Better than never: late celebrity kids. Better than never: the late children of celebrities Which of the stars gave birth to

The appearance of a special child in a family is a real test of humanity and tolerance, and the upbringing of such a baby is a huge job that requires incredible spiritual strength.

The babies of these stars were born with certain developmental problems, but the parents do not make a secret of this, but honestly talk about their experience, setting an example for many people.

On April 1, 2012, the actress and presenter Evelina Bledans became the mother of the wonderful baby Semyon. Evelina found out that her child had Down syndrome at the 14th week of pregnancy. Doctors advised her to have an abortion, but the star categorically refused. And never once regretted it. Now Seme is already 5 years old, he is an active, cheerful and very bright child. A star mother devotes a lot of time to the upbringing and development of her baby. For example, already at the age of 3.5, the boy learned to read, which not every healthy child can do. The actress proudly talks about her son's success in social networks, inspiring hope and optimism to other people raising special children:

“We show by our own example that such children can and should be loved and adored, that they are beautiful, smart and funny”
Irina Khakamada and Masha

Successful politician and businesswoman Irina Khakamada hid for a long time that her daughter Masha, born in 1997, had Down syndrome. Masha is a late child; Irina gave birth to her at 42 from her third husband Vladimir Sirotinsky:

“This is the hard-won, very desirable fruit of our love”

Now Masha is 20 years old. She studies at college as a ceramist, is fond of theater. The girl loves dancing and has outstanding creative abilities. And recently, Mary has a boyfriend. Her chosen one was Vlad Sitdikov, who was also diagnosed with Down syndrome. Despite the disease, the young man achieved amazing success in sports: he is the world champion in the bench press among juniors.

Anna Netrebko and Thiago

The world opera star gave birth to her only son, Thiago, in 2008. At first it seemed that he was absolutely healthy and developing in the same way as ordinary children. However, when by the age of three the child had not learned to pronounce even elementary words, the parents decided to take him to the doctor. Thiago was diagnosed with a mild form of autism. The opera star did not fall into despair; she found first-class specialists who had tremendous experience in dealing with autistic children, and placed her son in one of the best specialized schools in New York.

Now Thiago is 8 years old; and he is making amazing progress. There was hope that the boy would be able to fully recover. On the air of the talk show “Let them talk,” Anna Netrebko addressed all mothers of autistic children:

“Believe me: this is not a sentence! There are methods that develop such children to normal standards.
Colin Farrell and James

Colin Farrell's eldest son, James, has Angelman Syndrome, also known as Happy Doll Syndrome. Its symptoms: developmental delay, convulsions, causeless outbursts of fun. As for James, water causes him special joy. Colin Farrell says:

“He loves everything to do with water. If he gets upset about something, I just get a bowl of water.”

Despite the fact that Farrell broke up with James' mother a long time ago, he devotes a lot of time to raising his son:

“I love James, I'm crazy about him. He helps us all to become better, more honest, kinder…”

James took his first steps at the age of 4, at 7 he spoke and only at 13 he began to eat on his own. Despite this, Farrell claims that his son "drags him in his arms."

When Diesel, the youngest son of Toni Braxton, was 3 years old, doctors diagnosed him with autism. The singer blamed herself for the boy's illness; she believed that in this way God punished her for the abortion in 2001. At first, Tony fell into despair and sank into guilt. But for the sake of Diesel, she pulled herself together and turned to the best specialists, who helped the boy a lot. In 2016, Toni announced that her 13-year-old son had made a full recovery.

Sylvester Stallone and Sergio

Sergio, the youngest son of Sylvester Stallone, was born in 1979. When the boy was 3 years old, the parents decided to take him to the doctor, as they were alarmed by the child's isolation and inability to communicate. It turned out that the boy had a severe form of autism. For Stallone and his wife, this was a real shock. The doctors suggested placing Sergio in a special institution, but the parents did not want to hear about it. The whole burden of the struggle for the son fell on the shoulders of his mother. Stallone hardly showed up at home, working hard and earning money for Sergio's treatment.

Sergio is currently 38 years old. He lives in his own special world, from which he never leaves. His father often visits him, but, in his own words, he is unable to help his son.

