Literature project Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy. Presentation on the topic "Aleksey Konstantinovich Tolstoy". indulging in risky jokes

Alexei spent his early childhood in Ukraine, on his uncle's estate. From the age of 10, the boy was taken abroad. Traveling in Italy (1831) he described in his diary. Tolstoy belonged to the children's environment of the heir to the throne, the future Alexander II. childhood friends - Count Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy and Sovereign Emperor Alexander II Nikolaevich Romanov

Anna Alekseevna controlled Alexei’s life very strictly, tried to make sure that he was always with her (Alexei Konstantinovich took her to theaters and concerts, they visited her friends together), and if he went somewhere without her, she did not go to bed until he will not return.

1841 - publication of the fantastic story "Ghoul" under the pseudonym Krasnorogsky. The story deserved a benevolent review of Belinsky.

His personal life does not add up for a long time either. Tolstoy's first serious feeling was for Elena Meshcherskaya. However, when Alexei asks his mother for permission to propose to the girl he likes, Anna Alekseevna does not give her blessing. Alexey remains a bachelor.

Life was unkind to her, and she herself, who did not take into account the prejudices of her environment, was too bold for that ceremonial era. The love affair between young Sophie Bakhmeteva and Prince Vyazemsky ended tragically, who seduced her, but married another. The brother of the abandoned girl, Pyotr Bakhmetev, challenged the offender to a duel and was killed. All her life, Sofya Andreevna considered herself guilty of the misfortunes and dishonor of her family.

Tolstoy and Sophia first met at a masquerade ball at the St. Petersburg Bolshoi Theatre. He accompanied the heir to the throne, the future Tsar Alexander II, there. She appeared at the masquerade because, after a break with her husband, she was looking for an opportunity to forget and dissipate.

The mask covered her face. But gray eyes looked intently and sadly. Fine, ashy hair crowned the head. She was stubborn and graceful. Her voice was mesmerizing. They didn't speak for long. She, of course, recognized him. In vain he asked her to reveal her face, to remove her mask...

In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance, In the anxiety of worldly fuss, I saw You, but Your secrets covered my features. Only the eyes looked sadly, And the voice sounded so wondrous, Like the ringing of a distant flute, Like the wave of the sea playing. I liked your thin figure And all your thoughtful appearance; And your laughter, both sad and sonorous, has been sounding in my heart ever since. In the hours of lonely nights I love. tired, lie down I see sad eyes, I hear cheerful speech; And I fall asleep so sadly, And in unknown dreams I sleep... Whether I love you I don't know, But it seems to me that I do!

“What Russian heart does not tremble, does not wake up, listening to P. I. Tchaikovsky’s romance “Among a noisy ball,” Vl. Stasov.

Their marriage was officially registered only in 1863, as it was prevented, on the one hand, by Sofya Andreevna's husband, who did not give her a divorce, and on the other, by Tolstoy's mother, who treated her unkindly. After retiring from service in 1861, Tolstoy only occasionally ran into the capital. He lived in the Pustynka estate on the banks of the Tosna River near St. Petersburg.

The last years of his mother's life, Alexei Konstantinovich was torn between her and Sofia. When Anna Alexandrovna died in 1857, Alexei was inconsolable. But her death finally allowed the lovers to unite - they began to live together. However, her husband gave Sophia a divorce only a few years later - they got married in 1863. The lovers did not have their own children

CREATIVITY Tolstoy began to compose poetry very early. Tolstoy always valued the mastery of verse, although critics sometimes reproached him either for “bad” (inaccurate) rhyme, or for an unsuccessful, too prosaic, in their opinion, turn of speech. Meanwhile, it is precisely thanks to these "shortcomings" that the impression of improvisation is created, Tolstoy's poetry acquires a special liveliness and sincerity.

Tolstoy was in no hurry to publish his poems. The first large collection of his poems appeared only in 1854 on the pages of Nekrasov's Sovremennik, and the only lifetime collection was published in 1867. It includes many now widely known poems My bells, Flowers of the steppe! Why are you looking at me, Dark Blues? And what are you ringing about On a merry May day, Shaking your head among the uncut grass?

Creator of ballads, satirical poems, the historical novel The Silver Prince (published in 1863), the dramatic trilogy The Death of Ivan the Terrible (1866), Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich (1868) and Tsar Boris (1870). The author of heartfelt lyrics, with a pronounced musical beginning, psychological short stories in verse (“In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance ...”, “That was in early spring”).

