World Environment Day event "environmental mosaic". The scenario of the fairy tale-caricature "Environmental Day World Environment Day holiday script

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 29 "Zhuravushka", the city of Surgut

on environmental education for the summer period

within the framework of the thematic week "All Peaceful Environment Day" Earth is our common home "


Pechnikova O. E.

Scenario entertainment

"World Environment Day"

for children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old)


To consolidate children's knowledge of nature, about careful and caring attitude to nature


Educational area "Cognition"

Clarify, systematize and deepen knowledge about animate and inanimate nature, respect for it

To form the ability to independently solve environmental problems

Educational area "Safety"

Contribute to the formation in children of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcorrect behavior in nature

Educational area "Health"

Learn how to interact with nature


illustration material : flowers, trees, mountains, rivers, fields, sun, air, sky;

environmental signs;

audio recordings "Sounds of Nature",

riddles about nature


Leading: Do you know what day is celebrated in our country today? Today is World Environment Day. What is "environment"? (flowers, trees, mountains, rivers, fields, sun, air, sky).

Guess the riddle:

No beginning, no end

No head, no face

But everyone knows: both young and old,

That she is a huge ball. (Earth)

Leading: Nature hides many secrets and mysteries from us. But we are an inquisitive people and any secrets are revealed to us! They learned interesting information about the life of plants and animals from books, looked at pictures, illustrations about nature. Therefore, we know the answers to many “WHY?”, “WHY?”, “WHERE?”, “WHAT?”, and “WHY?”.

To do this, we suggest that you remember everything that you know about the life of plants, birds, insects and animals.

You need to answer as many questions as possible.

What is one word called animals that live next to a person? (Homemade.)

Fly, mosquito, butterfly, dragonfly, ant - who is it? (Insects)

Crow, starling, sparrow, swallow - who is it? (Birds)

What tree has a white trunk? (By the birch)

What is the name of the house of ants? (Anthill.)

How many legs does a beetle have? (Six.)


(at the hedgehog.)

Who wears his house on his back? (Snail.)

What animal has quills? (at the hedgehog.)

Is the lion a wild or domestic animal? (Wild.)

Carp, pike, catfish, perch - this is .. (fish)

What animal has a red coat? (At squirrels, foxes.)

What is the name of a baby pig? (Pig.)

What bird heals trees? (Woodpecker.)

What is the name of the house for birds, made by hand

human? (Birdhouse.)

What plant helps to heal a wound? (Plantain.)

What bird has a red breast? (At the bullfinch.)

4th situation

After the rain, the children went for a walk in the yard.

Look how many worms!

Let's collect them and scare the girls!

Let's go see where the girls are!

Leave the jar of worms closed.

Educator. Did the guys do the right thing?

Children. Worms cannot be collected, they have their own role in nature. They loosen the ground so that the roots of plants breathe, some animals feed on them.

Musical break "Guess whose sound"

Leading includes an audio recording with sounds of nature.

Children guess:

  1. sounds of the rain,

  2. Birdsong,

  3. snowstorm,

  4. wind noise,

  5. woodpecker knock,

  6. cow moo,

  7. cuckoo,

  8. snow crunch,

  9. cat purring,

  10. dog's bark

  11. sound of the sea.
Leading: And now let's play the game "Show by movements":

  1. how birds collect branches and build nests,

  2. how snow swirls during a blizzard,

  3. how a bear crawls out of its den in spring,

  4. like an autumn leaf falls to the ground,

  5. like a hare drumming on a stump with its paws,

  6. how grass grows

  7. like a fox sniffing out prey,

  8. how it rains.
Questions about plants:

What is grass for? (for beauty, insects live, as animal feed, fragrant substances for making perfumes, purifies the air).

What is the difference between coniferous trees and deciduous trees? (in coniferous trees instead of leaves - needles, needles, they are not afraid of frost).

Which tree stays green in summer and winter? (fur tree, pine tree).

What are the benefits of trees? ( tree leaves collect dust and dirt, enrich the air with pure oxygen).

Questions about animals:

Nature: Now come all with me

Let's hide in the silence of the forest.

Nature's life will show you

I'll tell you a little about her...

/ go to the site of the senior group /

/Nature speaks against the background of quiet smooth music, the children disperse to their places. Flower girls remain in the center of the site /

Nature: See: in the morning dew

Flowers rise in all their glory

They are slowly coming to life

For you, they begin their dance.

"Dance of Flowers"

/ Byaka-Zakalyaka appears at the final bars of the music /

B.-Z. What are those ugly flowers? /pulls them, pinches/

Ugh, nasty sheets!

I am Byaka-Zakalyaka, a fighter and a bully,

I do not like beauty, I will destroy all the flowers!

When I come here with a bag, I'll tear them all out with a spine!

/Trying to "pull out" one of the flowers, the flowers ask for help from the children/

Flower: Flowers of the forest, field,

We are beautiful when we are alive

But if we are torn off, then it is clear

We will wither, the beauty will fade. /flowers bow their heads/

Nature: Oh, children, you help them

And chase Zakalyaka away.

Boy/app. to B-Z / Well, run away from here as soon as possible

Otherwise it will be bad for you!

B.-Z. Oh, I can't! Isn't it from you? / Laughs, clicks the boy on

You can hardly handle me! nose, steps on it /

/ other boys run up /

Boys: We will be able to protect the flowers

We will all defeat you together.

/B-Zak. retreats from flowers /

B-Z. Ah, there you are! That is OK!

I see you are kind and brave.

I'll go to other children.

Nature: It is time for you to understand that good is stronger than evil!

You leave immediately and do no more harm to us!

/B-Zak. leaving/

Nature: That's right, boys, don't let the grass tread,

And don't let anyone pick flowers

And about this, children, you tell

To all people in the world.

  • I will collect flowers in a bouquet,
    Chamomile - You, chamomile - I,
    But daisies are our children!
    Chamomile is a strong family!

  • What a strange hum and ringing
    Is it distributed outside the window?
    So loudly laughing
    White and blue bell!
    If the sun bakes
    He sings the song softly.
    A strong wind blows -
    The song is sung loudly.

  • roadside dandelion,
Was like the golden sun

But faded and became like

On fluffy white smoke.

  • Peony bloomed in the garden
    And surprised by the beauty
    He is covered with dew
    He looks furtively at us.

  • golden sunflower,
    Petals are rays.
    He is the son of the sun
    And a cheerful cloud.
    In summer, our sunflowers -
    Like a colored flashlight.
    In the autumn we are black
    Give a seed.
/children put a prohibition sign on the flower garden/

Nature: I see a good heart in you

And we will continue on our way.

/Go to the trees/

Only a ray of sun, gliding through the fir,

Will gild the pine forest,

So you will hear joyful bird trills from all sides.

These songs are not in vain: Chik-chirik ... tilim ... shadow-shadow

So it will be a beautiful day

Sunny summer day!

Nature: Oh, look, the bird is flying.

Game - staging based on the poem by A. Pchelnikova "BIRD"

Children. Oh, you got it, bird, stop!

You will not leave the network:

We will not part with you for anything in the world!

/Children walk in a circle, holding hands. Stop/.

Birdie. Oh. Why, why do you need me, little children?

Let fly, untie the net!

/ The bird flaps its wings, slightly crouching, tilting its head /

Children. Let's not let go, bird, no! Stay with us:

We will give you sweets, Tea with crackers...

/Children walk out of the circle, stop/

Birdie. Ah, I don’t peck sweets, I don’t like tea:

In the field I catch midges, I collect grains ...

/ The bird shakes its head, leans forward slightly,

spreading his arms to the sides, “pecks grains” /

Children. There you will freeze in the winter somewhere on a branch:

And with us, you will live in a golden cage!

/Children walk in a circle, stop/

Birdie. ABOUT! Do not be afraid: I will fly away to a warm land in winter

And in captivity - a bright paradise will be my prison.

/ The bird runs in a circle /

Children. Bird, bird! How could we love you!

They wouldn’t let you be sad: everyone would caress you.

/Children show, stop/

Birdie. I believe, children, but your caresses are harmful to us:

With them I would close my eyes forever

/ The bird flaps its wings, crouching slightly /

Children. True true! You are a bird, you will not bear bondage ...

Well, so God is with you - fly and live in freedom!

/ Children walk out of the circle, stops, the bird runs to the edge of the circle,

breaks it and "flies" to freedom /

Nature: I see you all understood that you can't catch birds. They are the nurses of the forest. The earth would be empty without them.

/Children put a prohibition sign near the tree /

Nature: Children, why are birds called orderlies of the forest?