Model Jenny McCarthy showed the world that autism can and should be fought. She proved this with her son Evan, who was diagnosed with the disease at an early age.

From early childhood, the best specialists worked with Evan, and the actress herself devoted a lot of time to the child. As a result, he learned how to make friends and went to a comprehensive school. This is a huge improvement, given that the boy was previously unable to make simple eye contact.

Jenny believes that the vaccines were the cause of the disease (although modern medicine does not confirm that vaccination leads to autism spectrum disorders).

Jenny spoke about her experience in the book Louder Than Words. In addition, she organized a special fund that deals with the problems of autistic people.

In 2009, a terrible tragedy occurred in the family of John Travolta: the 16-year-old son of actor Jett died as a result of an epileptic seizure. Only after the death of the young man did the public learn that he had autism, as well as asthma and epilepsy. After losing his son, John Travolta fell into a long depression:

“His death was the most terrible ordeal in my life. I didn't even know if I could survive it."
Danko and Agatha

3-year-old Agatha, the youngest daughter of singer Danko, has been diagnosed with a very serious disease since birth - cerebral palsy. The cause of the disease was a difficult birth.

Doctors and relatives persuaded the singer to place the baby in a specialized institution or completely abandon her, believing that he and his wife would not be able to provide the girl with professional care. However, Danko did not even want to hear about giving his daughter into the wrong hands. Now the girl is surrounded by love and care of loved ones; with her a lot of work, and she has already begun to take the first steps.

Katie Price and Harvey

British model Katie Price is a mother of many children, she has five children. 15-year-old Harvey, her eldest son, is blind from birth; in addition, he was diagnosed with autism and Prader-Willi syndrome - a very rare genetic disease, one of the manifestations of which is an uncontrollable need for food and, as a result, obesity. The unfortunate boy has already drank a lot of grief: his own father, football player Dwight York, refused to see him, and later the child was subjected to online bullying.

Dan Marino and Michael

Michael, the son of American football player Dan Marino, was diagnosed with autism at the age of two. Thanks to timely and successful treatment, Michael, who is already 29 years old, lives an almost full life, and his parents founded a foundation to help children with autism spectrum disorder.

Konstantin Meladze and Valery

The son of music producer Konstantin Meladze suffers from autism. For a long time, the boy's parents hid this from the public, but after their divorce in 2013, Meladze's ex-wife gave a frank interview in which she talked about how difficult it is to raise an autistic child. She also advised all parents of special children to contact doctors as early as possible, since early diagnosis plays a huge role in the successful treatment of autism.

John McGinley and Max

Down syndrome was also diagnosed in 20-year-old Max, the eldest son of actor John McGinley. Although the star of the "Clinic" divorced the young man's mother a long time ago, he continues to take an active part in the life of his son. In an interview, McGinley addressed all parents whose children have Down syndrome.

“You didn't do anything wrong. This is not a punishment for the mistakes of your youth. The child has 21 chromosomes. You are not the only ones to whom God sent this miracle. And love. Love does wonders"
Michael Douglas and Dylan

Dylan, the eldest son of Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, has some developmental problems, but his parents do not disclose the exact diagnosis. Michael briefly mentioned his son's health in 2010, admitting that Dylan has "special needs".

Neil Young and his children

By a strange whim of fate, both sons from two marriages of a Canadian musician have cerebral palsy. This disease is not hereditary, so the appearance of two children with such a diagnosis in one family is a very rare coincidence.

Knowing firsthand about the problems of the disabled, Young and his wife Peggy founded a school for special children.

Robert De Niro and Elliot

The famous actor has six children. In 2012, at a press conference dedicated to the premiere of My Boyfriend Is a Crazy, de Niro admitted that his son Elliot, born in 1997, has autism.

Fyodor Bondarchuk and Varya

Varya, the daughter of Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk, was born prematurely in 2001. For this reason, the girl is a little behind in development. Parents do not consider their daughter sick, preferring to call her "special". Varya's mother enthusiastically talks about her:

“Fantastic, funny and much loved baby. It is simply impossible not to love her. She is very bright."

