Battlefield: invulnerable Soviet tank for nuclear war. "nuclear tank" the ussr will give odds to modern nuclear tanks in art

The topic of the Cold War and the confrontation between the two superpowers has recently become one of the most discussed in the world media. First, the Americans announced the rearmament of their strategic forces and the creation of low-yield nuclear warheads. And then Russia showed the world several impressive developments at once, including a real "weapon of the apocalypse" - an unmanned underwater vehicle at a nuclear plant.

Experts talk about a new round of the arms race, although it is denied in both countries. Nevertheless, the projects conceived in anticipation of a nuclear war in the middle of the last century are simply acquiring some kind of ominous relevance.

A hypersonic glider attacking the enemy from space, missiles on a nuclear installation - all this was conceived back in the Soviet Union, when the military was waiting for a missile attack at any moment.

During this harsh time, the "Object 279" was conceived and tested - a heavy Soviet tank that was supposed to break through the enemy's defenses after nuclear bombing. The Soviet command rightly believed that it would not be possible to win the war with bombs and missiles alone.

The machine, preserved in a single copy in the museum in Kubinka, looks more like a flying saucer on four tracks than a traditional tank. And there is a simple explanation for this: the elliptical shape was supposed to protect the car from the wave of a nuclear explosion.

The level of protection of the tank is amazing: the thickness of some sections of cast armor reaches 319 millimeters. In addition, the car was protected by anti-fragmentation and anti-explosive screens. "279th" withstood the hit of a 122-mm armor-piercing projectile, not to mention a 90-mm cumulative one.

To prevent the tank from turning into a block of iron that cannot be moved, the thickness of the armor was made different. In some places it is only 50 mm, in others it is six times more. All armor consists of four armored elements. According to experts, the Object 279 is twice as well protected as the T-10 heavy tank, and five times better than the T-34.

At the same time, the "nuclear tank" weighs the same as the heavy IS-4 of the Great Patriotic War - 60 tons. A thousand-horsepower diesel engine accelerates the car on the highway to 55 km / h. And in terms of cross-country ability, thanks to four tracks, the car can give odds to any modern tank.

The specific gravity on the ground of the "plate" is only 0.6 kg per centimeter, like a light tank. The car was supposed to drive through the funnel of a nuclear explosion, through loosened soil, mud, swamps and rubble. Judging by the tests, "Object 279" coped, but he had problems with maneuverability due to four tracks. To turn, the tankers had to expend a lot of effort, and it took a colossal amount of time.

It was assumed that these vehicles would pass first, and the more maneuverable medium tanks would follow. "Object 279" was supposed to appear in the ashes of a nuclear explosion and finish off the surviving enemy, paving the way for the rest. To break through the defense, the car was armed with a 130-mm cannon with a loading mechanism. The rate of fire of the gun is up to five rounds per minute, a decent figure for a modern tank. The fire control system was also advanced for those times: an optical rangefinder, an automatic targeting and night vision system, and an infrared searchlight. The real "Armata" of the 1960s.

As a second weapon, a 14.5-mm Vladimirov machine gun with a semi-automatic loading mechanism, mechanized stacking and a stereoscopic sight was put on the "Object 279". A decent boost.

Since the car had to operate in conditions of radioactive contamination, it was equipped with chemical, biological and anti-nuclear protection for the crew. A special system created excess pressure in the tank and excluded the ingress of contaminated air. It was believed that the tank could pass immediately after the explosion through the epicenter, not particularly lingering there.

But to check it in practice, fortunately, it was not possible. In total, three tanks "Object 279" were built, after which Nikita Khrushchev wrapped the project, although the car was successfully tested. The USSR finally concentrated on medium tanks, which, according to their characteristics, began to step on the heels of the heavy ones, and weighed much less. In addition, it was too expensive to build a "nuclear tank" due to complex armor and mechanics. Finally, there was a "thaw" and a long-term détente in relations between Moscow and Washington.

