How old is Elena Proklova's daughter. The eldest daughter of Elena Proklova tried to disown her. Former husband of Elena Proklova - Vitaly Melik-Karamov

The daughters of Elena Proklova are Arina and Polina Proklova. The girls were born from different spouses of the actress and with a very large age difference.

Elena Proklova: biography of the artist

Elena was born in 1953 in the capital of Russia, the city of Moscow. Her parents were talented teachers. The mother of the actress worked as a school teacher, and her father was a teacher at the military academy. The debut of the actress took place at the age of 12 thanks to a cinematographer who served with Elena's grandfather. Viktor Proklov was the second film director of the film "They Call, Open the Door", but he himself refused to bring his granddaughter to the shooting.

For participation in the film, Elena was awarded a prestigious award, which served as a significant impetus for the development of the creative career of the future popular actress. Fate at school, the girl played the role of Gerda in the children's film "The Snow Queen", as well as one of the main roles in the film "Shine, shine my star" and "Transitional age". After filming, Elena decided that she would become a film actress.

The girl externally graduated from school, after which she entered the acting department of the Moscow Art Theater School. After 5 years of study, the actress until 1991 served in the Moscow Art Theater. She also periodically acted in films, and only in the last decade of the outgoing 20th century, like many actors, she suspended her acting activities.

However, since the early 2000s, Elena's career has been new round popularity, she was again invited to act in films and non-television.

Elena's personal life

The actress was married three times and had numerous novels with famous personalities. Among the lovers were such stars as O. Yankovsky, A. Mironov, L. Prygunov, decorator A. Adamovich, M. Volontir.

The first time the actress got married at the age of 18. Film director V. Melik-Karamov became her husband. Having lived in marriage for 4 years, the actress gave birth to a girl, Arina, and divorced her husband.

The second husband of the actress was the doctor A. Deryabin, in a marriage with whom Elena gave birth to twin sons. The boys died almost immediately after giving birth.

The actress entered into the next alliance with businessman A. Trishin, who was a close friend of her brother. First, the actress had a boy, but died a week after birth. And after 10 years living together the couple had a daughter. Elena Proklova and her husband named her Polina. The couple separated after living together for 30 years.

Arina Proklova - daughter of Elena Proklova

In one of the interviews, the artist told the media mass media, as her eldest daughter, having learned that her mother was going to remarry, decided that she did not want to live with her. For the actress, this was a difficult period in her life. At that moment, the daughter of Elena Proklova announced that she was going to live with her grandparents.

However, Elena admitted that she herself did wrong during the divorce from Arina's father. Instead of taking care of the child, she arranged her personal life.

Arina insisted on her decision and grew up in a family of relatives. After a while, when grandparents passed away, the girl began to feel like an orphan, and even both living parents could not replace her departed relatives.

On the this moment the famous actress Elena Proklova managed to improve relations with her eldest daughter. However, Arina's daughter, Alice, who is now 22 years old, does not favor the famous grandmother and tries to keep communication to a minimum.

Polina Proklova - daughter of Elena Proklova

The youngest daughter Polina is the late child of the actress and her third husband. A girl was born a year before Proklova's granddaughter Alice was born. At the moment, the girl is 23 years old. She graduated from high school as an external student and studied at the Academy of Foreign Trade.

Polina, daughter of Elena Proklova, has been dating a young man for a long time. She lives separately from her mother and tries to arrange her personal life on her own.

The actress said that in her marriage to Alexander, with whom they lived for four years, her two twin sons died. Babies were born dead. According to Elena, she was very upset by the death of her children. On the program, Proklova named the cause of their death.


The artist noted that this was not a mistake of the doctors, because then the specialists did not have the opportunity to fully examine the body of the woman in labor. “It’s more like medical ignorance. At that time, they didn’t do an analysis of hemostasis - blood clotting, but my blood is very thick. Because of this, my children died. two sons from Alexander and one from Andrey," Proklova said.

Savelov-Deryabin never reconciled himself to the loss of his children. After the tragedy, a discord began in their couple. Elena admitted that she was shocked by her husband's statement. “For me, Sasha’s phrase:“ Everything that is done is for the best, ”became a knife that cut off relations,” Proklova said.

In turn, Alexander shared with the experts that he loved his wife and did not want to hurt. “I said this to calm her down, to explain that everything is ahead, because we were young,” said ex-husband Proklova in the studio.

Experts asked Deryabin whether he blamed the actress for the death of the twins when they were a family. Alexander replied in the negative. This turned out to be true. But after a while, when he found out that his wife had repeatedly terminated her pregnancy and did not tell him about her health problems, he began to condemn Proklova.

