Double line of life on both hands. Types and signs of the line of life in the palm of the hand

As one of the main on the palm of the hand. Most of those who are interested in divination by hand ask a question about the longitude of their century and are frightened if branches or crossing lines appear on the life line. Do these signs have a fatal meaning, is it possible to find out the approximate date of death from the lines on the hands? Consider the questions: the line of life splits into two branches. We will also find out what the square on the life line and the intersection with other lines on the hand means.

The line of life determines the life potential of a person, and not the longitude of the century. In addition, the pattern on the palms is constantly changing, which makes its own adjustments to the definition of the fundamental events of a person’s fate. A long line of life does not guarantee the longitude of the century, and a short one does not prophesy an untimely death. This needs to be cleared up once and for all.

The line of life is considered an indicator of the viability of a person, his love of life and vitality. Of course, the level of energy determines both the quality and longevity of life - but this level can be increased through an active lifestyle and proper nutrition. Therefore, you should not fatally perceive the pattern on the palms, if everything can be changed with your own hands.

Where is the life line located? It goes around the thumb, forming between it and the index finger. The farther the distance of the line from the thumb, the greater the life potential of a person. If the line closely adjoins the thumb, the supply of vital energy in a person is small. Such people are characterized by rapid fatigue, a passive attitude to life and frequent illnesses.


What does it mean if the life line bifurcates at the end? Palmists say it will be a waste of energy. It can be serious illness or weakening of vitality. Let's consider all the options for splitting in more detail.

If the branch from the main line is barely visible in the palm of your hand, this predicts a weakening of the person's defenses: he can get sick. The bifurcation on the hand of young people is especially dangerous - you need to urgently pay attention to your own health.

If one of the branches goes to the hillock of the moon, this warns of the development of senile dementia. What can be done in this case? Take drugs that increase the quality of memory.

However, if the fork in the direction of the Lunar Hillock is clearly marked and has a pronounced depth, this indicates a move to another region or even a country.

If the bifurcation is clearly formed and looks like a fork, this indicates a person's fatigue. What do we have to do? Rest more often, do not overload the psyche and do not strain at work.

two lines

Sometimes on the palms you can see two lines of life at once, running parallel to each other. What does that mean? If the sister line is long, this indicates a person’s luck - he is lucky in life. This additional feature is sometimes called a guardian angel, because it protects a person in difficult moments of life.

If the sister line is located near the end of the main life band, then the person will be active even in old age. He has enough vitality to overcome illnesses and hardships, he is not threatened with senile malaise.

intersecting lines

The life line may intersect with other lines in the palm of your hand. These intersections have their own meaning. For example, the intersection with is considered negative - the individual prevents himself with wrong thoughts and actions. He is confused by constant doubts, uncertainty about his own abilities and various phobias.

Sometimes near the life line you can see small dashes located perpendicularly. What does it mean? Palmists call them lines of anxiety. These dashes can also cross the line of life. If there are many such dashes on a person’s hand, he worries over any trifle and deprives himself of peace. These are lovers of making an elephant out of a fly and panicking because of every sneeze.

If there are few dashes, they can be used to determine in what life periods a person experienced serious events in his destiny. Sometimes there are no lines of concern on the palms. This suggests that a person is little concerned about the problems and troubles of life, or they are completely absent in his life.

Crossing lines of anxiety indicate dramatic events experienced by a person. If these intersections are located at the end of the life line, a troubled old age awaits a person. Either these will be serious illnesses, or strong experiences.


What marks can be found on the life line or next to it? Attracts attention:

  • square;
  • cross;
  • dot;
  • mole.

The square is interpreted in two ways. It can carry both positive and negative meanings. A square has a positive effect if present - it connects a line. When a person is overtaken by a blow of fate, the square shows the possibility of getting out of the water dry in the most unfavorable scenario.

If the square does not connect the broken line of fate, this is an extremely unfavorable sign. A period of isolation awaits a person - whether it be a serious illness or even imprisonment. However, not everything is so sad: sometimes a square can show leaving for a monastery or studying at a closed educational institution.

The cross at the end of the life line speaks of a long age, contrary to the negative interpretation of the symbol. The cross at the very beginning of the line shows a sincere and friendly person who can be completely trusted.

A mole portends a disease. When deciphering the meaning, you should pay attention to the nature of the life line after the mole. If the line has an unclear outline, then the disease will take a lot of vitality. However, if you have a guardian angel line, you will be able to cope with energy losses and quickly restore health.

Watch a video about the interpretation of the meanings of the life line on the hand.

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It owes its name to the "chiromancers of antiquity", who from time immemorial predicted life expectancy from it. The area of ​​health and judgment about the reserve of vital forces are associated with this line.

On the left hand, she shows the hereditary constitution of a person. On the right hand this line marks all upcoming and past events and diseases.

The Life Line is the most important because it is the most permanent of all lines. The lines of the Mind (head) and Heart are sometimes, although rarely, absent, the line of Life is never.

An impeccable line of Life is considered to be an even, clear, thin, not too deep fold, going from beginning to end without the slightest interruption and without any extraneous signs on it in the form of dots, asterisks, crosses, etc.

If the life line is long and strongly marked, then this is a sign of physical and mental vitality.

Too thin, even if long, perfectly defined and clean, is a sign of unstable health, nervousness, but still indicates longevity.

The long and thin line of Life indicates a person who is impressionable and soft, but who knows how, if necessary, to decide on extraordinary perseverance, to endure unexpectedly much.

Very broad is more a sign of muscular strength than energy.

Too wide, deep, red line of Life means cruelty and viciousness, propensity to crime.

If the line of Life is long, bifurcates at the end, then this is a sign that a person may not be afraid for his health, he is exceptionally immune to disease.

Short and strongly outlined indicates mainly a person who is strong and stable, but prone to excessive dispersion of his forces.

A short and poorly sketched testifies to a very strong nature, one that must measure strength with intentions and live in moderation.

If the line of Life goes unevenly, bends, has unequal depth and tension, then this is a sign of shaky health, but does not predict early death because a person can live to a ripe old age with all sorts of diseases.

Should not be given of great importance length of the life line. Palmists generally look at the signs that exist in the palm of their hand as warning, and not as decisive.

If fate is short line Life predicts you brief life, be careful, take care of your health and live long. And vice versa, do not rely on a long line: if you waste your strength unwisely, then shorten your life, no matter how long it is.

A break in the line of Life indicates illness or a tendency to it, especially if it is visible on both hands. If it consists of small segments, then this is clearly a sign of poor health, poor digestion and lack of vitality.

A rather formidable sign in this respect is a sharp interruption of the line of Life. This predicts either a very dangerous illness or a violent death.

Children who have noticed such a phenomenon are advised by palmists to be very protective. It happens that two pieces of the Life line are interconnected by a figure similar to a quadrangle - a person is threatened dangerous disease or misfortune, but everything will go well.