But now it’s simply a sin not to remember about the car, especially since there is nothing like it in service with Russia. Will the T-90 or Armata cope with such specific combat missions? It is unlikely, although in a normal battle they will be an order of magnitude better.

The modern "Armata" weighs 48 tons with an engine power of 1,500 horsepower. The speed on the highway is about 80 km / h. Maneuverability is simply prohibitive, judging by the demo videos. The crew in the T-14 is much more comfortable, the vehicle is equipped with active and dynamic protection systems. But how will all this work in a nuclear war? Perhaps the 30-centimeter protection of the "279" will become much more effective than all these advanced electronic systems that will simply cease to function. After a nuclear explosion, no one will run around with Javelins, and flying airplanes and helicopters will also become extremely dangerous. "Project-279" in an unmanned version could well have become a kind of "apocalypse machine", slowly and steadily advancing into the territory of a bloodless enemy.

"Object 279" is a very original Soviet project of a heavy tank for the conditions of an atomic war...

The advent of atomic weapons required the military to reconsider both the strategy and tactics of warfare. But the role of tanks only increased. After all, as it turned out, of all types of military equipment, tanks turned out to be the most resistant to the effects of all the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. Of course, improvements were needed ... Object 279 is a tank optimized for operation in a full-scale nuclear war. There are two “raisins” in its design: the original undercarriage with four tracks, and the body in the form of an elongated ellipsoid.

The cast hull was complemented by anti-cumulative screens, which gave the tank an unusual shape, reminiscent of a “flying saucer”. As conceived by the designers, this was to prevent the tank from tipping over when exposed to a powerful shock wave.

The four-track undercarriage gave the heavy tank a unique cross-country ability: when overcoming obstacles, it is almost impossible to put it “on its belly”, and the pressure on the ground of a 60-ton vehicle was only 0.6 kg / sq. cm.

It was assumed that such super-permeability would be needed to pass through the destruction zone near the epicenter of the atomic explosion. In addition, to protect against Soviet tank armies, the Europeans seriously intended to use nuclear land mines to destroy reservoirs and river beds to flood and swamp the area.

But the original design also had its very significant drawbacks: large power losses, turning resistance increased 12 times compared to the “classic”, difficulty in maintenance and repair. Object 279 was manufactured and tested, but, for many reasons, did not become a serial machine. Now the unique tank is in the tank museum in Kubinka...

From behind the scenes of military developments there are rumors that this unique machine will still get the right to life, having undergone major modernization in the modern world. Well, we'll hope so! The performance characteristics of the tank Object 279:


length - 10.2 m (without trunk 6.77 m)
height - 2.5 m
width - 3.4 m
Weight - 60 tons


forehead - 93-269 mm
board - 100-182 mm
tower - 217-305 mm


Gun M-65 caliber 130 mm
Machine gun KPVT caliber 14.5mm - 1 pc.
Ammunition - 24 rounds

Engine- diesel 16-cylinder H-shaped four-stroke DG-1000 or 2DG-8M

Power reserve - up to 250 km
Speed ​​- up to 55 km / h
Crew - 4 people

In 1956, Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev instructed the designers to begin work on the project of a unique tank, which was not afraid of either an atomic explosion, or radiation contamination of the crew, or chemical or biological attacks. The project received article 279.

And such a heavy tank weighing 60 tons was designed by 1957 at SKB-2 of the Kirov Plant of Leningrad (KZL) under the leadership of the chief designer, Major General Joseph Yakovlevich Kotin. It was immediately and rightly called atomic. Moreover, the lion's share of its weight was armor, in some places reaching up to 305 millimeters. That is why the internal space for the crew was much smaller than that of heavy tanks of a similar mass.

The atomic tank embodied the new tactics of World War III and a more "vegetarian" era, when human life was worth at least something. It was the concern for the crew of this armored vehicle that dictated some of the tactical and technical data of this tank. For example, if necessary, the hermetically closing hatch of the tower and the breech of the gun prevented even a speck of dust from entering the interior of the machine, not to mention radioactive gases and chemical agents of infection. Excluded for tankers and bacteriological danger.

