The impact of physical activity on children's health. Theory

"Influence exercise on adolescent health

Abstract completed

9th grade student

Voitenkov Igor

MBOU Alexandrovskaya secondary school

In the context of the development of technological progress with the advent of computers, smartphones that facilitate work and everyday life people, the physical activity of people has declined sharply compared even with the nearest past decade.

One of the main causes of high morbidity in children in Russian Federation is a low level of physical activity. The population of Russia as a whole is “provided” with physical culture and sports for only 30-40% of the necessary, “physiologically justified amount of physical activity for the normal development of the body” (N.M. Amosov).

With a sedentary lifestyle that most modern teenagers lead, the volume and strength of muscles decrease, the amount of adipose tissue increases, bones become depleted in calcium and become less durable. Physical inactivity also negatively affects the emotional and mental state of adolescents, they become irritable and uncommunicative, and then lethargic and indifferent to what previously caused joyful emotions.

It is scientifically proven that outdoor games and physical exercises have a positive effect on the normal growth and development of the child. Properly conducted physical exercises contribute to the development of such positive qualities as independence and self-control, attention and ability to concentrate, resourcefulness and courage, endurance and others.

Physical education and sports not only help to be trained, fit, not only help reduce the incidence of children and adolescents, but also contribute to a more cheerful perception of the world around us, resistance to stress. Children who are friends with sports or go in for physical culture have higher self-esteem, self-respect, and greater self-confidence.

Physical culture and sports sometimes become the only forms of motor activity available to a person, with the help of which a person’s natural need for movement and loads is satisfied.

Movement and sports are good for health for the following reasons:

Strengthens the musculoskeletal system: the volume and strength indicators of muscles increase, the bones of the skeleton become more resistant to stress.

Strengthens and develops the nervous system. This is due to increased agility, speed and improved coordination of movements.

Improves the work of the heart and blood vessels. The impact of sports on the human body makes the heart and blood vessels more resilient.

Improves the functioning of the respiratory system. During physical exertion, due to an increase in the need for oxygen in tissues and organs, breathing becomes deeper and more intense.

Immunity increases and blood composition improves. In regularly exercising people, the number of red blood cells increases from 5 million in one cubic mm to 6 million.

The attitude towards life is changing. Physically active people more cheerful, less prone abrupt changes mood, irritability, depression and neuroses.

The impact of sport on a growing body

Medical statistics show how sports and children's health are connected. According to doctors, 70% of frequently ill children and adolescents do not go in for sports and often skip physical education classes. Mental stress at school, constant sitting at the computer or watching TV at home lead to the fact that the body does not receive physical relaxation.

This contributes to functional impairment and turns schoolchildren into "young old people" subject to the most various diseases, which were previously more often diagnosed in older people (pathologies of the skeletal system, vascular and heart diseases).

The influence of physical education and sports on the body of schoolchildren is invaluable - it is young and growing people who need constant exercise and movement. The sedentary lifestyle of modern children is of extreme concern to doctors and educators.

Sports should be done with reasonable approach and moderation: overload during training is unacceptable. There is also a risk of injury, so remember to take precautions

A physical break that activates blood circulation at the feet

Standing at the support, rise high on your toes 8-10 times, ankles tightly together. Then each leg, bending at the knee, shake relaxed. Repeat 2-3 times. Breathe rhythmically. The pace is average.

Physical education minute normalizing cerebral circulation

    Starting position - main stance 1-3 - hands behind the head, elbows out, bend over, inhale, hold the tension - 3-5s; bring your elbows together, tilt your head forward and release your hands, straightening your shoulders, exhale. 4-6 times.

    Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands - right above, left behind, hands in a fist. 1-10 times quickly change the position of the hands. Don't hold your breath.

    Starting position - standing, holding on to one support or sitting, head straight. 1- take your head back; 2- tilt it back; 3- straighten your head; 4- straighten the chin strongly forward. 4-6 times. Breathing is even.

Physical culture pause

    Walking in place, squeezing and unclenching the brushes. 20-39 p.

    Starting position - about. from. 1-2 - arms up to the sides, head back, bend over, inhale; 3-4 - arms down, relax your shoulders, bend slightly, head on your chest, exhale. 4-6 times.

    Starting position - feet shoulder width apart. 1- hands in front of the chest, inhale; 2- jerk with bent arms back, inhale; 3- jerk with straight arms back, inhale; 4- starting position, relax your shoulders, exhale. 6-8 times.

    Starting position - leg stand apart. 1- turn the body to the right, arms up, look at the hands, inhale; 2-3 - springy tilt forward, arms down, do not lower your head, exhale in portions; 4- starting position. The same to the left. 3-4 times.