The man admitted that he still has not apologized to her for the death of her sons. “Deep down I didn’t forgive. And when I found out about abortions…” Alexander said.

Proklova said that she terminated her pregnancy for the first time at the age of 18. “I lived in a family of atheists. I am a big sinner,” shared the actress. According to her, she did it against her will. "It was native and close person, my grandmother took me," added the movie star.

It turned out that Elena's ex-husband Andrey Trishin also had difficult memories from living together with the artist, about which he also told guests and experts in the studio. At the same time, he did not stop repeating that he still loves his former chosen one, which experts recognized as a lie.

Elena Proklova is a well-known theater and film actress who has managed to establish herself well both on the screen and on the stage of the theater. Actually, in Russia there are many famous actors and actresses, but Elena has her own certain charm, which made it possible to remember her well, having seen her in the film only once.

She devoted her whole life to improving in the field of creativity, to play one role after another, to go on stage again and again. How did the career of the actress begin when she played her debut role? Why did you decide to become an actress? We will try to tell all this in this article, where Elena Proklova will become the main character.

Height, weight, age. How old is Elena Proklova

Answering a question about height, weight, age. How old is Elena Proklova, it should be noted that although she is not too young, she looks just great. To date, this glorious woman is already 63 years old, her height is 165 centimeters, and her weight is 65 kilograms. And even if she doesn’t have the parameters of a photo model, she still looks great for her age.

In addition, her natural charm plays an important role in acting career. Her creative path began when she was very young and during the years that she spent on stage, not a single day passed without her developing. She set new goals for herself, achieved them, passed every test that fate set before her with her head held high. This glorious woman proved that everything in this life is possible, you just have to want and take at least small steps towards your dream.

Biography of Elena Proklova

The biography of Elena Proklova dates back to September 2, 1953, because it was on this date and year that the future actress was born. Almost from birth, she was in a creative circle, because various figures often visited her father's house, from actors to directors. In addition, the actors were the great-grandmother and grandfather of the girl. But at the same time, no one expected that young Elena would become an actress, because from an early age she was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and at the age of eleven she became a master of sports. It seemed that she was destined to become an outstanding athlete. In addition, grandfather knew very well about reverse side medal of the life of an actor, did not wish his granddaughter a similar fate, which is full of intrigue and hypocrisy. It is also known that Elena Proklova converted to Islam.

But at some point, the director, for whom Lena's grandfather worked, began to look for the girl for the lead role in his film. He offered to try the strength of anyone who wants to do it. More than eleven thousand contenders for the role of the main character were viewed, but not one came up. As a result, Elena also decided to try her hand, for which she carefully and carefully studied the text that she voiced during the tests. And when she came to the casting, the director only saw the young Proklova, almost immediately realized that she would play in his film. And so it happened, after a short time, Proklova has already starred in the film "They call, open the door." I must say that the first role of the little actress was noticed not only by the audience, but also by the press, even awarded an international award. Also, Lena's game was recognized as the best female role, as confirmed by the diploma issued to the actress.

After she played in this film, other directors drew attention to the talented girl. The next role of Elena Proklova was the role of everyone's favorite Gerda in the fairy tale " The Snow Queen". The actress perfectly coped with the task of conveying the heroism and dedication of a little girl, the film would have been very positively received by the audience. For the next two years, Elena was busy in two films at once, where she could reveal her creative potential. While working on the last picture, she realized that she wanted to work in cinema, and not in sports, although she was predicted a great future there. Then, having graduated from the ninth and tenth grades externally, Lena enters the acting department theater studio at the Moscow Art Theater. Later, the actress said that she regretted a little that she did not know what a school graduation was, missed all school trips, but she always had a scene and cameras in her life.

In the theater studio, the girl studied with the condition that she would temporarily stop acting in films. Moreover, the teachers did not motivate her too much for further work. It was believed that the student's voice was too quiet, in addition, there was no specific temperament for the stage. On the other hand, the talented Lena could immediately jump into any role, switch from one image to another.

Filmography: films starring Elena Proklova

After she graduated from the Moscow Art Theater in the first half of the seventies, she immediately returned to the cinema. There she began working on a film with beautiful name"The only one". This film was released in 1976 and was not only positively received by the audience, but also awarded awards at various film festivals.

Was in her creative career and negative role. In the seventies, Proklova appeared on the screen in the film "Sentimental Roma". The heroine she played was a beautiful, fair, intelligent woman, but at the same time completely soulless and tough. After this role, the actress returned to the fairy tale again, played Nastenka in a production about Ivan the Fool. This was followed by an episodic, but very noticeable role, because she played the main character's girlfriend.

