
Assigned to you on your birthday.

We want to always smile
As a doctor - grow, develop.
Successes pave the way,
Let a straight line lead to the tops.

We wish you great health
And the hearts in the chest of the young,
Let love flourish in the family
And fills your life with meaning.

Happy Birthday! I wish you always have a reason to smile, may fate give you meetings with good people and unforgettable impressions. Iron health and patience, without which it is difficult for a doctor to make the world a better place. Let the hand be accurate, the diagnoses are correct and the patients return only to thank for the help. Good luck in everything!

Not a job, but a calling
Eternal soul diligence.
Sharp mind and precision of phrases,
Clarity of knowledge is what we
Always admires you.
And the trouble is afraid of you:
You save, heal
Body, soul resurrect.

Also, let's be honest,
It's very interesting with you.
Never lie in this
You are a beautiful person!
And today, on my birthday,
Accept congratulations!
We sincerely wish
Fulfillment of all desires!

Happy birthday, good doctor!
Light, happiness and love.
Let the work go cheerfully
May fate bless.

Let the house be a full bowl
Full of family and friends
Every day brings happiness
The joy of making bigger!

Happy Birthday,
The best doctor on the planet!
Let luck accompany
And luck shines brighter.

May wishes come true
One has only to guess
There will be joy and recognition
If you dream right!

Man in a white coat
He heals from diseases boldly.
He will improve everyone's health,
We need to congratulate him!

Happy Birthday! We wish you
Only mild patients
So that you receive from them
Compliments in gratitude.

So that they themselves do not get sick,
To become younger over the years
To accomplish many miracles
For you are a doctor from God!

Happy birthday congratulations
Let the years run
What matters is that you are a person
Dear always.

You are capable of compassion
And love lives in the soul.
May the spiritual calling
Gives joy again and again!

Happy birthday congratulations
Hugs very tightly.
We appreciate your work, respect
We wish you happiness and good.

You are an expert in medicine, a creator,
Savior, just well done,
Let things go uphill
Smiles, joy, kindness.

happy birthday
You, our good Aibolit!
Let from your patients
Any ailment will run away.

Seeing your help to people,
May God reward you with good
To sincere happiness
You were a model for us.

Forces, spiritual energies
Let it be enough for the family.
To live in love, harmony
You seem to be in paradise.

I wish you patience
Lots of happiness and love
Let luck accompany
All dreams will come true!

And, of course, I wish
Do not get sick, do not lose heart
Let luck inspire
Well, troubles - to avoid!

Patients to love
And improved health
Thank you for the welcome
Recognized as the best doctor!

Being a doctor is not just a profession. Saving a person is a way of life, a real calling. Men, who at the dawn of mankind were hunters, protectors and earners, have the instinct of the winner in their blood. Being a doctor for them is a way to prove their importance, to earn universal respect and the title of a worthy man in the eyes of their beloved woman.

Every year on the first Monday in October, we raise a glass of champagne to the luminaries of medicine. Giving the Hippocratic oath, they try to live up to the expectations that ordinary people have on them. The health of most of them is in caring and courageous hands. International Doctor's Day is an expression of solidarity with doctors all over the planet. All of them, day after day, pursue the same goal - to cure the sick and preserve the health of those who want to live a full life.

Congratulations on the day of the doctor to the man are prepared by colleagues, wives, girlfriends, friends and relatives. The main thing is that the hero of the occasion feels significant, necessary and confident in himself and his professionalism. If the words come from the depths of the soul, they inspire further achievements and success in work. And the work of a physician is one of the hardest, because often you have to look into the eyes of suffering and death. Only individuals with a well-established psyche and a firm life position can adequately withstand this.

Warm wishes for them are like a healing balm that heals the wounds inflicted by inexorable everyday life. Just a few lines, spoken with warmth and love, will not only cheer you up, but also give you a powerful incentive to achieve more in your profession.

Every day you save a life
Sewing, cutting
Appoint, explain.
You are a reliable shoulder.

On this holiday, without a doubt,
I want a raise.
Strong nerves, inspiration,
Oh, and an award.

You will help and advise
Help first.
Bandage, bandage,
You will be with us until the morning.

Lung patients nearby
To be treated with one glance.
And the boss - what you need.
Happy holiday to you! Hooray!

Happy Medic's Day, we want to congratulate you,
May the hour not come in your life
Troubles, illnesses, other bad weather,
Let fate give only happiness.

For your experience and wise words
We will drink everything to the bottom for your health,
And we will thank you
Let the house be a full bowl.

Doctor is a cool profession
There is no way in life without her!
After all, prolonging health,
Defeat he pain - a master!
He listens calmly
Patient at this very moment!
And we can prescribe injections,
Maybe ointments and pills,
There are also different recipes!
Look, it doesn't hurt!
We are glad to congratulate the doctor,
Let them give him awards!
We are just from the heart
Much happiness to you, doctors!

Today is a wonderful day
On the day of the doctor, charming.
I want to congratulate you
And I want to wish loving.
So that everything is bright in life,
Didn't have to give enemas
To heal patients
He gave them hope in life.