Most of the time, Varya lives away from her parents, abroad, where she receives quality treatment and education.

Sergei Belogolovtsev and Zhenya

The younger children of actor Sergei Belogolovtsev, the twins Sasha and Zhenya, were born prematurely. Zhenya was diagnosed with 4 heart defects, so he had to undergo a serious operation in infancy, after which the child developed cerebral palsy. At first, the parents hid this diagnosis from others and were even embarrassed by their own son. But soon they realized that by talking about their problem and sharing their experience, they could help many people.

And Zhenya is doing well: he graduated from a school for gifted children, went to college and even became a TV presenter. Now he is broadcasting "Various News" on the TV channel Raz T.V.

In 2019, a real baby boom is expected in the world of show business. Dozens of celebrities will become happy parents.

Not so long ago, Evelina Bledans underwent a successful IVF procedure (recall, the operation took place on the air of one of the television shows), so in 2019 her family will have one more child. The gender of the unborn baby is not yet known. The star herself dreams of a daughter.

Next year the number of the royal family of England will increase. Prince Harry's wife Meghan Markle is in an interesting position. According to information from a source close to the court, the couple will have twins.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya always said that she wanted a big family. In 2012, she and her husband Maxim Matveev had a son. Not so long ago it became known that the actress is pregnant. This information was also confirmed in the St. Petersburg Maly Drama Theater - in the near future Boyarskaya is going on maternity leave.

They began to talk about the second pregnancy of Ksenia Sobchak even when there was no pregnancy yet. But just the other day, a representative of Sobchak confirmed that an addition is expected in the family of Ksenia and Maxim Vitorgan in 2019.

Despite the fact that Victoria Bonya did not make an official statement about her second pregnancy, her fans are already writing congratulations to her on social networks. The reason was a photograph in which the subscribers saw a rounded tummy from the ex-participant of the show "House 2". The celebrity, in turn, only adds fuel to the fire, leaving ambiguous comments and hashtags under their photos.

Ekaterina Vulichenko is preparing to become a mother for the second time. The actress tried to hide the pregnancy for as long as possible, but recently she told subscribers on the social network the good news, arguing that "there is no such hat behind which the tummy will no longer be visible." Judging by the size of the abdomen, the baby will be born at the very beginning of 2019.

News has recently appeared on the Internet that in 2019, model Anastasia Reshetova, Timati's lover, will give the rapper a baby. The couple refuses to comment, however, in the latest photos posted by Anastasia on Instagram, the girl constantly hides her belly. And a source close to the Blackstar family said that Reshetova recently went to a antenatal clinic.

Recently, Victoria Lopyreva has increasingly appeared in public in loose outfits that hide her figure. Based on this, the fans concluded that the celebrity was pregnant, moreover, they were able to see her rounded tummy. Recall that for quite a long time the charming blonde went as the bride of Nikolai Baskov, the couple even planned to get married. Now young people are less and less likely to appear together in front of camera lenses, so the question: “Who is the father of Lopyreva’s child?” remains open.

In 2019, the Beckham family may have one more child. There are rumors on the web that Victoria is pregnant for the fifth time. A source close to the star family said that David, with tears in his eyes, told his relatives the good news during a family dinner. The baby is expected to be born in March 2019. The couple dreams of a girl, but the gender is not yet known.

For the fifth time, the British 39-year-old singer Sophie Ellis-Bextor will become a mother. The singer and her husband, The Feeling guitarist Richard Jones, already have 4 sons. Subscribers want a girl to finally be born in the family, but Sophie says that “programming the baby’s gender is ridiculous” and only hopes that the newborn will be as happy and healthy as his brothers.

For the fifth time, 44-year-old Maria Poroshina is preparing to experience the joy of motherhood. On the Internet, they are discussing who is the father of the child. Some even say that the actress is pregnant from her colleague Yaroslav Boyko. Maria herself said that Yaroslav has nothing to do with her position, and her legal father lives in another country.

This touching holiday, when you want to give the dearest person attention, warmth, care and, of course, beautiful gifts for Mother's Day, leaves no one indifferent. Therefore, the editors of I WANT to support women and motherhood have collected interesting information about the stars who became mothers or are now in a position in 2017. dedicated!


