Beneficial microorganisms. The positive role of bacteria in human life. The importance of bacteria in various areas of life

In our world there is a huge number of bacteria. Some of them are good and some are bad. Some we know better, others worse. In our article, we have compiled a list of the most famous bacteria living among us and in our body. The article is written with a share of humor, so do not judge strictly.

Provides "face - control" in your insides

Lactobacilli (Lactobacillus plantarum) living in the human digestive tract since prehistoric times, do a great and important job. Like vampire garlic, they scare away pathogenic bacteria, preventing them from settling in your stomach and upsetting your intestines. Welcome! Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, sauerkraut will strengthen the strength of bouncers, but know that hard training and stress from physical activity reduce their ranks. Add to protein shake some blackcurrant. These berries reduce fitness stress due to their antioxidant content.

2. PROTECTOR OF THE BELLY Helicobacter pylori

Stop hunger pangs at 3 p.m.

Another bacteria living in the digestive tract, Helicobacter pylori, develops from your childhood and helps you maintain a healthy weight throughout your life by controlling the hormones responsible for feeling hungry! Eat 1 apple every day.

These fruits produce lactic acid in the stomach, in which most harmful bacteria cannot survive, but which Helicobacter pylori adores. However, keep H. pylori within limits, they can work against you and cause stomach ulcers. Make scrambled eggs with spinach for breakfast: the nitrates from these green leaves thicken the walls of the stomach, protecting it from excess lactic acid.

3. Pseudomonas aeruginosa head

Likes showers, hot tubs and pools

The warm-water bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa crawls under the scalp through the pores of the hair follicles, causing an infection accompanied by itching and pain in the affected areas.

Don't want to put on a bathing cap every time you take a bath? Fend off a comber intrusion with a chicken or salmon and egg sandwich. A large amount of protein is necessary for the follicles to be healthy and effectively fight against foreign bodies. Don't forget about fatty acids, which are absolutely necessary for healthy skin heads. This will help you 4 cans of canned tuna or 4 medium avocados per week. No more.

4. Harmful bacteria Corynebacterium minutissimum

High tech protozoan

Harmful bacteria can lurk in the most unexpected places. For example, Corynebacterium minutissimum, which causes a rash, loves to live on the touchscreens of phones and tablet computers. Destroy them!

Strange, but no one has yet developed free application fighting these microbes. But many companies produce cases for phones and tablets with an antibacterial coating, which is guaranteed to stop the growth of bacteria. And try not to rub your hands together when you dry them after washing - it can reduce the bacteria population by 37%.

5. NOBLE CRAUNT Escherichia coli

Good bad bacteria

The bacterium Escherichia coli is thought to be the cause of tens of thousands of infectious diseases annually. But it only gives us problems when it finds a way to leave the colon and mutate into a disease-causing strain. Normally, it is quite useful for life and provides the body with vitamin K, which maintains the health of the arteries, preventing heart attacks.

To keep this headline bacterium in check, include legumes in your diet five times a week. The fiber in the beans is not broken down, but moves to the large intestine, where E. coli can feast on it and continue their normal reproductive cycle. Black beans are the richest in fiber, then Ithlim, or moon-shaped, and only then is the usual red bean that we are used to. Legumes not only keep bacteria in check, but also limit your afternoon appetite with their fiber and increase absorption efficiency. nutrients organism.

6. BURNING Staphylococcusaureus

Eats the youth of your skin

Most often, boils and pimples are caused by the bacterium Staphylococcusaureus, which lives on the skin of most people. Acne is, of course, unpleasant, but, having penetrated through damaged skin into the body, this bacterium can cause more serious illness: pneumonia and meningitis.

The natural antibiotic dermicidin, which is toxic to these bacteria, is found in human sweat. At least once a week, include high-intensity exercises in your workout, trying to work at 85% of your maximum capacity. And always use a clean towel.

7. MICROBE - BURNER Bifidobacterium animalis

® Lives in fermented milk products

Bifidobacterium animalis bacteria inhabit the contents of cans of yogurt, bottles of kefir, curdled milk, fermented baked milk and other similar products. They reduce the time of passage of food through the colon by 21%. Food does not stagnate, there is no formation of excess gases - you are less likely to experience the problem code-named "Feast of the Spirit."