Children: 1. Birds destroy harmful insects,

2. Do not let the plants get sick.

Nature: And who else is called the orderlies of the forest?

Children: Ants!

Nature: Right! I continue my story

And I'll show you now

Forest worker ants.

  1. The ant must not be lazy, the ant lives by labor:
He drags both the bug and the caterpillar to his underground home.

  1. As you will see that he is in a hurry on his way
Don't hurt him, don't touch him!

Song about the Ant

/Children put a prohibition sign near the anthill/

Nature: Guys, let's imagine ourselves as hardworking ants and play a game.

The game "Whose anthill is the most hardworking"

Nature: Guys, let's look through binoculars at that river over there.

Performance "Fish run from the river"

1 child Oh guys look

Ruffs, perches and crucians run across the fields.

2 children Maybe we are in a fairy tale? Or is it just a dream?

Chukovsky read all this in Confusion.

3 children No, guys, it's not a dream and not a fairy tale at all

Here pike, catfish are running towards us, we will ask them everything.

1 child Pike, catfish, tell me, where are you in a hurry?

/Children put prohibition signs on the river/

Pike. Thank you, friends! We return then.

And lakes and seas are your best friends

All together: Take care of them always!

Nature: Our children are smart and kind, they will not offend nature.

1 child Kindness is for everyone

May there be more good

Well, the evil one does not look at

Everything fades from an evil look

2 children Let's be serious with you, not for the game

To all animals and people are kind, kind, kind!

To make our world look like apples in bloom

Give, give, passers-by, warmth and kindness!
Nature: Thank you children for your poetry!

Let evil disappear from the world

Let children be friends with nature!

After all, hares and foxes, insects and birds,

And living plants - all relatives are brothers to people!

Try not to offend them, love, cherish and respect

Let there be a huge world without interference - one for all!
Song "Song of Nature"

Nature: I want to thank everyone

I give you such a disk,

This disc is not easy,

It contains my gift

Nature generously rewards everyone,

Who does not offend her, but protects and protects.

Take a gift and go to the kindergarten with it.

Children: Thanks!

Direct educational activities in ecology

with older preschool children

Topic: "Nature is our common home"

Program content:


Generalize and systematize children's knowledge about saving and protecting the environment

Integration of educational areas

"Health" - to develop in children independence, responsibility and understanding of the importance of correct behavior for the protection of their lives and health. To form ideas about the relationship between nature and man and the impact of the environment on health

"Security" - h strengthening ideas about situations that are dangerous for humans and the environment and how to behave in them

"Socialization" - with contribute to the development of ecological culture of children

"Knowledge" - develop logical thinking, memory, speech

"Reading fiction" - contribute to the formation of an emotional attitude to literary works, expressive reading of poetry


practical, playful, visual, auditory, verbal


immersion in the game

group teamwork

conversation, riddles

voice and emotional modulation


physical education minute

preliminary work

View multimedia presentation with conversations about nature

Examination of illustrations, albums on the topic: "Nature", compiling stories from pictures

Conducting didactic games: “Who lives where”, “Who is superfluous”

Conducting outdoor games

Game situations according to the rules of dealing with nature

Health saving technologies



"Listen to the sounds of the forest"


a laptop

Educational Resources

The project of the main educational program "Success" edited by N.V. Fedina

Lesson progress

Educator: Good afternoon dear children! Did you know June 5th is World Environment Day.

We live on the beautiful planet Earth. Most of the globe is covered with water - oceans and seas (show a picture of the sea ...), a smaller part is solid land. Both on land and in water many plants grow, different animals live. Everyone on Earth has a place, everyone has their own home. All living beings need clean water, clean land, clean air. Today we have gathered to clarify our knowledge about nature, to expand it, to consolidate it.

Presentation viewing.

(Environmental protection; Animals; Natural phenomena)

Our further lesson with you will take place on the site of our kindergarten (we are going to the street).

Educator: Let's stand in a semicircle.

Guys, tell me, what is the name of our planet? (Children answer: Earth) And what form does it have? (ball) True ball shape. Only this ball is so big, and it takes many months to go around it. I also want to show you a model of our land. (teacher shows a globe) Now I will give it to you each to hold.

(Quiet music sounds, educator reads a poem):

Our home, our common home,

The land where we live.
You just look around.
Here is a river, there is a green beam,
You will not pass in the dense forest!
You will not find water in the desert:
And somewhere the snow lies a mountain,
And somewhere hot in winter,
We can't count miracles,
They have one name
Forests and mountains and seas,
Everything is called earth.
And if we take off into space,
That from the rocket window
You will see the ball there is blue
Favorite planet.

Educator: Guys, we got a letter. Let's read. We are offered to play a TV game. Are you willing to take part in the game?

Children: Yes

Educator: Then I'll be the leader. And you are part of the game. Before the start of the game, we will split into two teams and let you come up with a nature-related name for your team, choose a captain. And, of course, we will get acquainted with the rules.

  1. You can't shout out.

  2. Answers are taken in turn. For the correct answer, the team receives a smiley.

  3. At the end of the game, count the emoticons. The one with the most emoticons wins.
Well, of course the theme of the game is "Nature"

The first team is "Daisies", the second is "Violets".

Everyone is ready to start our game.

Children: Yes.

Educator: First task

Task number 1

1. Tell me, why do we need water? (Drink, bathe, animals and plants need water).

2. What can you tell us about water? What is it like? (Fresh, drinking, purified, mineral, cloudy, dirty).

3. Name the domestic birds that can swim? (goose, duck)

4. Guys, tell me, is it possible to burn garbage? (No, it will give off harmful smoke). What about digging into the ground? (Not everything rots in the ground).

5. What is necessary for the growth and development of plants? (earth, water, light, air, heat).

6. How should water be conserved? (Save water, do not pollute).

Task number 2

1 team

Why are animals called wild?

(children's answers)

They get their own food;

Build a home;

Adapt to the environment

Saved from enemies.

2 team

Why are animals called pets?

(children's answers)

Man takes care of them;

They don't care about food;

They live in finished dwellings.

Task number 3


How should we take care of the birds?

Each team must answer in turn, the answers must be complete, detailed. (We must hang feeders. We must not destroy the feeders. Do not forget to feed the birds.)

Task number 4

Educator: And now I will make riddles for you. , whose team will respond faster. We don't shout, we raise our hands.

1. Our younger brothers living in the forest (BEASTS)

2. A nimble inhabitant of the forest stole a cabbage leaf.

His eyelashes are trembling, is there a fox somewhere? (HARE)

3. He looks like a sheepdog,

Whatever a tooth is a sharp knife,

He runs with his mouth bared

Ready to attack the sheep (WOLF)

Lives on trees

And chews nuts. (SQUIRREL)


Educator: Clap your hands if plants grow in our area, and if they don’t grow then be silent.


The task№5

Draw an animal in motion

1 team will depict us (a bear and a hare)

Team 2 will depict us (butterfly and frog).

Educator: Well done, this concludes our TV game, let's count the emoticons with you.

(Music plays, the teacher counts emoticons with the children)

And so guys, what kind of team did we win?

Children: friendship

Educator: Of course friendship. Guys, you made me very happy with your answers, well done, and now there is a musical pause.


"The bear has a big house"

The bear has a big house - we make a roof with our hands

He looks out his window - we make a window with our hands

Bunny runs across the field, knocks on the door to him - depicting running in place.

Knock Knock! Open the door! - knock and open the door - two palms to the sides

There's an evil hunter in the forest! - we show an evil hunter - we frown our eyebrows and hands up.

Bunny, Bunny, Run! - we invite you, we wave our hand - COME IN!

Give me paw! - give a "paw"


And now I will repeat the rules of behavior in the forest:






We think that today we have learned a lot and understood that we must love and protect our Earth - our huge common home.

Don't hurt a bird or a cricket!

Do not buy a net for a butterfly!

Love flowers, forests, expanse of fields -

Everything that is called your Motherland!

Let's all walk around our site together and hang posters. (Protect the environment).

Ecological KVN


"Man is a friend of nature"


reinforce children's knowledge of their native nature

to form in children a steady interest in nature through an emotional attitude

Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, respect for partners and rivals in the game

Teach children to follow the rules of the game, the ability to listen to the answers of comrades and supplement them

Develop speed of reaction, ingenuity, logical thinking

Captivate children and evoke a joyful experience from joint team activities


board, 2 small tables

team emblems for each participant

signs-drawings expressing environmental problems

magnetic board

images of wintering, migratory and domestic birds


green tokens

phonogram of the noise of rain, thunderstorm, storm

(Based on Russian and non-Russian fairy tales)
1 Buffoon -
2 Buffoons -
1 FROG -
2 FROG -
TV presenter -
KING - the side of that sovereign. LIZON EDWARD
QUEEN - oh, and a cool girl! GANTSEVA KSENIA
PRINCESS VARVARA - well, I don’t know who she is a couple! BUDARINA YANA

I suggest visiting a friendly resource where you can find many congratulations, such as congratulations on the Student's Day and many others.

