Diseases that appear in children due to school. Coursework "school diseases". Problems with the gastrointestinal tract

Georgy Danilenko, Head of the Department of Hygiene for School-aged Children of the Institute of Public Health, spoke about the level of health our children are finishing the school year with.

The leaders in this rating are diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in particular, we are talking about posture problems, such as stoop and scoliosis. The second place is occupied by endocrine diseases, most often manifested by problems of excess weight, the third - by diseases of the respiratory system. These are allergies, bronchial asthma, which is caused, in particular, by the presence of a fungus in school classrooms.

Add vision problems to this list, in particular school myopia (nearsightedness). This happens due to poor and improper lighting in classrooms and at home at the desktop, frequent sitting at the monitor screen. And also a prominent place in this list is occupied by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, most often we are talking about gastritis (which leads to irregular meals, frequent consumption of snacks and sweet carbonated drinks).

Worse, the daily routine of the student as a whole is extremely unregulated. Children wake up early, but at night they sit at the computer. Students come to school sleepy. Both the nervous system and the cardiovascular system suffer from this. Most of them lead a sedentary lifestyle. In general, we have an extremely disappointing situation, because only ten percent of schoolchildren in our country are relatively healthy.

So who is to blame, the school or the parents?

It is imperative that a sanologist monitors the state of children's health in educational institutions, this is a specialist involved in the formation (!) of the child's health potential.

But it would be wrong to blame only teachers or doctors for everything. Parental inactivity is quite common. It often happens that during a medical examination, parents are advised to show the child to a specialized specialist. To do this, it is often necessary to undergo additional examinations and even stay under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital. Whereas parents often do not.

Moreover, they only verbally inform the class teacher about the suspicion of problems, say, in the work of the child's cardiovascular system. But this information is not received by the physical education teacher and the school physician ...

Therefore, it is not worth looking for the guilty, it is necessary that everyone conscientiously fulfill their duties. Both teachers and parents should raise the level of their own responsibility for the health of the child. Otherwise, we are talking about direct prerequisites for a student to enter adulthood with a whole bunch of serious ailments.

Anemia and neurasthenia. Pediatricians called the listed diseases “school diseases”.

For more than a century of existence and development of the system of mass school education in Russia, even despite the significant transformation of the material base of educational institutions in the Soviet era, violations of posture, vision, and the nervous system among schoolchildren have been and continue to be massive. Such a sad constancy is largely determined by the very nature of the learning process, which requires from children and adolescents a lot of visual work, nervous tension, a sitting working posture, and limitation of motor activity.

Prevention of posture disorders.

According to modern views, posture is an integral characteristic of the state of the body and reflects the result of the complex impact on it of factors of the physical and social environment. Among the latter, the role of the factors of the educational process in the formation of posture in schoolchildren has been most studied. The importance of the state of posture for the formation of general health is proved by the high prevalence of diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems among schoolchildren with impaired posture.

Various factors influence the formation of posture, but the most negative impact on its condition is the imperfection of school furniture and the sitting working posture of students. When sitting, the shape of the student's spine is fundamentally different from the shape of the spine when standing. During educational work in a sitting position, the torso is tilted forward, which increases the pressure on the intervertebral discs up to 100 kg versus 70 kg in a standing position.

With a sharply inclined posture necessary for writing, the load on the back muscles also increases significantly, the heart rate increases, the amplitude of respiratory movements decreases, as well as the distance of the eyes from the notebook. To maintain balance in this position, the student has to lean with his chest on the surface of the table. This further complicates the work of internal organs and adversely affects their functioning. It follows from the foregoing that the organization of the educational process adopted in schools with the dominance of a sitting working posture requires special preventive measures aimed at maintaining normal posture in schoolchildren.

According to the new concept, the internal cause of the occurrence of postural disorders and scoliosis in children is the lack of stability in their common center of gravity of the body. At the same time, posture is assigned the role of a system that ensures the balance of the body in space. According to this concept, violations of posture and curvature of the spine (scoliosis) are considered as necessary conditions for maintaining balance, as compensation for violations of the stability of the posture.

The given data serve as a basis for building the prevention of postural disorders and the occurrence of scoliosis in schoolchildren, not only by optimizing the school environment of learning, but also through the impact on the child's body of physical education, in which special attention will be paid to a set of exercises aimed at improving spatial-orienting reactions.

