Treats infertility grandmother in onokhoy. Grandmother will cure infertility. Of all currently known plants and medicines, the red brush has the highest immune and adaptogenic properties to restore the body.


Munira met her future husband Timur when she was 20. The young people got married almost immediately. Everything went on as usual - for complete happiness, only a small pink-cheeked toddler was missing.

For several years, Munira tried to get pregnant, constantly went to hospitals, regularly drank hormones. But the miracle never happened. And in 2000, a real black streak began - Timur was diagnosed with a brain tumor.

Operation and long (almost six years) rehabilitation. All this time, Munira did not leave her husband a single step, put droppers, gave injections, fed him with a spoon. In the end, a strong woman managed to put her husband on his feet. But the happiness of motherhood remained a pipe dream for her. Neither a trip to the sea, nor grandmother healers, nor even doctors helped.

At the next, probably hundredth appointment, the doctor, tired of stuffing me with hormones, rashly told me that I would never have children, - Munira recalls. “But apparently I was wrong. A year later I got pregnant.

It looks like wings have sprouted from behind. Out of harm's way, Munira even lay down for conservation. But someone upstairs was clearly testing the woman for strength.

At the 19th week, she began to bleed, and the doctors failed to save the child. Moreover, the life of Munira herself was in danger: during the cleaning, the doctor brought an infection, and, in simple terms, the insides began to rot.

Doctor Anna Bykova, a specialist in the perinatal center, literally came out of me then, - the woman recalls through tears. “What would have happened to me without her, I can’t imagine ...


After losing a child, Munira decided to start over.

In September 2008, a friend told me that in the Arkhangelsk region there is a grandmother who treats many diseases, - says Munira. “Oh, it was, it wasn’t,” I thought. And for the company I persuaded a colleague, Olya Overchenko, to go with me. She already had a child, but she still couldn’t get pregnant for the second time - she suffered for nine years.

The glade in front of the healer's house was full of people. It's no joke, I had to sit in line for 16 hours!

The mistress of the house is a seemingly ordinary grandmother. A colorful dress, a scarf on her head, she speaks Russian poorly. And she didn’t do anything special - she put Munira on the sofa, crushed her stomach, whispered prayers. The "treatment" session took about fifteen minutes. Olya came in next - and just as quickly left. Not hoping for a miracle, the women went home.

Life took its course. A month later, Munira realized that she was pregnant!

At first I didn't believe it! Olya immediately called. And can you imagine, it turned out that she is also expecting a baby. We were both shocked! After all, Olya had no children for nine years, and I had 13! Everyone at work gasped when they heard the news! Munira smiles.

Soon a healthy Danis was born to the 35-year-old Munira. 30-year-old Olya gave birth to a daughter, Sophia.

To be honest, I don’t know who helped me more - the doctors or that grandmother. But this is a fact - both I and Olya became pregnant after visiting a healer. Probably, it was still help from above, - Munira is sure.


Deputy Minister of Health, gynecologist Alexander Afanasiev:

Of course, there are cases when women, after being diagnosed with infertility, after some time were able to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child. Medicine cannot explain everything. After such a diagnosis is made, time passes, some factors change - all this affects the physical condition of a woman, and she can become pregnant. It is quite possible that after visiting that healer grandmother, the placebo effect played a role in the woman. In general, no matter how many years have passed, there is no need to lose hope and calm down.


Reproductologist at the clinic "Women's Health" Elena Lozova:

If a married couple who is sexually active regularly does not become pregnant within a year, doctors may diagnose infertility. But over time, everything can change - sometimes suggestion helps. Perhaps that grandmother is a good psychotherapist. It may be worth going to such healers, but within reason. You should be especially careful if they take a lot of money or prescribe some kind of “treatment” on their own.

Pregnancy is the greatest happiness in the life of every family. The birth of a child is an event that completely changes the vector of parents' behavior, makes them be more attentive and sensitive, support each other and learn to interact at a new level.

Unfortunately, sometimes some families have problems conceiving, despite the fact that both are healthy and already fully prepared for this step. After numerous attempts, many couples give up. In vain. There are many ways to help fulfill the dream and give the world a new little man.

Grandmothers are not in vain associated with wisdom and experience, since it is this person who can give the most valuable worldly advice. We have collected all the methods of successful conception respected and revered among the people, so that you can be sure: with such an arsenal of tools, you will definitely succeed!

Many women who are trying to cope with the misfortune at home come to the conclusion how important it is to organize the right menu and supply your body with all the substances necessary for bearing the fetus.


For conception, a woman needs a little more fat than for normal daily activities. Fatty acids are found in foods such as:

  • fish: salmon, herring;
  • vegetable oil: olive, linseed;
  • nuts;
  • milk products;
  • dairy products.

It is widely believed that in many countries, in the process of preparing for the conception of a child, it is customary to eat buckwheat, since it contains a large amount of useful substances and various groups of vitamins. Among other things, this cereal is an excellent prevention against anemia.

To get the desired result, you need to use buckwheat correctly - this is done without milk. The fact is that dairy products contain calcium, which prevents the body from absorbing iron from buckwheat. As an alternative dish, grandmothers are advised to eat pancakes made from buckwheat flour.