It is necessary to pay attention to the beginning of this line. If it is bifurcated at the beginning, forming forks, then this is a sign of especially hefty, indestructible health.

If the line of Life bifurcates parallel to the line of Mind and the second is less visible, then this indicates that the person is not used to working; he is persistent, demanding a lot for himself, striving for constant superiority.

If it starts high at the base of the hill of Jupiter, the person has good control over himself. His destiny will be subordinated to his ambition. If the line is lower, then this indicates a lesser degree of control over oneself.

If, peering carefully into the line of Life, pay attention to a number of points, that is, small depressed places, then we can conclude that a person is threatened with frequent illnesses, but not posing a danger to life.

An island on the line is a bad sign. This is a sign of poor health, anemia, malaise, thinness. The island is considered by some to be a sign of a mysterious extramarital origin.

The line of Life can have branches pointing up and down.

Branches going up, that is, to the lines of the Mind and Heart, portend all sorts of worldly blessings, success in business, indicate the conduct of a very active life; descending branches - poverty, failure. A particularly reliable sign of wealth is considered a branch extending from the line inside the triangle.

If a branch departs from the line of Life towards the hill of the moon, then this indicates death abroad after a long stay there.

Sometimes, at the beginning or at the end of a line, a cruciform figure can be discerned. Such a cross at the beginning of the line (at the top between the thumb and forefinger) is quite consistent with the expression "carry the cross" and means a life full of failures, disasters. The cross below means a happy life or old age.

The double line of Life predicts happiness or wealth.. Some consider such a phenomenon a sign of great sensuality, especially in women. If one of the paired lines is broken, this may be a sign of a non-life-threatening disease.

Time (age) along the line of life

To determine the time along the line of Life, let's turn to the figure on the left: let's lower the vertical line from the middle of the base of the index finger to the line of Life, we get the age of 10 years.

As we can see, it is very easy and convenient to calculate the time using only one point.

Also, for convenience, you can break the line into smaller segments to make the dating more accurate.

Lifeline Options

The figure on the left shows the options for the line of Life, consider each of them in order:

1. Non-overlapping gap

This configuration shows abrupt change conditions of human life, which can be caused by anything (for this you need to look at other lines).

2. Short

Contrary to popular belief, this does not mean short life, but indicates poor health and lack of vitality.

3. Overlapping gap

Such a gap indicates a smooth change in living conditions, at the same time, human resources double during the overlap of the lines.

4. Self-intersecting line of Life

This position of the lines reflects a health crisis, to determine which it is necessary to look at other areas and lines, as well as measure time along the line of Life.

Such a line of Life indicates a person conducting most life in travel, away from home.

6. Open gap

Gives a health hazard, if confirmed on other lines, you must contact an experienced palmist.

Signs on the line of Life and their meaning

The dot can be red or dark in color. A red dot indicates danger from nature, a dark dot indicates health problems due to illness. Watch out for other signs!

The island indicates a period of poor health, fatigue, lack of vitality for the duration of the sign. If the entire line of Life goes in the form of a chain and consists of islands - a person has poor health, often gets sick.

3. Triangle

Danger to life, treated as an accident. A thorough analysis of the entire palm is required, we recommend contacting a specialist. The sign must be clearly expressed and be on both hands, if the sign is on one hand - the situation is probabilistic.

4. Mole

A mole indicates adverse events that are fatal, but are quickly forgotten as they pass. As a rule, events relate to health and material condition.

The cross shows danger to the heart, health problems are possible because of it. It is necessary to analyze the line of the heart, as well as to make a general diagnosis of the hand for health.

The star indicates a super bright event in a person’s life and most likely a negative one, since the negative most of all crashes into the memory! Analyze the line of fate and the line of the mind.

The circle indicates problems with vision, back. Pay attention to the condition of the organs of vision, consult an ophthalmologist. Also watch your back.

Line of Life in the palm of your hand

Let's look at this line, make markings along it and try to describe some signs.

Pay attention to the figure - the diagram, which is located on the left. The following signs are indicated on it: 1 - point, 2 - island, 3 - ascending line, 4 - secant, 5 - break and 6 - fork.

Let us denote the time, which is evenly spaced from top to bottom. Let's take the beginning of the Life line as 0. To find the age, let's lower the vertical line between the index and middle fingers.

At the point of intersection with the line of Life, it will indicate the age of 20 years. We mark the line in equal sections of 20 years, after which we calculate the age of specific signs. We immediately give the final result - the age is indicated by white numbers next to a specific sign.

As you can see in the figure, at the age of 18, there is a point on the Life line. As we said above, this is a danger from the elements of nature. Since the dot is dark, these are health problems due to illness.

The island is marked with two dates, 20-23, as its influence extends throughout this sign. The island indicates a period of weakened health, as well as a protracted illness from 20 to 23 years.

Pay attention to the line of Life after the completion of the island - if it normalizes, then the person's health improves.

3. Rising line at 25 years old

She points to favorable events at the age of 25, for example: career growth, the birth of a child, the fulfillment of a dream, strong and positive events in a person's life. An interesting fact is that the line of Life in children, as a rule, is formed very clearly and changes little during life.

4. Lines crossing the line of Life

Such lines are called secant lines. They are also called lines of influence, but this name is not entirely appropriate. In the example, we see a line crossing the Life line at the age of 32.

Such a line is interpreted as a strong and negative influence of relatives, which causes problems in a person's life. Divination along the line of Life differs from its study in that the researcher does not try to guess the event and age, but operates with exact meanings and interpretations.

5. Breaks

Breaks represent a change in the line of Life as a result of which the line ends and continues in another place.

A short line of Life does not mean a short life at all, since there is no direct relationship between its length and life expectancy. In children, this line may be broken, but this does not mean at all that it will be like this for the entire life of the child.

There can also be two lines of Life on the hand, in which case the person has increased health and physical endurance!

A broken line primarily indicates strong changes in the usual way of life. What caused these changes and what are they? Here it is worth looking at how the line of Life continues after the break: if it is deeper and clearer, then the person’s health will be restored, if it is less pronounced, then it is worth considering the issue of health more closely.

In our example, we see a line of Life that breaks at 44 years. The gap does not overlap, the line does not change its habitual course and continues in the same vein as before the break. This situation is interpreted as a sharp, severe and prolonged illness at the age of 44.

Of the possible options - back disease or back problems, but for an accurate diagnosis, you need to examine the middle finger (it is responsible for the back), the entire line of Life (have there been such problems before), nails (for pathological changes), as well as small signs , which may indicate a predisposition to such diseases.

6. Bifurcation

As we can see, at the age of 52, the line of Life bifurcates. Such a bifurcation at first glance is negative and does not bode well.

At the same time, such a configuration can be very interesting: the fact is that you need to pay attention and study how the line changes after this fork.

In the case when the forked end of the line of Life loses its strength and depth, we can talk about a strong weakening of human health. When the line of Life intensifies, we conclude that there is a positive force that helps a person.