Different roles followed, most often they were successful, often the actress showed in the pictures how hard it is to get along with two different generations: older and younger. Elena Proklova has managed to prove herself in different genres, because she has appeared on stage and in front of cameras since the eighties. As a result, as expected, she became an Honored Artist of Russia. Since the nineties, the woman has starred a little, but still appeared on the screens.

Personal life of Elena Proklova

The personal life of Elena Proklova began early for the actress. At the age of eighteen, she became the wife of director Vitalik Melik - Karamov. A year later, they had a daughter, whom they named Arina. But after four years they family union broke up, most likely because they were not ready to compromise. The second time she married a man, so far from art.

His name was Alexander Deryabin, he was a doctor by profession. But Elena Proklova also did not find happiness with him, a few years later, she got another stamp in her divorce passport. The woman said that they were separated by a common tragedy, because, in infancy, their twin sons died. The couple completely immersed themselves in work, which helped them forget grief. But in the end, they couldn't get back together. At the same time, they divorced peacefully, calmly, without losing dignity, and preserving good relationship.

In the first half of the eighties, the woman met her third husband. His name was Andrei, he was a friend of her brother Victor, who introduced them. The couple had a son, but the terrible tragedy repeated itself, the boy died when he was small. But this time, the husband and wife experienced grief together, did not part in spite of everything. In the mid-nineties, they had a daughter, whom they named Polina.

It is interesting that a year later Elena became a grandmother, because her first daughter Arina gave birth to a daughter, naming her Alice. At the very end of the nineties, Proklova published a book where she talks about herself. This is not even a biography, but a discourse about life set out on the pages. In addition, despite the fact that at one time she and her husband were able to survive scary times the death of their son, but in 2015 they divorced anyway.

Family of Elena Proklova

Today, the family of Elena Proklova is herself and her daughter Polina, who was born from her third husband. In addition, the woman has an older daughter, Arina, from her first marriage, who has long been an adult and has a daughter herself. So Elena has someone to wait for her at home, so she is always happy to spend time with her loved ones.

The actress keeps good memories of all her husbands, she is glad that they were in her life, but at the same time she could not find the happiness that a woman aspires to with any of them. But since she has been a grandmother for a long time, she can afford to do without a permanent man for now, because she has someone to take care of, someone to pamper and enjoy every day with her family.

Children of Elena Proklova

The children of Elena Proklova are her two daughters, who came from different marriages. The first daughter Arina was born when the actress was married for the first time at a young age. A woman knows what a bitter loss is, because at one time, she repeatedly lost her children. In her second marriage, she lost two twin sons, and this alienated her from her husband.

She lost another son when she was married for the third time, but the marriage still lasted. long time. Later, after thirty years of marriage, they divorced for inexplicable reasons. Most likely, the marriage simply exhausted itself, they had nothing to share, and the children are already adults.

Daughter of Elena Proklova - Arina

Elena Proklova's daughter Arina was born during her first marriage, when Elena Proklova got married at a young age. When she was born, she seemed to strengthen the marriage between husband and wife even more strongly, but this did not last long, because the parents eventually broke up anyway.

Now, Arina is already an adult woman, married, she has her own daughter. It is interesting that Elena Arina made grandmother Elena after only a year, as she was born younger sister Polina from her third marriage. In any case, Arina's eldest daughter now has her own life, she is building her own life path independently, she decides how to be.

Elena Proklova's daughter - Polina

The daughter of Elena Proklova - Polina became late baby for Elena and her third husband. A girl was born in 1994, a year before Elena Proklova had a granddaughter. Now Polina is already an adult, a young woman, however, little is known about her personal life, most likely, she did not follow in the footsteps of her mother to become an actress, or, for the time being, she is only building her life path in this.

In any case, if she really wants to become an actress, her mother will definitely help her in this, because she knows how important it is to be realized. own desires and goals. However, she can choose her own path, which will become independent of the path star mom.

Former husband of Elena Proklova - Vitaly Melik-Karamov

Ex-husband Elena Proklova Vitaly Melik-Karamov became her first chosen one, and the girl got married when she was young, only eighteen years old. The marriage lasted four years, during which time the couple had a daughter, Arina, who is already married and has her own daughter.

By profession, Vitaly is a documentary filmmaker, he met his wife during her studies at the theater school. During the four years that they lived together, they learned a lot, including the fact that family life very difficult, if you do not know how to compromise. True, this did not help them, because they could not find a middle ground, and the end result of their relationship was a divorce.

