Chariot card in relationships. The meaning of the Tarot card is the Chariot. The value of the card in the upright position


Inclusion of the lasso Chariot in matters of love and relationships speaks of the partner's desire for manipulation. Such a beginning does not promise intimacy. Most likely, the partner has high personal ambitions and is used to achieving his goals through manipulation and indirect influence. Such a person approaches relationships like politics: outwardly, he may seem attentive and caring, but he is not sincere inside. His intentions are not clear. If this is a persistent character trait, then it is difficult to expect warmth and tenderness from him in the future. Even if after a while the partner "unfreezes" and is able to show his feelings, it will still not be easy with him.

Often the Chariot talks about behavioral tactics when a partner fakes a retreat, shows indifference in order to provoke another to action.

Under the straight Chariot there is sympathy, but actions are subject to the mind.

Upside down Chariot takes on a more negative connotation, warning of the unpredictability of the partner and the desire to control in any way, perhaps even by force. If under the direct Chariot he is a strategist, then the inverted one shows an inability to play a diplomatic game.

Inverted Chariot may indicate pent-up sexual energy, the other side of which is passive aggression. A person cannot naturally express his feelings: he shows sarcasm, ambiguous hints, nit-picking. Unhealthy rivalry, struggle for leadership and jealousy can arise here.

The inclusion of the direct Chariot portends joint travel, business trips alone or together, and the dynamic development of the situation. Then the relationship deepens, helps partners find mutual understanding and move in the same direction.

When the card of the 7th Arcanum falls out in the layout, we are talking about the onset of a period of drastic changes. The situation, or the questioner himself, takes a huge step forward towards global life changes.

The tarot chariot symbolizes changes in life

The meaning of the chariot in tarot cards: common direct and inverted

When this card appears in the layout, I’ll guess, the Second Wind opens, regardless of the stage at which the decision of affairs is. The tarot chariot lasso pushes the speaker to take decisive and swift actions, which he used to be afraid to think. Such changes should occur not only in the work, but also in the personal life of the outstanding. All ill-wishers disappear, all the hidden things are carried out in the best way, Guess what there are no obstacles on the way to success.

If the fortuneteller is oppressed by any problem, the tarot chariot in the layout speaks of decisive stepsto solve this problem.

The person to whom the chariot falls is at the stage of global life changes, he is full of determination and sensual energy to enter a new life.

The map includes such states of mind as:

  • Inspiration.
  • fullness energy and strength.
  • The desire to acquire new knowledge.
  • activity and optimism.

The fortuneteller who gets the chariot tarot card has just chosen the only correct path to achieve his main goal. The lasso of the chariot, tells the questioner about the lack of time for reflection, you need to act swiftly. This will help get rid of all the problems that have previously complicated his life.

In the tarot, 7 lasso falls to those who were going to do something decisive, but were afraid to show self-control and ingenuity for progressive growth. The seventh lasso pushes the fortuneteller to decisive action.

Seven has long had the meaning of a special sign of fate. Its particular importance, when falling out in a layout, is that in any hopeless case, the chariot solves the problem.

7 lasso speaks of the transition of affairs from one state to another. This is an important stage in life helping to findown I and achieve success.

The chariot portends swift action

Reversed meaning

Some cards in their figurative (inverted) meaning do not carry negative emotions, but the same cannot be said about the chariot. Her appearance in an inverted meaning turns out to be a bad omen. In this position, it characterizes the colon with the onset of a period of stagnation, the loss of a fortuneteller, defeat in any business, the onset of failure. Fortune literally slips out of the fortuneteller's hands, all his plans collapse, events develop in the most unpredictable way and not for the better.

The inverted meaning of the card means the loss of self-control of the individual. The fortuneteller loses control over the situation, shows his worst qualities: selfishness, self-destruction and intolerance, inability to control his own desires.

The card is a bad sign for people who go on a trip. This is a serious warning for them. Such trips do not bode well, force majeure circumstances can happen: a car or other transport breaks down.

The card of this lasso in an inverted meaning may indicate the instability of the mental health of a fortuneteller or a mysterious person.

In some interpreters, the card speaks of health problems.

Sometimes, in an inverted meaning, the card speaks of the onset of a period of litigation and other problems with law enforcement agencies.

Reversed Chariot - unstable psyche

Analysis of the map of the seventh lasso at a deep level. Its significance in various areas of life. Manifestation of meaning in combination

At a deeper level, card 7 according to the lasso speaks of the onset of the stage of spiritual development, the fortuneteller must know himself and learn to control all aspects of his psyche, impulses. A person must learn to synthesize energy from his own thoughts, learn to work with the energy of the inner world, and not deny its existence.

All interpretations that correspond to this lasso testify to the deep dedication of the person driving the chariot, understanding all the secrets. Described as the son of the queen of heaven, he is a divine hero who will rid the world of enemies. In his hands is a scepter, and sphinxes are harnessed to the chariot. The man confidently looks ahead, on his shoulders are the months of the moon, the eight-pointed star on the crown speaks of the infinite power of the mind.

The four pillars on which the chariot rests symbolize the four elements. The man on the chariot has learned to understand all the elements, he is a holy warrior and the son of a goddess.

The card corresponds to the sign of the zodiac - Cancer. Like cancer, a person hides in himself the riches of his inner world, without showing them to society. This card carries the meaning of the initiation ritual.

The meaning of the lasso for the individual

The personality in this period is characterized as spiritualized. Chariot most often describes a person who is successful, who knows about all his advantages over competitors, and who is able to move mountains.

The main qualities of a person who can be characterized by this card:

  • Courage and sharpness in decision making.
  • Honesty in actions and words in relation to partners.
  • Perseverance in achieving goals.
  • Willpower and complete control over your own emotions.

The charioteer is fully focused on getting a result from the actions performed, and a person is focused on the result. The personality of the questioner strives to manage the situation with all his might.

The personality of the fortuneteller expects a rapid leap forward. The person is completely captured by the feeling of self-perfection.

Maps adjacent to the Chariot will help to more accurately determine its meaning.

Love and relationships

In a love spread, drawing this card is not an accurate answer. The personality of the charioteer is ambiguous and, by nature, he rarely enters into sensual relationships. His appearance in the layout for a single person speaks of an unfavorable period for starting a relationship. Fate expects neither relationships nor development in the personal sphere from this person. A person needs to develop himself in the field of self-knowledge and expand knowledge in any professional field, rather than fall into love ups and downs.

If the card fell out to a person who is already in a relationship, then its value symbolizes dominance in a couple. The meaning of the chariot speaks of possible controversial situations that can be resolved peacefully and maintain relationships. But in such a relationship there is a cold due to the lack of common interests. In some books, there is an interpretation of the card with erotic overtones.

A partner who gets 7 lasso to strive for sexual dominance and control in everything. A person needs to be restrained in his desires and show more attention to the interests of a partner.