What does the double line of Life on the hand say?

In rare cases, we can observe a double line of Life on the hand. This configuration indicates a large supply of physical strength. In the literature, it has received the name - "the line of Mars", "the line of the Guardian Angel", in Indian tradition, it is called the "line of parents".

In the first case, we see an interpretation, according to the properties of the hill of Mars through which it passes, in the second case, it is interpreted as a line of influence departing from the line of life and indicating the influence of parents in a person's life.

Even the common man understands that double line incorporates many meanings and characteristics, reflecting interesting features person.

Of the most clear examples- the double line of Life in the hands of Yasser Arafat, who during his life was made many assassination attempts and none of them were successful.

Other signs on the hand and their meaning

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When analyzing the line of Life, we will consider the most common endings of the line, such as: the ending, smoothly bending around and crossing the hill of Venus, as well as the ending of the line, going to the hill of the Moon and bifurcating the end of the line of Life.

The end of the line of Life, smoothly enveloping the hill of Venus shown in figure 1.19. When the end of the line of Life smoothly bends around the hill of Venus, forming the correct letter “C” and ends at the upper rosette, then this sign indicates a conservative, stable and constant person who appreciates and loves his home. Such people are homebodies who, with caution and reluctance, perceive all life changes, who do not like trips and moving. They value stability, comfort and coziness, and turn their home into a fortress. The negative point for such people is that they cannot tolerate circumstances that are unfavorable for themselves and are very much afraid of changes that can completely or partially change their usual way of life. If at the same time the thumb is hard and not flexible, and the line of Life and the Head have a long joint beginning, then such a person will be very conservative, who will be difficult and reluctant to go for everything new, previously unknown and unmastered.

The end of the line of Life, crossing the hill of Venus shown in Figure 1.20. The description of the end of the line, which reduces the hill of Venus, is similar in its interpretation to the small radius of the line of Life, but unlike it, it will refer only to old age and advanced age of a person. Thus, people who have such an end to the line of Life will experience a weakening of vitality and energy, a loss of interest in life and activity in the age period when the end of the line begins to cross the hill of Venus.

Line of Life, leaving towards the hill of the Moon, as shown in Figure 1.21, indicates the activity of a person and a tendency to frequent changes in lifestyle and moving. If at the same time the line of Life changes its direction, and does not split into two lines, then moving and traveling will become part of the life of such a person and will completely change the course of his life. It is also believed that if the line of Life in its end goes towards the hill of the Moon, then such a person will emigrate to another country and end his life not at home, but abroad.

On a psychological level, the line of Life, going to the hill of the Moon, will speak of the romanticism and originality of a person, as well as an original and non-standard mindset.

The life line splits, while one part goes around the hill of Venus, and the second part goes to the hill of the Moon, as shown in Figure 1.22, betrays a person who is both restless and striving for changes in his life, but at the same time experiencing great affection for relatives and friends. The equivalence of the lines, in strength and depth, as in our example, will indicate that both directions and both life paths are equally important for a person. If the lines are unequal in strength and depth, then in the life of such a person there will be a choice. It will either concern life in two countries, or testify to different areas and different areas development of interests, but in the end he will have to choose one path or decide on one area of ​​​​development, in which the direction whose line will be clearer and stronger will win.

If the line that goes to the hill of the Moon is stronger, then this is a sign of a distant move or emigration, despite the fact that this person will be connected a lot with his homeland, with the place where he was born and raised. If the line enveloping the hill of Venus is stronger, then the person will eventually gain stability and constancy in life, finish all his trips and choose a home and a native environment familiar to his heart and soul.

Life line breaks. Breaks in the line of Life are always interpreted negatively due to the fact that they weaken the flow of energy in one of the main lines in the palm of your hand. The energy that flows along the line of Life, having reached the place of the break, spills outward and does not go further to the rosettes, causing a person to have health problems or a loss of meaning and purpose in life. Therefore, in case of breaks in the line of Life, it is very important to find lines that can compensate for this gap and give a new direction to the flow of energy, since only in this case the heavy effect of the gap will be weakened, giving hope to a person for a speedy recovery or the beginning of a new path of personal development.

The action of the gap on the line of Life is multi-level and the gap itself can “work” on one or several levels, which is specified by the main lines of the hand. If we take into account only the gap on the line of Life, without taking into account the lines that we have not yet studied, then the gap on the line of Life can mean: at the level of physiology - serious illness; at the security level - severe injuries to the body or death (necessarily specified by other lines in the palm of your hand or compensatory signs); at the level of psychology - a serious revision of beliefs, worldview, changes in character, habits and behavior, which constitutes a complete or fairly deep transformation of the personality, or indicates a loss of internal status - loss of faith in oneself, the collapse of hopes, the desire to live, etc .; at the level of relationships - the destruction of marriage or a strong connection; in terms of a career, a gap marks a radical change in occupation, a total job change, or other transformations that are very dramatic; in terms of finances - large losses of money; in terms of circumstances - a change in the quality of life, i.e. deterioration external conditions existence. Also, the sign can indicate moving, emigration, if just above the gap a thin branch separates towards the hill of the Moon, as shown in Figure 1.22.

Before studying the breaks on the line of Life, it is necessary to learn the basic law, which is used by all palmists without exception and concerns the displacement of the segments of the remaining line of Life after its break in one direction or the other. Thus, all breaks on the line of Life, with respect to their displacement to the sides, are divided into internal and external. An internal gap is such a gap, a new segment of which, after a break in the line of Life, shifts towards the thumb, and with an external gap, on the contrary, it shifts away from the hill of Venus. In Figures 1.23, line 1 and Figure 1.23-1, the inner break of the Life line is represented, and in Figures 1.23, line 2 and Figure 1.23-2, the outer break.

Rice. 1.23-1

Internal break of the line of Life speaks of global changes in a person's life, mainly associated with poor health. Since the segment after the break of the line of Life is shifted towards the thumb and crosses the hill of Venus, reducing it, there is a weakening of vitality, a loss of interest in life and vigorous activity. The energy of action becomes less and less, so a person gets tired more often, he needs longer periods for sleep and rest to restore his strength. Such people, after a break on the line of Life, go into themselves, become couch potatoes and cease to be active. When dating is applied to the line of Life, it is possible to determine the age when the event itself will occur directly, which, with its influence, will negatively affect a person, unsettle him for a long time and weaken his health.

Outer break in the life line testifies to the influx of external energy in the second half of life, which will make the person more independent and self-confident. This sign also speaks of a person’s broader capabilities and his desire for change, therefore, such people, as a rule, become younger in soul, getting a second wind, psychologically freed from everything old and unnecessary, they begin to travel, thereby radically changing their lives for the better.

