Short line. Short line of life in the palm of your hand. Photos life line

In this article we will talk about what the line of life in palmistry is and what it can tell about.

Do you know that, according to our ancestors, there are no seals and signs that could not be turned to your advantage? Therefore, they paid close attention to the lines of the hands. Let's follow their example! In this article we will try to read information from one of the most popular lines in palmistry - the life line.

The line of life in the palm of the hand of women, men, children - on which hand is it located: photo

The life line is found in all people both left and right hand. On both hands she circles around the area thumb - the so-called hill of Venus. The beginning can be seen under index finger, and the end is next to the wrist.

Guidelines like these are relevant. and for men, and for women, and for children. By the way, about children: the line of life is manifested even in them, as it is formed during uterine development.

The line of life on the right and left hand of women, men, children: what does it mean?

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that the child is younger three years it's not worth guessing.

To kids older ones can already make forecasts that are somewhat different from the versions for adults. So, right palm it makes no sense to study, because it is too early to talk about the future. And here the left deserves special attention as a carrier of innate traits.

As for adults people, there used to be an opinion that women should guess, focusing on left hand, and for men - on the right. Now palmists believe that regardless of gender you need to pay attention to all hands.

Wherein right talk about the present and future, physical well-being, emotional state. Left will tell about the inclinations at birth, character.

IMPORTANT: Of course, all this is relevant only if the right hand is active.

Width lines may indicate the following:

  • Noticeable Width and at the same time, good clarity indicates a healthy, self-confident nature, standing firmly on its feet. Such individuals, as a rule, succeed in all undertakings.
  • Average Width- a sign of luck, energy, nobility. The secret of the successful life of such people lies in the fact that they are extremely calm in any situation, they know how to abstract and choose who should pour out their souls.
  • thin line- poor health, which, however, does not cancel long life. This personality is most likely melancholic, prone to frequent manifestations of depression. Maybe even vindictive.

IMPORTANT: At the same time, health depends on the internal state. In other words, the person himself may well correct it - you need to gain confidence. An effective tactic for this is to enlist the support of stronger people.

A thin line of life is a sign of a melancholic temperament

Does the life line in young children on the hand change, will it grow?

As we wrote just above, the life line is a basic sign that has been on the palms from the very moment of birth. And some lovers of palmistry, of course, want to know what the life line predicts for their child. Many parents get scared when they see a short streak.

We hasten to reassure: the line of life is peculiar grow and change. Moreover, it changes not only in young children, but even in adolescents and adults.

Life line in the palm of your hand: how to determine how long to live, life expectancy?

Directly to that how long a person is destined to live, the line of life does not indicate. First, this sign changes periodically. Secondly, it signals more about abilities and energy reserves, which, in turn, can affect the quality and length of life.

In order to calculate the potential of vital energy and see when important events will occur, you can conditionally divide the line into 10 intervals. In this case, each such interval will be equal on average 7 years. The latest years will then be located closer to the wrist.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that such a division is conditional - it is impossible to give a prediction with an accuracy of a year or a month. The number 70 is average duration life, but, of course, is not the only true option.

Some palmists prefer to childhood and age after 60 years divert slightly larger gap than for other ages. This is explained by the fact that events in childhood and old age are not as well defined as events middle age. But it is quite possible to make a division into equal sections.

For ease of division, you can use compass. Place one end under your index finger, and the other end between your index and middle fingers. After that, draw a semicircle and see where it crosses the desired line.

What does the broken line of life in the palm of your hand mean?

Not a good sign that promises illness. By the way, it is recommended to look at the approximate age at which the warning falls.

IMPORTANT: If the gap is distinct, then the disease can be very serious, up to lethal outcome.

However, do not rush to panic - try to perceive such a sign as a warning. For example, watch your health carefully or agree to surgical intervention if it is recommended by experts.

Please note that what the line looks like after the break. So, if its continuation is as clear as the beginning, then it will be possible to get rid of the disease with the least losses.