    Starting position - main stance Running in place 30-40 s. with the transition to slow walking. 15-20 s. Don't hold your breath.

    Starting position - main stance 1 - left leg for a wide step to the side, arms to the sides, inhale; 2-3 - bending the left leg, springy tilt to the right, hands behind the back, inhale in proportions; 4- starting position. Same with right leg. 3-4 times.

    Starting position - main stance, hands on the belt. 1-3 - rising on the toe of the right leg, swinging the left relaxed leg forward, backward, forward; 4 - starting position. The same on the left leg. 3-4 times. Don't hold your breath.

I try to do more sports. I feel so much better and more energized. When I began to go to a sports club at school, I even stopped getting very tired after training. Charging in the morning is really good. And more often you need to walk. For example, I pump the press, train my legs on the simulator, squat, run, jump, like to ride a bike, play sport games.

Conclusion: exercise leads to useful effect in organism. Daily loads increase all the possibilities and abilities of the body, including mental ones. Physical education minutes have a beneficial effect on the restoration of physical and mental performance of children, prevent the growth of fatigue, improve the mood of students, and relieve static muscle loads.

Physical training stimulates growth processes that are important for the body, and activates the efficiency of internal organs. The beneficial effect of sports on a person has no boundaries. Therefore, even a little activity is better than a sedentary lifestyle. The influence of physical culture on is an indisputable fact.

Physical education and health in human life

Physical culture is intended to develop and strengthen the body, its protective functions. Going in for sports, a person is able to withstand many negative factors. Exercise and training are inextricably linked to organization. As a result, immunity is strengthened, as is the body's resistance.

Importance of physical activity in human life

Appearance technical devices A: Smartphones, computers have greatly influenced our modernity. It has become easier to organize your work. Although many drew attention to the fact that physical activity is reduced. If such a situation is allowed, the functions of the body, muscles and skeleton will weaken. Organs will work differently. Far from always, such changes improve well-being and condition, do what is usually manifested.

A minimum of movements reduces the endurance of muscles, heart, blood vessels, provokes interruptions in the functioning of the respiratory system. In the future, this state of affairs becomes fertile ground for the development of diseases. Meaning physical human- in the elimination of adverse aspects of a lifestyle with low mobility. Sport is a compensation for the lack of activity.

Physical culture as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle

Physical activity and health are closely related concepts. Sports are spreading to the masses, much is being done for its popularity. In order for the public to develop a positive attitude towards him, educational institutions give free subscriptions to swimming pools and training halls, emphasizing the important impact of physical exercise on human health. Factors physical health are detailed in .

The number of people who neglect sports activities is still large, despite such popularization measures. Physical activity and health are important areas of life, each of which is often impossible without the other. The main thing when playing sports is to maintain a sense of proportion so as not to be prone to overload. It is necessary to bear in mind the factor of traumatism, which may take place in this case. It is important in no case to neglect safety during training.

How to prevent complications during exercise?

The impact of physical activity on human health can also have a negative result with an illiterate approach. It is possible to avoid problems that cause concern with increasing loads if you engage in medical supervision. It is recommended to start with a visit to a specialist. At the consultation, it turns out if there are any contraindications. The health benefits of physical exercise will be obtained if the patient's history and complaints are first studied. The selection of a sport or a set of exercises is possible after examination, analysis, and obtaining the results of a cardiogram. And also this is fluorography of ultrasound, recommendations of narrow specialists.

Permissible load level

On questions: what exactly to realize yourself and what intensity to choose in order to benefit health. The last parameter should come from the calculation of the heart rate. The optimal setting will be selected. So the maximum heart rate is taken according to the formula: 220 - the age of a person. For example, if there is moderate hypertension, then the load is increased from 55% to 70. And only a year later it is increased to 85% of the maximum allowable rate.

How does physical culture and sports affect human health? Its presence is the need of people, which determines the ability to act and. It is closely related to motor activity as a biological function.

Physical exercises, outdoor games and then sports while observing the principle of consistency and gradualness, they contribute to the physical development of children and adolescents. Physical exercises do not affect any organ or system in isolation, but the whole organism as a whole. They cause changes not only in muscles, joints, ligaments, but also in internal organs and their functions.

Under the influence of physical work and single physical exercises, oxygen consumption by tissues increases sharply (8-10 times compared to the state of rest). The increased need of tissues for oxygen during muscular work reflexively causes significant changes in the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems; the respiratory rate increases by 2-2.5 times, the pulse - by 2-3 times. The release of carbon dioxide with exhaled air and metabolic products with sweat and urine increases sharply.