Love for Tolstoy is not a quiet serene feeling. She brings lovers not only joy, but also bitter experiences, forcing them to yearn in separation, to suffer from vain jealousy. To be afraid of people's condemnation, love, despite all the bitterness and torment that accompanies it, is the main source of creative inspiration and the only salvation from the "vulgar life" with its "worldly whirlwind"

The poet's appeal to the epic, to the genre of the ballad, beloved by romantics, is also largely due to his attention to Russian folk poetry, to its ancient roots. In the epic "Ilya Muromets" (1871), Tolstoy resurrects the image of the famous hero, "grandfather Ilya", who longs for freedom and independence even in old age and therefore leaves the princely court of Vladimir the Red Sun

September 28 (October 10), 1875 Tolstoy died at the age of 58 in Krasny Rog from an overdose of morphine, which he used to alleviate suffering from asthma, angina pectoris and neuralgia with severe headaches. He was buried there, together with Sofya Andreevna, who survived him for a short time, in a crypt near the Assumption Church.


Tolstoy Alexei Konstantinovich, writer, poet, playwright, born in Tolstoy Alexei Konstantinovich, writer, poet, playwright, born on September 5 September On the maternal side, he came from the Razumovsky family (great-grandfather, the last Little Russian hetman Kirill Razumovsky; grandfather, Minister of Public Education under Alexander I A. K. Razumovsky). On the maternal side, he came from the Razumovsky family (great-grandfather, the last Little Russian hetman Kirill Razumovsky; grandfather, Minister of Public Education under Alexander I, A.K. Razumovsky). Father Count K. P. Tolstoy, with whom the mother divorced immediately after the birth of her son. He was brought up under the guidance of his mother and her brother writer Father Count KP Tolstoy, with whom his mother divorced immediately after the birth of his son. He was brought up under the guidance of his mother and her brother, the writer A. Perovsky (A. Pogorelsky), who encouraged Tolstoy's early poetic experiments. A. Perovsky (A. Pogorelsky), who encouraged Tolstoy's early poetic experiments.

At the age of eight, A.K. Tolstoy, with his mother and Perovsky, moved to St. Petersburg. Through Perovsky's friend Zhukovsky, the boy was also introduced to the then eight-year-old heir to the throne, later Emperor Alexander II, and was among the children who came to the Tsarevich on Sundays for games. Relationships that began in this way in childhood continued throughout life. For eight years, A.K. Tolstoy, with his mother and Perovsky, moved to St. Petersburg. Through Perovsky's friend Zhukovsky, the boy was also introduced to the then eight-year-old heir to the throne, later Emperor Alexander II, and was among the children who came to the Tsarevich on Sundays for games. Relationships that began as early as childhood continued throughout life.

In 1826, A.K. Tolstoy, with his mother and uncle, the writer Anthony Pogorelsky, went to Germany. The visit to Goethe in Weimar and the fact that he sat on the lap of the great old man were especially vividly imprinted in his memory. Italy made an extraordinary impression on him, with its works of art. In 1826, A.K. Tolstoy, with his mother and uncle, the writer Anthony Pogorelsky, went to Germany. The visit to Goethe in Weimar and the fact that he sat on the lap of the great old man were especially vividly imprinted in his memory. Italy made an extraordinary impression on him, with its works of art.

Tolstoy received an excellent education at home. Tolstoy received an excellent education at home. In 1834 he was enrolled in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His duties included the analysis and description of ancient documents. In 1834 he was enrolled in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His duties included the analysis and description of ancient documents. As a "student of the archive", in 1836 he passed an exam at Moscow University "in the sciences that made up the course of the former verbal faculty, he was enrolled in the Moscow Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As a" student of the archive ", in 1836 he passed the exam sciences, which constituted the course of the former verbal faculty, was enrolled in the Moscow Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 1837 was seconded to the Russian mission to the German Diet in Frankfurt am Main. In 1840 returned to Russia and was appointed to the II department of His Imperial Majesty's own chancellery, had the court rank of chamber junker in the office of legislation. In 1840. returned to Russia and was appointed to the II department of His Imperial Majesty's own Chancellery, had the court rank of chamber junker in the Chancellery under legislation. In the same year, his uncle Perovsky died, leaving him all his large fortune. Later, A.K. Tolstoy rose to the rank of adjutant wing. He often traveled abroad, led a secular life. In the same year, his uncle Perovsky died, leaving him all his large fortune. Later, A.K. Tolstoy rose to the rank of adjutant wing. He often traveled abroad, led a secular life.