So, even the sides of the hull were protected by almost twice as thick armor than the German Tigers. It reached 182 mm on the 279th. The frontal armor of the hull generally had an unprecedented thickness - from 258 to 269 mm. This exceeded the parameters of even such a cyclopean German development of the Third Reich as the heaviest monster in the history of tank building, as if jokingly named by its developer Ferdinand Porsche Maus (“Mouse”). With a vehicle weight of 189 tons, its frontal armor was 200 mm. Whereas in a nuclear tank, it was covered with simply impenetrable 305-mm high-alloy steel. Moreover, the body of the Soviet miracle tank had the shape of a turtle shell - shoot, don't shoot, and the shells simply slid off it and flew on. In addition, the giant's body was also covered with anti-cumulative screens.

* * *

This configuration was chosen by the leading designer of the SKB-2 KZL, Lev Sergeevich Troyanov, not by chance: after all, the tank was not just called nuclear - it was designed to conduct combat operations directly near a nuclear explosion. Moreover, the almost flat body excluded the overturning of the car even under the influence of a monstrous shock wave. The armor of the tank withstood a frontal hit of even a 90-mm cumulative projectile, as well as a shot at close range with an armor-piercing charge from a 122-mm cannon. And not only in the forehead - the board also withstood such hits.

By the way, for such a heavyweight, he had a very good speed on the highway - 55 km / h. And being invulnerable, the iron hero himself could deliver a lot of trouble to the enemy: his gun had a caliber of 130 mm, and could easily break through any armor that existed at that time. True, the supply of shells led to pessimistic reflections - according to the instructions, only 24 of them were placed in the tank. In addition to the gun, the four crew members also had a heavy machine gun at their disposal.

Another feature of the Project 279 was its tracks - there were already four of them. In other words, an atomic tank, in principle, could not get stuck - even on complete impassability, thanks also to the low specific pressure on the ground. And he successfully overcame mud, deep snow, and even anti-tank hedgehogs and gouges. On tests in 1959, in the presence of representatives of the military-industrial complex and the Ministry of Defense, the military liked everything, especially the thickness of the armor of the atomic tank and its complete protection from everything. But the ammunition load plunged the generals into despondency. They were not impressed by the difficulty in operating the undercarriage, as well as the extremely low ability to maneuver.

And the project was abandoned. The tank remained manufactured in a single copy, which is now exhibited in Kubinka - in the Armored Museum. And the other two unfinished prototypes were melted down.

* * *

Another exotic development of our military engineers was the A-40 or, as it was also called, "KT" ("Tank Wings"). According to the alternative title, he could even... fly. Designing "KT" (namely, we are talking about a glider for the domestic T-60) began 75 years ago - in 1941. In order to lift the tank into the air, a glider was attached to it, which was then taken in tow by a TB-3 heavy bomber. The idea of ​​such a non-standard solution was none other than Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov, who then worked in the Glider Directorate as the chief engineer at the People's Commissariat of the Aviation Industry.

It is clear that with a weight of almost eight tons (together with a glider), a tank equipped with wings could fly behind a bomber at a speed of only 130 km / h. Nevertheless, the main thing they wanted to teach him was to land in the right place, having previously unhooked from the BT-3. It was planned that after landing, two crew members would remove all the flight "uniforms" that had become unnecessary from the T-60 and be ready for combat operations, having at their disposal a 20 mm caliber gun and a machine gun. The T-60s were supposed to be delivered to the encircled units of the Red Army or partisans, and they also wanted to use this method of transportation for the emergency transfer of vehicles to the necessary sections of the front.

The flying tank was tested in August-September 1942. Alas, due to the low speed, the glider just kept at a height of forty meters above the ground due to poor streamlining and its rather solid mass. There was a war, and at that time such searchlights were out of place. Only those developments that could become combat vehicles in the very near future were welcomed.