The curtain is closed. Music sounds
On the proscenium, in front of the curtain, buffoons jump out,
1 Buffoon: Hello, hello, dear viewers!
2 Buffoon: A funny fairy tale, see if you want?
1 Buffoon: A fairy tale is a caricature, not for every figure!
2 Buffoon: Who is timid, let him not look.
1 Buffoon: The first picture, well, very nervous!
Sounds like a melody from the cartoon "Flying Ship"
The buffoons simultaneously open the curtain.
A lake is depicted on the stage, fog swirls, reeds, rare lilies are visible, Vodyanoy sits on a stump. buffoons are dancing
Vodyanoy (addressing the audience):
- We all need to plunge into a fairy tale together,
What if it's dangerous? (Gun shots sound) I'll put on a helmet! (puts a bright orange construction helmet on his head, Buffoons fall to the floor)
Two frogs run out onto the stage, stand on both sides of Vodyanoy, wave a fan at him.
Buffoons: Water, what happened? Who was shooting?
Frogs: Who shot? Who was shooting?
Vodyanoy (addressing Skomorokhs): Poachers, they don’t want our fairy tale to begin
Buffoons sit on the edge of the stage
The waterman sits, does not pay attention to Skomorokhov, looks around and sings sadly (turns to the audience, then to the frogs):
— I am Water, I am Water, well, what have you done to me!
There is diesel fuel inside me, and in the beard there is a jar (shakes his beard)
Fu, how disgusting, eh, my life is a tin! (sighs)
And it was better before, people came to visit,
And even three Mermaids...
1 Buffoon: (exchanging offended glances): Are we not people to you or what?
2 Buffoon: Water, you need to start a fairy tale, and you are crying. We will sing to you now about the Ufa environmental problems, it is immediately clear what needs to be done.
Sounds Song
Hello friends, we are back to visit you!
Such a wonderful day has come, we love everyone very much, everyone
Yes, yes, yes, and you, of course,
There are a lot of us here, we welcome you,
Let's talk about water, we have a lot of problems here,
Yes, yes, yes, some problems
Ecologists everywhere have had a hard life,
Some solid disasters, that's the way things are!
Yes, yes, yes, things are like that
PR: The fish in the river died, The hustle has dried up, la - la-la-la-la,
Chlorine with dioxin, and now with gasoline we drink a long time ago,
But we'll get through anyway!
The gloomy cloud will melt, the sun will come out again,
And someone harmful will become good, if you really wish,
Yes, yes, yes, everything is possible!
Together with you at the premiere we will light the sun,
After all, all global problems are easier to solve together,
Yes, yes, yes much easier
Pr: We wish you all joy, good luck, la, la, la, la, la,
Everything will be cool and let no one cry la, la, la, la, la,
Vodyanoy: (enlivening) Yes, very good words, rewrite, I will learn. Environmental pollution is now a topic. But I don't know what to report to Neptune!
The merman takes a deep breath, drives away the frogs, addresses the audience and the Buffoons.
The soundtrack "sounds of nature" sounds, the sound of water, the croaking of frogs
“It’s dangerous even to look at our rivers, let alone swim!” I sent Mermaids there, to clean the bottom, Kikimora went to frighten poachers, Divers clean the river banks, everything is in business, I alone have no one to save. At least someone looked!
1 Buffoon: Look out, someone is running towards you, you will have work.
2 Buffoon: Start a fairy tale. And we are leaving.
buffoons run away
They do not have time to utter the last words, as an old man runs out of the right wings, falls to his knees on the fabulous shore and shouts:
Old man: - Help me, Water!
My old woman got angry
Yesterday, ka-a-k will wave a stick at me ...
Vodyanoy (perking up): What did you want to hit on the top of your head?
Old man (sighing): Lower back, heart twisted,
Before she could turn around (pause) ...
Water (takes out ingredients from under the stump, passes to the old man and comments):
Give granny sea cabbage,
(Thoughtfully) Yarrow, calamus,
Five pounds, or maybe (yawning) more ...
Don't forget the leeches... fatter!...
Old man (looks hesitantly at the gifts):
And what, will my old woman feel better? (pause) ... (reviving, she turns to the hall) Only her head is not good enough,
Quick, grit, make me rich!
(turns again to Vodyanoy) Otherwise, I’ll heat it up, already with a shovel!
Water (laughing): Well, old man, are you afraid of a shovel?
Yes, okay (strokes his beard)
I will give you a recipe, I am noble;
Take some fresh dirt
Add frog and honey
And make an old sandwich!…
Old man (waves his hands, with fear):
Better not need a prescription
I will return home without funds!
Thank you, Waterboy!
The old man runs away
Vodyanoy: Well, he left, he didn’t even take a prescription, no one needs me! What to report to Neptune?
Vodyanoy, with sadness, looking after his grandfather, howls again:
- I am a Water, I am a Water
Grandfather does not want to be friends with me
I remember a year ago
I was happy and rich.
Startled, he takes out his phone and yells happily:
— Hello, hello, depths? Send me sardines
It's high time to dine (sighs), but the guests don't come!
Hangs up and trumpets sadly, dancing on the spot (to the motive of the song “I have golden mountains):
- I have golden mountains, and there is what to eat, and there is what to drink!
But still I'm sitting here long enough to have someone to talk to!
Revives, addresses the audience:
Someone is coming towards me
Or maybe float?
Ali can ride?
Yes, and does it matter to me, (Makes his palm a visor, looks into the distance, recognizes the guest)
Yes, this is a guest ... that was a long time ago!
Then - then, a couple of days ago, I was very happy with him!
Divers, in tutus, family (bright) shorts, fins and masks, run out onto the stage. Soundtrack sounds. There is a dance of divers.
Vodyanoy (laughs): Well done guys, I have been waiting for you for a long time, they pleased the old man so much, they respected you. Did you complete the task? Have you cleared the river banks? Thank you from all the river dwellers. (Divers give Vodyanoy binoculars and run away from the stage) Well, where did you run? They would have danced. (Turns to the audience)
From such fun, how can you get sick?
After all, there are good days, why not sit still?
Maybe someone else will come
Or at least swim ... or just go in ... Eh! Everybody left. But they left me a present. Now I see far too. (shows a gift to the audience)
Buffoons enter the stage to Vodyany
1 Buffoon (addressing the audience): The second picture, foreign
2 Buffoon (referring to Waterman): Waterman, turn on the TV!
Vodyanoy: Huh?
1 Buffoon: Yes, turn on the TV already, you wanted to see how we protect nature, clean the environment, so turn on the TV. Look what's going on in the world. Our reporters are broadcasting from the Congo.
Water: Well - well, well - well.
The waterman points the TV remote at the back screen, the Buffoons run away from the stage.
A projection of the nature of the Congo appears on the back of the stage, and an announcer sitting in the bushes with a microphone in his hand.
An announcer is broadcasting on the TV screen: - What you will see now is happening in the Congo now, (rises slightly from the bushes, hears a lion's roar, quickly hides back) or maybe not happening, or maybe not now ...
Melody "In the world of animals." The announcer "leaves" the screen, but the projection of nature continues
D.T: Hello, hello, dear friends! We are broadcasting live from the reed beds in one of the National Parks of the Republic of the Congo, and I am glad to greet you!
He is interrupted by a Papuan jumping out of the thickets, jumping around the announcer in a recitative, to the beat of a drum he says:
P: What is Congo?, it's a lot of light,
This jungle is a wild forest, this is a lot of wonders
It's clouds in the sky, it's a fast river
This is a hundred roads in the jungle, for fast tourist feet!
African folk music sounds, the Papuan runs up to the announcer, jumps around and says something
D.T (addressing the audience): Well, it’s just impossible to broadcast, this person is telling me something, I don’t have time to understand. I'll have to ask him how to get out of here? Hey where are you man? (Papuan disappears from view) I'll have to broadcast, I'm a hero, (announcer straightens up proudly) if they don't eat me, then I can finish the live broadcast! Right behind me, you see? )
The President of the Republic of the Congo appears on the screen, with a briefcase in his hands, the US Secretary of State - Colin Power meets him, they shake hands, the presenter comments:
D.T (speaking in a quick recitative, addressing the audience): Now I will translate into Russian what they are talking about: The permanent President of the Congo, Mr. Omar Bongo (the one on the right), founded so far only 13 National Parks, and this is 10% of the entire territory of the country, and everywhere, believe me, wild - but cute little animals run freely. Among them - Okapi, a rare species of giraffes, manatees - relatives of extinct sea cows, the famous five: pygmy hippos, African elephants, buffaloes, leopards, lions. And also, rare birds fly! large parrots, crowned eagle, Gaboon viper - rare poisonousness. but, fortunately, she does not fly. Lord, here you have to look both ways, otherwise just gape, someone will either bite or devour. One of the first tourists was the US Secretary of State - Colin Power (the one on the left) ... Now you see him on your screens.
The President and the Secretary of State, in front of your eyes, are signing a document on the protection of great apes, (they part and say goodbye to the viewers.)
DT (addressing the audience): And at the same time, when the meeting was held at the Highest level, in another place, the elders of the Baka tribe gathered for a council. I will not only tell you about this, but I will also show you, I was there at the same time, that’s what the technology has come to! (turns to the audience) The tribes were solving the most important problem of how to save the Congo River basin and its forests from poachers. The people of the tribes have repeatedly applied to Greenpeace and WWF, but to no avail, so the Elders decided to resort to the "Dance of the Shamans" ...
Papuans appear on the screen. African music sounds. Dance
D.T (looks sadly after the Papuans): But they danced well, it’s a pity it wasn’t enough, otherwise look, the animals ran again! Only their people dispersed, and on you, if only to have time to finish the transfer!
DT (on half-bent legs makes his way to the proscenium): So, we continue the most direct broadcast in the world from the Republic of the Congo! Dear friends, you see how freely wild - but undoubtedly cute little animals live here! People are worse, they, in the end, were not listed in the Red Book, but more on that later! We return to our topic. Here, for example, a crocodile, it is quite a bit wild, or again, take a hippo, the same is a little bit wild, only it comes very close to me! (A-A-A-A, go away, get out of here! Phew (wipes his forehead) it’s good that my heart is strong! (A Papuan with a bow appears on the stage) Look, someone has come to hunt! Help... (voice fades, noise on the screen)