The general rule when analyzing breaks on the line of Life says that an internal break is a global change in the worst side, and the external gap is for the better. As a rule, such cardinal changes in people's lives occur after a single negative event, which is indicated by the very break of the line of Life, subsequently there is a global transformation and a change in a person's worldview, due to which a revision of values ​​​​begins and a person begins his life anew, already with clean slate, as evidenced by the displacement of the broken line itself. To determine this turning age in a person's life, it is necessary to apply dating to the line of Life. The age marker will be the end of the main line of Life or, most often, a thin comet (Ketu line) that cuts through the old and new segments of the displaced line of Life.

And now let's look at the main types of breaks that can occur on the line of Life. In total, three types of gaps are distinguished, which differ in the degree of overlap or compensation of the broken line of Life, these are: an uncovered gap (Figure 1.24), an overlapped gap (Figure 1.24-1) and an intersecting gap (Figure 1.24-2). Since the main interpretation of gaps has been fully described earlier, the main differences between gaps in comparison with each other will be considered below.

Uncovered break in the line of Life the most unfavorable of all existing gaps, which indicates the onset of negative events in a person’s life. The description of this gap is multilevel and was considered at the very beginning of this topic. This gap cannot be unambiguously interpreted as death or severe physical injuries of a person, since often this gap will be compensated by other lines or signs, which will be considered by us in the following topics.

Covered break in the line of Life. It is called overlapped or compensated because the ends of the lines inside the gap form an overlap and, as it were, overlap or overlap each other. This is the softest and most gentle break compared to other breaks, which speaks of a gradual and smooth change in life. For the most complete analysis, it is necessary to look at how the gap is closed - internally or externally, based on this and interpret it. If the closed gap is external and it starts a branch from the line of Life upwards, as in our example, then such a sign indicates a revision of the worldview and value system through a crisis, and the experience gained will play an important creative and strengthening role in further development personality and will only benefit.

Intersecting Life Line Break mainly formed by broken parts of the line of Life. When determining the age period by dating, the time interval of the very intersection of the two lines will reflect a person's health crisis, operations or severe mental and physiological problems.

When analyzing gaps, it must be remembered that a gap on the active hand indicates global changes related to lifestyle changes, problems on the way to achieving personal goals, as well as health problems, that is, everything that concerns the active side of human life. The gaps on the passive hand will mainly relate to a radical change in worldview, worldview, the meaning of life and a revision of the value system. Breaks on both hands give a kind of inevitability and predetermine the course of events that will affect both the active and passive sides of a person's life.

Branches from the line of Life. Branches from the line of Life are called lines that originate on the line of Life and go up to the interdigital hills. Each branch coming from the line of Life indicates the fulfillment of desires, the satisfaction of ambitions, success, material gain and are considered very favorable for a person. Start new branch is the beginning of a new life stage and a period of significant positive change. Each branch from the line of Life should be judged by their completion. If the branch turns out to be stronger and more powerful than the line itself, then such changes in a person’s life can also change the main course of the Life line itself. There are four types of branches, which differ only in that their endings stretch to different hills, so they are divided into branches directed to the hills: Jupiter, Saturn, Apollo and Mercury.

The branches towards the Mount of Jupiter are shown in figures 1.25 and 1.25-1 by line 1; to the hill of Saturn - 1.25 and 1.25-1 line 2; to the hill of Apollo - 1.25 and 1.25-1 line 3 and to the hill of Mercury - 1.25 and 1.25-1 line 4.

Branches directed to the hill of Jupiter, indicate the desire to acquire authority, to strengthen their position in society and the desire to put into practice their desires and ideas. Often the branches directed to the hill of Jupiter are called “lines of ambition”, because they indicate those qualities of a person’s character that push a person forward and make him develop in accordance with his desires and ambitions, thereby satisfying a person’s ambition. In youth up to the age of 18–21 years, branches going to the hill of Jupiter indicate academic success, and in some cases branches on the Life line up to the age of 14–15 years can serve as an indicator of the success and material advancement of the father of the child. AT school years these branches, as a rule, indicate restrictions imposed by the family or school, which must be broken in order to obtain the long-awaited freedom for personal development. If a thick branch from the line of Life goes to the index finger, then this is a clear sign of the person's efforts in an effort to get out of someone's control or destroy isolation in some area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. For example, it may be a time of separation from parents or leaving a partner who suppresses a person's individuality. A lot of rising small lines indicate a person who will constantly strive to achieve something in order to attract others. At the beginning of a branch in the middle of the Life line given fact testifies to the choice of an independent direction in the personal, if the sign is on the left hand, and professional, if the sign is on the right hand, spheres.

Branches towards the Mount of Saturn, indicate success in a career, obtaining new position or material advance. In any case, from the branch of the branch from the line of Life, you will have to take on increased obligations, show much more responsibility in business than before, fully devote yourself to work, and only thanks to complete focus and dedication to these goals will success be guaranteed.

Branches towards the Mount of Apollo, are a pointer to a happy creative period. But at the same time it testifies that a person will satisfy his ambitions only with the help of hard work and great self-discipline. For all people, without exception, this branch is a sign of professionalism in the chosen profession or field of activity, and for an artist or artist, this will be the time of recognition and glory.

Branches towards the Mount of Mercury, indicate success in the fields of science, business or communication with people, and it is also an indicator of an increase in material wealth as a result of a competent ability to manage money or business enterprise.

When analyzing branches from the Life line, it must be remembered that the branches must start from the Life line and not cut it. If a branch cuts the line of Life, then this sign is considered negative and will not have positive values, and in its action will be similar to comets, which we will discuss below.

Double line of Life. The double line of Life (Figures 1.26 and 1.27) is a special karmic reward for pious and God-pleasing deeds in past incarnations. An extremely rare sign on the hands of a person. The difference between the double line of Life and the sister line (the line of Mars), which is designed to protect the main line of Life, is that in the double line of Life, both lines will be equally strong, even, go in one parallel course and direction, and they will also be equidistant from each other. friend throughout.

The double line of Life shows a physically and energetically strong, spiritually and morally stable person. Possessing extraordinary energy and penetrating power, a person with such lines will look for himself in areas related to interaction with other people that will require emotional and psychological stability, physical endurance, constant self-development, firmness and strength of character.

Despite the fact that Prarabdha karma for merits in past incarnations gave such a person a good, bright fate, excellent physical health and protection from various kinds of troubles, it also imposed on him additional responsibilities in life. Such a person, living one long human life, by his actions and deeds, as it were, lives two lives, having two completely different life paths and directions of development, which at the same time are very easily combined in his life. Such a person feels the need for parallel life paths, at the same time, two radically different ways of thinking, two worldviews coexist in him, and at one moment he can play one life role, at another - be a completely opposite person to himself.