For this reason, the project was cancelled. This happened in February 1943, when Oleg Antonov was already working in the Design Bureau of Alexander Sergeevich Yakovlev - his deputy. Another important point, because of which work on the A-40 was stopped, was the condition of transporting its ammunition along with the tank - this question remained open. The flying tank was also made in just one copy. But he was not the only project of our designers. There were dozens, if not hundreds, of such developments. Fortunately, there have always been enough talented engineers in our country.

Vitaly Karyukov

In the 1950s, after the appearance of the first nuclear reactors, projects appeared to equip ships, aircraft, missiles and even trains with them. Then these projects seemed almost unrealistic to implement. Of course, the US military could not fail to notice such a promising power plant for military equipment. The tanks were not spared either.

What is the history of the creation of atomic tanks?

The first such project was developed at a conference called "Question Mark III", which was held in June 1954 in Detroit. Such a tank was named TV-1, which weighed 70 tons, was protected by armor of 350 millimeters and would have had 105 mm as weapons. cannon. Thanks to a nuclear reactor, he could work for 500 hours without needing to change fuel. In this project, they did not forget about a machine that would feed the equipment with energy during forced marches.

At the next conference called "Question Mark IV", which took place a year later, another nuclear tank was presented. Since the Question Mark III, the design of the reactors has changed, which made it possible to reduce the size and weight of the machine. It was named R-32, and it already weighed 50 tons. The caliber of the gun was reduced to 90 millimeters. The frontal armor has also become smaller - “only” 120 mm. The machine's reactor made it possible to move over distances of 4,000 miles, that is, almost 6,500 kilometers.

Scheme of the nuclear tank model R32 (side cut)

This project was considered more promising than its predecessor TV-1 and even thought that the R-32 would be able to replace the then main tank of the American army M-48 in the future. But reality dictated its own conditions: the estimated cost of the future nuclear tank alone discouraged any desire to mass-produce them. The R-32 did not advance further than the sketches. After that, there was an idea to convert the heavy American M-103 tank into a test vehicle with a nuclear reactor. But she did not go beyond the project on paper.

And what about the USSR with its "catch up and overtake America"? In the Soviet Union, such projects simply did not exist. Based on the heavy tank T-10, a mobile nuclear power plant called TES-3 was created, which began to be used in 1961. Then this program was curtailed and only in the 80s they returned to it.

What are the reasons for the refusal to create and produce nuclear tanks? Firstly, this is the high cost of such machines. Secondly, the crews of such tanks should be subjected to more thorough and thorough training. In addition, the question immediately arose of creating specialized repair and filling machines. But the damage in battle of such machines, most likely, led to radioactive contamination.

60 years ago, in conditions of absolute secrecy, the "atomic tank" was created.

In 1956, Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev instructed the designers to begin work on the project of a unique tank, which was not afraid of either an atomic explosion, or radiation contamination of the crew, or chemical or biological attacks. The project received article 279.

Armor is strong at 300 millimeters

And such a heavy tank weighing 60 tons was designed by 1957 at SKB-2 of the Kirov Plant of Leningrad (KZL) under the leadership of the chief designer, Major General Joseph Yakovlevich Kotin. It was immediately and rightly called atomic. Moreover, the lion's share of its weight was armor, in some places reaching up to 305 millimeters. That is why the internal space for the crew was much smaller than that of heavy tanks of a similar mass.

The atomic tank embodied the new tactics of World War III and a more "vegetarian" era, when human life was worth at least something. It was the concern for the crew of this armored vehicle that dictated some of the tactical and technical of this tank. For example, if necessary, the hermetically closing hatch of the tower and the breech of the gun prevented even a speck of dust from entering the interior of the machine, not to mention radioactive gases and chemical agents of infection. Excluded for tankers and bacteriological danger.