And the first step in this direction should be to ensure that school furniture matches the height of students, especially in elementary school. When starting this work, it is important to know which sitting posture is considered correct. One that provides a stable position for the child's body. It can be achieved provided that the body has at least three points of support: 1) the seat of the chair; 2) chair back; 3) floor or footboard. First, the correspondence to the height of the child's stool is determined. To do this, pay attention to the angle in the knee joint: when sitting, it should be equal to the straight line. To determine the height of the table, it is necessary to seat the student against him, put his arm, bent at the elbow, on the edge of the table and ask the student to bring the fingers of the extended hand to the outer corner of the eye. If the forearm placed in this way is freely placed between the edge of the table and the eyes of the child, then the table corresponds to his height. If the hand is placed above eye level, the table is high; if it is lower, the table is low. For those children for whom the furniture is high, it is recommended to use stands under the legs and on the seats. As a rule, such coasters are made by the parents of these families. Control over the compliance of furniture with the growth of children should be carried out at school at least 2 times per academic year.

The second thing that should be paid attention to in the prevention of posture disorders is the control over the posture of students during classes. The correct posture during classes depends not only on the correspondence of the furniture to the growth of the student, but also on the location of the chair relative to the table top. To maintain the correct posture, it is required that the edge of the seat be pushed under the cover of the chair by 3-6 cm. With a greater depth of the chair under the table, the edge of the table begins to put pressure on the chest of the student. If the chair is completely pushed under the table, then in order to maintain balance during work, the student is forced to lie down on the desk. To avoid both, the teacher must show the student how to self-regulate his position relative to the edge of the table by a very simple trick: periodically place his fist between the chest and the edge of the table. Particular attention should be paid to the position of the shoulders during work. They must be straight. Compliance with this requirement is facilitated if the level of the table surface is 3-4 cm above the elbow of the lowered arm of the seated person.

But no matter how strict the teacher's requirements are for the younger students to observe the correct working posture in the classroom, they should know that children are not able to hold such a position for a long time. And the undoubted support for them in this will be provided by the physical education lessons in the classroom.

With regard to the prevention of postural disorders and curvature of the spine in schoolchildren, health-saving technologies include the use of non-traditional types of student furniture - desk chairs or pedestals installed on tables, as well as teaching direct writing in elementary school instead of the oblique one.

The technology of teaching at desks-desks or pedestals above the tables is fundamentally different from the accepted one, as it changes the nature of the working posture of students: from a sitting position it becomes predominantly standing. This creates the opportunity to alternate sitting and standing postures directly in the process of the lesson. The main advantage of the standing posture is that. that it provides mainly the work of the muscles located along the spinal column. With it, the entire body weight falls on the surface of the feet, evolutionarily adapted to such an impact. Both together reduce the load on the vertebral discs during educational work and contribute to a more stable balance of the body in space than in a sitting working position. It consists in the fact that in a standing position, a greater number of reflexogenic zones of the feet are irritated and, as a result, the physiological systems of the body are stimulated. All this contributes to the formation of normal posture in children.

Among the school environmental factors affecting the formation of the musculoskeletal system of schoolchildren, the daily carrying of school kits for classes in briefcases and knapsacks deserves attention. It is known that carrying heavy loads also contributes to the formation of disorders of the musculoskeletal system in children and adolescents and, first of all, flat feet (lowering of the longitudinal and / or transverse arch of the foot).

A significant role in the prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system in schoolchildren can be played by their valeological education, that is, learning how to walk, sit freely, lie down during sleep in order to avoid spinal injuries and posture disorders. What can be advised?

1. You need to walk the way fashion models walk, setting in motion the muscles of the back, abdomen, hips and legs, as if the legs start in the middle of the body. Hands while walking rhythmically move from the shoulder itself, the head is raised high and proud. Nature itself has made walking an ideal exercise for all muscles and joints.

2. When sitting, do not cross your legs. This immediately breaks the symmetry of the body, causes pain in the lower part of the spine, disrupts blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which is fraught with their disease, etc.

3. You need to sleep on a hard, flat, but elastic enough mattress. This allows the bones of the shoulders and pelvis to take their own natural curves. A small and soft enough head and neck pillow allows you to keep the upper part of the spine in a perfectly straight position to allow the muscles to fully relax during sleep.

In the formation of a correct posture stereotype, the primary is the mastery of the muscular-articular feeling characteristic of such a posture. This feeling becomes the standard of the norm, which you can be equal to in the process of self-control of your posture:

 Stand with your back to the wall, legs slightly apart, hands down;

 Make the back of the head, shoulders, calves and heels touch the wall;

 Press against the wall so that the distance between the wall and the lower back is no more than the thickness of a finger;

 Pick up the stomach, stretch the neck up a little and slightly raise the shoulders;

 Analyze the "feelings" of all parts of the body, especially the muscles of the back and abdomen, and try to remember them.

Corrective exercises to normalize posture:

1. Standing, heels together, socks apart, shoulders retracted, connect the shoulder blades, tighten the stomach, raise the chin.