The professional meaning of the lasso

In the professional field, the appearance of the chariot card speaks of periods of energy and physical activity. The card means the growth of well-being and returns from the work performed. The fortuneteller overcomes all obstacles in his path and rapidly moves up the career ladder.

This card does not tolerate rivals or assistants, the fortuneteller must work alone and then he will be rewarded.

A chariot leader in his field and he will not be able to assemble a friendly team. Arcane in the professional field is often associated with such concepts:

  • Achievement of high results.
  • Receiving a reward for your efforts.
  • Recognition among colleagues and superiors.
  • Overcoming obstacles of a different nature on the way to the goal.
  • Believing in your own strengths and managing your efforts for the best result.

To everyone involved in entrepreneurial activities, this card in the lasso speaks of preparation for global changes in this area of ​​business. And the presence of negative cards in the layout symbolizes the danger, which will entail great losses. The fortuneteller will have to rely only on his own strength.

Financial situation and living conditions

For a fortuneteller, the appearance of this card in the layout indicates changes not only in the financial sector, but also in a change of residence. The move is not far off.

But the onset of a prosperous period in the financial situation will come only after certain actions. A person should strive for vigorous action not only in a career, but also in self-awareness, and only then will the money come. Some old books interpret the meaning of this card in the financial sector as pride in the award received. The onset of a period of luxury and wealth, which is earned on its own.

Sometimes the card is interpreted as a prestigious state of the individual and spending on maintaining this prestige (buying expensive cars and status items).

Health status

The card of this lasso in the meaning of health indicates good health and stamina in any life situation.

This state is equally good for both the human body and the mind.

The appearance of this card in the layout is good for those who decide to take care of their health and bring their body into proper physical shape. This lasso pushes a person to normalize the daily routine and improve the diet.

When a person has any disease, the appearance of this lasso in the layout indicates a speedy recovery.

The chariot can report problems with the nervous system

Sometimes this card (if there are neighboring cards with a negative value) indicates the appearance of diseases associated with the central nervous system. The fortuneteller may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and excessive physical activity. Sometimes there are problems with the musculoskeletal system.

The inverted value of the card indicates sports injuries or the presence of viral diseases.

The manifestation of the meaning of the card in combinations

The chariot, in combination with other tarot cards, can manifest the following meanings:

  • In combination with the magician, it speaks of the triumph of the mind and will of the fortuneteller.
  • With a priestess means the presence of an invisible patron (both on a physical and spiritual level).
  • The priestess is considered the mother of the charioteer, so her support enhances the meaning of the lasso.
  • Together with strength, it speaks of self-control at a weak level.
  • With the hanged man, it weakens its meaning and speaks of infringement of its own interests.
  • The combination with the tower is unfavorable. It does not bode well for the fortuneteller, the risk of getting into an accident or breaking plans with subsequent humiliation increases.

7 lasso in combination with the moon means a secret that should not be revealed or penetrated into it.

The Tarot Chariot, the meaning of which we will analyze today, is also called a card of triumph and victory. Some also call it the Chariot of Hermes or the Chariot of Plato. If Plato can really be taken into account, since, according to this ancient philosopher, the human soul appears in the form of a chariot harnessed by two horsemen - black and white, then the Greek god Hermes, according to myths, never had such a vehicle. However, probably, for each Arcana Tarot there will always be some kind of story that does not have a real basis. But let's get back to our Charioteer.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in layouts

In order to delve deeper into the meaning of the Chariot Tarot card, you need to carefully consider its plot line. So, we see the corresponding vehicle, which is harnessed by two mythical creatures - a black and white sphinx. The man sitting in the chariot looks very self-confident, and perhaps even too self-confident. Unfortunately, the movement of the Chariot in the Waite deck is poorly conveyed - at first glance it seems as if the cart is actually standing still, which is sometimes confusing when considering the meaning and interpretation of the 7th Arcana of the Tarot. In the hands of the charioteer is a rod. Behind the triumphal wagon we see a landscape with towers and a river, which is found on other cards of the deck. Thus, we can say that the main meaning of the Arcana will be movement, success, triumph, victory.

Key words and ideas of the Chariot card

Masters advise beginner tarot readers to start studying any card by compiling a list of keywords that can reflect its meaning - it's easier to find the semantic nuances of the Arcana when divining for various situations.

So, the meaning of the 7 Arcana Tarot can be expressed through the following ideas:

  • Constant movement, change of scenery, progress, leap forward
  • Victory, triumph, success
  • Dexterity, strength, ability to manage the situation
  • Activity, optimism, energy
  • Craving for new experiences, the desire to change something
  • Successfully overcome obstacles

The value of the card in the upright position

The classic meaning of the Tarot Chariot for a situation is successful progress, development that goes by leaps and bounds, rapid changes, movement towards your goal. Solving problems is not postponed until later - a person begins to act right here and now. Also, Arkan is often associated with activity, strength, dexterity - those qualities without which driving a vehicle is impossible. If we ask about the events of the future, then the Chariot speaks of the active development of events, the successful achievement of a goal, the fulfillment of a desire. Sometimes Arkan directly indicates a trip, a journey, a change of scenery, communication with a person who is at a great distance from the questioner.

It should be remembered that the value of the 7th Arcana Tarot will not always be exclusively positive: often the card is associated with considerable risk, as, indeed, riding any transport. But one who is ready to take the reins of the carriage into his own hands must always be self-confident and not make mistakes.

Reversed card meaning

The meaning of The Chariot Tarot, if the card turns upside down, although not critical, is not very pleasant either. What surprises can lie in wait for a person who manages transport? He may not be able to cope with the traffic situation due to inexperience or fear, or, on the contrary, he may take too much risk, drive too fast, which is why he will have an accident. Therefore, the meaning of the inverted Tarot Chariot is troubles that most often arise due to the fault of the questioner: either the person overlooked something, got distracted, or chose the wrong direction of movement, or felt omnipotent and therefore suffered. Quarrels, conflicts, unrest, resentment, revenge, hooligan antics often come under this card.

However, other difficulties may await us on the road, for example, a car breakdown. And if you ask the cards a question directly about the trip, and in response you get the return 7 Arcana, it’s better to postpone the planned trip.

The meaning of the card in matters of relationships and love

Let's take a closer look at what the meaning of the Tarot Chariot in love can be. With a cursory glance at the map, beginners are not always able to determine it accurately, because we do not always associate travel with the realm of feelings, except, perhaps, for a honeymoon.

Direct position

So, the most common meaning of the Tarot Chariot in a relationship is a clear change of impressions: most often it is a resort or road romance, an easy affair on the side, love on the Internet, the search for new sensations, since the old ones have already become boring. The charioteer on the card is a person without special attachments, today he can be with you, and tomorrow he is very far from you - this is how the interpretation of the card can also be revealed if the Tarot Chariot falls in a personal scenario for a man or woman.