They surround us everywhere. Many of them are very necessary and useful for a person, and many, on the contrary, cause terrible diseases.
Do you know what forms bacteria come in? And how do they reproduce? And what do they eat? Do you want to know?
.site) will help you find in this article.

Shapes and sizes of bacteria

Most bacteria are unicellular organisms. They differ in a wide variety of forms. Bacteria are given names based on their shape. For example, round-shaped bacteria are called cocci (all known streptococci and staphylococci), rod-shaped bacteria are called bacilli, pseudomonads or clostridia (the famous bacteria of this shape include the famous tuberculosis bacillus or Koch's wand). Bacteria can be shaped like spirals, then their names spirochetes, vibrils or spirilla. Not so often, but there are bacteria in the form of stars, different polygons or other geometric shapes.

Bacteria are not at all large, ranging in size from half to five micrometers. The largest bacterium has a size of seven hundred and fifty micrometers. After the discovery of nanobacteria, it turned out that their size is much smaller than previously imagined by scientists. However, to date, nanobacteria have not been well studied. Some scientists even doubt their existence.

Aggregates and multicellular organisms

Bacteria can attach to each other with the help of mucus, forming cell aggregates. At the same time, each individual bacterium is a self-sufficient organism, the vital activity of which does not depend in any way on relatives glued to it. Sometimes it happens that bacteria stick together in order to carry out some common function. Some bacteria, as a rule, of a filamentous form, can also form multicellular organisms.

How do they move?

There are bacteria that themselves are not able to move, but there are also those that are equipped with special devices for movement. Some bacteria move with the help of flagella, while others can glide. How bacteria glide is not yet fully understood. It is believed that bacteria secrete a special mucus that facilitates sliding. And then there are bacteria that can "dive". In order to descend into the depth of any liquid medium, such a microorganism can change its density. In order for a bacterium to start moving in any direction, it must be irritated.


There are bacteria that can only feed on organic compounds, and there are those that can process inorganics into organics and only then use them for their own needs. Bacteria obtain energy in three ways: using respiration, fermentation or photosynthesis.


Regarding the reproduction of bacteria, we can say that it also does not differ in uniformity. There are bacteria that do not divide into sexes and multiply by simple division or budding. Some cyanobacteria have the ability to multiple division, that is, at one time they can produce up to a thousand "newborn" bacteria. There are also bacteria that reproduce sexually. Of course, they all do it in a very primitive way. But at the same time, two bacteria transfer their genetic data to the new cell - this is main feature sexual reproduction.

Bacteria, of course, deserve your attention, not only because they cause a lot of diseases. These microorganisms were the first living things to inhabit our planet. The history of bacteria on Earth goes back nearly four billion years! Cyanobacteria are the most ancient of the existing ones today, they appeared three and a half billion years ago.

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A person often treats his body relatively lightly. Yes, many people know where the heart, kidneys, intestines, etc. are located. Some have a deeper knowledge of the structure human body. But few people dare to look at themselves not only as a person, but as a biological mechanism, which works according to certain laws and lives its complex and multidimensional biological life. So, for example, not everyone clearly understands how valuable our biological cohabitation with protozoa is and how terrible the bacterial threat is.

Bacteria without which a person cannot survive

The human body is inhabited by a huge number of bacteria, without which a person cannot survive. The total weight is from 1.5 to 2.5 kg. Such a useful stable symbiosis was formed:

  • in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • on the skin;
  • in the nasopharynx and oral cavity.

The main principle of the work of bacteria in the body is the creation of such an environment on the tissues of organs in which harmful microbes cannot survive. Accordingly, getting on the skin, in the nasopharynx or in the gastrointestinal tract, pathogenic microbes simply die, since the environment already formed by beneficial microbes on the tissues of these organs is fatal for virulent (dangerous) prokaryotes.

This is a general picture of the influence beneficial bacteria, the local effect of microbes has features depending on the organ in which such a symbiotic interaction occurs.