In the late 30s and early 40s, Tolstoy wrote fantastic novels in French in the style of the Gothic novel and romantic prose, The Ghoul Family and The Meeting After Three Hundred Years. In the late 30s and early 40s, Tolstoy wrote fantastic stories in French novels in the style of the Gothic novel and romantic prose "Ghoul Family" and "Meeting in Three Hundred Years". In 1841 under the pseudonym Krasnorogsky, the story "Ghoul" was published. At the same time, Tolstoy began working on the historical novel The Silver Prince (completed in 1861), at the same time he created a number of ballads and lyrical poems; many of them gained wide popularity (“My Bells”, “You know the land where everything breathes in abundance”, “Where the vines bend over the pool”, “Kurgan”, “Vasily Shibanov”, “Prince Mikhailo Repnin”, etc.). In 1841 under the pseudonym Krasnorogsky, the story "Ghoul" was published. At the same time, Tolstoy began working on the historical novel The Silver Prince (completed in 1861), at the same time he created a number of ballads and lyrical poems; many of them gained wide popularity (“My Bells”, “You know the land where everything breathes in abundance”, “Where the vines bend over the pool”, “Kurgan”, “Vasily Shibanov”, “Prince Mikhailo Repnin”, etc.).

In the winter of the year, Tolstoy fell in love with the wife of the Horse Guards Colonel Sofya Andreevna Miller (nee Bakhmeteva). Their marriage was officially formalized only in 1863, as he was prevented, on the one hand, by Sofya Andreevna's husband, who did not give her a divorce, and on the other hand by Tolstoy's mother, who treated her unkindly. (née Bakhmeteva). Their marriage was officially registered only in 1863, as it was prevented, on the one hand, by Sofya Andreevna's husband, who did not give her a divorce, and on the other, by Tolstoy's mother, who treated her unkindly.

The poem "In the midst of a noisy ball ..." is dedicated to the history of their acquaintance ... They first met at a masquerade ball at the St. Petersburg Bolshoi Theater. He accompanied the heir to the throne, the future Tsar Alexander II, there. She appeared at the masquerade because, after the break with her husband, the Horse Guardsman Miller, she was looking for an opportunity to forget, to dissipate. In the secular crowd, he immediately drew attention to her. The poem "Among the noisy ball ..." is dedicated to the history of their acquaintance ... They first met at a masquerade ball at the St. Petersburg Bolshoi Theater. He accompanied the heir to the throne, the future Tsar Alexander II, there. She appeared at the masquerade because, after the break with her husband, the Horse Guardsman Miller, she was looking for an opportunity to forget, to dissipate. In the secular crowd, he immediately drew attention to her. She was slender and graceful, with a very thin waist. They did not speak for long: the fuss of the colorful masquerade ball separated them. But she managed to impress him with the accuracy and wit of her fleeting judgments. She was slender and graceful, with a very thin waist. They did not speak for long: the fuss of the colorful masquerade ball separated them. But she managed to impress him with the accuracy and wit of her fleeting judgments.

In 1854, the Russian educated society learned a new name - Kozma Prutkov. A.K. Tolstoy, together with his cousins ​​Alexei and Vladimir Zhemchuzhnikov, came up with the image of Kozma Prutkov, on whose behalf they performed literary parodies and satires. In 1854, the Russian educated society learned a new name - Kozma Prutkov. A.K. Tolstoy, together with his cousins ​​Alexei and Vladimir Zhemchuzhnikov, came up with the image of Kozma Prutkov, on whose behalf they performed literary parodies and satires. From 1854 Tolstoy's lyrical poems and Prutkov's satires began to appear in Sovremennik. These years were the most fruitful in the writer's work. Since 1854, Tolstoy's lyrical poems and Prutkov's satires began to appear in Sovremennik. These years were the most fruitful in the writer's work.

In 1855, during the Crimean War, Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy wanted to organize a special voluntary militia, but this failed, and he joined the ranks of the hunters of the so-called "rifle regiment of the Imperial family." In 1855, during the Crimean War, Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy wanted to organize a special voluntary militia, but this failed, and he joined the ranks of the hunters of the so-called "rifle regiment of the Imperial family." He did not have to take part in hostilities, but he almost died of severe typhus, which claimed a significant part of the regiment near Odessa. He did not have to take part in hostilities, but he almost died of severe typhus, which claimed a significant part of the regiment near Odessa. During his illness, he was attended by the wife of Colonel S. A. Miller, whom he later married. During his illness, he was looked after by the wife of Colonel S. A. Miller, whom he later married.