If the life line has gap in the middle its owner is a chronically dissatisfied person. He is offended by himself, by those around him, by fate. Even when fate throws chances, they most often go unnoticed. Such a person must definitely change his view of the world, as well as turn Special attention on the state of the gallbladder, liver.

What does a short line of life in the palm of your hand mean?

IMPORTANT: A short line of life is not a reason to worry that few years have been allotted by fate. But if such a short line is very close to the thumb, you should be extremely careful about your health.

In other cases, the sign is a signal that a person does not have a violent temperament and probably he often lacks vital energy:

  • Short line on right palm- a person could deplete a life resource due to bad habits, diseases, and an unhealthy lifestyle
  • Such a line for left palm- great sign! Especially if the difference between the passive and active palms is great. This means that a person was able or will be able to cope with troubles, realize the potential

Also, a similar symbol sometimes means that a person prone to arrogance and as a consequence, often remains alone, suffers from this. To avoid disappointments and problems, you should learn to correctly evaluate events, people, look at life more positively. Such an approach can help to avoid a lot of troubles and even diseases.

The life line bifurcates at the beginning, in the middle, at the end on the right and left palms: what does this mean?

IMPORTANT: The bifurcation of the line of life can serve as a signal of the duplicity of a person. As a rule, his words are at odds with his deeds, so you should be careful when communicating.

By the way, a similar sign often prevails among those who live double life. Moreover, this concept can include anything from duality in work affairs to love affairs on the side. A similar sign appears on any segment of the life line - it is worth focusing on the age division of the line.

However, if the line branches up at the beginning, this can be regarded as a good sign. Such a person in a career is guaranteed success due to the presence irrepressible energy and healthy ambition.

If there is a branch in the middle or at the very end of the line closer to the wrist, then there is probably a person in front of you who has passion for travel and other kind change.

What does the triangle on the line of life on the right and left hand mean?

Is a good omen that indicates a person with extraordinary abilities. Most often they mean talents to convince, high intelligence. These people make excellent diplomats.

IMPORTANT: Pay attention to exactly where on the life line the triangle is located.

So, if it is located at the end, we can assume that in front of you is probably philanthropist. Such a person is capable of giving himself without a trace to solving social needs. However, sometimes this negatively affects their own interests.

As you might guess, the gift of a diplomat and philanthropist quickly depletes nervous system. If the owner of the triangle in the palm of his hand plans to live to a respectable age, he simply it is necessary to lead a correct way of life, to relax from time to time.

What does the square on the line of life on the right and left hand mean?

If square as if covering the break line on the hand, then the owner of such a mark enough power reserve in order to deal with problems. Palmists call such a square "protective".

Non-limiting line break square indicates isolation. Moreover, this isolation can have the most direct meaning- for example, prison isolation or stay in a monastery.

IMPORTANT: The owner of such a square must carefully make decisions, otherwise there is a great risk of doing something illegal.

However, isolation can be symbolic meaning. For example, a person will lead a secluded life for some time due to a heavy workload in studies or work.

The meaning of the intersections of the line of life with the line of fate, mind, health, heart, head, Saturn, Mercury in the palm of your hand

Crossing the line of life with the line of fate (Saturn) is not favorable because man acts as a hindrance to himself. He is constantly overcome by doubts, he initially tunes in to a negative result. As a result, uncertainty and fear are formed, good opportunities are missed.

same intersection with the line of the head (mind)- sign perseverance, determination. Such people are excellent at classes that require mental stress and perseverance - chess, solving puzzles. Such a person is always stands up for the weak, does not endure injustice.

IMPORTANT: Do not be afraid of the fact that the owner of such a combination of lines has few friends. He prefers quality to quantity.

There is such a situation when the line of life intersects with the lines of the mind and heart at the same time. In this case, palmists give a forecast for fatality some important event In human life.

Crossing the line of life with health line (Mercury) is also considered unfavorable sign. Especially if the band of Mercury is clearer than the band of life.

The line of life in the palm of your hand connects with the line of fate, mind, health, heart, head, Saturn, Mercury: what does this mean?

connected at one point lines of life and destiny- sign of real lucky ones. Whatever they undertake, everything can be done in the best way. Such people are especially prone to military career.