To get started, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information that will help make Mother's Day for the dearest ones an unforgettable day. Earlier, we published up-to-date information about in different countries, so necessary on this day, as well as designed to please mothers on their holiday. Well, now with a clear conscience, you can proceed to interesting facts about the rich and famous.

It's no secret that there is a real baby boom among celebrities now. Literally from day to day will give birth, which is waiting. The Western press wrote that she intends to and her recent ones say that the addition to the Beyoncé family is just around the corner. The couple also have a 5-year-old daughter, Blue Ivy.

Recently became a mother of many children. On April 8, she, whose name is still unknown. The father of the child is a relationship with which Anna Sedokova has not yet advertised. The star mom quickly got back in shape and is already showing off with might and main. The artist also brings up 12-year-old daughter Alina and 5-year-old Monica.

A real sensation in the Ukrainian space was the second pregnancy, a popular TV presenter from "Secular Life". For a long time she hid her romance with the presenter and actor, and recently the couple appeared in an interview and. 18th of Febuary .

She decided to become a mother of many children and scandalous. Here she is to her lover (it will be theirs). Also, the star of the projects "Inspector" and "On Knives" is raising her daughter Zlata. The third pregnancy, obviously, is not easy, because recently Olga Freimut.

Now the Russian press is writing with might and main that the well-known TV presenter. So far, the TV star has not advertised the event, but says that this is correct.

Recently, the second son of a Ukrainian restaurateur and TV presenter, a young wife

She gave birth to her first daughter at 39, the second at 45.

Important events in the personal life of Monica Bellucci took place in September, shortly before her birthday. In 1999, on the eve of her 35th birthday, the actress married actor Vincent Cassel. Five years later, a couple of weeks before the fortieth birthday, Bellucci gave birth to a daughter, Virgo, and at 45, a daughter, Leoni.

Monica has an ambiguous attitude towards late childbirth: “Women who give birth late, like me, like to say how brave they are. This is true, because the older you get, the greater the risk for you and the child. But personally, I don’t consider myself brave, I consider myself lucky. When I had my first child at 39, I said that I wanted a second child as soon as possible, but I was not ready for this in reality. Children are not films, they do not tolerate the fuss and haste in preparation for their appearance.

Halle Berry

Became a mother for the first time at 41, gave birth to her second child at 46


Halle Berry gave birth to daughter Nala with her boyfriend, fashion model Gabriel Aubry, at 41. Then they broke up and fought for a long time in court for the right to custody. For the birth of her second child, the actress decided to marry French actor Olivier Martinez. Baby Maceo-Robert was born when Berry was 46.

“I feel great. Although, to be honest, fate gave me an incredible surprise. I thought that all these experiences were already in the past ... I was already on the verge of menopause, and here is such news, ”Berry shared after she found out that she was pregnant for the second time.

Salma Hayek

Gave birth to a daughter at 41

Young Salma Hayek conquered Hollywood, fought with a Mexican accent, met with Edward Norton and Josh Lucas, but she became a mother only after forty. Daughter Valentina Salma gave birth at 41 from billionaire Francois Henri Pinault. After the birth of their daughter, they broke up, and a few months later they reconciled and got married.

“At 40, I am a more confident and balanced person compared to me at 30. Ten years ago, I would not have been able to give my child as much as I am ready to give now. My daughter is lucky that she was born right now, when I am over 40, ”said Hayek.

Kim Basinger

Gave birth to a daughter at 41

Kim met her first husband, makeup artist Ron Britton, at the age of 28. With the second, actor Alex Baldwin, when she was 40. A year after the wedding, Baldwin and Basinger had a daughter, Island.

After the birth of her daughter, the actress decided to take a break from her career and plunged into caring for the child. “My wife and I are breaking up, she fell in love with another woman - a one and a half year old bald girl,” Baldwin joked on one of the talk shows.

