Ggpiia them n to Krupskaya. Gorlovsky Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the State Higher Educational Institution “Donbass State Pedagogical University. Institutes and faculties

Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(GGPIFL) - additional information about the higher educational institution

general information

The educational process at the Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(GSPII) is carried out in 8 educational buildings, where more than 3,500 students study at 8 faculties.

Students have the opportunity to use the library fund, which is more than 27 thousand copies of educational, methodical, scientific and fiction, funds of resource centers of the English language, French language and German language. 5 computer classes with Internet connection are open.

Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(GSPII) has the following faculties:

  • Faculty of English,
  • Faculty of French,
  • Faculty of German Language,
  • Faculty of Humanities,
  • Faculty of Slavic and Germanic Languages,
  • Translation faculty,
  • Faculty of Correspondence and Distance Learning,
  • Educational and Scientific Center for Postgraduate Education.

International Relations of Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages

The geography of the institute's international relations covers a fairly wide range of near and far abroad countries: the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Brazil, Switzerland, Belgium, Slovakia, Belarus, Russian Federation.

At present, the institute considers the continuation of systematic work on the integration of foreign language teaching into the European system of language education through an external assessment of the quality of students' knowledge on the European scale as the leading direction in cooperation with the institute:

  • English - Cambridge Syndicate exam
  • French - Diploma Alliance Française
  • German language - exam of the Goethe-Institut

The strategic direction of cooperation of the Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​is to increase the international competitiveness of students in the higher education market. To do this, the institute, together with its partners:

  • adapts training / work programs in order to bring them closer to each other;
  • creates modern curricula and plans for the conclusion of agreements on mutual recognition of diplomas;
  • organizes joint research teams to develop innovative scientific areas of modern pedagogical and philological science.

Thus, the organic integration of the institute into the European educational system should become the result of international cooperation of the Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages.

Every year, about 30 teachers and graduate students of the Institute undergo training abroad. Teachers are trained in Germany, USA, Switzerland, Russia. The students of the institute have the opportunity to have a summer teaching practice outside of Ukraine. About 40 students take advantage of this opportunity every year.

Gorlovka Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the State Higher Educational Institution "Donbass State Pedagogical University"
original name Ukrainian Gorliv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages
Year of foundation
Rector Associate Professor, Candidate of Philological Sciences Belitskaya Evgenia Nikolaevna
Location Bahmut
Legal address 84500, Bakhmut, st. Vasily Pershin, 24

Gorlovka Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the State Higher Educational Institution “Donbass State Pedagogical University is a higher state educational institution of III-IV levels of accreditation in the city of Gorlovka.

Story [ | ]

Founding of the institute[ | ]

In the autumn of 1949, on the basis of the Belotserkovsky Pedagogical School, the Teachers' Institute of Foreign Languages ​​was established. The task of the new educational institution was to train teachers of English and French for grades 5-7 of a general education school. And already in the 1953-1954 academic year, on the basis of the teacher's institute, the Belotserkovsky Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​\u200b\u200bwas organized, in which 39 teachers worked. Karp Kirillovich Shvachka, a candidate of philological sciences, a specialist in the Ukrainian language, was appointed director of the institute.

On September 9, 1954, the Belotserkovsky Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​was transferred from the city of Belaya Tserkov, Kiev Region, to the city of Gorlovka, Stalin (now Donetsk) Region, and was named Gorlovka Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, which became the first institution of higher education in the city of Gorlovka.

Development of the institute in the city of Gorlovka[ | ]

For quick and productive assimilation of a foreign language, in addition to the practice of the language and the study of various theoretical features of its application, students studied the history, life, customs of the people - its carrier within the limits of regional studies and the history of the language.

Obtaining the specialty of a foreign language teacher was closely associated with patriotic and international education, as well as the inculcation of artistic taste. The number of teachers and students of the institute grew from year to year, candidates of sciences appeared.

The creation of a higher educational institution in Gorlovka, of course, influenced the social, cultural and sports life of the city. Thus, a tradition was started of holding regular methodological seminars in English and French, which provided qualified assistance to local teachers.

