Dream interpretation wedding ring for a married woman. Phoebe's big dream book. Dreaming that the wedding ring is big

If in a dream you see yourself saddened, upset - do not panic, you should not take dreams literally.

Why dream of a wedding ring? How to interpret such a dream?

Why dream of a wedding ring - the main interpretation

If you dream of an engagement ring that you do not want to wear, you will be bored with the relationship that you entered into recently and you will be very uncomfortable because you are losing yourself in a relationship. You, in the literal sense of the word, have dissolved in a person and now you want to find yourself. Designate your new vector of development. But, the dream book does not advise rushing and chopping everything from the shoulder. Get over a difficult life period and start moving forward gradually.

Remember all the details of sleep, all its clues should be considered:

Where did the wedding ring come from in your dream;

Was it given to you?

Did you wear a ring;

Was it comfortable for you to wear it;

What feelings did you experience.

If you dream that you carry the ring in your palm and squeeze it tightly, then you want to keep something a secret, something important to your heart that you don’t want to reveal to anyone. Perhaps this is your relationship, which you value very much. Or is it your future relationship that is just starting. In any case, such a dream promises the beginning of a new life stage. Be ready for it.

If you dream that someone gave you a ring and you don’t know who it is, try to think, maybe you have a secret admirer in reality, or a person who is secretly trying to help you. Which tries to solve many of your problems. You know him and often communicate, because inwardly you perfectly understand who he is talking about. But you just don’t want to face the truth and admit that you really are great for each other.

If you dream that you are buying an engagement ring for yourself - you yourself will solve your own problems, you yourself will understand difficult questions, which could have been avoided. You will independently dive into the problems and the past and try to find in them common sense. The more you do all this, the more you will realize how many problems you create for yourself.

Do not take all the responsibility on yourself, try to distribute duties among your loved ones and give yourself some rest. If in a dream you choose wedding rings with your husband and your choice fell on a diamond engagement ring, it means that not everything will be so smooth in your relationship.

You may find out the truth that will upset you more than please you. After such a dream, you can look at your chosen one in a completely different way and understand that everything has not been so smooth in your relationship for a long time. That you need to try to restore relationships, try to maintain a balance in them, otherwise, instead of the cherished ring, you will receive a refusal to communicate with you.

If you dream that someone, together with your chosen one, chooses an engagement ring, such a dream does not at all mean that you have a rival. It's just that you take all the words of your other half and all his actions too close to your heart. You want more and more attention and care from him, but you get rejection and pain. Do not try to please your chosen one, but do not find fault with his actions and words.

If you see another woman trying on your engagement ring, then you have a rival. She is very jealous of your happiness and she is haunted by your well-being with her husband. She wants to break your couple. But the dream book advises to take a closer look at the dream. Perhaps a rival in a dream will throw away your wedding ring - then such a dream will mean that it is time for you to think about saving your family.

The problems that overtook your union will soon end, but you will feel their consequences for a long time to come.

It is also important to take a closer look at what metal the ring was made of, what shape:

Silver wedding ring in a dream - to disappointment and sadness;

White gold ring - fortunately and joyfully;

From yellow gold - to stability;

Ruby engagement ring - to passion;

A diamond ring is a hassle.

If the ring is not enough on you in a dream, you hoped too early for a positive outcome of the relationship. You hoped too soon that the relationship would develop into something more. It's time for you to think about whether you yourself are behaving in relation to your chosen one.

If the ring in a dream is big on you, you allow yourself a lot and in vain. It's time for you to stop paying attention only to your desires and yourself, it's time for you to start considering the interests of your soulmate. If your soulmate is constantly silent, and you can’t just understand what he really wants, it’s time to ask him. Otherwise, it turns out that you simply did not satisfy all his needs and now you have a discord.

Why dream of a wedding ring according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that a wedding ring is dreamed of when a person is ready to develop his relationship, but does not yet know which one. If a lonely girl dreams about how she looks at a wedding ring on her finger - in reality she will try to find exactly those long-desired relationships. But she won't be able to because ideal relationship very difficult to find.