However, the healing effect on the body is exerted not by single, but by repeated repetitions of physical exercises. It has been established that daily, properly performed physical exercises favor physical development of children and teenagers. They have a somewhat greater annual increase in weight, body length, circumference and excursion of the chest, vital capacity of the lungs and muscle strength than is inherent in this age. The average indicators of the physical development of young athletes are higher than those of their peers who do not go in for sports. Young athletes have 5-6 cm more height, 7-9.5 kg body weight, 5.7-6.1 cm chest circumference and 1100 ml vital capacity.

Along with improving performance physical development improves the activity of the cardiovascular system. In adolescents who systematically perform physical exercises and go in for sports, both at rest and especially during physical activity, the stroke volume of the heart and, to a lesser extent, the heart rate increase, and vascular tone increases. The work of the respiratory organs becomes more economical. The body's need for oxygen, which increases in the process of muscular work, in trained people is provided to a greater extent by increasing the depth of breathing, while in untrained people - by increasing the frequency of breathing.

Significant changes occur in the metabolism. Trained people are better absorbed by tissues nutrients, oxidative processes proceed more deeply, as a result of which harmful products decay enter the blood in smaller quantities.

The movement of children is also favorably reflected in higher nervous activity. Under the influence of systematic physical education and sports, strength increases, mobility and balance improve. nervous processes in the cerebral cortex. The nervous system becomes more plastic; acquires the ability to quickly adapt to new types of work and environment.


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2., 10th grade.


Chapter I. Theoretical.

1. Introduction________________________________________________ 1-4 pp.

Chapter I. Main part.

1. Experimental-experimental ______________________ 4-7 pp.

2. Progress of work ____________________________________________ pp. 7-27

Chapter III. Final part.

1. Conclusions ________________________________________________ pp. 28-29

3. Literature ____________________________________________ 31 p.

Chapter I : Theoretical part.


The benefits of physical culture have been known at all times. They wrote about her, devoted treatises to her. Many great people have spoken about the positive impact of the movement. The French physician Simon-André Tissot (XVIII century) stated: "Movement as such can replace any remedy, but all remedies cannot replace the action of movement."

Health is an invaluable asset not only for each person, but for the whole society. In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", human health is classified as a priority area of ​​state policy in the field of education.

Scientific evidence shows that most people, if they follow the rules of hygiene, have the opportunity to live up to 100 years or more.

Data of medical examinations conducted on school students

show a decrease in vision in more than 20% of high school students, indigestion increases by 7% by senior school age, posture disorders in 26% of students.

When studying the scientific literature, which refers to the reduction in the number of healthy children by 4-5 times during the period of schooling, that only 6-8% of high school graduates can be considered healthy, 50% of graduates have morphological pathology, 42% of graduates chronic diseases.

Large mental and statistical loads at school; lack of additional physical activity; sedentary lifestyle; balanced diet, lead to the fact that the majority of schoolchildren deteriorate their vision, the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, metabolism is disturbed, the body's resistance to various diseases decreases, which leads to a deterioration in their health.

There is a degradation of the young generation of the country, which most adversely affects the security of the state, its defense capability, labor productivity in national economy, intellectual potential. Therefore, we consider it necessary to promote among adolescents the importance healthy lifestyle life in

3- in general and the importance of exercise in particular.

The most justified way to increase the adaptive capacity of the body, maintain health, prepare the individual for fruitful work, socially important activities - regular exercise.

The relevance of the topic we have chosen also lies in the fact that, unfortunately, many people do not follow the simplest, science-based norms of a healthy lifestyle. Some become victims of a sedentary lifestyle (physical inactivity), which causes premature aging, others overeat with the development of vascular sclerosis, which is almost inevitable in these cases, and in some - diabetes, others do not know how to relax, be distracted from industrial and domestic worries, are always restless, nervous, suffer from insomnia, which ultimately leads to numerous diseases of internal organs.

Some people, succumbing to the addiction to smoking and alcohol, actively shorten their lives.

We decided to conduct a study among high school students aged 15-16, or rather among our classmates of 10th grade students.

Topic: "The influence of physical exercises on the indicators of the physical development of a teenager."

Objective: To study the individual physical development of 10th grade teenagers.


1. Form in students life position for a healthy lifestyle.

Chapter II : Main part.

Experimental work:

One of the indicators of health is the physical development of a person. Physical development is carried out according to objective laws: the unity of the organism and living conditions, the conditions of heredity and variability, the interconnection of functional and morphological characteristics, the age-related change of phases and periods of development.

To assess physical development, the results of human measurements are used, which are commonly called anthropometric. The following are recorded: height, (length), weight (weight) of the body, vital capacity (VC), hand dynamometry data, etc. This allows us to evaluate individual development students, their compliance with age norms.

1. Performing anthropometric measurements:

1. Body weight. The measurements were taken in the morning. The examined are without outerwear and shoes. Body weight is determined using medical (electronic) scales.