Gastrointestinal tract

The bacteria that inhabit the human gastrointestinal tract perform several functions at once, thanks to which a person has the opportunity to survive as a biological organism:

  1. Microbes create an antagonistic environment for pathogenic microbes in the intestine. This role of beneficial microorganisms boils down to the fact that they create an acidic environment in the intestines, and pathogenic microbes do not live well in an acidic environment.
  2. The same beneficial bacteria digest vegetable food entering the intestine. Enzymes synthesized by the human body are not able to digest plant cells containing cellulose, and bacteria feed on such cells freely, thereby playing another role. important role.
  3. Beneficial bacteria also synthesize necessary for a person vitamins of groups B and K. The role of vitamins of group K is to ensure metabolism in bones and connective tissues. The role of B vitamins is global. These low molecular weight organic compounds are involved in a huge number of processes: from the release of energy from carbohydrates to the synthesis of antibodies and regulation nervous system. Despite the fact that B vitamins are present in many products, it is thanks to their synthesis by the intestinal microflora that the body receives the amount of these vitamins that is necessary for normal human life.

The main part of the beneficial intestinal microflora is lactic acid bacteria. Although these bacteria may have different names, the type of effect on the body they have is the same. Lactic acid bacteria ferment natural sugars, resulting in the formation of a product such as lactic acid.

The most popular lactic acid microorganisms today are those that are advertised as the main probiotic agent in the composition of healthy products.

  • bifidobacteria- filamentous lactic acid microorganisms that cover the surface of the intestine and prevent harmful microbes from gaining a foothold and multiplying on its walls. The total weight of lactic acid bifidobacteria in relation to other symbiont bacteria is about 80%.
  • lactobacilli- gram-positive lactic acid rods, the main role of which is not only the digestion of plant foods and the creation of an antagonistic environment, but also the stimulation of antibody synthesis. These are microorganisms that have a huge impact on the human immune system.

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In addition to useful lactic acid prokaryotes, there are conditionally harmful ones in the gastrointestinal tract -. Despite the fact that they can also have a beneficial effect, for example, the bacteria of the Escherichia coli group also synthesize vitamins of the K group, with an increase in their number in the gastrointestinal tract, the effect becomes harmful: E. coli poison the body with toxins.

The total weight of E. coli that are present in the human body is very small compared to two kilograms of beneficial microorganisms.

Bacteria on the skin, in the mouth and in the nasopharynx

Microorganisms that inhabit the human skin play the role of a natural biological shield, they also do not allow harmful bacteria to develop active activity on the skin and thereby have a toxic effect on the entire body.

The main bacteria that control the safety of the skin, mouth and nasopharynx are:

  • micrococci;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci.

Streptococci and staphylococci have harmful (pathogenic) representatives in their genus that can poison the body.

Causes of diseases

A logical question arises: if a person is protected from all sides by a biological shield, then why do people still get sick, why does this shield not work?

The body's resistance to pathogenic agents largely depends on the immune system. Therefore, it is important how much work is done to ensure that the immune system is sufficiently active.

The second important circumstance is the characteristics of the most harmful agent and how it affects the body.

So, long time typhus was a deadly threat to humans.

Typhus is the collective name for several deadly diseases that have claimed many lives until cures were found.

Common features characteristic of all types of typhus:

  • a person quickly loses weight;
  • against the background of intoxication and weight loss, a severe fever begins;
  • all of these painful manifestations cause severe nervous breakdown and the person dies.

Despite the common symptoms, the causes of typhoid fever are different each time.

Disease causing bacteria

In the intestines of lice a large number of rickettsia. However, the likelihood of infection does not depend on how many lice are in close proximity to a person, but on how actively a person begins to fight lice. Scratching lice on oneself is the main cause of infection with typhus. It is from the crushed intestines of the louse that the rickettsia enter the wounds on the skin and further into the human bloodstream.

The main symptoms of typhus:

  • fever (body temperature above 40ºС);
  • backache;
  • pink rash in the abdomen;
  • the patient's consciousness is inhibited almost to the point of coma.

The treatment of typhus, as well as the treatment of any bacterial infections based on antibiotics. Antibiotics of the tetracycline group are used to treat this type of typhoid.

Another terrible type of typhus - returnable. It is carried by ticks and lice. But it is the spirochete Borrelia bacteria that are the causative agents. Infection occurs during a tick bite.

The main symptoms of infection:

  • vomit;
  • the spleen and liver are enlarged;
  • starts mental disorder and hallucinations.

The same symptoms occur if the carriers were lice.

Treatment - antibiotics of the penicillin and chloramphenicol groups, as well as arsenic preparations.

Typhoid fever. The causative agent is a pathogenic bacterial bacillus from the genus Salmonella. This type of typhoid is dangerous only for humans, animals do not get sick with typhoid fever. Pathogens enter the stomach with food. Main symptoms:

  • the appearance of bacteria in the urine (bacteremia);
  • general symptoms of intoxication (pallor, headache, heart rhythm disorder);
  • bloated belly;
  • delusions, hallucinations and other mental disorders.