Alexander II on the day of his coronation appointed him adjutant wing. But Tolstoy was weary of the service, openly expressed his unwillingness to continue to do what he did not like: "Service, whatever it may be, is deeply contrary to my nature." Alexander II appointed him adjutant wing on the day of his coronation. But Tolstoy was weary of the service, openly expressed his unwillingness to continue to do what he did not like: "Service, whatever it may be, is deeply repugnant to my nature."

Having retired in 1861, he lived in a village near St. Petersburg or in the Chernigov province, occasionally visiting the capitals. published his first collection of poems. In 1867 published his first collection of poems. In the 60s he wrote the novel Prince Serebryany, a dramatic trilogy: The Death of Ivan the Terrible (1866), Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich (1868) and Tsar Boris (1870), his highest artistic achievement; a number of ballads and satires. In the 60s he wrote the novel Prince Serebryany, a dramatic trilogy: The Death of Ivan the Terrible (1866), Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich (1868) and Tsar Boris (1870), his highest artistic achievement; a number of ballads and satires.

Since the mid 60s. his once heroic health - he unbent the horseshoes and rolled the tines of the forks with his fingers - was shaken. He lived, therefore, for the most part abroad, in the summer in various resorts, in the winter in Italy and southern France, but he also lived for a long time in his Russian estates - Pustynka (near St. Petersburg) and Krasny Rog.

The last work of A.K. Tolstoy was a drama from the ancient Novgorod story "Posadnik". Work on it began immediately after the end of the trilogy, but he did not have time to complete it. The last work of A.K. Tolstoy was a drama from the ancient Novgorod story "Posadnik". Work on it began immediately after the end of the trilogy, but he did not have time to complete it. Alexei Tolstoy died on September 28 (October 10), 1875 in his estate Krasny Rog, Chernihiv province. Alexei Tolstoy died on September 28 (October 10), 1875 in his estate Krasny Rog, Chernihiv province.

Genre diversity of A.K. Tolstoy The main thing in Tolstoy's lyrics was beauty and love, which are present in everyday life. The poems are permeated with longing for the beautiful, sadness for the unique value of earthly, real human love - "A tear trembles in your jealous gaze ..." (1858), "In the land of rays, invisible to our eyes" (1856), "In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance ..." (1851) and others. Tolstoy considered beauty and love, which are present in everyday life, to be the main thing in the lyrics. The poems are permeated with longing for the beautiful, sadness for the unique value of earthly, real human love - "A tear trembles in your jealous gaze ..." (1858), "In the land of rays, invisible to our eyes" (1856), "In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance ..." (1851) and others.

The historical theme also worries Tolstoy. In his works, he pays much attention to the era of ancient Kyiv and Novgorod and the era of Ivan the Terrible. These are the novel "Prince Silver", the tragedy "The Death of Ivan the Terrible" (1866), "Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich" (1868), "Tsar Boris" (1870). Creating his ideals, Tolstoy does not care about historical authenticity, resorting to free conjecture, so the result was not so much a picture of history as colorful poetic legends. Simultaneously with real-life persons, heroes of legends appear in epics and ballads - Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Sadko and others. The historical theme also excites Tolstoy. In his works, he pays much attention to the era of ancient Kyiv and Novgorod and the era of Ivan the Terrible. These are the novel "Prince Silver", the tragedy "The Death of Ivan the Terrible" (1866), "Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich" (1868), "Tsar Boris" (1870). Creating his ideals, Tolstoy does not care about historical authenticity, resorting to free conjecture, so the result was not so much a picture of history as colorful poetic legends. Simultaneously with real-life persons, heroes of legends appear in epics and ballads - Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Sadko and others. All characters are created according to the same principle, the boundaries between history and folklore are intentionally erased. All characters are created according to the same principle, the boundaries between history and folklore are intentionally erased.