Former husband of Elena Proklova - Alexander Deryabin

The ex-husband of Elena Proklova, Alexander Deryabin, became her second husband. It is noteworthy that this time the chosen one had nothing to do with the creative atmosphere, worked as a doctor and built a career there. They lived well, despite the fact that they were people of different interests, but could not save the family after terrible tragedy.

The fact is that Elena had twin sons who died at a young age. It was a great grief for the woman, as well as for her husband. In order to get a little distraction, they both plunged into work, in the end they simply moved away from each other, did not begin to fight for personal happiness. As a result, they received a stamp in the passport of the divorce.

Former husband of Elena Proklova - Andrey Trishin

The ex-husband of Elena Proklova, Andrey Trishin, became her third husband, with whom she lived for thirty years. Here we can say that the tragedy repeated itself in their family, because after the son was born in marriage, he lived only a week. But this time the couple turned out to be stronger, they were able to survive personal grief, to cope with it.

After some time, in the first half of the nineties, Polina's daughter was born, who was able to heal the spiritual wounds of her husband and wife. But, unfortunately, for unknown reasons, the couple separated in 2015, having lived together for three decades. Most likely, the couple simply decided that they were no longer on the road.

Elena Proklova is sick with cancer

At one time, there were widespread rumors that Elena Proklova had cancer. Repeatedly, fans searched for a query: “What disease is Elena Proklova fighting with?” wanting to know what happened to famous actress. They told different things that she had already written a will, that they were already preparing a funeral, and so on.

They also said that she had diseased kidneys. But be that as it may, some kind of illness still pursued a celebrity. She also defeated this disease, was able to regain her health and start acting again. After all, now she is actively filming, collaborating with television. Apparently, the love of life and work turned out to be stronger than any disease.

Photo by Elena Proklova before and after plastic surgery

Photos of Elena Proklova before and after plastic surgery make you wonder if the actress is doing surgery for herself to regain her youth. Most likely, plastic has a place to be, and Elena herself does not deny this, that she could seek help from plastic doctors. It is said that she regained her shape after childbirth, and also changed the shape of her breasts and lips.

Not to mention the fact that she repeatedly did a facelift to remove the extra years. Be that as it may, but if the actress has the opportunity to prolong her beauty and youth, then there is nothing wrong with the fact that she uses it. Photos of the eternally beautiful and young Elena Proklova on the Web confirm this. Plastic surgery works wonders, because now the actress looks amazing and much younger than her real age.

Instagram and Wikipedia Elena Proklova

It is not so difficult to learn about the life of Elena Proklova, because she is enough famous star, with rich biography and in a creative way. For those who want to know more about her than in this article, it is better to go to the personal page on Wikipedia (,_Elena_Igorevna), where the facts are collected general.

From childhood to the latest achievements Russian actress. True, the actress does not personal page on Instagram, but even without that there is a lot of information on the Web. So it’s not difficult to find out about it, you won’t have to look for a long time. Wikipedia Elena Proklova is at the service of those who want to know more about the celebrity.

At the age of 15, Lena went to a gypsy woman to find out about her future. She predicted her death from water. The fortuneteller's words turned out to be true. Only a happy accident saved Elena from the water. Once Elena and her brother went to the swamp to find a tank from the time of the war. Only at the last moment the guy was able to pull Elena out of the quagmire.

Later, Proklova more than once had to escape from the water. She drowned in a pit of water and lime, in the river and in the sea. A few years ago, she almost died in pacific ocean when it was covered by a big wave. But Elena is not the kind of person who will hide from her fear. She learned to swim, loves fishing and scuba diving. She boldly goes through life, not letting fear into her soul. According to the actress, thanks to this bad rock bypasses her.

Forbidden love

We might not have known Elena Proklova as an actress. Already at the age of 10 she became a master of sports in art and gymnastics. She was destined for a bright future. But even here Elena took fate into her own hands and decided to choose a different path. She received her first role in the film "They call, open the door", where her grandfather Viktor Proklov was the second director. At the age of 16, she fell hopelessly in love during the filming of the film "Burn, Burn, My Star." The chosen one was 34-year-old Oleg Tabakov.

There were a lot of dirty rumors about their relationship. But Proklova never went into intimate details. Although somehow in one interview the artist admitted that Tabakov became her first love and it was he who taught her to feel.

Family or career?

Already in her first year at the Moscow Art Theater Studio, she married journalist Vitaly Melik-Karamov. Then she was only 17 years old, a year later their daughter Arina was born.

