The environment in winter help the birds. How to help birds in winter? presentation for a lesson on the world around (Grade 1) on the topic. Methods and techniques

Municipal State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3, Gribanovsky settlement LESSON ON THE WORLD: "HOW TO HELP BIRDS IN THE WINTER?" 1 CLASS FOOTPRINTS IN THE SNOW






Message plan:

  • 1. The name of the bird.
  • 2. The appearance of the bird.
  • 3. Special habits.
  • 4. Where it lives (spruce forests, pine thicket, forest, near housing).
  • 5. What does it eat.

small bird

Has legs,

Can't walk.

Wants to take a step

It makes a jump.

Chick-chirp! Don't be shy

I'm seasoned....

A greenish back, A yellowish tummy, A little black cap And a strip of a scarf.

Red-breasted, black-winged, Loves to peck grains, With the first snow on the mountain ash, He will appear again.

Only I am a bird


In the heat, frost and

Down the trunk


I can head down.


I'm knocking on wood, I want to get a worm, Even though I've hidden under the bark, It will still be mine!

These birds with a tuft And beautiful, moreover, They flew to the mountain ash. These birds are...


This bird has a crooked beak, And it builds nests in winter, Pecks seeds from cones, Who will name this bird?

What is the table among the birches

Open air?

He treats in the cold

Birds of grain and bread.

Bird menu

  • Delicious treats for birds - melon, pumpkin and watermelon seeds
Pieces of lard are not suitable for all birds. Titmouse love fat. Only fat should not be salty. Oats are readily eaten by tits, sparrows and tap dancers. Sunflower - especially small, not fried - is the best food for bullfinches, tits, nuthatches and sparrows. Before backfilling in the feeder, it is better to slightly crush them. NATURAL DINING

Get help, kids! In this most difficult hour, the birds are waiting for salvation from us! Feed them! Warm up! Lead the house on a bitch! Scatter the crumbs on the snow. And the poor will live. Gliding merrily across the sky, Feathered friends will fly up And sing, chirping: - Thank you, great!

  • 1. Volina V.V. We learn by playing. - M., - New School, 1994.- 448 p.
  • 2. The world around. Grade 1: lesson plans according to the textbook by O. T. Poglazova / ed. G. E. Boldyreva. Volgograd, - Teacher, 2006.-124 p.
  • 3. The world around. Methodical manual with lesson developments. Grade 1 / [A.A. Pleshakov, M.Yu. Novitskaya, N. M. Belyankova and others]. M., - Enlightenment, 2012. - 176 p.
  • Internet Sources:
  • 1. Free encyclopedia "Wikipedia" about birds).
  • 2. Search engine "Rambler" and pictures for presentation).
  • 3. Children's riddles about birds

Outline of the lesson of the world around

in 1st grade

Topic: "How to help birds in winter?"

Teacher Kalgina L.A.

MOU Talovskaya secondary school

Competition "Teacher of the Year - 2011"

Lesson the world around

in 1st grade:

How to help birds in winter?

Kalgina Lyubov Alexandrovna, primary school teacher


Educational goals:

    To expand the knowledge of children about the life of birds;

    Systematize and enrich children's knowledge of natural connections;

    To identify the cognitive interests of children;

Development goals:

    To develop attention, thinking, memory and speech of schoolchildren;

    Develop their creative abilities;

Educational goals:

    To cultivate a caring attitude towards birds and nature, a desire to help them;

    Create an atmosphere of goodwill;

    To develop in students the ability to listen to each other;


a projector with a screen, drawings of the Wise Turtle and the Question Ant, a portrait of Iz Surikov, a drawing of a feeder on a tree on whatman paper, a recording of bird voices, costumes or masks of animals for a scene (hares and squirrels).


The bell rang and fell silent,

The lesson starts.

What's the lesson now?

What are we learning in this lesson?

Today the Wise Turtle and Ant Question will be with us

2. Conversation

What season is it?

Which one of you likes winter? How?

