Why do you dream of swollen legs at home. Dream Interpretation: why dream of legs. Legs are dreaming: a general interpretation of a dream

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Legs in a dream why dream

Legs - To have crooked legs in a dream - in reality means to suffer losses; seeing them is a sign that you are starting a risky business that can bring failure.

Wash your feet in a dream - to travel; having wooden legs means you can experience sadness from injustice; being without legs is a sign that success in labor is possible; put your feet in the fire in a dream - to end family quarrels; to put on shoes in a dream - to the fast road; losing shoes in a dream is an obstacle. Having dirty feet is a nuisance. To wipe them at the entrance to the house is a gift.

Breaking a leg means the collapse of love hopes, burning your legs in a dream is a harbinger of glory, if you are kicked - to wealth. Bare feet dream of a new love affair, a strange kind - to a new acquaintance, looking at your feet - to a loss of position, looking at strangers - to a loss of money, a wide foot - unfortunately.

To dream about how you get a pedicure is a warning, be careful in choosing new friends or partners, they may turn out to be unreliable.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of Legs in a dream

Legs - If in a dream you liked slender female legs, then you will lose your judgment and show unworthy frivolity in your behavior with some charming person.

Seeing ugly legs means unprofitable activities and irritable comrades.

A wounded leg portends losses and painful bouts of malaria. Seeing one of your legs as wooden means that you will not behave frankly with friends.

If in a dream your legs are in ulcers, this portends a decrease in your income in connection with helping other people.

To dream that you have three or more legs means that your enterprise is more manifested in your imagination than in real affairs.

If you dream that your legs do not obey you, you are in need.

If you dream that your leg is amputated, then you will lose valuable friends, and the despotic influence of your family will make your life almost unbearable.

For a young woman to admire her own feet means that her indefatigable vanity will alienate her from the person she adores. If she dreams that she has hairy legs, then in the future she will command her husband.

If in a dream your legs are slender and beautiful, then a happy future and loyal friends await you.

Just seeing your legs in a dream is often a desperate situation. Such a dream encourages you to assert your life position with greater will and energy. In a dream, washing your feet means that the cunning of others will somewhat mix up your plans and discourage you.

Seeing that your legs are reddened and swollen portends trouble: disgrace and humiliation are possible, a break with your family, a sharp change in business.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

Legs as an image in a dream

Legs - Lose a leg - lose a good friend; break - demotion; swollen - losses and losses; to have thin legs - they will cheat on you; the wounded - misfortune; wooden - you will remain deceived; broken - unexpected delay of important things; dirty - dislike; wash - finding out a useless case; patients - confusion; many legs - you will find a lost thing; someone else's - beware of the enemy; curves - pride; kissing someone else's - humility, submission.

Esoteric dream book

Legs in night dreams

Legs - support. Your you are someone's support, do not forget about responsibility. Alien you rely on someone, you have to be more independent. You have many legs, many companions, many people on whom you can rely. Your legs are tangled up. Some of the employees are actively interfering with your business.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why dream of Legs in a dream

Legs - Lose a leg - lose a good friend - break - demotion - swollen - losses and losses - have thin legs - you will be cheated - injured - misfortune - wooden - remain deceived - broken - unexpected delay of important things - dirty - dislike - wash - journey, finding out a useless business - sick - confusion - many legs - find a lost thing - someone else's - beware of the enemy - curves - pride - kissing someone - humility, submission.

Idiomatic dream book

Feet - what symbolizes what he saw

Feet - "Stretch your legs" - poverty, illness, death. “get up on your left foot” - bad mood, failures during the day; "to have two left legs" - clumsiness; “get off your feet” - a long search, fuss; "to carry away legs" - to run away; “The hamstrings shook” (strong fright). “live in a big way” - live on a grand scale, generously; “to wallow at the feet” - humiliatedly ask, grovel; “to spin, get underfoot” (interfere), “lick heels” (slavish obedience); "Substitute the leg" - betrayal, secretly harm; “The leg has cramped” - the impossibility of movement, stagnation. “to allow you to wipe your feet on yourself” - humiliation, neglect. “To wipe your feet for a long time in front of the threshold” - indecision, doubts, excessive politeness. "kneel" - admiration, humility, humiliation. "to crush someone's leg" - to behave rudely, clumsily. “To push someone's heel” and “to follow on the heels” - persecution, an attempt to get around in something. "encroach on someone else's place"; “one foot here - the other there” - speed of action, movement. “crush, trample someone” - deprive of a place, dignity; "Stunning news, trip." "stand on your feet" - strengthen yourself financially, morally. "to make feet" - to run away from danger. See add. Bow, stand, this is how this dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Women's dream book

Why does a woman dream of Feet, what is this dream about?

Legs - If in a dream you liked slender female legs, you will show unforgivable frivolity in your behavior with a very pretty person. Seeing ugly legs portends unjustified efforts. If a young woman in a dream admires her own legs, her indefatigable vanity will repel the person she adores from her. If in a dream her legs are slender and in good shape, this portends her a happy future and devoted friends. If a woman dreams that she has hairy legs, she will command her husband in marriage. If in a dream your legs do not obey you, you are in danger of poverty. An amputated leg dreams of the loss of close friends or the despotic influence of home. A wooden leg means you will be embarrassed in front of your friends. To dream that you have three or more legs means that your enterprise is more manifested in your imagination than in real affairs.

Small Velesov dream book

Legs in a dream what do they mean

Legs - Success; they hurt - a good way // to the disease, the plan will not come true; to be left without legs - fire, theft, loss, serious illness; break - loss, loss, stoppage in business, obstacle on the way, trouble at work, lose a friend; bare legs - you have to walk a lot; dirty - sadness; wash your own - road, illness, domestic troubles; kissing someone - repentance, trouble; burn a leg - glory; artificial leg - injustice.

Gypsy dream book

Feet according to gypsy traditions

Legs - Kissing another means remorse, insulting confession and a change of state; to see legs bitten by a snake or other poisonous animal means sadness and boredom; washing feet in a basin or tub means greed; to feel that someone is tickling the sole of our foot portends ruin from flatterers and treacherous people; to see that they wipe our feet with fragrant herbs means respect and love from subordinates; washing your own feet portends boredom, chagrin, family trouble and chest disease; to see legs cut off at oneself portends difficulty and loss; having legs light and capable of dancing means joy, pleasure, friendship and general goodwill; to see your feet burning is a sign of the greatest misfortune; to see sick legs in oneself portends relief in labor and a happy path; to see swollen feet marks loss, harm and loss, also portends the illness and death of friends or servants; to see three or four legs in oneself means to get sick in the legs, and the merchant foreshadows perfect success in his affairs, and especially if he trades at sea; to see legs swollen or filled with blood portends wealth and a happy life not only to the one who saw this dream, but also to his relatives and servants; to see legs broken and dislocated means loss, loss, stoppage or insanity in travel and illness of ministers; to see a wooden leg in oneself portends a change in the state of good to bad.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Legs, what does it mean?

Legs - Symbolize your path through life. Strong legs represent a firm position in life. Leg problems reflect insecurity. (See also Barefoot.) Seeing healthy, strong legs is success in business. Beautiful male or female legs are a sexual concern. Legs in scabs, ulcers - a vulnerable position of a person, anxiety, problems. Legs do not go - passivity, lack of strength, illness.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

What do legs mean in a dream

Legs - Success, luck; lose, break - lose a friend, trouble at work; to see both legs is a relationship, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why dream of Legs in a dream

Legs in a dream - success, to break - to lose the second, a nuisance. If you burn a leg or legs in a dream, then this portends glory.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Legs from your dream

Legs - The financial position of the sleeper; stability, confidence, stability in the main activity or in a love relationship for a woman; career advancement. Ugly - bad things. Slender, beautiful - success in love and the main thing. Limp - failure. Women's - for a man an erotic symbol, for a woman - a situation with a lover; rival. Other people's legs - get help, support. Filled with heaviness - stagnant time. With a hoof - the intervention of demonic forces; their vices. See add. Feet and legs in idiom. Sl.

The new and most complete dream book of 1918

Why dream of legs

Success, luck; lose, break - lose a friend, trouble; wash your feet - travel; putting your feet in the fire - ending a family quarrel; to put on shoes - fast road; having a prosthesis is a sad injustice.

Assyrian dream book

Legs - If in a dream a person has lame legs or is paralyzed, this portends the overthrow of his enemy.

Islamic dream book

Why dream of legs

Legs - If someone sees in a dream that his thighs and lower parts of his legs are stronger than they really are, then he will have an abundance of means of life, this is how your dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Persian dream book of Khubaishi Tiflisi

Legs in the ancient sense

Legs - A legless person, i.e. Completely without legs, having only one torso and chasing you, are huge difficulties that must be overcome.

Lunar dream book Semyonova

Why dream of legs

The legs begin to tie - It says that this world has captivated your consciousness with its beauty, etc., according to the dream book, this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book

What do legs mean to a dreamer

Wash your feet - Travel; legs of a loved one - you will go far!

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did the legs dream

Without legs - for a man, such a dream means a loss of confidence on the part of his wife. Without legs, one of the relatives - you will be solving other people's problems, but this will be your personal interest.

For a young man without legs, being a complete fiasco in business.

Broken leg - a dream warns you against rash acts, you may need to reconsider your life beliefs.

Broken leg - deterioration in health. You need to take this dream seriously.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

What did the legs dream about

This is our backbone. The stronger they are, the more confident we feel in life. Pay attention to how you felt in your dream. Positive emotions indicate that you live in harmony with yourself. Continue in the same spirit. Negative perception of sleep - you should consider your social status and slightly change it, then you will become a happier and more confident person.

  • Strong and healthy legs dreamed - to prosperity and well-being.
  • Full legs - to disadvantageous activities.
  • Dreaming of the legs of a dead man in a dream - to fake friends.
  • Legs with ulcers and wounds - to sudden poverty.
  • Dreaming of missing legs - to the loss of friends.

