Socialite Nadezhda Obolentseva: biography, age, personal life. Will Rezo "pull" a new passion: luxurious life and rich husbands of Nadezhda Obolentseva Biography, life story of Nadezhda Stanislavovna Obolentseva

05 June 2018

The metropolitan it-girl and daughter of wealthy parents has twice connected her life with businessmen. But life in the Hollywood Hills with her first husband and a luxurious Italian wedding with her second soon ended in divorce. New chosen one secular lioness - Rezo Gigineishvili..

Rezo Gigineishvili and Nadezhda Obolentseva. Photo:

"Uncompromising Suite"

Nadezhda Obolentseva was born in the summer of 1983 in a family of diplomatic workers. “On my father’s side, I am a Muscovite in the fourth generation, and on the female side, we have roots in Tashkent,” says it-girl herself about her origin. And she adds that thanks to her parents, she never felt the need. As a child, Obolentseva lived with her father and mother in Moscow: outfits were brought from Europe for the girl, and boxes of fruit from Tashkent. After the fifth anniversary of Nadia, the family moved to America, where the heiress was introduced to the culture, nature and sights of the country. Nadezhda experienced a transitional age already in hometown, in Moscow: as a teenager, she listened to rock, hung out with friends on the Arbat and proved to her parents with scandals that she did not need a personal driver.

The girl was brought to life by her passion for theater, instilled by her mother, and her studies at Moscow State University - Nadezhda graduated from the journalism department and the faculty of art history. She became an author in a glossy magazine, blogger and founder of the closed intellectual club "418". And also a friend of Svetlana Bondarchuk and a socialite, whose name is often associated with the names of world brands, expensive resorts and other attributes of luxury.

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Biography, life story of Obolentseva Nadezhda Stanislavovna

Obolentseva Nadezhda Stanislavovna - Russian business woman and socialite.

early years

The ancestors of Nadezhda Obolentseva have long lived in the Russian capital. Thus, Nadia, who was born on July 24, 1983, became a hereditary native Muscovite. At the same time, Uzbek blood also flowed in her veins.

Born in a family of diplomatic workers, the girl spent 5 years in Moscow, and then lived in Central America for a long time. There she perfectly learned Spanish, because this language was dominant in the countries of this region.

Education and career

Nadezhda did not want to follow the example of her parents and go to the diplomatic service. The girl liked journalism more, so she entered the corresponding faculty at Moscow State University and graduated from it. In addition, at the same university, she received a diploma from the Faculty of Art History.

Then Nadezhda got a job at Tatler (in his Russian version). In this glamorous publication, telling readers about various innovations in the world of fashion and the life of prominent members of society, she was listed as the editor. The young journalist specialized in gossip columns.

Subsequently, Nadezhda Obolentseva became one of the founders of Club 418, which positioned itself as a community of like-minded intellectuals. The second founder of the closed elite institution was Irina Kudrina, the wife of a well-known Kremlin politician. Notable personalities began to come to the club, and the hostesses arranged lectures and all kinds of creative meetings for them.

Personal life

In her 30 years with a tail, Nadia managed to be married twice. At first, she was legally married to businessman Denis Mikhailov. For the sake of this marriage, Nadezhda Obolentseva sacrificed her relationship with the master figure skating. But she was not only engaged to the athlete: literally the day after the break with him, a wedding was to take place. But it didn't work out.


although he was a famous Olympic skater, Nadezhda preferred an even wealthier person. The following fact eloquently testified to the prosperity of Denis Mikhailov: not only did he have a mansion in Hollywood, but also his house was located next to the villa of the famous singer Madonna. On the streets of Los Angeles, a businessman from Russia moved in one of several of his sports cars, decorated with a registered license plate "Denis Moscow".

With this entrepreneur, Nadezhda could live in clover for many years, but she got bored with family life pretty soon. Only three years have passed since the wedding, and Nadia Obolentseva left her rich husband and flew to her parents in Moscow.

The second husband of a journalist and business woman was Airat Iskhakov, who worked as a top manager of the Neftegazindustriya group. Nadezhda did not specifically look for acquaintance with him, everything happened randomly in a cafe. Despite the fact that the next chosen one of Obolentseva was 16 years older than her, the girl decided to marry him.

A chic wedding took place in Italy, namely near Lake Como, surrounded by the Alpine mountains. Without exception, all the numerous guests were rich and successful people, and entertained them by super-popular pop singers. The bride shone wedding dresses from and Dolce & Gabbana. The cost of engagement rings with exquisite diamonds exceeded one million euros. Three years later, the couple broke up.