Eva Mendes

She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 40

Eva Mendes has long been considered a childfree - people who decide not to have children. The actress, who does not speak to reporters about her personal life at all, did not comment on her romance with her colleague and girls' favorite Ryan Gosling. After a three-year romance, Mendes and Gosling, unexpectedly for the fans of the couple (hiding her position, the actress did not even leave the house!) had a daughter, Esmeralda. Eve was 40 years old at the time.

“I could not even think that taking care of a newborn baby is so difficult. I thought my wildest nights were over. It turned out that the main tests were ahead. For now, I'm coping without a nanny, but I plan to hire an assistant in the future. For me, this is the meaning of motherhood - to struggle with sleep at night, not knowing what to do, to cope with everything on my own, ”said Mendes.

Marina Mogilevskaya

Gave birth to a daughter at 41

TASS / Elizaveta Klementieva

The star of the series "Kitchen" Marina Mogilevskaya admitted that from the age of thirty she was obsessed with the idea of ​​having a daughter. The birth of a child was constantly postponed: there was no time, then a suitable man was nearby. The actress said that as soon as she decided to stop worrying and let go of the situation, she found out about the pregnancy. Mogilevskaya gave birth to a daughter, Masha, from a man whose name she prefers not to name.

“Do I regret that I gave birth at forty-one, and not at twenty? No, not for a second. Everything has its time. Only by the age of forty it became more or less clear to me what I am like, what I can and want to give to my child, unnecessary ambitions disappeared somewhere, I stopped proving something to anyone.

Naomi Watts

She gave birth to her first son at the age of 39, the second - at 40.

Fame and success came to Naomi Watts when she was over thirty (thanks to David Lynch's Mulholland Drive). Prior to this, the Australian actress failed auditions in Hollywood and unsuccessfully tried to build a career, which she spoke about in more than one interview. So it was not up to the children. Naomi gave birth to her first child, son Sasha, from the common-law spouse Lev Schreiber at the age of 39, a year and a half later, Samuel was born.

Naomi is glad that her children were born when she was already far from 20 years old: “I am always with the children. Or they are with me. We are bound by strong ties. Maybe the whole point is that the first, Sasha, was born when I was already 39, and I managed to understand something about life.

Nicole Kidman

First biological child, daughter Sunday Rose, was born at 40

Nicole Kidman's path to fame was faster than her friend Naomi Watts. Success in Hollywood, husband is a movie star (Tom Cruise, having met Nicole on the set of the film Days of Thunder, divorced actress Mimi Rogers). Everything was overshadowed by the absence of a child. Kidman could not get pregnant in any way, so the couple decided to adopt children - daughter Isabella and son Connor. The first biological child, daughter Sunday Rose, Nicole Kidman gave birth to her second husband Keith Urban. Two years later, a second child appeared in the family - Faith's daughter Margaret was carried by a surrogate mother.

“I raised children when I was in my early twenties. Then I was not ready for a serious step - I myself was still a child. Unprepared emotionally and psychologically. Still, late motherhood has its advantages, ”Kidman admitted.

Svetlana Permyakova

She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 40

TASS / Vadim Tarakanov

Former Kvnschitsa Svetlana Permyakova, who became popular after the role of the head nurse in the TV series Interns, was very worried that she had not met the right man and had not given birth to a child. At 39, the actress decided not to wait any longer and take matters into her own hands. Svetlana invited her 19-year-old director Maxim Skryabin to become the father of her child. Without official registration in the registry office and a magnificent wedding. Just friendly. So in July 2012, the daughter of Varvara was born, in whose upbringing Maxim takes an active part.

“In my story, the main thing is the child! Varya is the meaning and center of our union with Max. I am sure that even if he does not live with us, he will still remain the best father and friend for his daughter. As well as for me. Now I know that you can give birth not only for love, but also for friendship, ”said Svetlana in an interview with 7Days magazine.

Susan Sarandon

She gave birth to a daughter at 39 and two sons - at 42 and 45

Fotodom / Rex Features

Susan Sarandon first married (to actor Chris Sarandon) at 23. They lived in a childless marriage for twelve years - the doctors diagnosed the actress with infertility. Susan made up for lost time by exchanging her fifth decade. From director Franco Amurri, she gave birth to a daughter, Eve, and three years later, a son, Jack, was born, whose father was Sarandon's colleague in the film "Durham Bull" Tim Robbins. Three years later, their son Miles was born.