Romantic dream book

Why dream of legs

  • Legs in the hair of a woman - she will probably be the main one in the family, and this state of affairs will suit both partners.
  • If you dreamed of sick, thin and ugly legs, this is a sign of an imminent parting with your loved one. Try to become more restrained and tolerant in words and actions in order to prevent the destruction of the union.
  • If a man dreams of the slender and beautiful legs of his companion, this is true in reality, she is in a relationship with you solely because of her own benefit.

In order to correctly interpret the images that come in dreams, it is important not only to pay attention to what exactly is dreaming, but also to remember the details, and even the mood in which the sleeper found himself upon waking up or was inside the dream. You also need to pay attention to the state in which the legs were in a dream. Often, a positive or negative interpretation depends on the appearance and sensations.

Appearance and condition of the legs

When a person with hairy legs is dreaming, whom the sleeper knows in real life, this can mean a great influence of this person on the dreamer. Perhaps you should become more independent and start living your own head.

Dreaming of your own hairy legs may be a sign that it is time to release your innermost thoughts and feelings and no longer keep them in yourself so that this does not end with a neurotic disorder and a visit to a specialist.

If you dreamed about toenails, you should try to remember the details; well-groomed and beautiful nails portend a quick victory or an unexpected financial take-off, due to a coincidence. Ugly, dirty nails, on the contrary, promise failure and possible danger on the way to the goal.

Toes in a dream - mean the real place of the sleeping person in his life, so it is important to clarify in what form they were. Beautiful and even skin means that things are going well in the field of work and on the love front; the painful appearance of the toes may indicate the opposite situation, which requires intervention from the sleeper so that misfortune does not occur. We can talk about both love relationships and relationships with colleagues at work, who can be an eyesore, other people's successes.

A dream warns of impending troubles, in which the sleeper saw dirty feet, and this can also be interpreted as a strong resentment against someone from a close circle of acquaintances. On such days, you should be more careful about the words spoken and try to solve problems more diplomatically so as not to offend anyone. This is exactly the case when it is not necessary to go ahead.

A dream in which the legs are broken means the need to postpone diplomatic visits to "later", since the sleeper has no chance of being understood and heard, but relations with colleagues or in the family can be ruined. Due to nervousness and a tendency to aggression, words may not turn out as planned, which can lead to a quarrel and misunderstanding. Sometimes the best answer is silence.

Bare feet in dreams often portend imminent troubles, for which it is important to prepare mentally, due to the emotional instability of the sleeper, so that the soil does not get out from under your feet. It will not be superfluous to reconsider plans for the future and exclude elements that carry danger from them.

Cut off legs indicate a possible loss of freedom of action or fall under, someone's too strong and close attention. If the dreamer is doing something on the verge of what is permitted, it may be time to curl up and cover up his tracks.

About a quick and pleasant vacation, portends a dream in which feet appeared in the water. It also speaks of an interesting person, and possibly a holiday romance, which, without harm to others, will end on its own.

A dream where the legs are in a cast may indicate that a matter that seems easy and fast will actually take much more time and effort than expected. It is worth mentally preparing and doing everything to complete the goal, but at the same time not overloading yourself and leaving a breath of fresh air so as not to plunge headlong into work.

If you dreamed that your legs hurt, this means unforeseen difficulties in the financial sector and a call for caution. It is worth considering who will benefit from the failure of the transaction or the frustrated plans of a developing project.

Scratches on the legs are a sign of blind striving for a goal. You should carefully follow the path of solving problems, while not forgetting about the feelings of others. Sometimes for efficiency, it is worth changing anger to mercy, becoming softer and more courteous.

About the upcoming conflicts, says a dream in which a wounded leg takes place. It makes sense to carefully review your plans and try to avoid unnecessary verbal skirmishes that can turn into a scandal and take a lot of energy and strength.

A fungus on the legs in a dream means that it is time to understand yourself and stop dragging the burden of the past. Problems in communication are most likely related to bad experiences that prevent you from trusting and moving forward.

A growth on the leg can mean strengthening positions and an excellent reputation, on which a lot of effort and nerves have been spent. The time has come for the reward for the labors, the white stripe will not keep you waiting.

Worms in the legs, may dream, to an unhealthy desire to have all the riches of the world. Maybe it makes sense to shift your attention to more important things, such as family relationships, self-development, and the interests of loved ones.

To interpret dreaming feet in the ground, it is worth remembering the details. If the legs were a little dirty, this is a sign of minor quarrels and minor troubles. Heavily soiled feet serve as a warning about the sleeping person's desire for art and a large, perhaps unspent, creative potential that would be nice to realize.

Cold feet - for a quick trip to work or travel. The dream has the same interpretation, where in summer the legs are shod in warm shoes or in winter in light ones.

A burn on the leg portends a collapse on the path to success, which has already been received once. This is a sign that you should not rush things and let the situation decide for itself in which direction it will flow further.

A nail in the foot speaks of a sudden problem that overshadowed the sleeper's plans. It is possible that in order to achieve the goal, some difficulties will have to be overcome, contrary to the prevailing opinion.

A splinter in the leg, speaks of obsessive patronage, someone you know. If a person does not understand that he is a little tired of the sleeping man with his guardianship, it is worth trying to solve the problem diplomatically, without offending anyone.

Ulcers on the legs warn of too much trust on the part of the sleeper. We must try to reconsider the circle of communication and understand who could use the dreamer for their own purposes, covering it up with friendship and good intentions.

A bump on the leg - to strengthen positions in the field of finance and work. There is a possibility of a promotion. However, it is worthwhile to understand in advance what you will have to sacrifice and what responsibility you will face.

Thick legs in a dream speak of help from an influential patron, or a strengthened, beneficial combination of circumstances. A very good sign for people with a difficult life situation.

Beautiful legs can mean a desire for romance and success in the love sphere, but this is a warning that rose-colored glasses should sometimes be removed.

A needle in the leg is often dreamed of before a serious problem, due to a misunderstanding not resolved in time.

Unusually large or very swollen legs often dream of great luck in the financial sector, perhaps a salary increase or the conclusion of an important deal that will bring huge profits.

For women, seeing warts on the legs is a quick visit to the healing procedures that are necessary to maintain beauty. For men, this is a good sign regarding the financial sector.

Calluses on the legs may indicate that someone is using the desire to help too much, and for the dreamer such help is at a loss.

Very hairy legs, speak of a desire to gain power. The dream warns its owner of the need to control himself and not go over his head on the way to his cherished goal.

Wet feet, of someone you know in reality, may indicate too much pickiness of the sleeping person. It is worth becoming softer and more diplomatic.

Big toe, usually dreams of having fun with good friends, it may be worth waiting for relatives to visit, whom you don’t often meet.

A foot in a dream is a new romantic hobby, from which it is easy to lose your head. Acquaintance with an interesting person will not keep you waiting.

The left leg is often dreamed of, due to a burdensome past, the scenes of which haunt the sleeper. Sometimes it's better to let go of the past in order to move towards the future without getting stuck in your own thoughts and feelings.

The right leg in a dream, usually to the desire to take a leadership position and means complete confidence in oneself and one's abilities.

A dream in which the sleeper looks at the feet of someone he knows may mean envy in real life. If these are the legs of the dreamer himself - to a loss.

The veins on the legs symbolize the financial situation of the sleeper. The better the appearance of the veins, the better the work goes, increasing the capital. If the veins have a painful and unpleasant appearance, this is a loss of accumulations; it is worth trying to save the available funds.

Dirt underfoot, often dreams of bad events associated with gossip from ill-wishers, a loss of a good name is possible.

If you dreamed of a tattoo on your leg, you should remember exactly how it looked. The image that the drawing carries with it does not allow the sleeper to move from the dead center. Having got rid of the ballast, you can continue to move forward.

Long legs in a dream warn that it is time to start taking your own life more seriously and not wasting it on momentary pleasures, otherwise luck may turn away and health will get tired of enduring.

About possible squabbles in the family, warns a dream where the legs are in the blood. A catalyst for adversity, perhaps a rash act on the part of a relative.

Actions that happened with the legs

Sometimes, it is not the object of interpretation itself that becomes the most important, namely those events and the sequence of images that took place inside the dream. This will also affect what the dream warns about.

  • The need to solve important tasks that suddenly fell on your head is indicated by a dream where the dreamer washes his feet. Such a dream does not portend defeat or gain, but rather has a positive connotation.
  • If a dream is often repeated in which the sleeper shaves his legs, this indicates his high self-organization in all areas of life and the ability to rely only on himself, and this brings excellent results. Shaving your legs with a blunt razor in a dream speaks of the dreamer's tendency to conflict due to his own shortsightedness. If a man had such a dream, this suggests that you should not boast of your financial situation for the sake of the attention of women, and then suffer from the fact that they are not interested in anything other than a wallet. It is worth reconsidering your merits and finding something more than material wealth.
  • Cutting toenails - to the dreamer's desire to stop hiding his feelings and thoughts. Perhaps it's time to forget about shyness and give free rein to emotions. A dream, with the process of cutting nails or a pedicure procedure, indicates the possible presence of a black sheep in the environment. It is worth being more attentive to new acquaintances and not trusting them too much.
  • The operation on the leg, dreams of a desire to change life and the successful completion of this business. Dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs will help to quickly deal with the situation.
  • Foot massage in a dream can talk about a big idea where you should not trust strangers, as they can frustrate all plans.
  • If you dream of leeches on your legs, this can have several meanings. For a sick dreamer, such a dream reminds of the effectiveness of traditional medicine, but for a healthy one - evil tongues that denigrate reputation.
  • About the inability to think with your head and moral dependence, says a dream in which an amputated leg had a dream. This is a sign that it is time to start making decisions on your own. If you dream of amputation of a leg, this may warn against the harmful influence of some company. The inability to stop communicating with her can lead to bad consequences.
  • , can mean a sudden obstacle that breaks all plans. It will be true to carefully consider further actions in order to avoid possible troubles.
  • Allowing you to stroke your own legs - to a quick, loud scandal, due to the emotional instability of the sleeping person. It is probably worth giving free rein to emotions before they spill over into a destructive channel and spoil the relationship.

