Who are the most followed on Instagram? Instagram in numbers - useful data, facts and tricks. Historical Instagram statistics

One of the types of additional income for Webmasters and admins is sale of traffic. Traffic, traffic, traffic (from English traffic) - the flow of visitors on the Internet. There are many types and subspecies of it, respectively, systems that buy certain types of it. Often such systems are referred to as affiliate programs. most of these systems have an affiliate program to attract new members.

Buying and selling traffic from contextual links.

The most sold and bought type of traffic is traffic from contextual advertising, sometimes called contextual traffic. It is very effective for advertising purposes when promoting goods and services. To make money on contextual advertising, you need to register in one of the contextual advertising systems and install a block of links on your site. This advertisement is called contextual because the text of advertising links corresponds to the content of the page on which it is shown or is close to it. Thus, advertising links are seen by people who are interested in the same goods and services that they read about on the site page.

The best contextual advertising systems with high pay-per-clicks.

If you have a good website, you can earn by placing ad units of high paying advertising systems.

The best contextual advertising systems for English-language sites.

If you have sites in English, you can earn by placing ad blocks of contextual advertising.

Contextual advertising services with pay per click. There is no minimum for withdrawal.

If you have sites that will not be accepted into advertising systems with high pay, it is possible to earn money with contextual advertising affiliate programs that are less demanding on sites, but also with noticeably lower pay.

Buying and selling traffic with pay per result

Buying thematic traffic, traffic exchange


Buying and selling teaser traffic

Teasers are small (sometimes not very small) images, usually with a short promotional text next to them. Typically, such blocks are quite clickable, especially on entertainment sites.


Earnings on the banner network.

I think that most of the network users are familiar and many have already gotten pretty bored with pop-up windows floating "on top" of the site. Some users claim that the presence of a pop-up window, and especially several pop-up windows on the site, annoys them. On the other hand, Webmasters and admins who install pop-up windows on their sites say that they also want to eat. And if the user found the information of the site interesting enough, then the presence of a pop-up window does not play a fundamental role. In addition, almost all modern versions of browsers have the function of blocking pop-up windows (enabled in the browser settings), so that those who interfere can be turned off. Although I must say, not all types of pop-ups can be blocked by browsers.

File traffic monetization

If your site has files that are often downloaded by users, i.e. there is file traffic, then you can earn on it. It is not necessary to store sites on your hosting, which reduces the amount of space used on the hosting and eliminates the burden of downloading. You can earn on file traffic without your own website. There are many sites on the network where you can post a description of useful software or something else and give a download link.

Sale of wap traffic (traffic from mobile devices)

In recent years, more and more mobile devices are available with the ability to connect to the Internet. The speed of access and the quality of the displayed information are beginning to reach an acceptable level for mobile devices. Respectively sale of traffic from mobile devices is called selling wap traffic. And there are systems that buy exactly this type of visitors.

Selling traffic using any external links.

You can sell clicks from any external links. To do this, a special prefix is ​​added before the link address. When a visitor clicks on such a link, he goes to the corresponding site, but this site opens in a frame with additional advertising. Visually, it looks like this, and this is a regular link to the same site. I think you noticed the differences - link prefix, frame, banners and click-under. As you probably understood, the advertisement that you saw does not belong to the site you went to, but is defined in the source of the transition. At the same time, which site opens does not matter; instead, you can put a link to any other site. The advantage of selling such traffic is that the visitor receives advertising while not on your site, but when he leaves it. And the downside is that the visitor often does not understand the features of the codes, he considers the advertisement that he sees to belong to the corresponding site. He may get the wrong impression about the site, especially when advertising is far from beauty and aesthetics.
To sell such traffic, you need to register in the appropriate system for selling traffic and add the prefix received in your account to those links on your sites from which you are ready to sell this type of traffic. In principle, this type of traffic sale is also available to people who do not have their own sites. The appropriate prefix can be added to the links that you leave in chats, blogs, bulletin boards, forums and other Internet resources.

