Yulia peresild. The main beauty secret of Yulia Peresild is an active lifestyle

Peresild Julia Sergeevna (b.1984) - popular Russian actress theater and cinema.

Childhood and school

Julia Peresild was born on a warm autumn day on September 5, 1984 in a city with a rich historical past - Pskov.

The girl dreamed of becoming an actress from the very early years as soon as the child came to understand that there is such a profession. Where this desire came from, she herself cannot explain. Neither mom and dad, nor relatives have ever been associated with cinema and theater. Julia's mother worked in kindergarten educator, and dad was a very famous and talented icon painter.

From an early age, the girl liked to sing, she was not shy, she performed in front of her parents and their friends.

She studied well at school and very early, back in primary school, showed childlike independence. Mom helped her do her homework only in the first grade, then the girl did everything herself. Starting from the fourth grade, parents did not even check Yulia's performance. homework- trusted her so much, were sure that she would do everything and not bring it from school bad grades.

According to her mother, she and her father never forbade anything to her daughter, because she had nothing to forbid, she didn’t do anything reprehensible, she didn’t indulge, she always clearly shared the concepts of what is good and what is bad.

Already in the third grade, Yulia began to study in a school amateur art circle, where she sang songs and played in productions. She had very good vocals and hearing, thanks to which Peresild got into the Equalizer musical group. With this ensemble, her first stage appearance took place, the guys went to Moscow, where they took part in the "Morning Star" (a rather popular competition for young performers at that time). Julia at that time was only 11 years old!

Having visited a television competition in the capital, the girl was finally convinced of her desire to become an actress. Returning to school, she took part in all events where she could speak to people, receive their applause and recognition, and be charged with the energy of the audience:

  • actively participated in KVN;
  • went with holiday programs to matinees in orphanages;
  • gave concerts in military units.

The Equalizer team gave Yulia a lot, she learned to stay on stage, sing professionally, feel the audience, and also felt how nice it is when people like your performances.

Conquest of the capital

In 2001, Yulia graduated from the Pskov secondary school and went to conquer Moscow. She passed the documents to the theater institute, but failed the exams. The girl returned to hometown, where she became a student of the State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Russian Philology.

In her first year, Julia met another young musical talent, Vyacheslav Rakhmanin, together they created the Night Perron group and began to give concerts, with which they traveled not only to Russian cities, but also to Near Abroad(Latvia). Teaching pedagogy, of course, faded into the background.

Yulia was very dear to their creative duet, but despite this, after graduating from the first year, she left everything and went to Moscow again. This time the girl handed over the documents to several theaters at once. educational institutions.

Now Yulia is more fortunate: she became a student of RATI-GITIS. She began her studies at the acting department of the directing department (director Oleg Kudryashov's course). The actress speaks very well of her teacher, she believes that it was Oleg Kudryashov who taught her to work to the best of her ability, not to get tired and not stop on the way to her goal.

The beginning of the creative path

Theatrical career actress Julia Peresild began in the first years of the institute. The directors noticed the young actress - and she received an offer to play on stage. Although the girl dreamed of a big film career (she really wanted to become a star of the national cinema), she agreed to the offer to play in the theater, she decided that this would be the first step on her path to recognition in the field of cinema.

Julia's debut performance was "Troyanka", where she played Andromache. The girl liked the performance on the stage so much that now, despite the huge number of film roles and filming offers, Yulia is an actress in two theaters at once. These are the State Theater of Nations Evgeny Mironov and the Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya.

On her account, well-played roles in such well-known productions as:

  • "Bluebeard - the hope of women";
  • "Killer Joe";
  • "Wheel of Fortune";
  • "Swedish match";
  • "Bullfinches";
  • "Miss Julie";
  • "Viy";
  • "Shukshin's Stories";
  • "Idle Molière".

Film career

In 2003, director Alexander Baranov invited Yulia to act in films for the first time, it was the series "Plot", she got the minor role of Natasha Kublakova.

In 2005, Yulia appeared in the TV series Yesenin, where she played the poet's sister, Katya.