IMPORTANT: However, luck is not infinite - the owner of such a sign should always remember this. As we wrote a little higher, the stripes connected at one point life and heart- warning of adverse and even fatal events.

Coming from one point lines of life and health (Mercury)- a signal that man is weak. Definitely he should pay close attention to the state of his health.

Cross on the line of life in the palm of your hand: what does it mean?

If the cross is at the end of the life line means a person will live a long life. At the same time, fatal things will bypass him.

The cross at the beginning of the line points to a person sincere, strongly attached to people and permanent in your hobbies. At the same time, such a person is capable of soberly evaluate the behavior of others. When goals are achieved, they appear firmness and focus. You can be sure that a person with a similar sign will not betray.

IMPORTANT: Contrary to popular belief, the cross does not predict illness or death.

A line parallel to the line of life in the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

The line parallel to the life line is called sign of Mars or Guardian Angel. She predicts life full of luck. If any troubles happen, then the owner of such a sign can get rid of them easily and without serious consequences.

The line of Mars promises well-being both financially and in terms of communication with others. Cases organized jointly with someone are especially successful - teamwork is excellent.

Palmists believe that if there are any unfavorable signs on the hand, the seal of the Guardian Angel soften their negative prediction.

The line of the Guardian Angel is parallel to the line of life

What does a mole on the life line in the palm of your hand mean?

A rather bad sign - portends health problems. However, a lot depends on how the line looks after the mole - so if it does not break then you can not be afraid of a fatal outcome.

If the line does not break, but it looks like less clear, which means that the disease will take away an impressive part of your vital energy.

IMPORTANT: Look at what time segment of the life line this mark is located. By knowing at least approximately the age at which a disease can occur, you have every chance of preventing the problem.

If you are the proud owner lines of mars you can breathe a sigh of relief. If an illness occurs, you cope with him without significant losses.

As you can see, the line of life contains much more than is commonly believed. We hope that we have managed to dispel some of the prejudices and fears that constantly form around one of the main lines in the palm of your hand.

Video: Life Line

The science of palmistry is engaged in the study of the connection of lines and hills on the hand and their decoding. Many are skeptical about this doctrine, especially since there are scammers who “guess” by the hand for the purpose of profit. However, there are proven theories about the influence of the pattern on the palm of the hand on the character traits of a person, and subsequently his further fate. Great value has the appearance of the main of the "branches". So, what does the short life line on the hand mean and what does it mean?

The meaning and role of the line

Among its "neighbors", responsible for the mind, heart, etc., the line of life is the main one, responsible for the whole path of a person. It contains information about his fate and the twists and turns that lie in wait.

Recognizing the location of the line on the hand is not difficult. It fits between the thumb and forefinger, passes next to the tubercle of Venus at the thumb and goes down to the very wrist. To understand more about how the line looks, the back of the hand will help. She will tell about the state of health of the owner, spiritual and physical, fatal events that will affect the course of his life. But the most important thing that interests a person the most is that this dash can tell how many years he is destined to live. Therefore, many are worried if the life line is short. Is it worth worrying about in this case and what is the difference between a similar phenomenon on different hands?

The ideal branch of life is smooth, long and solid, not overshadowed by breaks and not intersecting with other lines. But such a flawless line is extremely rare. The bumps and segments that intercede on the contour of the main line each have their own interpretation.

Location on the left hand

The left hand reflects what is destined by fate, but the will of a person can be changed. It means will of fate, spirit, irracio. A short line of life on the hand on the left does not mean that this person will not live long (just as a long one does not guarantee the path of a long-liver). But, most often, the owner of a short branch is waiting for health problems. The symbol in palmistry is interpreted in this case in a different way. Signs surrounding and crossing the line will help you figure it out.