2. Walking is normal, watching your posture.

3. Walking on toes, hands behind the head.

4. Walking on heels, hands on the belt.

5. Walking on the outer edge of the foot, fingers tucked in, hands on the belt, elbows laid back.

Prevention of myopia.

Visual impairments, as well as posture disorders in schoolchildren. They are classified as traditional school-related diseases. Among the visual impairments that occur in children after birth, myopia is the most common, and its intensive increase with age has been established. Among the reasons for the established pattern, ophthalmologists name unfavorable conditions for visual work during school hours at school and at home. The prevention of myopia in schoolchildren includes ensuring rational lighting of children's institutions and workplaces at school and at home, fulfilling certain requirements for objects of visual work, developing the correct fit for children during classes, observing the mode of mental work and rest, since such work is always associated with visual load .

In order for the teacher to be able to identify possible lighting deficiencies in the classroom, here are the most common of them:

 Placement in the training room of a smaller number of lamps than recommended;

 Use of low power electric lamps;

 Lack of special lamps for local illumination of blackboards;

 Untimely replacement of burnt out lamps;

 Insufficient use of artificial lighting during the early morning and afternoon hours during the autumn and winter seasons.

Among the reasons that prevent the penetration of daylight into the classroom and thereby reduce its natural lighting, we name:

 Smearing a part of window panes with paint;

 Placement of branched flowers, textbooks, aquariums, etc. on the windowsills;

 Hanging curtains and curtains on the windows that cover the upper part of the window or do not retract into the piers between the windows;

 Irregular washing of window panes;

 Darkening of windows by trees due to irregular cutting of their crowns and side branches.

Ophthalmologists believe that during classes, educational work without eye strain is possible provided that students maintain a working posture in which the distance from the eyes to the book or notebook is 26-35 cm, depending on the age of the students. This distance is approximately equal to the length of the arm from the elbow to the fingertips. In addition to the fact that maintaining the specified distance does not require a strong strain of visual functions, it allows students to sit without bending over. If we compare the recommendations for the prevention of posture disorders with ophthalmological recommendations, then the importance of the working posture of schoolchildren becomes obvious not only for maintaining their normal posture, but also for protecting their vision.

Among various educational subjects, the state of vision of students is particularly influenced by the reading mode. From ancient times to the present, reading has been and remains the main way of perceiving visual information in humans. At school age, it becomes the main type of educational activity at school and at home, being an indispensable component of the development of any academic discipline, as well as the leisure of many schoolchildren. Being a complex psychophysiological process, reading requires tension in visual acuity, accommodation, eye movements and the participation of such mental functions as the speed of discrimination and visual perception, visual memory, etc. All together, it allows us to attribute the reading mode to risk factors for the state of vision of schoolchildren.

A special study of the state of visual functions in schoolchildren when reading showed that its continuous duration should be limited to 15-20 minutes for younger students, 25-30 minutes for middle school students, and 45 minutes for high school students. Longer reading in most schoolchildren of different ages causes tension in the functions of the eye, changes the nature of eye movements and leads to a reduction in the distance of the eyes from the book. To restore the revealed changes, they needed a rest lasting 6-10 minutes. Given that any educational activity of children at school is associated with elements of reading, then in order to protect their vision, its continuous duration should either be regulated by a specified time, or be accompanied by an interspersed interval in the educational activity for resting the eyes from visual work. The effectiveness of such rest increases significantly when a set of exercises is carried out in the classroom.

The work of schoolchildren with computer equipment has a significant load on vision. Therefore, for such classes, limits are also set for the continuous duration of work of students directly with display terminals. So, for students in grade 1, it is regulated 10 minutes, grades 2-5 - 15 minutes, grades 6-7 - 20 minutes, grades 8-9 - 25 minutes. For schoolchildren in grades 10-11 who have double lessons in computer technology, the continuous duration of classes with a computer should be 30 minutes in the first hour of classes, and 20 minutes in the second. After classes with video terminals, students of all classes are recommended to perform eye exercises directly at the workplace.

When distributing schoolchildren into groups for physical education lessons, you need to know that schoolchildren with an average degree of myopia (more than 3.0 D) can do physical education only in the preparatory group, and those with high myopia - in a special group according to individual programs.

Labor training and vocational guidance for schoolchildren with a high degree of myopia should proceed from the fact that for such students it is contraindicated to work in metalwork, carpentry, car repair shops, as well as professional activities associated with lifting weights with the body in a bent position with the head tilted down. The question of the professional orientation of schoolchildren with myopia should be decided individually and always taking into account the conclusion of a specialist - an ophthalmologist.