Vodyanoy (rises on a stump in excitement): Hey, did they gobble it up? No, I do not agree, return the announcer! Ale!
Buffoons run out onto the stage.
1 Buffoon (addressing Vodyanoy): Don't shout, Vodyanoy, look out, announcer with a group of environmentalists.
2 Buffoon: Listen to the song.
Girls in the form of environmentalists appear on the screen with a song
Columbia Pictures.
I remember a happy moment in my childhood,
Pure and beautiful was our continent,
But people stopped protecting nature
And everything was polluted.
Now we decide together from spring to spring,
How can we avoid this common misfortune?
And we have terrible dreams at night
about the ecological crisis.
Columbia Pictures does not represent
As in Africa it is bad for animals,
Nature is perishing in danger.
The TV screen turns off. On the stage, the gun highlights the Vodyanoy
WATER: Father, what only does not happen in the world! How technology has advanced! Announcer, well done, what a place to climb! Is it that we are defending the Congo? There will be something to report to Neptune. (The merman heard footsteps) Wait, about the Congo later, I seem to have guests again
Soundtrack "Golden Key"
There, look, it seems like someone is trampling on the shore,
I might be able to help...
The merman rides up closer on his stump and joyfully exclaims
- Yes, this is my dear Tartilla!
Turtle Tartilla appears on the lake, in a huge chair
Tartilla: Hello, Vodyanoy, long time no see! And look at me, what artist came to me, he is from the theater of Carrabas - Barrabas, the son of Papa Carlo, I have known him for a long time, now I will introduce you.
Vodyanoy: And what is he singing there? Let's listen.
Pinocchio in a basin with a balalaika in his hands, approaches Vodyanoy and Tartilla, loudly sings ditties:
Pinocchio: In the swamp, on the bitch, bitten by a mosquito - a flea,
A hare sits on a birch, dies with laughter!
Live more fun, do what's weirder
Whoever was born cheerful is not familiar with grief!
Eh, stamp your foot, do not spare your boot,
Tyatka will sew new ones if he sews these! (tries to dance in the pelvis)
The water laughs.
Vodyanoy (turns to Pinocchio): Let's play something else, be more fussy!
Tartilla stops the naughty Pinocchio with a sign
Tartilla (referring to Pinocchio):
Whom I see, Pinocchio, has not come to me for a long time!
And wow, he hasn't changed... Why did you wake me up?
I lived for a long time, 300 years, I can give an answer to everything
What - where - why, where - from where, do you need my advice?
Pinocchio: I really need your advice, Tartilla, help!
Durrimar - the mustachioed villain - completely ruined nature,
Our, native leeches, he gave to the Americans!
For the Chinese - seaweed, for the Indians - scalps from jellyfish!
French frog legs,
He does business with them
Nature is dying, help
Tartilla (smiling): What do you want for yourself?
Pinocchio (thinking):
I don't need anything, only freedom for Malvina,
(Although she is a full-blown fool!) Happiness for Pierrot, And Artemon!
Tartilla (gives Pinocchio a large golden key):
I will give you a golden key, from the secret door
You will get to ecologists, they will help, trust me!
Pinocchio: Thank you, Tartilla! Thank you, Vodyanoy (takes the key and runs away)
Tartilla (turns to Vodyanoy): How nice to help.
Vodyanoy: Well, my help was not needed, it was you who thought up Tartilla well, with a key.
Tartilla (turns her chair to the shore): See you, Vodyanoy, I'll swim home, and you?
Vodyanoy: I'll sit still, suddenly someone will look in, I'll wait.
Tartilla swims away. Only Waterman remains on the stage
Water (Pulls out a horn from under a stump and shouts at it):
I don't need passes
Hurry everyone here!
Call me and friends and relatives,
And it is very boring in the world without them!
Water, listens, putting his hand to his ear.
Water (sighs): Nobody! Here he lived, Nobody needs my help. And yet things went so well.
The cell phone rings.
Vodyanoy (picks up the phone, exclaims joyfully): Oh, the king-father (closes the phone with his hand and explains to the audience) he is from another fairy tale. Haven't heard from him for a long time! (speaking into the phone) Ale!
Tsar, on the phone to Waterman: Waterman, I'm in a panic, help with advice!
I have some questions, but no answer!
Vodyanoy: What happened, father, what is your sorrow?
Tsar: Yes, turn on your laptop, look at our distance!
Two frogs serve Waterman a laptop. The Waterman turns on the laptop, the light is dimmed, the Waterman can be seen.
On the stage, the king is sitting on the throne, the crown is knocked to one side, the queen is nervously walking around the stage, crumpling a scarf in her hands. The king and queen fight.
Tsar: Our daughter is crazy,
She needs to be married!
Queen (sighing): All beauty in you,
Success ... reward!
King (angry): What are you telling me!
Stunned, right?
Queen (also angrily): I say, our daughter,
All in you, why hide?
We're so lucky, dad!
What now not to disentangle!
King (thoughtfully, persuading the queen)
We'll give her in marriage
Just to find a groom!
Queen (nervously): And I would like to know
Where can we find a fool!
Princess Varvara appears on the stage in the costume of the Greens. Barbara in headphones. Shouts incoherent calls for environmental action.
The king and queen rush to their daughter, trying to attract her attention, and finally, Varvara takes off her headphones.
Princess (taking off her headphones): Why are you arguing ancestors?
(turning to the audience) Apparently bored!,
King (joyfully): Hello, hello, daughter!
We were just waiting for you!
Princess (grimacing and bowing to her parents):
Papa and mama
There is a surprise for you!
Parents, alarmed, look at her expectantly.
King (carefully): What will you please us with?
Dear child?
Queen: What do you want, a laptop,
Purse with money?
What makes you happy
We just don't know ourselves!
The king (indignantly, turns to his wife):
Right now, I'm shaking the treasury,
And I'll get the cents
I'll find you a groom!
That's right, one hundred percent!
Princess (horrified, indignantly):
What do I hear gentlemen?
Marriage is out of fashion
Never wait
I'm not one of the freaks!
Queen (tenderly persuades her daughter):
What are you saying, daughter?
Everyone gets married
That's how we do it,
For centuries and among the people!
King (angrily addresses his daughter):
You still talk
Nanny, I’ll put it on right away!
I'll take the phones
I'll just leave the dolls!
Princess (ready to cry):
Mom, he doesn't love me!
It's like it's not native at all!
Picks up phones
And scares everything bullshit!
Queen (persuading the king):
Are you her king or father?
Give me a hundred dollars as a gift
And then ... and down the aisle!
King (approximately):
Okay, daughter, do not be angry!
Sit next to me!
I'm not your enemy, I understand what and how
And that I don’t want to get married, I also know, I’m not a fool!
Only your youth, all gone, where you will understand!
You seriously need to be rescued, or you'll just disappear!
Princess: We don’t interfere with your life, so save yourself!
I'm bored as hell with you, so daddy is a banzai!
Queen (uncertainly): Ecology is not harm,
Not grass, not dope,
Maybe you don’t need to, ... get married, because one is the same, daughter!
King (yelling): Am I your king, or am I not a king?
He said - marry, then - married,
And the groom is waiting outside the door, He brought you gifts,
(turning to the audience) Who will understand them, entih women?
Princess (Blooming in tears): I don’t want his gifts (Throws something under the throne) Let him choke, freak!
If I see him, I'll give you a foxtrot!
The Tsar and Tsaritsa climbed to raise the gift under the throne, and collided foreheads, at this moment the prince enters, also in a green suit, decorated with badges. The king and queen sit near the throne on the floor. Soundtrack sounds
Princess (admiringly): What a wonderful vision, here is an ecologist, my hero!
Prince (jumping): Let's hang out, baby!
March behind me!
The parents watch in shock, without rising from the floor, as the princess and the Prince march and shout out calls.
Princess: Are you that Prince-groom?
From green, or what?
The queen (shaking the king): Whom did you find for your daughter,
Answer me old stump?!
This is not the Prince - Tsarevich,
It's just rubbish!
King (embarrassed): I wanted the best, (sighed)
Children, you are no longer children, I tell you for sure.
You know everything in the world (I'm not grinding something!)
Princess (jubilantly, interrupts her father):
I've been waiting for him all my life!
He was my dream!
Together we will walk the world
Let's protect this nature!
The Tsar (turns to the Tsaritsa: But the Tsarevich is nothing, Let's educate him too !!!
Everyone starts marching and shouting environmental calls!:
— No oil production in the ocean!
- Save the whales!
No to killing animals!
Tsar Waterman: Hello, Waterman! You still don't have Greens?! Then we go to you!
Everyone is marching backstage. The gun highlights the Waterman
Vodyanoy (laughing, turns to the audience): This is what is being done in the Far Far Away kingdom. Ecological revolution! Well, now I am calm for them, the tsar-father took everything into his own hands!
Buffoons run out onto the stage.
1 Buffoon: The third picture!
2 Buffoon: Farewell!
The sounds of a bugle are heard, the recitative of the Mermaids:
- A detachment is sailing with a song, our glorious Mermaids!
The breeze shakes the gills, loud horns trumpet!
(Dance of the Mermaids)
Mermaids swim up, a ribbon with the inscription "Protection of the deep sea" across the chest.
Vodyanoy (with amazement): I was expecting guests, of course - well, I dreamed of seeing you!
Well, you give, girls, and what is your name now?
Mermaids: We are Mermaids, grandfather, don't you recognize us?
We wanted to report that the bottom was cleared again!
You can safely sail home to your well-deserved rest!
Vodyanoy: Well done, girls! And we are all MO-LOD-TSY!
We do not stand on the sidelines when the boys are in trouble (addressing the audience)
We say goodbye to you, but not forever
A new holiday will come, we will be called here!
Everyone will gather, of course, cheerful, friendly laughter
And health, and happiness, and success awaits us all!
Music sounds. "K / f About the Little Red Riding Hood" Mermaids lift Vodyanoy from the stump, all together approach the "red line" of the stage. Water:
1 Mermaid: There are a lot of us guys, we live everywhere!
Plant trees, plant gardens!
2 Mermaid: Save the jungle, save the planet
After all, there is no other like it in the world!
Water: Take care of this land, this water.
Even a small bylinochku loving.
Take care of all the animals inside nature,
Kill only the beasts within you!
Anthem of Ecologists.
(Mermaids sing to the motive of the song “And we are walking, walking around Moscow))
And we're walking, walking on the ground
And our goal is close!
We save mountains and seas from pollution!
To open the wings of the birds in the sky
And the fish in the sea had something to breathe, 2 p.
Here is E-KO-LO-GI-YA!