If you see in a dream that the wedding ring has been lost, do not rush to sound the alarm. Just in your personal life, a period of internal struggle may begin. You will know perfectly well how best to act, and even will do so, but you will need approval from loved ones.

Try not to be zealous and not to demand approval always and in everything. Try to wait for it only when it is really necessary. If you dream that you threw the wedding ring into the river, you will stop seeing the true face of your lover behind your tears and claims. Try not to take risks like that, pay enough attention to relationships and yourself in them.

If a pregnant woman dreams of someone's wedding ring, she must take care of inner balance, inner peace. Otherwise, minor anxieties will constantly visit her, preventing her from fully resting.

Why dream of a wedding ring according to the Esoteric dream book

Seeing a rusted wedding ring in a dream is a tragedy. You will lose a lot and the reason for this will be the events of the past. Someone from your past life will actively influence you. Perhaps you will meet your former lover, and decide that it's time for you to take care of a joint future, but the dream book asks you to take your time, pull yourself together and understand that in fact, it's time for you to take a break from household chores. It's time for you to start living again.

If in a dream you see a man giving you a broken wedding ring, you will be slandered. Be prepared for what's yours good name will be mixed with dirt that people from inner circle. You will be slandered by the person you trusted the most. But don't kill yourself over this situation. In fact, he will do you a great favor in this way - he will show his true face.

Why dream of a wedding ring in other dream books

In Grishina's dream book it is said that the blackened wedding ring that you wear in a dream promises you health problems and great psychological stress. You will, in the literal sense of the word, drown in great difficulties. Try to resolve your problems as quickly as possible so that they do not accumulate and negatively affect you.

If in a dream you lost your wedding ring and cannot find it in any way, this does not mean at all that you will lose mutual understanding in a relationship. You will simply lose the strength to develop them for a while. You will be busy with household chores and relationships will fade into the background. Try to avoid similar situations in the future.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that the wedding ring dreams of anxiety and absent-mindedness, especially if you wear it on your index finger. Such a dream portends you interference in the affairs of another person, for which you will have to pay. Try to be attentive to the requests of your loved ones and relatives - do not let them get bored and feel lonely. Pause if you have a fight with one of them. This will benefit all of you. Do not rush to sort things out.

Since ancient times, people have paid great attention to their dreams. And they seriously approached the issue of interpreting what they saw in a dream. After all, a dream can promise good luck in business, wealth and love, or it can predict misfortune. The interpretation depends on all sorts of nuances and situations that occurred in a person’s dream. For example, in a dream a person saw a wedding ring. Everyone attaches to it the meaning of eternal fidelity and love. Let's try to take a closer look at what this dream carries.

The meaning of dreams with a wedding ring

If you believe dream book XXI century, an engagement ring dreamed of by a young girl means that pleasant events await her. And if it is worn on the ring finger, the young lady will successfully marry. For a mature woman, this dream means a very warm relationship with her husband and children.

By interpretation French dream book this dream means a successful marriage and many children. Moreover, this interpretation is the same for men and women. If an engagement ring was presented to you by a lover, then this indicates his gentle and serious intentions for you.

To dream of a ring according to Miller's dream book means protecting the family hearth from troubles for a married lady. And if the ring is in the possession of a stranger, this serves as a warning about rash acts.
The metal from which the wedding ring is made also matters:

  • gold - to a marriage proposal;
  • silver - promises financial problems and a quarrel with the other half.

If you dream of losing your wedding ring

If in a dream an unmarried girl dreamed of losing her wedding ring, she needs to be wary of gossip and envy. You have to be careful in new acquaintances and not conflict with people. If it slips from your finger to the floor, this means misunderstanding in the family and conflicts. We must be careful in our words and deeds, then the interpretation will not come true.

If your ring was stolen in a dream, then the woman needs to be wary of the appearance of a homeowner. But everything can be fixed by surrounding the husband with warmth and care.

