Andrei Razin revealed the cause of his son’s death. A random passer-by told how he tried to save the life of Andrei Razin's son. What happened to Andrei Razin

Published 03/12/17 14:14

Son of the band's producer Tender May"Andrei Razin unexpectedly died right on the street. The tragedy occurred during a date when 16-year-old Alexander was walking with his girlfriend.

Razin's son died: the cause of death of 16-year-old Alexander was revealed by the producer's friend

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Ex-soloist and producer of the group “Tender May” Andrei Razin confirmed the terrible news about the death of his son, 16-year-old Alexander. He wrote about this on his Instagram.

"Last photo with my son. Kingdom of heaven Sashul,” wrote Razin.

The first to report the tragic news was singer Natalya Grozovskaya, Andrei Razin’s current life partner.

“Friends, we are in grief... Andrei Razin’s son has died... Sasha Razin... Please pray for the Repose of his soul...”

Natalya did not hide the cause of the boy’s death. Heart attack. I was walking down the street and fell,” she wrote.

Note that the teenager turned 16 only in January.

As it became known, the tragedy occurred during a date, when the young man was walking with his girlfriend. While walking, he suddenly felt ill. According to Life, the girl Alexandra, who saw everything happen, called for help. People began to gather around them. Among those who were not indifferent was a doctor who was passing by at that moment.

“The man came up, said that he was a doctor, and began to resuscitate the guy lying on the asphalt,” eyewitnesses said. “He maintained his breathing until the ambulance arrived.”

The medical team arrived at the scene 16 minutes after receiving the call. As it later turned out, Alexander suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. All the way, doctors tried to start his heart; he was taken to the hospital in a state of clinical death.

However, resuscitation measures already provided at the medical institution were unsuccessful. Alexander Razin died without regaining consciousness.

The day before it became known that Andrei Razin lost his 16-year-old son. The producer's wife, Natalya Granovskaya, reported on her social network page that trouble had come to their house. Razin himself did not disclose the details of what happened, limiting himself to a short post on the microblog. “Last photo with my son. The kingdom of heaven, Sashulya,” Andrey signed a joint photo with his son. As it became known, at the time of the tragedy the young man was on a date with a girl. While walking with a companion, Sasha had a heart attack. By coincidence, among the strangers who saw the boy in the last minutes of his life was the doctor Alexey Kashcheev.

On the same day, he spoke about what happened on his microblog. It is interesting that at that time the man did not even know who he was trying to help. According to the doctor’s recollections, the guy managed to temporarily restore his heart rhythm twice, but both attempts were unsuccessful. After some time, he was transferred to the ambulance.

Alexey Kashcheev did not know that on that fateful day the life of the son of producer Andrei Razin was cut short. That's why he gave his readers practical recommendations how to behave in a situation that he personally witnessed. He wanted to make it clear to followers how to more effectively provide assistance when the patient’s condition worsens. Probably, the doctor made such conclusions because in his professional practice he often encountered such cases. Let us note that after some time Kashcheev posted another post on his page. He noted that he was very surprised to learn that it was Sasha Razin who provided assistance that day.

“I never tire of being surprised by the coincidences that happen in life. It turns out that the young man whom I tried to revive on the street the night before yesterday is the son of Andrei Razin, producer of the group “Tender May”. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save him later,” Alexey wrote on the microblog.

Meanwhile, on social networks, the boy’s relatives and friends continue to express their condolences and publish joint pictures with Sasha on their accounts. For everyone who knew him, this news came as a real shock. A relative of the young man, Anna, shared several frames in which Razin Jr. smiles and demonstrates his love for life with all his appearance.

The teenager’s friends also did not stand aside, they also published several photos with their friend. It’s still hard for them to talk about what happened; they can’t believe that this could even happen. “I have no words”, “How is this even possible! I can’t believe it,” “Sanya, you best person, was. And a true friend! May you rest in peace!” – the guy’s friends wrote on the Internet.

“It really hurts me to say anything. I didn’t know Sasha that well, but we communicated periodically, he was always such an attentive, interesting conversationalist. He constantly invited me to go for a walk, sometimes I managed to get out, but not always. I don’t know, he probably had a lot of plans. I regret that I didn’t have time to get to know him better. I sympathize with your loved ones!” – Sasha’s friend Kristina told StarHit.

The boy's relatives claim that the guy did not have any health problems. On the contrary, he led active image life, played several sports and tried not to miss school. Sasha had plans to enter Moscow State University, he went to a school with in-depth study in English. Among other things, the producer’s son was even interested in art. Most recently he managed to paint two paintings.

After the sudden death of 16-year-old Alexander Razin, many began to wonder what could have caused such a tragic development of events. His father said that his death was due to complications after ARVI.


On his Instagram page, Andrei Razin posted a photo of a certificate from a children's clinical hospital. The specialist diagnosed the young man with ARVI. Despite this, young man allowed to attend school. “This disease led to acute myocarditis (instant cardiac arrest) and led to the death of my son (the author’s spelling and punctuation have been preserved. – Ed.),” the inconsolable father signed the photo.

“On April 14, doctors finally established the cause of my son’s death. The cause of death was an acute respiratory viral infection (03/04/2017) due to heart disease, which led to acute myocarditis (instant cardiac arrest). Horror!” he wrote in another message. Andrei Razin’s subscribers noticed that colds, which at first glance seem harmless, often lead to serious complications, and in many cases specifically to the heart.

Let us remind you that Razin’s 16-year-old son died of a heart attack. The guy felt bad while walking with his girlfriend. She called an ambulance, and doctors tried to save Alexander for two hours. Alas, to no avail. Previously, experts suggested that the young man’s health could be undermined by an incorrect daily routine and chronic lack of sleep.