And we are walking, walking on the earth, and for a long time we have to walk on it!
And flowers, trees and bushes grow on the ground.
We really need to protect nature so that our life is better
And we will call all our friends with us, we will gather animals and birds together,
Here is E-KO-LO-GI-YA!

Mermaids launch paper airplanes into the hall with wishes:
"Smile and give a smile to a friend!"
"Let the sparks of joy ignite in the eyes!"
"Believe in your dream!"
"May there always be sunshine!"
"May all your wishes come true!"

Scriptwriter and director - Mitrokhova Anastasia, head of department, MBOU DOD EBC, Ufa

Scenario of the holiday "Environment Day" Lazarian 70500 Shevchenko Street, 16 Orekhov, Zaporozhye region Ukraine 2010 The program of the holiday. 1. Meeting of the participants of the holiday and guests. 2. Game program (conducting quizzes: “Medicinal animals”, “Green pharmacy”, “The most, most, most”; solving crossword puzzles, etc.) 3. Viewing presentations: “Kaleidoscope of interesting facts”, “Water and life”, “ Ecological education”, “Ecological and poetic “Live barometers”. 4. Exhibition of flower arrangements. 5. Exhibition of drawings and photographs "Beauty lives everywhere". 6. Holiday "Environment Day". kaleidoscope”, Scenario of the holiday Purpose: to arouse interest in the environmental problems of the planet and the desire to creatively interact with nature. Objectives: to instill in students the desire to disseminate environmental knowledge and personal participation in practical affairs to protect the environment; to form ecological consciousness and a sense of respect for the planet Earth; develop cognitive interest, respect and love for the world around. Equipment, decoration: a computer, multimedia support, an exhibition of flower compositions, a competition of drawings and photographs “Beauty lives everywhere”. The course of the event The composition “Sounds of the Forest” sounds Presenter1. There is just a temple, there is a temple of science. And there is also a temple of nature - With forests stretching their arms To meet the sun and winds. He is the light at any time of the day, Open for us in the heat and cold, Come in here, be a sensitive heart, Do not desecrate its shrines! Presenter 2. We invite you to plunge into the sea of ​​beauty of animate and inanimate nature, to visit the whirlpool of events and facts, to remember the simple truths of the existence of life on Earth. Presenter1. Let's quietly open the door to the temple of nature and observe what is happening there. The curtain opens. representatives On four stages stands the elements. The elements of the table, the fire approaching it are accompanied by the sounds of crackling branches in a burning fire; the element of water - the murmur of a stream, the roar of a waterfall, the sound of rain; the element of air - howling wind, thunder; the element of earth - the sound of a volcanic eruption. Representatives of the elements sit down at the table and nervously tap their fingers on the table. Element Earth. Nobody met us. Element Water. Didn't honor. Element Fire. After all, we are the mistresses of this world, and not some kind of Nature. Element Air. By the way, has anyone seen her? Element Fire. No. But they say that it is many-sided, beautiful, generous, and we all live by its laws. Element Earth. Well, who else are we waiting for? Element Air. The wind whispered to me that Flora, Fauna and Man were also invited to this holiday. Element Water. So after all, these are living organisms, which means: vulnerable, vulnerable, dependent on our whims. How can they compare with our strength and power? Element Air. They are no match for us, we will not wait for them. Element Earth. Calm down sisters. Let's start our holiday with eulogies addressed to us, and latecomers will take modest places among us. Element Water. I am the happiest, most popular and most mysterious of all the elements. Neither wash nor drink without water, A leaf cannot bloom without water, A bird, an animal and a man cannot live without water, And therefore everyone always needs water everywhere. I am a cloud, and a fog, And a stream, and an ocean, And I fly, and I run, And I can be glass. But a man does not appreciate me: he kills me with sewage, changes the course of rivers, makes me leave the seas, and now the climate is warming. What will happen to my waters, my natural phenomena? I'm thinking that my water is capable of self-purification with the help of sunlight, atmospheric gases, and the vital activity of organisms. I need animals and plants, fungi and bacteria to keep me alive. But do I need a Human? I am patient, but not always peaceful. See what I can be Viewing the slide "Element Water" Appendix No. 1 Element Fire. I am also dual in nature. On the one hand, the flame is defenseless. As a rule, it does not appear on its own. A person had to work for a long time to get the first spark, because without fire it is impossible to continue life. Fire warms a person on cold days and allows you to cook food, pacifies and calms, gives strength and hope. On the other hand, fire is a huge destructive element that destroys everything in its path. The flame can very quickly leave the limits allotted for it, it does not like frames and obstacles. I am a free element, it is not easy to keep me, but it is even more difficult to stop. See what I can. Viewing the slide "Element fire" Appendix No. 2 Element Water. Let's watch the Fire and Water dance performed in our honor. Element Earth. I conceal incalculable riches, like the Earth itself - innumerable treasures. My main property is the ability to firmly and thoroughly hold a form, a clear structure. My land is beautiful and generous thanks to living organisms. The man is trying to conquer me more and more, but the eruption of the Icelandic volcano once again reminded me that I am still stronger than him. Viewing the slide "Element earth" Appendix No. 3 Element Air. Air is a mixture of gases. Air is oxygen, oxygen is breath, and breath is life. We breathe the air that has been in every nook and cranny of the world, in every crevice, from the dry Sahara desert and the peaks of the Himalayan mountains to the lush rainforests of the Amazon. Plants purify the air, fill it with the aroma of flowers, young greenery, ripe berries. I am the lightest and most transparent element. But I have no less destructive power. Most of the time, you are watching me. Viewing the slide "Element air" Appendix No. 4 Dance "Gifts of nature" Element Fire. Singing ourselves, we everywhere remember living organisms. After all, it is thanks to them that our waters come to life, the earth flourishes, and the air is filled with the voices of birds and animals. Element Air. Beauty lives everywhere, Lives not anywhere, but nearby. Always open to our views, Always available and clean. View slides about nature with the appropriate soundtrack. Element Fire. I'm already burning with impatience. Where is the Flora and Fauna, and the Man has disappeared somewhere. Enter Flora, Fauna, and Man. The sounds of birds, the rustling of leaves, the buzzing of bees. Element Water.. How glad we are to see you! Although only now realized the importance of your presence. Element Earth. After all, nature is not only us, but the whole world around us with many running, jumping, jumping, crawling, flying and swimming animals, tens of thousands of plants, from unicellular algae to giant sequoias. Element Water. What delayed you? Flora. We met