The famous Russian poet Ivan Zakharovich Surikov wrote a poem about winter. Listen to him and say what pictures of winter did you imagine while listening to the poem?

White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling, laying down.

And in the morning with snow

The field is white

Like a veil

All dressed him up.

Dark forest with a hat

Covered up wonderful

And fell asleep under her

Strong, unshakable...

God's days are short

The sun shines a little

Here comes the frost

And winter has come.

What pictures of winter were presented?

What a beautiful winter the poet imagined!

What do you think, and for whom does winter seem not so beautiful, calm?

Today we will talk about birds in winter, about what should be done to make it easier for them to live in winter?

Can we hear the birds sing in winter? (yes, but no polyphony)

Are bird songs different in winter than in summer?

What are the names of the birds that winter with us?

What winter birds do you know? (crow, sparrow, titmouse, jackdaw, bullfinch, magpie, woodpecker)

What do winter birds eat?

This food is not enough for them, so now we can meet birds near human habitation. We have to help them, how?

3. Solving a crossword puzzle (on the board there is an image of a feeder on a tree)

Our feeder is empty, who flies to the feeder depends on you. The wise turtle invites you to solve a crossword puzzle.

a) Fidget motley,

longtail bird,

talking bird,

the most chatty. (MAGPIE)

Why is a magpie called white-sided? Thief?

Find the magpie in your cards and fill in the circle if you have seen a bird with us.

b) wears a gray vest,

But the wings are black

You see, 20 couples are circling

And shouts - Kar, Kar, Kar! (CROW)

Sign: If crows gather in a flock, fly and circle and croak - wait for snow and frost.

It turns out that crows fly south for the winter. But the winter is full of crows. The crows of the northern places fly to us, where it is even colder.

Find a crow in your cards and fill in the circle if you have seen a bird with us.

c) Although I am not a hammer -

I knock on wood:

It has every corner

I want to explore.

I walk in a red hat

And a great acrobat. (WOODPECKER)

Why is the woodpecker called the orderly of the forest?

Find a woodpecker in your cards and fill in the circle if you have seen a bird with us.

d) Black birds

Looks like a crow

On the rook too.

Make friends with people

Who are they? (DAW)

Find a checkbox in your cards and fill in the circle if you have seen a bird with us.

e) greenish back,

yellowish belly,

black hat,

And a strip of scarf (TITT)

Why is the bird called a titmouse?

Find a titmouse in your cards and fill in the circle if you have seen a bird with us.

e) I've been catching bugs all day,

I eat insects, worms.

I don't fly away for the winter

I live under the cornice (SPAROW)

Why does the sparrow have a name?

He is as cunning as a crow. That bread will find, and the sparrow will imperceptibly steal a piece. And when someone takes something other than soy, they say: “Kill the thief, beat the thief!”

Find a sparrow in your cards and fill in the circle if you have seen a bird with us.

- What is the name of the bird? (BULLFINCH)

All the birds flew to our feeder. Hear how much fun they have.

4. Physical Minute

Are you tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together.

They stomped their feet,

They clapped their hands.

Twisted, turned

And everyone sat down at the desks.

We close our eyes tightly

We count to five together.

We open, we blink

And we continue to work.

5. Conversation about the bullfinch

What do you know about this bird? Have you seen her alone with us?

Reading the text about the bullfinch

Bullfinches - beautiful birds. Males are red-breasted, while females have a more modest outfit. Bullfinches usually keep in small flocks (7-10 birds). In summer, bullfinches live in the most remote spruce thickets. There the birds make their nest and raise their chicks. And in autumn and winter they wander in search of food. In winter, the bullfinches sitting on the branches look like red lanterns that adorn the birch.

What do snowmen look like?

Where do bullfinches live?

What else do bullfinches do in summer?

What do bullfinches do in autumn and winter?

What do bullfinches sitting on branches in winter look like?

SIGN The bullfinch under the window chirps - to the heat.

And what do snowmen eat? Let's listen to the conversation of forest animals.


Hare: Hello, Squirrel!

Squirrel: Good morning, Belyak.