It happens that in a dream you take off your wedding ring from your finger. This is a signal from the subconscious. You are overcome by doubts that understanding and tenderness in the family can disappear, and by such an action you fence yourself off from this. It is necessary to remember under what conditions it was removed, and to prevent these events. If you do not have a spouse, this means monetary losses.

If in a dream you are looking for a wedding ring, this indicates that your loved one is not serious about you. Or about your confusion about family life. Just take care of yourself and prioritize.

Finding or buying a ring in a dream

Finding a ring in a dream speaks of new feelings or the appearance of a devoted friend. Putting on a wedding ring to your other half means the sincerity of the dreamer's feelings. If a girl herself puts a ring on her finger, then soon she will receive a lot of attention from men, and a meeting of her betrothed.

Buying a ring can be interpreted in different ways:

  • ring with stones - there will be romantic courtship;
  • two rings - for the wedding.

Choosing a ring in a dream indicates the difficulty of choosing a gentleman. It can also be interpreted as readiness for a new relationship. Trying on a ring in a dream promises long-awaited happiness. If it is large, it indicates difficulties on your way. To successfully overcome them, ask for help from loved ones.

Damaged wedding ring in a dream

This is a very bad omen. A damaged wedding ring promises treason. Or divorce due to the fault of ill-wishers. If you saw how the ring breaks right on the finger, this means treason. Moreover, the deceived himself will see the fact of infidelity. If in a dream the ring breaks in half, this indicates a complete rupture of not only family ties, but also any communication.

If the ring breaks through your fault, it threatens business problems and losses. It also speaks of the occurrence of quarrels through your fault. You need to watch your behavior and be careful. For married women, a broken ring promises a husband's illness. You need to carefully monitor the health of your spouse and pay attention to the slightest changes.

Double wedding rings in a dream

To dream of wedding rings combined into one is a symbol of a wedding between people in love. Two rings on ring finger talk about the imminent addition to the family. Soon you will find out about the pregnancy, which will be a pleasant surprise for you.

This article discusses the main interpretations of a dream about a wedding ring. The meaning of sleep is not an exact statement that this or that situation will happen in your life. Everything can be changed by following the advice and monitoring your behavior. Sometimes we ourselves do not notice how we do unconscious actions, causing pain to loved ones. Remember, your destiny is in your hands.

The ring is one of the few accessories that are worn by both ladies and representatives of the male half of the population. This jewelry is given as a sign of sympathy and love. It is the ring that is presented during the marriage proposal. This accessory can be a symbol of contract bonding and taking responsibility. The dream book interprets the ring in different ways and can give the most unthinkable meanings.

Many interpreters of dreams interpret dreams with a ring in a favorable light, portend new acquaintances, love and friendship. This ancient decoration is news from the distant past, it is preparing a fateful meeting destined for man from above. Depending on the mood of the person and the atmosphere of the dream, this accessory may reflect any unresolved problems, indicate the current state of affairs, or personify an oath and loyalty to one's own principles. Often dream books symbolize the ring as having great powers and power.

Interpretation of an engagement accessory

The rings that the newlyweds exchange can have the following interpretations in a dream:

golden decoration

An ornament made of pure gold, which a person dreamed of, promises the fulfillment of all desires in the event that the dreamer put it on his hand.

If the girl dreamed of a ring, which a man gave her, this means that it is time to prepare for a wedding in reality.

Pearl Embellished Accessories in a dream they can bring tears and disappointment in reality. But diamond speaks of favorable patronage or acquaintance.

Many dream books solid gold ring interpreted as honors, fame and wealth that await a person if he found this product in his dreams.

Give to another person Golden ring in a dream means that in reality the dreamer deliberately refuses to continue his connection with his partner.

ruby products

If you dreamed of a ring with a beautiful and precious stone ruby, then it may portend the following developments in reality:

broken ring

If a person in real life tied by the knot, and in a dream he dreamed of a bursting ring, then this does not bring anything good. A cracked engagement product indicates that in reality there is a misunderstanding between the spouses. In the future, this can lead to a break in relations.