This is a separate article in the list of all kinds of diseases. Pediatrician, homeopath Maria Savinova will tell you what school illnesses parents of teenagers complain about.

When you conduct a children's reception for a long time, you willy-nilly accumulate some statistics. So, according to my observations, a lot of kids from 0 to 5-6 years old come to the reception and just to check and with colds, temperatures, runny nose. Younger schoolchildren are a relatively calm age, few of them come to the reception. But the next large cohort is teenagers 12-16 years old. Basically, we will talk about them today, because although they begin to form from the first grades, they bloom just in time for the middle of school life.

And the complaints of adolescents are for every taste and it can be difficult to link them together and put them together in the big picture. Here and prolonged low-grade fever (temperature rise to 37.0 - 37.9 degrees), and a decrease in temperature, and nausea-vomiting, abdominal pain, fainting, dizziness, palpitations, weakness, headaches, skin rashes and much more. And yes, puberty is taking its toll...

I endlessly love teenagers and feel sorry for them, because they have a huge number of inconsistencies - outwardly they are almost adults, inside they are real children. They behave like this - sometimes they walk in heels, sometimes they play with dolls and cars.

So, major school illnesses- this:

  1. posture disorder,
  2. decreased vision,
  3. Gastritis, gastroduodenitis,
  4. Neuroses and vegetative disorders.

Posture disorders (lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis) occur as a result of long-term sitting of schoolchildren in the wrong position, wearing a heavy backpack with textbooks, poorly developed muscular corset of the body. appropriate - to select furniture according to height, monitor the position of the child during classes, an orthopedic backpack with a reasonable number of textbooks, an orthopedic mattress for sleeping, walking and playing sports.

Decreased vision (nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism) is primarily associated with a large visual load, and is aggravated by poor lighting and, of course, heredity. To prevent visual impairment, it is necessary to provide sufficient illumination of the workplace, the distance from the eyes to the table is 30-35 cm, take breaks during reading and classes to relax the eyes, and most importantly, limit the use of a computer and especially a tablet.

In a relationship diseases digestive tract all recommendations that relate to neurosis are fully applicable, since stress is a very important risk factor for the occurrence of these disorders. In addition, of course, eating habits are of great importance (soda, crackers, chips, fast food are unhealthy). We will not be able to control our children for a long time, so we need to tell them about the benefits and harms of certain products. And first of all, eat right.

Now let's talk about school neuroses , which affects about half of the students. School programs do not correspond to the functional capabilities and age characteristics of children. Moreover, schoolchildren are so overloaded with factual material that there is neither time nor desire for reasoning, drawing up their own opinions, searching for connections between events. Yes, this is not asked.

Many children get to school by public transport or car, and after school they attend numerous clubs and extracurricular activities, so that they get home by the evening. And everywhere the race, deadlines, control,. Teachers, parents, coaches are waiting for a decent result. I am not against additional classes and specialized schools, but everything should be in moderation and according to the child's abilities. Children definitely need free time to rest, relax, think about their own, dream. And we, parents, should always support our children, not exaggerate the importance of grades and be on the side of the child, not the school. It is also important to remember that the child must have psychological drains, relaxation. Here everyone chooses for themselves - who needs to take a walk, meet friends, who needs to swim in the pool or beat a pear, and who needs to cry.

So, the most important thing in the prevention of school neuroses is moderate loads And psychological comfort , but also important daily routine, physical activity and . A healthy daily routine involves sleeping at least 8-10 hours, and you need to go to bed no later than 22 hours, daily exercises, outdoor walks in a forest or park. Physical education in a non-competitive, non-normative mode, skates, cycling and, especially, swimming are good. A balanced diet includes everything you need - cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs, dried fruits, lean meat and fish, sweets within reasonable limits. Massage and tempering contrast procedures are also useful.

With all my heart I wish our children health and a “normal children's life”.

Painful questions of schoolchildren's parents - watch video

Material overview

1. Introduction.

Last academic year, in mathematics lessons, we studied the topic "Statistical characteristics". I really liked to calculate statistical characteristics for various series of numbers: arithmetic mean, median, range and mode.

Having become interested in this topic, I decided to find out what statistics are, how data is collected and how they are processed.

Each person should be well versed in the flow of information. This means that he must extract, analyze and process information, make decisions in various situations.

My research work will be relevant for the work of class teachers and parents. It may also be of interest to students of the school. In my work “Statistics of school diseases and their prevention”, I will present the results of statistical observations, analyze the collected data and present the results of their processing.

Object of study: students in grades 1-8 of my school.

Subject of study: student illnesses.

Purpose of the study: using statistical methods to investigate the health status of schoolchildren.