When considering each line, it must be remembered that the inner line of Life plays the most important role. It is designed to be responsible for the state of health of its owner, for the level of vitality and energy, and also shows a connection with close relatives and spouses. The second line of Life, which is closer to the center of the palm, acts as a defense. She covers her, giving the first line of protection and protecting her from external influences and negative impact events. Also, the outer line of Life fulfills part of the line of Fate, which shows the professional orientation of a person, his ups and downs in his career. As a result, the outer line combines two lines - both the line of Life and the line of Fate.

When analyzing the double line of Life, it is necessary to take into account which hand these lines are on. If the double line of Life is on the active hand, then this indicates a very strong energy person, which must necessarily find its application in Everyday life person. As a rule, such a person will live two lives, have different images, will play different roles, for example, he will be alone at home, completely different at work, etc. But at the same time he will have time to combine everything and be in time everywhere. The double line of Life in the hands of a woman will indicate a combination of career and family, moreover, these two various areas will be equally important to her.

If the double line of Life is on the passive hand, then this indicates that two completely different systems of values ​​coexist in a person, two worldviews, two inner peace, different emotionality and sensuality, which very often replace each other.

Signs on the line of Life. Signs on the line of Life are not common, and their presence on the line itself or next to it will indicate great fateful changes in a person's life. Almost all the signs we have previously studied, located on the line of Life, carry a negative meaning and relate to both the physical health, and psychological state person. When analyzing negative signs, it must be remembered that the signs on the main lines are very difficult to change and are in no hurry to disappear from the hand, therefore, in order to “remove” a bad sign from the line of Life, it is necessary to radically change your attitude to life and your usual behavior. For example, if an accident sign is found on the Life line and at the same time a person is constantly inclined to break the rules traffic, reckless on the road, while showing disrespect for other road users, then in order for the sign to “leave” the line, it is necessary that the habit of observing traffic rules enter deeply into the mind of such a person. It has already been said earlier that the main task of a professional palmist is not to state the very fact of a future event, but to determine the problem area and correctly present information to the client so that he can accept necessary measures to prevent unpleasant events for himself and managed to turn the situation in his favor. Below we will consider the main, most common signs on the line of Life.

Points on the line of life interpreted according to their color. The color of the dot indicates the influence of Rahu or Ketu on a person. Thus, a red dot serves as an indicator of danger from nature (water, earth, air, fire), and a dark or black dot indicates an impending illness or operation. Black dots at the very beginning of the Life line may indicate congenital diseases in a child. The point at the place of the break on the line of Life is evidence of a severe and prolonged illness. But the most negative dangerous sign will be the point at which the line of Life ends, indicating the age of violent death.

Island on the line of Life(Figure 1.28) indicates a period of poor health, fatigue and lack of vitality for the period of the sign. When analyzing the islands, it is necessary to apply dating to the Life line, which will indicate the start and end times of health problems.

Square on the line of Life(Figure 1.28) is a protective sign and has a protective effect in unfavorable periods of a person's life. In our example, shown in the figure, the square surrounds the island on the line of Life, giving the necessary protection to the human body from illness and hope for a successful outcome. It must be remembered that the square protects against the consequences of negative events, but does not cancel their onset.

Triangle on the line of Life(Figure 1.28) has conflicting interpretations and its influence on a person should be clarified along other lines in the palm of your hand. On the one hand, the triangle indicates an improvement financial situation and career success, which will be deserved by a person due to his tactical and diplomatic abilities, as well as the ability to achieve his own. On the other hand, the triangle is a warning of danger from smoke and fire, especially if the sign is strong and is on both hands. Also, the triangle may indicate the acquisition of real estate with the help or from the father.

Lattice on the line of Life testifies to the loss of the meaning of life and the spiritual weakness of the individual. It is very important to evaluate the nature of the line of Life after the influence of the grid on it. If the line breaks, then the consequences of the events that occurred in a person’s life left a deep mark and affected the health of the owner of the hand. If the line of Life after the grid continues without changes, then the events were educational in nature and remained only in the mind of a person, without affecting health.

Cross on the line of Life in the interpretations of modern palmists, it is a sign of an increased accident rate from vehicles as a result of automobile or other types of accidents, or it indicates single, but striking negative events that will affect the quality of life of the owner of the mark.

Star on the line of Life has the same interpretations as the cross, but intensified many times over in its effect on a person. If this is an accident, then it is of severe severity, as a result of which a person can be on the verge of life and death, if this is an attack on a person, then with very serious consequences for physical health, etc.

Circle on the line of Life indicates vision problems or is indicative of common problems with health. In the classical interpretation proposed by palmists of the 18th-19th centuries, a single circle on the line of Life speaks of problems with one eye, and two circles - with two eyes. According to modern interpretations, circles on the line of Life indicate a deterioration in the overall vitality of the body.

Interaction of comets (lines of Ketu) with the line of Life. On comets, or Ketu lines, we have already partially dwelled on the topic of describing signs on hills, so this topic will consider how these lines interact with the Life line, how they look in the palm of your hand and what properties they have depending on where and how they end. You already know that comets in the palm of your hand give a person mental anguish, deprivation, worries and resentment, that is, they indicate psychological events that carry a lot of heartache for a person.

The general interpretation of comets is multi-level, and these signs can work at various levels of human life. If comets are related to physiology, then they give a person diseases; in everyday life - difficult conditions of existence; in relation to material status - monetary difficulties; to a career - indicate problems with work or dismissal from it; if to relationships and love, then these are conflicts, divorces, stresses and disappointments.

Comets are located horizontally on the hand, start on the hill of Venus and on their way cut through the main lines of the hand, including the line of Life. Any comet, due to the intersection with the line of Life, creates obstacles in the way of the movement of the energy of action, as a result of which it creates troubles, difficulties and problems in a person's life. Therefore, any crossing of the line of Life by comets is a kind of event marks on the lines, which are a warning factor about quite tangible changes or events in a person’s life that can lead to both psychological disorders and painful periods. For past time events, comets are just a recorded fact of unpleasant events, but for future time, this is a warning that should never be ignored. It must also be remembered that comets on the palms are different, therefore, when analyzing them, one should always pay attention to their expressiveness and thickness in relation to the line of Life, and it is also necessary to take into account its beginning and end, that is, the place where it comes from and where it is heading. When comets intersect with the line of Life, it is necessary to visually extend the cutting line towards the hill to which it is directed, as a result of which it will be possible to determine where the danger will come from and what its consequences will lead to, by analogy with the previously considered lines of Rahu. If at the same time the comet looks weaker than the line of Life in strength and thickness, and does not damage it after crossing, then the event that will happen in a person’s life will not cause significant losses, the obstacles will be easily overcome, and the events themselves will be forgotten very quickly, since they will not inflict deep spiritual wounds. And vice versa, if a cutting line cuts the line of Life, after which its character and direction changes, as a result, negative signs appear on it, such as islands, crosses, dots or breaks, then such an intersection is an omen of very unfavorable events that will knock out a person for a long time from the usual rhythm of life and will affect all spheres of his life.