  1. Islands around the main line portend a period of protracted illness, which will take a lot of strength from a person and require a serious struggle.
  2. Breaks signal a very serious, life-threatening disease. Overlapping stripes say that this disease will affect the course of a person's life.
  3. The translucent symbol of the cross is a harbinger of an impending serious change, trials in fate.
  4. Chains mean periods of depression. By their location, you can calculate exactly when it will overtake a person.
  5. The dashes will tell about shocks.
  6. Symbols can tell not only about fate, but also the features inherent in the owner of the palm. A guessing pattern of lattices is found in windy people, whose frivolity can play a cruel joke with them. You should reconsider your attitude to life before it's too late.
  7. A triangle on the line of life is found in very smart people who skillfully use this trait in their lives.
  8. But a square that breaks a long or short branch is a positive sign. heavy life situation will have a favorable resolution in the future.
  9. Dots on the palm mark the life path of a sickly, weak person. However, he can temper his health if he shows strength of character in time.
  10. The star speaks about the tendency to injury. You should be careful and avoid high altitude.

A short, fuzzy line of life on the left hand should not cause concern for its owner. This is just what can happen. Just be very careful and pay attention to certain points.

Location on the right hand

This hand is the leading one for most people. It shows not potential events, but precisely determined by fate. Therefore, the patterns on the palm of the right hand should be given serious attention. What does a short line of life in the palm of your hand mean?

The details of the location of this short line matter. Sufficiently close proximity to the thumb betrays a nature that is insecure, secretive and weak in spirit. On the contrary, the far distance of the branch in relation to the thumb speaks of energy and penetrating character. Such people confidently go to their goal and do not know any doubts. A clear beginning of the line from the index finger is typical for ambitious people. A gap on a branch is a high-profile event on the path of life, a divorce, a sharp get rich, etc. As for forks and branches, the following conclusions can be drawn here:

  • a short, stretching up separate branch is interpreted as a sign of growth opportunities, spiritual and career;
  • forks looking down mean a tendency to mental decline, loss of strength;
  • if a branch is present at the very beginning of the line, the owner of such a hand is an avid, active traveler, he longs for everything new and is drawn to knowledge of the world.

A very good sign double line life, parallel stripes. This person, figuratively speaking, has a spare life in his arsenal. Perhaps one day he will be able to get away dry from a dangerous situation that poses a threat to life. Occurs in long-livers. But a sharply broken line or one that ends with a double fork, in the initial interpretation, promises a sudden and tragic death hand owner. Modern palmists, who associate the drawing in the palm of their hand rather with character traits than with rock, interpret the short line as a sign of weakness of the spirit and a tendency to become depressed.

In the lines on the palms of a person, his fate is encrypted. The science of palmistry makes it possible to decipher the divine code. This is done by signs and main arcs. One of them is the trait of Life. Of great importance in fortune-telling is whether the line of Life is short or not, and what signs it has.

Line of Life in the palm of your hand

The main meaning in the fate of a person is the line of Life. It does not determine the period of existence, as you might immediately think. It shows the quality of life, its energy fullness and vitality. This line corresponds to the element of the Earth with all its inherent properties: stability, security and energy. According to the location of this fold in the palm of your hand, its length and accompanying signs, the palmist will tell you about the capabilities of a person.

The ideal trait should be like a calm river:

  • even;
  • with sharp edges
  • without sharp zigzags and forks;
  • without obstacles and islands on the way (spots and moles);
  • not wide;
  • not deep;
  • one color.

A person who is confident full of energy and forces depression will be without a single gap, clearly defined and deep. A short line of Life, intermittent and fuzzy, will be noticeable in an insecure, weak and timid person. Such a nature is vulnerable to various diseases and needs the support of relatives and friends.

Palmistry considers the line of Life to be the main one. This is the bed of the river of life, along which human energy flows.

It is based on the main information about a person. It surrounds the hill of Venus (a tubercle on the thumb), starting at the base of the index finger, making a semicircle in the palm of your hand.

Proximity to the hill of Venus makes its own adjustments to the interpretation of the line. From such a neighborhood you can learn about the health and well-being of loved ones and relatives, whether they are in danger of serious illness or death. Good sign, if the line is clear, without breaks and completely surrounds the hill of Venus.