Another possible meaning of the Tarot Chariot in relationships is the desire and attempts to “keep in check” your own feelings, experiences, in a word - complete control over your emotional world, which in a normal, from the point of view of psychology, love partnership is not very correct behavior . Love is needed in order to open up, and not in order to experience it within oneself. Although for those who have a relationship with a married man or woman, this can be said to be the norm.

inverted position

The inverted Tarot card Chariot takes on the following meaning in a relationship: inability to manage one's emotions, loss of self-control, inability to adequately assess reality, unwillingness to go to a truce, sometimes - the pursuit of "two hares" at once, which is known how it usually ends.

The meaning of the card when divining for health

But how can you connect the idea of ​​travel and health? Let's get a look!

Direct position

The meaning of the Tarot Chariot in health is the successful cure of an illness, or the beginning of a healthy lifestyle stage, when a person suddenly decides to take care of his well-being, go on a diet, sign up for sports training, give up bad habits. As a significator of a disease, these are problems of the gastrointestinal tract, or diseases and injuries that bind a person to a wheelchair. Sometimes Arkan can report accidents, accidents, injuries resulting from traffic accidents.

inverted position

The Reverse Carriage of the Tarot is not so straightforward. Underneath it can run a range of ailments, including sports injuries, homeostasis disorders, postpartum depression, and achievement-related neurological conditions such as winner's syndrome.

Interpretation of the card in layouts for personality analysis and psychological state

What will be the character of a person if we describe him with the Major Arcana Chariot? What will the card tell about his psychological state?

Direct position

A person prone to frequent mood swings. He loves new experiences and hates boredom. Such a person enthusiastically goes to his goals, acts actively, strives to move forward with all his might in any area of ​​life. On the psychological plane, it is a desire to unwind, to change the situation.

inverted position

An insecure person who is afraid of change and prefers never to rush things. He is afraid to take control of his life in his own hands. However, the card also has a second interpretation - excessive selfishness, inability to control the events of one's life, self-destruction. On the psychological plane - either the fear of active actions in principle, or uncontrolled passions.

The meaning of the Chariot in the layouts for finance and work

We have dealt with love, health and psychology - now let's discuss the meaning of the Tarot Chariot in work and money matters.

Direct position

Active movement of affairs, violent activity, high ambitions, willingness to get down to business, work related to travel, movement, business trips, watch. The card can also report teamwork "in one team", professional achievements, successful overcoming of difficulties, global changes. In matters of money - an improvement in the financial situation, subject to active action on the part of the asker, a luxury.

inverted position

Interpretation of the Chariot when combined with the Major Arcana

The interpretation of the combination of the Chariot card with other Tarot cards should always be based on your personal intuitive conjectures, because in the art of predicting from a magic deck, it is the intuitive reading of cards that is considered the best way to improve your skills. The examples below are just possible interpretations, keep that in mind.

  • : Chasing Illusions
  • : Mastery of situation management
  • : Thoughtful study
  • Empress: Progress towards the desired outcome
  • : Restoring order
  • : Building rapport
  • : End relationship confusion
  • : Prevent conflict, quarrel
  • : Being alone under the influence of circumstances
  • Wheel of Fortune: Time Management
  • : Seek justice
  • The Hanged Man: Injury Risk
  • Death: To face something inevitable on the path of life
  • Temperance: Learn to drive
  • Devil: "Slippery" path (drunkenness, drugs, vicious relationships), sometimes - an indication of a drunk driver
  • Tower: accident
  • Star: Follow the guiding star
  • Moon: Walking on thin ice
  • Sun: Combination Chariot - Sun Tarot - the path to glory, a trip to rest, a resort
  • Court: A turning point in the course of events
  • Peace: Traveling abroad, achieving peace

The meaning of the card when combined with the Minor Arcana

How will the Wagon manifest itself if there are court and number cards nearby? Let's see these combinations.

With the suit of Staves

  • : Lack of confidence
  • : stand at the crossroads
  • : Inconsistency between team members, group
  • : Visiting trip
  • : Exposing Arguments
  • : Strive with all your might to win, take the right course
  • Seven: The desire to "stay in the saddle"
  • Eight: Combination Chariot - 8 Tarot Wands - a trip on any transport
  • Nine: Getting hurt
  • Ten: The road that tires
  • : Overcoming resistance
  • : scorch
  • : Combination Chariot - Queen of Wands Tarot - increase
  • King: Show your qualities

With the suit of Cups

  • : Controlling emotions, winning love
  • : Get consent, put the relationship on the right track
  • : Go to a party
  • : Successes that do not please, but disappoint
  • : Conflict provocation
  • Seven: Imaginary success
  • Eight: Move away
  • Nine: Joyful Journey
  • Ten: Traveling with the whole family
  • Page: Struggling to get an offer
  • : Combination Chariot - Knight of Cups Tarot - strive for peace
  • Queen: Win a woman
  • Life does not stand still. When the Seventh Arcana falls out, everything changes by leaps and bounds. On this map, there is a huge leap forward, overcoming obstacles, a confident breakthrough. It opens the second and third wind at any distance.

    According to the Chariot, we can decide on what we were afraid to even think about, make giant breakthroughs in work and in our personal lives. All enemies are defeated, all intentions are carried out, nothing stands in the way of success. If the questioner is oppressed by some problem, the Chariot that has fallen out in the layout says that the first step towards liberation and solving this situation has already been taken. It can also indicate that something familiar and familiar is left behind, now a person is full of determination and courage, and is ready to enter a new stage of life, to discover a new world. The one to whom the Chariot has fallen is usually overwhelmed with energy, enthusiasm, a desire for action, a craving for something new. She is very fond of those who have taken up some unfamiliar business.

    This is a card of strength, activity and optimism. The person to whom the Chariot appeared has often just made his choice (the previous Arcana) and is now directed towards his goal. Most of all, he now needs self-discipline and confidence in his own intentions. This card says that there is no time left to wait. The time has come to solve problems, especially those that have been complicating life for a long time.

    On this map, we meet reality face to face. Often it falls to those who have long known what exactly needs to be done, but who was frightened by the decisiveness of the necessary actions, as well as the certainty of the results to be achieved. And now - it's time to show ingenuity, self-control, willpower, and go on your "holy campaign"! This is a card of great personal growth and flourishing, achievements, progressive development. She says - you will come out of trials with honor, thanks, first of all, to willpower.

    According to the Chariot, quantity turns into quality. The chariot signifies that we have a goal and we are taking active steps to achieve it. The pathos of this card is moving forward, holding the reins tightly and being vigilant so as not to lose balance and control. The traditional meanings of this card are: war, battle, retribution, victory over the enemy or competitors, success, triumph, overcoming obstacles, help in difficulty. Victory over the blows of fate, the ability to emerge victorious from a difficult situation. The success achieved by the Chariot is the result of conscious effort, and not just a combination of circumstances.