Sale of iframe traffic.

An iframe is an insertion of one html(php) document into another html(php) document.
.php" width="800" height="300" frameborder="1"> A window (Iframe) will open at the insertion point of this tag, 800x300 in size with a frame of one pixel. This window will load the page whose address is specified in the iframe code.
But if the dimensions of the Iframe of the inserted document (website) are set to zero, i.e. .php" width="0" height="0" frameborder="0"> In this case, nothing will open visually for the page visitor, while he will also be counted not only as a visitor to your site, but will also be counted as a visitor to the site whose address is indicated in the Iframe code, although he did not even see it. The sale of such traffic is considered unethical, so decide for yourself whether or not to use Iframe traffic selling systems, since this is not "money out of thin air", as the sale of this type of traffic has been very often advertised lately.

When selling Iframe traffic, as well as when selling most of its other types, it is not necessary to know how the system works. It is enough to register in the corresponding system, add the site (sites), install the received code on the site and that's it. But still, it is much better to understand what you are selling and how it works before selling any kind of traffic. This knowledge not only increases earnings, but also avoids most problems.

If, while selling iframe traffic, you find that your site is starting to give viruses to visitors, then you can simply remove the iframe code and start working with another system for selling iframe traffic, which better controls where the purchased traffic goes. You can contact the administration of the corresponding system and they will deal with the traffic buyer who uses it to send viruses. In some systems, it is also possible to see for yourself where the traffic from your site went and add the recipient to the blacklist of the system yourself. In most cases, iframe traffic is used to cheat counters and ratings. But it can be used to send viruses or for such disgusting things as a DDoS attack. In the settings of some systems for selling iframe traffic, there is an option “post resources on my site that have not been verified by moderators”, usually it is enabled by default. It's better to turn this option off, checking moderators allows you to weed out most of the sites of traffic buyers that create problems. In general, before selling this type of traffic, I advise you to think.

Buying and selling traffic from referral pages of sites.

Referral traffic - clicks on links from other sites. Search traffic - clicks from the search results page. In this case, the page from which the transition was made is called the referral page or the parent page. In this case, two options are possible, the site is loaded in the same window or in another. If the site is loaded in another window, then with the help of the control code, in the window of the source site, you can load ads. This type of advertising is called the sale of referral traffic.

Yandex's statements about exclusion from the index of sites that have a redirect of the parent page in their code are not a joke. No problems were found with other search engines. Banning Yandex when such a code is detected is temporary, it is automatically unbanned some time after Yandex stops detecting the code. In general, I do not advise selling referral traffic from sites that you value.
There are reports of visitors complaining that they don't like ads loading in the results window of their search or another site they came from. True, the user can always return to the page of the results of his search or to the site from which he went twice by clicking on the "return page" button.
The type of traffic is not represented in the buying data, so I have not been working with this type of traffic for many years, and the old systems that worked with it either died or were repurposed to buy other types of traffic.

Sale of doorway traffic.

Doorway traffic is traffic from doorways. Doorways (from English doorways) are pages optimized for search engines. As a rule, under a certain search engine. Optimization is carried out in such a way that the page appears as often as possible in the top positions of the search engine for a specific query or group of queries. Doorways usually have a redirect, to the address of which the visitor goes without seeing the doorway itself. And there is nothing to watch there, because the doorway in most cases consists of a "meaningless" set of keywords and phrases. Search engines periodically find doorways and ban them (exclude them from the index). But doorway workers do not sleep and create new doorways, manually or with the help of special doorway generator programs. Although doorway generator programs quite effectively perform part of the routine work of a doorway operator, you will hardly be able to make money on doorway traffic without good SEO optimization skills. In addition, in recent years, due to the improvement of search engine algorithms and the destruction of doorways by them, doorways are becoming less and less relevant.

Sale of various types of traffic.

Recently, more and more systems have appeared that buy not one specific type of traffic, but several of its varieties. Yes, and many traffic buying systems that previously worked with only one type of traffic are expanding their field of activity and are beginning to buy other types of traffic.