On the big screen Peresild made her debut in 2006 in the film "The Bride" directed by Elyor Ishmukhamedov. Here she played a student Olya Rodyashina, and her partners in the picture were quite famous actors- Tamara Akulova, Shamil Khamatov, Alexander Golovin.

But, as film critics unanimously assert, Yulia's acting talent was fully revealed in the film "Prisoner" (directed by Alexei Uchitel). In the picture she got the main role Nastya, who made Peresild recognizable, her fame began to grow, and the directors vied with each other to offer the young actress to act in films.

A beautiful, graceful and well-mannered girl, Yulia Peresild really liked Alexei Uchitel, and in 2010 he cast her in the lead role of his next film "The Edge", for which the young actress received prestigious awards - "Golden Eagle" and "White Elephant". Her film partners are famous and beloved actors - Vladimir Mashkov, Alexander Bashirov, Sergey Garmash. From now on, Julia has become the same famous and beloved.

A stunning actress who from the first minutes of her appearance on the screens immediately wins the hearts of the audience. The directors are also delighted with her, it is a pleasure to work with Yulia. That is why her film career (so far not too long) already consists of many wonderful roles:

Year of release of the picture on the screens Name of the painting The role of Yulia Peresild
2005 "Prince and the Pauper" Prokhorova Xenia
2006 "Cannon" girl Storm Oksana
2007 "Saboteur 2: End of the War" Svetik
2008 "I'll be back" Mikhailovich Vera
2009 « Short circuit» Ira
2010 "Decoy" train conductor Vera Pavlovna
2011 "Five Brides" Twin sisters Asya and Katya
2012 "In the Fog" Anelya
2013 "Parajanov" Svetlana Ivanovna, Sergei's wife
2014 "Executioner" Nina Krivovyaz
2015 "Mysterious Passion" Ralissa
2016 "Hero" Kulikova Masha

But there are roles in Yulia's film career that require a separate discussion.

In 2015, Sergei Mokritsky directed the military drama Battle for Sevastopol. Julia starred in the title role, she played the female sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko, who destroyed 309 during the war. German officers and a soldier, for which she received the title of Hero Soviet Union.

The director and actress very clearly revealed tragic fate women in the war. A film based on the autobiographical book of Lyudmil Pavlichenko herself "Heroic Reality" was shot.

For this work, the actress was awarded the Best Actress award in 2015 at the Beijing International Film Festival. In a similar nomination, Yulia was awarded the Golden Eagle national film award in 2016, her Lyudmila Pavlichenko was recognized as the best female role in Russian cinema over the past year.

For her film career, Yulia considers her work in the Battle for Sevastopol to be the most important. And she really played it flawlessly.

Another role that was not easy for Yulia to decide on is Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko. The series was dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of the great actress. Peresild delayed the answer for a very long time, re-read all the books of Lyudmila Markovna before she decided to play. Director Sergei Aldonin says:

“When they were looking for an actress for the role of Lucy, they did not aim resemblance, needed the same character as Gurchenko. Julia turned out to be very close in demeanor, just as demanding - she won’t play on the set until she finds out everything to the smallest detail. ”.

In 2013, Yulia was awarded an award for young cultural figures from the hands of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin for her contribution to the development of domestic theater and film art.

For his work in the theater, Peresild has received awards: "Crystal Turandot" and "Theater Star".

Yulia is also a trustee in the Galchonok non-state charitable foundation. It helps children with organic lesions of the central nervous system.

Personal life

The actress hides her personal life and does not give any interviews about this. There are persistent rumors in the acting and theatrical environment that she has a long romance with director Alexei Uchitel. He repeatedly called Yulia his muse. But there is no official confirmation of such rumors, Alexey is married to the producer of all his films Kira Saksaganskaya, he has three children in marriage. But they say that he is also the father of Yulia's daughters.

At the peak of her popularity, Julia decided to give birth to her two wonderful daughters - in 2009, Anya, in 2012, Maria. To do this in the midst of a career, you must have a strong, even powerful, character. Julia Peresild hides who the father of her children is.