You don't have to explain
How to carry out faithful service,
How many times have you heard from people
Desperate Call: Save!
Save! And a knock in the temples
Pressure load, and you
You count your pulse.
Here are the grateful families
Ready to kiss...
Saved. One more.
And tomorrow - to replace again.
So don't let your hands get tired
Giving life to people, giving grace!
Good to you and happiness and live a century in love,
Happy Medic Day! We will treasure you!

You save lives, heal, help.
I want to congratulate you on Medical Day!
You know everything about all the diseases in the world,
Glory to you, doctor - I will shout into the phone!
I wish you happiness, easy patients,
Let the Hippocratic Oath help you!
Be healthy and happy and rich and cheerful.
You will not disgrace the honor of the white coat!

On Medic's Day, in addition to health,
I wish you patience
So that labor with every drop of blood
Rated exactly 5
To appreciate a good deed
Not only the smile of people,
So that the sun of good luck shines
Useful projects, ideas!

There are many good doctors and not so much,
There are many doctors ... But my friend is always
Get what he wants in life
And grief will definitely not matter!
He is a doctor and Happy Doctor's Day
I hasten to congratulate him now!
May every day of work be clear!
May you rejoice in life every hour!

Congratulations to our respected and beloved leader, our chief physician. We wish you to continue to perform your duties as brilliantly as before, to stand at the helm just as reliably, and to lead our hospital to a higher level. Let for your efforts, the forces invested for the benefit of people, excellent professionalism and humanity, fate will give you only goodness, success and general gratitude. We wish you well-being and very good health. Happy Birthday!

You are not just a doctor,
You are the main one here
Happy birthday to you too
Today we congratulate.

Can you combine
Treatment and guidance
We know that sometimes
It's not easy at all.

We, the head physician, wish you
Success in every business
Health to patients
Prize personnel.

We wish you unlimited
We are your reserve of strength,
So that every day you are happy
And he brought joy.

Happy birthday
Our boss, our Chief Physician!
Your every day is like a battle
Darkness solve problems!

God bless you, strength
For great things
So that the effectiveness of treatment
I grew up in the institution!

Let in your personal life
It will only be good
So that every day is like a holiday,
Exceeded expectations!

There is a big responsibility
You are the chief doctor in this institution,
Let your income grow
It will be a great mood!

Let the flow of gratitude flow
Patients admire you
Reign beautifully in your post,
Let the team strictly obey!

Let in the family and at work
There will be peace, tranquility and prosperity,
Every day your possibilities grow,
And your hard work will pay off!

Happy birthday, chief!
Life to you without failures,
grateful patients,
More joyful moments
So that you are always lucky in everything,
The house will be a full bowl,
Troubles so as not to bother
And the sadness is over.

You are not just a great doctor,
You are an excellent head physician.
For a large team
You are like a uniform tractor.

Happy birthday
Good luck on your way
Happiness, harmony, great joy
In the business of life to find.

Let the profession excite
Respects the team
Let your approach be honest
Wise, clear, fair.

Happy birthday, I congratulate an excellent specialist, an honored master of his craft, a kind chief physician. I wish that all hopes and expectations are justified, that the activity is always successful and unhindered, that hard work is marked by great merits and generous gratitude, that happiness and prosperity spread along the path of life.

You are the best doctor in the whole planet,
Yes, it's just perfect!
You are responsible for the patients
After all, you are a professional!

We wish you love, prosperity,
Good health, all the best,
In all harmony, order,
So that every step leads to success!

Happy birthday, dear head physician! We wish you success in your main post, as well as good luck, luck, support from colleagues and loved ones in all your aspirations. May the hospital be famous for its excellent reputation through your efforts, may life around you become more beautiful and more fun with your dreams and smiles. Happiness to you, of course, health and well-being.

Happy birthday, wonderful head doctor. I wish to be a luminary of medicine, an outstanding personality, a person of cordial kindness. And may fate reward you with great luck for your work, for your efforts. I wish you good health and help everyone else stay healthy.

Happy birthday, I congratulate a kind and brave man, and concurrently an excellent and excellent physician. I wish you strong strength and excellent health, high professionalism and successful practice, successful activities and positive results of work, incredible luck in life and high prosperity, happy holidays and warm joyful meetings.

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts to the most wonderful doctor. We wish you good health, stable blood pressure and a normal heartbeat. We wish you growth in the profession, only grateful patients. Let there be no difficulties on your life path that would not be on your shoulder. Success in all endeavors and achievement of the cherished milestones.

Happy birthday, glorious doctor,
I wish you happiness,
Let life give only joy
Let there be no grief, drama.

Let work inspire
Let the family be the rear
Heal, bring health
I wish from the bottom of my heart.

You are a medical worker
In his business, just a specialist,
cheerful man,
The birthday boy, finally.

Let fate by an invisible hand
Protect you from harm
Be healthy and happy
And live to be a hundred years old!

happy birthday congratulations
Our best doctor
Let happiness draw with a brush
Life joyful landscape.