Treatment is also carried out with antibiotics of the chloramphenicol and penicillin groups and is accompanied by general strengthening therapy.

In addition to typhoid pathogens, a person is threatened by a host of other pathogenic microbes, the timely detection of which, as well as the identification of infection symptoms, its identification and treatment, can cost a person life.

The same plague is a disease with a high lethality, the cause of which is a plague bacillus. Symptoms are weight loss, fever and dehydration. A person dies from dehydration.

The carriers of the plague bacillus can be rodents, pets, insects.

Plague is treated with antibiotics of the streptomycin group. An important role is played by prevention and general strengthening of the body.

In the human body, there are many types of bacteria, among which useful, pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic forms stand out. Consider the features of the development of microbes, the diseases they provoke and the methods of infection by pathogens.

There is an opinion that the number of bacteria in the human body exceeds the volume of its own cells by 10 times. However, recent studies have questioned this figure. According to new materials, it varies from 1.5 to 2. In total, there are about 10 thousand species of bacteria that have adapted to living in various conditions.

They enter the human body from environment which can be stored for a long time. Pathogenic forms are the causative agents of diseases manifested varying degrees intensity and danger. It can be either a mild skin rash or a serious infectious manifestation that poses a threat to the patient's life.

Bacteria appeared on Earth about 3.5 billion years ago. Their structure differs slightly from modern species. All bacteria are prokaryotes, which means that they do not have a nucleus in their cell. Outside, they are surrounded by a cell wall that retains the shape of the microorganism. Some species are able to produce a mucus that looks like a capsule and protects the microbe from drying out. There are forms that can actively move with the help of special flagella.

The internal structure of bacteria is quite simple. The cell contains the main inclusions:

  • cytoplasm, which is 75% water, and the remaining 25% are minerals;
  • granules, which are a source of energy for the body;
  • mesosomes necessary for cell division and sporulation;
  • nucleoid containing genetic information and acting as a nucleus;
  • ribosomes involved in protein synthesis;
  • plasmids.

The shape of bacterial cells can be spherical, rod-shaped, convoluted or club-shaped. They can be located singly or in groups. In this case, diplococci (in pairs), streptococci (in the form of chains), staphylococci (in the form of a grapevine) and sarcins (package) are isolated. Some rod-shaped bacteria, when exposed adverse conditions form disputes. Such species are called bacilli.

All microorganisms reproduce by dividing the cell in two. Moreover, the rate of population increase can be as little as 20 minutes. Such a high reproduction rate is observed on food products and other nutrient substrates.

Beneficial bacteria living in the human body

The main representatives of beneficial microflora include:

  1. Bifidobacteria. They live mainly in the large intestine, where they are involved in the activation of parietal digestion. In the process of life, they form a natural biological barrier that prevents the penetration of pathogens and toxins. In addition, they produce special acids that suppress the reproduction of pathogenic and opportunistic forms. Without the participation of bifidobacteria, the synthesis of B and K vitamins does not occur, as well as the absorption of iron and calcium.
  2. Lactobacilli in the process of life form lactase, which breaks down milk sugar. Due to the production of lactic acid, they maintain the necessary level of acidity in the intestines, and also accelerate the healing of affected areas of the gastrointestinal tract. By analogy with bifidobacteria, they stimulate the immune system by activating the process of phagocytosis.

These microbes stand guard over the digestive tract, protecting it from useless microorganisms that can settle in the stomach and worsen the human condition.

Normal human microflora should contain both types of microorganisms. Moreover, the number of bifidobacteria can be up to 95% of the total biocenosis of the body, and lactobacilli - only 5%. In this case, the latter live mainly in the vagina and oral cavity.

Bifido- and lactobacilli are part of the preparations used to normalize the human microflora. They are called probiotics, and in addition to these microorganisms contain propionic acid species, thermophilic streptococci and lactococci. Combined drugs are often prescribed for dysbacteriosis, antibiotic treatment, as well as any helminthic invasions.

To maintain optimal levels of beneficial bacteria, you need to eat certain foods. They should consist of components that are not digested in the upper intestines, thereby stimulating the reproduction of beneficial microbes. Such products include raw vegetables, dairy products, bran, cereals, berries, dried fruits.