Hare: Why is it so noisy today?

Squirrel: Yes, these bullfinches have arranged a dining room for themselves!

Hare: What do they eat?

Belka: Don't you know?

Hare: No.

Squirrel: You see, the remains of linden seeds, rowan berries, maple fly. Even in the forest, bullfinches feed on elderberries and alder seeds.

Hare: Do they fly to the field?

Squirrel: Of course, and there is food for them: seeds of burdock and quinoa.

So what do bullfinches eat?

The work is over. Let our feeder remind us of all the birds that need our help.

The teacher reads the verse

Feed them! Warm up!

Hang a house on a bitch!

Scatter the crumbs on the snow

And then semolina ...

And the poor things will come to life!

Gliding merrily across the sky

Feathered friends fly

And they will sing, chirping!

"Thank you very much!"

6. Summary of the lesson

I am pleased with you, you pleased me with your answers, your desire to help the birds, your kind attitude towards them. Who can say this about himself?

Now I know that….

I realized that………

I will …..

Continue with any of these suggestions.

At the lesson, you were all: "Well done !!!" As a souvenir of the medal: "You're done!"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Primary school No. 95"

the world

Grade 1 "Promising Primary School"

How to help birds in winter

Chernichkina Galina Valentinovna,

primary school teacher

MBOU "NOSH No. 95"




How to help birds in winter


1. Study...

2. Gain knowledge...

3. Prepare...

4. Make ...

Let's get acquainted with the birds that do not fly away in the fall, they winter in our area. This is wintering birds.

Since autumn, they have formed a thick layer of subcutaneous fat, which helps them endure cold and hunger.

Wintering birds of our region


no hands,

And he knows how to build.

Black vest, red beret Nose - like an ax, tail - like an emphasis.


naughty boy In a gray coat Drifting around the yard Collects crumbs.


Greenish back, yellowish belly, Little black cap And a strip of scarf.


black birds Looks like a crow On the rook too. Make friends with people Who are they?


He flies all night - he gets mice. And it becomes light - it flies into a hollow to sleep.


Sitting on a naked bitch

Shouts to the whole yard:



Fidget motley,

long-tailed bird,

talking bird,

The most chatty!


It has been known to us since ancient times, That this bird is a postman.


Who is jumping , rustles ,

Gutted bumps with beak ?

Clue! cool! kleo - sings with a whistle.


Red-breasted, black-winged, Likes to peck grains With the first snow on the mountain ash He will appear again.


Here and din, and bird song, There is even a treat here: Bread crumbs and millet. Guess what is this?


“Don't forget about us, guys, in winter! Arrange for us bird dining. Help us get through the difficult winter time » .

It is difficult for birds to winter

We need to help the birds!

I asked to cut

spruce board,

Made with dad

The bird's canteen.

"Help the Birds in Winter"

Thing: The world.

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge based on life experience.

Subject: How to help birds in winter.

Objective of the project : To expand children's knowledge of birds, to evoke sympathy for the birds that are starving and freezing in winter, to teach them to take care of them.

Universal learning activities (UUD; ability to learn).

Personal UUD:

To form an interest in the study of native nature;
- understand the importance of caring for wintering birds;
- increase the level of motivation for learning activities.

Subject Results:

1) Distinguish by external signs of birds wintering in our area;
Choosing the right bird food
3) Know how to make a simple feeder;
Know the rules for feeding birds.

Metasubject results:

Cognitive UUD:

Process the information received from textbooks, life experience and new knowledge in the classroom;
- observe and draw conclusions;
- to know and recognize the names of birds on visual samples;
- work with reference literature and find the necessary information about wintering birds.

Communicative UUD:

Participate in a dialogue on the topic (teacher - student; student - student);
- give examples from real life situations;
- compose your short story about helping birds in winter.

Regulatory UUD:

Determine and formulate the purpose of their activities at each stage of the lesson;
- pronounce your actions in a logical sequence;
- learn to do self-assessment of their activities in the classroom.

Duration: 1 lesson - 40 minutes.