Yulia's parents help her in raising her daughters. The actress herself adheres to the principle that you can’t force children to live by the rules, you need to deviate from these rules more often - and then the kids will become closer to you.

As the head of the Theater of Nations Yevgeny Mironov, Yulin's immediate boss, said about her, “this actress, in addition to beauty, has brains and ambition, which is a rarity in our time”.

When Julia plans her day, week, month, year, she puts her daughters in the first place, the children from the Galchonok Foundation in the second place, and work in the third place. She does not believe that children can interfere with a career and does not even allow the thought that a career can be more important than children.

Yulia Sergeevna Peresild was born on September 5, 1984 in Pskov. Russian theater and film actress. Honored Artist of Russia (2015). President's Award Winner Russian Federation(2012). Actress of the Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya and the State Theater of Nations.

Yulia Peresild became one of the youngest honored artists of Russia among the cast of drama theaters and domestic cinema. The honorary title was awarded ahead of schedule for great success in the development of theatrical and cinematic art.

Her parents had nothing to do with the acting elite - her mother worked as a kindergarten teacher, and her father was a famous icon painter. But the girl from the very early childhood dreamed of becoming a superstar and performing on the big stage.

Young Julia had excellent vocal abilities, thanks to which she became a member of the Equalizer musical and vocal group, in which she performed on stage for the first time.

At the age of 11, Peresild got on the stage of the "Morning Star" in Moscow, after which her desires for the capital creative career strengthened and became the main goal of life. AT school years the girl actively took part in KVN, matinees for orphanages and concert programs in military units. On stage, the artist tried her best to prove herself in order to win the recognition of the audience.

Julia matured early. “As a child, I had complete freedom of action. For some reason, my mother was sure that I was a wise person, even if I was 7 years old. I don’t know if I really was such a wise person, but I had to become one. After the fifth grade Mom never checked my diary. So my childhood and youth were fun. Another question is that I went through it, went crazy, and at 18 I was no longer interested in hanging out, "she said.

In 2001 she graduated high school No. 24 of the city of Pskov.

Immediately after school, the future star of Russian cinema went to conquer Moscow, deciding to enter the theater school. However, fate prepared her tests for the girl - she failed the entrance exams and was forced to return with a defeat to her hometown. There Julia entered the local pedagogical institute and during the next year received a philological education.

AT student years future actress Yulia Peresild and her classmate Vyacheslav Rakhman created a joint duet "Night Platform", in which they toured Russian and Latvian cities, performing hits of their own production.

Julia Peresild with the song "The composition will go to Tikhoretskaya ..."

But not a vocal career was a dream. After waiting a year after an unsuccessful attempt to enter the capital's theater school, the girl again went to conquer Moscow, submitting documents to all theater universities. GITIS teachers noticed Peresild and offered her training immediately at the acting and directing departments.

Julia entered Russian academy theatrical art on the course of O. L. Kudryashov. RATI graduated in 2006. Diploma performances: 2005 - "The Trojan Women" by Euripides (role - Andromache, daughter of Eetion), 2006 - " Blue Beard- the hope of women" by Dea Loera (blind), "Viy" by N. Gogol, "Wheel of Fortune" by K. Orff (medieval vaganka poetess).

Since 2007, as a guest actress, she has been participating in performances of the Theater of Nations. She was involved in the following performances:

2007 - "Bullfinches" based on the play by N. Sadur "Death Men" (based on the novel by V. Astafyev "Cursed and Killed"); directors Timofey Sopolev and Mikhail Chumachenko - Shirinkin's godfather;
2007 - "Swedish match" based on the story of A. Chekhov; director Nikita Grinshpun - Olga Petrovna, wife of the bailiff Yevgraf Kuzmich;
2007 - "Shukshin's Stories"; director: Alvis Hermanis - portly woman / frail old woman;
2011 - "Killer Joe" based on the play by T. Letts; director Yavor Gyrdev - Dottie Smith;
2011 - "Miss Julie" by Y. Strindberg; director Thomas Ostermeier - Christina;
2012 - "Grooms" based on the operetta by I. Dunaevsky; director Nikita Grinshpun - Agrafena Savvishna, widow of the innkeeper Ivan Samsonovich Bokastov;
2013 - "Electra" by Euripides; director Timofey Kulyabin - Elektra, daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra.

