Point on the line of the mind on the right hand. Palmistry for beginners: principles and meanings of lines on the hand. Mind Line Dating

The lines on the hand tell about the paths and roads that a person walks, about how he thinks, thinks, acts, loves, what decisions he makes, they talk about the mistakes he makes, the obstacles that he encounters on his way or created by himself, about his future.

The line of the head or the line of the mind begins between the thumb and forefinger, and runs through the entire palm to the hill of Mars. This line tells about the mind and intellect of a person, his ability to learn. Let's take a closer look at the line of the mind in the palm of your hand and understand what it means.

Lines on the hand

Mind line length

If the line of the head is long enough, then intellectual pursuits are relatively important for a person. They can find some practical application.

Very long mind line says that the person has big mind, open spirit, curiosity, understanding, tolerance. Here important role play mental capacity.

Short head line: lack of intelligence, lack of inclination to reflection, inattention, naivety, predilection for simplification.

Long and straight line of mind: direct, frank, clear, intelligent character. The ability to develop plans and projects, interest in culture, knowledge, the ability to concentrate one's attention, analyze actions.

Short and straight head line: cunning, enterprising spirit. lack of personal ideas and beliefs, which is compensated by the ability to share and accept the beliefs of other people.

Where does the mind line begin and where does it end?

If the line of the head starts from the hill of Mars: energetic character, faith in ideals, fighting spirit, a huge supply of energy, great opportunities, the need to bring what was conceived to life, the struggle for one's beliefs, a love of discussion.

Starts from the hill of Venus: developed practical mind, in addition, intellectual pursuits aimed at pleasure, feelings and aesthetic sense.

Mind line on hand

Ends on the Hill of the Moon: rich imagination, developed intuition, inspiration, daydreaming.

Ends on the hill of Mars, a hill of psychic energy: a dream, inspiration, a brilliant mind, personal success due to fortitude, endurance and skill.

If the mind line ends with a triple fork: rich imagination, excellent ability for intellectual pursuits or financial activities, spiritual reflection, the desire to help people.

Mind line and life line

If at the beginning the line of the mind intersects with the line of life in a long section: mental abilities play the most important role, this person has more developed prudence than instinct, he is balanced, cautious, he has the ability for intellectual pursuits, but he needs approval and recognition, he is very sensitive to criticism.

On a short stretch: brilliant but superficial mind. a character subject to other people's influence, which is not noticeable from the outside, this person knows a lot and understands art, is polite, but he has few of his own thoughts.

life line on hand

If on the hand the line of the mind is slightly separated from the line in life at the beginning: a little naive, but benevolent character, interest in science, knowledge, study, ability to generalize, rich imagination, susceptibility to higher ideals and metaphysical problems.

If the head line does not intersect with the life line: enterprising, courageous, energetic, independent character This person acts more than he thinks. Ends with a branching, original character. This person loves to provoke others. Sometimes he turns out to be a rebel.

According to palmistry, the line of the Head on the hand is one of the three main lines. With its help, you can learn about the level of intelligence and way of thinking, as well as determine how fully we use our mental abilities.

In addition, she may report head injuries and general mental state person. Length, bends, breaks and signs on it keep a lot interesting information about the fate and character of the owner of the hand.

Length, width, angle

As a rule, palmists use both the left and right hand for predictions. The left one tells about the predestined fate, and the right one tells about the course of life.

The second place in terms of value on the hand is occupied by the line of the Head (or Mind). It starts in the gap between the thumb and forefinger, continuing towards the edge of the palm.

In most cases, the line of the Head on right hand slightly different than on the left (if they are the same, this indicates that you are following the path of fate without turning off).

Do not panic! saw not auspicious sign on hands? Look for security signs. Palmistry. #one

Line of the Mind (Head). What inclinations, mental abilities does this line speak about. Palmistry

Palmistry line of the head or mind (part 4)

Distinguish between long, medium and short line heads. Long - runs almost through the entire palm and means that the owner of the hand is a shrewd person with a good memory and a high level of intelligence. Short - speaks of practicality, cunning and the ability to quickly navigate the situation. The line that reaches the ring finger is called the middle line. Its owners boast a good mind, pliability and the ability to solve difficult problems.