It is important not to lose vigilance, says the dream in which the wound on the leg was received. Such a dream portends a danger that can overtake in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

  • If a dog bites in a dream, it is worth preparing for the destruction of castles in the air, due to suddenly emerging, unpleasant information about a person whom the dreamer idolized and set as an example.
  • A cat that bites on the legs is a terrible sign that portends the betrayal of a loved one. There is an urgent need to improve the sphere of relations and be more attentive to sudden business trips or delays at work. It's time to prepare for the worst, but try to avoid it, otherwise the collapse of the relationship, followed by severe depression, is guaranteed.
  • A rat biting the leg is a symbol of the enemy, his power, although weakened, is capable of damaging plans with the help of intrigues and gossip that are built behind the dreamer's back. But do not worry, troubles will not matter much and will only briefly slow down the denouement in favor of the sleeper.
  • A snake biting a leg - to serious trials on the way of the sleeper.
  • When a shot in the leg appears in a dream, it is important to try to remember the details of the dream in order to prevent a possible danger on the way to the goal. It can also be a sudden problem that has not yet happened and can be avoided. A bullet stuck in the leg often signals an impending discord between loved ones or friends. At such a time, it is better to follow the words and try not to respond with rudeness to rudeness.
  • A mole on the leg usually dreams of troubles caused by the efforts of the sleeper himself. Perhaps a person has chosen a not entirely honest path to achieve a result. If so, then it is necessary to reconsider plans and do everything possible so that outsiders do not suffer.
  • If a leg burns in a dream, this is a sign that reality is very different from the opinion of the sleeping person.
  • A lost leg in a dream means that the path chosen earlier will not lead to the desired result, despite the apparent ease and speed.
  • If you dream that the sleeper is stepping on someone's foot, this is a sign that, thanks to his own merits and qualities, he will be able to move up the career ladder and take a leading position.
  • A dream in which the sleeper has lost the ability or ability to move on his feet, oddly enough, is a good sign that speaks of the imminent completion of an important work task, and competitors will fail.
  • In a dream, legs do not go, when you want to go, it means to underestimate your strength in real life. Perhaps the lack of self-confidence is worth discussing with someone close to you.
  • If you have to wash dirty feet in a dream, this indicates that the goal will not be achieved, but the money spent will be appreciated by others and will pay off with interest.
  • If you dreamed of dirty feet that the dreamer is just going to wash, this suggests that there will be failures at work due to circumstances.
  • Cutting a leg in a dream is a danger that may lie in wait for the sleeping person. You should not lose vigilance and choose unlit streets on the way to the house. From mistakes due to excessive self-confidence, a dream warns in which he dreamed that the sleeper cut himself while shaving his legs.
  • Quickly passing squabbles and failures due to the fault of the sleeper portends a dream in which bruises appear on the legs.
  • Wet your feet in a dream - to gossip and ridicule the sleeping person, but do not worry, because everything will soon be forgotten.

If any emotions were experienced in a dream, the interpretation may change. Here are some options for such dreams:

  • The pleasure that the sleeper experiences when kissing the feet indicates his unwillingness to strive for leading positions and contentment with small ones. This is a good sign that allows you to tame excessive ambition.
  • Enjoy the smoothness of the skin of the legs after shaving - to successful transactions and good, productive acquaintances in the work field.
  • Pleasant emotions from looking at your own bare legs speak of stability in life in all respects and satisfaction with the current state of affairs.

Miller's opinion

The famous American scientist and psychologist, Gustav Miller, devoted his whole life to studying the dreams and destinies of completely different people, seeing similar moments in life after a person had a dream about this or that.

Dreaming feet are a very controversial symbol that can warn both about the mistakes made by the sleeper and about well-being.

If you dream of hairy legs, you should remember who they belonged to. If these are the legs of a sleeper, this means that he will successfully take a high step in the work area; if the owner of hairy legs is not a dreamer, the dream speaks of high competition for a chair.

A severed leg is a collapse in every way. A very disturbing sign. Right now, it is important to save finances and not get depressed about a broken heart or failure at work, otherwise the situation may become even worse. A good time to put things off until later and give yourself time to think.

Feet do not obey the owner - to the poor.

The beautiful legs of the sleeping man mean that things have gone up, a white streak has begun in life.

Sympathy for women's legs in a dream speaks of "losing one's head" in a new romantic episode of life, possibly a manifestation of frivolity, which will adversely affect relationships.

Three or more legs in a dream indicates that it is time to switch from thoughts to actions. Probably the sleeper does not have enough self-confidence to transfer plans to life when it is so necessary.

Legs, the appearance of which is disgusting, as a rule, are dreamed of, due to puzzlement by the behavior of a familiar person and the trouble caused by this.

Other interpretations

A legless man may mean the imminent loss of a close friend, due to the fact that he can no longer be trusted. Maybe, if you remember the details of the dream, you will be able to understand who exactly it is.

If you dream of a prosthetic leg, it is worth remembering the sensations that the sleeping person experienced at the time of awakening. If this is hostility and disgust, then the dream warns against troubles and changes for the worse, while the usual state speaks of minor changes in life, a good mood after sleep speaks of important and long-awaited changes that will significantly improve the dreamer's quality of life.

About the fear of loneliness, they say recurring dreams with the appearance in them of male legs. This is a sign that the sleeper is experiencing an acute shortage of love and tends to start romantic relationships too often, without fully understanding the person he is interested in.

A dreaming child without legs warns of an inevitable situation, over which there will be no control. It is worth relaxing and looking at everything from the side.

Running away from a disabled person without legs, who moves on a gurney, speaks of so far hidden, but very serious problems. It will take a lot of effort to solve them.

Different shoes on your feet indicate the need to choose the only path and not be sprayed on other scenarios.

If you dream that everything around is upside down, this is a sign of readiness for cardinal changes in life, which does not suit the sleeper. It's time to act and change your life according to your scenario.

The legs of the dead man - to return the lost thing, perhaps a chance meeting with a person with whom communication has been irretrievably lost.

A one-legged person whom the dreamer knows in reality may be a sign that in real life he cannot cope with the problem without someone else's help and may use this opportunity too often. Another meaning is the failure of the sleeper in self-sufficiency and the need for constant support from outside.

1 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Why do women dream of legs:

Swing your foot - to anger and hassle.

2 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Seeing legs in a dream means:

Legs - you see your legs in a dream - you will actually find yourself in a very difficult situation; you need to mobilize and act; there should be no place for despondency, and confusion will destroy you.
You dream of slender female legs - impressed by some event, you will lose your judgment for a while; try to pull yourself together as soon as possible - you are defenseless until you are able to assess the situation and make the right decisions.
You dream of ugly female legs - what you do in life will help you make ends meet, but will not bring tangible benefits; you will not save.
It’s like you have three legs in a dream - you seem very active to yourself, but in reality you only create an appearance; in your imagination you are a hero, but in reality no one notices your exploits; it makes sense for you to try your hand at the stage of the theater.
Your leg is injured in a dream - get ready for some losses.
You see that you have a wooden leg - you will behave incorrectly in communicating with friends; they will be surprised, and you will not be able to quickly find a way out of an ambiguous situation.
Your legs seem to be covered with ulcers - circumstances will force you to help other people; you will not experience deprivation, but you will have to tighten your belt more tightly.
It’s like you are washing your feet - you will come across someone’s cunning; you will be prevented from fulfilling your plan.
You cannot get on your feet, they do not obey you and seem to have become stiff - poverty is destined for you by fate.
Your legs seem to be swollen - in fact, all troubles will fall on your head: you will be disgraced, humiliated, crushed, your affairs will fall into decay, your family will fall apart
It’s as if your leg is being amputated - most likely, you are not the owner of the family, you are under heels; you are "sawed" from morning to evening; many of your troubles come from softness - including the loss of friends.
Legs - you see your legs in a dream - you will actually find yourself in a very difficult situation; you need to mobilize and act; there should be no place for despondency, and confusion will destroy you.
You dream of slender female legs - impressed by some event, you will lose your judgment for a while; try to pull yourself together as soon as possible - you are defenseless until you are able to assess the situation and make the right decisions.
You dream of ugly female legs - what you do in life will help you make ends meet, but will not bring tangible benefits; you will not save.
It’s like you have three legs in a dream - you seem very active to yourself, but in reality you only create an appearance; in your imagination you are a hero, but in reality no one notices your exploits; it makes sense for you to try your hand at the stage of the theater.
Your leg is injured in a dream - get ready for some losses.
You see that you have a wooden leg - you will behave incorrectly in communicating with friends; they will be surprised, and you will not be able to quickly find a way out of an ambiguous situation.
Your legs seem to be covered with ulcers - circumstances will force you to help other people; you will not experience deprivation, but you will have to tighten your belt more tightly.
It’s like you are washing your feet - you will come across someone’s cunning; you will be prevented from fulfilling your plan.
You cannot get on your feet, they do not obey you and seem to have become stiff - poverty is destined for you by fate.
Your legs seem to be swollen - in fact, all troubles will fall on your head: you will be disgraced, humiliated, crushed, your affairs will fall into decay, your family will fall apart
It’s as if your leg is being amputated - most likely, you are not the owner of the family, you are under heels; you are "sawed" from morning to evening; many of your troubles come from softness - including the loss of friends.
Legs - you see your legs in a dream - you will actually find yourself in a very difficult situation; you need to mobilize and act; there should be no place for despondency, and confusion will destroy you.
You dream of slender female legs - impressed by some event, you will lose your judgment for a while; try to pull yourself together as soon as possible - you are defenseless until you are able to assess the situation and make the right decisions.
You dream of ugly female legs - what you do in life will help you make ends meet, but will not bring tangible benefits; you will not save.
It’s like you have three legs in a dream - you seem very active to yourself, but in reality you only create an appearance; in your imagination you are a hero, but in reality no one notices your exploits; it makes sense for you to try your hand at the stage of the theater.
Your leg is injured in a dream - get ready for some losses.
You see that you have a wooden leg - you will behave incorrectly in communicating with friends; they will be surprised, and you will not be able to quickly find a way out of an ambiguous situation.
Your legs seem to be covered with ulcers - circumstances will force you to help other people; you will not experience deprivation, but you will have to tighten your belt more tightly.
It’s like you are washing your feet - you will come across someone’s cunning; you will be prevented from fulfilling your plan.
You cannot get on your feet, they do not obey you and seem to have become stiff - poverty is destined for you by fate.
Your legs seem to be swollen - in fact, all troubles will fall on your head: you will be disgraced, humiliated, crushed, your affairs will fall into decay, your family will fall apart
It’s as if your leg is being amputated - most likely, you are not the owner of the family, you are under heels; you are "sawed" from morning to evening; many of your troubles come from softness - including the loss of friends.