So, even the sides of the hull were protected by almost twice as thick armor than the German Tigers. It reached 182 mm on the 279th. The frontal armor of the hull generally had an unprecedented thickness - from 258 to 269 mm. This exceeded the parameters of even such a cyclopean German development of the Third Reich as the heaviest monster in the history of tank building, as if jokingly named by its developer Ferdinand Porsche Maus (“Mouse”). With a vehicle weight of 189 tons, its frontal armor was 200 mm. Whereas in a nuclear tank, it was covered with simply impenetrable 305-mm high-alloy steel. Moreover, the body of the Soviet miracle tank had the shape of a turtle shell - shoot, don't shoot, and the shells simply slid off it and flew on. In addition, the giant's body was also covered with anti-cumulative screens.

Oh, not enough shells!

This configuration was chosen by the leading designer of the SKB-2 KZL, Lev Sergeevich Troyanov, not by chance: after all, the tank was not just called nuclear - it was designed to conduct combat operations directly near a nuclear explosion. Moreover, the almost flat body excluded the overturning of the car even under the influence of a monstrous shock wave. The armor of the tank withstood a frontal hit of even a 90-mm cumulative projectile, as well as a shot at close range with an armor-piercing charge from a 122-mm cannon. And not only in the forehead - the board also withstood such hits.

By the way, for such a heavyweight, he had a very good speed on the highway - 55 km / h. And being invulnerable, the iron hero himself could deliver a lot of trouble to the enemy: his gun had a caliber of 130 mm, and could easily break through any armor that existed at that time. True, the supply of shells led to pessimistic reflections - according to the instructions, only 24 of them were placed in the tank. In addition to the gun, the four crew members also had a heavy machine gun at their disposal.

Another feature of the Project 279 was its tracks - there were already four of them. In other words, an atomic tank, in principle, could not get stuck - even on complete impassability, thanks also to the low specific pressure on the ground. And he successfully overcame mud, deep snow, and even anti-tank hedgehogs and gouges. On tests in 1959, in the presence of representatives of the military-industrial complex and the Ministry of Defense, the military liked everything, especially the thickness of the armor of the atomic tank and its complete protection from everything. But the ammunition load plunged the generals into despondency. They were not impressed by the difficulty in operating the undercarriage, as well as the extremely low ability to maneuver.

And the project was abandoned. The tank remained manufactured in a single copy, which is now exhibited in Kubinka - in the Armored Museum. And the other two unfinished prototypes were melted down.

flying tank

Another exotic development of our military engineers was the A-40 or, as it was also called, "KT" ("Tank Wings"). According to the alternative title, he could even... fly. Designing "KT" (namely, we are talking about a glider for the domestic T-60) began 75 years ago - in 1941. In order to lift the tank into the air, a glider was attached to it, which was then taken in tow by a TB-3 heavy bomber. The idea of ​​such a non-standard solution was none other than Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov, who then worked in the Glider Directorate as the chief engineer at the People's Commissariat of the Aviation Industry.

It is clear that with a weight of almost eight tons (together with a glider), a tank equipped with wings could fly behind a bomber at a speed of only 130 km / h. Nevertheless, the main thing they wanted to teach him was to land in the right place, having previously unhooked from the BT-3. It was planned that after landing, two crew members would remove all the flight "uniforms" that had become unnecessary from the T-60 and be ready for combat operations, having at their disposal a 20 mm caliber gun and a machine gun. The T-60s were supposed to be delivered to the encircled units of the Red Army or partisans, and they also wanted to use this method of transportation for the emergency transfer of vehicles to the necessary sections of the front.

The flying tank was tested in August-September 1942. Alas, due to the low speed, the glider just kept at a height of forty meters above the ground due to poor streamlining and its rather solid mass. There was a war, and at that time such searchlights were out of place. Only those developments that could become combat vehicles in the very near future were welcomed.

For this reason, the project was cancelled. This happened in February 1943, when Oleg Antonov was already working in the Design Bureau of Alexander Sergeevich Yakovlev - his deputy. Another important point, because of which work on the A-40 was stopped, was the condition of transporting its ammunition along with the tank - this question remained open. The flying tank was also made in just one copy. But he was not the only project of our designers. There were dozens, if not hundreds, of such developments. Fortunately, there have always been enough talented engineers in our country.

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