People with a wide Mind line in the palm of their hand are slow. They evaluate the situation for a long time, ponder, weigh all the pros and cons. Unlike them, the owners of the narrow line of the Head on the hand make decisions instantly (however, this does not mean that the decision will be correct). If the line of the Head is barely visible, its owner can perform in life serious mistakes. The straight line of the Mind speaks of practicality and seriousness. Double - is extremely rare and indicates a powerful intellect.

The angle of inclination is also great importance- a steep slope speaks of creative personality and rich imagination. A low head line warns of possible problems with a perception of reality. Wavy - indicates cunning and inconstancy, and similar to a chain - warns of possible migraines.


The shape of the Head line has a great influence on the character of a person. If its tip is bent towards the fingers, this indicates a craving for material goods. A straight line crossing the hand means that its owner is an imperious, prudent person, not prone to sentimentality. If it bifurcates at the end, this is an indicator of wild imagination and rich imagination. Two branches coming out of one are called the "writer's fork" and speak of the creative thinking of the owner of the hand ("writer's fork" can often be seen in the photo of the palms of famous artists).

People whose Head line ends on the Mount of the Moon are extremely sociable, artistic and witty.

If the lines of the Head and Life are connected at the very beginning - the owner of such a hand “first thinks and then does”, his decisions and actions are always balanced and rational. However, the combination on a longer segment indicates indecision and uncertainty. If the lines of Mind and Life do not touch each other, this indicates a strong and independent character. The will of such a person is firm, and the decisions are unshakable.

If the lines of the Head and Fate intersect with each other, this is a sign of well-developed logical thinking. Such people are able to find a way out of the most confusing and difficult situations. Sometimes the line of the Mind cuts the line of Life into two parts - this indicates the possibility of suicidal tendencies. And if it breaks the line of the Heart, it means that the owner of the hand has the mind prevailing over the feelings. Often such people are devoid of spirituality and full of selfishness, and this is a direct road to crime.

Location relative to the hills

Of great importance is the under which hillock the line of the Head ends, begins or curves. Its beginning under the Mount of Saturn means that a person may have a developmental delay or eye disease, as well as an incident that threatens his life. A gap under this mound portends a head wound, a broken leg or arm. If the Head line ends under Saturn, this indicates the likelihood of death at a young age, as well as extravagance and carelessness.

The head line coming from the hill of the Moon means that its owner is a person with a rich imagination.

A similar beginning is found among writers, poets and people of a creative warehouse. If, walking on the Moon, it descends to the wrist, this speaks of magical thinking and occult abilities. If the forked line of the Head descends with one branch to the hill of the Moon, this indicates a penchant for acting. The owners of such a hand drawing are making progress in advocacy and acting.

If the line of the Head turns sharply towards the mound of Mercury, the person is distinguished by cunning and resourcefulness. For the sake of achieving the goal, he is ready to go on any adventures. Sometimes it seems to bend towards one of the hillocks. If this is the hillock of Mercury, the person is successful in trade, and if the hillock of Apollo, there is an ability to be creative.


Signs are of great importance in palmistry. Some of them are permanent, others are temporary. Permanent signs appear from the moment of birth and are a reflection of our destiny, while temporary signs warn us about certain life events.

  • The cross is most often an unfavorable sign that indicates a head injury. If it is located under the ring finger, this is considered a sign of death.
  • The triangle in this place of the palm is found in people who have devoted their lives to science.
  • The circle speaks of eye disease and poor vision.
  • An island means problems - both in personal life and in professional activity. People with big amount islets are prone to depression, nervous breakdowns and panic attacks. They often suffer from headaches and nightmares. If the island is placed at the beginning of the line, you should pay attention to the condition of the throat and ears.
  • A star is a sign of a serious head injury.
  • Square is very good sign. His presence means that in this period of life a person is helped by a Guardian Angel.
  • Multiple dashes indicate financial difficulties or problems at work.
  • The lattice is a sign of stubbornness and changeability.
  • The breaks show that in this place the path of a person changes dramatically.

Each dash, a small part of the unique pattern on the palms of a person indicates fateful events in his personal and professional life. The line of the Mind on the hand determines the character of a man or woman, their fears and hopes.

Why is the Mind line so important in palmistry? Unique patterns are signs with which a person is born and dies, and the Mind line in the palm of your hand will become the best helper for a person if he learns to read the dashes on his palm.

Mysterious lines - unique signs for knowing the future

The line of the Mind refers to the landmarks on which fortune-telling is based on the hand. Palmistry is a science that is difficult to study and understand, capable of opening a person's eyes to a completely different world. There can be many branches, breaks or additional figures in the line of the Mind. All these signs are just additional information that helps to reveal true nature men or women.