Collaborates with the theater "School of the modern play" and with the theater on Malaya Bronnaya ("Warsaw Melody" by L. Zorin, role - Gelena), the theater company ("Figaro. Events of one day" based on the play "Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro" P Beaumarchais, role - Suzanne, Countess's maid and Figaro's fiancee).

In 2016, the Moscow Drama Theater on Malaya Bronnaya hosted the premiere of D. Lindsey-Abeir's The Rabbit Hole, staged by director Sergei Golomazov, in which Yulia Peresild plays Becca.

Since 2003 he has been acting in films. At first there were small roles in the films "The Plot", "The Princess and the Pauper", "The Bride", etc.

But she really revealed her talent only in 2008 in the film "Captive" directed by Alexei Uchitel, where she played the main character Nastya. This role brought Peresild big success and popularity, thanks to which she was more often invited to the cinema.

Having conquered the Teacher's heart with her beauty, grace and upbringing, the young actress gets another one main role in his picture. "Edge", behind great game in which Julia was awarded the prestigious Golden Eagle and White Elephant awards.

Further, the actress acted in films already as a recognized star. Among the most significant works are the film by Alexander Kott "Podsadnoy", the comedy "Five Brides", military drama "In the Fog" awarded by FIPRESCI at the Cannes Film Festival.

In 2012, Yulia Peresild was awarded the Presidential Prize "For Contribution to the Development of National Cinematography".

In 2015, a tape was released starring Yulia Peresild "Battle for Sevastopol". She embodied the image famous sniper Great Patriotic War Lyudmila Pavlichenko.

With great success, the series was held on domestic screens "Lyudmila Gurchenko", in which the actress played the main character - the famous Soviet and Russian actress.

In 2016, a serial film based on the novel by Vasily Aksyonov was released. "Mysterious Passion". In the film, the actress plays the main role - Ralissa (Maya Carmen).

Yulia Peresild in the program "Looking at Night"

Peresild is a trustee charitable foundation"Galchonok", helping children with organic lesions of the central nervous system.

The growth of Yulia Peresild: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Yulia Peresild:

Yulia Peresild is not married. Has two daughters.

The actress has been suspected of having an affair with a famous director for many years. Long years Perisild and the Teacher diligently denied all rumors about their love affair, which became a kind of "series" for the public.

The director is in a strong legal marriage with Kira Saksaganskaya, who is the producer of all his films. Three common children grew up in their family. At the same time, the Teacher has repeatedly stated that he considers Peresild to be his muse.

In 2009, the actress gave birth to a daughter, Anna. Three years after the birth of her first child, Julia again became a mother - she had a daughter, Masha.

The paternity of both girls was attributed to Alexei Uchitel. At the christening of the second child of the actress, Alexei Uchitel was also present among the guests. This fact, according to observers, was also proof that the director is real father children of his muse.

At the age of 11, Yulia Peresild went to Moscow for the first time to participate in the Morning Star program. The future star started as a singer, she performed in children's team"Equalizer", and already in adulthood she performed as part of the "Draft Orchestra" group. Yulia Peresild was offered to take part in the musical "The Sound of Music", but she refused.

The secret behind seven seals

Little is known about the personal life of Yulia Peresild. The actress refuses to talk about the father of her children. According to unconfirmed information, Peresild long time had an affair with director Alexei Uchitel. The romance between them broke out on the set of the film "Prisoner", in which the actress played one of the main roles. The director has been married to producer Kira Saksaganskaya for a long time and already has three adult children. The youngest, Ilya, is studying at VGIK at the directing department. According to rumors, the Teacher's wife was very worried when she found out about the relationship between her husband and the young actress, but then she calmed down - she is sure that Alexey will not leave the family. The fact that the Teacher is the father of the children of Yulia Peresild is also evidenced by the fact that the director was present at the christening of the second child of the actress.