How to sell traffic without a website

If you don't have a website, you can buy cheap traffic and redirect (merge) it to higher paying systems - this is traffic arbitrage. It is also possible to create traffic from social networks from messages or forum signatures, answers to questions, e-mail newsletters. When selling traffic without having a website, the same systems are used as when selling traffic from your own websites.


Most systems are described here in terms of traffic sales. But of course you can not only sell, but also buy traffic in these systems. You can buy both for your website and for resale or monetization on any affiliate program. The purchase and further monetization of traffic is called traffic arbitrage.

In conclusion, I want to say that the systems for selling buying traffic periodically change the conditions. For example, the minimum payout amount. They start (rarely stop) buying any type of traffic. They change the conditions for accepting sites into the system, etc. It is not possible for me to keep track of all this and regularly change the description on the site. Therefore, if the conditions in any of the above described systems differ in some way, I'm sorry.

There are many ways to increase the popularity of your page on Instagram: attracting followers by posting high-quality and unique content, using gray (and sometimes prohibited) promotion methods, launching contests, various entertainment, etc. But if you are seriously thinking about monetizing your Instagram account, then The first thing to do is to choose the right theme for your page. To name a win-win option (specifically in your case) is not taken by any competent specialist, and we will not do this either. In this publication, we will look at what the most popular Instagram in the world is, in various fields, topics, etc. After analyzing the success of others, you can achieve high rates, gain popularity among users, which is expressed in very specific income figures.

Whose Instagram is the most popular in the world?

The answer to this question is obvious: the most popular account on Instagram is…. Instagram, which is the largest platform in the world for publishing copyrighted content.

The content of his account includes the best shots that are published by his followers.

The most popular Instagram account in Russia belongs to the theater and film actress, singer and TV presenter @samburskaya Nastasya Samburskaya. Thanks to regular and rather comical photos of her working moments, Nastasya today has more than 7.5 million subscribers.

Timati's second most popular Instagram profile. Timur, who adores his daughter Alice, regularly posts videos with his daughter from various events and parties. More than 7.4 million people have subscribed to Timati's page.

Ksenia Borodina and Olga Buzova (who does not remember Dom-2) share the third place in the popularity rating of Russian Instagram. The first one shares with subscribers content from parties, photos of children, bear-bear images of animals. Olga leads an active lifestyle and posts everything related to her: selfies from travels, filming, photos from shops, etc.

The most popular girls on Instagram

By the number of admirers, Russian stars are significantly inferior to Western ones. Selena Gomez @selenagomez takes the first place among the girls of Instagram bloggers. At 24, she is already a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, and part-time movie star, composer and songwriter. To date, the girl has more than 131 million fans.

The basis of success is content from filming, concerts and photo shoots, selfies in nature and at home.

One of the factors of her success as a blogger is live communication with followers who take an active part in shaping her image. Today, more than 116 million followers have subscribed to her page.

Next to Ariana, the podium is taken by pop star Taylor Swift @taylorswift

The singer's Insta page is filled with videos from recordings, concerts, selfies with animals and covers of her albums. To date, more than 105 million subscribers have wished to touch the deity.

By the way, we have a special material for the most beautiful half of humanity! .

The most popular publics on Instagram

Publics are communities of users united by love for a particular topic, “star”, hobby, etc. An analogue of groups in VK and OK. To date, the most popular publics on Russian Instagram are:

  • Black Star @timatiofficial - Timati's public: pop stars, rapper and showman. In his community, Timur shares with followers photos with celebrities (including the President of the Russian Federation, Chechnya and Uzbekistan) and content from his own chain of fast food restaurants blackstarburger. The public has over 7.5 million followers.
  • A community of admirers of the talent of comedian and showman Pavel Volya @pavelvolyaofficial. The popularity of one of the most sought-after TV presenters on Russian TV "forced" more than 6.5 million subscribers to join his talent.

The third place among Russian Insta-publics is occupied by the community of TV presenter Ivan Urgant @urgantcom, which pleases 5.5 million subscribers with content.