One can only imagine how Andrei Razin feels, having lost his 16-year-old son in an instant. Unlike many who worry great sorrow, the producer did not withdraw into himself, did not hide from the public and journalists, but continues to keep in touch with outside world. For example, on its official page in social network Instagram Razin published a photo of Alexander and shared the feelings he is experiencing now.

“My son Alexander Razin (01/20/2001-03/10/2017). My pain of loss is unbearable. I express my gratitude to all my loved ones for their condolences and support,” Razin wrote. Indeed, numerous subscribers are trying to help the inconsolable Andrey with any kind words. “Andrey, we sympathize with you, this is a terrible loss, may God give you the strength to bear it, and may your little son rest in peace!!!”, “ Bright memory to your son!!! A terrible tragedy. Please accept my condolences", "Please accept my condolences! I have no words. Young guy! Same age as my son. It’s just a shame,” “Our condolences to the whole family. May God give you strength to overcome this grief,” “It’s a shame. My condolences. But he is better off than we are here, and there is no need to disturb his soul. With respect to YOU,” sympathetic subscribers wrote to Razin.

Andrei Razin’s companion, singer Natalya Grozovskaya, who reported the death of Alexander, also published a fresh photo on her account on the same social network. Her entry turned out to be much more philosophical. “The loss of illusions makes us wiser,” Grozovskaya stated next to a photo in which she poses in black sunglasses.

Let us remind you that the tragedy in the family of Andrei Razin became known after Natalya Grozovskaya published a photograph showing Razin’s father and son. “Friends, we are in grief.. Andrei Razin’s son has died.. Sasha Razin.. Please pray for the Repose of his soul...” she wrote on her page on the social network.

Andrei Razin himself confirmed this terrible news. “The last photo with my son. Sashul’s kingdom of heaven,” he captioned the photo, in which he and Sasha are standing near a beautiful snow-white car.

They say the doctor tried to resuscitate 16-year-old Alexander for twenty minutes. “We managed to restore the rhythm two times, but each time it broke down,” neurosurgeon Alexey Kashcheev, who witnessed the incident and tried to save the young man, wrote on his page on the social network Facebook.

According to relatives, Sasha did not suffer from any serious illnesses. To determine exactly what caused death youngest son producer of the group "Tender May", doctors will perform an autopsy. Note that Andrei Razin has an eldest son, Ilya, from a civil marriage.

In Moscow, his son died at the age of 16 former soloist and producer of the group "Tender May" Andrei Razin. About this on your page in Facebook said singer Natalya Grozovskaya, Razin’s current life partner.

“Friends, we are in grief... Andrei Razin’s son has died... Sasha Razin... Please pray for the Repose of his soul...” she wrote. There, Grozovskaya reported the cause of Alexander’s death: “Heart attack. He was walking down the street and fell.”

Alexander was born in the third marriage of Andrei Razin in 2001. facebook

Andrei Razin with his son and wife. instagram

After this, Andrei Razin published on his page on the social network Instagram last photo with son. “The kingdom of heaven, Sashulya,” he wrote.

According to former assistant Andrei Razin, after the death of his son, the producer is in serious trouble. psychological state. “He practically grew up before my eyes. The news of his death came as a complete surprise to me,” REN-TV quotes him.

Alexander Razin.

Meanwhile, representatives of the producer of the group “Tender May” spoke about the details of the tragedy that occurred on the evening of March 10 near the Udarnik cinema on Bolotnaya Square. As it turned out, the young man died during a date in front of his girlfriend. “At that moment, his girlfriend was next to him, with whom he was walking,” Razin’s representatives told

Doctors tried to save the guy for two hours. However, the doctors’ attempts were unsuccessful: Alexander died as a result of a heart attack.

Later it became known that before the ambulance arrived, a passerby, neurosurgeon Alexey Kashcheev, tried to save Andrei Razin’s son. The doctor reported this on his page on the social network. Facebook.

On the day of the incident, the doctor wrote that he was trying to resuscitate a “random passerby” on the street. He reported that “during the 20-minute cardiopulmonary resuscitation” he “managed to restore the rhythm twice, but each time it broke down.” Later Kashcheev learned that the unknown person was the son of Andrei Razin.

“I never tire of being amazed at the coincidences that happen in life. It turns out that the young man whom I tried to revive on the street the night before yesterday is the son of Andrei Razin, producer of the group “Tender May”. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save him later,” - wrote the neurosurgeon.

According to relatives, Sasha had no health problems. He studied at a Moscow school with in-depth study of the English language, planned to enter Moscow State University, and since childhood was fond of swimming and wrestling. Relatives also said that Alexander regularly attended church, and two years ago he discovered his talent as an artist and painted two paintings. Judging by the photographs on social networks, the son of the creator " Happy May“There was another passion: motorcycles and cars,” writes Moskovsky Komsomolets.

Alexander Razin.

In an interview with the newspaper, pediatric cardiologist Elena Murashko said that heart problems have become very common among 16-year-old boys from major cities. “And many of them are athletic and pumped up. There are several reasons. One of them is that sports clubs often offer their clients anabolic steroids under the guise of expensive vitamins. As a result, the testosterone level in such young people drops to zero, and the body begins to suffer as a whole. Another one possible reason- incorrect daily routine, insufficient sleep. Nowadays, at this age, people sleep for five hours. Heartbeat instead of 70, the norm drops to 45. Previously, this was an indication for hospitalization, but now doctors simply prescribe recommendations and that’s it. Finally, energy drinks can cause dire consequences,” the doctor said.

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