at the temple of nature and could not decide for a long time who should enter first .. Man. I used to feel like the master of nature. If I want, I will block the river with a dam and build an artificial sea. If I want, I will cut down a whole forest to the root or I will plant a garden in the desert. If I want, I will fly up into the sky like a bird and be transported from mainland to mainland. I want ... Element Earth. Stop! Nobody can manage everything. Even with us, the elements, you can not cope. On TV you see and hear about us every day. Some regions of the Earth suffer from our increased attention (floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions), while others, on the contrary, ask for rain, heat or cold. You people will not understand. You can only predict us, prepare for the meeting, and then you are powerless. Human. Nothing, I'll learn to manage you. Look, no winds, hurricanes, earthquakes, sea forces and seasons put together have done as much to transform the Earth as I did. View slides of mankind's achievements Fauna. Traditions say that the human body is taken from the earth and returns to it after death, bones - from stone, blood - from sea water, sweat - from dew, veins - from roots, hair - from grass. Flora. Human! You are a product of nature, you exist in nature and even in your thoughts you cannot get out of it. It just seems to you that you know nature, you can control its processes. Nature does not reveal all secrets to you, and new discoveries entail new mysteries. Fauna. Animals and plants are a kind of indicators of the state of nature. If they are found to be disappearing, then this is a warning: something is wrong with the ecosystem. This means that human life is at risk. Element Water. If a frog is thrown into a container of hot water, it will try to jump out. But if you put a frog in a vessel with cold water and heat it slowly, the frog dies without noticing the gradual increase in temperature. How would humanity not be in the place of a frog that did not notice overheating. Fauna. Homo sapiens is just a biological species, which is as vulnerable as any kind of wildlife. Nature will always find a way out for itself, but will there be a place in it for man? Flora. Look! You can be next too. View slides "Animals and plants listed in the Red Book of Ukraine." Human. The house in which we live, It is a white birch and a tit outside the window, The bright light of the sun and the light of the moon, Mountains in glaciers and boulders, The chirping of swallows and the cry of crows, The merry ringing of raindrops, The murmur of a running stream And a menacing growl of a bear, Stars in the sky , a snowstorm And a shaggy bumblebee buzzing over a flower, A rainbow over a blue river, The cries of seagulls and the surf, The first spring flowers, And there is still in this world - me and you. Leaders come out. Presenter 1. Why argue who is the main guest at this holiday. After all, you are not guests, but the main components of nature. You are life on Earth: beautiful and varied, exciting and exciting, full of secrets and great discoveries. And if any of you starts to change or show your wayward character, then the world created by you will be destroyed. Moderator 2. Remember and do not forget the basic truths! Element Earth. Everything is connected to everything. Element Fire. Everything has to go somewhere. Element Water. Nature knows best. Element Air. Nothing is given for free. Human. Our lives and our future depend on each of us. Do your best to prevent an ecological catastrophe. Let it be a tree planted by your hands or a preserved corner of nature, a fire or a bonfire extinguished in time, a carefully cleared stream. Presenter 1. Let's live in harmony with nature, without violating its laws and orders, it is reasonable to use its wealth in order to save our planet for future generations. Presenter 2. Take care of these lands, these waters, Even loving the little epic. Take care of all the animals inside nature, Kill only the animals inside yourself ... E. Evtushenko Literature 1. Tsybulskaya O.I. Scientific - popular edition. Homo sapiens versus Homo technocraticus. - K .: Lybid publishing house 1991. -250 p. 2. Litvinova L.S., Zhirenko O.E. Moral and environmental education of schoolchildren: Main aspects, scenarios of events. 5-11 grades. - M.: 5 for knowledge, 2007. - 208 p. – (methodological library) 3. Balabanova V.V., Maksimtseva T.A. Subject weeks at school: biology, ecology, healthy lifestyle. - Volgograd: Uchitel, 2002. 154 p. 4. Ryabchuk T.F. Environmental education at school: non-standard lessons, educational activities. - X: ed. group "Osnova": "Triad +", 2008. - 192 p. - (Series "Education at school") 5. Moroz I.V., Grytsay N.B. Extracurricular work in biology: Textbook. - Ternopil: Educational book - Bogdan, 2008. - 282 p. 6.

Scenario of the event for the World Environment Day Ecological mosaic Tasks:

Education of a civil position, respect for all life on Earth.
Instilling the need to recreate the world of vegetation.

On the ruler, the children are given a route sheet with the designation of the stages. At each stage, the children are waiting for a certain task related to nature. Each squad has its own route. Stages are located throughout the camp. The entire route is unknown to the children. At each stage, they learn what lies ahead for them. For completing the task at each stage, the squad receives points. (Maximum 5 points) After passing the stages, everyone gathers to sum up the results and reward.

I. "Creative"

It is held at the start of the game-journey. The detachments prepare in advance the names of the detachments, mottos.
II. "Natural Barometers"

Quiz about folk signs

1. There is an anthill in front of you, but the ants are not visible. What is it for?
a) hot weather
b ) to rain;
c) cold.

2. Mosquitoes fly over the water in a swarm (column). What is it for?
but ) to good sunny weather ;
b) to rain;
c) cold.

3. Thin cirrus clouds are moving from the west, what to expect
the weather?
a) clear, sunny;
b) cloudy;
in) windy.

4. The sun sets in a cloud. What weather to expect?
a) clear, sunny;
) rainy;
c) windy.

5. What weather should be expected if swallows fly low over the ground? a) good;
b) rainy; c) rainy.

III. "Grandma the Mystery"

Riddles about nature

    He went for a walk quite inaudibly. With a wet, soft beak, he tapped on the roofs. He drew a window with a striped trace, and, having passed, he remained in my palms. (Rain.)
    Who enters the window
    And doesn't break it? (Sunray.)
    He makes noise in the field and in the garden, but he will not get into the house. And I'm not going anywhere as long as he goes. (Rain.)
    Someone built a colorful gate in the meadow. The master tried that, he took paints for the gate. Not one, not two, not three - as many as seven, you look. What is the name of this gate? Can you draw them? (Rainbow.)
    He ran along the meadow path - the poppies nodded their heads. I ran along the blue river - the river became pockmarked. (Wind.)
    As in the sky, from the north,
    The gray swan swam
    The swan swam full,
    Down threw, poured
    On the lake fields
    White snow and feathers. (Snow cloud.)
    You warm the whole world, you don’t know fatigue, you smile at the window, and everyone calls you ... (sun).
    What is this ceiling?
    He's low, he's high
    Now he is gray, then whitish,
    It's a little blue.
    And sometimes so beautiful -
    Lace and blue - blue! (Sky.)