The style of A. K. Tolstoy is distinguished by lightness and clarity, plasticity. Very often he used folk song rhythm, a combination of verse and prose. Due to the melody of Tolstoy's lyrical poems, more than half of them have been set to music (romances by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, M. P. Mussorgsky, P. I. Tchaikovsky, S. V. Rachmaninov, etc.). The style of A. K. Tolstoy is different lightness and clarity, plasticity. Very often he used folk song rhythm, a combination of verse and prose. Due to the melody of Tolstoy's lyrical poems, more than half of them have been set to music (romances by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, M. P. Mussorgsky, P. I. Tchaikovsky, S. V. Rachmaninov, and others).

Tolstoy Alexey Konstantinovich
(born August 24 (September 5), 1817
St. Petersburg - died September 28 (10
October) 1875 Red Horn (now Pochepsky
district of the Bryansk region) - count, Russian poet,
playwright, prose writer, corresponding member
Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Father - Count Konstantin
Petrovich Tolstoy, brother
artist Fyodor Tolstoy
(Leo Tolstoy along this line
accounted for Alexei
second cousin).
Mother - Anna Alekseevna
Perovskaya - came from
kind of Razumovsky
(last Ukrainian
Hetman Kirill Razumovsky
brought to her relatives

After the birth of the wife's son
dispersed, his mother took Alexei to
Little Russia, to his brother A.A.
Perovsky, known in
literature under the name of Anthony
Pogorelsky. He took up
education of the future poet,
encourage him
artistic inclinations, and
composed especially for him
famous fairy tale "The black hen,
or Underground inhabitants" (1829).
Anthony Pogorelsky

By 1826 mother and uncle
transported the boy to St. Petersburg, where he was elected to
number of playmates
heir to the throne, future
Emperor Alexander II
(subsequently between them
keep the warmest
From 1826 Perovsky regularly
took my nephew abroad for
acquaintance with local
once introduced him to himself
I.V. Goethe. Perovsky before his
death in 1836 remained the main
literary advisor
experiments of young Tolstoy, gave
them to the court V.A. Zhukovsky and A.S.
Pushkin, with whom he was in
friendly relations, and
evidence that these experiences
deserve their approval.

In 1834 Alexei Tolstoy was
enrolled as a "student" in
Moscow Archive of the Ministry
foreign affairs.
In 1835 he passed the exam for
rank at Moscow University.
In 1837-1840 he was registered with
Russian diplomatic mission in
Frankfurt am Main, but very
procured soon after the appointment
holidays and time spent partly in
Russia, partly in new
overseas travel.
Returning to Saint Petersburg,
1840 was listed at the II branch
imperial office.
In 1843 he received a court
rank of chamber junker.
In 1851 - master of ceremonies
(5th grade).
From the 1840s Alexei Tolstoy
led the life of a brilliant socialite

Winter 1850-51
Tolstoy fell in love with his wife
Horse Guards
Colonel Sofia Andreevna
Miller (née Bakhmeteva).
Their marriage was official
issued only in 1863,
because he was hindered
on the one hand, Sophia's husband
Andreevna, who did not give her
divorce, and on the other - the mother
Tolstoy, unfriendly
relating to her.
Almost all love
lyrics by Alexei Tolstoy
addressed to her.
The poem "Among the noisy
bala, …” is dedicated to their first

In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance,
In the turmoil of the world,
I saw you, but the mystery
Your features are covered.
Only sad eyes looked
And the voice sounded so wonderful,
Like the sound of a distant flute,
Like the waves of the sea.
I liked your slim figure
And all your thoughtful look
And your laughter, both sad and sonorous,
Since then it has been in my heart.
In the hours of lonely nights
I love, tired, lie down -
I see sad eyes
I hear a cheerful speech;
And sadly I fall asleep so
And in the dreams of the unknown I sleep ...
Do I love you - I don't know
But I think I love it!

During the years of the Crimean
War Tolstoy
volunteered for
army, but, having become ill with typhus,
participation in combat
took no action.
In 1856, on the day
coronation of Alexander II,
was appointed wing adjutant; soon because of
unwillingness to stay
military service, was
appointed by the Jägermeister
(chief of rangers
royal hunt). However
court career and
was not to his liking.

people's resistance
concerned about his future and
sincerely wish him well,
he in 1859 achieved indefinite
vacation, and in 1861 - full

Coming out in 1861. in
retired, he lived in the countryside
near Petersburg or in
Chernihiv province,
occasionally visiting the capitals.
In 1867 came out first
collection of his poems.
In the 60s he wrote a novel
"Prince Silver"
drama trilogy:
"Death of Ivan the Terrible"
(1866), “Tsar Fedor
Ioannovich” (1868) and “Tsar
Boris” (1870), his highest
artistic achievement;
a number of ballads and satires.