And now let's move away from the general theoretical description of comets and consider how they look in the palm of a person and what they affect depending on their type, length, beginning and direction. All secant lines in palmistry, which somehow interact with the line of Life, are usually divided into several types depending on the nature and scope of their influence. The safest type of comets that do not make contact with the Life line are called lines of concern (shown in Figure 1.29 and located at the bottom of the hill of Venus in the white oval). Further, as negative impact there are comets that stop on the line of Life without crossing it (Figure 1.29, lines in a white circle); then comets follow, which cross the line of Life and go into the space between the line of the Head and the Heart (figure 1.30). The remaining comets are considered depending on the lines they cross: crossing the line of Life, Fate or Apollo (Figure 1.30-1), crossing the line of Life and Head (Figure 1.31), crossing all the main lines and going to the line of the Heart (Figure 1.30-1 ).

Small lines on the hill of Venus that do not cross the line of Life, called lines of anxiety and testify to periods of excitement and anxiety. The periods of influence of these lines on a person are characterized by nervous tension, in which it is very difficult to achieve inner harmony and tranquility. If there are many such lines, then this indicates a person’s internal nervousness, a strong receptivity and impressionability, as well as a strong waste of the necessary energy. If at the same time the entire palm is covered with a network of small chaotic lines and islands or irregularities are present on the Head line, then the nervousness and anxiety of the nature of such a person intensifies. Nervousness can also be a consequence of the unfulfillment of one's desires and aspirations, the causes of which are specified along other lines of the hand.

Comets that reach the line of Life, but do not cross it, are divided into comets related to the sphere of personal or family relations. These comets are event comets, the duration of which is determined at the point of intersection or at the place of their meeting with the Life line when dating is applied to the main line.

Comets leaving the region personal relationships , cross the lines of Influence on the hill of Venus, or originate from them, but do not cross the line of Life - indicate family problems and troubles. They also indicate experiences that relate to personal life or indicate conflicts with spouses and related stresses that give problems with the development or continuation of relationships.

Comets related to the sphere of kinship relations, originate from the region of relatives and start either from the Maliki rekha, or next to it on the hill of Venus. As a rule, such lines testify to the feelings and stresses associated with relationships in the parental family or with loved ones. These may be contradictions, quarrels, or attempts by parents to interfere in the affairs and life of a person. Comets also indicate that such attempts on the part of relatives are perceived with hostility and negatively affect the course of a person’s life.

Comets crossing the line of Life and leaving in the middle of the palm, in the space between the line of the Head and Heart, talking about the strong external changes and related experiences. It could be a big shock or non-standard situations, which are perceived by a person very negatively. If a comet crosses an island that is on the line of Life, then this sign is a classic sign of an operation.

life line

The line of life, on the hand, is the main stream or channel along which life energy flows, divination along the line of life, this is the first thing to do, a good line of life must be safe and sound, because the line along its length can bifurcate on the hand, be a short line on the hand, and may be interrupted. The vital energy, descending down the arm, surrounds the tubercle of the thumb, which in Palmistry is called the tubercle of Venus, thus drawing its way to the base of the hand.

Often found on the hands of a short line of life, which naturally does not please the owner, and alarms the palmist. The hillock is very important in Palmistry. Take a look at your line of Life and the hillock of Venus - the fullness of the venus hillock, shows the pledged life resource, this is a gift of nature that rewards with the power of man.
Therefore, by the expression and shape of the line of Life on the hand, we will be able to trace all periods of contact of a person with critical situations in life, adversity and vicissitudes of fate associated with the mobility, vitality and resilience of a person.

The life line, this is the line to which, when getting acquainted with palmistry, a person will first of all pay attention, the length of the line is one of the important indicators of life expectancy. A successful life line will be - if it does not have various kinds of defects or damage, a dangerous condition or a change in life, it promises a break in the life line, especially if it is large. Ideally, the "LV" should be uniform in depth, of the same color, long and without any sharp shifts, flow around the hill of Venus like a stream. The less congestion and obstacles in the way of the channel, the healthier a person feels. Figuratively speaking, appearance lifeline, indicates the physical condition and level of vitality of the subject, and also suggests a possible life expectancy.

For the first time, a person, paying attention to the hand, asks himself the question:
See the line of life on the right hand? or the Line of Life on the left hand to look?.
The answer to the question will be that the palmist looks at both hands, but if you are interested in the future, then look at the active hand, it has a predictive value, while the life line on the left hand captures past events. Special attention should be given to the signs on the line of life, since they have a mostly negative meaning, worsening the quality of the line, they make their own adjustments.

If the line of life has a pale appearance, and is too wide, it predicts, first of all, poor or, more precisely, poor health, and also speaks of an envious nature with wicked instincts - this is a river of vital energy that has overflowed its banks, this is a weak stream with a muddy bottom, this is a quiet pool in which devils are found. Such a line reveals and shows the negative qualities or the opposite of those qualities that have long good value and line colors. Such a line, at the first glance at the hand, will stand out from common card arms with their width, and looks more massive with respect to other lines.
Surely you have a question, what does the line of life have to do with the character of a person? It is worth making a reservation right away and how to bring it up to date. The line of life in palmistry, the line of fate, the line of the heart, the line of the mind and even the line of marriage - imagine that they have a basic dual meaning, this applies to all lines on the hand that are not listed. On the one hand, the lines carry material information, which is responsible for the state of the “organ” to which they belong, while the other side of the “medal” is the sensory-psychological area of ​​the personality.
For example, I will give you a line of life and its third significance, which Eastern schools of palmistry extract additional information. Not even all researchers in the field of prediction know that, according to the Indian interpretation, the line of life is associated with the father, and the line of the mind of the “head” is compared with the mother. Thus general interpretation these two lines in the aggregate is as follows: - if your life line is damaged, then the father will be the first to die, if the line of the mind has a defect, then the mother, which is undoubtedly confirmed in practice in many cases.

If in life you manage to endure long-term illnesses, an island on the line of life will undoubtedly predict a painful period. If the line is constantly cut by many small “hair” lines - these are lines of stress (1), they can mean minor illnesses or at least a “headache”, that is, events associated with psychological stress that will accompany the owner of the hand for as long as “LV” will be chase intersections.
When the life line starts from the hillock of Jupiter, or throws a line (2) from there, this indicates that all the life energy of the individual is directed to nourishing arrogance, ambition, pride, gives out a great desire to acquire status and honors, as a rule, such a line indicates the hand of a successful man, the goal will be achieved, since all that is required is only time.

If the line sprouts processes to the bracelets of the hand, “transverse lines on the hand” - this means that at a certain time there will be a material decline in the state or money, a gradual transition to poverty is also possible.
Quite often, a bifurcation of the line is observed on the hands, if the line of life bifurcates, you should immediately pay attention to the auxiliary lines responsible for the biological state of the body, in this case, the line of Mercury. Not large lines, as it were, offspring from the life line to the top, mean signs of joy, these are fountains of emotions associated with the fulfillment of desires, or the acquisition of something, for example, buying a home, or a car, having a child, or even celebrating leaving to live separately, - from the "beloved" mother-in-law.