Proklova quickly gained popularity, there were many offers in the cinema, and her husband forbade her to kiss partners on the set. Vitaly wanted her to be at home and take care of the family. But it wasn't about her.

In this marriage, Elena was a “Sunday” mother, she was rarely at home and spent all her time at work. Unable to bear such a life, the husband set a condition: family or career? For the obstinate Proklova, the choice was clear.

There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped

After the divorce, the actress enjoyed freedom, although she had fans. There was also a constant boyfriend doctor Alexander Deryabin. He met her at the theater, gave her flowers and always hoped that they would be together.

One day Arina's daughter was hospitalized with an acute stomach ulcer. Alexander cured the girl, and then Proklova finally drew attention to him. A stormy romance began, and soon the lovers got married.

According to Proklova, they loved each other madly, but what happened in their lives destroyed everything. Elena and Alexander lost their sons, who did not live even a day. This grief could not unite them even stronger. The actress fell into depression, and Alexander went into himself. They could no longer be around. And this marriage Proklova broke up.

She always comes back

After the loss of her children, Elena went to her brother to recover from the tragedy. There she met Andrey Trishin, who was 8 years old. younger actress. The couple got married, although many did not believe that this marriage would last long. But Andrei and Elena always fought for their love, despite the fact that fate constantly tried to divorce them.

In the early 90s, misfortune happened again in the life of the actress. This time she had a terrible accident in which her face was badly damaged. After the treatment, it was difficult for Proklov to recognize: the branded “duck” nose disappeared.

At this, fate did not stop inflicting new blows on Proklova. The couple lost two children, but this time the common grief only rallied them. Andrei and Elena overcame all difficulties together. Elena left the profession and took care of her health. When she became pregnant again, Proklova spent all 9 months in the hospital for preservation. at 41, the actress gave birth to a long-awaited daughter Polina.

For eight years, Elena took care of the child and the family. All these years, what only rumors did not go about her disappearance. It was said that she drank herself, became a drug addict or died altogether. But at the beginning of 2000, Proklova reappeared on the screens. Renewed and full of energy.

A couple of years ago, a message appeared that Trishin and Proklova were getting divorced after 30 years of marriage due to the fact that they had cooled off towards each other. But six months later they got back together. The actress believes that the divorce only helped to understand that they actually have a happy marriage.

// Photo: Ekaterina Tsvetkova /

Famous actress Elena Proklova spoke about one of the most dramatic episodes of her life. Her eldest daughter Arina, having learned that her mother was getting married for the second time, refused to live with her. The 12-year-old girl decided that she would live with her grandparents.

Once, before the performance, Elena Proklova called home, where she thought Arina was. But no one picked up the phone. Then the actress dialed the number of her parents, it turned out that the girl had gone to them.

“She told me that she would live with her grandparents,” Elena Proklova recalled in the program of the NTV channel “Secret for a Million”. - So she said: “I don’t want to live with you, and if there is a court, then I will renounce you. At the age of 12, I have the right to do so.” I fainted after these words. I don’t remember how I came to my senses, how I finished playing until the intermission. My legs gave way, I lost my bearings.”

The actress admitted that she then understood that she herself had brought to such a situation. After a divorce from her first husband, Arina's dad, documentary filmmaker Vitaly Melik-Karamov, she went on tour and took care of her personal life.

Arina was with her grandmother almost all the time, only occasionally her mother took her to her place. “Of course, she got used to a different routine - a house, a school in the yard, friends, a caring grandmother,” says Elena Proklova. - And when she was with me, I gave her tasks and appeared late at night. Of course she didn't like it. I realized for myself that I missed the child. It was my parents' daughter."

The actress also remembered that Arina, at the age of 15-16, reproached her for being a bad mother. Meanwhile, Elena Proklova herself does not think so. She tried to do everything so that her heiress did not need anything.

“My concern was that she was well dressed, and that there was the most beautiful thing on the table. best food", says Proklova.

Over time, the relationship between mother and daughter warmed up. But even now, Arina says that after the departure of her grandparents, she feels orphaned, and even both parents cannot fill the resulting void.

Elena Proklova has a difficult relationship now with her granddaughter Alice. The girl is 21 years old, she studies at the architectural institute and is not very eager to communicate with the famous grandmother.

“We see each other very rarely, and she calls once a year, when her mother already knocks her on the head. I'm only calling to wish her a happy birthday. This is how it is in our family - the younger ones should call the older ones. On her holiday me and mine youngest daughter are not invited. I gave my granddaughter an apartment so that she could live and study there. They didn't even invite me to the housewarming party. It's a shame, ”admitted Proklova.

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