Class: 1 class.

Technology: system-activity training;


* audio recordings, video recordings;

*computer presentation.

Lesson structure:

    Organizational beginning of the lesson.

    Knowledge update. Motivation, goal setting.

    Main stage:

    Learning new material

    Primary consolidation of educational material

    Summarizing. Reflection.

Teaching methods:

    According to the activity of cognitive activity: partially exploratory, reproductive

    According to the source of knowledge: visual (TSO, textbook), verbal, practical (work in groups)

Forms of organization of cognitive activity:


    steam room


Control system:

    Teacher control

    mutual control

    self control

Health-saving aspect is realized through the organization of the motor mode, the alternation of activities.

Preliminary work:

    In art classes, students draw birds.

    At technology lessons, students perform application work on the theme "Birds".

    Excursions and walks are conducted to observe, recognize and protect the birds living in the area.

    Studying literature and memorizing a poem about birds.

    The result of this work is the wall newspaper "Birds are our friends" and a feeder.


    Textbook "The World Around", Grade 1, author A.A. Pleshakov; atstudents - colored chips, a textbook and a workbook for the textbook.

    TSO (interactive whiteboard, presentation)

    Three bowls of bird food

    exhibition of drawings and crafts of birds


    birds on the tree

Project participants:

    class students




Subjects covered by the project:

    literary reading,

    The world,




Practical implementation:

During the classes.

1. Organizational beginning.

Today, guests have come to our lesson, stand up straight and greet the guests.

What season is it now?Side 1.

The winter sun greets us at the lesson and gives us its magic rays: happiness, kindness, health. And I give you a ray of goodness and knowledge. So that you are kind, polite, respect each other and others, and so that in the lessons you get the knowledge that you will need in life.

Today we will work in groups. Let's remember how to work in groups? (Friendly, together. You can talk, but quietly.)

The guys we said that it was winter outside. What are the signs of winter?

It's cold, it's snowing...

Do you know the winter months?


Today, assistants Wise Turtle and Question Ant came to our lesson and prepared a task for you.

Slide 2.

1. Statement of the topic, purpose of the lesson.Creation of a learning situation.

W:- Question Ant asks you to help solve this task.

    The game "Third extra" (1.)

Slide 3.

Q: Who was removed and why?


Let's remember how birds differ in appearance from other groups of animals?

Q: What are the benefits of birds? (They are the decoration of the Earth, destroy harmful insects..)

    The game "Third extra" (2.)slide 4.

Why is the swallow extra? Because you won't see it now.

What is this bird? (Migratory.)

U: - What is necessary for the life of birds? (Food, water, air, light, heat)

U: - What time of the year is it especially difficult for birds? Why?Slide 5.

(It is difficult in winter, because there is not enough food and heat, the water freezes, insects hibernate, berries under the snow)

The student reads the poem:

Frosts are hard

This year…

Worried about the apple tree

In our garden.

Anxious for the bug-

In her kennel

The same frost

Like in the yard.

But most of all

Worry about the birds, For our little sparrows,

Daws, tits:

'Cause it's very cold

In the air.

Will we help

So defenseless?

Let's help! They need to be fed

And then

They will be easy

Survive the cold.

What is the verse about?

Who is having a hard time with a poem?

About birds and how difficult it is for them to survive in winter.

U: -From morning to evening they are looking for crumbs of food, downy feathers protect from the cold, but not from hunger. In severe winters, out of 10 tits, only one survives. 9 tits die. Do you feel sorry for them?

T: So what are we going to talk about today? (about birds in winter, about what needs to be done to make life easier for them in winter).

The topic of our lesson is “How to help birds in winter?” slide 6.

U: - What birds did we see during the walk, and where did we see them? What were the birds doing?

III. Work on a new topic.

    Detailed introduction to birds.

There is a science that studies birds called ornithology, and scientists who deal with this science are called ornithologists. I suggest that you be such small ornithologists today and study what happens to the birds of our region in winter.

Why don't birds sing in winter?

