Autobiography presentation. Presentation on the topic "designing a resume, autobiography." List of used literature

An example of a literary autobiography I was born in Moscow on May 31, 1892. My father came from the Cossacks. My mother was a domineering and stern woman. Our family was large and diverse, prone to art. The family sang a lot, played the piano, argued, loved the theater. I studied at the first Kyiv classical gymnasium. When I was in the sixth grade, our family broke up. From then on, I myself had to earn my living and study. In the last class of the gymnasium, I wrote my first story and published it in the Kiev literary magazine Ogni. It was, as far as I remember, in 1911. After graduating from the gymnasium, I spent two years at Kiev University, and then transferred to Moscow University. In Moscow I lived through the October Revolution and heard Lenin several times. Traveled a lot. During the Great Patriotic War, I was a war correspondent on the Southern Front and also traveled to many places. I have written quite a lot in my life. I have always been interested in the lives of wonderful people. I have large sections of prose dedicated to Chekhov, Pushkin, Gaidar, Lermontov... But still, most of all I like to write about simple and obscure people, village children - my bosom friends.

Sample business autobiography Autobiography. I, Ilyina Yulia Vladimirovna, was born on September 20, 1988 in the city of Tolyatti, Samara region. Mother, Ilyina Irina Viktorovna, works as a cook at school 30. Father, Ilyin Alexander Nikolaevich, works as a driver at VLAKO-SERVICE LLC. I entered the MS (k.) OU boarding school 5 of the city of Togliatti (Lesnaya St., 13) on September 1, 1996. I am currently in 7th grade. I'm in the volleyball section. January 16, 2004 Ilyin.

Plan for writing a business autobiography The title of the document. Full Name. Date and place of birth. Brief information about the parents. Brief information about studies (full name of all educational institutions in which they studied). Brief information about work activity (place of work and position in chronological order). Information about public work. Brief information about the composition of the family. Date of writing autobiography. Author's signature.

Exercises 2. Complete the sentences. I, (last name, first name, patronymic), was born (was born) (when? where?). Mother, (last name, first name, patronymic), works (by whom? Where?). Father, (last name, first name, patronymic) works (by whom? Where?). I entered the MS (k.) OU boarding school 5 in Togliatti (school address) (when?). I am currently in (what?) class. I am engaged in (what?) section (circle).

Exercises 3. Put punctuation marks Autobiography. I am Ilyina Yulia Vladimirovna was born on September 20, 1988 in the city of Togliatti, Samara region. Mother Ilyina Irina Viktorovna works as a cook at school 30. Father Ilyin Alexander Nikolaevich works as a driver at VLAKO-SERVICE LLC. I entered the MS (k.) OU boarding school 5 of the city of Togliatti (Lesnaya St., 13) on September 1, 1996. I am currently in 7th grade. I'm in the volleyball section. January 16, 2004 Ilyin.
Exercises 5. Find mistakes in the autobiography. Autobiography. I am Ilyina Yulia, born on September 20, 1988. Mother Ilyina Irina Viktorovna, works as a cook at school 30. Father, Ilyin Alexander Nikolaevich, works as a driver at VLAKO-SERVICE LLC. I entered the MS (k.) OU boarding school 5 on September 1, 1996. Currently studying in 7th grade. Engaged in the volleyball section. January 16, 2004 Ilyin