How will the long line of the Mind help for self-realization or in compiling an accurate description of a person? The signs on the palms only outwardly seem primitive and simple, but in fact, deciphering the symbols can be done for days. Each dash is significant or trifling information. Putting together all the details, a person can talk about self-knowledge. For the Mind line in the palm of your hand, a special location is reserved. Together with the fundamental line of Life, it emerges from the middle of the edge of the arm. The line ends up to the middle of the palm. A long dash reaches the end of the palm. Such structural features of the hands mean the fate of a person with a great future.

For the line of the Mind, the age of a person is important. Like a path, it slowly passes through the years allotted to a man or a woman. Signs on a clear line always matter, and unraveling them is the primary task of a palmist. Simple or complex fortune-telling will reflect the development of the spirituality and physical body of the individual, destined before birth. Her growth and possible problems. There is a lot in the line of the Mind useful information through which one can understand oneself.

Where does the chain of events start? From the day a person is born, a pattern representing the mind follows every success, every failure, and every turn of events. If the pattern is abruptly interrupted or bifurcated (on the left or right hand), you should not be afraid. The signs, whatever they may be, are only a probable future, inscribed on the hand, which entirely depends on the man, woman, child or elderly person. Where to look for your own talents on the palm of your hand, what does a trident mean or others are swept aside? Only an experienced palmist can interpret the patterned hand.

What does the dash of Uma mean on the palm of your hand?

The Mind line is characterized by clear lines and deep patterns. By examining the hands of a person, a palmist can see unforeseen changes. Branching at the end or beginning, between different patterns and patterns - additional guidelines (hidden conditions, possible sharp turns of events). There are no two identical palms in the world, but from the line of the Mind comes unique life full of surprises and amazing accomplishments. What signs deserve attention?

There are only three fundamental lines in the palm of your hand, the meanings of each determine the fate of the individual:

  • hearts;
  • life.

The qualities of a person in professional and personal life depend on the line of the Mind and life, but the pattern of the Heart, the most controversial and difficult to read, is responsible for the emotional component.

Signs in the palm of your hand can change throughout life. At the very end of a long journey, a person can evaluate his own actions. But in the beginning, in youth, in adulthood, a person seeks to know his own future.

How happy a person will be does not depend on the line of the Mind, but in a clear line in the palm of your hand is hidden how to reach this happiness and self-realization? India is considered to be the lullaby of palmistry. The transmigration of souls professed by Buddhism and karmic debt formed the basis of palmistry. To read the palm, not only knowledge is needed, but also the courage to accept what does not depend on a person. own destiny.

There is a big difference between people who can succeed in life and those who are actually successful. The lines on the hand do not solve the problems of a person, do not give him all the answers, but suggest the right path for further direction. What in a person depends on the line of the Mind?

Description of the line of the Head (Mind)

The Dash of the Head is the story of a life that a person has yet to experience. caring parents can predict the future of their own child, once considering the patterns on the child's palm. All details are important at the beginning or end of the line, at the intersection of the Head pattern with other patterns. Each parallel dash is a sign that defines all fortune-telling.

We need the lines of the Mind, Heart, Fate to determine the wave of life, when the responsibility for missed opportunities in life does not hang over the soul of a person. From birth to death, in the palm of a person there are all the necessary clues and signs that a person tirelessly asks for. higher powers from day to day. If the line of the Head connects with the branches of the line of Fate, then the fate of a man or woman will be incredible, fruitful and prosperous.

The position between two strong conditional borders makes the Head pattern more saturated and truthful. Extra lines do not emanate from the Mind line, but only those that indicate fateful turns. Finding the dash of the Head is easy, it is located between the index and thumb. Immediately above it is the Heart dash (the Heart dash is responsible for any social relations personalities with the outside world that are or will be in the future), and below the pattern of Fate - can tell about the future, show the quality of life and its duration.


Line of the Mind (Head). What inclinations, mental abilities does this line speak about. Palmistry

Palmistry line of the head or mind (part 4)


What does the head dash mean? For human life, deciphering the Mind pattern is very important. The photo with a detailed diagram of all the dashes and figures shows how multi-layered drawings can be. For palmistry, time limits are important. The long line Mind is events drawn by years of life that predetermine the well-being of the individual. There is no need to look for answers to all questions in palmistry, because science, unrecognized by all scientists, tells a person about his inclinations, and does not create conditions for development. How will the pattern responsible for the mind and success in life help in palmistry?