After that, the media started talking about the wedding of Nadezhda Obolentseva with former governor Chukotka

The creator of the elite private club "418", the well-known it-girl, found happiness in her personal life on the second attempt, and considers her first marriage a huge mistake. Ex-husband Nadezhda Obolentseva, businessman Denis Mikhailov, at the beginning of their dizzying romance, literally blew dust off her, for his sake Nadezhda broke off her engagement with figure skater Anton Sikharulidze the day before the wedding. Denis showered her with millions of roses, gave expensive gifts, and after the wedding he surrounded her with stunning luxury. Mikhailov is a very wealthy person - the owner of a huge villa in Upper Hollywood next to the houses of Madonna and Lagutenko, a whole fleet of sports cars with a personal Denis Moscow license plate, but this was not enough for Nadezhda - you won’t surprise her with wealth, she herself is from a very wealthy family .

In the photo - Nadezhda Obolentseva with her first husband

She lacked the attention of her husband, who very rarely went out with her and put his plans above her interests. Obolentseva lived with Denis for three years, and then fled to her parents in Moscow. Nadezhda Obolentseva met her second husband by chance in a cafe, and from that very moment Airat Iskhakov, a top manager of the Neftegazindustriya group, tried to win her favor. Before his eyes were important events in the biography of Obolentseva - he was waiting for her to break up with Sikharulidze, but at that time he did not have time to have an affair with her - Nadezhda quickly married Mikhailov. But when the marriage of his beloved broke up, he made every effort to win her heart.

In the photo - Nadezhda Obolentseva and Airat Iskhakov

Airat, who is sixteen years older than his chosen one, was happy to throw everything at her feet. Their grandiose wedding took place in 2014 on the Italian Lake Como in the presence of numerous guests - all the richest and most famous personalities. For the bride, Iskhakov ordered three dresses at once - two exclusive handmade from Dolce & Gabbana, one from Valentin Yudashkin, and wedding rings with a Graff diamond worth over a million euros, were made to order. The guests were entertained by Sergey Shnurov, Ivan Urgant, Eros Ramazzotti, Robbie Williams, Mumiy Troll.

Villa del Balbinello, where the wedding took place, was decorated with a huge number of roses, and a million of the same, only cream, decorated the gorgeous wedding cake.

I would like to hope that the second attempt to arrange his personal life will be more successful for Nadezhda. Iskhakov is an experienced financier, he graduated from the Ufa State Aviation Technical University And Russian academy National economy And public service under the President Russian Federation. For ten years, he held senior positions at Uralsib Bank, later joined the SMP Bank team and was appointed manager of its branch in Ufa. The husband of Nadezhda Obolentseva is a very wealthy man who can provide his young wife with the standard of living to which she is accustomed.

Hope also does not sit idle and leads active image life. After school, she graduated from two faculties of Moscow State University - journalism and art history, worked as the first editor of the gossip column of the Russian Tatler, and in Lately deals with the affairs of her offspring - the closed intellectual society "Club 418". Together with another co-founder of the club and his close friend Irina Kudryavtseva, she opened a branch of "418" in St. Petersburg, and is already receiving offers from other Russian cities.

Famous artists, jewelers and others give lectures in their club. creative personalities. Nadezhda Obolentseva from a family of diplomats, long time living with them in Central America. Talking about her family, she always emphasizes that she is very friendly with her parents, and wants her children to be close to her in the future.

Beautiful, rich, in love, always on hearing and with a smile - the undying interest in Nadezhda Obolentseva (and the first secular chronicler Tatler, by the way) is easy to understand. Someone likes a long-legged girl very much. She annoys someone. But no one is indifferent, as the statistics from Google clearly show. Taking out the most popular requests for Nadia from there, Tatler called her to account.