When I grew up, they really wanted to make a village teacher out of me, and therefore they sent me to a church teacher's school, after graduating from which I was supposed to enter the Moscow Teachers' Institute. Fortunately, this did not happen. I started writing poetry early, about nine years old, but I attribute conscious creativity to 16-17 years. Some of the poems of these years are placed in the "Radunitsa". At the age of eighteen, I was surprised, having sent my poems to magazines, that they were not being published, and I went to Petersburg. I was received very warmly there. The first one I saw was Blok, the second - Gorodetsky. When I looked at Blok, sweat dripped from me, because for the first time I saw a living poet. Gorodetsky introduced me to Klyuev, whom I had never heard a word about before. Despite all our internal strife, we struck up a great friendship with Klyuev. In the same years, I entered the Shanyavsky University, where I stayed for only 1 1/2 years, and again left for the countryside. At the University I met the poets Semenovsky, Nasedkin, Kolokolov and Filipchenko. Of the contemporary poets, I liked Blok, Bely and Klyuev the most. Bely gave me a lot in terms of form, while Blok and Klyuev taught me lyricism. In 1919, with a number of comrades, I published a manifesto of Imagism. Imagism was the formal school that we wanted to establish. But this school had no ground and died of itself, leaving the truth behind the organic image. I would gladly give up many of my religious verses and poems, but they are of great importance as the path of the poet before the revolution. From the age of eight, my grandmother dragged me to different monasteries, because of her, all sorts of wanderers and pilgrims always huddled with us. Various spiritual verses were sung. Grandfather opposite. Was not a fool to drink. From his side, eternal unmarried weddings were arranged. After, when I left the village, I had to figure out my way of life for a long time. During the years of the revolution, he was entirely on the side of October, but he accepted everything in his own way, with a peasant bias. In terms of formal development, I am now more and more drawn to Pushkin. As for the rest of the autobiographical information, they are in my poems.

MAOU "Lyceum"


"My biography"


Gnusov A. I. 7 "A" class


G. Uryupinsk


Introduction 4

Main part 5

Conclusion 7

References 8

Appendix 9

Objective: presentation of my biography to classmates, by researching the biographies of people with difficult destinies.

Problem: the relevance of the study. The question of the role of biography in the study of literature in schools has long been an object of close attention and debate among language teachers and methodologists. Even in pre-revolutionary schools, there was a tradition of studying writers' biographies, primarily as a means of educating a person and a citizen. In the presentation of the biographies of great people and recommendations for their study, the unique features of a person whose name and deeds are preserved for posterity were at the forefront. This approach to the study of writers' biographies was developed and put into practice by the methodologists of the 60-80s of the XIX century V. I. Vodovozov, V. P. Ostrogorsky, V. Ya. Stoyunin.

The principle of nurturing education on the examples of biographies is still relevant today.

Work tasks: learn to form moral and volitional qualities in oneself (persistence, independence, perseverance, patience, organization, perseverance, discipline), to be able to develop in oneself the vital qualities of a person: diligence, the desire to bring the work begun to the end.

The object of research are - my biography and biographies of famous people.

Research method - comparison method, comparison based on analysis.

I don't claim first place

but i think i have the right to

own place.

Robert Schumann


A biography is an essay that tells the story of the life and work of a person. (Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by D.N. Ushakov).

All people are different and all have different life destinies. Someone collects stamps, someone does not understand this at all, sorting through a folder with a thin cover, clippings from newspapers and magazines depicting their favorite idol. Someone reads books about elves and demons, and someone plunges into the world of heroes of Russian history, the Great Patriotic War, participants in the Paralympic Games. Each person goes his own way to realize his dream, while overcoming many difficulties.


I, Gnusov Alexander Igorevich, was born on January 6, 2003. I was given the name in honor of my great-grandfather on my mother's side, who devoted his whole life to selfless work, for which he was awarded the title of Veteran of Labor. (Figure 1)

The name "Alexander" comes from glorious Greece. It consists of two roots: "Alekas" to protect and "Andros" - a man. This is a male protector. Alexander is a strong-willed, active, purposeful person. He has good intuition and memory. Alexander is honest, noble, almost always a cheerful and sincere person. (Picture 2)

My family is small but strong. Mom works as a teacher, dad is a laborer. Family for me is my world, the main environment in which I prepare for further adult life. (Figure 3)

In 2006 I entered kindergarten. The first important thing in my life was studying. First of all, I learned to read. Reading took me to unknown distances. Already in kindergarten, I managed to read many Russian folk tales, Agnia Barto's poems, Kipling's fairy tales. For active participation in all cultural events of the kindergarten, I received diplomas, which my mother still keeps with trepidation. (Figure 4)

Since 2009 my new life has begun. I became a hypocrite. I came to study at MAOU "Lyceum" for a reason. In 1987, then 2nd school, my dad graduated. In 1996, my mother became her graduate. Two of my cousins ​​study with me at this educational institution. (Figure 5)

Despite the fact that I entered the Lyceum before the age of 7, my studies went uphill. I continued to enjoy reading. I already have the works of many classics and contemporary writers in my luggage. I read a lot of various periodicals: magazines, newspapers. I also really like to sing. In 2014, I received a diploma of a participant in the “Regional Festival of Spiritual Culture: “Easter Choral Cathedral - 2014: The Strength of the Human Spirit”. (Figure 6)

In 2013 he joined the Scientific Society of Students "ERUDIT".