Research objectives:

1. Get acquainted with the types and methods of statistical observation and find out how statistical data are collected and grouped, how statistical information can be visually presented.

2. Collect and process the received information.

3. Interpret the results of statistical studies.

4. Visually present the information received.

Research hypothesis: I suppose that by conducting statistical observation my knowledge, supported by practical work, in the field of statistics will expand.

During the study, the following methods were used:

1. Study of literature and Internet sources.

2. Questioning students.

3. Statistical processing of the obtained data, analysis, comparison and generalization of the obtained results.

4. Conversation with the paramedic of the school.

2. Theoretical part.

2.1 Definition of statistics.

Statistics is a branch of knowledge that outlines the general issues of collecting, measuring and analyzing mass statistical (quantitative or qualitative) data.

The word "statistics" comes from the Latin status - the state of affairs. The term “statistics” was introduced into science by the German scientist Gottfried Achenwal in 1746, who proposed to replace the title of the course “Statistics”, taught at German universities, with “Statistics”, thereby laying the foundation for the development of statistics as a science and academic discipline.

According to the wording of 1833, "the purpose of statistics is to present facts in the most concise form."

Statistics gives signals of trouble in certain parts of the control mechanism, thus showing the need for feedback - control decisions. General principles and methods of scientific knowledge serve as a foundation for understanding and correct use of statistical methodology. So, the main task of statistics is to collect, record, process and store data (information) that reflect the course of social development.

There are a number of requirements for statistical information suitable for generalizations:

data should be as complete as possible, but not fragmentary, accidentally snatched;

data must be absolutely reliable and accurate;

data must comply with the principle of uniformity, comparability;

data must comply with the principle of timeliness (collection must be organized only at a strictly defined time, but in addition, the data must also be submitted as a matter of urgency).

Statistical information can be presented in a variety of forms, in the form of tables, charts, graphs. This allows:

Make a stronger impression than numbers;

It is better to comprehend the results of statistical observation;

Correctly interpret the results of statistical analysis;

Significantly facilitates the understanding of statistical material;

Makes it visual, expressive, concise, accessible.

Now statistics is considered as an independent scientific discipline. Statistics is a set of methods and principles according to which the collection, analysis, comparison, presentation and interpretation of numerical data is carried out.

The term "statistics" is used in two more senses. First, in everyday life, “statistics” is often understood as a set of quantitative data about a phenomenon or process. Secondly, a statistic is a function of the results of observations used to evaluate the characteristics and parameters of distributions and test hypotheses.

2.2 Types of statistics.

First came demographic statistics, medical statistics, economic statistics, then meteorological, biological, financial, tax, and so on. In the 20th century, mathematical statistics appeared, which has universal methods for collecting, storing and processing information for making various forecasts.

Mathematical statistics, the science of mathematical methods of systematization and use of statistical data for scientific and practical conclusions.
One of the main tasks of statistics is the processing of information. Of course, statistics have many other tasks: obtaining and storing information, developing various forecasts, and assessing their reliability.

2.3. Collection and processing of information.

The main method of collecting information is the method of statistical observation.

Statistical observation is the collection of necessary data on phenomena, processes of social life. But this is not just any collection of data, but only a planned, scientifically organized, systematic and aimed at recording features characteristic of the phenomena and processes under study. The final results of the study depend on the quality of the data obtained at the first stage.

Types of statistical observation:

Systematic observation - current: observation is carried out on the basis of primary documents containing information necessary for a fairly complete characterization of the phenomenon under study.

Statistical observation - periodic. An example is the population census.

Observation carried out from time to time - one-time.

Ways of statistical observation:

Depending on the sources of the collected information, observation is distinguished: direct, documentary, survey.

Direct observation is called an observation carried out by counting, measuring the values ​​of signs, taking instrument readings by special persons who carry out observations, in other words, by registrars.

Documentary observation is such observation when the answer to the questions of the observation form is recorded on the basis of relevant documents.

An interview is an observation in which the answers to the questions of the observation form are recorded from the words of the interviewee.

To generalize the systematization of data obtained in the course of statistical observation, they are divided into groups according to some criterion, and the results of the grouping are summarized in tables. ,

3. Practical part.

At our request, the school health worker provided us with data on the diseases that students in our school suffer from (medical examination results). To systematize the data, we have presented the results in the form of tables.

Table number 1. Primary classes.

Table number 2. Percentage of healthy children (primary grades).

From tables No. 1 and No. 2, we see that the fewest healthy children are among first grade students. The percentage of healthy children here is only 27. If we take all primary school students, then 49%, almost half of them, are only healthy children. We became interested in what diseases children suffer from.