    One golden orange in the sky at night. Two weeks passed, we did not eat an orange, but only an orange slice remained in the sky. (Moon, month.)

    . He was a black cloud at first, he lay like a white fluff on the forest. He covered the whole earth with a blanket, And in the spring he completely disappeared. (Snow.)IV. "Forest Pharmacy"Children are offered herbariums of medicinal plants. You need to remember the name of the plant and its healing properties:
      V. "Visiting Lesovichok"What plants are discussed in the poem?
      Like white stars, among the pink porridge, everyone familiar from childhood blooms ... (daisies).
      I am sonorous and purple, I grow in the shade of the forest,
    and in the pine clearing I nod my head. (Bell.)
      I am a bit of summer.
      On a thin leg.
      Weaving for me
      Bodies and bows.
      Who loves me
      He is happy to bow.
      And gave me a name
      Native land. (Strawberry.)

      Anyone who has been in the field will undoubtedly notice: a pink flower is winding. What is it called? .. (Bindweed.)

      Rye is earing in the field,
      There you will find a flower in the rye,
      Although it is not red, but blue,
      It still looks like an asterisk. (Cornflower.)

      White, fragrant grow in the forest, bloom early in spring. (Lily of the valley.)

      You can always find her in the forest, go for a walk and meet her. It is prickly, like a hedgehog, green in winter and summer. (Christmas tree.)
    I'm black, red, whiteI'm good to everyone when I'm ripe,
    And elegant leaf patterns
    I am equal to the grape leaf. (Currant.)

      You ate dried apricots and dried apricots - Now I can ask a question: What kind of fruit, dear friend, did you become a dried apricots and dried apricots? (Apricot.)

      I am a fluffy ball
      I whiten in a clean field,
      And the wind blew -
      The stalk remains. (Dandelion.)

      VI. "A proverb is not said in vain"

      Children are given the beginning of a proverb, they must continue it.

      Recall and name as many proverbs related to nature as possible.

      Folk proverbs about the forest

      A lot of forest - do not destroy, little forest - take care, no forest - plant. The wind will bring down the oak grove.
      Chop down a tree - five minutes, grow - a hundred years! Forest and water - brother and sister.
      Trees are soon planted, but not soon the fruits are eaten from them.

    They are looking for a mushroom - they are prowling through the forest. And in winter there will be a berry, if prepared ahead of time.Do not raise your hand to the forest, it will serve both the son and the grandson. He who cuts down the forest dries up the places, drives clouds from the fields and prepares heaps of grief for himself.VII. "Where is whose house?"

    Circles with inscriptions are drawn on the asphalt: sky, lake, forest, swamp.

    The person responsible for this stage names animals and plants. Sparrow, water lily, heron, bear, pike,

    Children must stand in the circle that is the home of the named inhabitant. (Sparrow - sky, heron - swamp, etc.).

    VIII. "Sharp nose"

    Fragrant plants (wormwood, pine twig, blackcurrant leaf, cucumber, mint) are laid out on the table. With your eyes closed, you need to determine by smell what kind of plant it is.
    IX. "Gaming"

    Before the game, the presenter of this station warns: “I will only name birds in the game, and if you hear that something other than birds has appeared, let me know. You can stomp and clap."

    Pigeons, tits,
    Flies and swifts ... (Children stomp). What's wrong?

    Children. Flies!

    In e d u shch and y. And who are the flies?

    Children. Insects!

    In e d u shch and y. The birds have arrived:

    Pigeons, tits,

    storks, crows,

    Jackdaws, pasta ... (Children clap.)

    In e d u shch and y. The birds have arrived:

    Pigeons, martens ... (Continues.)

    The birds have arrived:

    Pigeons, tits,

    Chibis, siskins,

    Jackdaws and swifts,

    Mosquitoes, cuckoos ... (Children stomp).

    The birds have arrived:

    Pigeons, tits,

    Jackdaws and swifts,

    Chibis, siskins,

    storks, cuckoos,

    Even the owls

    Swans and ducks -

    And thanks for the joke!
    Activity and attentiveness are assessed.

    X. "Forest carousel"
    Asphalt drawing competition.
    You have to draw a conservation sign.

    1. Do not tear in the forest, in the meadow of flowers. Let beautiful plants remain in nature. Remember that bouquets can only be made from those plants that are grown by man.2. Don't destroy bird nests.3. If you have a dog, do not let it walk without a leash, it can bite a person.4. Do not catch butterflies, bumblebees, dragonflies and other insects.
    XI. "Rules of conduct in nature"

    The name speaks for itself: the guys should talk about the basic rules of behavior in nature.

    - How to arrange a place to stop during a hike? - How to arrange a place for a fire so as not to damage the turf?How to protect yourself from sunstroke, snakebite?By what folk phenomena can one determine where the north is, where the south is, etc. - How to collect mushrooms?

    Let's sum up. Dear Guys! We have every opportunity to preserve for ourselves and future generations clean water bodies, air, soil with their flora and fauna. Our journey is coming to an end.And we would like to end our holiday with a poem by M. Dudin "Take care of the Earth!".Take care of the Earth, take care!
    Skylark at the blue zenith
    Butterfly on dodder leaves.
    Sunshine on the paths
    On the stones of a playing crab,
    On the grave, the shadow of the baobab,
    The hawk hovering over the field
    Crescent above the river calm,
    Swallow, flashing in life,
    Take care of this Earth! Take care!

    Good afternoon, inhabitants of the beautiful blue planet! Today we invite you to a celebration dedicated to World Environment Day. And it's called "Ecological Mosaic". I invite you to take a trip around our wonderful planet! We have to find out how well you know your native nature. She, more than ever, today needs our protection, care, love.
    In our game, the team that really knows the life of animals, plants, birds, insects, knows how to behave correctly in nature, and is ready to protect it, will win.Each squad will receive a route sheet with the designation of the stages, and there are 10 of them in total. The maximum number of points for each stage is 5

    Nature is the house we live in
    And forests rustle in it, rivers flow and splash.
    Under the blue sky, under the golden sun,
    We want to live in that house forever.
    Nature is a house adorned with labor,
    Do you know, answer, answer the price of such a house?
    What will happen if the roof is under fire in it,
    What will happen if we break the walls in it?
    Nature is a house in which day after day
    Flowers and bread are growing, children are laughing all around.
    And this house and laughter - one, one for all,
    There is no other home in the whole world.

    Our event has come to an end. I hope that today we were able to convince you that nature, planet Earth must be constantly protected and protected. The living world around us is surprisingly large and diverse, and we know very little about it. Read more books about nature, such as "Forest Newspaper" by V. Bianchi, "Birds on Wires" by V. Peskov, books by K. Paustovsky, M. Prishvin and many others.

"Environmental Mosaic"

(an event dedicated to World Environment Day)

Target: show the importance of caring for nature,to instill a feeling of love for all life on Earth, to expand and deepen knowledge about the environment.

    Organizing time.

This event is held in a day camp for all units (modules). The beginning of the event is the general formation of units (modules).

2. The course of the event.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon friends! Summer has come. On June 1, we celebrated a wonderful holiday - Children's Day. BUTDo you know what other very important holiday is celebrated in June? (children answer) Of course, World Environment Day is June 5th! Do you know what this holiday is? How is it celebrated? (children answer)

This day was proclaimed by the United Nations in 1972. The date of this World Day was chosen to mark the start of the Stockholm Conference on the Environment. The UN calls on states and various environmental organizations to hold events annually on this day that confirm their desire to preserve and improve the environment.

Host 2: Every flower and every blade of grass,

Birds that fly into the blue sky

All the nature that surrounds us

Our protection, my friend, is expected.

Reader 1.

What happened? What is forgotten? What's broken?

You understand more and more clearly: there will be trouble!

There is no more nature left on earth,

And we live...

Reader 2.

In the environment

In the environment

Don't smell the flower

You can't swim in the water.

Reader 3.

We understand more clearly year by year:

This cannot continue on earth -

Nature is waiting for our help.

Together . Or ... we live in the environment.

Presenter 1: Today we invite you to take a trip around our wonderful planet! We have to find out how well you know your native nature. The team that really knows the life of animals, plants, birds, insects, knows how to behave correctly in nature, and is ready to protect it, will win.

Each squad will receive a route sheet with the designation of the stages, and there are 7 of them in total. You will need to go through all the stages. The maximum number of points for each stage is 5.