    The lasso Chariot has long been considered a special sign of fate. It acquires special importance, falling out in the scenario on a seemingly hopeless case. The chariot symbolizes the transition from one state to another. If the previous period of time made you “slow down” or stagnate, then the appearance of the Chariot is good news. It means that stagnation ends and life is filled with new strength, and these will not be fantasies and inspired impulses, but real, well-thought-out plans and energetic practical actions. This card may indicate that some event will soon occur in his life that can raise him to a new level of success.

    The Chariot speaks of the beginning of an important stage in life and the improvement of one's own Self. You can take risks, take on new beginnings and tune in to life with a variety of adventures. Like the Seven of Wands, it speaks of actively overcoming obstacles.

    As a forecast for the future, the Chariot usually says that events will develop and the goal will be achieved. How and at what cost - the surrounding cards will tell you. Sometimes they also suggest that it makes progress difficult. It happens that a pronounced intention to strive for the chosen goals and manage one's life comes into conflict with a mass of opposing forces. The Chariot always speaks of the importance of making the right effort at the right time. Actions must be verified, otherwise there is a great risk that the whole idea will turn into a failure. The chariot is not a completely harmless card, there is always an implicit risk in it that it will lose balance and control, and then turn over. Therefore, it makes sense to pay close attention to neighboring cards. But it has long been considered an indicator that a person is on the right track.

    The energy of the Chariot is the energy of academic discipline, diligence, self-control and willpower. This is such a “course of a young fighter” - a person learns new habits and life skills that make him stronger and teach him to correct his flaws. Some authors note that this is precisely the discipline that is imposed from the outside, like military training, but ultimately teaches internal self-control.

    The chariot often falls to a person who considers a stage of his life passed and is ready to move on. This is the case when the past is left behind without regrets and without looking back. The chariot means a significant leap forward. It shows that we have broken away from the circle of old interests and have taken a new path. This is driven by the desire for freedom, ambition, the search for the lost, or simply the thirst for self-realization. One of the modern tarot readers notes that the Chariot is the only card in the Tarot deck that connects such an impulse with a feeling of joy and self-confidence. In all other cases, parting with the old is associated with fear, heaviness in the soul. And here - courage, curiosity - a person rushes forward, looking for an application for his strength and not being afraid to take risks.

    The card symbolizes strength and dexterity (driving the Chariot), but also inexperience (traveling to unknown lands). Therefore, it should be taken as a warning - do not overestimate your strength, do not be too self-confident and do not allow "dizziness from success." It is best to realize in time how much there is still to be learned.

    Travel, long trip, change of habitual environment. Communication with someone who is at a great distance.

    Surrounded by unfavorable Arcana, it can portend quarrels, scandals, conflicts, the presence of some opposing factors. The ancient meaning is war. Also - a thunderstorm (both literally and figuratively; the association of the image with the chariot of the prophet Elijah; in Russia there was a saying that during a thunderstorm "Elijah rides across the sky").


    And if the doomed mountain itself does not go to Mohammed, then he is already on his way to it. The chariot often describes a person who is "on the crest of a wave." His plans have true scope and he moves towards his goals, bravely overcoming obstacles. The non-literary phrase “Chel really drives” is very suitable for the Seventh Arcana. The chariot can indicate a person who occupies a sufficiently high position, endowed with power and able to control the situation. He is brave and successful, and most importantly - ambitious.

    The qualities of this card are courage, honesty, perseverance, concentration of mental strength, willpower and self-control. Determination, self-confidence and independence - this is the pathos of this card. The charioteer moves steadily towards his goal (there are no doubts, since the choice on the previous lasso has already been made). He is completely focused on achieving it and makes every effort for this, without being distracted by extraneous things. The Chariot is a card of conscious intentions. What they consist of, the surrounding cards can tell. But in any case, this is the intention to "get moving", "move forward" and "take control". The charioteer is collected and focused on what he is doing, without being distracted by external interference. Armor protects him from the world. He feels well that any doubts, contradictions and internal conflicts weaken his position, and therefore he tries not to allow this.

    The seventh Arcana emphasizes the need to consciously manage the situation, gathering strength, vigilantly and skillfully keeping everything under control. The chariot is not a map of rest and relaxation, this can be said for sure. According to it, a person is pretty tense, up to heroic actions. Here, the control over one's own life is not the same as that of the Magician, inventing clever solutions, or the Emperor, who established law and order. It is rather similar to the control that is known to the Formula 1 racer - every second and in dynamics. According to the Chariot, it happens that a certain force compels a person to leave what he has, to forget about the former - about the house, about work, about friends. Usually he is overwhelmed with energy, and he is looking for a new field for its application, ready to open a new world.

    The charioteer thinks well and does not surrender to the power of the storms of the subconscious. He conquers with reason and is excellent at resisting temptations. He is characterized by excellent emotional self-control, based not on repression (he perfectly understands that the Chariot does not move by itself), but on the ability to wisely manage his thoughts and feelings, conflicting vital forces, moving forward along the path of development. He perfectly understands that spiritual development does not consist in suppressing conflicting impulses, but in the ability to use their energy to move forward. The charioteer is a warrior, but not a monk, his path is the path to the world, towards conquests. This is an adventurer, but more determined than the Knight of Wands, and less frivolous than the Jester.

    A leap in development is also a Chariot. The Chariot Man is often caught up in self-cultivation in one form or another. He can actively go in for sports, combine work with study, learn yoga, and so on, the only question is what for him is now most closely associated with this very self-improvement. Unlike the Hermit, he is open and more often strives for those forms of self-realization that are socially significant. At worst, this person takes on too much. It is curious that a real person in the Chariot may well resemble the Arcana character - young, fair-haired and with a somewhat haughty expression.

    The stage of spiritual development, the task of which is to know oneself and learn to consciously and constantly control the various forces of one's own psyche, spontaneous conflicting impulses. Learn to draw strength from the opposites in yourself, make them work together, master the synergy of the inner world, not deny anything in it, but put everything at the service of evolution. Animals symbolize different aspects of nature (for example, the body and spirit), which can, as it were, strive in different directions, but in fact, subject to self-control, they provide progress towards a single goal. Self-control means direction, not suppression. These forces have met in the previous stage (Magnum Opus, the great work of the sixth Arcanum) and are now bearing to victory. They are reconciled to such an extent that now a person can advance with their help with unprecedented speed. The position of the Charioteer on the Arcana reflects the stable harmony between the forces of opposite polarity. At this stage of peace with oneself and external achievements, the temptation to stay is great - it is difficult to convince oneself that there is something more.