Popular kids on Instagram

Fashionable and beautiful children do not lag behind adult bloggers in terms of popularity. Their success is followed by hundreds of thousands of fans, including those from the adult audience category. Today, the first line of the rating is occupied by Alisa Timurovna (daughter of Timati), whose Instagram is run by her grandmother. https://www.instagram.com/simona280/. More than 2.6 million followers watch how the daughter of a star is brought up every day.

Second place goes to Kristina Pimenova, model 11 years old.

Despite her age, more than 2 million subscribers rejoice at her success in the modeling business.

Anna Pavaga, 7 years old at such a young age, already has the status of the most beautiful girl in Russia.

Now in her "piggy bank" 475 thousand fans.

The most popular topics and queries on Instagram

In 2017, the most popular topics were:

  • seals;
  • family;
  • sports and entertainment;
  • women's theme;
  • culinary masterpieces.

Cats (and other cuteness) are very popular with the audience, among which more than 80% of users are women and girls. They are happy to subscribe, like and comment on such content.

Family values ​​are back in fashion. Photos with children on walks, traveling, funny and even simple everyday moments of life are very attractive to the audience. People are very fond of watching (from the outside) the life of a person in his natural habitat. Profiles are examples:

  • @gisele is a fashion model who has garnered attention with content about work, home and loved ones.
  • @lenaperminova is an athlete who has earned respect not only for her sporting achievements, but also for the fact that she spends all her free time with her children.
  • @lenatemnikovaofficia is a famous singer who gave up her career for the sake of her family and her child.

Ordinary social media users networks look with admiration on athletic men and women, especially those who have achieved high results. For some, such content even motivates them to accomplish something: going to the gym or, at worst, moving away from the refrigerator. An example of the most popular sports pages:

  • @nike is an account for the sportswear manufacturer Nike.
  • @basebodybabes - page about fitness, sports, healthy lifestyle.
  • @usmanovakate is a profile of the famous Russian athlete, fitness trainer Ekaterina Usmanova, whose forms (according to the majority of Russian admirers) are impeccable.

Women's themes are always in demand among the same audience. Well, how can you not admire a woman who has found the strength to lose weight, create a public on Insta, learn to be a consultant and open a successful business selling cosmetics to her own subscribers. Or how can you not sympathize with a girl from a wealthy family who abandoned a successful career (Business woman, model, consultant, etc.) and began to devote all her free time to saving "Afro-Himalayan" grasshoppers and public on Insta.

This year's trends

If you want to create a popular account, you can go two ways:

  • publish content from the list of the most popular topics;
  • use topics that are only gaining popularity among Instagram users.

Topics of current interest include:

  • "Heart for a heart" Denoted by hashtags #follow4follow; #like4like; #instalike. If you want your publication to be noted, put these hashtags under it, and “tons” of likes will begin to fall on it. The main thing - do not forget to mark the content of the person who liked it with a heart.
  • Lovestyle is content about a beautiful life. It is absolutely not necessary that you publish photos of luxury cars, yachts, branded accessories, etc. Photos associated with simple joys collect a large number of likes: morning coffee or a bouquet of flowers (though made in the appropriate setting).

Content related to the theme of "Seasons" is always in demand. Everything is clear here: almost everyone is fascinated by professional photographs of the first snow, autumn leaf fall, bright sea waves, etc.


In this publication, we tried to introduce you to the most popular accounts on Russian and global Instagram. After carefully analyzing the content and strategy of successful bloggers, you can draw conclusions that will attract an army of fans to your page. There are no exact recipes for fame. The main thing is to do what you are good at and match user interests.

The most popular profiles were and remain celebrity accounts. The list has been unchanged for several years now - it's just that sometimes the stars "change places", occupying the next line or the previous one.

In 2019, the number of Instagram users amounted to 700 million people from all over the world. People use the resource in different ways: some are realized in creativity, others promote their business, others advertise music.