The location of the lifeline may vary slightly:

  • close to the center of the palm and away from the thumb;
  • close to the thumb;
  • the beginning of the line is high, near the index finger.

Partial interpretation of the symbol depends on this. In the first case, a person is able to achieve a lot, is purposeful and will overcome any obstacles. In the second - a weak and insecure person. In the third, it means an ambitious and wayward person.

Value depending on its length

You should not associate the length of the line of Life with the term own life. This is not always true. A real palmist always examines both hands, the length of the lines on them almost always turns out to be different. In most cases, the long arc of Life indicates the state of health and the level of vitality of a person. Centenarians can also have a short line of Life on their hand. They can be passive, indifferent. Dragging out their long existence on earth.

A short length does not always directly indicate an imminent death. Much worse, according to palmists, is a branched sign at its end (fork). This symbol may indicate dementia in old age, moral and physical exhaustion. But even here there can be several values, depending on the type of fork, its exact location and depth. This can only indicate an imminent move or a need for communication. Conclusions are drawn after studying the two hands, comparing both lines and branching on them.

There is no direct dependence of the life span on the length of the line. The lines on the passive hand show the past, common features character and inclination. And then the size of the line on it does not mean anything at all. If the line of Life is short on the right hand, do not worry in advance, you need to compare both palms, study everything related marks and only then draw conclusions.

Active hand with a short line

If the line is short on the right, active hand, it can be interpreted as a short life. But such a narrow meaning is appropriate only if we consider this line separately from all other signs.

If on the right hand it connects after a break, and on the second palm it is long, then we are talking only about the disease, after which all energy will be restored, and the person will live as before. There are times when small islands appear - obstacles on the life line. This shows that the disease may return or give unforeseen complications. An experienced palmist will be able to trace their periodicity.

If the arc of Life is broken in the center and directed to the tubercle on the thumb highest point, this suggests that the owner is waiting for death. And this is inevitable and irreversible. But only if there are no signs neutralizing it. This happens extremely rarely. The sign is terrible in itself, especially if it is duplicated on both hands.

Small breaks, cracks in the arc of Life indicate the possibility of injury in a crash or a fight. The wider the line, the deeper and brighter it is in this place, the more likely the events and the greater the scale of the tragedy. But if the gaps are closed in a ring, another line lies between them, then this is a change in life: big, global, but not bad. This can also be indicated by the shift of the main line.

If the line is in the form of a chain, then its owner of the disease will be haunted for life. Such is karma. In combination with other signs, the chain can indicate that the person is very sociable, he has a lot of friends and acquaintances. His energy level is maintained by communication with these people. Life leads an interesting and adventurous life. They want to get to know him and have a strong relationship. But the family will not take shape due to the frivolity of character.

Near the main arc of Life sometimes passes the sign of an angel. Otherwise, it is called the second line of Life or the line of Mars. The owner of such a sign is lucky. He is guarded by the highest heavenly forces. For his merits or the merits of the whole family, a guardian angel is sent, who will save from death, prompt and help at a difficult moment. Such a person can count on excellent health and longevity. Surrounding will consider him a darling of fate.

Also, these two lines together will give the owner a powerful vitality. He will be happy in family life. If he chooses a military career, he will certainly achieve the highest success.

For the one who lost native person, there is a pattern with a short arc of Life and a small branch to the thumb. Often the line of Life cuts into the line of Fate and then appears again, small but clear. This indicates that the person is suffering psychologically and needs support. He is severely lacking in vital energy. Under favorable circumstances, he will be able to recover and everything will be as it was before the fatal loss. The sign of an angel on the hand, if any, will help to cope with the situation much faster.

If there are also small branches on the right hand at the end of a short life line, this has several meanings. If the branches are directed towards the hill of the moon, there will be a fight or an accident, which will lead to very serious injuries. If the branches are towards the Mount of Venus, the spouse will fall ill. In a short period of life, success in work will await if the branches are directed towards Jupiter. Sickness in old age, dementia and death means the sign of the fork pointed to the wrist at the end of the line of Life.