    All serious interpretations emphasize the dedication of the Charioteer to many secrets and his magical abilities. This is the son of the queen of heaven, the god of spring, the one who came from heaven to act on earth, the divine hero-deliverer.

    He rules over the sphinxes and holds the scepter of wisdom. The card depicts a man looking forward confidently (the Exalted One, racing in the chariot of Creation). The character in armor does not stand in the chariot, but rises from the cube (symbolizing the ascent). On his head is the crown of Isis, and on his shoulders are two crescents of the moon, Urim and Thummim, dark on the left, light on the right. In addition, the eight-pointed star on the crown of the Charioteer displays the connection of Reason with the eighth Sephira (Hod). The light and dark sphinx, the growing and deficient crescent clearly speak of the two sides of the soul - light and dark, and on the Arcana this does not look like some kind of drama. Their coherence and will bring only balance in thoughts, goals and actions, and moving forward along the path of growth.

    The four pillars of the Chariot symbolize the four elements - fire, air, earth and water, on which the world rests and which he has learned to understand. Above his head is a starry canopy - the sky is open to him and speaks to him. The image of the canopy recalls the patronage of the Priestess, in some decks the Charioteer is a holy warrior, the Son of the Goddess, the one on whom hopes are placed for the salvation of mankind. This image is included in the Prince of the Grail in the European tradition, or the "hidden imam" in mystical Islam. By itself, the Seventh Arcana in the Tarot is a symbol of the triumphant mind, which managed to solve the riddle of the Sphinx. Guggenheim, however, notes that this riddle concerns only the mysteries of nature, and not the grace of heaven. The Sphinx represents the secret and unknown power by which the Ruler moves continuously through the various parts of the universe. The combination of opposites in one person is what makes it possible for him to exist independently, endowing him with an independent destiny, isolated from the fate of the world as a whole, finally separating his soul from the World Soul and God. Waite emphasizes that the Charioteer is driven by lofty goals. Kaplan writes: "This card depicts the material currents that carry a person to his destiny."

    To win, you need to show determination, remarkable will, strain all your abilities to control the situation. The main risk is not to cope with your impulses, to succumb to inner weakness. This card says that it is given to a person to curb the opposing forces and one must use this skill, subordinating them to reason and labor. He will achieve greatness by taking control of his feelings, learning to balance contradictions (for example, active work in the world and periods of productive loneliness). Sufficient strictness to oneself and good self-control ensures rapid progress, victorious progress, achievement of the goal. This card symbolizes male power, physical strength, confidence, fearlessness, victory won by willpower. A crowned conqueror, the mage warrior must seek the divine will. His progress is achieved by unremitting control and by the full exertion of all forces to hold the reins. But he will conquer, achieve and conquer, nothing will hold him back, except for internal problems, external ones are not terrible for him. This is a logical continuation of the Arcana of the Lovers - the known and harnessed forces carry to victory, but one must continue to strain and manage.

    The charioteer becomes victorious through the right choice in the Sixth Arcana. Now before him is the path of material success and the development of the soul. It is not difficult to guess about the main danger that awaits him - this is pride, the temptation of his own victories and knowledge. The mystical experience may lead him to madness, megalomania. The Chariot is a card of free will. This is a great gift, but also unsafe for health. The path of life, as you know, is replete with sections that are both narrow and slippery. "Running" with this very free will on the lamppost of fate costs nothing (therefore, the combination of the Chariot and the Tower is considered one of the most unfavorable - it just hints at such an outcome of the case). The chariot bears the full return of forces, understanding its mission, but this is still the beginning of a long journey, where a person is inclined to take on too much, not fully understanding what he is doing. Therefore, Arkan is also associated with the fall, with a great risk of "winding up."

    The movements of karma in which the soul participates lead to death, wars and natural disasters. But the Creator forgives the soul, torn in agony from the contradictions and sins in which it involuntarily participates, having incarnated into this world, and gives it shelter, prompting it to understand that on the battlefield the Charioteer not only kills, but also creates a new reality; - therefore, the soul must live - and fight. Therefore, the concept of fulfillment is also associated with the Arcana Chariot. The more a person corresponds to his predestination, the better he manages to manifest the freedom of his will.

    This card reflects the zodiacal characteristics of the sign of Cancer, which, under the shell of Saturn, hides the wealth of its inner world, preserving it from external influences that bring doubts to the soul about the right choice of path. Cancer is an insecure sign, but astrology advises to become a warrior, replacing the passive Saturnian guard with the active protection of Mars: Cancer is the sign of the conception of Aries, which is ruled by Mars, therefore Capricorn, where Mars is in exaltation, is the best basis for the Martian manifestation of its inner world and aspirations of your soul. On the Arkan, we see a mobile fortress house (the chariot itself) and the armor of the charioteer. Cancer corresponds to the month of Tamuz - the time of intensification of carnal desires. On the front, the Chariot is adorned with a very sexy ancient sign, reflecting the union of male and female principles. Above it we see wings, reminiscent of the Angel of the Arcana of Lovers - a call to direct this heat to higher goals, to spiritualize it. In general, this symbol indicates the nature of the force with which the Charioteer moves - the spiritualized libido.

    The Chariot is very important for understanding the Tarot. This is a map of the Soul, God, the Universe. Seven has always been a magic number. This is the number of rotating planets visible to the naked eye. The ancient peoples created their mythologies around these heavenly gods. The description of the epic "the awakening of the hero" is the best match with the Seventh Arcana. This card on the outer level symbolizes the hitherto hidden and helping to find the way to the "true self" and its purpose of power. The charioteer is self-knowledge and determination of one's path, it is a victory over one's inertia, it is the willpower that removed the chains and seals from the hero.

    The chariot is related to the ideas of the Upanishads and the Jewish Merkaba. Merkaba is the Chariot of God in Jewish Mysticism. It is based largely on the doctrine of the mystical vision of Ezekiel. In it, God was carried in a chariot made up of the wings of four angels, each of which had four faces - a man, an eagle, a lion and a bull. Symbols reminiscent of various aspects of the Merkaba pervade the entire Tarot system. The black and white horses become the black and white tower, the four surrounding angels and wheels become the four elements, and so on. These things are universal and archetypal.

    We are most close to the philosophy of Plato, who described the Chariot as a metaphor of the soul in three parts. The Black Horse, the White Horse, and the Charioteer, called the Mind, who binds them together and governs them. The white horse is beautiful, thoroughbred, cultured, always pulling up. The black horse, bad breed, intemperate, and difficult to control, always pulls down. The charioteer must balance their energies within himself and direct them, with great difficulty, to the world of the Gods, where he can hopefully catch a glimpse of absolute truth, even if only for a moment, before he loses control again, because horses are so difficult to control, and crashes back to the ground. Few have ever achieved this, and according to Plato, the old soul, with the sensitivity of a creator or philosopher, is close to this level of self-knowledge and mastery. A glimpse of this original truth, even for a moment, is sufficient for initiation. And even if you break later (and as a person you will break), you will still change forever.