Instagram is a free resource with elements of social networks, where users share photos and short videos. With it, you can take pictures, shoot videos, use filters, and send content to other resources.

Instagram came into existence in 2010, and at that time it was impossible to determine which profile had the most followers. The service was available for iPhone owners. After 2 years, they were able to use it on Android devices.

Interesting fact! As soon as Instagram became available to owners of Android smartphones, about 1 million users installed it within 24 hours.

Since then, Instagram has been actively developing, and in 7 years the number of users has reached 600 million. Now you can analyze subscribers in the service.

By the way, in 2017, the top social networks were formed in terms of the number of its users:
1st place - Facebook (2 billion users);
2nd place - WhatsApp (1.2 billion users);
3rd place - YouTube (1 billion users).

The largest number of followers on instagram

A lot of Instagram users do everything to get as many followers as possible, but they can’t get to the most popular accounts.

The list of stars has not changed for many months now - sometimes only the positions of celebrities rise or fall.

Here is the top Instagram by subscribers of the most popular stars.


The prevailing number of subscribers to the service is 227 million people. It is also the world's first registered Instagram profile. It contains photos that correspond to modern fashion trends, promotions and flash mobs.


Of all the celebrities, this American singer has the most subscribers. For a significant period of time, the girl occupied the 3rd and 4th positions of the top, but for a whole year now she has been proudly on the first line among her colleagues and competitors in the musical environment.

In the spring of 2017, the number of its subscribers was 125 million people, which after a few months increased by a couple of million.

It is believed that such popularity came to her thanks to her ended romance with Justin Bieber. By the way, now the couple got back together, but their relationship is not so smooth.

Today Selena is actively engaged in creativity and charitable activities.

UPD! In January 2018, Selena Gomez reduced the number of her subscribers to 37 million people. But by April 2018, the situation changed again in the direction of increasing the number of subscribers. Which speaks not only of Selena's high popularity, but also of her love for cheating on Instagram.


Cristiano Ronaldo is the most famous footballer in the world, a world-class star. In the spring of 2017, the number of its subscribers was 109 million people, which after a few months increased by 5 million.

Cristiano Ronaldo is a Real Madrid player. He owns several Golden Boots and Golden Balls.


The girl takes the 3rd place in the top most popular Instagram accounts with her 118 million subscribers.

Ariana's career began in 2008. Today she is a very popular singer and in 2015 held a world tour.

The girl became a participant in major world scandals, and she had to apologize to the whole world.

Ariana Grande is not only a singer - she can be seen in many movies and TV shows.

In 2017, the singer was the victim of a terrorist attack that occurred at one of her concerts. The performance was coming to an end when the explosion thundered. The girl was not injured, but 23 people died. Subsequently, Ariana, along with other celebrities, took part in a concert dedicated to the victims of the terrorist attack.


Beyoncé has been creating great music for her fans for 20 years now. The number of its subscribers reached 105 million people at the beginning of 2017, and at the end of the year it reached 107 million people. Wikipedia has a separate page dedicated to her awards.

In 2017, Beyoncé became the highest-earning musician with $62 million.

By the way, Beyoncé is also a director, choreographer, dancer, actress and producer. The girl is engaged in modeling business, knows a lot about perfumery.


104 million people subscribed to the profile of the actress. This sexy and attractive woman began to build her career in 2007 when she took part in the filming of her own reality show.

After 3 years, Kim earned $6 million.

The 37-year-old actress is married to Kanye West, with whom the marriage has been going on for 3 years. This is her third marriage.

Kim Kardashian produces beauty products.


Famous model Kylie Jenner is the sister of Kim Kardashian. Kylie is only 20 years old, but she already has a huge army of fans.

The girl has 99 million followers on Instagram.


The number of her followers on Instagram is 104 million people. In 2017, Taylor Swift announced the release of her music album Reputation, which became the 6th in a row. The first song from it was released in August 2017 and became provocative. The bold, provocative and professionally shot clip was viewed by 43 million people in 24 hours. In the history of YouTube, he became the most popular, quickly gaining fame.