Table number 3. Diseases of students (grades 1-4):

When we received the results, we were very surprised by them. After all, out of 88 children with some kind of disease, 52 of them have caries. As for the first grade students, out of 35 of them, 28 have caries. We wondered why we got such results? And what to do? It turns out that caries is one of the most common diseases in schoolchildren.

Having prepared a presentation on proper dental care, we went to class hours for our first graders. After telling them about how to properly care for their teeth, we decided to check how they care for their teeth. For this they needed

carefully read each of the listed rules for caring for your teeth (in brackets it says why they must be observed). And if they fulfill this or that rule, then opposite it is necessary to put “+”, if not, “-”. There were 12 rules.

After processing the obtained data, we presented the results in the form of a table.

Table number 4. Compliance with the rules by first graders.

Follow the rules

total person


1 to 3

4 to 6


7 to 9


10 to 12


From the data obtained, we see that only 16% of students take proper care of their teeth. 41% of them fulfill more than half of the rules.

The leaders in non-compliance are 3 rules:

They brush their teeth 2 times a day - after breakfast and dinner, only 9 out of 44 people, this is 20%.

After brushing their teeth, only 3 people massage their gums, which is 7%.

Try to eat less sugar, sweets, cookies 5 people, this is only 11%.

Having processed the data on diseases in grades 5-8, we also presented the results in the form of tables.

Table number 5. 5-8 grades.

Table number 6. Percentage of healthy children (grades 5-8).

After studying the data on diseases, we presented our results in the form of a table.

Table number 7. Diseases of students (grades 5-8):

Since the fewest healthy children are among the eighth grade students, we decided to look at what diseases these children suffer from. After processing the data on diseases for 8 classes, we presented the results in the form of tables.

Table number 8. Diseases of 8th grade students:


Total students




Excess body weight

visual impairment


Bronchial asthma

Chronic gastritis

Chronic periodontitis


Having processed all the data, choosing the most common diseases, we decided to compare the number of children suffering from them in primary and secondary grades, and then draw conclusions.

Table number 9. Comparison.


1-4 grades

5-8 grades


Posture disorder

visual impairment

Overweight and obesity


4. Disease prevention.

Reduced vision.

Most often, children's eyes suffer from myopia (myopia), when the child does not see well into the distance. Less commonly, children develop farsightedness (when the eyes see poorly up close), as well as astigmatism, a specific decrease in vision. Fertile ground for vision disorders - long-term visual work at close range: reading, writing, drawing, working at the monitor.

Falling vision in schoolchildren is rarely preventable. However, damage can be minimized. The best method of prevention is considered to be the correct organization of the workplace in combination with proper training and rest. Books and notebooks should be no closer than 30 cm from the eyes. Lighting plays a big role. Ideally, if the child sits by the window, when natural light falls from the left. At breaks, it is recommended to give your eyes a rest, and when you come home, you can’t rush to do homework or watch TV. It's best to take a walk.

It is necessary to train the muscles of the eyes with the help of simple exercises:

1. Close your eyes with force several times, and then open your eyes.

2. Rotate your eyes first clockwise and then counterclockwise.

3. Look up, down, left, right several times.

Exercises for the eye muscles should be done regularly throughout the day, and if you complain of eye fatigue, a feeling of pain or sand in them, you should contact an ophthalmologist.

Posture disorder.

Violation of posture is a consequence of prolonged sitting at the desk of schoolchildren. Many children stoop, shoulder blades stick out, shoulders are lowered.

Causes of stoop: students do not follow the correct fit at the desk. Habitual hunchback is fixed by a heavy satchel behind the shoulders and fatigue of the back muscles. The result is sad: with a strong deviation of the thoracic spine back - kyphosis ("hump"), and with a curvature to the side - scoliosis.

Children get tired faster and feel tension in the back and lower back. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose the right backpack, and you need to wear it on both shoulders and not overload it with textbooks. At the desk you need to sit straight, without leaning on it, the furniture should correspond to your height.

As an individual prevention, exercises with a gymnastic stick are good, which you need to press with your hands to your back in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and do exercises: walking around the room on socks, heels on the inner and outer surfaces of the feet; squats; tilts to the right and left, forward; turns left and right. Exercises with a load on the head are effective. A small bag of sand is placed on the crown of the head, which must be held while walking around the room and squatting.


To avoid the occurrence of caries, preventive measures should be taken. Prevention of caries is a whole range of measures aimed at preventing this disease, as well as increasing natural immunity in order to resist its development.

The main methods of prevention: adherence to the most correct diet; compliance with the basic rules of food intake and the targeted use of appropriate drugs for the prevention of caries.