Photo: Starface

Help "Galchonok"

Julia is a trustee of the Galchonok charitable foundation, which helps children with organic lesions of the central nervous system. The actress often takes part in concerts and performances of the foundation.

Most anticipated premiere

Yulia Peresild was approved for the main role in the television series about the life of Lyudmila Gurchenko. When exactly the picture will be released on the screens is still unknown. Julia will play famous actress from 16 to 62 years old, and without plastic make-up. “Julia is similar to Lyudmila Markovna in character, and this is important for us,” Aldonin told TN. - She is serious actress, the same selfless work. Yulia has been rehearsing her role with the choreographers and the ensemble for two months already - we will have many musical episodes. We will talk about many facts of Gurchenko's biography, including those unknown to the general public.

Julia Peresild and Lyudmila Gurchenko Photo: East News, Russian Look

Get naked for art

The actress often appears naked in films (The Edge, Weekend, etc.). It's just that there is a cameraman that I trust for such scenes. This is Yuri Viktorovich Klimenko, ”the actress says in an interview.

The first item in the rider

The actress makes only one requirement for the employer - not to re-voice her heroines. says that half of her work is in the voice.

Julia Peresild Photo: Russian look

All their

Julia Peresild always brings photos of classmates with her to auditions. “I don’t try to push my own - my classmates really talented people, it’s just that well-known directors don’t know some of them yet. And, as a rule, those whom I advise to take my friends to the project, then they send me SMS messages with gratitude, ”the actress said in an interview.

August 28, 2015, 21:57

It turned out that the abrupt changes in Yevgeny's life that had taken place over the years were not easy. Actor left pregnant with 7th child civil wife for the sake of a new lover ... Yulia Peresild.

Look how cute Julia is holding Eugene by the fingers.

According to the press, an affair began between young people during the filming of the film "Battle for Sevastopol". Young people began to meet after the filming, they did not even hide their feelings at the film premiere of the film, which started in April of this year. One of the film producers explained the situation in such a way that Evgeny’s spouse is constantly at home with baby diapers and housework, and here is a young nice girl Julia, with whom it is pleasant to spend time. He noticed this couple in love a couple of times in a restaurant in a romantic setting. Moreover, this restaurant is quite expensive - a simple lunch costs 15,000 rubles. It turns out that at home there is a crisis in relations with a pregnant wife and children, and on the side there is a new love.

These words were confirmed by another friend of the actor. Another acquaintance of Tsyganov, who also wished to remain anonymous, noted that the artist in recent times started disappearing from home, and then completely left. They say that Eugene practically does not communicate with his wife - only sometimes he helps the family with money.

Another friend of the artist said that Tsyganov was even offended by him when he began to shame the actor, they say, what kind of romance when you have a wife and a lot of children.

“Zhenya has recently felt a taste of fame, it has become difficult to communicate with him. After the success of the film “Thaw”, and then the film “Battle for Sevastopol”, he began to slip in a conversation that his family began to interfere with his work, he would have to choose.

“I have a job, I’m busy, I don’t have time,” Zhenya constantly explained on the phone to his wife when she called him to shoot.

And since they began to notice him in the company of Yulia Peresild, Zhenya began to disappear from home. I tried to talk to him: they say, do not lose your head! But Zhenya seemed to be offended by me.

Now he has settled in the apartment of his friend, his friend is not from the acting environment. For the past two months, his relationship with his wife has deteriorated so much that they don’t even talk.

Only if something is needed for children, Irina texts him. He sends money to her account. And he doesn't even visit them. His parents help his wife with the children, who hope that Zhenya and Irina will still reconcile. At least for the sake of the children...

The personal life of Yulia Peresild is not advertised. 30-year-old Yulia Peresild is already a mother twice. In 2009 she gave birth to her first daughter. Three years later, in 2012, Julia gave birth to her second daughter.

The actress refuses to talk about the father of her children. According to unconfirmed information, Peresild had an affair with director Alexei Uchitel for a long time.