The double line of life, the “sister line” can also be referred to as the line of Mars, according to the eastern interpretation of palmists, it is associated with the line of the father, the line indicates the additional capabilities of the body, the stock of vital endurance that comes to the rescue in critical situations, it is also additional support. and consequently health, vitality, longevity. Such a line was named after the god of war, because it comes from the space of the tubercle of lower Mars, the Line can bring success to the owner hands, in military career if it is active, and is highlighted in reddish color.

In rare cases, we can meet a full-fledged double line of life on the hand, but nevertheless, such an option for the configuration of lines should be discussed. As mentioned above, the double line indicates a large supply of physical strength, it also bears the name - the line (guardian angel), in Indian palmistry, it is called the "father line". More to the "parental" line, it will belong - if the "twin" originates from the line of life, which indicates the influence of parents in a person's life.

Double line of life on the hand, "works" in full force only when it runs parallel to the main line of life along its entire length at a short distance, and most importantly, it should begin independently, that is, not come from the life line. Such a double line helps a person survive in extremely unfavorable conditions, sometimes there are cases that it would seem impossible for a person to survive in certain circumstances, but people survive in spite of everything, so the double line has many meanings and characteristics, reflecting the interesting features of a person. But it is worth noting that any line on the hand without a good line of fate will slightly please the owner of the hand.

Often there are ascending lines on the hand - those that go up to the fingers are considered good, they indicate the time of the prime of life, the realization of human capabilities.
The short processes extending from the line of life mean certain joyful events or successes associated with climbing the ladder of life, they are called signs of joy, the inherent difference between offspring from other lines is a small length.

When the line of life can change its direction, throwing a powerful branch on the hill of the Moon, thus indicating long-distance travels, or long-term departures from home, usually, according to tradition, people who change their coordinates of residence have such lines, that is, most often means moving abroad, - This is the line of emigration.

As mentioned above, the lines going up are the lines of excess, this is the time of the prime of life, high working capacity, the time when you need to make the main breakthrough in life, since there is an excess of energy that needs to be used with benefit. Simply put, “strike while the iron is hot,” while you are young and full of intuition and strength, because the time is not far off when the forces begin to melt and become depleted, everything will turn in the opposite direction, the vital fluids begin to evaporate, and you need to have time to do the main thing at such moments of life. to the robot, to establish itself and get on its feet, to provide for itself looking into the future, and into the inevitably approaching old age.

Time on the line of life

To determine the dating along the line of life or the time of events on it, we lower the vertical line from the middle of the base of the index finger to the line of life, at the point of contact we will get the age of ten years.

Taking into account the fact that time flows evenly along the life line (unlike other lines), we measure the length of the life line and divide the entire line into equal parts, it can be ten parts, or it can be seven sections, since average duration life, roughly predictable at the present time. As we can see, it is very easy and convenient to calculate the time only based on one starting point, so for a more accurate calculation, you can break these sections into smaller segments, as a result you will get a dating with an accuracy of up to a year, a more accurate dating of time along the life line to example by months, with the help of palmistry alone is impossible. There are many options for measuring time or date along the line of life, but any of them has its own errors, a lot also depends on the dimensions of the palm, where the usual 1mm. the lines are long, does not coincide with one year of life, so it is worth noting that it is necessary to confirm this or that sign on the hand, in other places on the palm and by the sum of the time indicators, repel and draw a conclusion. The question may arise: why did the hand shown in the picture measure so few years or years, probably because the area occupied by the hill of Venus, relative to the space of the hand, is very narrow and small, which should also be taken into account when divining along the line of Life, be attentive to all signs on the hand, especially the moles of the hand and signs on the lines.

Short Life Line

The short line of life on the hand is mostly associated with a sign of short life, that there is an incorrect forecast, for the fatality of events there must be several other evidences on other parts of the hand. If the line is short on one hand, and good and long on the other, and moreover, the long line is on the active hand, then you should not worry, since your future is in your right hand (right for right-handed people), and the past and common destination, the instincts with which people are born are in the left palm. It matters much worse when the life line bifurcates, as it were, ends with a fork.

The perfect sign of death, as the old palmists claimed, is a line torn in half and its upper part leans towards the tubercle of the thumb, as if making a twist towards the tubercle of Venus - this is an inevitable and irresistible death. The most terrible fateful sign, especially if there are no signs of neutralization. Breaks in the line of life are also common, there are ordinary ones, and having slight displacements to the side towards the middle of the arm - which indicates possible bodily injuries, an accident, and the greater the width of the line deviation to the side, the more tragic the event is its magnitude.

A short line of life in palmistry means, as already mentioned, not a long life - but you should not die ahead of time, contrary to popular belief - does not mean a short life at all, but only indicates poor health and lack of vitality. Even when you see a short line on your hand, because lines tend to sprout, even the shortest life line can subsequently cut through and lengthen, thus it can sprout and become a good life line, at worst, it can partially replace or perform its function the line of fate, which levels the dangerous situation, but in this case the line of fate should be close to the Mount of Venus. Seeing a short line on the hand, it naturally becomes uncomfortable, but people live with a short line, of course, if the other main lines do not have a bad reflection. If the line of the Mind and Heart is good and without breaks, then it is quite possible for a person to live for quite a long time, no one can give guarantees, even people with a strong and strong line of life can live a little. After all, the fate of a person lies not only in a healthy body, but largely depends on his fateful destiny, with which he came to Earth for testing.

Island on the line meaning

An island on the line of life - indicates a period in a person's life when the weakness of the body is subject to various kinds of diseases, that is, periods of poor health, fatigue, lack of vitality for the duration of the island.

Pay attention to your line, if there is an island on the line of life, then there will be time that will burden life, later it can knock a person out of the normal rhythm of life, it can be both a disease and a consequence, an accident. If a whole chain of islands stretches on the line after the island, then the disease will periodically remind oneself, which means an unfruitful life, defiled by the painful suffering of the individual, throughout the entire chain of islands. The length and size of the island on the line of life are proportional to the situation that has arisen.

Often, various kinds of damage when the life line bifurcates or small islands can form on the line, or dots and different signs can occur, all this carries a negative meaning, which is not good, it also indicates mainly painful periods, events associated with human health, these are signs that weaken the line of life. Attention should be paid to the state of the life line after any unfavorable sign, the shape and integrity of which after a defect will predict the consequences after an illness. If the line is restored and takes its former form, then health will improve and the person will enter the normal rhythm of life. The causes that contributed to or were a factor in the incident can be traced with the help of stress lines directed towards the island on the life line, and by questioning other Signs on the life line, a correct conclusion is made.