Special toothpastes for the treatment of caries help to strengthen the mineral tissues of the tooth, and also prevent the formation of plaque due to the compounds of calcium, phosphorus and fluorine introduced into its composition. The preventive and therapeutic effect of special pastes is explained by the fact that fluorides applied topically increase the resistance of the tooth to all adverse effects. Fluorine, penetrating directly into the structure of tooth enamel, inhibits the formation of the microflora of the so-called soft plaque, fixes phosphorus-calcium compounds in hard dental tissues and creates the most durable fluorapatite system. The best toothpaste for caries is a paste that contains calcium and fluoride.

Nutrition should be as balanced as possible. There is no special diet for the prevention of caries, but certain rules must be followed. For example, it is recommended to minimize the consumption of foods that adversely affect tooth enamel, which include: cakes and chocolate; concentrated juices; soda. Sour apples should also not be abused. They not only violate the acidity of saliva, but also do not have the best effect on the stomach.


The main cause of excess weight is the so-called energy imbalance between consumed and expended calories. Factors contributing to the appearance of overweight and obesity are:

Improper diet with increased consumption of energy-intensive foods high in fat, carbohydrates and low in vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients;

Decrease in physical activity (sedentary nature of many forms of activity and rest, change in the way of movement).

Overweight in a child and its extreme degree - obesity lead to serious health problems and cause a number of serious diseases, including: cardiovascular, diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders.

If the weight of the child exceeds the established standard, then you should try to reduce it using such methods.

1. Diet. It is carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician or nutritionist. To reduce weight, you need to use a therapeutic, low-calorie diet.

Prevention of overweight.

The diet should be 5 times a day, and obese children are recommended to have a more fractional meal - up to 6-7 times a day with strict adherence to the regimen. The distribution of products during the day is very important for proper nutrition and prevention of overweight in a child. High-calorie foods rich in animal fats and proteins (meat, fish, eggs) should be included in the diet in the first half of the day. For dinner, foods that are easily digestible are recommended - dairy and vegetable. The children's diet should include all food groups, especially fruits and vegetables, both fresh and boiled - these are sources of dietary fiber. Children with a tendency to obesity are not recommended to eat semolina, pasta, white bread. It is not advisable for obese older children to eat fatty meats, but duck, goose, any sausages, sausages, etc. must be excluded. In addition, if you are overweight, you should limit the use of bananas, figs, dates, raisins, grapes, nuts, persimmons. It is very important how parents themselves relate to food. All family members should adhere to proper nutrition - this will become an important educational moment and the best prevention of obesity and overweight in a child.

Deficiency in body weight.

Many parents believe that a lack of weight is not bad, the child is not threatened with obesity and the lack of attention of the opposite sex. However, the lack of mass is no less dangerous than its excess.

But often teenagers themselves are malnourished - due to severe stress or in an attempt to meet the standards of beauty. Even if a teenager does not have extra pounds, the ways of self-esteem inherent in this age can lead to an overly critical attitude towards one's figure and attempts to correct it.

It all starts with "fast" and unbalanced diets. “Permanently losing weight in teenage girls is a problem that starts with a fad diet, and then can move into the category of mental illness. A growing organism receives less vitamins and whole groups of nutrients and is forced to slow down its development. In a teenager, muscle mass decreases, bone growth, sexual development may be disturbed, and brain function may suffer. All these changes lead to chronic diseases and require long-term treatment.

5. Conclusions on the study.

Having examined the diseases of students, using the data that the school health worker provided us, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. Eyes are an indicator of how we look at the world. We see that there is a deterioration in students' vision and the reasons for this may be different. One of the main reasons is too much stress on the organs of vision. Previously, children spent all their free time in the yard, but now they cannot be torn off from TVs, computers, phones, tablets. Another reason is the malnutrition of children, even in wealthy families. Many children do not like cottage cheese, carrots, eggs. As a result, the child's body does not receive all the vital macro- and microelements and vitamins necessary for normal vision.

2. The number of children with overweight or obesity in the middle level has also increased, almost twice. Obesity has become a major health problem for children and adolescents. A child who is overweight or obese is more likely to be overweight or obese in adulthood. It is difficult to single out any one factor or reason that led the child to obesity. Obesity is associated with many factors, with human habits, lifestyle and environment. Genetics and certain diseases also increase a person's chances of being overweight. Children today are surrounded by many foods and things that make it easy to overeat and deprive them of activity, and parents have less time to prepare healthy meals.

3. Along with overweight, among students in grades 5-8 there are those who are underweight and there are quite a few of them.

With a lack of weight, the body experiences a lack of nutrients, and the bones do not experience sufficient weight load, so the bone mass does not develop and does not gain the desired density. The reasons for this can be very different, including the banal malnutrition of teenage girls, who initially have some problems with the figure.