The shape and length of the Mind drawing

The line of the mind on the right hand is a dash with a slight bend or bifurcation, indicating the mind, prudence, practicality of a person. The pattern of nobility and kindness will help the personality to open up from a completely different side. To do this, you just need to read the picture correctly. A dash with a star, clearly drawn at the beginning or end, speaks of the talent inherent in a woman or a man. The combination of two signs at once next to each other speaks of imminent success in the future.

The first sign that catches your eye should be carefully considered. Just in case, you can read the special literature with detailed general interpretation main lines. Mount Venus, located above the line of the Heart, often connects with the line Mind. This arrangement of intersecting lines is not accidental. Interpretation of the pattern during the life of a man or woman:

  1. From birth to 20 years. Part of the line stretches from the beginning to the middle of the index finger. It is necessary for oneself to understand where and what period passes, and under the influence of what signs the fate of a person is formed. Another segment will tell about the future if we are talking about small child. A feature marked with a star indicates the giftedness of the baby. If the sign coincides with the beginning next period, the child will have the opportunity to realize himself.
  2. Up to 35 years old inclusive. The end of this period coincides with the location of the middle finger. In the gap with clear features of a person, many pleasant surprises await. Energy, lots of new ideas and inspiration. If there is no sign or symbol up to the second border, you should not be afraid. Smooth fundamental lines are the best messenger.
  3. 60 year milestone. The last period ends on ring finger, resting on the base of the little finger. In this time period there is that part of life in which a person gains wisdom, patience and realizes his own place in society, his own family. A point on this segment is a sign of illness and poor health. The point speaks of problems that cause a lot of trouble and worries. The path ends on the palm of your hand on the day when a man or woman leaves this world.

Palmistry predetermines such a thing as the flow of time in both directions. On the bends of the Head, the meanings of certain symbols may be repeated. A duplicated point or star (located at any time interval) speaks of confirmation of what was destined, of inevitability.

Throughout his life, through strength and pain, a person fights for happiness, for well-being, which is easy to determine by the hand. The mark means a conflict of internal desires and circumstances imposed by the outside world. If the dash is connected by figures (rhombus, star, square, cross, fish or circle), then the situation will be resolved either by the mind or by the heart. The drawing of the Heart and its location will help determine the prediction.

Coincidence of the Uma line with other hand drawings

If the lines do not match (the pattern of the Heart looks up, and the Mind looks down), then internal torment will never leave a person.

Such a discrepancy means doubts, constant changes of one's own free will and without it. Minor figures come from the line of the Heart, which will help you understand how to overcome internal contradictions. Several branches depart from the line of the mind on the hand - a person is comprehensively developed, he strives for knowledge and inner strength.

Points on the line of the mind, especially in the first segment, indicate the difficulty in communication. This does not mean at all that the child will grow up closed or asocial. The signs on the line of the mind are unique clues that no other prediction can replace. If you consider the left hand, you can see the talents inherent in the individual. The processes in the second time period will tell you whether the occupation will bring a significant income to a person. The right hand will report on the implementation of the plans.

The character of a person along the line of Mind

By the pattern on the hands, you can recognize the personality traits. The square indicates absent-mindedness (square different size and thickness, with and without a clear line). A square on the line of the mind or an island on the line of the mind indicate impermanence in all areas of life. With the line that formed the cross, you need to beware, self-deception is possible in a person’s life. A break in the line (break at the end, at the intersection, over a large and small area) indicates a head injury. A broken dash that starts anywhere indicates tension and stress. A gap never promises positive changes (a gap near the point is dangerous).

A short line of Mind promises problems in financial sector, and the star at the end of the mind line will tell you about possible problems if there are no positive signs nearby. The long line of the mind, which begins with the line of Fate, means the same long prosperous life. The line of the mind and the line of Fate always influence each other. If you carefully examine the hand, you can see how two full-fledged lines depart from one point (fork) - they redefine what a person’s everyday life, his work, family, health will be like. The meaning and description of each dash is important for general divination.

Branch - important changes, but a short dash indicates serious problems in the financial sector. A fork turning into one line is a good symbol that promises stability. If the drawing of the Mind intersects with other drawings or figures, a person will find harmony. The location of the dash up symbolizes the desire of the individual for spiritual growth. An island formed from the lines of Mind, Life and Heart on the right or left hand means an interesting activity that will appeal to the individual and bring good income.