As often as possible, according to my mental and physical capabilities, I try to participate in the Olympics. The list of my diplomas is not very long, but I received them honestly! And I'm proud of it. (Figure 7)

In the social life of the school, I succeeded in the fact that the asset of the class in 2015 elected me as the headman. I have a very big responsibility, many responsibilities, which I cope with by learning from my own mistakes.

There is a very unpleasant thing in my biography - my vice - Laziness, prevents me from studying for "4" and "5". I struggle with this shortcoming, the heroes of my favorite books help me in this.

In 2010, I read a book by Boris Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man", pilot Alexei Maresyev.

Maresyev's fighter plane was shot down in a dogfight. He fell in the area of ​​Staraya Russa. The brave pilot was in the forest for 18 days. He crawled desperately towards his own. How the wounded pilot survived is a mystery. Senior Lieutenant Maresyev courageously endured the amputation of frostbitten shins of both legs, learned to live on prostheses and returned to the sky.

The courage and endurance of the hero shocked me and then I began to work on cultivating a strong-willed character in myself.

In 2013, I first discovered the magazine "I'm 15". This is a very entertaining publication, which has a section on Paralympic athletes. (Figure 8, 9)

A Paralympic athlete is a disabled person, a person with disabilities participating in the Olympic Games. That's what information sources tell us, such as dictionaries, encyclopedias and Internet resources. And, probably, many people understand how inaccurate this concept is given. In my mind, a Paralympian is not just a person, he is a person with great effort and patience, as well as with great strength of will and spirit. I believe that Paralympic athletes really deserve immense respect. First, we respect their brutal work. After all, not many people, even perfectly healthy ones, reach such heights. There are people who have been engaged in some type of activity for many years, but an injury or a series of failures discourage these people from all interest. Also, most of these people consider themselves flawed, not like the rest. Yes, maybe they are right, but the fact that you are not like everyone else does not mean that you should hide in a corner, sit in four walls. We must try and continue to make progress in what we love. Paralympic athletes are an example of these efforts. And precisely because they did not get discouraged and did not despair, but came to success with their work, and there is one reason to admire the Paralympic athletes
. I was very interested in the article about the athlete Seryozha Burlakov, who lives in the city of Volgograd. He has no arms and legs, he is a hero of the Chechen war. But Sergey runs marathons, skydives, sets world records in shooting and dreams of the 2016 Olympics. Sergey's main life credo is: “Never give up. In this life, you need to shove on a ram while there is breath. (Picture 10, 11)


Thus, as part of my research work to provide my biography and get acquainted with the biographies of famous people, I found the following for myself: the main thing for a person in life should be the cultivation of willpower in himself, there is no need to become discouraged, work, think not only about yourself, but also those around you. After all, there are no hopeless situations, there are limits that a person creates for himself and cannot get out of them on his own.

I will build my future life following the examples of strong-willed people, this will be necessary for me, because I have lofty goals that can be achieved only by being a courageous, patient, highly moral person.

List of used literature:

    Boris Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man" Bustard 2003

    Magazine "I'm -15". Volgograd 2013

    Internet resources.

slide 1

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "My entire biography is in my writings."
Prepared by the teacher of the Russian language and literature, GBOU secondary school No. 402 OKSENENKO Natalia Borisovna 2010

slide 2

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Together with Tolstoy and Dostoevsky, he entered the top three Russian writers-titans, who for the first time spoke about the secret life of the human soul. Chronicler of the outgoing noble era.

slide 3

Varvara Petrovna Lutovinova
Outstanding abilities, strong will, pride, lack of love turned into a desire to rule, to control the fate of people. The mother's diary shocked her son: “What a woman! .. May God forgive her everything! But what a life!

slide 4

"A Few Words About Love"
It is from the mother of Turgenev's contradictions to a woman: worship, rejection of the family, marriage, "petty-bourgeois happiness." A strange love for Pauline Viardot. “Ah, my feelings for you are too great and powerful. I can no longer live away from you, I must feel your closeness, enjoy it; the day when your eyes did not shine for me is a lost day! Her appearance is inspired by the prose poem “Stop!”

slide 5

Officer, comes from an old noble family. He served as the prototype of the protagonist's father in the story "First Love".