The romance between them broke out on the set of the film "Prisoner", in which the actress played one of the main roles.

The director has been married to producer Kira Saksaganskaya for a long time and already has three adult children.

According to rumors, the Teacher's wife was very worried when she found out about the relationship between her husband and the young actress, but then she calmed down - she is sure that Alexey will not leave the family.

The fact that the Teacher is the father of the children of Yulia Peresild is also evidenced by the fact that the director was present at the christening of the second child of the actress.

A post about Yulia and her boyfriends was here - http://www.site/blogs/pro_zvezd/31953_yuliya_peresild_igraet_v_lyubov

Last year, Julia Peresild, along with her eldest daughter Anya, who at that time was four years old, and the Teacher appeared at a gala event dedicated to the first birthday of the Galchonok Charitable Foundation. Alexey Efimovich came a little later and immediately went to the table where Yulia and Anya were sitting. With undisguised warmth, he hugged his daughter Yulia to him, gently kissed the actress herself, and all evening they no longer parted.

Eugene and Irina Leonova (gr wife)

Sources: gpclub.ru, star-town.ru, bez-makiyazha.ru

Updated on 28/08/15 23:59:

UPD..wrongly used the search. 2 days ago there was a post on the same topic - http://www.

Yulia Peresild is a Russian theater and film actress who managed to win the sympathy of the audience and outstanding directors from the very first minutes on stage.

The girl gained popularity after the release of her favorite film famous director Alexei Uchitel "The Edge", where she had the opportunity to play the role of the beautiful Sofia. Also, this fragile fair girl was remembered by the audience for playing in the TV series "Yesenin", "The Executioner", "Summer of the Wolves", "Lyudmila Gurchenko", the feature films "The Bride", "Decoy" and the military drama "Battle for Sevastopol". Since 2007 he has been playing on the stage of the Theater of Nations.


The future star of Russian cinema was born on September 5, 1984 in the Russian historical city Pskov. From childhood, she firmly knew that she would devote her whole life to acting skills, although relatives, and the girl herself, could not understand where she got this dream from. Her relatives were not connected with the stage: her mother, Irina, was a kindergarten teacher, and her father, Sergei Peresild, was a famous icon painter throughout the city, who loved to play the guitar in the evenings with his family.

Also at a young age, the girl began to be interested in singing, realizing her vocal potential in the Equalizer group. It was there that she was professionally given a voice and taught to stand on stage with dignity. In addition, the girl participated in all school theatrical performances, performed at concerts and, moreover, was a member of the KVN team, went in for sports.

From an early age, Yulia dreamed of getting to Moscow, and upon reaching 11 years old, she went to the capital to speak at children's project"Morning Star". After the competition, the girl finally decided that she would connect her life with acting. But in the same year, Yulia's father died, and the already poor family began to desperately need. From the age of 14, Yulia worked part-time by performing in restaurants, so from an early age she learned the value of money.

Julia Peresild in the program "Alone with Everyone" (2016)

In 2001, having received a high school diploma, Julia immediately decided to go to conquer Moscow.

Student Yulia Peresild

The girl was determined to enter theater university, however, she did not even allow the thought that she could fail the entrance exams. She tried her luck in a single institution, the Moscow Art Theater. At the entrance tests, she recited the poem "The Death of a Poet", and when the commission asked to perform something more "alive", she was offended, turned around and left. Desperate, she returned to her native Pskov and applied to the local pedagogical institute, choosing philology as her specialty.

But the thought of missed opportunities depressed the purposeful girl. During training, she, along with her good friend Vyacheslav Rakhman decided to create a singing group "Night Platform", which the audience liked - they gave concerts in Russia, once visiting Latvia.

The girl was responsible for the creative duet, but she still dreamed of realizing her potential on the theater stage. Therefore, with renewed vigor and greater confidence, Julia tried for the second time to enter the theater institute. This time she took the admission more responsibly, and although she was not completely confident in her abilities, she nevertheless achieved her goal. The selection committee of one of the most prestigious universities in the city - GITIS - noticed the potential of fair-haired Yulia and invited her to two faculties at once - acting and directing.