Any mark on the hands is short, long, dashes that merge, branch or clear indicate events in a person’s life. It predetermines talents, aspirations, skills not only until the middle of life, but also until death.

A mole or a mark on the Mind line indicates significant turns in fate. By comparing the drawings correctly, you can unravel how the Mind line affects the life and fate of a person.

The line of the mind in the palm of your hand plays an important role in palmistry. It is impossible to draw up a horoscope that correctly reflects the whole situation if this feature is not taken into account. The fact that it connects with other marks also matters.

In the article:

Mind Trait Location

Ideally, the line of the mind - or Head - begins between the thumb and forefinger. In most cases, at its beginning it is connected with but then their paths diverge. Then it crosses the zone of Mars and ends near the hill of Mars.

A significant factor for interpreting the result is appearance traits. Weak or well-defined, straight or curved, long or short, which hill it is heading for - it all matters. It also significantly affects the interpretation on which hand fortune-telling is performed.

Beginning palmists often do not know what is the difference in palmistry between the right and left hand. It is believed that left hand will tell about the fate of man, about how life should have developed according to the plans of the Creator. Nevertheless, man himself creates his own destiny. Therefore, the right hand will tell how the future has changed because of his choice.

Varieties of the lines of the mind

If this mark is straight, then its owner is a strong and energetic person. He will always find the right words knows how to soothe and encourage. Rarely does anyone dislike him. He always sees the good in everything, knows how to turn the situation to his advantage. Anyone with a finely defined mental trait is going through a difficult period of time. You are frustrated and lost, you have no goals in life. Perhaps this is due to a discord in his personal life. Don't worry, things will get better soon.

long mind line says that you have a sober and clear mind and do not lose control over yourself even in difficult situations. You know how and love to work, trying to bring any business to the end and make it perfect. You can achieve whatever you want. But the supremacy of reason over emotions and constant control does not allow you to let people close enough to true friendship. If the mark is so long that it reaches the opposite edge of the palm, then you have an unusually sharp mind of an analytical warehouse. You feel head and shoulders above other people, and often this is true. There is not enough adrenaline in your life, so you are trying to fill this emptiness with something else.

short dash tells that you are mired in everyday life, but you like everything. Perhaps a turning point has occurred in your life, after which the worldview has changed radically. Now you appreciate the present, not the past, and even more so not the ephemeral future. You are not delusional and stand firmly on the ground. If, in addition, there is also a broad feature, then this characterizes you as someone who misses his chances. Self-doubt makes you distrust tempting offers. You are capable of more, so trust chance! Allow yourself to relax and unwind for a while.

The feature of the head forms a staircase,

If the feature of the head consists of small dashes and forms a ladder, then this is a sign that a person with such a mark is frivolous and not very responsible. He himself does not know what he wants, so he rushes from one extreme to another. In fact, he is a smart and honest fellow, but because of his disorder and insecurity, many have a bad opinion of him. Anyone who has a double dash can rightfully be proud of an unconventional way of thinking. He knows how to look at the problem from an unexpected angle and find an interesting solution. This person loves power and knows how to use it.

Mind Line Break Example

When your mark is interrupted in several places, then most likely, not so long ago, your love adventure ended in failure. Of course, the state of mind leaves much to be desired. But don't get upset! Meeting new friends and starting a new hobby will quickly heal you from sadness and longing. The descending sinuous line characterizes you as a person prone to melancholy and soul-searching. You are a subtle nature, and because of this, it is sometimes difficult in this cold world. You have few friends and no one really close, so you prefer loneliness.

If the line is wavy and thin, then you are a soft and indecisive person. You find it difficult to say “no” to people or defend your point of view. This is also the cause of disappointments and worries in your life. It is worth being more strict with yourself and rebuffing others. Learn to refuse people their requests, and they will begin to treat you much more respectfully. If the dash bifurcates at the end, then such a person is fluent in the gift of a speaker. He also has a sharp mind and an excellent memory. He can become a good judge or lawyer, as he knows how to consider situations from different angles.

If the line begins to split in two from the very beginning, then this symbolizes the duality of the owner's nature. It feels like several people are living in it. He can instantly change his point of view to the opposite, not at all embarrassed. Communicating with such a person is interesting, but difficult, because you never know at what moments he is real, and what can change in a few minutes.