Dream Interpretations interpret a broken ring in a slightly different way if it was not an engagement ring. In such situations, the dreamer is advised to better consider his potential business partners and refuse to sign important contracts with dishonest people.

If in a dream it was not the ring itself that cracked, but its stone, then the dreamer cannot avoid disagreements and quarrels with loved ones. If the stone was huge size, then in reality a person expects an acquaintance, which will turn out to be very unsuccessful.

If you yourself broke the ring in a dream, then this means that your soulmate will get sick in the near future. If you dream of wearing a broken ring on a chain around your neck, then there are hopes for a favorable outcome. To keep in a dream a product donated by someone, but at the same time broken, means that a person clings to his memory, preventing himself from living a real life.

Church products

An ornament with inscriptions in a dream, which plays the role of an amulet, can have several interpretations at once:

  • If you received an iron ring as a gift in a dream, then life will be quite difficult, but not without joy.
  • Exchange church rings in a dream with his chosen one - to a strong and happy marriage in reality.
  • If a person buys a ring in a church shop, then this is a symbol of gaining a patron and a powerful protector.

Give a ring as a gift

If a girl dreams about her boyfriend giving her a gift this accessory, then in reality there is no doubt about the sincerity of his intentions and feelings towards himself.

Silver ring in a dream is a good sign. The dreamer in this case expects a cloudless family life and many children.

If you put a ring on your hand a completely stranger, then in reality the dreamer will receive unexpected help and be able to solve his problem.

It can also mean that, surrounded by acquaintances, such a person has appeared who has been sympathetic to you for a long time, but still does not dare to offer something more.

Get a ring in a dream- to a prosperous life and ignorance of needs. Signet accessories are a symbol of honor.

Beautiful find

If you dreamed of a finger decoration that was found, then this can be deciphered as follows:

Losing jewelry in a dream

If in his dreams a man lost a precious piece of jewelry, then in reality he needs to be prepared for possible unpleasant changes in fate: great insults and grief are coming. Looking for a ring in a dream but can't find it? In reality, in solving some serious matter, you will use all your capabilities, but you will not achieve the desired result.

If you never liked the ring, then there will be no problems from losing it. If you dreamed loss of any antique item, which has historical value, then the dream is deciphered a little differently: such a loss promises a long showdown and trial. It is possible that the case could go to court.

If you have lost an expensive diamond ring, then this indicates the deprivation of the support of an influential person in reality. If a man is looking for a seal of gold and diamonds in a dream, and even in the sea or river, then in reality he cannot avoid stagnation in any business.

If the dreamer is divorced and lost his wedding ring, then in the future he will have a quarrel with his chosen one. If at the same time the person was not upset, then with former partner he will remain on friendly terms.

To make a choice

If in a dream fate put a man before a choice, then in reality, unprecedented opportunities await him. And here dream books recommend using these opportunities correctly.

Choosing a ring in a dream many dream books are interpreted as the personification of the benevolence of fate and the ability to successfully change unpleasant circumstances in a successful way.

If a young girl in a dream chooses a golden ring for herself, then in reality she will have to decide, as well as give an answer or consent to one of her fans.

If a man chooses a gift in a dream for his woman, then in reality she means more to him than he thinks. In this situation, you should not break with your reckless actions what he will regret in the near future.

If a person in a dream picked up a golden engagement ring, then an engagement awaits him ahead.

Ring fitting

Measure rings on yourself in a dream and purchase one of these products in a box - to get to know interesting person in reality. It is likely that this acquaintance will soon grow into a great friendship or even love. . If the choice of this jewelry is very difficult dreamer, then in reality he will rush about in search of a way out of the current situation.

Trying on an elegant work of art in a dream means that in reality a person has swung at some big and difficult task, which he will not be able to do. If at the same time the dreamer received incredible pleasure from the fitting process, then in reality he will be true to his principles.

Make a purchase

Buying jewelry in a dream can be interpreted by dream books as follows:

Interpretations from different dream books

Different dream books interpret a ring in a dream in different ways.