Slide 7.

Guests came to our lesson: Cockerel, Hen and Chicken. They think like this:

The cockerel thinks the birds are flying away because it's getting cold.

Hen that they have no food and nothing to eat.

And the chicken thinks they're being kicked out by people.

What surprised you? ( The characters have different opinions.)

What is the question?Which hero is right?

Why do swallows (birds) fly south?

To answer our question, we need to work in "scientific" groups.

Group work:

    Having collected a drawing of a bird (intimid, tit, bullfinch) you will know the name of your group.

    "Scientist" shares information about the bird that is on the table.

Swallow story: One spring, a strange clay basket appeared under the roof of our house. Grandmother explained to me that this is a nest of swallows. It turns out that these birds build their houses of clay on the walls of houses.

I began to observe the owners of the nest - graceful swallows. They looked like they were made of porcelain. Their chiseled black-and-blue figures with snow-white breasts shimmered in the sun.

The swallows delighted us with quiet unpretentious songs. When their chicks hatched, caring parents caught bugs and midges for them. A little time passed, the chicks got stronger, and the mother swallow began to teach them to fly. The chicks were very funny and clumsy. But before we had time to look back, they turned from funny chicks into graceful adult birds.
In autumn, swallows fly away to warmer climes. But we were not sad, because we knew that in the spring they would definitely return. There is a sign: if a swallow builds a nest on your house, then happiness will settle here. Now happiness lives in our house.

Now we know that birds fly to warmer climes. Before, people didn't know that. They noticed that some birds disappear, and reappear in the spring. And only over time, scientists learned where the birds fly. Scientists were helped by small rings that they put on the paws of birds. The ring had a number and an address. When scientists encountered such birds in other countries, they reported it to the address given on the ring. So scientists managed to find out where migratory birds winter.

Guys, are you interested to know which countries this or that type of bird flies to spend the winter?

Then a task for the curious. Find the answer to this question on the Internet with your parents or read in the encyclopedia about birds.

Teacher: On January 15, in the very middle of winter, the All-Russian Day of Wintering Birds is celebrated. At this time, prolonged 30-degree frosts begin, which caused severe damage to the bird population. Many of them die, the forests become quite empty.

Student: Birds can remain active during the cold season, but they need more food. Therefore, some birds leave snow-covered native places, going for wintering to warm countries.Migratory birds make regular seasonal movements between nesting and wintering grounds. The main reasons why birds fly south in winter are lack of food and cold.

So why do swallows fly to warmer climes?To find food.

Swallows feed on insects, and in winter there are no insects, so they fly south.

What is the name of the birds that fly south?

In winter, not all the bird world leaves their homeland, some put up with snow and frost. These birds are calledwintering. These are mainly those who eat fruits and seeds. Birds that find suitable conditions for existence in their homeland all year round and do not fly are calledsettled . They live near man, depend on him

What is the name of the birds that do not fly anywhere, but spend summer and winter next to us?

Nomadic: titmouse and nuthatch.

Fizminutka-relaxation. slide 8.

Close your eyes, put your head down on your hands and imagine the pictures that the sounds will paint for you.

The eyes are closed, the heads are lowered, breathing is easy, even, sponge-like.

Listening to audio clips.

What did you hear? What pictures did you see?

You all know sedentary birds very well and can easily guess riddles.

W: - The wise Turtle invites you to solve riddles.

Slide 9-10.

Crumbs are my food.
I'm cunning and playful
U: - Why does the sparrow have such a name?

There is such an assumption that a sparrow is formed from two words: beat the thief! This was the name given to sparrows by Russian peasants, in whose gardens, in the fields, sparrows pecked ripe sunflower seeds, buds of fruit and berry trees, and stole grain.)

What do you think, and what benefits does the sparrow bring? (Feeds her chicks mosquitoes and flies so they don't bite us)

Slide 11-12.

Black-winged, red-breasted,
He is not afraid of a cold -
With first snow
Right here!

Slide 13-14.

Greenish back,
yellowish belly,
little black cap
And a strip of scarf.