“When I got pregnant, no one could understand how it happened. For many years I did not use contraceptives, because the doctors said that I was infertile. It was definitely a moment of happiness and feeling stronger than any diagnoses,” Sarandon shared.

Courteney Cox

She gave birth to a daughter at the age of 40

East News / Splash News

The star of the TV series "Friends" first became a mother at the age of 40: she gave birth to a daughter, Coco, from actor David Arquette. Three years before the girl was born, Courtney had a miscarriage, she suffered seven more after the birth of her first child.

“I am ready for my second child because the clock is ticking. If I was 34, I would have waited another year. I want Coco to have a brother or sister. Raising one child is difficult. Two is probably even harder,” Cox, 45, said in an interview six years ago. Unfortunately, Kourtney never gave birth to her second child.

Mariah Carey

Gave birth to twins at 41

In April 2011, 41-year-old Mariah Carey, who became pregnant with the help of IVF, gave birth to the twins Moroccan and Monroe from her now ex-husband, showman Nick Cannon. The pregnancy was difficult, so after the birth of the babies, the singer said that she no longer plans to have children.

“The pregnancy itself was very difficult. I had gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure that endangers the life of the mother and fetus) and all these things that you don't even want to know about. Hello everyone who has ever carried twins, I salute you, because this is not easy! But in five years with my kids, I got so many new emotions, before they were born, everything in my life revolved around a career, ”Keri shared.

Jennifer Lopez

Gave birth to twins at 39

Jennifer Lopez has admitted many times that she dreams of children. At first, her personal life did not work out (a scandalous divorce from dancer Chris Judd, a wedding with actor Ben Affleck canceled a few hours before the ceremony), later, in marriage to singer Marc Anthony, Lopez could not get pregnant. Jennifer decided on IVF and in February 2008 gave birth to twins Max and Emma.

Unlike Mariah Carey, Lopez isn't afraid to have twins again. “I want many children. Maybe four or five. I would like to give birth to more twins, ”admitted Jennifer.

Olga Drozdova

She gave birth to a son at 42 / Vadim Zyukov

Actors Olga Drozdova and Dmitry Pevtsov dreamed of a child for fifteen years. The doctors could not understand what was the matter - all indicators for both spouses were normal. Drozdova became pregnant at 41. By that time, she had almost come to terms with the fact , Interesting...
I want to know everything that happens in the life of stars.


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21.12.2016 12:00:00

2016 was very rich in replenishment in star families. Domestic and foreign tabloids now and then were full of headlines about who gave birth and when. In our article, we decided to take stock of the outgoing year and collected all the celebrities who gave birth in 2016.

Olivia Wilde

Popular Hollywood actress, 32 years old. The baby was named Daisy Josephine. now again conquers the audience with her thinner images.

Blake Lively

Natalya Vodyanova

The famous Russian model has the honorary status of a mother of many children. In 2016, she married her lover Antoine Arnault.

Olga Freimut

The real sensation was the news that a Ukrainian TV presenter was expecting a second child. She, the general director of Novy Kanal.

Anita Lutsenko

Nelly Uvarova

Star of the series "Don't Be Born Beautiful". Her daughter Iya has a brother.

Mila Kunis

Hollywood actress of Ukrainian origin. She gave her husband Ashton Kutcher a long-awaited son.

Behati Prinsloo

Celebrity model Behati Prinsloo has given birth to a daughter, musician Adam Levine. The couple actively shares photos of the baby on their Instagram pages.

Liv Tyler

Ann Hataway

Replenishment occurred in the family of the popular Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway. 32 year old actress Now she is enjoying motherhood with might and main .. So the actress and her husband Brian Austin Green resolved the situation with a possible divorce.

Candines Swanepoel

The famous Victoria's Secret model Candice Swanepoel gave birth to a son. The star named her son Anac, from the Brazilian word Anacã, meaning a parrot.

The good news is that now there are also a lot of pregnant stars and already in 2017 we will report on new pregnant star mothers. In the meantime, we recommend reading the material that the singer.

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