Options for splitting the line of life

The life line bifurcates - if the life line on the hand bifurcates, this is not a good purpose, as a rule, the bifurcation of the life line occurs due to weakening physical condition organism. Such a forked line in the palm of your hand, at first glance, is negative, and equates approximately with a short line of life, but the splitting of the line into two channels can occur in different ways, and does not always predict trouble to the owner and means something bad.

However, this line configuration can be interpreted in different ways and is not always a danger line. In such cases, it is worth paying utmost attention and caution so as not to harm a person with an incorrect forecast.

The fact is that you need to study the line, pay attention to how the life line changes after a fork in the hand. In the case when the branch of the forked end of the line loses its strength and depth, that is, weakens, we can talk about a strong decline in the state of human health. Usually, a bifurcation of the life line is observed at the end of the line, quite already in old age, but when a bifurcated line is found in the palm of young people, you should immediately pay attention to your health, and take appropriate measures, undergo an examination.

If the line of life forks up to a rosette (transverse lines on the hand) and one part of the fork goes to the hill of the Moon, it indicates a person’s tendency to insanity in old age, senile insanity, restless imagination, whims, exaltation or relaxation, looking already at the state hill. If the bifurcation of the line is uniform, then most likely indicates a sharp decline in strength, the old palmistry interpreted such signs on the line of life as mental fatigue - this is a consequence of constant overstrain of the brain, such people were advised to quit everything and take more rest on time, before it's too late.

When the line, bifurcating, throws a powerful branch towards the hill of the Moon and intensifies, there can be no question of a decline in strength - we conclude that there is a positive force that helps a person, similar layouts of lines can indicate a move, a change of residence, they are called lines moving, or even a sign of moving on the arm, they mean that a person will move to live in another place, and depending on the state of the line, they may indicate a move abroad - these are emigration lines on the arm.

Line of Life meaning of the signs on the hand

Signs on the line of life are quite common, the presence of special signs on the hand and on the line has a negative meaning. Recall that time along the line of life goes evenly, from top to bottom. To determine the location of the sign on the life line, the starting point will be a vertical line lowered along the axis of the index finger, at the intersection with the life line, it will indicate the age of ten years. Thus, we will mark the life line in equal sections of 10 years, after which it will be convenient to calculate the time for the years of life of the action of specific signs.

The square is generally considered a good sign, but it has a completely different meaning if it is near the line with inside on the hill of Venus (sign-2), being there on the hill, the sign indicates the restriction of freedom. The first thing that comes to mind is that it could be a prison. In fact, one should not rush to a conclusion - although such a sign on the hand quite often “works” and is confirmed in practice, it requires additional signs. The square should be clearly visible, the papillary pattern of the square rises, the line of fate has a dashed line or starts from the arm bracelet, there may be additional sections on the line of the sun. Restriction in freedom can be expressed not only by prison, if it was difficult for a person to reconcile mentally, then serving in the army, for example, or studying in some kind of closed institution, can find such an expression on the arm, in general, everything that limits a person’s capabilities, there can be a lot of options.

A small triangle located on the line of life (sign-1) predicts a fire threat, and if the triangle is located directly on the line itself, as shown in the picture, then the owner of the hand may receive bodily injury. If such a sign only touches the life line, then it indicates an event associated with a fire, but the person himself will not participate in the event.

The islands encountered on the line (sign-3) will warn of possible diseases - this is a river of vital energy, the channel of which is divided into two weak streams, and, accordingly, losing strength.
This development of events speaks of the poor state of human health, and the longer the island is, the longer the suffering will continue.

As can be seen in the example of the picture, a dot on the life line (sign-4) may indicate a danger from the elements of nature, but if the dot is dark in color, these are health problems due to illness.
The cross located on the line (sign-5), and cutting the life line with its branches, speaks of a very weak state of the body, possibly exhausted by diseases, decrepitude, and threatens with death, and the worse the cross on the life line, that is, the shape of the cross, is expressed, the it will bring more suffering.
If the cross is at the end of the life line, but does not cut the life line (sign-6), then it speaks of poverty in old age, such people suffer at the end of their years, and mainly because of their kindness, and often remain deceived. So, having found such a sign on your hand, you should think about it and take any decisions and actions with caution.

The line of life in pictures clearly demonstrates the possible variants of signs on the line of life and the violations with which they threaten, having seen signs of danger on the hands, it is worth thinking about and considering the issue of health more closely.

What is a life line?

The life line in the palm of your hand is part of the three main lines and is the main one. It appears at the stage of the embryo, at a time when the future person is not yet able to actively move, and can in no way be called simply a "fold" on the arm. The life line in the palm of your hand can tell you a lot: about the state of health, vitality and activity, changes in fate. It is important to evaluate all its parameters: shape, depth, thickness, tortuosity, possible signs or interruptions.

For example, if the line of life in the palm of your hand has a deep semicircle and is located far from the thumb, this indicates the energy of its owner, increased endurance, and love of life. If it is close to the thumb, then its owner, on the contrary, does not show particular activity in life, he constantly lacks strength. The depth of the line of life indicates the state of health: the thicker it is and the branch, the physically stronger its owner, and vice versa. All kinds of branches, chains, crosses and dashes along its length are signs vicissitudes of life and events. Moreover, the length of this line does not indicate the duration of human life. It may change over time. So, in young children, the line of life in the palm of your hand is often expressed indistinctly, intermittently, but this does not mean bad news, rather, it speaks of the disorder of the children's fate and a large number of changes.

Sister line - what is it?

Sometimes it happens that the line of life in the palm of a person is duplicated. That is, another dash runs along the perimeter almost parallel to the first. This is the sister line. Her presence in the palm of your hand is always a good omen. The sister line serves as a talisman against all life's failures and troubles. It seems to block all negative signs, reduces their strength. So, the owners of such lines are more successful and successful, as if someone is protecting them. If the sister line descends almost to the end of the life line, this indicates that the person will remain active and energetic until old age.

The life line splits. What does it mean?

In some people, the line of life on the arm bifurcates. Many see this as a bad omen and some kind of danger. And partly they are right. However, one should not rush to conclusions. In palmistry, as in many other matters, nuances are important. So, it is very important where and how this bifurcation occurs. If the branch becomes noticeably thinner and is lost, this is a sign of weakening health. Usually a similar pattern on the hand is characteristic of older people, but it is also found in young people. If the bifurcated line of life thickens and lies towards the hill of the Moon, this can be explained as a move, a change of residence, a change of scenery. But if the bifurcation descends down the palm to the transverse lines on the hand, and one part lies on the aforementioned hill, this indicates a possible dementia in old age, an excessive play of fantasies, strange quirks. And important events in life are usually visible on both hands.

Some nuances

It is important not to make hasty conclusions and turn to really knowledgeable specialists for help. The interpretation of the lines on the hand is as ambiguous as divination on coffee grounds or Tarot cards. The interweaving of signs and symbols gives completely different results. And misunderstood information can affect the further course of events.

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