In the interval of 30-60 years, the feature of Life is often broken or has some kind of obstacle. To prevent illness or accident, you should pay attention to the way of life, take a closer look at it and try to change for the better. After a while, the line in the palm of your hand will become clear and continuous.

The modern interpretation of the signs on the hand is very different from the one that was in ancient times. This is due to the development and possibilities of medicine. Do not fall into despair when you see a short line on the palm of your hand. You can try to cheat fate. Signs, lines on the right hand are given to people so that, knowing their meaning, they work on themselves and change their lives for the better.

Short on the passive hand

The stripe on the left (passive) hand is not directly related to life expectancy. It only shows quality. life path. Outwardly, it is straight and curved. Just look at its length. Many people ask palmists: how its duration will affect longevity. He will be able to answer only after examining all the signs on both palms and comparing them with each other.

In science, there are no clear instructions on which hand to make a prediction about the life span: on the left or on the right. The date of death is never given to the owner of a bad sign.

The trait is unpredictable, it can change throughout life: this may concern its shape, length or depth. As on the right hand, it originates between the mounds of Venus, Jupiter and below goes along the plain of Mars.

But unlike the right hand, the lines and signs on the left hand show karma. According to them, all the events that are destined by the gods are read.

The short line of Life on this hand, according to palmistry, speaks of high level energy of a person, his ability to predict negative events, so nothing bad can happen to the owner of such a trait. The aura is protected by natural abilities. Life will be long and happy, difficult, sometimes unpredictable. But this does not mean that you need to meekly obey it. It’s better to shake things up, pull yourself together and try to turn everything upside down, changing both yourself and the world. You need to try to improve your health, go in for sports, give up alcohol and smoking and start eating right.

The fate of the child early age, especially in infancy, is deciphered differently. Children have a different code. This is understandable, because the lines on the palm are not fully formed, he has lived too little, so when you see a short line of Life, you should not worry. This does not mean anything, over time it will change, acquire a different color and shape. There will be signs of fate on it. You need to wait a bit and only then draw conclusions.

Any line on the hands is not a sentence, but a sign of the gods, which indicates the need to comprehend what is happening and move forward. And even more so for a baby. His bones are not fully formed, he is not strong and unable to make decisions yet. To accurately decipher the code of his fate, you need to wait for a certain period of growing up. There shouldn't be any panic.


Good health and longevity is not granted to everyone by fate. But this is no reason to be upset. You need to change yourself, then the lines will become different, bad predictions will disappear. The main thing is to believe in your own strength and success. A person can improve his fate and life path with his worldview and actions.

Palmistry helps people realize what was wrong and how best to act in the future. The spirituality of a person, his inner essence affect his body and quality of life, no doubt. The effort of reason and will will overcome any misfortune.

The short line of life on the hand in the old days was deciphered as an unfortunate event in a person's life. It meant that its owner would live a few years, and would soon die. Modern experts in the field of palmistry are sure that this is just a myth, and you should not believe in it. The strip can indicate a lot of other factors destined by fate.

How to decipher the length of the life line

On the line of life in one palm, it is impossible to clearly determine how much time nature has given a person. You will never be able to accurately determine the date of your death. Therefore, in order to be one hundred percent sure of the date of death, it is necessary to analyze both palms at once.

The bottom line is that the length of the strip is not directly related to human life. She can't tell the time life cycle its owner. Despite this, this stripe in the palm of your hand is not simple, and you should pay special attention to it.

What is the line of life

This dash can look like a straight line, and like a curve. It does not affect the lifespan in any way. You need to pay attention only to its length. It originates from the rib between the thumb and forefinger, on the hill of lower Mars, and is directed towards the wrist. Its beginning is located between the three brightest hills. On the right side it is surrounded by the hillock of Venus, on the left - the hillock of Jupiter, and on the lower part - the plain of Mars. If its end is marked with a fork, then you have several options for living your life. The life bar is considered the most important line on the human palm. The specialists who long time conducted research in the field of palmistry, they believe that it is the most unpredictable feature. Its value contributes very huge contribution into a person's life.