3 Icelandic dream book

Beautiful legs to see - to the disease.

4 Women's dream book

Sleeping with legs means:

Legs - If in a dream you liked slender female legs, you will show unforgivable frivolity in your behavior with a very pretty person. Seeing ugly legs portends unjustified efforts. If a young woman in a dream admires her own legs, her indefatigable vanity will repel the person she adores from her. If in a dream her legs are slender and in good shape, this portends her a happy future and devoted friends. If a woman dreams that she has hairy legs, she will command her husband in marriage. If in a dream your legs do not obey you, you are in danger of poverty. An amputated leg dreams of the loss of close friends or the despotic influence of home. A wooden leg means you will be embarrassed in front of your friends. To dream that you have three or more legs means that your enterprise is more manifested in your imagination than in real affairs.

5 American dream book

Meaning of leg sleep:

Leg - the feeling that you have nothing to rely on.

6 Ukrainian dream book

Legs in a dream - success, to break - to lose the second, a nuisance.
If you burn your leg or legs in a dream, this portends glory.

7 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Lose a leg - lose a good friend; break - demotion; swollen - losses and losses; have thin legs - they will cheat on you; the wounded - misfortune; wooden - stay deceived; broken - unexpected delay; dirty - dislike; wash - a journey, finding out a useless case; patients - confusion; many legs - find the lost thing; someone else's - beware of the enemy; curves - pride; kissing someone - humility, submission.

8 Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Legs in a dream mean:

Legs - success, luck; lose, break - lose a friend, trouble at work; to see both legs is a relationship.

9 Modern dream book

If you dream that you admire beautiful female legs - in real life you will lose your head due to the charms of a charming creature, and your behavior will be very stupid.
Seeing ugly legs in a dream - predicts that you will be engaged in business that does not bring profit, and you will have friends with a bad temper.
Wounded legs - dream of loss and illness.
If you dreamed that you had a wooden leg, you would behave inappropriately towards your friends.
If your legs are covered with ulcers, in real life you will be too generous towards other people to the detriment of your own well-being.
A dream in which you see yourself with three or more legs means that the things you are planning bring income only in your imagination, and not in real life.
If your legs gave up in a dream, this prophesies poverty and deprivation.
A dream in which your leg is amputated is unfavorable - it portends the loss of true friends, and domestic troubles will make your life unbearable.
If a young woman dreams that she admires her legs, in real life she will be conceited, and the person she reveres will reject her.
If a woman dreams that she has hairy legs, in real life she will control her husband.
Seeing your legs slender and clean - to a happy future and the appearance of loyal friends.
If you dreamed of crooked legs, the planned trip will be longer or harder than you expected.

10 Modern dream book

Why a woman's legs dream:

If you saw ugly legs, it means that you will have to do obviously unsuccessful things, and your friends will show their worst features.
Wounded - dream of loss and illness.
Wooden leg - dreams of those who can behave dishonestly towards friends.
Your legs are covered with ulcers - remember, extravagance will destroy you.
I dreamed that you had three legs or even more - such a dream dispels illusions about the expected income.
The dream in which your legs refused - prophesies poverty and deprivation.
If your leg is amputated, it can result in the loss of friends or loved ones.
If a woman dreamed that she had hairy legs, she would have henpecked in her husbands.
Seeing your legs slender and beautiful - to a brighter future and making true friends.

11 Dream Interpretation Feng Shui

Why do women dream of legs:

Why dream about a leg - If you saw your legs in a dream - you will be the boss. Seeing a burn on your leg is a loss of money by your mistake. Seeing your leg swollen is a big debt.

12 Dream Interpretation Maya

Seeing legs in a dream means:

Good value If you dreamed about your left foot, now you have a very good chance of winning the lottery. To draw a lucky lottery ticket, wipe your right hand with corn oil and leave it on.
Bad meaning If you dreamed about your right leg, you will have a broken arm. To avoid this, tie a small wooden stick to your hand.

13 Muslim dream book

A dream with legs in a dream book is interpreted as:

If someone sees in a dream that his thighs and lower parts of his legs are stronger than they really are, he will have plenty of means of life.

14 Ladies dream book

Sleeping with legs means:

Legs - confidence. Wash your feet - get rid of self-doubt; prick a leg - doubts; admire slender female legs - loss of judgment and frivolity; to have many legs - to overestimate one's own enterprise; wooden leg - past mistakes that negatively affect you; legs do not obey - fear; admire your own feet - confidence in the well-being of your own life; reddened and swollen legs - trouble.

15 Christian dream book

Meaning of leg sleep:

Legs - Sick - to loss, healthy - to a long journey. Imagine that your legs are healthy, you run, jump, walk with ease and pleasure.

16 Dream interpretation for a bitch

What does it mean if a woman dreams of legs:

Bare feet - successful business, profit and prosperity.
Beautiful female legs - you will be fascinated and ready for any follies.
Crooked legs are a non-profit business.
Look at your feet - you should not often show your character so as not to push your friend away.
Seeing your legs beautiful and healthy is good friends, a secure future.
If they are sick or crooked - quarrels in the family, disagreements.

17 Dream Interpretation of Krada Veles

What legs can dream of:

Legs - success; they hurt - a good way / to illness, the plan will not come true; to be left without legs - fire, theft, loss, serious illness; break - loss, loss, stoppage in business, obstacle on the way, trouble at work, lose a friend; bare legs - you have to walk a lot; dirty - sadness; wash your own - road, illness, domestic troubles; kissing someone - repentance, trouble; burn a leg - glory; artificial leg - injustice.

18 The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Legs in a dream mean:

Legs - to a long and, most likely, useless walking through various bureaucratic offices.

19 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

If a girl dreams of legs, then this means:

Swinging your leg in a dream - to pain in the legs.

20 Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

Why a woman's legs dream:

wash - travel; calluses on the feet - wealth.

21 Dream Interpretation of Nina Grishina

Dirty feet to have - trouble.
Washing is a joy, a journey.
To smear them with something is a journey.
To have very long legs for men is a benefit, for women it is a nuisance, for everyone it is frivolity.
To have crooked legs - recognize enemies, outwit them.
Having very thick legs is a joy.
Very subtle - grumpiness of loved ones.
To have one leg crooked or lame - misfortune, illness of loved ones / harm from inaction.
To hurt your legs badly is a danger from superficiality.
To splinter or cut - excessive liveliness of character, danger from this / lack of caution.
Walking on crutches is a new “discipleship”, you have to learn something again.

To have prostheses instead of legs - the road is ahead / to live in other people's thoughts / to live as a freeloader.

To have legs as if poured with lead - the inertia of mental life and the harm from this.
To have huge feet is in vain to hesitate.
Legs in scales, in your scabs to see - the image of your sins and remnants that lead you to degradation.
A man has obsessive dreams about women's legs - they speak of homosexual inclinations hidden in him. For women, dreams in which they obsessively take care of their own legs have the same meaning.

22 Wanderer's Dream Interpretation - Terenty Smirnov

Legs - the financial situation of the sleeping person; stability, confidence, stability in the main activity or in a love relationship for a woman; career advancement.
Ugly - bad deeds.
Slender, beautiful - success in love and the main thing.
Limp - failure.
Women's - for a man an erotic symbol, for a woman - a situation with a lover; rival.
Alien legs - get help, support.
Filled with heaviness - stagnant time.
With a hoof - the intervention of demonic forces; their vices.