    Esoterically, the Chariot corresponds to the rituals of initiation, initiation. This is a performance of a knight-errant in search of the Grail. In mythology, these are solar celestials - Apollo, Helios and Zeus. This is also all astral travel, helping to become a conductor of cosmic energy and leading to spiritual transformation. The chariot is the royal path of the spirit.

    The chariot describes periods of vigorous practical activity and energetic progress of affairs. This is a great progress in business, overcoming obstacles, opposition, stagnation. The Charioteer is determined, ambitious, ready to take risks, take on new tasks and move up the career ladder. Power and high position often pass through this card. It is quite possible for her to take a leadership position.

    Through the Chariot runs an imperious curbing of opposing forces, which can be a clear indication for the head of a strife-torn organization where employees have bitten the bit. In fact, the Charioteer does not have much choice at all - either you hold the reins and hold on, or you will fly out of this gibberish further than you see. Simple, right? The advice of the Chariot is also simple - hold on with all your might.

    This is a card of victory in competition, the capture of new territories (markets) and the expansion of spheres of influence. The accumulated experience and actions taken earlier allow us to get ahead and beat the competition. In an unfavorable card environment - the need to overcome opposition to your plans.

    The chariot loves "working in one harness." Partnership, joint ventures - its element. It is not bad for an isolated leader, and yet it hints that without "driving forces" the Chariot will not go far. On this card, it is usually possible to harness a diverse team into a common team and achieve the synergy necessary for development and action.

    Achievement, award, recognition of merit. The main meaning of this Arcana is to overcome obstacles and achieve the goal through one's own efforts and, to a lesser extent, the support of fate.

    Finding and finding your place in the world. The chariot is very good for learning (there is a lot of progress along it even through heavy material) and symbolizes the application of knowledge in practice. She brings well-deserved victories - these can be successful certifications, exams, winning a competition, and the like.

    There is an opinion that it is time for the Chariot businessman to prepare for major changes in his business - such as a global price drop, the liquidation of important manufacturers, or the transition to completely new technologies.

    Sometimes a change of job or the beginning of work "for himself."

    The presence of negative cards in the layout may hint at the danger of not calculating your strength.

    Changing of the living place. In financial matters, an improvement in the financial situation can occur after some time thanks to energetic actions. One of the ancient meanings is pride and luxury. Accordingly - prestige and spending on it.

    A very ambiguous card. By itself, the Charioteer is a decent individualist, and his path into sensual abysses usually does not lead. Falling out to a lonely person, the Seventh Arcana can say that now is not the best time to create relationships, fate awaits another - self-development, strengthening positions, expanding knowledge and spheres of influence, in general, solving life problems of a different plan. This is advice to focus on your own path and mark some achievements on it! This is a card of great personal power, self-control and control of your life through willpower. The Chariot man has a goal and acts in accordance with it, but whether this goal is related to relationships is another question. Maybe something else motivates him. The surrounding maps can give a hint. Surrounded by appropriate cards, the Chariot can portend both a love adventure (especially a road or holiday romance) and moving to a new apartment.

    At the same time, in the layout of a person who is worried about the problems of existing relationships, the Chariot can speak specifically about a couple. In this case, it emphasizes issues of power and control over life. In the presence of favorable cards, Kolenitsa helps to smooth out controversial issues, get rid of contradictions in a couple and, so to speak, gives a new acceleration to affairs and events. In a favorable environment, this can be complete harmony and mutual understanding in a couple, honesty and sincerity, orientation towards mutual goals, but if everything is not so rosy in the scenario, then it can be quarrels, conflicts, attempts by everyone to “pull the blanket over themselves”.

    I remember the fable about the swan, cancer and pike. This is a mismatch of interests and concepts of what and how should be. Sometimes a desire to leave is also visible through this Arcana. And here, in general, it should be noted that by the Chariot one can break out of the fetters of the most hopeless and oppressive relationships. This card may indicate that the first steps in this direction have already been taken, and nothing will stop further. The Charioteer is ready to take risks no less than the Jester, he is no less confident in his path than the Hermit, and his will is no weaker than that of the Emperor. One of the meanings of the card is leaving the situation, and this is not a cowardly flight and not an attempt to hide from reality, but precisely leaving.

    The desire to keep in check one's own (and sometimes other people's!) feelings and experiences, not to let them break free. The chariot emphasizes every second control of the situation, constant vigilance - the reins cannot be released even for a second. Why, what this means, other cards will tell. But in any case, you see, for a love relationship it is somehow too intense. Do not relax, do not forget and do not surrender to the power of emotions ... This may be due to the presence of an opponent or rival, with the problematic inclinations of the second half (for example, trying to quit drinking or something like that - you need an eye and an eye!), Yes, and with their own inability to behave (by the Chariot they often go on a first date with the object of dreams, worrying about how not to sit by a chair, or spill something, or blurt out of place, or rush with sex ... the reins are pulled, nerves too).

    At the same time, the Charioteer is the personification of sexual power, and the energy of this card is felt by many as very stormy and bright. According to the Chariot, as they say, the bridles are torn (sometimes this incident is purely physiological). It has a strong element of dominance and control. The second side may feel in the morning "hackneyed" to the point of complete exhaustion, "rolled" at all speeds and generally "hit the horse." The mitigation of the situation depends only on whether the Charioteer deigns to restrain himself. There are no guarantees here.

    It remains to be added that the Charioteer is strong, but not affectionate, and if he is interested, he will change all the surrounding beds, not stopping anywhere and behaving like a winner in an occupied city. In addition, this person is not particularly sensitive to resistance and rejection. Deep down, he believes that he can curb and travel around anyone, and the line where rape begins is unsteady and uncertain in his perception. If there are cards like the Tower, the Knight of Swords and the Devil nearby, the issue of sexual safety can become an edge. Whatever it is about, the person described by such a combination of cards will “walk over the corpses” and achieve his goal at any cost. The charioteer already has a strong self-motivation and stubbornness. In love, he tends to conquer, regardless of the interest of the other side (as well as parents, wives, husbands and children). This is a tank. The conflict of interests does not frighten him, while he does not listen to anyone and eliminates rivals. The chariot marks the winning side in a love triangle.

    In modern interpretations, the meaning of a military triumph, which has long been attributed to the Chariot, practically drops out, but sometimes it makes itself felt.

    Modern tarologists indicate that the Chariot may be an indicator of a virtual romance or relationship between people living at a great distance from each other.

    The chariot is an indicator of good health and vitality. It is equally good for body and spirit.

    The appearance of the Chariot is good for a person who has finally decided to go in for sports or give up an old bad habit (“hit the inner enemy”). This card helps to practice a stricter lifestyle, diet, exercise, and so on.