According to Miller's dream book a clean and whole ring is a symbol of fidelity, good fortune and prosperity. If the dreamer in a dream wears two or more of these jewelry on his fingers at once, then this promises success in love endeavors. However, a broken accessory does not promise anything good in reality. Ahead of a person, adultery can be expected, and a break in relations is also likely.

According to Vanga's dream book the ring is an indicator of unresolved problems, fidelity, oaths and affection. If a loved one put a ring on the dreamer's hand, then in reality he sincerely loves him and cherishes a real relationship. If you put on the ring stranger, then we should expect a long-awaited romance. The loss of the ring symbolizes the breaking of a promise.

According to Freud's dream book this accessory in a dream is a symbol of harmony, unity between opposite sexes. If a girl in a dream gave a young man a gift in the form of this jewelry, then in reality he intends to create a family with her. A large number of the ringlet indicates a frequent change of sexual partners, as well as a tendency to cheat. A broken ring is a sign of impending health problems.

According to the dream book of Nostradamus look at golden decoration is a sign of the imminent birth of a child or marriage. Putting a ring on your hand - to the fulfillment of desires. The loss of a wedding ring in a dream promises a break in old ties. Finding jewelry speaks of a new acquaintance.

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If in a dream you dreamed of a clean and whole wedding ring, this is a sign of your partner's fidelity. In addition, well-being and pleasant changes await you in the near future. Dream Interpretations give other decodings.

Why dream of an engagement ring according to Miller's dream book

A dream in which you have several rings on your fingers means good luck in all endeavors. It will be very easy for you to achieve your goals. If a lover in a dream proposes to you and gives you an engagement ring, this is very good sign. This person loves you, appreciates and respects you very much.

If the ring was lost and broken in a dream, this will lead to multiple sorrows and failures. In this case, adultery or rupture of relations is possible. A dream in which you see rings on the fingers of strangers symbolizes the implementation of all your plans.

Wangi's dream book - wedding ring

According to Vanga, the ring is the personification of the cycle of events, unresolved tasks, constancy, fidelity and affection. A dream in which a ring is put on the finger of a loved one symbolizes your restraint.

If you dream that a stranger puts a wedding ring on your hand, it is a sign that you will soon receive unforeseen help in solving a problem that has been tormenting you for a long time. If in a dream you yourself choose a ring for yourself, but you can’t pick it up in any way, then your heart is free for pure love.

A dream in which the ring flew off your finger means that a difficult one lies ahead of you. life test. If the ring is very squeezing your finger, this indicates that you devote quite a bit of time to your other half.

Freud's dream book wedding ring

To see a ring in a dream symbolizes harmony and harmony between lovers. If in a dream a loved one gives you an engagement ring, then in reality he intends to connect family ties with you.

And if such a dream occurs married woman, which means that her husband has prepared a welcome surprise for her. If in a dream you gave someone a ring, it means that in reality you are attached to this person.

A large number of rings on the finger symbolizes the frequent change of sexual partners. A broken ring is a sign of impending health problems. A ring of impressive size means great experience sexually.

Ring according to the dream book of Nostradamus

A dream in which you admire your ring is a sign of a hasty marriage or replenishment in the family. Put on a ring - to be fulfilled cherished desires. Losing the ring symbolizes the breaking of old ties. Finding an engagement ring is an unexpected acquaintance.

Give a ring - suffer minor losses. If in a dream you cannot remove the ring from your finger, then in reality you do not have enough personal space and freedom. Breaking an engagement ring intentionally is a sign of parting.

Aesop's dream book - wedding ring

If you see a rusty wedding ring in a dream, it promises you a long loneliness. If during sleep you lost your ring - a sign that an unpleasant event will happen soon, namely parting with a loved one or a serious illness. Finding an engagement ring in a dream promises you the appearance of illusory hopes. You should not rely on fortune, but you need to act on your own.

Wedding ring according to the Women's dream book

Wearing a ring in a dream is a sign of good luck and success. Seeing rings on strangers symbolizes new acquaintances.