23 Online dream book

According to the dream book, to be delighted with someone's beautiful legs - you run the risk of falling in love before losing consciousness, and behaving somewhat ridiculously.
To see very unattractive lower limbs - you run the risk of contacting a company with a dubious reputation, or spend a lot of time on a completely useless business.
Seeing them swollen - problems and hardships await you, but loved ones will not leave you in trouble and will help you in every possible way.
To have legs made of wood in a dream - in the near future you run the risk of setting loved ones against you because of your rude and selfish behavior.
If they have a lot of purulent wounds, your generosity will border on extravagance, helping people, do not forget about yourself.
See worms in them - someone is hostile to you, be prepared for an undeserved insult, or even humiliation of your dignity.
If you have an abnormally large number of lower limbs - even with maximum effort, you will not be able to get the planned profit.
You do not feel them - you are threatened with lack of money and need.
If in a dream you broke your legs, you will face failures in your personal life.
If you are threatened with amputation, for some reason you will part with close friends, and your relatives will only annoy you.
If they have hooves, you will be very angry and spread negativity.
If they are dirty and untidy, you will be led by your own lust.
If your legs are covered with thick hair, this is a sign that you are obsessed with your beauty and pay too much time and attention to your appearance.
A dream in which a girl saw her legs very hairy indicates that in relations with men she will always take a leading position, she will become the head of the family.
To engage in hair removal on them - for representatives of the strong half of humanity promises losses due to their own negligence, if the ladies saw this - a sign that they are overly passionate about their beauty.
In a dream, they are busy washing their feet - go on an interesting and informative trip, during which a non-binding relationship awaits you.
I dreamed that you were walking on prostheses - you might leave the house, be dependent on someone both morally and financially.
If they are very beautiful and well-groomed, you will have joyful acquaintances with worthy people and all sorts of well-being.
If you saw not your own legs - in any situation you can count on the understanding and assistance of others.
If you dreamed of thick legs, a pleasant event awaits you, but if they are too thin
According to the dream book, legs crushed by the ground warn that you need to be extremely careful, not to make dubious acquaintances and not to engage in risky activities.
I dreamed that you accidentally stepped on someone's feet - in order to achieve your mercantile goals, you will stop at nothing.
We saw a foot massage - you just need to relax and unwind in order to restore physical strength and mental balance, treat yourself to something really pleasant.
To dream of a fragment piercing your legs - to problems and losses that will make you pretty nervous, try to do everything possible to avoid this.
Seeing damaged limbs is a bad sign, warning of extremely unfavorable circumstances, changes for the worse, try to foresee everything in advance.
To die in a dream from a gunshot wound in the leg - as a result of the conflict, one of the relatives will change love to hate and will greatly harm you.
They refused, and you cannot move around - problems and discord in relationships with once close people will tire you both physically and mentally.
A dream in which you feel that your feet are very cold portends a very quick and rather significant increase in well-being, especially if this happened in the midst of a hot summer.
To see your limbs in a cast - unforeseen circumstances will get in the way of your goal, but over time everything will work out, the main thing is not to despair and believe in the best.
According to the dream book, to see your legs covered with a beautiful tan - in reality you should be vigilant, some intrigues are woven against you, do not let yourself be fooled.
If in a dream blood oozes from the veins in your legs, you risk getting into a very difficult situation. But excessively swollen veins promise you career growth and material well-being.
According to the dream book, the extraordinary beauty of the legs - you clearly lack the attention of the opposite sex. For a woman, this may also mean that she takes care of her appearance beyond measure, and men should think about their sexual orientation, it is possible that you are prone to same-sex love.
To see someone without lower limbs - someone really needs your assistance, carefully analyze the dream in order to understand exactly how and to whom to help.
If the legs are cut off, you will feel insecure in everything due to the fact that for some reason you will be left without the support of those you used to rely on. Therefore, be restrained in your relationships and do not cut the branch on which you sit.
To dream about how you shave your legs - in reality to feel your inadequacy and fear of everything that surrounds you. But if you wish, you can even move mountains, the main thing is to believe in yourself and rely solely on yourself.
A dream in which you shower someone's legs with kisses is a warning that in the near future you cannot do without the assistance of someone who occupies a higher social position, and you will ask for it.
Seeing hematomas on your legs in a dream is a grandiose quarrel that will pretty much dampen your reputation and affect the course of your affairs, albeit not immediately, but in the very near future. Stop believing in yourself.
To see a leg removal operation - it will be difficult for you to stick to your own opinion, you will be constrained by circumstances or dependent on other people, your freedom will be limited.
If you dreamed of bare legs, both your own and another person, you run the risk of not achieving what you want and losing what you have already achieved with hard work due to fleeting weakness, empty entertainment.
If you dream of a deep cut on your leg - be careful in relationships with close friends, one of them can deeply hurt you and disappoint you forever.
We saw in a dream our feet without shoes on the ground - you feel like the master of your life, always achieve what you want and control everything that happens to you.
A broken leg is a warning that everything is in your hands, and if you are not too lazy to find the right way out or make a wise decision, then avoid what your soul does not lie in.
If you dream that your feet are soaked through and you experience severe discomfort from this, this is a harbinger of big problems that will fall on you from all sides. But in this case, you absolutely cannot despair and give up, thanks to your determination and optimism, you will cope with all the troubles.
The dream in which you wash your feet indicates that you will soon go on a long journey, and in order for it to be successful, you need to carefully plan everything.
If your feet are dirty - get ready for problems and grief.

If you are unwell now, this is a sign that you will recover very soon, perhaps even get rid of the disease that has tormented you for a long time.

24 Vedic dream book of Sivananda

If you dreamed that your arms or legs were broken, then this is evidence that you will soon marry.

25 Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why dream of Legs:

To have crooked legs in a dream - in reality means to suffer losses; seeing them is a sign that you are starting a risky business that can bring failure.
Wash your feet in a dream - to travel; having wooden legs means you can experience sadness from injustice; being without legs is a sign that success in labor is possible; put your feet in the fire in a dream - to end family quarrels; to put on shoes in a dream - to the fast road; losing shoes in a dream - to obstacles.

26 Folklore dream book

Standing on the left foot - to failure.

27 New dream book 1918

Legs - success, luck; lose, break - lose a friend, trouble; wash your feet - travel; putting your feet in the fire - ending a family quarrel; to put on shoes - fast road; having a prosthesis is a sad injustice.

28 Dream Interpretation 2012

Leg - a reflection of the ability to move forward. Reflection of progress in life.

29 Freud's dream book

The leg in a dream is an obvious substitute for the phallus. A beautiful and strong leg symbolizes a good sexual shape.
Lame leg - symbolizes the desire for sophisticated sexual fun.
A skinny or dirty leg - symbolizes problems with potency, and a broken leg symbolizes impotence.
Scars, wounds or ulcers on the leg - symbolize the desire for masochistic pleasures.
Dressed or shod leg - symbolizes the desire to use condoms.
Many legs - symbolizes an active sex life.

30 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Why dream of Legs:

Swing your leg while sitting on a dais - to lack of money.

31 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

A girl who admires her legs in a dream will part with her beloved, and her own irrepressible vanity will be to blame for this.
If she dreams that she has hairy legs, her husband will obey her in everything.
Slender legs seen in a dream promise a happy future and good friends.
Just seeing your legs in a dream is a warning. You will need all your will to establish your life position.
If in a dream you are crazy about women's legs - and in reality you will lose your judgment because of some charming person and show unworthy frivolity.
Ugly legs - to a bad deal and obese friends.
Wounded leg - to the disease.
A wooden leg is a sign that you will be insincere towards your friends.
Ulcers on the legs - mean that you will diligently help other people than deplete your wallet.
Leg amputation - portends the loss of a close friend; it is also possible that the despotism of the household will make your life unbearable.
If you dreamed of crooked legs, the planned trip will be longer or harder than you expected.
If your own legs were crooked in a dream, you will have to answer for an offense that you did not commit.
If your legs do not obey you in a dream, poverty threatens you.
The dream in which you wash your feet warns that your plans will be violated by someone's deceit.
If in a dream your legs turn red and swollen - this promises shame and humiliation; a break with the family and adverse changes in business are possible.
And, finally, if you dream that you have three (or more) legs - your efficiency is manifested more in the imagination than in a specific case.

32 Persian dream book Tiflisi

Legs - If someone sees in a dream that his thighs and lower parts of his legs are stronger than they really are, then in reality he will have everything in abundance.
Legless - Man, i.e. Completely without legs, having only one torso and chasing you, are huge difficulties that must be overcome.

33 Dream Interpretation of the Future

Leg - to the road, travel; this meaning is enhanced if you see that you are washing your feet or putting on your shoes; but if the feet are dirty - you can get into an unpleasant story; if you see someone's feet in calluses - this is for profit.

34 Family dream book

Slender female legs, dreamed in a dream, can take away your last signs of prudence.
I dreamed of ugly legs - avoid unprofitable activities and irritable friends.
Wounded leg - portends loss.
If you saw yourself with a wooden leg in a dream, then you will find yourself in a false position in front of your friends.
If your legs were covered with ulcers in a dream, the desire to help other people will significantly reduce your income.
Reddened and swollen legs - dream of trouble: shame and humiliation, a break with the family, abrupt changes in business are possible.
A dream that your legs do not obey you portends poverty.
If you dreamed that your leg was amputated, you can lose friends and lose good relations with loved ones.
We washed our feet in a dream - do not be surprised at human cunning, which will somewhat confuse your plans.
A woman who dreamed that she had hairy legs would command her husband in the future.
Often a dream about your own legs portends a desperate situation. This means that one's position in life should be asserted with greater will and energy.

35 English dream book

Why dream of Legs:

Legs - Before homo sapiens invented and developed other modes of locomotion, the legs were the only way to move from place to place, and even in today's sedentary lifestyle, their function remains the same.

Dreams centered around the image of the feet may be sexually motivated, but most likely your subconscious mind emphasizes the need to act - to find a way to avoid unpleasant or hostile situations. What is the dream for: Did you experience in a dream the desire to act, move, or was it exclusively sexual? Many people find long legs attractive - whether because they make a person look taller, or because they are associated with ideas about health and mobility and therefore with sexual endurance - decide for yourself.

36 Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

It means the foundation that supports the whole person. It symbolizes the historical embodiment of Ying-se, as well as high life positivity. In any case, this image should be seen along with the whole body.

37 Idiomatic dream book

"Stretch your legs" - poverty, illness, death; “get up on your left foot” - bad mood, failures during the day; "to have two left legs" - clumsiness; “get off your feet” - a long search, fuss; "to carry away legs" - to run away; “The hamstrings shook” - a strong fright; “live in a big way” - live on a grand scale, generously; “to wallow at the feet” - humiliatedly ask, grovel; “to spin, get underfoot” - interfere; “lick heels” - slavish obedience; "Substitute the leg" - betrayal, secretly harm; “leg cramped” - the impossibility of movement, stagnation; “to allow you to wipe your feet on yourself” - humiliation, neglect; “To wipe your feet for a long time in front of the threshold” - indecision, doubts, excessive politeness; "kneel" - admiration, humility, humiliation; "to crush someone's leg" - to behave rudely, clumsily; “to push someone's heel” and “to follow on the heels” - persecution, an attempt to get around in something; “one foot here, the other there” - speed of action, movement; “crush, trample someone” - deprive of a place, dignity; “stand on your feet” - strengthen yourself financially, morally; "to make feet" - to run away from danger.

38 Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs

If a person sees himself in a dream breaking a vessel with his foot, it is bad, it means a struggle.

39 Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

Wash your feet - says that an old ailment is passing.
Pus and blood appear on the legs - to great luck.
If a man urinates on his feet - portends great luck, success.