2. Growth. When measuring height, the subject stands on the platform of the stadiometer, straightening up and touching the vertical stand with his heels, buttocks, interscapular region and the back of the head.

3. Vital capacity of the lungs. Vital capacity is measured using an air spirometer. The subject takes a breath, then exhale. Taking another deep breath, he takes the tip of the spirometer into his mouth and slowly exhales the air into the tube until it stops.

2. Functional tests:

1. Squat test. First, you need to measure the pulse at rest, then perform 20 squats in 30 seconds and determine the recovery time of the pulse.

2. Test with maximum breath holding. It characterizes the body's resistance to hypoxia (oxygen starvation). It is carried out in two versions: holding the breath while inhaling (Stange test) and holding the breath while exhaling (Genche test). In both options, the duration of breath holding and the indicator of the reaction of the cardiovascular system are estimated. (ETC).

3. Inspiratory breath test (Stange test). Before the test, measure (calculate) the pulse for 30 seconds. in a standing position and bring the resulting value to a minute (multiply by 2). In a sitting position, calmly take three deep breaths and full exhalations, then take a deep breath again, and then hold your breath as much as possible (while closing your mouth and pinching your nose with your fingers or nose clip). The breath holding time is recorded by a stopwatch. After the resumption of breathing, calculate the pulse for 30 seconds and bring the result to a minute (multiply the result by Calculate the reaction index ( ETC) cardio - vascular system for holding the breath according to the formula:

PR = Pulse rate after test

Pulse rate before the test

The indicator of the reaction of the cardiovascular system should not

exceed the value equal to 1.2. If you get higher

values, this indicates an adverse reaction

cardiovascular system for lack of oxygen.

4. Breath holding test on exhalation (Genchi test). Before the test, measure (calculate) the pulse for 30 seconds. in a standing position and bring the resulting value to a minute (multiply by 2). Calmly perform three relatively deep breaths - exhale, then hold your breath while exhaling, putting a clamp on your nose or holding it with your fingers.

In children and adolescents, the duration of breath holding on exhalation is on average 12-13 seconds, in adults - 25-30 seconds, in athletes - 40-60 seconds or more. After the resumption of breathing, count the pulse for 30 seconds and bring the result to a minute (multiply the result by 2). Calculate the response rate of the cardiovascular system using the above formula. The index of the reaction of the cardiovascular system should not exceed a value equal to 1.2. If higher values ​​are obtained, then this indicates an adverse reaction of the cardiovascular system to a lack of oxygen.

5. Skibinsky index. It characterizes the functional capabilities of the respiratory system, the body's resistance to hypoxia. First measure the pulse on the radial artery at rest, in a sitting position. Then take three deep breaths and full exhalations, then take a deep breath again, and then hold your breath for the maximum possible time. The breath holding time is fixed. Next, the vital capacity of the lungs is determined (WISH).

Skibinsky index (IP) calculated by the formula:

VC x

IP= ------------, where VC- vital capacity of the lungs (ml);

heart rate t - breath holding time (s);

heart rate- heart rate in

at rest in a sitting position (bpm).

6. Test with physical activity (Ruffier test).


Department of Physical Culture and Sports


1. Introduction

2. The influence of health-improving physical culture on the body

3. Physical exercises and the rhythm of life of schoolchildren

3.1. About the daily routine

3.2. Hygiene of mental work

3.3. Nutrition rules

3.4. About bad and good habits

4. Motor activity

5. Conclusion

6. List of used literature


Today, the problem of maintaining and improving health of modern schoolchildren. Everyone knows that the academic performance and quality of work performed at school directly depends on student's well-being

from the state of his health.

Today we are unlikely to find an educated person who denied

the great role of physical culture and sports in modern society. In sports clubs, regardless of age, millions of people are engaged in physical education. Physical training "becomes a catalyst for vital activity, a tool for a breakthrough in the field of intellectual potential and longevity."

Nowadays, more and more species labor activity instead of brute physical efforts, they require precisely calculated and precisely coordinated muscular efforts. Some professions place increased demands on a person's psychological capabilities, sensory capabilities, and some others. physical qualities. One of the main conditions is high overall performance level, harmonious development of professional, physical qualities. The concepts of physical qualities used in the theory and methodology of physical culture are very convenient for classifying the variety of training means and, in essence, are a criterion for a qualitative assessment of a person's motor function. There are four main motor qualities: strength, speed, endurance, flexibility. Each of these qualities of a person has its own structures and features, which generally characterize its physical features.

The special effect of health training is associated with an increase in the functionality of the cardiovascular system. It consists in economizing the work of the heart at rest and increased reserve capacity circulatory apparatus during muscular activity. One of the most important effects of physical training is a decrease in resting heart rate as a manifestation of the economization of cardiac activity and a lower myocardial oxygen demand.