    When it comes to illness, the Chariot portends recovery.

    And only if this card is absolutely necessary to be interpreted as the cause of the disease, then it can be stressful diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (the Chariot correlates with the sign of Cancer, which is also projected onto the stomach), for example, an ulcer associated with overexertion, overly vigorous activity. The chariot is also associated with a wheelchair and everything that “helps” get into it. The ancient meaning is combat wounds, the modern meaning is accidents, accidents, injuries (especially those received in an accident). Rarely - heart attacks, strokes.

    The Reversed Chariot can indicate a range of problems, from sports injuries to loss of homeostasis in the body as a result of, for example, a virus with complications and improper treatment. It can be "achievement depression" or postpartum depression.

    There are cards that, when reversed, are nothing particularly dramatic. But the inverted Chariot is a bad sign, and this must be reckoned with. Its traditional meanings are defeat, overthrow, defeat, failure. At the very last moment, Fortune turns away and what was almost in her hands slips away. Plans collapse in the most sudden way, and this is usually due to an underestimation of the situation and an overestimation of one's strengths.

    The victorious hero falls out of his triumphant chariot, losing control, and the laurel wreath flies off his head. It can also be a dramatic loss of self-control in a tense situation. The reversed Chariot indicates uncontrollable passions. The person described by this card is often not enough to actually do the right thing. Where it is necessary to slow down, he presses on the gas and finds himself in a ditch. Where it is necessary to push, he starts to slow down and gets bogged down in a swamp.

    He always falls short of the top and loses where, it would seem, it is almost impossible. This is a card of selfishness, intolerance, self-destruction, but most importantly - the inability to manage. What is called the "human factor" ...

    The inverted Chariot resembles a person who closes his eyes at the moment of a critical situation on the road. And if I didn’t close my eyes and still tried to turn the steering wheel, even if I spent a year’s supply of adrenaline in half a second, I would turn it out.

    The inverted Chariot is a very unfavorable sign for travel and travel. We can say that this is the most serious warning on this subject that the Tarot can give. Trips are being postponed - and this is far from the worst option. Breakdowns, accidents, flight delays and extreme situations on the road.

    The card can also talk about the lack of mental balance, insecurity, other people's pressure and the adverse influence of the people around you. It can also be interpreted as unnecessary worship of outdated traditions and excessive self-restraint, signaling possible imminent conflicts with the law or unexpected court cases. Sometimes it is a lack of control and a lack of action. The result is defeats, failures and upheavals in life, disruptions in the organization of affairs.

    Instability in life, inability to face reality. In an inverted position, the card may say that this is not a breakthrough yet, although the old period is ending, there is no need to rush things, it is better to wait.

    Health problems.

    In the best case, this is a pursuit of two hares (the result of this race is clear and so, the surrounding maps can clarify the details).

    Quarrels, lawsuits, lawsuits. Controversy, discussion. Riots, rebellion, rebellion. usurpation of power. On the inverted Chariot, such unpleasant phenomena as hooliganism, banditry, extortion pass.

    In a personal sense, anger, revenge, unforgiven grievances, violent quarrels, unwillingness to put up can pass through the inverted Chariot.

    With the Magician - a strong combination, the triumph of will

    With the Priestess - a strong combination (the Priestess is sometimes considered the mother of the Charioteer), a sign of invisible support

    With Strength - it is believed that this position of the cards indicates weak self-control, but this, perhaps, can be argued.

    With the Hanged Man - a person lets others go ahead of him, it is believed that the card weakens the influence of the Chariot. At the same time, it is the ability to listen to the voice of one's own destiny.

    With the Tower - an extremely unfavorable combination, there is a high probability of an accident, an accident, or a catastrophic failure of plans. Defeat, an experience that brings humiliation.

    With the Moon - a certain mystery that is better not to penetrate, or a question that should not be answered, because the changes caused by it can be catastrophic. With an inverted Chariot - conspiracies and intrigues to seize power.

    With Ace of Wands, Eight of Wands - a hasty decision.

    With the Two of Wands - it is believed that these cards reinforce each other. Gaining prestige, superiority.

    With the Five of Swords, the theme of revenge, victory over enemies is strong.

    With the Eight of Swords - embarrassment, self-doubt

    With the Four of Pentacles - the meaning of control over what is happening is enhanced

    With the Nine of Pentacles - discipline, self-control

    All heroes are victorious. "Fortune favors the brave" (Virgil)

    Alexander the Great

    Mystical creatures from the Apocalypse

    Chariot of Shiva, Ezekiel and Elijah

    Solar mythological characters - the son of Helios Phaeton, Bellerophon, Icarus. Apollo, Helios, Horus.

    "Destroying obstacles, you destroy all your enemies and all your desires will come true if you approach the future with courage, armed with the consciousness of your right. And let the mind command you, but do not try to completely get rid of feelings and emotions: without them, your chariot may turn over "(Papus)

    A deck of Tarot cards is a unique, one-of-a-kind collection of magical symbols that allow you to see complex future events that will bring important changes and opportunities for each person. A difficult attribute for divination has been used for thousands of years by both experienced magicians and beginners of the ancient craft. Not every person can master such a whimsical, changeable deck, but if foresight is revealed to their eyes, the world around them changes irrevocably.

    A deck of Tarot cards is a unique, one-of-a-kind collection of magical symbols.

    What the Chariot card in the Tarot will tell you

    How to read magic signs and use them to find out the future? The Tarot Chariot is a representative of the strongest arcana, personifying professional and creative searches for general or special issues in layouts. A strong card indicates significant moments in the future, and it is imperative for every magician to interpret it in the right direction. What is the hidden power of the ancient symbol displayed in the Tarot deck in the form of a colorful image of a moving chariot?

    The nature and purpose of the symbol Chariot in the Tarot

    The classic Tarot deck consists of cards of different appearance and original purpose, allowing you to reveal the secrets of the future or possible events that have yet to happen. The Chariot Tarot card (7th Major Arcana) symbolizes an irresistible craving for new, unknown, potentially dangerous and disturbing phenomena. The rapid changes that this ancient symbol promises will happen unexpectedly, without obvious prerequisites. 7 senior lasso portends only positive changes in business, work, in other important areas of human life. A favorable card in a straight position portends a real, grandiose breakthrough. The nature of the Chariot symbol in the tarot of the classical structure is a messenger of the successful completion of previously started cases, breakthroughs in cases in which stagnation has been observed for a long time. The person who is the prototype of the Chariot card will overcome any obstacles, go through a long, exhausting path to recognition and victory.

    The Arcana Tarot Chariot indicates probable events that are destined to happen in the near future:

    • increased activity in business, bringing success;
    • breakthrough in new risky projects;
    • ambitions pushing for new professional achievements;
    • the end of a protracted crisis;
    • opening harsh reality;
    • increased confidence in yourself and your abilities;
    • provocations that can be avoided;
    • long trip;
    • signs sent by fate for future success.