Host 2: While the stages are being prepared, I suggest playing. I will ask you questions, and you will show me the answers to them.

Play with everyone:

How do you live? - Like this!(put thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this!(go on the spot)

How are you sailing? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How do you run? - Like this!(run in place)

How sad? - Like this! (sad)

BUT are you naughty?- Like this! (grimacing)

Do you threaten? - Like this! (threaten fingers at each other)

Presenter 1: Route sheets were handed over, each team has its own route. Good luck! The strongest will win.

Stage 1. "Natural Barometers"
Quiz about folk signs .
1. There is an anthill in front of you, but the ants are not visible. What is it for?
a) hot weather
) to rain;
c) cold.
2. Mosquitoes fly over the water in a swarm (column). What is it for?
) to good sunny weather ;
b) to rain;
c) cold.
3. Thin cirrus clouds are moving from the west, what kind of weather can we expect?
a) clear, sunny;
b) cloudy;
4. The sun sets in a cloud. What weather to expect?
a) clear, sunny;
) rainy;
c) windy.
5. What weather should be expected if swallows fly low over the ground?

a) good;
b) rainy;


Stage 2. "Grandma the Mystery" Riddles about nature. Each unit (module) is given 5 riddles.

    He went for a walk quite inaudibly. With a wet, soft beak, he tapped on the roofs. He drew a window with a striped trace, and, having passed, he remained in my palms. (Rain)

    Who enters the window and doesn't break it? (Sunray)

    He makes noise in the field and in the garden, but he will not get into the house. And I'm not going anywhere as long as he goes. (Rain)

    Someone built a colorful gate in the meadow. The master tried that, he took paints for the gate. Not one, not two, not three - as many as seven, you look. What is the name of this gate? Can you draw them? (Rainbow)

    He ran along the meadow path - the poppies nodded their heads. I ran along the blue river - the river became pockmarked. (Wind)

    As in the sky, from the north,
    The gray swan swam
    The swan swam full,
    Down threw, poured
    On the lake fields
    White snow and feathers. (Snow cloud)

    You warm the whole world, you don’t know fatigue, you smile at the window, and everyone calls you ... (sun).

    What is this ceiling?
    He's low, he's high
    Now he is gray, then whitish,
    It's a little blue.
    And sometimes so beautiful -
    Lace and blue - blue! (Sky)

    One golden orange in the sky at night. Two weeks passed, we did not eat an orange, but only an orange slice remained in the sky. (Moon, month)

    He was a black cloud at first, he lay like a white fluff on the forest. He covered the whole earth with a blanket, And in the spring he completely disappeared. (Snow)

Stage 3. "Visiting Lesovichka"
What plants are discussed in the poem? Each unit (module) is given 5 poems.

    Like white stars, among the pink porridge, everyone familiar from childhood blooms ... (daisies).

    I am sonorous and lilac, I grow in the shade of the forest, and in the pine clearing I nod my head. (Bell)

    I am a bit of summer.
    On a thin leg.
    Weaving for me
    Bodies and bows.
    Who loves me
    He is happy to bow.
    And gave me a name
    Native land. (Strawberry)

    Anyone who has been in the field will undoubtedly notice: a pink flower is winding. What is it called? .. (Bindweed)

    Rye is earing in the field,
    There you will find a flower in the rye,
    Although it is not red, but blue,
    It still looks like an asterisk. (Cornflower)

    White, fragrant grow in the forest, bloom early in spring. (Lily of the valley)

    You can always find her in the forest, go for a walk and meet her. It is prickly, like a hedgehog, green in winter and summer. (Christmas tree)

    I'm black, red, white

I'm good to everyone when I'm ripe,
And elegant leaf patterns
I am equal to the grape leaf. (Currant)

    You ate dried apricots and dried apricots - Now I can ask a question: What kind of fruit, dear friend, did you become a dried apricots and dried apricots? (Apricot)

    I am a fluffy ball
    I whiten in a clean field,
    And the wind blew -
    The stalk remains. (Dandelion)

Stage 4. "Gaming"

Before the game, the leader of this stage warns: “I will only name birds in the game, and if you hear that something other than birds has appeared, let me know. You can stomp and clap." Activity and attentiveness are assessed.

Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts…(Children stomp) . What's wrong?
Children. Flies!
In e d u shch and y. And who are the flies?
Children. Insects!
In e d u shch and y. The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
storks, crows,
Jackdaws, pasta…
(Children clapping.) What's wrong?
Children. Pasta!
In e d u shch and y. And what is pasta?
Children. Food!

In e d u shch and y. The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, martens…
(Children clapping.) What's wrong?
Children. Martens!
In e d u shch and y. And who are the martens?
Children. Mammals!
In e d u shch and y. The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Chibis, siskins,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Mosquitoes, cuckoos…
(Children stomp). What's wrong?
Children. Mosquitoes!
In e d u shch and y. And who are mosquitoes?
Children. Insects!
In e d u shch and y. The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Chibis, siskins,
storks, cuckoos,
Even the owls
Swans and ducks -
And thanks for the joke!

Stage 5 "Guess!"

Leading: I offer you difficult riddles. I will read you a description of the objects from the words of your peers. Your task is to try to understand what the children meant. Each hint used is minus 1 point, i.e. with the first hint you get 5 points, with the second hint you get 4 points, and so on.

Children's sayings:

1. "I have a lot of toys made from it."

2. "It comes in many colors and is very hard to break."

3. "Items made from it weigh little."

4. "If you set it on fire, there will be a lot of black smoke that smells bad."

5. "It cannot be thrown away, since it does not decompose in nature by itself." (Plastic)

1. "The Chinese invented it."

2. "We get it from a tree."

3. "She burns easily."

4. “It makes a lot of garbage.”

5. "They usually draw and write on it." (Paper)

1. "It's made of sand."

2. "Most of the time it's transparent."

3. "When it falls, it breaks."

4. "If you heat it, it becomes viscous, like dough."

5. "Abandoned in the forest, it can become a source of fire." (Glass)

1. "It's almost invisible."

2. "There are a lot of this where factories and plants work."

3. “This causes people to get asthma, bronchitis, cancer.”

4. "Green plants can collect it on their leaves."

5. "In a city where there is a lot of this, lichens do not grow." (Gas waste)

1. "Always black."

2. "There is a lot of this in the city, especially where there are plants and factories."

3. "It's very harmful."

4. "It causes illness in a person, and his clothes become dirty."

5. "This is a lot when burning." (Soot)

Stage 6 "Sharp nose"

Fragrant plants (wormwood, pine twig, blackcurrant leaf, lilac, mint) are placed in small boxes. 1 member of the detachment (module) must, with their eyes closed, determine by smell what kind of plant it is. Each plant you guessed is worth 1 point.

Stage 7. "Forest carousel"
Drawing competition. You have to draw a conservation sign. Each detachment (module) draws a task and draws.

1. Do not tear in the forest, in the meadow of flowers. Let beautiful plants remain in nature. Remember that bouquets can only be made from those plants that are grown by man.

2. Don't destroy bird nests.

3. If you have a dog, do not let it walk without a leash, it can bite a person.

4. Do not catch butterflies, bumblebees, dragonflies and other insects.

Presenter 1: Our journey continues! How smart and quick-witted you have already shown, but how smart and dexterous you are?! While the jury is summing up, I suggest you play the game.

The game is called "Turnip" “Pull, pull, they can’t pull.”

Presenter 1: I need teams with the same number of participants.

(Assignment: The first participant runs to the finish line and back, the second one joins him, holding his waist, and now they are running together. Then the third one joins, etc. the whole team).

Presenter 1: Our event has come to an end. I hope that today we were able to convince you that nature must be constantly protected and protected. The living world around us is surprisingly large and diverse, and we know very little about it.

Host 2: Nature is the house we live in
And forests rustle in it, rivers flow and splash.
Under the blue sky, under the golden sun,
We want to live in that house forever.
Nature is a house in which day after day
Flowers and bread are growing, children are laughing all around.
And this house and laughter - one, one for all,
There is no other home in the whole world.

    Summarizing. Final word.

Summing up, awarding the winner.

Presenter 1: And we would like to end our holiday with a poem by M. Dudin "Take care of the Earth!".

Take care of the Earth, take care!
Skylark at the blue zenith
Butterfly on dodder leaves.
Sunshine on the paths
On the stones of a playing crab,
On the grave, the shadow of the baobab,
The hawk hovering over the field
Crescent above the river calm,
Swallow, flashing in life,
Take care of this Earth! Take care!

What else to read