highest achievement
Tolstoy appeared in prose
a novel from the era of the oprichnina
Ivan the Terrible "Prince
Silver "(1862). Work
started over him
presumably already in
1840s. This is historical

Kozma Prutkov

Literary mask, under
which in magazines
Sovremennik, Iskra and
others performed in the 50s and 60s
years of the 19th century poets Alexei
brothers Alexey, Vladimir and
Zhemchuzhnikovs. They created
fictional satirical
image of a self-satisfied poet. Under this name
printed poems, fables,
aphorisms, comedies and
literary parodies,
ridiculing the imaginary
grandeur, conservatism

Genre diversity of A.K. Tolstoy
A.K. Tolstoy considered the main thing in the lyrics
beauty and love that are present
in everyday life. Poems are laced
longing for beauty, sadness for
the unique value of earthly, real
human love - "A tear trembles in
your jealous gaze..." (1858), "In the country
rays, invisible to our eyes "(1856),
"In the midst of a noisy ball, ..." (1851) and others.

The historical theme also worries A.K. Tolstoy. In their
works, he pays much attention to the era of ancient Kyiv and
Novgorod and the era of Ivan the Terrible. This is the novel "Prince
Silver", the tragedy "Death of Ivan the Terrible" (1866), "Tsar
Fedor Ioannovich" (1868), "Tsar Boris" (1870).
Creating his ideals, Tolstoy does not care about
historical accuracy, resorting to free conjecture,
therefore, it turned out not so much a picture of history as
colorful poetic legends. Simultaneously with real
existing persons in epics and ballads are heroes
legends - Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Sadko and others.

Style of A. K. Tolstoy
is lightweight and
clarity. Very often he
used folk
song rhythm, combination
verse and prose. Thanks to
melodic lyrical
more poems by Tolstoy
half of them are put on
music (romances by N. A.
Rimsky-Korsakov, M. P.
Mussorgsky, P.I.
Tchaikovsky, S.V.
Rachmaninoff and others).

The latest work
Tolstoy became a drama from
ancient novgorod history
"Posadnik". Working on it
started immediately after
trilogy, but he completed it
did not have time.
September 28, 1875 at the estate
Red Horn of Chernihiv
province, during the next
severe headache attack
pain, Alexey Konstantinovich
Tolstoy made a mistake and introduced himself
too big
dose of morphine (which was treated
doctor's prescription)
led to the writer's death.

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Tolstoy Alexei Konstantinovich (born August 24 (September 5), 1817 St. Petersburg - died September 28 (October 10), 1875 c. Krasny Rog (now the Pochepsky district of the Bryansk region)) - count, Russian poet, playwright, prose writer, member -correspondent of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

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Father - Count Konstantin Petrovich Tolstoy, brother of the artist Fyodor Tolstoy (Leo Tolstoy was Alexei Konstantinovich's second cousin along this line). Mother - Anna Alekseevna Perovskaya - came from the Razumovsky family (the last Ukrainian hetman Kirill Razumovsky was brought to her by her grandfather). Red Horn Estate

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After the birth of their son, the couple separated, his mother took him to Little Russia, to her brother A.A. Perovsky, known in literature under the name of Anthony Pogorelsky. He took up the education of the future poet, encouraging his artistic inclinations in every possible way, and especially for him composed the famous fairy tale “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants” (1829). Anthony Pogorelsky

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By 1826, the mother and uncle moved the boy to St. Petersburg, where he was elected among the comrades for the games of the heir to the throne, the future Emperor Alexander II (subsequently, the warmest relations were maintained between them). Since 1826, Perovsky regularly took his nephew abroad to get acquainted with the sights there, once he introduced him to I.V. Goethe. Perovsky, until his death in 1836, remained the main adviser in the literary experiments of the young Tolstoy, he gave them to V.A. Zhukovsky and A.S. Pushkin, with whom he was on friendly terms, and there is evidence that these experiments deserved their approval.