Pathogenic forms of corynebacteria

Microorganisms of the genus Corynebacterium are Gram-positive bacteria with a rod-shaped body. Most representatives live in nature and do not pose a threat to human health. However, several species are causative agents of serious diseases requiring inpatient treatment.

Corynebacterium diphtheriae are slightly curved rods with a thickening on one side of the cell. Their size ranges from 0.1 to 8 microns. As the name suggests, the bacterium is the cause of diphtheria. Symptoms of the disease depend on the location of the pathogen. It can be the oral cavity, nose, larynx, trachea, bronchi, genitals, skin. Poisoning of the human body occurs due to the release of a special substance by bacteria called exotoxin. Its accumulation leads to fever, fever, headache, nausea, discomfort in the throat, swollen lymph nodes.

Another species of Corynebacterium minutissimum provokes the development of dermatological diseases. One of them is erythrasma, which occurs only in adults. Appears as a rash on the surface skin folds: inguinal-scrotal, between the buttocks, sometimes in the interdigital zones. Lesions have the appearance of brown spots of a non-inflamed structure, which may be the cause of mild itching. The bacterium survives well on household items, including phones and tablets.

Corynebacteria are also part of the normal microflora of the human large intestine. Non-pathogenic forms are actively used in industry for the production of amino acids, enzymes, and cheeses. Corynebacterium glutamicum is used in the production of glutamic acid, which is known as food additive E620.

Streptomycetes, their significance for humans

The genus Streptomyces includes spore-forming species that live primarily in the soil. They form chains of cells and resemble fungal mycelium in shape. In the process of life, special volatile substances are released, which give the earth a characteristic damp smell. Necessary condition existence of streptomycetes is the presence of molecular oxygen.

Many species are capable of producing valuable medicinal substances belonging to the group of antibiotics (streptomycin, erythromycin). In earlier periods, streptomycetes were used to produce:

  • Physostigmine, used as an analgesic for increased eye pressure;
  • Tacrolimus, necessary for prophylaxis during kidney, liver and bone marrow transplantation;
  • Allosamidin, which is active against insects and fungi.

Streptomyces bikiniensis is a pathogenic form that provokes the development of bacteremia. With this disease, bacteria enter the bloodstream and can spread throughout the body.

Helicobacter pylori as a harmful bacterium

Helicobacter pylori has a spiral-shaped cell up to 3 microns in size. It is able to actively move even in thick mucus with the help of flagella. The bacterium infects various parts of the stomach and duodenum causing the disease helicobacter pylori. The cause of ulcers and gastritis is very often this species microbe.

Helicobacter is fixed on the surface of the gastric mucosa, damaging it and provoking the development of the inflammatory process. Infection with a bacterium manifests itself in the form of recurring severe pain in the stomach, which subsides after eating. Heartburn, nausea, vomiting, poor digestion meat dishes also refer to the symptoms of the disease.

There is an opinion that Helicobacter pylori is part of the normal human microflora, and the pathological condition occurs with an increase in its number. At the same time, about 50 strains of this bacterium live in the stomach of people, of which only 5 pose a health hazard. In the case of the appointment of antibiotics, all individuals of the microorganism, including harmless ones, are destroyed.

Escherichia coli as a representative of the natural human microflora

E. coli refers to rod-shaped bacteria that play an important role in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They can exist for a long time in the environment, including soil, water and faeces. Microorganisms quickly die when boiled and exposed to chlorine solutions. Bacteria actively multiply on food products, especially in milk.

Escherichia coli is able to absorb oxygen from the intestinal lumen, thereby protecting beneficial lactobacteria and bifidobacteria from destruction. In addition, it is involved in the production of B vitamins, fatty acids, and also affects the absorption of iron and calcium by the intestines. Normally, the content of bacteria in human feces should be no more than 108 CFU / g. Exceeding this indicator indicates the development of dysbacteriosis against the background of the inflammatory process in the body.

Pathogenic forms can cause infectious diseases gastrointestinal tract accompanied by intoxication and fever. Enteropathogenic strains of Escherichia coli develop in the small intestine of newborns and cause severe diarrhea. In women, in case of non-compliance intimate hygiene bacteria can enter the urogenital organs, provoking the development of bacteriuria.