40 Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Why dream of Legs:

If in a dream you liked slender female legs, you will show unforgivable frivolity in your behavior with a very pretty person.
To see ugly legs - portends activities that do not justify the efforts.
If a young woman in a dream admires her own legs, her indefatigable vanity will repel the person she adores from her.
If in a dream her legs are slender and in good shape, this portends her a happy future and devoted friends.
If a woman dreams that she has hairy legs, she will command her husband in marriage.
If in a dream your legs do not obey you, you are in danger of poverty.
Amputated leg - dreams of the loss of close friends or the despotic influence of home.
Wooden leg - means that you will find yourself in an awkward position in front of your friends.
To dream that you have three or more legs means that your enterprise is more manifested in your imagination than in real affairs.

41 Dream Interpretation of Azar

pain in the legs - your plans will not come true
lose or break legs - lose a friend, trouble at work

42 Old dream book

Feet - Feet dirty to have - trouble.
Wipe them at the entrance to the house - a gift.
Wash - joy (journey).
Smear something on the legs "journey".
To have very long legs: men benefit; women - a nuisance; all - frivolity.
Have crooked legs - recognize enemies. Outsmart them.
Having swollen legs is the loyalty of friends and help from them.
Having very thick legs is a joy, very thin ones are the grumpiness of loved ones.
To have one leg crooked or lame - misfortune, illness of loved ones; harm from inaction.
Hurt your leg badly - danger from superficiality, splinter or cut - excessive liveliness of character and danger from this; lack of caution.
Walking on crutches is a "new apprenticeship", you have to learn something again.
Breaking a leg is the collapse of love hopes.
Break both legs - death awaits you in a foreign land.
To have prostheses instead of legs - the road lies ahead; live in other people's thoughts, live as a freeloader.
To see how your legs are cut off is to be in bad company and not notice it.
Get someone else's legs - help, support.
To have a leg with a hoof - to show evil will.
To have legs as if poured with lead - the inertia of mental life and the harm from this.
To have huge feet is in vain to hesitate. legs in scales, scabs to see in a dream - the image of your sins and vices, leading you to degradation.
Seeing beautiful legs in a dream is yearning for the joys of love.
For a man, obsessive dreams about women's legs speak of homosexual inclinations hidden in him; for women, dreams have the same meaning, and which they obsessively take care of their own legs.

43 Dream Interpretation of Lovers

For a man to see slender beautiful female legs in a dream - portends a loss of control over his actions. When caring for a young lady, he will be frivolous and frivolous.
Ugly legs - dream of a grumpy wife.
If a woman dreams that she admires her legs - in reality, because of her pride, she will lose her loved one.
A girl who dreams that she has hairy legs will command her husband.
If a woman dreams that she has slender and beautiful legs, this means that her husband will be devoted and faithful to her.
Reddened or swollen legs - do not bode well. Such a dream promises a quarrel with a loved one and a quarrel between spouses.

44 Medieval dream book of Daniel

Wash your feet - to anxiety.

45 Persian dream book Tiflisi

Why dream of Legs:

If someone sees in a dream that his thighs and lower parts of his legs are stronger than they really are, in reality he will have everything in abundance.

To see a leg in a dream is a person's vitality. And if he sees that he is walking barefoot, then he will suffer burden, fatigue and suffering.
Limping in a dream - to piety and fear of God.
He who sees many legs in himself will get rich if he is poor, get sick if he is rich and successfully complete the journey if he is a traveler.
For a man to see his legs painted in tattoos - to the loss of a family, and for a woman - to the death of her husband.
Having lost one leg in a dream, he will lose half of his property in life, both legs - all property.
Raise and twist the leg - to something difficult of business.
They also say: to see such a dream means to be a vicious person.
Seeing your shins with iron - to prolong life.
A man who sees women's legs will soon marry.
Seeing in a dream that the skin on his legs has become rough, and the legs themselves are swollen, he will gain money through difficulties.
To break a bone in the leg in the region of the lower leg or ankle - to death, and in the heel - to the desire to do a dubious deed that will bring failure and regret.
Hairy feet are a sign of strong fanaticism in religion.
A patient who sees some liquid in his knees in a dream will soon die.

47 Dream Interpretation of Symbols

Legs - this symbol indicates the course of events.

48 Russian dream book

In good shoes - dancing, great fun company; naked - danger, anxiety.

49 Dream interpreter 1829

Kissing the legs of another means repentance, insulting confession and a change in state; to see legs bitten by a snake or other poisonous animal means sadness and boredom; washing your feet in a basin or tub means greed; to feel that someone is tickling the sole of our foot - portends ruin from flatterers and treacherous people; to see that they wipe our feet with fragrant herbs means respect and love from subordinates; washing your own feet - portends boredom, chagrin, family trouble and chest disease; to see legs cut off at oneself - portends difficulty and loss; to have legs light and capable of dancing - means joy, pleasure, friendship and general goodwill; to see burning legs in oneself is a sign of the greatest misfortune; to see sick legs in oneself - portends relief in labor and a happy path; to see swollen feet - marks loss, harm and loss, also portends illness and death of friends or servants; to see three or four legs in oneself means to get sick in the legs, and to a merchant it foreshadows perfect success in his affairs, and especially if he trades at sea; to see legs swollen or filled with blood - portends wealth and a happy life not only to those who saw this dream, but also to his relatives and servants; to see legs broken and dislocated - means loss, loss, stop or insanity in travel and illness of ministers; to see a wooden leg in oneself - portends a change in the state of good to bad.

50 ABC of dream interpretation

Feet symbolize - your path through life.
Strong legs - personify a firm position in life.
Leg problems reflect insecurity.
Seeing healthy strong legs is success in business.
Beautiful male or female legs are a sexual concern.
Legs in scabs, ulcers - a vulnerable position of a person, anxiety, problems.
Legs do not go - passivity, lack of strength, illness.

51 Lunar dream book

Wash your feet - a journey.

52 Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Wash your feet - the road.

53 Old Russian dream book

success, luck; lose, break - lose a friend, trouble at work.

54 Slavic dream book

Success, luck; lose, break - lose a friend, trouble; wash your feet - travel; putting your feet in the fire - ending a family quarrel; to put on shoes - fast road; having a prosthesis is a sad injustice.

55 Esoteric dream book

Support. Yours - you are someone's support, do not forget about responsibility. Alien - you rely on someone, you need to be more independent. Many legs - you have many associates, many people you can rely on. Your legs are tangled - one of the employees is actively interfering with your business.

56 Esoteric dream book

The leg is the support. Your you are someone's support, do not forget about responsibility.
Alien - you rely on someone, you need to be more independent.
Many legs - you have many associates, many people on whom you can rely.
Your legs are tangled, one of the employees is actively interfering with your business - to the fast road; losing shoes in a dream - to obstacles.
Dirty feet to have - to trouble.
Wipe them at the entrance to the house - for a gift.
Breaking a leg means the collapse of love hopes, burning your legs in a dream is a harbinger of glory, if you are kicked - to wealth.
Bare feet - dream of a new love affair, strange-looking - to a new acquaintance, looking at your feet - to the loss of position, looking at strangers - to the loss of money, a wide foot - unfortunately.
To dream about how you get a pedicure is a warning, be careful in choosing new friends or partners, they may turn out to be unreliable.

57 Astrological dream book

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book: Why does the Leg dream - sometimes to illness or to freedom. Aquarius. See what Aquarius is associated with in your horoscope.

58 Astrological dream book

Feeling like you have nothing to put your foot on.

59 Miller's dream book

If in a dream you liked slender female legs, you will lose your judgment and show unworthy frivolity in your behavior with some charming person.
Seeing ugly legs means unprofitable activities and irritable comrades.
A wounded leg portends loss.
To see that you have a wooden leg means that you will put yourself in a false position in front of your friends.
If in a dream your legs are in ulcers, this portends a decrease in your income in connection with helping other people.
To dream that you have three legs or more means that your enterprise is more manifested in your imagination than in real affairs.
If you dream that your legs do not obey you, you are in danger of poverty.
If you dream that your leg is amputated, you will lose valuable friends, and the oppressive influence of your family will make your life almost unbearable.
For a young woman to admire her own legs means that her indefatigable vanity will alienate the person she adores from her.
If she dreams that she has hairy legs, she will command her husband in the future.
If in a dream your legs are slender and in good shape, this means a happy future and loyal friends.
Just seeing your legs in a dream often portends a desperate situation. Such a dream encourages you to assert your life position with greater will and energy.
In a dream, washing your feet means that the cunning of others will somewhat mix up your plans and discourage you.
Seeing that your legs are reddened and swollen portends trouble: shame and humiliation is possible, a break with your family, a sharp change in business.

60 Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

Wash - a speedy recovery; if a man urinates under his feet - good luck, success; You are kicked - the acquisition of wealth.

61 Indian dream book

One who dreams that he has four or five legs runs the risk of catching a cold or getting a swelling in his legs. However, this dream is very happy for merchants and sailors. It is a very bad sign to dream that your legs are on fire. To dream that you are dancing easily and deftly means intercession and friendship. Severed legs mean displeasure and trouble. If you dream that you are admiring the feet of your children, this portends joy, profit, health, pleasure and consolation. Seeing a woman on her feet is to improve things. Seeing your feet dirty in a dream means grief. To dream that you are standing by a fountain or a river and washing your feet means meekness, happiness, but sometimes catarrh and swelling. Seeing that you are kissing the feet of another means repentance and humility. Seeing in a dream that a snake or other reptile that is trying to bite wrapped around your legs means envy. If you dream that it actually bit, then sadness and displeasure await. If someone dreams that someone tickles his sole, portends a loss due to flattery. If you see in a dream that someone washes your feet with perfumes and aromatic oils, this symbolizes the respect of employees. If anyone dreams that he has a broken knee or foot, then his subordinate will have to experience loss, sadness or slowness on the journey. A person who dreams that he is lame expects baseness and dishonor. If he is a prisoner, then punishment is predicted for him. For a rich person, this dream portends a loss of fortune. To dream that, due to the loss of your legs, you walk on your knees means poverty or loss of fortune and your servants. If someone sees in a dream that he has one wooden leg, this leads to a change in circumstances for the better or vice versa.