The number of subscribers to the actor's profile is 95 million people.

Today he is 45 years old. Duyen starred in a huge number of action films. His most popular films include Fast & Furious, San Andreas, The Scorpion King, Empire State, and many others.


The most famous Canadian pop singer with a controversial reputation and an army of little fans. He is hated by as many people as they adore, but this does not make him less popular. The number of subscribers in his profile is 93 million people.

Justin Bieber's career began when his mom posted videos of him singing. The boy was noticed by Scooter Brown, who started promoting him and quickly turned him into a sex symbol.

TOP: Instagram by followers in Russia 2018

Russia also has its own top of the most famous domestic stars. These people include hyped celebrities who often find themselves involved in scandalous situations. However, there are no politicians in this top.

So, the 5 most popular Instagram accounts that belong to Russian stars:
Olga Buzova– 13.2 million subscribers;
Timati- 12 million;
Ksenia Borodina– 11.2 million;
Nastasya Samburskaya– 9.2 million;
Vera Brezhneva– 9.6 million

The above celebrities do not differ much in terms of the number of subscribers. Thus, the leader of the top is ahead of the last position by only 2 million people.

The most popular person in Russia in terms of the number of subscribers is Olga Buzova. Her career is very controversial - the girl is often involved in scandals. In the past, she worked as a TV presenter for Doma 2, and after breaking up with her husband, she decided to build a singing career. The girl has a lot of haters who notice her inability to sing or perform to the soundtrack, but this does not prevent her from taking a leadership position in the top of Instagram.

Timati is known not only as a media person, but also as a businessman. Over the past few years, he has developed the Black Star brand with a separate production center, a number of shops and even his own burger joint.

Ksenia Borodina is a TV presenter, actress and DJ. She took part in programs and talk shows - such as "House 2", "Dancing with the Stars", "Cruel Intentions", "Big Difference", "Reboot".

Nastasya Samburskaya is a singer, model, TV presenter, film and theater actress. She starred in the TNT series “Univer. New hostel.

Vera Brezhneva is a pop singer, one of the former members of the VIA Gra group, with whom her singing career began. Also, the girl actively acts in films and takes part in social activities. Vera Brezhneva opened the Ray of Faith children's charity foundation.

Who has the most followers on Instagram? Of course, the most official Instagram account! And then there are world celebrities, whose top does not change so often. However, there are also surprising permutations in this ranking! And also the site answers the main question - how many subscribers does Buzova have on Instagram?

The most popular profiles were and remain celebrity accounts. The list has been unchanged for several years now - it's just that sometimes the stars "change places", occupying the next line or the previous one.

But even world-famous stars are not averse to using wrapping! By the way, all services for cheating Instagram (Instagram) have already been combined into one big rating.!

In 2017, the number of Instagram users amounted to 600 million people from all over the world. People use the resource in different ways: some are realized in creativity, others promote their business, others advertise music.

Instagram is a free resource with elements of social networks, where users share photos and short videos. With it, you can take pictures, shoot videos, use filters, and send content to other resources.

Instagram came into existence in 2010, and at that time it was impossible to determine which profile had the most followers. The service was available for iPhone owners. After 2 years, they were able to use it on Android devices.

Interesting fact! As soon as Instagram became available to owners of Android smartphones, about 1 million users installed it within 24 hours.

Since then, Instagram has been actively developing, and in 7 years the number of users has reached 600 million. Now you can analyze subscribers in the service.

A lot of Instagram users do everything to get as many followers as possible, but they can’t get to the most popular accounts.

The list of stars has not changed for many months now - sometimes only the positions of celebrities rise or fall.

Here is the top Instagram by subscribers of the most popular stars.

Instagram - 282 million

The prevailing number of subscribers to the service is 282 million people. It is also the world's first registered Instagram profile. It contains photos that correspond to modern fashion trends, promotions and flash mobs.