Staying the line of the mind in different zones

The tip of the trait of the mind rises to the hill of Mercury

The fact that the tip of the line rises to describes you as a pedantic and accurate person. You dont love stupid people and love to use ridicule and irony to put them in their place. For this reason, you are not liked in the team. However, causticity and arrogance are only a shield that protects your true essence from encroachment. Alone with yourself or loved ones, you are a sweet and kind person.

If the line falls into the zone of the Moon - alas, but you absolutely do not know how to keep a secret. Even knowing that you can’t tell it to anyone, you will definitely tell someone a secret. You do not evil person, but you have many shortcomings and do not strive to improve yourself. You are looking for someone like you who can be lenient with your weaknesses and who does not try to change your nature.

On the line of the mind under Mercury is a triangle

In the case when there is a triangle at the end of the line under the hill of Mercury, this may mean your attentiveness and scrupulousness in matters of work. You are inclined towards scientific analytical work. You like to comprehend something new, to understand everything to the end. If there is a small hump on the line under the hill of Jupiter, this may mean that such an individual can achieve a lot, largely due to stubbornness. It is his main characteristic. If he has already set a goal for himself, nothing can stop him. Sometimes this puts him in a stupid position. Do not get hung up on one moment, enjoy life.

If the dash sags towards the hill of Saturn, then you definitely prefer the company of books to direct communication. This reality, in your opinion, is inhospitable and repulsive, so you try to find a way out of it in books and works of art. You are trying to find your own path that will lead to happiness and harmony with yourself. The one who has a trait of mind rising to the hill of Apollo is not afraid to speak his mind out loud. Usually this is a determined, warlike personality, although sometimes his attacks fall nowhere. You should learn to be more silent and reserved.

If there is a branch that goes to the hill of Jupiter, then such a person is very ambitious. She has big goal in life, and she's going to achieve it no matter what. Fate smiles at you, but be careful, because luck is changeable and fickle. Do not be arrogant and do not do mean things to others, in this case your dream will come true. If there is a branch towards the Saturn zone, then you are a rather lazy and calm person. You live in harmony with yourself and nature. You perfectly understand human nature and are condescending to the weaknesses of loved ones. You are not a rebel, and you are not trying to change the world, because you know that this is impossible.

The case when the branch is heading towards the hill of Apollo hints that this person has a creative mind. So if he wants to succeed, he should direct his eyes to the field related to art. At the same time, in addition to the existing talent, practicality and composure are also required, which he still lacks. He needs to develop criticality and sanity without losing inspiration, and he will succeed. If the mark climbs far to the hill of the Moon, then you have a penchant for magic. You have always been attracted to the unknown, but something has prevented you from taking it seriously. Once the moment is right, you will find that you have strong psychic abilities.

If many small dashes are noticeable on the line of the head, then it follows that you attach great importance to social status. You strive up the career and social ladder with all your might. Luck smiles at you, but still think, are you missing something important? When there are not so many of these lines and they are clearly defined, then this can symbolize your loss. It seems to you that you are alone in this world, and some people always want something from you. It's time to take a little breather and sort yourself out. Get rid of annoying advisers who only interfere with you.

In the case when the lines of the head and life are connected by a vertical line, this indicates that you are very sensitive and emotional person. You are dependent on other people who do not appreciate your attention and care. You should reconsider your social circle, finding out who your real friend is. If there is a small space between the features of the mind and life, then you regret a lot in your life. You have lost a lot by trusting the wrong people, and now it is difficult for you to let someone close to you. But if you continue to feel sorry for yourself, then it will not lead to anything good. Throw away old memories and let yourself step into new stage life.

Cross on the line of the mind

If the space between the features of the head and the heart resembles a rectangle in shape, then this indicates the ability of this individual to quickly navigate in a difficult situation. Such a person does not get lost and does not panic, but instantly thinks out how to get out of this situation. He also knows how to present himself correctly, so he has practically no problems in the team. Nevertheless, self-confidence and narcissism can play a bad joke with him, so from time to time it is useful for him to descend from heaven to earth.

When the space between the features of the head and love is a perfect square, then you have a very high level intelligence, so you don't take criticism. You do not trust people, and you always try to double-check the information yourself. The same goes for work. It’s easier for you to do it yourself from start to finish than to explain something and worry about the result. You like traveling to the most remote corners of our planet. You enjoy testing yourself to find out your limits, and you expect the same from others.