U: - Why is the bird called a titmouse? (sings si-si-si

Slide 15-16.

On the tree - upside down! -
Runs in blue clothes ...

Teacher's story:

But you might not have seen this bird, but this bird lives with us all year round. This bird got its name from the word "crawl". She really crawls along the trunks of trees, but she crawls acrobaticly: both upside down and down, and turns on the go, and jumps over. At this time, the bird is working - looking for insects in the cracks of the tree. In winter, when it becomes hungry in the forest, the nuthatch, together with tits, flies to human habitation. He will eat whatever he can find. But if he finds a feeder where they put the seeds, he will drag them and hide them, make supplies.

Slides 17-18.

They whistled: "Svri-svir!"

They ran into a mountain ash

Friendly flock...

( Waxwings)

waxwing - a beautiful songbird with a crest on its head. The song of the waxwing - the murmuring trill "swi-ri-ri-ri-ri" resembles the sound of a flute. In winter, waxwings roam, appearing in large flocks in cities, especially during the years of rowan harvest, they eat berries in large quantities.Often, the crop is completely harvested in the forest from mountain ash, viburnum, hawthorn, buckthorn, barberry, elderberry, wild rose, juniper.

slide 19.

Who jumps there, rustles,

Gutting cones with a beak?

Cle! Cle! Cle! - sings with a whistle? (Crossbill)

Atcrossbill birds have an unusual beak bent in different directions. It feeds on the seeds of coniferous trees. And they feed the chicks. And crossbill chicks are bred, also not like all birds, but in winter.

Student: Slide 20.

Crows forage for meat in winter. Before the snow, they fly over the forest - they remember where everything lies in order to return and satisfy their hunger, they find carrion, they call their relatives with a cry.At human habitation, crows feed on food residues in garbage dumps.

Student: Slide 21.

Jackdaw lives in forests, in human settlements.It feeds on mouse-like rodents, carrion, plant foods, destroys nests.Jackdaws often keep with rooks and ravens. They winter in settlements.

slide 22.

Who is in a bright red beret,

In a black satin jacket?

He doesn't look at me

Everything knocks, knocks, knocks. (woodpecker)


Woodpecker - one of the useful birds of our forest, does not fly away for the winter, destroys pests all year round. The crumbs from the woodpecker's table that fell into the snow go to small birds.

U: -Now let's get acquainted with a new bird. Who is it? (Thrush).Slide 23-26.

The teacher's story about this bird.

Thrush fieldfare - large thrush. It feeds on worms, snails, insects, rowan berries, juniper. Blackbirds can be found on the outskirts of forest parks. In warm years, rich in mountain ash, they winter in cities, keep in large flocks.

Birds have natural dining rooms in winter. These are mountain ash and viburnum. I ask you not to break their branches, so as not to destroy the bird canteen.

Winter physical education: Slide 27.

Work in pairs:

And now we will work with youwith cards and find out which birds live with us all year round, and which ones fly away to winter in warm countries.slide 28.

on cards (slide 29) designate migratory birds in green, and wintering birds in blue. Thinkthose who live in Kabardino-Balkariaand where can we meet them?

Geese, swans, ducks - near water bodies, migratory birds;

crows, magpies, woodpecker, crossbill, nuthatch - wintering birds, in the forest, in the yard;

Board check:slide 30.

Self-test. Check each other out and draw a smile if done right.

3. Conversation “How do birds live in winter?”

W:- Birds are hungry in winter. Many of them feed exclusively on insects, but where can you get them in winter? You know that in late autumn, insects hide or die. And those birds that feed on grain, seeds, cannot get them from under the snow. This is where our help is needed for those birds that are left without food. And everyone can help them. How to help them?

Solve the riddle.

What is the table among the birches

Open air?

He treats in the cold

Birds of grain and bread. (feeder) Slide 31-32.

We made a feeder

And the cafeteria was opened.

Sparrow, bullfinch neighbor

You will have lunch in the winter.

The children look at the feeders.