In the diet of a woman, it is imperative to add green vegetables, as well as:

  • cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • turnip.

Coarse fiber, which is found in large quantities in root crops, cannot be absorbed by the body, but is used to remove harmful components. Green vegetables significantly improve the body, which contributes to faster conception.

Herbal infusions

In many cases, a long-awaited pregnancy does not occur because there is a lack of vitamin E in the woman's body. In order to cope with this problem, it is necessary to drink a decoction of rose petals and tincture of sea buckthorn. A large number of folk recipes offer women decoctions of sage and plantain. However, herbs require an extremely careful attitude. It is best to consult a doctor before use.

There is such a plant as upland or forest uterus. Among the positive effects that this herb has, one can indicate the improvement of the ovaries, the preparation of the uterus for pregnancy, the elimination of inflammation.

The upland uterus is also approved by modern medicine, which uses a folk remedy to combat gynecological diseases, infertility, toxicosis and many other ailments. A significant advantage of the plant is that its use does not have negative consequences for the female body. To promote conception, it is necessary to use an infusion from the hog uterus.


  • grass - 100 grams;
  • 70% alcohol - 1 liter.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • put the grass in a container;
  • fill with alcohol;
  • cover with a lid;
  • we insist for thirty days;
  • shake the tincture every day;
  • take a tincture of 40 drops daily.

When conceiving, do not underestimate the importance of the correct position of the bodies of future parents. This helps much more effectively than artificial means like douches or hygienic soap, which violate the internal microenvironment of the female body.

After intercourse, you should not immediately get up. There are several actions that are recommended to be carried out after sex:

  • lie on your side;
  • lift your legs high and stand on the "birch";
  • stand on all fours.

A partner is usually involved in observing these rules. Of course, this will not have any effect for him, but it will be fun and not offensive for a woman to indulge in these amusements alone. In addition, a loved one can help keep the legs at the right angle, because after physical activity there is such a great temptation to “cheat” a little.

No need to pretend to be a gymnast and stretch your legs painfully - just take a position in which the sperm cannot flow out.

Other features

flower energy

It has been proven over the years and experience that indoor plants located in rooms where people spend a lot of time have a tremendous impact on the state of the body.
If you want to get pregnant as soon as possible, put a ficus in your bedroom and start caring for him as if he were a small and defenseless child. As a thank you, the plant will produce special substances that:

  • relieve irritability and aggression;
  • contribute to calm and tranquility;
  • give determination and determination.

Wise experts from the people say that it is in this state that you need to be in order to finally conceive a baby. In addition, caring for a flower increases the level of "maternal" hormones, which is critical in such a period. Instead of ficus indoors, you can put geranium, since its oils have a beneficial effect on the female body.


In order to speed up conception, you can help yourself gain confidence with the help of special amulets. According to legend, amulets made of diamond, amethyst, topaz and emerald bring the long-awaited pregnancy closer and keep mom from the evil eye.

From plants to amulets include:

  • bark of fruit trees;
  • cloves are mottled.

There are legends that if a girl, desperately wanting to give birth, touches the things of a pregnant woman or tries them on herself, then soon the couple will be able to conceive. The same effect is obtained from stroking the belly of a woman bearing a child. Many folk sages convince that for greater effectiveness, you still need to sit in the place where the expectant mother was sitting.

It is believed that such an innocent act as the purchase of an element of children's wardrobe will contribute to conception. You can buy a hat or socks, it is not essential. The main thing is to always carry a little thing with you. Thus, dreams take on a material form and thoughts are concentrated on the feeling that the baby is already there.

Many mothers claim that a family trip to the south contributed to the conception of a baby. Even specialists who treat couples for infertility recommend going to the seashore, changing the climate, having a good rest and focusing on the most important thing.

There is a very famous and effective sign associated with homeless animals. According to her, you need to take home a kitten or dog. However, not any animal will do, but only the one that has "nailed" to you. You need to treat him very gently and reverently. Otherwise, the method will not work.

When a woman fails to get pregnant, she usually hears the same advice - try to distract yourself. Despite the apparent simplicity, this is a very valuable recommendation, because sometimes desires need to be let go. As soon as you manage to turn your attention to something else, the chance of getting pregnant will increase significantly.

In addition, it is very important to maintain a positive attitude and drive bad thoughts away from yourself. The fact is that negativity inhibits the functioning of the reproductive system and creates a negative atmosphere around. Listen to fun music, watch comedies, go out more.

Of great importance for future pregnancy are the rituals that are performed in the process of marriage. Firstly, it is very important that among the invitees there is a pregnant girl and a mother with a small child. According to legend, if you hold the baby on your lap on your wedding day, you will soon be able to give birth to your baby. Secondly, you need to choose the most beautiful ribbon and tie it on a fruit tree.

In order for a child to choose a woman as his mother, she must implement the motherhood program as much as possible even before the conception of the crumbs. It is best to refrain from using cosmetics and wearing vulgar, defiant clothing. You need to stop cursing. This does not suit any girl, and especially a future mother.

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