Dangerous bacterium Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus aureus belongs to the immobile spherical microbes of the genus Staphylococcus. Cells may be singly, in pairs or in clusters. Due to the content of pigments of the carotenoid group, the bacterium has a golden color, which is noticeable when studied under a microscope. Staphylococcus aureus is characterized by increased tolerance to high temperatures, light and chemicals.

The microorganism is the cause of the appearance of purulent-inflammatory foci of infection in humans. The main areas of pathogen localization include the nasal passages and axillary areas. However, cases of damage to the larynx and gastrointestinal tract are not uncommon. The bacterium is widespread in medical facilities. About 30% of patients after hospitalization are carriers of Staphylococcus aureus.

The main symptoms of infection with a pathogen include fever, lethargy, nausea, and lack of appetite. When the skin is damaged, small blisters form, resembling burns, which eventually turn into open wounds. Rhinitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia can develop with the spread of the pathogen in the respiratory tract. Frequent and painful urination and back pain indicate the localization of staphylococcus aureus in the urethra.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa as one of the pathogenic species of bacteria

The bacterium belongs to mobile flagellar microorganisms, its main habitat is soil and water. In the process of life, it colors the food environment in a blue-green color, which is the reason for its name. It is highly resistant to antibiotics.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is dangerous for immunocompromised people and is usually a nosocomial infection. Infection is possible through household items, towels, untreated medical instruments. An increased accumulation of the microorganism is observed on the wound surface and in the depths of purulent skin areas.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa can develop in:

  • ENT organs and be accompanied by otitis, sinusitis;
  • urinary tract with the appearance of urethritis, cystitis;
  • soft tissues;
  • intestines, causing dysbacteriosis, enteritis, colitis.

Bacteria, along with viruses, are the causative agents of numerous diseases that are not always treatable. Diversity of species and their rapid adaptation to the impact medical preparations make microbes a serious threat to human health. However, in most cases, infection can be avoided if you follow the rules of personal hygiene and strengthen the immune system.

There are bacteria that are very useful. In the body of each person is from one and a half to two and a half kilograms of such bacteria. Communities of bacteria are called microbiota, their number reaches several million. They affect the healthy and normal functioning of the body. Without them, the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory tract would be destroyed by pathogenic microorganisms.

Beneficial bacteria in the gut

The entire immune system of the body depends on the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Protective processes are reduced and the immune system is destabilized if species composition microbiota in the body is disturbed. Beneficial bacteria create an acidic environment in the intestines, which is detrimental to pathogens. In addition, beneficial bacteria help digest and assimilate plant foods that intestinal enzymes cannot handle on their own. These bacteria are involved in the production of vitamins that support metabolic processes in the connective tissue, help extract energy from carbohydrates, regulate the activity of the nervous system, and contribute to the production of antigens.

When talking about beneficial intestinal bacteria, they mean two types of bacteria - these are bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which make up from 5% to 15% of total number intestinal bacteria. Their activity is extremely important, because they have a positive effect on other microorganisms, stabilize the intestinal microflora. It is important to maintain the number of lactic acid bacteria by eating kefir and yogurt, which will contribute to the reproduction and strengthening of the intestinal microflora. It is extremely important to consume products containing lactobacilli in dysbacteriosis after taking antibiotics. Otherwise, it is very difficult to restore immune processes.

biological shield

Many beneficial bacteria inhabit human epithelial tissues, both internal and external. They are at the forefront of protection and prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. The main of these bacteria are staphylococci, streptococci and micrococci.

The human microbiota has changed significantly as it has moved from natural to urban life, and often uses detergents. Thus the bacteria modern man and a person who lived in the past are significantly different. The body has learned to recognize dangerous species from not dangerous, but at the same time, any streptococcus, if it enters the bloodstream, can cause serious illness. It should be noted that an excess of bacteria both on the skin and in the respiratory tract can cause various ailments and an unpleasant odor. To date, special microorganisms have been identified that can oxidize ammonium. Regular use of preparations with such bacteria contributes to the settlement of the skin with new organisms, as a result of which not only diseases and unpleasant odors disappear, but also the structure of the skin changes, for example, pores open.