The line of the mind is one of the main ones by which palmists determine a person's ability to think and analyze. It is also called the "head line". If it is well studied and analyzed, then one can characterize the talents and inclinations of a person.

You will learn to guess by hand on your own.

It is located between the first two fingers and has one beginning with the line of Life. We are used to believing that our mental abilities are directly dependent on the length of the line of the mind, but palmists prove the opposite, and are ready to dispel these myths. All our mental qualities depend on other causes.

mind line- this is a sign that carries a flow of energy on which thinking depends. Depending on the length, one can judge whether a person thinks in a standard way or his thinking is unusual.

  • A short line indicates that a person is subject to stereotypes, his thoughts do not differ from most people; conservative thinking is his maximum.
  • Long characterizes a person who has in his head constant flow thoughts, they are not similar to each other. Such people are not inherent in living with one opinion.

Characteristics of the Uma line

The presence of curvature in the line

The sign of curvature is very important, because it can be used to characterize the individual characteristics of a person.

  • Usually a crooked line is found in the gifted, talented people endowed with unusual creative qualities.
  • Curvature is main feature, by which the level of intelligence is judged, the line itself speaks of the direction of thinking.

Short line with curvature

The owners of such lines are absorbed in traditions and stereotypes, but among all this they manage to find common sense and contradict the masses. These people are quite original, good ideas can come out of their mouths.

  • If the line of the mind has a sufficiently developed and strong curvature, then this indicates that their non-standard is so unusual that sometimes it is even insane. Because of the flow of intrusive thoughts, they may behave unrestrainedly and inadequately.
  • The presence of a straight line is characteristic of people who are not gifted with deep thinking - their thinking is so typical that it is always predictable.

The nature of the end of the line of mind

Do not confuse the slope and bend at the end of the line, because these are slightly different things.

When the line of the mind passes through the palm and reaches its final point, then it can end straight or make a bend.

  • If the line ends straight, then this is typical for people with logical thinking. This interpretation is due to the fact that the end of the line falls on the hill of Mars. Such people are dominated by conservative thinking, they are endowed with the ability to solve difficult problems.
  • At the end of the line on the hill of the Moon, the situation will be the opposite. The fantasies and eccentricities of such a person can be envied, because so many unusual decisions are directed to the head. However, there is one small drawback - such people lack logic.
  • If you notice that the life line forks in front of the hill, then this indicates mental disorder person. With such persons, it is necessary to behave very carefully, or any incorrectly spoken word can cause an attack of aggression.
  • If the line of mind is turned to the elevation of the Sun, then such people are endowed with creativity. Art comes to the fore for them; often such people are seen in the acting environment.

The formation at the end of the line of the mind of the Fork confuses palmists, since judgments about this sign vary:

  • some believe that a person is dominated by writing talent;
  • others are out-of-the-box creative thinking.

Everything will depend on whether the length of the branches and their direction are equal:

  • If they are the same, and one is directed to the Moon, and the other to Mercury, then this is undoubtedly a talented person. She can realize herself in any field, her energy and creativity excite and delight.
  • On the contrary, if the branches leading to the above hills are different in length, then such a person also has talent, but he is not destined to realize his plans.

Mind Line Width

wide line

  • People with such a line have a slightly retarded thinking, they do not quickly orient themselves in extreme situation. However, if you give them time to think, they answer quite correctly and deliberately, they cannot be called stupid.

narrow line

  • Such individuals instantly respond to any question, solve the tasks assigned to them; but not always their speed leads to quality.

Line on the surface

  • Such a line is subject to people with reduced intelligence. Mental stress is heavy for them, people get tired of them very quickly.

deep line

  • This line is characteristic of gifted people - they are born intellectuals. Solving complex problems is not difficult for them. Such individuals occupy high positions, are well versed in their specialty.

Sign formations on the Uma line

broken line

The interpretation of this situation may be different.

  • On the one hand, the cause of line breaks are disorders of the head and brain: possible injuries or other disorders.
  • On the other hand, love troubles that leave their imprint on the Mind line.

Therefore, palmists need to study and evaluate the situation very carefully in order to find out the cause of the violation of thinking.

Line break with overlap

There are 2 types of break:

  • the first type is characterized by the direction of the broken line towards the fingers;
  • for the second - to the palm.

If a gap is formed, then this indicates the personal problems of the individual, which prevent them from thinking rationally.

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