62 Big online dream book

Legs - If in a dream you wash your feet, this portends an exciting journey and, along with it, a short love affair.
Dirty feet are a sign of insatiability in love and passion.
Seeing thin or crooked legs - to adultery and clarification of family relationships.
Injured or broken leg - beware of an accident. A broken leg portends unprofitable occupations and distrustful creditors.

If in a dream your leg is amputated, it means that you will suffer from excessive guardianship of the elders in the family.
To have wooden prostheses instead of legs - in reality you will be deftly deceived and, moreover, people who have undertaken to help you will defame.
Do not feel your legs in a dream - meet a person who will subsequently bring you a lot of sorrowful experiences.
Pedaling with your feet, kicking the ball or performing sports exercises - you will get stuck in a case fraught with a court.
If in a dream you cannot move, because your legs have become like cotton wool, you are in danger of confusion in need and helplessness in solitude.
To dream of a lot of feet walking past the basement window through which you are watching them - in reality you will find a thing long lost in the house.
Walking upside down in a dream - you will lose pride, stunned by love and passion.
If in a dream you are kicked, this portends the danger of being attacked by criminal elements. If a fan kisses your feet, you will gain complete power and control over him.
Kissing other people's feet - surrender to a persistent seducer in spite of an annoyed spouse or lover.
Warm your feet by the fire - peace in the family after another storm.
Bare feet in the cold due to lack of shoes - you will soon have to go on a long journey.
Walking barefoot on glass and coals in a dream portends a happy future, good and devoted comrades, on ice or snow - you will find yourself in a desperate situation if you cannot defend your position on a serious issue.
A thigh seen in a dream, naked from the fact that the wind suddenly lifted up the dress - to successful deals and pleasure from a sexual partner.
Full calves - to illness and unexpected obstacles in business, thin - show determination in a difficult situation.
Seeing bare feet in a dream portends a new love affair, twisted - an interesting acquaintance, dirty - get rid of anxieties and sorrows, wide feet - to an accident.
Seeing your feet in a dream - drop yourself in the eyes of public opinion; if someone tickles them to you, it threatens ruin in real life.
If in a dream a young impudent strokes your thighs, climbing under your skirt, it means that you will sort things out with someone on a grand scale and in high tones.
Seeing slender, beautiful shins in a dream predicts a future without worries and old age, surrounded by loving children and grandchildren. Swollen or with bulging knotty veins of the lower leg - a sign of impending losses in commerce and entrepreneurship.

Shaving hair on the lower leg in a dream - in reality you will lose a friend.

63 Dream interpretation of catchphrases

LEGS - "stretch your legs" - poverty, illness, death. “Get up on your left foot” - a bad mood, failures during the day; "to have two left legs" - clumsiness; “get off your feet” - a long search, fuss; "to carry away legs" - to run away; “The hamstrings shook” (strong fright). “Live in a big way” - live on a grand scale, generously; “to wallow at the feet” - humiliatedly ask, grovel; “to spin, get underfoot” (interfere), “lick heels” (slavish obedience); "Substitute the leg" - betrayal, secretly harm; “The leg has cramped” - the impossibility of movement, stagnation. “Let them wipe their feet on themselves” - humiliation, neglect. “To wipe your feet for a long time in front of the threshold” - indecision, doubts, excessive politeness. "Kneel" - admiration, humility, humiliation. "To crush someone's leg" - to behave rudely, clumsily. "Push someone's heel" and "follow on the heels" - persecution, an attempt to get around in something. "Encroach on someone else's place"; “one foot here - the other there” - speed of action, movement. “Crush, trample someone” - deprive of a place, dignity; "Stunning news, trip." "Stand on your feet" - strengthen yourself financially, morally. "Make feet" - run away from danger. See add. bow, stand.

69 Women's dream book

If in a dream you admire your legs, unpleasant gossip is circulating about you, confirming your vanity. This will cause your current admirer to turn their backs on you.
A dream in which you see that your legs are heavily overgrown with hair promises you a commanding position in relation to your own husband.
If you notice that your legs are the standard of harmony and beauty, a happy future and loyal friends await you.

70 Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Legs - symbolize the base.
Weak legs - talk about a shaky base and a lack of centering.
Strong legs are evidence of strong support. Do you feel that you are not firmly on your feet? Do you want to take a step forward?

head because of some person and will look quite stupid. If you dreamed of ugly legs, then you will have to deal with obviously unsuccessful cases, and your friends will show their worst features. Injured legs dream of loss and illness. If you dreamed that you had a wooden leg, then you would behave dishonestly towards your friends. If you dreamed that your legs were covered with ulcers, then in reality you risk being too generous. If you dreamed that you had three legs or even more, then this warns you against illusions about the expected income. A dream in which your legs refused, prophesies poverty and deprivation. If in a dream your leg is amputated, then in life this can result in the loss of friends and family troubles. For a young woman, a dream in which she admires her legs means that she is overly vain, which will take her admirer away from her. If a woman dreamed that she had hairy legs, then in life she would push her husband around. Seeing your legs slender and beautiful - to a good future and true friends.

73 Dream interpretation alphabetically

If in a dream you wash your feet, this portends an exciting journey and, along with it, a short love affair.

Dirty feet are a sign of insatiability in love and passion.

Swollen or sore legs portend waking losses from an unprofitable enterprise.

Seeing thin or crooked legs - to adultery and clarification of family relationships.

Slender and beautiful legs indicate that you will lose control of yourself and say insolent things to a person who did not deserve anything.

Injured or broken leg - beware of an accident.

A broken leg portends unprofitable occupations and distrustful creditors.

Cutting your leg to blood threatens with the loss of friendship and trust in real life.

A leg rotting from gangrene portends that by helping someone, you will harm your interests.

If in a dream your leg is amputated, it means that you will suffer from excessive guardianship of the elders in the family.

A dream in which, as a result of an operation, you were deprived of both legs, means that you will be subjected to surveillance, control or revision, depending on the type of your activity.

To have wooden prostheses instead of legs - in reality they will deftly deceive you and, moreover, will defame the people who have undertaken to help you.

Do not feel your legs in a dream - meet a person who will subsequently bring you a lot of sorrowful experiences.

Pedaling with your feet, kicking the ball or performing sports exercises - you will get stuck in a case fraught with a court.

If in a dream you cannot move, because your legs have become like cotton wool, you are threatened with confusion in need and helplessness in loneliness.

Seeing in a dream a lot of legs walking past the basement window through which you observe them - in reality you will find a thing long lost in the house.

A dream in which you allegedly grew extra legs means that you tend to overestimate your merits and humiliate the role of other people in them.

Walking upside down in a dream - you will lose pride, stunned by love and passion.

Too hairy legs speak of your autocratic nature and an indefatigable desire to dominate everything, which makes it hard for all your household members, and especially your husband.

If in a dream you are kicked, this portends the danger of being attacked by criminal elements.

If a fan kisses your feet, you will gain complete power and control over him.

Kissing other people's feet - surrender to a persistent seducer in spite of an annoyed spouse or lover.

Warm your feet by the fire - peace in the family after another storm.

Burnt legs mean that your irrepressible vanity will push away from you a person who could make up the happiness of your whole life.

Bare feet in the cold due to lack of shoes - soon you will have to go on a long journey.

Shoeing anything on your feet means that obstacles await you from a completely unexpected direction.

Walking barefoot on glass and coals in a dream portends a happy future, good and devoted comrades, on ice or snow - you will find yourself in a desperate situation if you cannot defend your position on a serious issue.

A thigh seen in a dream, naked from the fact that the wind suddenly pulled up a dress - to successful deals and pleasure from a sexual partner.

Knees in a dream portend the danger of being seduced by a scoundrel.

Full calves - to illness and unexpected obstacles in business, thin - show determination in a difficult situation.

Seeing bare feet in a dream portends a new love affair, twisted - an interesting acquaintance, dirty - get rid of anxieties and sorrows, wide feet - to an accident.

Seeing your feet in a dream - drop yourself in the eyes of public opinion; if someone tickles them to you, it threatens ruin in real life.

If in a dream a young sass strokes your thighs, climbing under your skirt, it means that you will sort things out with someone on a grand scale and in high tones.

Seeing someone's hips portends a successful marriage and happiness in love.

Seeing slender, beautiful shins in a dream predicts a future without worries and old age, surrounded by loving children and grandchildren.

Swollen or with bulging knotty veins of the lower leg - a sign of impending losses in commerce and entrepreneurship.

An ankle fracture promises you failure as a result of ill-considered actions.

Shaving hair on your lower leg in a dream - in reality you will lose a friend.

74 Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

own legs. Seeing your legs healthy and strong in a dream - you have a long journey to overcome difficulties, perhaps a hike.

Standing steadily on both legs - a dream promises a stable financial situation, a good job and a solid income.

If in a dream you stood on one leg or jumped on one leg - the dream warns you that you have taken on too much, you may not be able to stand it.

If you saw that you have crooked legs, in reality you can become a laughingstock for others because of some stupid trick.

Looking at your legs in the mirror and seeing them beautiful, attractive and slender - the risky business that you are starting will be successful and will bring you a lot of thrills.

If you dream that you are washing your feet, such a dream portends a well-deserved reward for your labors.

Wipe your feet at the entrance to the house - you will receive a gift, but not the one you were counting on.

Bare legs dream of a new novel.

If you dreamed that your legs were aching from rheumatism, you could lose money in reality.

Limping on one leg - to the betrayal of a spouse.

Seeing that your legs are swollen - your work will go to waste, the business will bring only losses.

Break a leg - to the loss of a job or serious financial damage.

If in a dream your leg was cut off, a break in relations with a loved one is possible.

Seeing your feet dirty - your reputation is at stake.

If you dreamed of sick, lame, broken, swollen or cut off legs - imagine that you are being treated by the best doctors and soon your legs will become healthy, strong and beautiful.

If in a dream you saw dirty feet, imagine that you are washing them clean. Alien feet.

For a man to see naked female legs - to a new love, which, however, will not become mutual.

If a woman sees men's legs, this means that she may well rely on her husband or admirer.

Seeing a lot of other people's legs - you will find an old friend or someone will return a long-forgotten debt to you.