Cristiano Ronaldo - 140 million

Cristiano Ronaldo is the most famous footballer in the world, a world-class star. In the spring of 2017, the number of its subscribers was 109 million people, which after a few months increased by 5 million.

Cristiano Ronaldo is a player of the Italian Juventus. He owns several Golden Boots and Golden Balls.

Selena Gomez - 146 million

Of all the celebrities, this American singer has the most subscribers. For a significant period of time, the girl occupied the 3rd and 4th positions of the top, but for a whole year now she has been proudly on the first line among her colleagues and competitors in the musical environment.

In the spring of 2017, the number of its subscribers was 125 million people, which after a few months increased by a couple of million.

It is believed that such popularity came to her thanks to her ended romance with Justin Bieber. By the way, now the couple got back together, but their relationship is not so smooth.

Today Selena is actively engaged in creativity and charitable activities.

UPD! In January 2018, Selena Gomez reduced the number of her subscribers to 37 million people. But by April 2018, the situation changed again in the direction of increasing the number of subscribers. Which speaks not only of Selena's high popularity, but also of her love for.

Ariana Grande - 146 million

The girl takes the 3rd place in the top most popular Instagram accounts with her 118 million subscribers.

Ariana's career began in 2008. Today she is a very popular singer and in 2015 held a world tour.

The girl became a participant in major world scandals, and she had to apologize to the whole world.

Ariana Grande is not only a singer - she can be seen in many movies and TV shows.

In 2017, the singer was the victim of a terrorist attack that occurred at one of her concerts. The performance was coming to an end when the explosion thundered. The girl was not injured, but 23 people died. Subsequently, Ariana, along with other celebrities, took part in a concert dedicated to the victims of the terrorist attack.

Dwayne Johnson - 133 million

The number of subscribers to the actor's profile is 114 million people.

Today he is 45 years old. Duyen starred in a huge number of action films. His most popular films include Fast & Furious, San Andreas, The Scorpion King, Empire State, and many others.

Kim Kardashian - 129 million

104 million people subscribed to the profile of the actress. This sexy and attractive woman began to build her career in 2007 when she took part in the filming of her own reality show.

After 3 years, Kim earned $6 million.

The 37-year-old actress is married to Kanye West, with whom the marriage has been going on for 3 years. This is her third marriage.

Kim Kardashian produces beauty products.

Kylie Jenner - 128 million

Famous model Kylie Jenner is the sister of Kim Kardashian. Kylie is only 20 years old, but she already has a huge army of fans.

On Instagram, the girl has 128 million followers.

Beyonce - 125 million

Beyoncé has been creating great music for her fans for 20 years now. The number of its subscribers reached 105 million people at the beginning of 2017, and at the end of the year it reached 107 million people. Wikipedia has a separate page dedicated to her awards.

In 2017, Beyoncé became the highest-earning musician with $62 million.

By the way, Beyoncé is also a director, choreographer, dancer, actress and producer. The girl is engaged in modeling business, knows a lot about perfumery.

Taylor Swift - 114 million

She has 114 million followers on Instagram. In 2017, Taylor Swift announced the release of her music album Reputation, which became the 6th in a row. The first song from it was released in August 2017 and became provocative. The bold, provocative and professionally shot clip was viewed by 43 million people in 24 hours. In the history of YouTube, he became the most popular, quickly gaining fame.

Justin Bieber - 102 million

The most famous Canadian pop singer with a controversial reputation and an army of little fans. He is hated by as many people as they adore, but this does not make him less popular. The number of subscribers in his profile is 102 million people.

Justin Bieber's career began when his mom posted videos of him singing. The boy was noticed by Scooter Brown, who started promoting him and quickly turned him into a sex symbol.

Top: Instagram by followers in Russia 2018

Russia also has its own top of the most famous domestic stars. These people include hyped celebrities who often find themselves involved in scandalous situations. However, there are no politicians in this top.

So, the 8 most popular Instagram accounts that belong to Russian stars:

The above celebrities do not differ much in terms of the number of subscribers. So, the leader of the top is ahead of the last position by only 5 million subscribers.