4. Based on the fact that such a large number of students in our school have caries, we can draw the following conclusion: many parents tend to believe that dental caries in children is not a serious and not dangerous phenomenon. After all, they still have milk teeth, which will fall out sooner or later, which means that this disease should not be treated. But as far as the children themselves are concerned, these questionnaires indicate that very few of the students properly care for their teeth.

6. Conclusion.

Thus, after conducting our research work, I realized that in order to make information easier to perceive, it can be presented in the form of tables, diagrams. We used these reporting methods to analyze the study of student diseases in my school.

In the course of the study, I carried out statistical observation, learned to systematize, visualize data, generalize and draw conclusions. I think that the knowledge gained while working on this topic will be useful to me in further studies and in life.

This work can be used for the work of class teachers and parents. Its results may be of interest to the students themselves.




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If you do not keep the child in a vacuum and do not invite teachers home to teach him, one way or another you will have to send the child to school, where a lot of new things await him, including diseases that are typical for any average student.

The most popular diseases do not change from year to year, most of them are typical for middle and high school students, but if you teach your child the rules of personal hygiene from childhood, adjust the daily routine, given that many problems can be avoided. Add here hardening, sports, a favorable emotional atmosphere in the family - and you can practically not worry: even if some kind of “infection” clings, your child is not afraid of it.

And yet, you need to know the enemy in person:

: various inflammatory diseases of the gastric mucosa, this is a disease of a change in diet and stress, which is often noted in the school life of children. Symptoms of gastritis can vary greatly, but if the child has lost his appetite, there are changes in the stool, is irritable, pale, complains of general poor health, consult a doctor. In each case, the necessary treatment will be prescribed, but the general recommendation is a sparing diet. " Violation of the diet is the main cause of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The child should eat three times a day, at least once a knock - a hot dish. If the child complained several times of abdominal pain or nausea, refused to eat, or there were cases of indigestion - dysbacteriosis may develop, you should contact a specialist”, - advises pediatrician Viktor Anatolyevich Kaminsky.

: curvature of the spine, rapidly progressive and often found in children from 6 to 15 years. Scoliosis in our country is treated very indifferently, but meanwhile, the health of many internal organs depends on the condition of the spine, not to mention posture and gait. Causes of scoliosis: heavy backpacks, sedentary mode, lack of physical activity, height of tables and / or chairs disproportionate to the height of the child, incorrect body position at the desk. An examination by an orthopedic surgeon is indicated. Treatment: preventive and therapeutic gymnastics.

: a visual defect in which a person has difficulty seeing objects that are at some distance from him. Despite the fact that myopia is predominantly a hereditary disease, it is increasingly the result of prolonged visual work at close range. More than 15% of schoolchildren suffer from myopia, and in universities this percentage is already twice as high. Modern school practice, especially in the lower grades, involves frequent transplantation of children for vision correction. At home, the child should study in good light, not read in the dark, it is worth limiting contact with the TV, computer, even frequent use of tablets and phones affects vision. For elementary school children, regular examinations by an ophthalmologist are required at least once a year.

ENT diseases: "fashionable" diseases, increasingly common among schoolchildren of different ages, laryngitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis ... Most of these diseases develop against the background of overheating or hypothermia of the child. With changes in behavior, sore throat, coughing, runny nose, poor appetite, you should consult a doctor. For diagnosis and treatment, consultation with an otolaryngologist is necessary.

: the range of these diseases begins with the standard children's "rubella" and ending with influenza of all stripes. In case of any viral disease, it is extremely important to consult a doctor in time, isolate the child and wait for his full recovery before returning him back to the team.

« Stress there is a non-specific response of the body to any demand presented to it, ”wrote Hans Selye, a famous Canadian endocrinologist. You can't think of a better definition for this state of affairs. And, despite the beliefs of some adults, school-age children are no less susceptible to it. More than one dissertation has been written about the stressful state of children, but here is a list of materials that will help parents understand this complex topic:

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Neurocirculatory (vegetovascular) dystonia- it's not a disease. Common in our time among both children and adults, the diagnosis of "VVD" is a complex of symptoms of various diseases. " Changes in pressure, hypersensitivity or apathy, sleep disturbance, irritability - all these are symptoms of VVD, the result of a decrease in the physical activity of children. The child moves less, there is a deposition of salts and pinching of certain nerves, there are disturbances in the work of the musculoskeletal system, blood circulation, and, as a result, in the work of the nervous system. It is necessary to reduce the time spent by the child in a sitting position, in front of a book, at a computer or TV. It is important to alternate periods of study and play, physical activity, spend more time outdoors, run, jump, etc.., - comments the pediatrician.

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