If you had a dream in which you put a wedding ring on the finger of your loved one, this is a sign that you will keep your promises and remain faithful to your feelings. If a stranger puts a ring on your finger, then you will quickly find a solution to an old problem.

The dream in which the ring fell from your hand means a rather bad sign. In reality, fate has prepared for you some kind of life test. Breaking a ring in a dream - frequent quarrels and accidents in marital affairs, even a break in relations between lovers is likely.

What is the dream of the ring according to Longo's dream book

The wedding ring that you dreamed about from Monday to Tuesday means a tender relationship with children, and if the children are far away, then they will visit you soon. A broken ring dreams of a quarrel with a soulmate.

Rings on strangers mean gossip and false accusations directed at your person. If in a dream you lost a ring, this promises you big waste in the future. In turn, this dream can be interpreted a little differently: you will probably lose the trust of a person close to you.

Dream Interpretation - a wedding ring on a finger, on a hand

If a man dreams that he puts on a wedding ring for his soulmate in a dream or sees it on the finger of his own hand, this is a sign that in reality the man’s decision to marry is considered hasty. For a girl, such a dream means some kind of warning against her gullibility towards her boyfriend.

Why does a man dream of a wedding ring?

The image in a dream of a ring is directly related to marriage. For a man to see a ring in a dream means that in reality he has a great desire to meet his love and marry her.

Dream Interpretation - find, wear, lose, break a wedding ring

  • Wearing a wedding ring - for a wedding and a happy marriage.
  • Losing a ring is a shame.
  • Find it or receive it as a gift - new connections.
  • If you dream of a cracked or broken ring, this is a sign of betrayal of a loved one.
  • If a girl dreams that her wedding ring accidentally breaks, then such a dream is a warning about the imminent serious illness of her husband.

An indispensable attribute of a wedding celebration, a symbol mutual love, marital fidelity and family happiness. Both in reality and in a dream. To find out what the wedding ring is dreaming of, try to remember what feelings prevailed in the dream.

If you felt pleasant excitement, joy, warmth, looking at the wedding ring, then the dream is related to spiritual and love experiences. In the case when they perceived it like any other decoration, without experiencing any special emotions, then the dream characterizes you as an ambitious, successful leader. Your career will take off.

Ring on my finger: what does it mean?

Depending on the nuances of dreams dream books can interpret this dream image in different ways:

Loss or damage to jewelry

The loss or damage of a wedding ring in reality is extremely upsetting and is often perceived as a bad omen. Symbol eternal love, lost or broken in a dream, is also interpreted as a negative omen.

An unmarried dream about a lost jewelry warns that gossips and envious people will denigrate her. good name. Rebuilding your reputation will be difficult. The only way to avoid problems is to live in honor and justice, without making other people suffer. Try not to quarrel with anyone and not communicate with dubious personalities.

Does not inspire optimism and a ring that slipped in a dream from a finger to the floor. In reality, you will find that your ugly act will be condemned by all loved ones.. Think about other people's feelings to avoid family scandals.

If a unmarried woman dreaming about how she is looking for a lost ring, then in reality, the partner does not care about her opinions and desires. For him, he comes first. Whether it is worth trying to maintain such an alliance is up to you.

The ring flew off the finger - fate wishes to test your strength by arranging a test.

A dreamed search for jewelry may reflect confusion in the dreamer's feelings. He's not sure he's ready for serious relationship especially for marriage. The thought of a wedding causes mental discomfort. You can get rid of it only by deciding what you really want.

Taking the ring off your finger on your own predicts a quarrel and quarrels in the family.

If a married woman dreamed of stealing a wedding accessory at night, it means that in real life the spouse is thinking about a relationship on the side. Or has already cheated with a rival who seeks to take your husband away from you.

The main interpretation of a damaged wedding ring is treason. Already accomplished or so far only planned.

A broken, bent, cracked ring speaks of a prolonged period of problems in his personal life.. Relations with a partner do not stick. Delaying the final break will only exhaust both mentally, destroying the remnants of warm feelings experienced for each other. Force to leave can not only personal problems, but also parents, enemies.