Julia Peresild in the play "Warsaw Melody"

creative career

The girl entered the course of the honored worker of arts, teacher and artistic director Oleg Kudryashov. Her graduation performances were The Trojan Women (Andromache), Bluebeard (the blind girl), Viy and Wheel of Fortune. After graduating in 2006, the girl found work at the Theater of Nations as a guest actress. Participated in productions of "Bullfinches", "Shukshin's Stories", "Swedish Match" and others. Without exaggeration, Julia's acquaintance with Yevgeny Mironov, who invited her to his play The Marriage of Figaro by Kirill Serebrennikov for the role of Suzanne, became fateful.

However, her film career began during the beginning of her studies. In 2003, she got a role in the series "Uchastok", which made an impression on Russian viewers at the time. Her Natasha Kublakova, daughter of Lyuba (Evgenia Dobrovolskaya) - a 15-year-old village girl - appeared in the continuation of the series in 2006, playing this time along with Leonid Yarmolnik.

In 2005, she again had a chance to collaborate with Sergei Bezrukov, this time more closely. She appeared before the audience as Katya Yesenina, the sister of the legendary Russian poet.

After that she had the main role in the mini-series "The Princess and the Pauper", where she got to play the general's daughter Ksyusha, who fell in love with the young slob Lika, and in the crime series "Carom" (Oksana, the wife of the authority of Vitya Storm, who fled abroad and is wanted by the FSB) .

Her debut on the big screen can be considered the melodrama "The Bride" (2006), in which the girl appeared as a student Olya, who one evening decided to tell fortunes about her betrothed-mummer. Signs of fate led her to young man named Alexander, but the further life path presented her with many surprises - cruel and joyful. The emotional, sentimental film received the warmest responses from Russian viewers.

2 years later, the military drama "The Captive" by the famous film director Alexei Uchitel was released, in which the girl was assigned the main role.

Yulia Peresild sings ditties in "Evening Urgant"

The creative union of Yulia Peresild and Alexei Uchitel, with whom Yevgeny Mironov introduced the girl, subsequently helped the birth of a number of other outstanding films: this is the Golden Globe-nominated "Edge" with Vladimir Mashkov and Sergei Garmash, and the action-packed drama "Eight". For the role of Sophia from the film "The Edge", Yulia was awarded two prestigious awards "Golden Eagle" and "White Elephant", and after its premiere, the press actively started talking about the romance of the actress and director.

Over the years, Yulia has collaborated with other venerable directors: Stanislav Govorukhin (“Weekend” in 2013), Alexander Kott (“Podsadnaya” of the same year), Karen Oganesyan, who made several memorable comedies with Yulia.

She played Lyudmila Gurchenko in the series of the same name dedicated to life path great actress, and also appeared in the sensational TV series "The Executioner" as a suspect in the sadistic murders of residents of a village near Moscow.

All these roles made Yulia Peresild a bright star of Russian cinema, but the sniper girl Lyudmila Pavlichenko from the military blockbuster Sergei Mokritsky "Battle for Sevastopol" brought her into the category of stars of the first magnitude.

The tape told the audience the story of a heroically brave woman who really existed, who volunteered for the front during the Great Patriotic War, which destroyed several hundred fascists, and in post-war years befriended the First Lady of the United States.

Yulia Peresild on the set of "Battle for Sevastopol"

Personal life of Yulia Peresild

Like many stars, Yulia Peresild tries to hide all the details of her personal life as much as possible, but persistent paparazzi and journalists are still trying to get to the bottom of the truth.

She was repeatedly suspected of a stormy romance with director Alexei Uchitel. But that the actress, that the director in every possible way denied these arguments, and there was no official confirmation of their relationship.

Most likely, the stars chose such a policy so as not to destroy Alexei's family, because at that time he had a legal wife and part-time producer of his films, Kira Saksaganskaya, who gave the director three children. But when in 2009 Yulia's daughter Anna was born, all the journalists as one expressed the opinion that the teacher was the girl's father.

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