Intelligent and active in learning, students of the Institute creatively and interestingly approached the organization of their leisure time. In the 1962-1963 academic year, amateur art circles began to work at the institute: choral and solo singing in native and foreign languages, dance, drama circles, and a brass band. The leaders of these circles were specialists from music, singing and dancing, teachers of specialized departments of the Gorlovka Pedagogical Institute. In the same 60s, a lot of athletes were trained from among the students in the sports cultivated at the institute: football, volleyball, basketball, gymnastics, athletics, handball, shooting, tourism, table tennis. Students and teachers could enjoy holidays and vacations in a picturesque corner of the Donetsk region on the banks of the Seversky Donets River, where in July 1963 a sports and recreation camp was organized, in which 50 students rested for the first time. At the beginning of its existence, Altair functioned as a tent city, but gradually it was comfortably equipped with various buildings.

At the end of the 70s, the transition of the Gorlovka Pedagogical Institute to the training of teachers in two specialties was introduced: "teacher of English and German" and "teacher of French and German" with a term of study at both faculties - 5 years. The first graduation of bilingual specialists at the faculties of English and French took place in 1979

The development of the Gorlovsky State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​took place under the guidance of conscientious and talented individuals: Ph.D. in Philology Karp Kirillovich Shvachka (Rector of the State Institute of Foreign Languages ​​1953-1975), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Ivanenko Galina Sergeevna (Rector of the State Institute of Foreign Languages ​​1975-1982), Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Klitsakov Ivan Alekseevich (Rector of the State Institute of International Studies 1982-2001). During the 80-90s, the number of students increased at the institute, new specialties and faculties were opened, the number of teachers and employees, including highly qualified specialists, increased. Full-time doctors of sciences appeared, international relations became stronger.

Since 1992 Between the GIIA and the Southern University (USA), an agreement was developed on cooperation in the field of the educational process and the establishment of direct cultural, scientific contacts with university teachers.

Relations with Germany are developing, primarily with the representative office of the Goethe Institute in Kyiv. The Faculty of German Language receives reference, scientific and educational literature from Germany.

2007-2008 The mutual exchange of delegations of students and teachers with the Krakow Academy named after. Andrzej Fritsch Modzhevsky on the basis of signed agreements on cooperation and exchange of students and teachers.

In 2001, at a meeting of the labor collective, Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences Dokashenko Viktor Nikolaevich was elected rector of the institute.

Since 2012, the institute has been a part of the Donbass State Pedagogical University as a separate structural subdivision of the Gorlovka Institute of Foreign Languages.

Since November 2014, due to the anti-terrorist operation in the east of Ukraine, the institute was evacuated to the city of Bakhmut, Donetsk region.

Institute today[ | ]

The institute is located in the city of Gorlovka, Donetsk region. The entire material and technical base, namely 6 buildings and 4 dormitories, remained in Gorlovka, the institute is actively developing and moving forward.

Faculties [ | ]

Faculty of Social and Language Communication[ | ]

The structure of the Faculty of Social and Language Communication today includes the following departments:

Domestic and foreign history

Ukrainian philology

English Philology and Translation

Linguistics and the Russian language

Psychology and Pedagogy

Faculty of Romano-Germanic Languages[ | ]

The Faculty of Romano-Germanic Languages ​​consists of the following departments:

Department of German Philology;

Department of French and Spanish;

Department of Foreign Literature.

Educational center "Donbass - Ukraine"[ | ]

On July 1, 2016, the Educational Center "Donbass - Ukraine" was created on the basis of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the State Higher Educational Institution "DDPU". The Educational Center "Donbass-Ukraine" organizes activities to implement the Procedure for admission to higher education of persons whose place of residence is the territory of the anti-terrorist operation. The center was created jointly with general educational institutions of communal ownership to conduct annual assessment and state final certification, order and issue a state document on basic or secondary education.

Honorary Doctors and Alumni[ | ]

  • Davidova Victoria Kirillovna

1989 release. Press and Information Adviser of the Ukrainian Delegation of the EU (Brussels).

  • Shitikova Svetlana Petrovna

1995 release. Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Development, Member of the Board of Directors of the Global Development Learning Network, Director of the National TEMPUS Office in Ukraine.

1999 release. Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Abkhazia.

Links [ | ]

  • (unavailable link)

Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages

On September 15, 1949, on the basis of the teaching staff of the Belotserkovsky Pedagogical School in the city of Gorlovka, the Gorlovsky State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after N.K. Currently, over 3,000 students study at seven faculties. Training is carried out by over 300 highly qualified teachers at 28 departments. The scientific and methodological base of the institute - 5 buildings with assembly and sports halls, 4 hostels, a library of educational, scientific and fiction literature, an information and publishing center, computer and video classes, phono laboratories and a sports and recreation camp "Altair" in the village of Shchurovo, Krasnolymansky district, Donetsk region . Many graduates and former teachers with philological education work in various national and international institutions, research institutes, government services, industry, and trade. In the course of global optimization in the educational industry of the country, in the fall of 2012, the State State Pedagogical Institute was merged with the Slavic Pedagogical University into one university: Donbass State Pedagogical University with a center in Slavyansk.