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childhood impression.

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University (1833-1841)
1833 - Moscow University, transferred to St. Petersburg. 1838 - went to Berlin”, listened to lectures on history, philosophy, classical philology. He was carried away by the German philosophy of Schelling, Kant, Fichte, the dialectic of Friedrich Hegel.

Slide 8

Fascination with philosophy in the West:
Disputes about Russian “eternal” questions: “What to do?”, “Who is to blame?”, “To be or not to be?” Turgenev is a professional philosopher (candidate of philosophy), which was reflected in his work.

Slide 9

Turgenev was closely acquainted with Merimee, Flaubert, Zola, George Sand, Maupassant. He was loved and respected, his opinion was listened to, and it was with Turgenev that the recognition of Russian literature in the world began. He honestly and nobly promoted the work of Russian writers in the West. Maupassant touchingly wrote about him: “He was simple, kind, extremely straightforward, charming as no one else, unusually devoted to his friends, dead and alive.”

Slide 10

Creative activity
1844 - the poem "Parash" (Belinsky praised, said that it smells like strawberries). 1847 - the first serious story was written - "Khor and Kalinich".

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Cycle "Notes of a hunter". (1847-1852)
"Khor and Kalinich", "Burmistr", "Office", "Death", "Bezhin Meadow", "County Doctor", "Hamlet of the Shchigrovsky District", "Two Landowners". Subject: the image of the spiritual image of a serf, a protest against serfdom, a call for the liberation of the people from the landowner's yoke. For the first time in Russian literature, the theme of self-worth, the moral significance of people from the people, sounds.

slide 12

“Under this name, I collected and concentrated everything against which I decided to fight to the end, with which I swore never to reconcile ... It was my Annibal oath ...” The writer does not hide the downtroddenness and darkness inherent in the peasant masses, but at the same time shows creative and poetic start.

slide 13

Comedy plays (1846-1851)
"Lack of money", "Breakfast at the leader", "Conversation on the high road", "A month in the countryside". The stories continue the satirical principles of Gogol's dramaturgy, the socio-psychological problems of the era. The plays influenced the Russian playwrights A.N. Ostrovsky and A.P. Chekhov.

Slide 14

Tales of the mature period 1854 - 1856.
"Mumu", "Inn", "Diary of an Extra Man", "Yakov Pasynkov", "Correspondence". Themes of the historical fate of the noble and raznochinskaya intelligentsia. The plays influenced the Russian playwrights A.N. Ostrovsky, A.P. Chekhov.

slide 15

Novels by I.S. Turgenev
Each of his novels captures a specific moment in the historical existence of Russia. "Rudin" (1856) "On the Eve" (1859) "Nest of Nobles" (1860) "Fathers and Sons" (1862) "Smoke" (1867) "New" (1877).

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"Rudin" (1856)
"Rudin" - describes the appearance of a man in the 1840s, his real contribution to history. a novel about a superfluous person (The Diary of a Superfluous Man, 1850)

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Rudin longs for activity, constantly talks about it, writes plans, creates projects, dreams, captivates young hearts, but does nothing really. A novel about the incredible strength and weakness of the word.

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"Nest of Nobles" (1858)
The Nest of Nobles is the most lyrical of many love novels. The image of the "Turgenev girl" - Lisa Kalitina. The only novel unconditionally accepted by the public as a masterpiece.

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"Nest of Nobles" (1858)
the main action falls on 1842, dedicated to the fate of the Russian nobility, gradually descending from the historical stage.

Slide 20

"On the Eve" (1859)
The novel provoked a split in Sovremennik (Dobrolyubov: “There is still no Russian hero who would go against the “internal Turks”, like Insarov against the external ones.” And Turgenev had already been in exile and did not want major troubles, and out of the blue.

What else to read