In addition to a pronounced increase in the reserve capacity of the body under the influence of health training, it is also extremely important to preventive effect associated with an indirect effect on risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

At any age, especially during a period of intensive growth, with the help of training, you can increase aerobic capacity and endurance levels - indicators of the body's viability. Numerous studies of doctors and scientists testify to the invaluable positive impact of health-improving physical culture on the human body.



The health-improving and preventive effect of mass physical culture is inextricably linked with increased physical activity , strengthening the functions of the musculoskeletal system, activating metabolism. For normal operation human body and maintaining health, a certain “dose” of physical activity is necessary. In this regard, the question arises about the so-called habitual motor activity, i.e., activities performed in the process of everyday professional work and in everyday life. The most adequate expression of the amount of muscular work produced is the amount of energy consumption, plastic metabolism (primarily in the muscular system).

Distinguish general And special the effect of exercise, as well as their indirect effect on risk factors. The most common effect of training is an energy expenditure that is directly proportional to the duration and intensity of muscle activity, which allows make up for the energy deficit. It is also important to increase the body's resistance to action. adverse factors external environment: stressful situations, high and low temperatures, radiation, injuries, hypoxia. As a result of an increase in nonspecific immunity, resistance to colds also increases. However, the use of extreme training loads required in professional sports to achieve the “peak” of sports form often leads to the opposite effect - suppression of immunity and increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. A similar negative effect can also be obtained when doing mass physical culture with an excessive increase in load.



Improperly organized work of schoolchildren can be harmful to health, so the establishment of a rational lifestyle is of great importance.

A person who knows how to properly organize the regime of his work and rest from school time will retain cheerfulness and creative activity for a long time in the future.

3.1. About the routine of the day.

The precise implementation of at least a few weeks of a pre-thought-out and reasonably drawn up daily routine will help the student develop dynamic stereotype. Its physiological basis is the formation in the cerebral cortex of a certain sequence of excitation and inhibition processes necessary for effective activity.

entrenched regular exercise habits, to well organized daily routine help to support school year good performance.

The organization of a rational day regimen should be carried out taking into account the peculiarities of the work of a particular educational institution (class schedule), the optimal use of existing conditions, an understanding of one's individual characteristics, including biorhythms.

Each of us has a kind of biological clock - time counters, according to which the body periodically and in certain parameters changes its vital activity. All biorhythms are classified into several groups. Special meaning among them have daily allowance, or circadian, rhythms.

It is known that the transition from day to night is accompanied by a number of physical changes. The air temperature drops, its humidity increases, atmospheric pressure changes, the intensity of cosmic radiation changes. These natural phenomena in the process of human evolution contributed to the development of appropriate adaptive changes in physiological functions. For most body functions, the level of activity increases during the daytime, reaching a maximum by 16-20 hours, and decreases at night.

For example, in most people, the lowest bioelectrical activity of the brain is recorded at 2-4 am. This is one of the reasons for the increase in the number of errors during mental work in the late evening and especially at night, a sharp deterioration in the perception and assimilation of information during these hours.

The performance of the heart muscle during the day changes twice, usually decreasing at 13 and 21 hours. Therefore, at such a time it is undesirable to expose your body to great physical exertion. The capillaries are most expanded at 18 o'clock (at this time a person has high physical performance), and narrowed - at 2 o'clock in the morning.

Daily biorhythms are reflected in the work of the digestive system, endocrine glands, blood composition, and metabolism. So the most low temperature body in humans is observed in the early morning, the highest - at 17-18 hours. Daily rhythms are highly stable. Knowing the considered patterns, a person can more correctly build his daily routine.

It should also be borne in mind that not all people have daily biorhythms in the same time parameters. However, with the help of volitional efforts, a person is able to gradually rebuild his daily biorhythms somewhat. This is necessary when changing the change of study, changing the time zone. In such cases, powerful adaptive mechanisms of the body are activated.

Of paramount importance for each of us are the presence of certain goals, needs, interesting and useful activities for society, the ability to establish a correct, rational daily routine. In addition to a reasonable daily routine, we single out the following components of a student’s rational lifestyle, on the observance of which academic success and good health depend: mental health, proper nutrition, sleep, optimal physical activity, getting rid of bad habits.

3.2. Hygiene of mental work.

There are three types of mental activity. The first one belongs light mental work: reading fiction, talking to interesting interlocutor. Such activity can continue for a long time without the appearance of fatigue, since when it is performed, the psychophysiological mechanisms function with a low degree of tension.