Nadezhda Obolentseva, husband Here you live in the world for more than thirty years, and everyone is only interested in those with whom you spend evenings. I report: the man I married in 2014 is Airat Iskhakov, he is a businessman and a non-public figure, so I am the only one in our family who keeps a secular watch.
Nadezhda Obolentseva, height and weight. Height - 176 centimeters. I'm not sure about the exact weight. I think about fifty-three kilograms. In my youth, I was literally obsessed with diets and got on the scale three times a day, and now I categorically do not weigh myself. I just decided once and for all that I would no longer overeat. And it worked: I don’t deny myself anything - I can eat a hamburger, plov, and Napoleon - but I always leave something on my plate. I don't have "gluttonous" days. I eat often, but little by little and try to eat separately. Well, sports, of course, have not been canceled. Ideally - every day: yoga, Pilates or functional.
Nadezhda Obolentseva and Svetlana Bondarchuk. I think we are just a "couple of the year" and worthy of a joint cover of Tatler! But seriously, Sveta and I have known each other for many years and have always sympathized with each other. Sveta has always fascinated me: she has impeccable taste, a great sense of humor and inner intelligence, which few can boast of now. And then we suddenly became neighbors - as they say, everything coincided, and Last year we are inseparable.
Nadezhda Obolentseva, who is this. Born in Moscow on July 24, 1983. On my father's side, I am a Muscovite in the fourth generation, and on the female side, we have roots from Tashkent in our family. Distinguishing features: slouching and laughing out loud.
Nadezhda Obolentseva, Instagram. I post my every step on the @nadineobolentseva page on Instagram, even if it's not prime time. More than a hundred thousand people have subscribed to it, but all the photos are intended primarily for friends - I always expect comments and likes from them. People who write nasty things under my pictures surprise me, but do not annoy me. I do not pretend to be perfect, I know my disadvantages and try to work on them, but I am guided in this matter by public opinion not going to.
Nadezhda Obolentseva, club "418". I founded it together with Irina Kudrina. This is a very personal and important project for me, which is already four years old. Initially, it was conceived as a series of closed lectures by respected speakers on the most different topics, from history to economics, politics or art. But over time, we expanded the sphere of influence. Now every Monday we go to exhibitions, and on Wednesdays we have a lecture or a movie screening with the members of the club. I feel like we'll be going 24/7 soon. And I really like it. Firstly, during the existence of the club, I was able to communicate with many interesting people who were our speakers. And secondly, we still don’t know exactly what everything will result in - and this intrigue is very annoying.
Nadezhda Obolentseva, parents. Mom Asya and dad Stas. They gave me everything and I love them very much. Gathering together, we sometimes regret that I am alone with them. Another member of our family is Faust the cat, whom my Instagram subscribers are well acquainted with.

The main heroine of the capital gossip columns Recently, the socialite and successful businesswoman Nadezhda Obolentseva has again become famous in certain circles. Biography, age, details of her personal life excite the public. No sooner had the rumor calmed down about her previous wedding, as Nadezhda again decided to stun her many followers. Who is she? Where do you come from and how did you achieve everything that modern girls dream of? And really, there is something to be interested in, because this lady, according to rumors, has become new darling the famous oligarch Roman Abramovich.

Biography of Nadezhda Obolentseva

The age at which a businesswoman is now has long been called "Balzac". Now she is 34 years old. This is the period when you can draw some conclusions and analyze the first real successes and achievements.

The date of birth of Nadezhda Obolentseva is July 24, 1983. Nadia was born in a family of native Muscovites who are in the diplomatic service.

At home, Nadezhda spent only the first few years after her birth. Later, her parents were forced to move for a long stay on duty in Central America. They took their daughter with them. Here Nadia quickly mastered Spanish (the main language of the region), which, of course, came in handy later on.

Despite some advantages and benefits of the diplomatic service, Nadia did not want to follow in the footsteps of her parents. She was more interested in journalism. It was at this faculty of Moscow State University that she entered when the time came. In parallel, Nadezhda studied at the Faculty of Art History of the same Moscow State University. Both of these directions were successfully completed by her in due time.

Editorial activity

After graduating from high school, Nadezhda worked for a short time in her chosen specialty as an editor of the glamorous glossy publication Tatler. In this magazine, which tells about fashion news and trends in the fashion industry, she curated the gossip column.

Everything turned out perfectly: life in the capital, parents who have the opportunity to provide their daughter with a prosperous future, a diploma from a prestigious Russian university, work in one of the best publications in the world, but Nadezhda did not want to stop there.

"Club 418"

The age of which by that time could still be called young, a little time later enriched new page. She became one of the founders of an intellectual community of like-minded people called "Club 418". In the team of creators, the wife of a famous Russian politician spoke with her.

Then it was the first similar interest club created in Moscow. At first, everything was not very rosy, I had to invite visitors, organizing interesting lectures with various representatives contemporary art and science.

To date, "Club 418" is a closed community, one can become a member of which only on the recommendation of people who are already members of it.

Later in northern capital opened a branch of this worthy institution. In addition, applications for opening subdivisions have been received from many Russian cities.

Personal life

Despite the seeming employment of career growth and business prosperity, Nadezhda's personal life is in full swing. With the acquisition of the special status of the founder of the first institution of its kind, she did not become a "blue stocking" and "independent businesswoman".