Campuses and buildings

The educational institution has 6 buildings: English students study in educational buildings 1 - 2. In addition to classrooms, the building has computer classes, phono laboratories, and methodological rooms. Also in the buildings are located: a sports complex, a library, a publishing center and an assembly hall. Building 3 has a computer class and 19 classrooms, where students of the Faculty of Humanities study. Students of the Faculty of French and German Languages, the Faculty of Translation study in building 4, which has 38 classrooms, a computer class and an assembly hall. The 5th building accepts students of the Faculty of Slavic and Germanic Languages, a center for distance learning and postgraduate education in 32 classrooms, they study Ukrainian, Russian, and foreign languages. In the future, the institute plans to put into operation 2 more educational buildings and a new library. For students from other cities and countries, the university has 4 hostels. Number of places to stay: 1 hostel - 90 2 hostel - 95 3 hostel - 400 4 hostel - 535. The university also has a recreation area - a sports and recreation camp "Altair", which is located in the picturesque village of Shchurovo, Krasnolymansky district, Donetsk region.

Toponymy of buildings

No. 1 and No. 2 are called the Central Committee (Central Committee, from - the central building). No. 3 is called Sorbona. The former building No. 4 was called the Bastille (now the French faculty has moved to building No. 5). No. 5 - bears the name of Solovki. No. 6 is sometimes called Kamchatka, sometimes Sakhalin. Next to the Central Committee, the former Palace of Pioneers was transferred to the property of the institute, where they plan to transfer the German faculty. Being in the stage of sluggish repair, the building has already received the name Reichstag. Refurbishment costs are overpriced...

General information: Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​offers all the necessary conditions for learning and leisure. At the service of students: educational buildings with assembly and sports halls, dormitories, a library, a sports and recreation camp "Altair" in the Donetsk region, computer classes with Internet access, phono laboratories and video classes.

Free education:

Paid training:

Military department:

Availability of hostels:

Postgraduate education:

Postgraduate, doctoral studies:

Forms of study:

  • daytime
  • correspondence
  • remote

Types of educational qualification levels:

  • bachelor
  • specialist

List of faculties:Faculty of English:

  • Department of English Philology
  • Department of Practice and Phonetics of the English Language
  • department of foreign literature
  • Department of Romano-Germanic Languages
  • Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Excellence
  • Department of Grammar and English Practice
Faculty of French:
  • Department of French Philology
  • Department of French Practice
  • Department of Philosophy and Political Science
  • department of foreign literature
Faculty of German:
  • Department of German
  • Department of Germanic Languages
  • Department of Physical Education and Health
Faculty of Humanities:
  • Department of Practice of Foreign Languages
  • Department of Philology of Foreign Languages
  • Department of Psychology
  • Department of National and Foreign History
Faculty of Slavic and Germanic Languages:
  • Department of Broadcasting Practice and Information Technology
  • department of Ukrainian language
  • Department of Theory of Literature and History of Ukrainian Literature
  • Department of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages
  • Department of Linguistics and Russian Language
Translation faculty:
  • Department of Grammar and Speech Practice
  • Department of Theory and Practice of Translation
  • department of the second foreign language
Faculty of Correspondence and Distance Learning Faculty of pre-university training and postgraduate education

Information for applicants:

Training courses: during the academic year, the faculty runs preparatory courses in a foreign language (English, French, German) and the Ukrainian language. Course duration - 7, 3 months and 2 weeks.

List of documents for admission to the university: an application for admission, which indicates the direction of training and the chosen specialty, form of education; a state standard document on complete general secondary education, a copy and an original; medical certificate 086-0 (original or certified copy) and vaccination certificate; certificates of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment (originals or certified copies thereof); 6 photos 3x4 cm; copy of the passport; a copy of the identification code; a copy of the work book (for persons with work experience).
For admission, UTSOKO certificates are required in the following subjects: Ukrainian language and literature; foreign language.

Note: for more accurate, detailed and complete information, please contact the university reception or visit the website of the university of interest to you.

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