Kissing the feet of another person - the authorities will be pleased with you.

If someone kicked you, in reality you will receive a gift from a high-ranking person.

Imagine that the legs that you saw are healthy, their owner runs, jumps, walks with ease and pleasure.

75 Dream interpretation of the 20th century

They symbolize the ability to implement any plans and ideas.

Seeing your legs slender and beautiful is a sign that your position may soon become noticeably stronger.

If you pay attention to a person with strong, slender legs: such a dream suggests that someone from your environment is able to assist in promoting your affairs.

At the same time, admiring bare feet (your own or someone else's): means that extraneous hobbies can confuse you or even damage your affairs.

Hairy legs: a sign that you are too preoccupied with yourself and your affairs, and this can damage your reputation.

Wounds or sores on the legs: portend a conflict with competitors.

Crossed legs seen in a dream: a sign of a temporary stop in business.

If you see that you or someone else is sitting cross-legged, the dream warns that some plans may not come true.

To dream that your legs have stopped obeying you indicates that your attempts to improve your position in the near future are likely to be useless. Perhaps you should reconsider your plans and do more promising things. Or you simply do not interfere with how to relax and unwind.

Lame legs: indicate that you are taking on some business without sufficient preparation.

76 Dream interpretation of Rommel

If in a dream your legs are beautiful, success, good luck, a wonderful future and true friends await you in reality.

Swollen, red legs, legs in ulcers - to losses, troubles.

Wash your feet - to travel or recovery.

Break a leg, lose a leg - difficulties in friendship and at work.

If someone else's legs dreamed, then the meaning of sleep is determined by the type of legs (a good impression in a dream is to improve things.

Unpleasant - to difficulties).

Calloused feet - to wealth, a wooden leg - to sadness from injustice.

Legs do not obey - to poverty.

If a young woman dreamed that she had hairy legs, in reality she would command her husband when she got married.

Shoe - to the fast road.

Losing shoes is an obstacle to a profitable trip.

77 Dream interpretation for girls

Dirty feet in a dream - indistinctness.

If you wash your feet in a dream, a gift awaits you.

Very long legs - frivolity.

To splinter legs, cut or bruise - a danger arising from excessive liveliness of character.

To dream that you have three legs and more - you like to dream more than to carry out your projects in practice.

Oh, what an interesting dream you got! It's especially cool that you get a gift for washing your feet.

I need to somehow explain to my mother what a wonderful idea this is! That's just what you have there with the number of legs? It doesn't matter, it's still great to dream!

78 Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Legs - Symbolize your path through life. Strong legs represent a firm position in life. Leg problems reflect insecurity. (See also Barefoot.) Seeing healthy, strong legs is success in business. Beautiful male or female legs are a sexual concern. Legs in scabs, ulcers - a vulnerable position of a person, anxiety, problems. Legs do not go - passivity, lack of strength, illness.

79 Islamic dream book according to the Quran and Suna

Whoever dreams that he has one leg longer than the other - he will go on a long trip. Anyone who sees himself in a dream as lame, paralyzed or unable to move on his feet, let him take this dream as a sign of infirmity or lack of support to which he is entitled from relatives, whose symbol is legs in the interpretation of dreams. It is said that one who sees himself as lame will strengthen his faith and deepen his religious knowledge.
Lame in a dream - also indicates that a person cannot do his job correctly and lives off small amounts of money.
Whoever dreams of a lame woman - he realizes only some part of his plan. Also, a woman, if she sees a lame man in a dream, then she does not fully realize her goal.
Lame old man - symbolizes the insufficient efforts of the author of the dream or his friend, stricken with the same ailment.
If the sleeper sees himself walking on one leg, hiding the other behind it, it will be known that he hid half of his wealth, and at the expense of the other he will carry out construction plans.

When you dream of your own legs or their individual parts (fingers, heels, feet), this portends a situation in which despair may come to you. This dream is a call for a more energetic life position.

Scraped, scratched heels in a dream - to the road. We saw the heels unkempt, dirty - all the next trips will be unsuccessful.

If you dream that you are washing your feet, then someone very cunning will infuriate you, as it will destroy all your plans.

In a dream, the legs were red, swollen - expect a lot of trouble: the risk of divorce, poor progress, humiliation and dishonor.

Why do legs dream - according to Vanga's dream book

If the sleeper sees ugly legs, then this indicates irritable friends and unprofitable activities. A wounded leg - to losses. Legs in ulcers - your income will be reduced due to the fact that you will help people. Wooden leg - through your own fault, you will find yourself in front of your comrades not quite in a favorable light.

I dreamed that you have more than two legs - your enterprise is only in fantasies, but not in real life.

Why do legs dream - according to Freud's dream book

If you show interest in women's legs in a dream - communicating with a charming person, you will behave frivolously unworthy.

The legs did not obey - to poverty.

A young woman dreamed of admiring her own legs - her beloved would turn away from her because of her excessive vanity. I saw a lot of hair on my legs - in the future she will command her husband.

An amputated leg in a dream is a harbinger of the loss of dear friends and the impossibility of coexisting with family because of their despotism.

To have beautiful slender legs - to a bright future and true friends.

Why do legs dream - according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The legs are the support. See your leg in a dream - serve as a support for someone, so you must not forget about responsibility. We saw someone else's leg - you yourself are relying on someone, the dream calls to be more independent and active. I dreamed of a lot of legs - you have quite a few helpers and like-minded people, in your business you have someone to rely on. Legs were tangled - a colleague is actively harming your business.

Why do legs dream - according to Loff's dream book

The sleeper sees himself paralyzed or lame - ruin, misfortune and a fall from a height await his opponents.

Why do legs dream - according to Tsvetkov's dream book

If you dreamed of legs, then luck and success await you; broke or lost a leg - to trouble at work and parting with a friend.

Why do legs dream - according to Hasse's dream book

In a dream, they broke their leg - to a decrease at work; lost it - in real life you will lose a good friend; the leg is swollen - expect losses and losses; dirty own feet - to dislike; too thin - they will cheat on you; wash - you will find out something meaningless.

If you dream of sore legs, then you will be confused in a difficult situation; in a dream you had many legs - the long-lost will be found. Your crooked legs - at a loss; strangers - you should beware of the enemy, start a risky business; showered kisses on other people's legs - obey someone.

Why do legs dream - according to Meneghetti's dream book

The legs in a dream serve as a designation of the foundation that supports the whole person. They personify the historical embodiment of In-se, a very high level of your life positivity. This meaning is more relevant if the sleeper sees the legs along with the whole body.

Why do legs dream - according to Longo's dream book

They hit, sprained or broke their leg - for a girl, this dream means that she will soon marry a lazy, wasteful and intemperate man, because of whom they will need materially all their lives.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

success, luck; lose, break - lose a friend, trouble at work; to see both legs is a relationship; wet - secret enemies; someone's betrayal; burning, on fire - a very bad sign, bad company; wash - to recovery; hairy - for money.

Dreamed of legs

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you liked slender female legs, you will lose your judgment and show unworthy frivolity in your behavior with some charming person. Seeing ugly legs means unprofitable activities and irritable comrades. A wounded leg portends loss. Seeing that you have a wooden leg means that you will put yourself in a fake position in front of your friends. If in a dream your legs are in ulcers, this portends a decrease in your income in connection with helping other people. To dream that you have three or more legs means that your enterprise is more manifested in your imagination than in real affairs. If you dream that your legs do not obey you, you are in danger of poverty. If you dream that your leg is amputated, you will lose valuable friends, and the oppressive influence of your family will make your life almost unbearable. For a young woman to admire her own legs means that her indefatigable vanity will alienate the person she adores from her. If she dreams that she has hairy legs, she will command her husband in the future. If in a dream your legs are slender and in good shape, this means a happy future and loyal friends. Just seeing your legs in a dream often portends a desperate situation. Such a dream encourages you to assert your life position with greater will and energy. In a dream, washing your feet means that the cunning of others will somewhat mix up your plans and discourage you. Seeing that your legs are reddened and swollen portends trouble: shame and humiliation are possible, a break with the family, a sharp change in business.

Why dream of a puddle

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

profit, if net; stepping into a puddle is a bad company; miss (they say “to sit in a puddle”); for a girl - a personal, beloved person; muddy - treason; dark - insecurity in a relationship.

Dreamed of a puddle

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you stepped into a puddle of clean water, some kind of trouble awaits you, but very soon something good will come to replace it. If you stepped into a dirty puddle in a dream, troubles will haunt you repeatedly. Wetting your feet by stepping into a puddle means that your joy today will turn into grief later.

Dreamed of a hip

according to Miller's dream book

To see your smooth and white thigh in a dream means extraordinary luck and all sorts of pleasures. Seeing a wounded crippled thigh in a dream, you should be wary of illness and betrayal. If a girl admires her hips in a dream, this means her readiness for love adventures; but she should be more careful in her behavior in order to avoid trouble. If a young lady in a dream her hips seem thin, this portends a disease. Looking at the fat thighs of animals in a dream - to peace and pleasure.

Why do feet dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

naked - a new love story; strange looking - a new acquaintance; wash - relief from anxiety; look at your own - loss of position; looking at strangers is a loss of money; wide foot - misfortune; can mean children or subordinates.

Why do knees dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(naked for a girl) - many boyfriends, but no suitors; (knees for a man) - family affairs or love affairs, if the knees are bare; fall on your knees - personal troubles, in the family.

Dreamed of knees

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing someone sitting on your knees means pleasant security from unwanted encounters. If a young girl dreams that she is holding someone on her lap, she will be strongly condemned. If she sees a snake on her knees, this threatens her with the humiliation that her enemies will inflict on her; if she sees a cat on her knees, she is in danger of being seduced.

Why do thighs dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

personal relationships; if slender - a successful marriage, happiness in love.

Dreamed of shoes

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing your shoes on someone is a bad dream for those who love. It is quite possible that a rival will force your image out of the heart of a beloved being. Wearing new shoes in a dream is a great success in business, for men - a salary increase. Old shoes in your dream are a warning against tricky traps on your path to success.

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