Partner in her first serious relationship, which almost ended in a wedding, was none other than a famous skater, Olympic champion and simply handsome Anton Sikharulidze.

However, Anton, obviously, lost in "some indicators" to her first husband, to whom Nadezhda ran away from the "King of Ice" right on the eve of the wedding.

First marriage

Why first? Quite right, Nadezhda managed to be married more than once, but first things first.

So, businessman Denis Mikhailov became her first husband. This man is one of the modern oligarchs Russian origin. His wife had everything at her disposal: a huge villa in Hollywood (like a crystal castle), by the way, Madonna herself was among his neighbors, and in addition, a whole fleet of vehicles luxury cars with personal numbers. However, it was not his condition that conquered Nadezhda, because she herself is from a far from poor family. Denis fabulously looked after, gave flowers, expensive gifts and simply surrounded with luxury. He devoted a lot of time to his young wife, but this did not last long. Very soon, the wife gave way to primacy among the businessman's priorities and faded into the background in his endless pursuit of profit.

After three years of marriage, Nadezhda realized that she was bored, and she fled to her native Moscow to her parents. Today, she calls her first marriage a mistake and regrets that it happened.

Second marriage

The second chosen one of Nadezhda was the top manager of the Neftegazindustriya group of companies.

Nadezhda Obolentseva and Airat Iskhakov met quite by accident in a cafe long before her divorce from Denis Mikhailov. He patiently waited for his moment, knowing then that she was engaged to Sikharulidze. Later, he was somewhat discouraged by her sudden marriage with Mikhailov. And when, finally, the divorce of Nadezhda Obolentseva and her first oligarch husband was officially formalized, Airat Iskhakov threw everything at the feet of his beloved.

lavish wedding

Marriage is the brightest page in the biography of Nadezhda Obolentseva. Her husband's age, by the way, exceeds her own by 16 years.

So, this grandiose event took place in 2014 on the Italian Lake Como. The chic villa was buried in the splendor of many roses. And the wedding cake seemed to be decorated with a million of these flowers, though from cream.

A wealthy groom bought three dresses at once for the most fabulous day of his chosen one. One from the Russian fashion designer - Valentin Yudashkin, as well as two outfits exclusive work of Dolce & Gabbana. Nadezhda went to the altar in lace splendor from Italian designers, the unconditional decoration of which was a chic veil.

The wedding rings of the newlyweds are made by Graff on special order. The bride's ring was decorated with a huge diamond, and the groom's ring was made according to Nadezhda's personal sketch.

The official part was followed by a banquet. A large number of the richest and most famous guests were invited to the celebration. It seemed that all bohemian Moscow flew to this festival. Among those present, one could see the model and Miss World of the Syutkin spouses, the singer Natalya Ionova (Glucose), the Yudashkin family and many others.

The guests and young people were entertained by the sparkling sweet-voiced Eros Ramazzotti, the unpredictable and also the legendary group "Mumiy Troll".

Until early in the morning, the gastronomic tastes of the guests were gratified with a variety of delicacies prepared by the best Italian chefs.


However, a fantastic wedding, which was discussed for a long time by the entire bohemian party of the capital, did not become a guarantee of a long and happy life. Nadezhda Obolentseva and Airat Iskhakov divorced just a couple of years after the marriage.

The details of this separation are not known to the general public. Hope, being real lady not only in words, does not reveal the secrets of family life.

Today, she can often be seen at social events alone or in the company of her bosom friend Svetlana Bondarchuk.

The latter, by the way, also recently divorced her husband, the famous film director Fyodor Bondarchuk.

Nadezhda Obolentseva and Roman Abramovich

The close relationship of these two heroes of glossy magazines and glamor chronicles has been often discussed lately.

According to some reports, it was Nadezhda that caused Roman to part with his wife. Around the same time, by a strange coincidence, Nadezhda divorced Airat Iskhakov.

Roman Abramovich and Nadezhda Obolentseva, however, are in no hurry to reveal the secrets of their relationship to the general public. Perhaps this chosen one will become her real life partner. Maybe in the near future Nadezhda Obolentseva will have children.

This girl has a lot to be proud of. Although she had a small start-up in the form of wealthy parents and a capital residence permit, nevertheless, the socialite Nadezhda Obolentseva applied remarkable abilities to achieve stunning results.

Apparently, on the date of birth of Nadezhda Obolentseva, the stars formed the best way possible. She is grateful to her parents, with whom, according to her, she has spiritual unity, and dreams that she would have the same relationship with her children.

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