When making a feeder, you should remember a few simple rules:

The feeder should have a lid and, preferably, walls so that wind and snow do not penetrate into the feeder. Hang a feeder in the yard, school garden, ... at a height of 1.5-1.7 m from the ground. And of course you can not nail it to a living tree with nails. It is very interesting when the feeder is hung outside the window - at the window or on the balcony, then the birds can be observed through the window at close range. Do not be discouraged if the birds do not arrive immediately - they need time to find a new gratuitous canteen.

What can and cannot be fed to birds?slide 33.

Teacher: Slide 34-36. You can feed almost any bird. Preparation for this must begin in the summer, preparing food. Sometimes it's just enough not to throw away what we don't need. When eating watermelons and melons, collect and dry the seeds. In winter, they will be happy to feast on tits. They are also fed with sunflower and pumpkin seeds (not fried), hemp, pieces of unsalted fat and meat, tits will quickly find a treat. Birds get used to the people in the room, and in a few days you will be able to watch them fussing from a distance of just a few centimeters - through the window glass. They willingly eat tits and crumbs of bread (black rye should not be given). It is best to use crushed stale bread. Fresh in the cold freezes and the birds will not be able to do anything with it. Sparrows and pigeons are also happy to eat bread. Tits are very fond of coconut flesh.


The most important thing is that if you hang a feeder, then you need to add food constantly. So that the feeders do not hang just for beauty empty.

Discuss in pairs: What kind of food to put in the feeders?

I propose to make a menu for the bird's dining room. We work in groups. You need to put on a plate the food that your bird prefers. The illustration in the textbook will help you.

5. Compilation of the "Menu for the bird's dining room"

Working with cards.

Sparrows - bread crumbs, cereals, seeds.

Tits - pieces of not salted fat, meat, cottage cheese.

Oats and oatmeal - love sparrows, tap dances, tits.

Sunflower is the best food for bullfinches, tits, nuthatches, sparrows.

We put food, but the birds are not happy with something. It’s not enough, guys, to make a feeder, you need to think about whether it is convenient for the birds. Seeds must be crushed with a rolling pin.

U: -So what kind of food will we put in the feeders?Slides 38-39.

W:-Well done! With such caring guys, not a single bird will die in our region.

Early in the morning birds jump on snow-covered branches -

Yellow-breasted tits come to visit us.

Tin-shadow, tili-shadow, the winter day is getting shorter -

Before you have time to dine, the sun will set behind the wattle fence.

No mosquito, no fly. Everywhere only snow and snow.

It’s good that a kind person made feeders for us.”

And now I suggest you play a game, thanks to which we will see how you understood the topic of today's lesson.

I read the question, and clap if you agree "+", and stomp if you don't "-".

1. Wintering birds are those that remain to winter in their homeland. Is it so?(+)

2. Swallow, nightingale, starling - wintering birds? (- )

3. Do you agree with the statement that birds eat fruits, seeds, and buds in winter? (+)

4. Do birds need to be fed in winter?(+)

5. Is it true that birds do not die from cold and hunger in winter? (- )

Who made mistakes? Who answered all the questions correctly? Well done! Completed this task.

6. The student reads A. Yashin's verse "Feed the birds in winter" slide 40.

Feed the birds in winter!
Let from all over
They will flock to you, like home,
Stakes on the porch.
How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see.
But in your heart there is
And they are warm.
Train the birds in the cold
To your window
So that without songs it was not necessary
We welcome spring.

U: -Children can take some of the feeders home to place them in their yard. It is important to ensure that you feed your birds regularly.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

T: - How to help the birds in winter?

U: - I am pleased with you, you pleased me with your answers, your desire to help the birds, your kind attitude towards them. Who can say this about himself?

Now I know that….

I realized that………

I will …..

T: - Continue any of these sentences.Slide 41-42.

The lesson is over. Let our feeder remind us of all the birds that need our help.Many thanks to everyone for your active participation and let our meeting be the beginning of your concern for the preservation of your native nature. After all, nature is our home.

What else to read