Broken completely, split into two parts of the wedding decoration predicts trouble, stress and apathy. And also, or leaving a partner forever after a grandiose scandal. You will cut off all communication.

The interpretation of dreams is also affected by which finger you saw the ring on: on the nameless - in front intimate relationship with a stranger; break the ring on the index - expects a divorce; on a large or medium - a family quarrel; on the little finger - perhaps the partner is unfaithful to you.

If the engagement ring breaks while being worn, there will be a conflict of interest. Your career will go downhill. Health problems may appear. If such a nuisance happened to gold jewelry, then do not share something with your spouse. With silver - there will be a controversial situation at work.

Broke specially someone else's ring - break up with a loved one because of your own unacceptable behavior. Do not demand too much from your loved one, do not look for flaws in any of his affairs, and harmony and a relaxed atmosphere will return to the house.

Cracked on the finger - to a violation of fidelity: catch your partner in bed with another or another.

In the dream of a married woman, a cracked piece of jewelry predicts a serious illness to the missus.

A broken ring in a dream right hand someone from your family, then in reality this person is able to bring discord into your family. To avoid conflict, try not to invite this relative to visit for a while.

Blackened or rusty

Dreams do not bode well, where the wedding ring was black or covered with a layer of rust.

A dream about a rusty, dented ring prepares the dreamer for a difficult life span. You will be haunted by failures, sudden illnesses, which will naturally cause depression. Likely big quarrel with someone from relatives or close friends - up to a break in relations. Also, the decoration covered with rust is a symbol of widowhood. And according to Aesop's dream book, it promises a long loneliness.

Greza advises to pay more attention to your soulmate. Keep nothing from your loved one so that secrets or insincerity do not spoil the relationship.

If you dreamed how in vain they tried to get rid of rust on the ring, you will soon find yourself in a situation that will make you very nervous. When the decoration is easily cleaned, then the troubles will soon be left behind, life will gradually begin to improve.

A black ring in a dream is an unkind sign. All real problems will escalate. For example, friction at work will reach its peak, you may even be forced to quit. If you are sick, then your health will worsen even more. There is no need to wait for a speedy recovery.

For a girl, such a dream indicates an evil, envious person in her environment, who is making every effort to ruin her life. A darkened ring may warn of the groom's cancellation of the wedding due to a homeowner: probably best friend bride.

A darkened decoration often dreams of family scandal or a quarrel between lovers. To financial problems or illness. Or find mutual language with an ill-wisher. If you found such an ornament and tried it on, then you yourself are the source of the troubles that attacked you. Receive as a gift - help will come from outside.

Washed the blackened accessory - peace will reign in your, you will live with your soulmate long and happy life together.

Acquisition, gift, find

Choosing and buying a wedding decoration in a dream interprets the dreamer's relationship with the opposite sex. If you purchased a ring instructed precious stones decorated with a beautiful ornament, then in reality gallant gentlemen, exquisite compliments, beautiful bouquets await you.

Buying two wedding rings in a jewelry store is such a dream for a man predicts in the near future marriage to the girl of his dreams.

Found - meet new people, meet new love. Even if the relationship does not end in marriage, there will always be a devoted friend next to you. There may be unfounded hopes. Aesop's dream book advises to rely more not on the favor of fate, but on one's own strength.

If in a dream the jewelry was presented to you by a loved one, then in reality, he is sincerely in love with you and wants to become your spouse. The more beautiful and shiny the ring, the faster you will go to the registry office. For a married lady, such a dream promises a wonderful surprise prepared by her husband.

If there is no admirer next to the woman who is ready to ask for her hand, then the dream assures: soon such a man will definitely appear.

You yourself presented someone with a ring - in reality, you have tender feelings for this person.

An engagement ring is rarely dreamed of just like that. As a rule, this is a sign of future changes, sometimes fateful. However, if the wedding decoration appeared in a dream just before going to the jewelry store or a few days before the wedding, you should not look for it in a dream hidden meaning. Most likely, in the kingdom of Morpheus they do not leave you about the upcoming event.

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