The microflora of each person changes very quickly depending on the individual characteristics of the organism and the environment in which it is located. In this, one can see both pluses and minuses, since the number and species composition of bacteria can change independently. Different microorganisms require different substances. The more diverse a person's food is, the more it is tied to the seasonal spectrum of products, the more beneficial microorganisms there will be. But if the food is saturated with antibiotics, preservatives, various chemical dyes, then the bacteria cannot withstand such a load and may die. This eliminates both pathogenic and beneficial organisms. As a result, the human microflora is destroyed, which entails the appearance of various diseases.

However, the microbes of the body can be helped. It does not take long months and only a few days. Today, biotechnological production has created a large number of probiotics that contain live bacteria and prebiotics - products that support the vital activity of bacteria. The only problem is that for each person such substances act differently. Studies show that the use of these products for dysbacteriosis can improve the condition of the body by 80%, or may not have any effect at all. As soon as the substances begin to act, a person will immediately feel an improvement in his condition. However, if the situation does not change, then it is worth adjusting the treatment system. There are special tests that are aimed at determining the genome of bacteria. They help to identify the necessary nutritional option and additional bacterial therapy to establish a balance of microorganisms in the body.

Often a person does not feel a violation of the bacterial microclimate, however, if there is drowsiness, frequent illnesses or allergic reactions, then all this indicates dysbacteriosis. Residents of cities and megacities are especially susceptible to such disorders of the microflora of the body, and if nothing is done, then health problems will certainly arise. The microflora is positively affected by unloading diets, fasting, food enriched with vegetables, natural cereals and cereals, fermented milk products etc.

Harmful microorganisms

The first microorganisms appeared on Earth several billion years ago. Through evolution, they improved and developed new habitats. Prokaryotes are now ubiquitous. A high degree of survival is due to the presence of "jumping genes" that carry acquired achievements. Microorganisms are able to pass such genes to each other from generation to generation.

Human microflora

Man and bacteria exist with each other inseparably. The simplest can bring both benefit and harm. Of all the known bacteria that are on the surface and inside the human body, 99% are beneficial and only 1% belongs to the pathogenic microflora. However, it is this small part causes significant damage to health and therefore the mere mention of the word "bacteria" is negative. Microbes exist everywhere: in the bladder, vagina, respiratory tract, intestines, mucous membranes, etc. The necessary balance is maintained by special bacteria that provide immunity, protecting the human body from the action of pathogens.

Harmful airborne bacteria

Since the air environment is not natural environment habitats of bacteria, they stay in the air temporarily, getting into it from the soil, from plants, animals. The infection is spread by airborne droplets. This is how bacterial and viral infections, various protozoa, fungi can be transmitted. These microorganisms cause diseases such as chicken pox, influenza, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, whooping cough, streptococcal infections, etc.

Harmful bacteria in the water

The aquatic environment is good place habitat for various bacteria. There are a million different microbes in one cubic centimeter. Harmful microbes enter the water from industrial enterprises, agricultural waste, waste settlements. Contaminated water is a dangerous source of cholera, dysentery, diphtheria, measles and other dangerous diseases. It should be noted that the causative agents of cholera or tuberculosis in aquatic environment may stay for a significant amount of time.

Harmful soil bacteria

Soil is a natural habitat for bacteria. In the surface layer (30 cm) of one hectare of land there are about 30 tons of microorganisms. Among them may be useful, splitting plant residues into amino acids. Thus, they take an active part in the processes of decay. However, many of the bacteria are harmful to humans, for example, they affect food. To prevent spoilage, special processing of products is needed, for example, sterilization, smoking, freezing or salting. Some species are so active that they can even infect frozen or salted foods, causing dangerous diseases e.g. botulism, tetanus, different kinds gangrene and anthrax.

Harmful bacteria that damage wood

Microorganisms naturally, due to the presence of special enzymes, they are able to decompose cellulose fiber. These saprophytes include fungi. Some may stain the wood in different colors, while hitting wooden buildings, which contributes to their speedy destruction. The activity of such fungi is especially active in wooden agricultural buildings.

Harmful food bacteria

Products containing harmful bacteria are dangerous sources of disease and can cause diseases such as salmonellosis, dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera and many others. For example, botulism toxins cause severe toxicological damage to the body, butyric acid bacteria spoil cheeses and dairy products, causing them to spoil, produce an unpleasant odor, and change color. Vinegar sticks cause souring of low-alcohol products, such as beer and wine. Micrococci cause putrefaction of proteins, the appearance of a putrid odor. Mold fungi are widespread, affecting protein and carbohydrate products manufactured by man.

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