The most popular person in Russia in terms of the number of subscribers is Olga Buzova. Her career is very controversial - the girl is often involved in scandals. In the past, she worked as a TV presenter for Doma 2, and after breaking up with her husband, she decided to build a singing career. The girl has a lot of haters who notice her inability to sing or perform to the soundtrack, but this does not prevent her from taking a leadership position in the top of Instagram.

Mixed martial arts fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov burst into the Russian information space with lightning speed. This was facilitated by the victory over the most famous fighter in the UFC, Conor McGregor, and the circumstances that surrounded the fight in the American city of Paradise. Within a few days after the fight, about 4.5 million users signed up for Nurmagomedov's Instagram account. At the moment, more than 13 million people are following Khabib's life. This is more than Anastasia Ivleeva, Yegor Creed and Pavel Volya.

Timati is known not only as a media person, but also as a businessman. Over the past few years, he has developed the Black Star brand with a separate production center, a number of shops and even his own burger joint.

Ksenia Borodina is a TV presenter, actress and DJ. She took part in programs and talk shows - such as "House 2", "Dancing with the Stars", "Cruel Intentions", "Big Difference", "Reboot".

Pavel Volya was born on March 14, 1979 in Penza. He first announced himself as a humorist in 2000. Then Pavel, together with the Valeon Dasson team, became the winner of the First League of KVN. It should be noted that other famous showmen of our time played with him in this team - Leonid Shkolnik and Timur Rodriguez.

The victory in the first division allowed Pavel's team to start in the Major League. But at this level, he played only one game - "Valeon Dasson" flew out already at the stage of the 1/8 finals. After that, Pavel left KVN and began working on Russian Radio. Pavel started on the Penza radio, but the leadership of the Moscow "Russian Radio" promptly responded to the appearance of a talented radio host and invited him to work in the capital.

Interestingly, a career in the capital did not start very well for Pavel. To survive in the harsh conditions of Moscow, he had to combine work on the radio with activities at a construction site.

The debut on television happened in 2003 on the Muz-TV channel. But Volya's real success was brought by the Comedy Club humorous program on TNT. This program went on air in 2005.

One of the main characters of the Comedy Club was Pavel Volya. Moreover, he took on the role of an ambiguous "glamorous bastard", who in his speeches rots the guests of the show.

Despite the ambiguity of his image, Pavel became the most successful character of the Comedy Club. Thanks to this, in 2007 he was able to start a musical career. For several years

Volya recorded several hip-hop hits - “Everything will be awesome”, “The best song”, “Mom!”.

Today, Volya also regularly acts in films. Now he has more than 10 films to his credit. The most popular works of this humorist were the films “The Best Film”, “Plato”, “Happy New Year, Mom!” and Viy 2.

Vera Brezhneva is a pop singer, one of the former members of the VIA Gra group, with whom her singing career began. Also, the girl actively acts in films and takes part in social activities. Vera Brezhneva opened the Ray of Faith children's charity foundation.

Anastasia Ivleeva was born on March 8, 1991. After completing her studies, Ivleeva worked as a hostess and a manicurist. The turning point in Nastya's life was 2013. It was then that she decided to open a blog on Instagram. Interestingly, her boyfriend singer Arseny Borodin pushed Ivleeva to such a decision.

Anastasia began her activity on Instagram with a sports theme. She later found her niche in Instagram's humorous content. Ivleeva began to create short humorous videos, which eventually brought her fame and several million subscribers. As of now, more than 8 million people have subscribed to her Instagram blog.

The popularity of Ivleeva also contributed to her career on television. In 2017, she became the host of the popular TV show Eagle and Tails. This show airs every week on the Russian TV channel Pyatnitsa! and the Ukrainian channel "Inter". It is worth noting that Anastasia herself believes that it was her popularity in social networks that allowed her to get into the “TV”.

Nastasya Samburskaya is a singer, model, TV presenter, film and theater actress. She starred in the TNT series “Univer. New hostel.

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