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In 1834, Alexei Tolstoy was enrolled as a "student" in the Moscow archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in 1835 he passed the exam for a rank at Moscow University. In 1837-1840 he was registered with the Russian diplomatic mission in Frankfurt am Main, but very soon after his appointment he secured a vacation and spent time partly in Russia, partly in new travels abroad. Returning to St. Petersburg, from 1840 he was listed at the II Department of the Imperial Chancellery. In 1843 he received the court rank of chamber junker, in 1851 - master of ceremonies (5th class). In the 1840s, Alexei Tolstoy led the life of a brilliant socialite.

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In the 1840s, Alexei Tolstoy led the life of a brilliant man of the world, indulging in risky jokes and pranks, which he got away with thanks to the patronage of the Tsarevich. In the winter of 1850-1851, at a ball, he met Sofya Andreevna Miller, the wife of a horse guards colonel. She was an extraordinary woman, and her fate was also unusual. Contemporaries were struck by her education. She knew many foreign languages: according to some sources, fourteen, according to others, sixteen. She read voraciously, absorbed the novelties of European literature and closely followed domestic literature.

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A stormy romance began, which was marked by her imminent departure from her husband. The husband did not give a divorce for a long time, so Tolstoy's marriage to Sophia Andreevna was concluded only in 1863. Almost all of his love lyrics are addressed to her (including the poem dedicated to their first meeting "In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance ...").

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During the years of the Crimean War, Tolstoy volunteered to join the army, but, having contracted typhus, did not take part in the hostilities. In 1856, on the day of the coronation of Alexander II, he was appointed adjutant wing; soon, due to his unwillingness to remain in military service, he was appointed Jägermeister (head of the rangers of the royal hunt). However, the career of a courtier and politician was not to his liking.

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Overcoming the resistance of people who care about his future and sincerely wish him well (including the emperor himself), in 1859 he achieved indefinite leave, and in 1861 - complete resignation, this worldly conflict found expression in the poem "John of Damascus" (1859 ). After his resignation, Alexei Tolstoy lived mainly in the estates of Pustynka on the banks of the Tosna River near St. Petersburg and Krasny Rog in the Chernigov province., Dealing almost exclusively with literature.

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He first appeared in print in 1841 with the fantastic story The Ghoul (signed by Krasnogorsky). Romantic fiction is also imbued with two plot-related stories written in French in the late 1830s and early 1840s: "La famille du vurdalak" ("The Ghoul's Family") and "Le rendez-vous dans trois cent ans" ( "Meeting in Three Hundred Years"). Not published during Tolstoy's lifetime, these stories are considered by researchers to be the most successful among his prose writings. The story from the time of the persecution of Christians "Amen" (1846) is also fantastic, in which the pagan goddess turns into a fiend. Tolstoy the prose writer also paid tribute to the natural school: the essay "Artemy Semyonovich Bervenkovsky" (1845) is sustained in its manner.

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Tolstoy's highest achievement in prose was the novel Prince Silver (1862) from the era of Ivan the Terrible's oprichnina. Work on it began, presumably, already in the 1840s. This is a historical novel.

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In 1854 Tolstoy began to publish his lyric poems. In general, his lyrics are characterized by an inclination towards romance-type poems (it is not by chance that more than half of them are set to music), towards spring landscapes. The desire to capture a moment of spiritual uplift gives most of them an emphatically major key. Intentional simplicity, even carelessness of rhyming creates the impression of artlessness, authenticity of lyrical emotion. To a large extent relying on the folk song tradition, Tolstoy also turned to direct stylizations of folklore rhythms and images, and their sound is not at all major.

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Ballads and epics of Tolstoy, which are not direct stylizations, are associated with the traditions of oral folk art. Accordingly, the eras opposed to each other attract special attention of the poet - the times of Prince Vladimir the Red Sun ("The Song of Vladimir's campaign against Korsun", etc.) and the reign of Ivan the Terrible ("Vasily Shibanov", "Prince Mikhailo Repnin", etc.). Tolstoy's epics are saturated with topical content ("The Serpent Tugarin"), and sometimes turn into a satire on very specific phenomena of our time ("Potok-bogatyr").

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His satirical poems were a great success. Among the warring political and literary factions of the reform era, Tolstoy tried to maintain independence, which he repeatedly stated (see, for example, the poem “Two camps are not a fighter, but only a random guest ...”). He directed his satirical arrows both at the nihilists (“Message to M.N. Longinov about Darwinism”, the ballad “Sometimes a merry May ...”, etc.), and at the liberalizing administrative order (“Popov’s Dream”), and even at the most Russian history (“The History of the Russian State from Gostomysl to Timashev”).

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