The second type of mental activity can be called "operational thinking", since it is typical for the work of operators, dispatchers. For schoolchildren, this is a repetition of the material covered, the solution of mathematical problems using a known algorithm, the translation of a foreign text into Russian. In this case, the psychophysiological mechanisms of the brain work with great tension. Effectively, such an activity can last 1.5-2 hours.

The third type is work with the highest intensity. This digestion new information, creating new views based on old ones. During this kind of activity, the most active functioning occurs. physiological mechanisms that carry out the processes of thinking and remembering.

Knowledge of the above classification should help schoolchildren to properly organize their educational work. Mental health specialists believe that with operational thinking it is advisable to take breaks after 1.5-2 hours, and with the third type of mental activity - after 40-50 minutes. It should be emphasized that the thought processes in the brain fade slowly. Therefore, 10 minute pauses reserved for rest, will not disrupt the effectiveness of the subsequent performance of mental work, but will only help restore the energy of brain neurons.

During such a break, it is useful for the body to give physical activity in the form of a walk or a small complex. gymnastic exercises. Scientific research proven the effectiveness of such active rest . Muscles, as it were, "recharge" the brain.

A lot of controversy arises around the question of the use of music in the process of mental labor. The Hungarian scientist M. Almazi categorically states that listening to even quiet music during mental work is inappropriate. He believes that the influence of music contributes to a more rapid depletion of the nerve centers and increases the consumption of "psychic energy."

Music is best used during rest periods. In addition, when deciding on the inclusion of music in the process of mental activity, it is advisable to take into account the specifics of the work ahead. Doing complex work requires silence which helps you focus. If mental activity is simpler, such as, for example, solving problems using a known algorithm, translating from a foreign language with a dictionary, rewriting notes, etc., then music can speed it up. It should also be noted that the influence of music on the quality of mental work depends on individual habits.

Hygiene of mental work makes demands on clothing. It is important that she fits the body loosely, the collar of a shirt or sweater is not

should compress the vessels of the neck (a tight collar makes it difficult for the blood supply to the brain).

It is necessary to control and posture. Often one has to observe how schoolchildren sit at the table with their backs bent, their heads bowed low. In this position, the lungs and heart function worse, the spine is bent, the carotid arteries are compressed. You should sit with a slightly inclined torso (75-80 °) and a raised head, which should form a straight line with the back. Observe for several days the correctness of your posture, and it will become familiar to you.

On the table, it is desirable to have a music stand-stand for the book. Instead of a stand, you can use a stack of books. This will allow you to tilt your torso less and relieve tension in the muscles of the eyeball.

1) Get involved in work gradually, both after a night's sleep and after a vacation.

2) Choose an individual rhythm of work that is convenient for you. The scientist considers a uniform, average pace to be optimal. Irritability and excessive speed of mental labor tires me. In this case, fatigue sets in faster.

3) Observe the usual sequence and systematic mental work. The scientist believes that performance is much higher if you adhere to a pre-planned daily routine and change the types of mental work.

4) Establish a correct, rational alternation of work and rest. This will help to more quickly restore mental performance, maintaining it at an optimal level.

It is necessary to organize a short rest, actively include physical exercises in the daily routine.

3.3. Proper nutrition.

Man has long used nutrition as one of the most important means to improve health. No wonder the ancient Greek sages claimed: a person is the essence of what he eats, and Seneca wrote that moderate nutrition increases mental capacity. The mind, he said, grows dull from satiety.

Modern science has made some progress in studying issues rational nutrition. It is well known that it is based on dietary proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Proteins, or proteins, have highest value for the life of the organism. The average body's need for protein is 1-1.3 g per kilogram of body weight. For schoolchildren, actively involved in physical culture and sports, due to increased energy consumption, the need for proteins increases by approximately 1.5 times. Proteins of both animal and vegetable origin should be included in the daily diet of a student. Of the plant proteins, soy, potato, oatmeal, buckwheat, beans, and rice have the greatest value and biological activity.

Fats are the most concentrated source of energy. However, in the body they perform other important features: together with proteins form the structural basis of cells, protect the body from hypothermia, serve natural sources vitamins A, E, D. Therefore, fats and especially their main component - fatty acids - are an indispensable part of food.

Linoleic acid is found predominantly in vegetable oils. From total fats included in food, it is recommended to consume 30-40% vegetable. The body's need for fat is approximately 1-1.2 g per kilogram of weight. Excess fat leads to the appearance of excess body weight, the deposition of fatty tissue, and metabolic disorders.

Carbohydrates are considered the body's main source of energy. In addition, they are necessary for the normal functioning nervous system, mainly the brain. It has been proven that with intense mental activity, carbohydrate expenditure increases. Carbohydrates also play important role in the metabolism of proteins, the oxidation of fats, but their excess in the body creates fat deposits.