    The direct position of the ancient symbol is interpreted as favorable changes that allow you to receive additional income or other benefits that every person needs. The questioner, who appealed to the advice of the ancient Tarot deck, thanks to the Chariot card, can be sure of the strength and stability of the business and enterprises begun.

    Direct position of the Chariot card

    The Arcane Chariot predicts not only significant moments of the future, but also easily points out the character traits of the questioner. The symbol card reveals important habits and moral principles of the one who turned to the magic deck for help. It is possible that the Chariot card in any layout can symbolize a person from the close circle of the questioner. Such a prototype of a powerful lasso will play an important role in the future and will help to overcome all kinds of obstacles on the way to a happy, carefree life.

    Features of the seventh lasso Chariot

    7 lasso personifies an active, positive-minded person who is looking for not only a higher destiny, but also ways to achieve mundane, profitable goals. It's a mix of pragmatism and optimism to find new ways to solve old problems. From the outside, the prototype of the Chariot seems to be a supernatural being with an endless supply of energy and vitality. He succeeds in absolutely everything: from difficult situations to non-standard tasks. A purposeful person who has drawn the 7th card of the senior lasso of the Tarot deck has all the available chances to get rid of obstacles, obstacles that hinder progress and advancement. It remains only to slightly change their own worldview and look at the existing troubles from a different angle.

    The chariot personifies an active, positive-minded person.

    Symbolism of the card for a fortuneteller

    The card, symbolizing the dangers that arise from the excessive distortion of reality, warns that illusions can be destroyed. Fictitious castles in the air cannot become a solid foundation, and the sooner the questioner says goodbye to a non-existent support, the sooner tangible, real foundations will appear in his life. Often the Chariot portends distant journeys of a different nature. Rest or work, in any case, an auspicious ancient symbol indicates a successful journey that brings significant results.

    The seventh lasso softens the whole alignment, even with pronounced negative symbols that fell next to the Chariot. She will indicate that the fortuneteller or asking person:

    • active;
    • purposeful;
    • able to see good opportunities in the troubles that have arisen;
    • overcome any obstacles;
    • establishes its own order of habitual things.

    A harbinger of good news and imminent change for the better - a card depicting a racing chariot promises changes that will certainly please the questioner.

    The inverted position of the Chariot card in the Tarot in the layout

    The meaning of the Chariot Tarot card depends on several related factors. A favorable symbol in a direct position, in the opposite case, it carries a negative message for the questioner. Waiting, which exhausts a person, will become a transitional period, leading to more protracted problems and stagnation in all areas of life. The meanings of the inverted Chariot in the layouts for the future:


    The obstacles or problems that are encountered in the path of every successful person are required to temper his character and willpower. The Chariot card indicates the cost of vitality. It will be very difficult to restore energy in the future, and the things that took so much time and effort will turn out to be unworthy of attention. The negative meaning of the inverted Chariot affects the entire alignment, and neighboring cards that carry a positive forecast become less favorable in combination with the seventh lasso.


    Long-term problems, displayed in an inverted ancient symbol, will lead to defeats and losses. Opposition to fate is fraught with moral exhaustion, loss of strength and apathy. The luck that accompanied a person will suddenly turn away from him. If an inverted Chariot falls out in the scenario for professional life, you should not despair. The questioner, having considered an unfavorable card, must draw important conclusions and prevent the negative consequences of deliberate delays.

    hard road

    The chariot in the Tarot of Thoth or the Classic Tarot card portends the difficulties that will arise on the path of life. The planned trip will be overshadowed by constant malfunctions, accidents and troubles.

    The chariot in the Tarot of Thoth portends difficulties


    If you follow the classical interpretation of the Tarot deck, the Chariot promises health problems. Diseases and unpleasant ailments will lead to a deterioration in the general condition of the human body. Sudden exacerbations of old, latent diseases, chronic dangerous diseases are not excluded. The questioner should pay special attention to the state of his own health.


    An ancient symbol indicating quarrels warns against reckless actions and rash statements. Every word accidentally thrown towards the opponent can be used to harm the questioner at the most inopportune moment.

    The seven major arcana is a powerful symbol that must be read correctly. Misinterpretation only guarantees a distressing, implausible prognosis. An experienced magician practicing divination with a Tarot deck pays attention to the smallest details of each symbol. The position of the Chariot determines the whole message of the layout.

    Breakdown of relationships and friendship

    Relationships: friendship, love, partnership - defines a person in the same way as his professional activity. The dual nature of the ancient symbol allows you to understand the intricacies of the feelings and intentions of the questioner, as well as his immediate environment. The chariot denotes a closed person, detached from social life, who finds it difficult to open up to others. Hidden emotions prevent the questioner from showing himself in the best light.

    The favorable message of the card (7th senior lasso of the Tarot deck) promises new promising relationships that will bring a lot of joy and pleasure. For existing couples, the Chariot card predicts the strengthening of partnerships. For young people, the dual magic symbol predicts development, which is a prerequisite for a happy relationship. The symbol of the Chariot gives clear advice - personal development will expand one's horizons.

    The magical attribute of divination for the future promises support from the next of kin. People connected by blood ties can help even at a considerable distance. Often, such an ancient symbol promises a change of job. The new position will be associated with business trips and meeting new people. In a layout that speaks of favorable changes in relationships, the Chariot card is always present.

    7 senior lasso of the Tarot deck promises new promising relationships

    The combination of the Chariot symbol and other cards of the Tarot deck

    The chariot, in combination with other Tarot cards, creates unique tandems, with the help of which it is easy to interpret various layouts. The forecast will become accurate and reliable only if the unions of neighboring strong symbols are read correctly. Combinations of cards of the 7th Major Arcana and other magical signs of the Tarot deck:

    Jester and Chariot

    Union, indicating that chaos will appear in business in the near future. Troubles with documents, difficulties with the conclusion of contracts will lead to delays in payments and a decrease in income.

    Empress and Chariot

    The combination of powerful cards indicates financial success and a favorable outcome of the work begun.

    Hermit and Chariot

    Tandem, promising forced loneliness. A dreary mood will haunt the questioner for a long time. You don’t need to be upset, cards that are complex in nature in an unusual alliance promise favorable changes that you need to wait for.

    Death and the Chariot

    Herald of inevitability, which must be overcome at any cost. Work, patience and peace of mind will be the key to future success.

    A deck of Tarot cards predicts the future to the extent that does not harm the questioner with unnecessary details. The interpretation of the complex, multi-valued symbolism of a magical attribute can confuse even an experienced magician, therefore, one should be very careful when looking for answers to future events. Not every future danger has to be prevented, and not every good thing has to happen.

    What else to read