Most often, it is presented as the brightest and most pronounced stripe in the palm of your hand. It contrasts beautifully at a level very a large number other bands. Looking at it, you can identify a lot of other characteristic features person:

  • the state of human health, and the level of his immunity;
  • what is the level of activity of the owner of the life line;
  • What is the person's lifestyle.

In order to determine the meaning of the life line, it is important to pay attention to the two palms as a whole. It is their tandem that is able to give precise definition this strip.

What can it mean if you notice a short life line

A short life line can be seen quite often. It must be remembered that the side of the hand plays a huge role in decoding. It is important to understand that each personality has an active and a passive hand, so there is no exact answer to the question of which hand to read the personality. There is no indication that one should read on the right hand or on the left hand. It all depends on what kind of person is in front of you.

Many people are interested in the question of what the short line of life means. This question can be answered with certainty only after all additional signs and symbols on the hand have been examined. When reading a hand, you need to pay a lot of attention not only to the main lines, but also to additional signs, because they can help you correctly and effectively interpret your fate.

If a short line is visible on the active palm

If a person has a short line of life on his left hand, and on the palm of his right it is long, then you have an individual who had a hard time living. If you communicate with a left-handed person (he has an active left hand), then most likely such a person has a weak immune system. It is possible that his health was interfered with. bad habits, wrong lifestyle or frequent stress, which affected the short line.

Unfortunately, modern world dictates its own rules, which do not always benefit the body. As a recommendation to such individuals, we can say the following: you need to urgently reconsider your life position and lifestyle. Only after you draw the right conclusions can you improve your health and prolong your life.

If a short strip is found on a passive hand

When you see a short line, don't panic. In the event that the life streak is weakly expressed on the passive hand, for example, for right-handers the left hand, and for left-handers the right hand, then this always means only good moments in life. Palmistry is sure that situations that are destined by fate are indicated on the left hand. You cannot change anything. With such a sign you had to be born, and it cannot be changed. On the right hand, events are indicated that a person can build independently throughout his life.

It can be concluded that a non-long strip on an inactive (passive) hand indicates a good outcome. This may mean that your energy level is high. You are not in danger, as negativity cannot enter your life. Most likely, you have already managed to go through all the difficulties and successfully overcome them. Therefore, nothing threatens you, and your life will be long. It is possible that you are a representative of centenarians.

Short line of life. Life is not always short!

Do not panic! saw not auspicious sign on hands? Look for security signs. Palmistry. #one

Palmistry. The short line of life is always death.

If you notice a short dash in a child

It is necessary to decipher the fate of the child a little differently. The bottom line is that children have not yet fully formed their destiny. That is why you need to pay attention only to their left hand. If you notice a short life line in your child, then you should not panic. Everyone knows that the stripes on the palm of your hand can change, so over the course of a baby's life, his fate will gradually change. You need to wait a while, and only then you can draw any conclusions. Seeing a short line is not a sentence.

Despite the beliefs of professionals, people always start to panic and think that their child will die soon. They do not yet understand the fact that the baby's life is just beginning to develop. Everyone knows that a child is not immediately born with fully developed bones, or other parts of the body. Similarly, he is not immediately born with developed lines on the palm. It takes a certain amount of time to effectively read the baby.

Final part

Experts in the field of palmistry are sure that all the signs and lines in the palm of your hand are not constant. Over the course of your entire life, they can not only change their appearance, but also be replaced by moments, and then return to the previous position again. That is why all instructions are subject to complete change. All in your hands. You just need to make an effort and try to change your destiny. If the life bar indicates that your health level is low, then there is always an opportunity to improve your condition. You can:

  • completely abandon bad habits;
  • review your diet, and the people around you.
  • It is possible that it is your environment that negatively affects your health and standard of living. Remember that the specialist will not be able to read you from the photo. For a quality interpretation, you must personally attend the reception. Only in this way will the specialist be able to give you a final and truthful verdict. A person can independently change his destiny. But for this he needs a push in the right direction. Such a push, just the same, is given by a palmist when he reads negative signs in the palm of his hand.