Now a little about vitamins, which are also a necessary component of nutrition. Vitamins are part of enzymes, activate the metabolism, increase the immunity of a person, his mental and physical performance. Most vitamins are not synthesized in the body, so they must be supplied with a niche in the required amount.

A special role is played by vitamin C - ascorbic acid. It takes an active part in redox processes, has a vascular strengthening effect, increases the body's resistance. Vitamin C enhances the hematopoietic function, helps the oxidation of some intermediate metabolic products formed during exercise. physical activity, normalizes the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, improves the functioning of the nervous system, liver, increases the body's resistance to temperature fluctuations, accelerates recovery after physical exertion.

Vitamin B (thiamine) is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, takes an active part in metabolism. It normalizes the acidity of gastric juice, increases the body's immunity, provides best use carbohydrates. The average need for vitamin B is 1.6-2 mg per day, enough of it is found in wholemeal bread, millet, oatmeal and buckwheat, eggs, meat.

In the body of schoolchildren, regularly exercising, with intense physical exertion, there is some loss of minerals such as zinc, copper and especially iron. Therefore, it is necessary increase their dietary intake.

3.4. About good and bad habits.

Habits - it is a form of our behavior. No wonder he said: "The habit from above is given to us, it is a substitute for happiness."

Good habits help formation of a harmoniously developed personality, harmful, - on the contrary, hinder its formation. Habits are extremely stable.

Even Hegel emphasized that habits make a person their slave. Therefore, in school age it is important to develop useful habits and resolutely fight against harmful ones that threaten to turn into vices.

Good habits are the desire for regular improvement of knowledge, for physical exercises, as well as for such wonderful forms of spending free time as reading, visiting theaters, movies, listening to music. All these forms of leisure, naturally in reasonable time parameters, enrich a person, make life more interesting, contribute to self-improvement.

However, in school years there are many bad habits. These include an irrational daily routine, irregular preparation for classes. But the most harmful are smoking and alcohol abuse. These habits can imperceptibly develop into a vice that can ruin a person's life.

Among the so-called risk factors that cause diseases of the cardiovascular system, leading cardiologists of the world assign smoking the third or fourth place. Committee of Experts World Organization Healthcare, on the basis of statistical data, has developed a table by which it is possible to approximately determine how much a person's possible life expectancy is reduced due to smoking. According to this table, a person 20-25 years old, who smokes up to 9 cigarettes a day, reduces his life by 4-6 years, who smokes 10-19 cigarettes - by 5-7 years.

Nicotine has a negative effect on the endocrine glands, and especially on the adrenal glands. They begin to secrete the hormone adrenaline more than usual, the excess of which causes vasoconstriction.

In smokers, there is also an earlier appearance of hypertension, angina pectoris. sad fact prevalence of this habit among schoolchildren.

Smoking is incompatible with regular physical education and sports, since muscle load enhances the negative effects of smoking on the body. Athlete who smokes is at risk rapid development overvoltage, slower recovery processes after training. The development of new motor skills is deteriorating, such physical quality like speed. It is necessary to eradicate this habit from schoolchildren by all means.

Even greater evil brings the use of alcohol (ethyl alcohol) in any of its forms (vodka, wine, beer, etc.). In addition to the negative impact on biological nature person, he provides strong influence to its social nature. With the constant use of alcoholic beverages, personality degradation occurs, official position is lost, and the family is destroyed. Consider the physiological effects of alcohol on the body. Getting into the blood, it acts on the brain and causes most people to have a state of fun, increased desire for communication, looseness. This is one of the reasons why schoolchildren (more often high school students) use alcoholic beverages.

At the same time, perception, activity of the motor centers of the brain and organs of balance are disturbed. Primitive instincts are out of control. This can explain unbridled outbursts of anger, increased aggressiveness.

Physical performance and muscle strength also decrease, motor skills and abilities are impaired. Some students have an opinion that small doses of alcoholic beverages improve appetite. This opinion is wrong. Instead of the expected benefit from frequent drinking, addiction to it develops, leading to alcoholism. Moreover, a person can become a chronic alcoholic, beer drinker.

There is a gradual fall human personality. The reasons for it are limited interests, weakness of will, as well as the indifference of the surrounding people. It is vital for such people - the inclusion of their own will, resolute struggle against this harmful, crippling habit.


A necessary condition for the harmonious development of the student's personality is sufficient physical activity. Last years due to the high study load at school and at home and other reasons, most schoolchildren have a deficit in the daily routine, insufficient physical activity, which causes the appearance of hypokinesia, which can cause a number of serious changes in the body of the student.