I praise golden hands
Low bow to you for everything,
May wishes come true
And lucky from all sides.

such a profession
You chose not in vain!
Happy birthday to you
Congratulate all friends.
After all, you are a doctor - from God!
And a nice person.
We wish you a lot of happiness
From all your colleagues.
good luck, luck
In all big things.
So that you all patients
They wore it on their hands.
Good luck in your personal life!
Let everything be great.

Our dear, happy birthday! You have connected your life with an incredibly worthy cause - to help people in the struggle for a healthy and happy life! So be yourself happy and good health, strength and inspiration, more rest and opportunities for him. Let every new day be filled with colors and any life's adversities bypass.

happy birthday congratulations
Doctor dear, our glorious.
We value wisdom and charisma,
All your experience is invaluable.

We wish you to be healthy
So as not to disturb colleagues,
Life will not be harsh
We wish to live happily.

Your profession is not easy
However, it is very necessary for everyone,
You treat - well, just the highest class!
On my birthday, I wish you to be happy.

May every day bring you success
Good, a little miracle, mood,
Let there be a place for both seriousness and laughter,
I wish you all the best on your birthday.

On your beautiful date, on your birthday
We wish you good mood.
Oh, how many people you have already cured!
So let all your dreams come true.

What have you seen in your life? Only home and hospital.
And different faces quickly flashed there:
Some I remember, some I don't.
You have seen so much success and trouble.

But today it doesn't matter
Let your happiness be multi-storeyed.
Let friends give a lot of attention,
May the big family be healthy.

You are a healer from God, child of Hippocrates,
You save lives from dawn to dusk.
So let vigor and strength flow like a river,
And let comfort and peace live in the house.

I wish you all the best
On the doctor's birthday!
There is no better profession.
Near you - and we are calmer!

With respect and love
I wish you good health!
Forces in the work is not easy
Congratulations with all my heart!

* * *
The doctor is a calling from God
It has a lot of merit
On this holiday, on your birthday

Accept congratulations!
We sincerely congratulate you
And we want to live magically!

* * *
On my birthday I want
Wish you as a doctor:
Many long bright years
Failures not to know and troubles!

Optimism and patience
Strength and self-assertion!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
Let life give happiness!

* * *
A seagull flew in the blue sky
The bird said: "I'm flying
Give a congratulations gift
Happy birthday doctor!

To be successful and happy
To give him strength,
And he was calm, patient,
To give health to people.

May God bless him
To facilitate hard work,
And the sun's ray illuminates
His thorny difficult path!

* * *
Today I will give with great pleasure,
Happy birthday to the doctor
On this bright holiday, congratulations
And with all my heart I wish

Good luck to you in your noble cause,
To overcome all obstacles
More joyful moments in life
The most grateful patients!

* * *
Happy birthday, best doctor!
Never know failures in work!
Your valuable work, praise you for it.

Let's hope things go well!
Stay healthy and take care of us.
Thank God there are doctors like that!

* * *
The best doctor in the whole world!
These confessions are for you:
"You are a genius in your work,
This is clear without a doubt!

smart, wise, humane
And attentive, cordial.
Ingenious medicine luminary,

Be lucky, don't be sad and don't get sick!
Happy birthday we congratulate you
We wish you happiness, faith, mood!

* * *
I want to congratulate you, dear doctor!
On a wonderful holiday - birthday!
May there never be failures
In your medical work.

Let things go well in your personal life
And everything will be as you wish!
May your life be happy!
Love, heal, live, breathe freely!

Happy birthday doctor woman

Do not hold mercy in you,
But you are collected in your work, serious.
From God, by calling from above, a doctor.
And such a woman - the stars are fading!

You heal bodies and souls.
You are the best doctor without a doubt!
Happy birthday to you
I wish you a long, healthy life.

So that nothing hurts
Enough of everything.
There were no problems at work
And everyone got help.

happy birthday doctor man

Not everyone can work as a doctor -
One that will always help...
But you found your calling in that.
Happy birthday to you! We wish you all the best!

You have a personal holiday today,
But he does not cancel duty ...
Anyway, let him be cool
It will give you many happy moments!

And there will be no tragic cases ...
May happiness be in your personal life!
Succeed not only at work,
Where, colleague, you are at a premium!

Happy birthday to the head doctor

Everything is fine in our hospital
Thanks to your efforts.
Cheerful, as if on a charge
And we plow more cheerfully with you!

We wish you a hundred years of success,
Health, strength, great heights.
Let no hindrance to you
The mood does not spoil all year round!

Chief You are in our hospital!
For doctor and nurse
Your word is above all.
Happy birthday our boss!

Chief doctor male

You are an example for us in everything,
Great doctor, top notch!
After all, it is not in vain that the chief physician
You work here.

Our team from the heart
Congratulations on your holiday!
And we want to live long
Shine joyfully eyes!

You are a wise leader
At work every morning
Brighter with your appearance!
Happy Birthday!

chief doctor woman

You look feminine
In the soul - flint and ice.
And the whole hospital knows
Who leads us forward!

We wish you a birthday
To you, our best chief physician,
Wish fulfillment
And lots of luck!

We are lucky to have a head doctor!
And all checks for nothing!
Happy birthday to you:
Health, strength, longsuffering!

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