    A short life line, as many argue, indicates a short stay on Earth, but this statement is not entirely true. It is not always necessary to characterize a short line as a short life. Which hand to guess? What does the short line of life mean? And how to correctly interpret the location of the line?

    Which hand to tell fortunes?

    When asked which hand it is customary to guess, few know the correct answer. Most people think that both hands are suitable for divination, but this is an erroneous statement. Experienced palmists and people involved in predicting the future believe that the fate and life path of a left-hander can be characterized by the left hand, and, accordingly, right-handers determine what awaits them - by the right hand. Therefore, analysis should be done according to the dominant hand, that is, the one with which a person writes, eats, brushes his teeth, and so on.

    Life lines in the palm of your hand

    Each line on the hand indicates a certain side of the individual's life. The main and main line on the hand is the line of life. Where the life path line is located, and how to correctly interpret its location, is of interest to many people.

    So, many centuries ago, healers and sages were able to predict which life path was destined for this or that individual. Our ancestors passed on a variety of knowledge about divination and prophecy, which eventually developed in common system divination called palmistry. Predictions of the future made by hand are largely true. So this species divination has not lost its relevance and popularity in modern life.

    The line of life on the hand is the main fateful sign strip on the palm, which determines the level and quality of the destined path, the length of life and possible changes in the fate of a person. Finding the line of life is quite simple, for this you need to carefully look at the open hand.

    Short line of life on the hand

    At the base of the thumb there is a noticeable tubercle, which is called the hill of Venus, and around this planetary sign is the line of life. Most the best way lines are a smooth, continuous and pronounced line, without any branching.

    Along the line of life in palmistry, the state of health, activity, energy and lifestyle of a person are determined. In order to correctly and correctly determine the meaning of a short line, both hands must be considered. If the life line is short on the right hand, it is worth looking at the left hand, on which the life bar can be noticeably longer. Such a pattern can arise for the simple reason that what is given to a person at birth, the so-called fate and genetics, is reflected on the left hand. And on the right (if the person is right-handed) what the person has achieved throughout the journey is reflected.

    Also, such a phenomenon may indicate that at a certain life stage a person will face difficult trials and troubles. Serious illness or an accident on the road or any situation that could be life threatening. In the event that the line of life at the place of the break is restored and continues its location along the hill of Venus, then this sure sign the fact that the disease or grief will pass, life will continue, as indicated by the length of the strip on the opposite palm.

    Interpretation of the location of the line

    When a break in the line of life passes in the form of noticeable islands, this is a harbinger of illness or trouble that caused the break in the fateful line. However, you should not be disappointed or upset when you see a short line of life in the palm of your hand. It is worth looking at other lines located in the palm of your hand. Perhaps the short line is blocked by the line of fate, which will take over the further function of the life path. And, in the end, a person always has the opportunity to influence the quality, as well as the duration of his path, by lengthening the short line of life - fulfilling the mission assigned to everyone on Earth when they were born, and leading a full-fledged correct lifestyle.

    Reasons for shifting lines

    In the event that a person notices a deviation of the life line on his hand, you should not worry and panic, as there are various reasons for the formation of various gaps that must be considered depending on the combinations of the existing lines on the hand.

    The reason for the shift could be a serious revision of beliefs and a change in worldview. Also, a change in character or behavioral habits could affect the location of the line. Depending on the characteristics of the individual, this may also indicate a loss of internal status, self-confidence, or unwillingness to live.

    In the language of palmistry, this determines a complete and rather deep, and sometimes even a cardinal transformation of the personality.

    Nuances in fortune telling

    During fortune telling in the palm of your hand, you should pay attention to some important points:

    By paying proper attention to the line of life, you can direct energy and all forces in the right direction. So, a short life line is by no means a sentence, but, on the contrary, an incentive to action. And by making the right decision and starting to change your beliefs, you can drastically change not only the location of the lines on your hand, but also your personal destiny.

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