Studies of hygienists show that up to 82 - 85% of the daytime most students are in a static position (sitting). Even junior schoolchildren Voluntary motor activity (walking, games) takes only 16-19% of the time of the day, of which organized forms of physical education account for only 1-3%. The general motor activity of children with school entry falls by almost 50%, decreasing from the lower grades to the older ones. It has been established that motor activity in grades 9-10 is less than in grades 6-7, girls take fewer steps per day than boys; there is more physical activity on Sundays than on school days. A change in the value of physical activity in different academic quarters was noted. Motor activity of schoolchildren especially small in winter; it increases in spring and autumn.

Schoolchildren not only have to limit their natural physical activity, but also maintain an uncomfortable static posture for a long time while sitting at a desk or study table.

A sedentary position at a desk or desk is reflected in functioning of many body systems of a schoolchild especially cardiovascular and respiratory. With prolonged sitting, breathing becomes less deep, metabolism decreases, blood stagnation occurs in the lower extremities, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the whole organism and especially the brain: attention decreases, memory weakens, coordination of movements is disturbed, and the time of mental operations increases.

The negative consequence of hypokinesia is also manifested in the resistance of the young organism to colds and infectious diseases, prerequisites are created for the formation of a weak, untrained heart and the subsequent development of insufficiency of the cardiovascular system. Hypokinesia on the background of excessive nutrition with a large excess of carbohydrates and fats in the daily diet can lead to obesity.

Sedentary children have very weak muscles . They are unable to maintain the body in the correct position, they develop poor posture, a stoop is formed.

With systematic physical education and sports, there is a continuous improvement of organs and systems in the human body. This is mainly the positive impact of physical culture on health promotion.

Muscles make up 40 to 56% of a person's body weight, and good health can hardly be expected if a good half of the cells that make up the body are not adequately nourished and do not have good performance.

under the influence of muscle activity harmonious development all parts of the central nervous system. At the same time, it is important that physical activity is systematic, varied and does not cause overwork. The higher part of the nervous system receives signals from the sense organs and from the skeletal muscles. The cerebral cortex processes a huge flow of information and carries out precise regulation of the body's activities.

Physical exercise beneficial effect on the development of such functions of the nervous system as strength, mobility and balance of nervous processes. Even intense mental activity is impossible without movement.

Sufficient physical activity is necessary condition harmonious development of personality.

Physical exercise helps good functioning of the digestive organs, helping the digestion and assimilation of food, activate the activity of the liver and kidneys, improve the activity of the endocrine glands: thyroid, genital, adrenal glands, which play a huge role in the growth and development of a young organism.

Under the influence of physical activity, the heart rate increases, the heart muscle contracts more strongly, and the release of blood into the main vessels by the heart increases. Constant training of the circulatory system leads to its functional improvement. In addition, during work, the blood that does not circulate through the vessels in a calm state is included in the bloodstream. Involvement in the blood circulation of a large mass of blood not only trains the heart and blood vessels, but also stimulates hematopoiesis.

Physical exercise causes increased body demand for oxygen, as a result of which the “vital capacity” of the lungs increases, the mobility of the chest improves. In addition, the complete expansion of the lungs eliminates congestion in them, the accumulation of mucus and sputum, that is, it serves as a preventive measure. possible diseases. The lungs with systematic physical exercises increase in volume, breathing becomes rarer and deeper, which has important for ventilation.

Physical exercise is also causes positive emotions, cheerfulness, creates a good mood. Therefore, it becomes clear why a person who has known the “taste” of physical exercises and sports strives for regular exercise.


Protecting your own health - this is the direct responsibility of everyone, he has no right to shift it to others. After all, it often happens that a person with an unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, physical inactivity, overeating already by the age of 20-30 brings himself to a catastrophic state and only then remembers medicine.

No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot rid everyone of all diseases. Human - the creator of your own health for which to fight. FROM early age it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, harden, engage in physical education and sports, observe the rules of personal hygiene, - in a word, to achieve in reasonable ways the true harmony of health.

The integrity of the human personality is manifested primarily in the relationship and interaction of the mental and physical forces of the body. The harmony of the psychophysical forces of the body increases the reserves of health, creates conditions for creative self-expression in various fields our life. Active and healthy man retains youth for a long time, continuing creative activity.

A healthy lifestyle includes the following main elements: fruitful work, a rational mode of work and rest, the eradication of bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, hardening, rational nutrition, etc.

Health- this is the first and most important human need, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the personality. Therefore, the importance of physical culture in the development of a healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren is enormous.


1. Soviet system of physical education . Ed. . M .: "Physical culture and sport", 1975.

2. Handbook of physical culture teacher . Ed. . M .: "Physical culture and sport", 1998.

3. Psychology . Ed. . M .: "Physical culture and sport", 1987.

4. L . A. Leshchinsky. Take care of your health . M .: "Physical culture and sport", 1995.

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