How to cook porridge from sorghum. Sorghum: types and uses - composition and useful properties. Possible side effects

All people who held an ordinary shop broom in their hands are familiar with the sorghum plant, since it is this plant that is used to make this indispensable means of cleaning the house and on the street. However, brooms are not all that sorghum is capable of - an amazing plant that came to us from Africa.

Sorghum has been known for thousands of years. In Africa, China and India, sorghum was considered a cereal, since it was used to make flour and bake bread cakes. Gradually, sorghum began to lose ground somewhat, but even now more than 70 million tons of sorghum are produced in the world. At the same time, most of all sorghum is produced in the USA (about 10 million tons per year). In Russia - less than 500 thousand tons.

The fact is that sorghum is a very thermophilic plant and grows well only at temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is lower, the plant stops its development and may remain a bunch of grass 10-20 cm high, although an adult good plant reaches a height of 2-3 meters. Sorghum does not tolerate not only frost, but also drought, although it consumes less water than other plants (1 unit of sorghum requires 300 units of water, 1 unit of wheat - 500, sunflower - 900, and castor beans - all 1200). For this quality N.I. Vavilov called sorghum "the camel of the plant world". Therefore, in Russia, sorghum is grown only in the southern regions and most often for livestock feed, since 3-4 crops of sorghum grass can be harvested for silage in one season.

Types of sorghum

Grassy - has a juicy core, goes to feed livestock.

Technical (broom) - goes to the manufacture of brooms. In addition to brooms, wicker baskets, decorative items and even paper are made from it in some countries.

Cereal - very similar to millet, but has a stronger shell that makes it difficult to process sorghum into grain.Used for the production of cereals and flour, starch and alcohol. Bread, confectionery and baby food, cereals and alcoholic beverages are made from it. Grain sorghum is the basis of the national dishes of Asia and Africa.

Sugar - has a juicy stalk rich in carbohydrates. Syrup, vegetable honey and molasses are obtained from it.

Lemon - has a pronounced lemon flavor. It is used as a seasoning for meat, fish, seafood and vegetable dishes. It goes well with garlic, pepper and ginger. From lemongrass, an aromatic essential oil is extracted, which is in demand in the food, pharmaceutical and, of course, perfume industries.

The benefits of sorghum

We will not talk now about the benefits of sorghum in the form of brooms and animal feed. Let's talk only about the nutritional value of sorghum for humans. This culture is useful because:

Has a high content of protein and carbohydrates;
- B vitamins stimulate appetite, take care of the skin and digestive tract, increase immunity;
- antioxidants, which are more in sorghum than in blueberries, protect the body from aggressive environmental influences, keeping health and youth longer;
- phosphorus provides strength to bones and elasticity to muscles;
- vegetable fats contribute to the provision of the body with high-density lipoproteins, which preserve the health of the heart and blood vessels longer, and prevent the development of strokes and heart attacks;
- sorghum flour does not contain gluten, and therefore bread and pastries from it are suitable for people suffering from gluten intolerance.

Harm to sorghum

Some varieties of sorghum contain high amounts of hydrocyanic acid, which can cause poisoning. Therefore, when growing sorghum on your own, clearly define its variety and features of use. The store sells food sorghum.

How to use sorghum?

At home, sorghum can significantly expand your list of dishes, make your diet more healthy and varied. Here are the easiest recipes.

Coffee drink. Sorghum grains, peeled from films, should be well fried in a frying pan (until brown) and ground in a coffee grinder. Dry the powder thoroughly, store in a closed glass container. Brew 1 teaspoon of the powder with boiling water before use, you can add sugar to taste.

Sorghum porridge. It is cooked about like rice, but a little longer - about an hour. It cooks especially well in a slow cooker or slow cooker. Ready crumbly cereals can be mixed with fruits, berries or fried vegetables, mushrooms, meat.

Bread made from sorghum flour. It is baked like ordinary bread, but for a guaranteed result it is better to add about 30% wheat flour.

Zatiruha from sorghum flour. A dietary and very nutritious dish. Sorghum flour is steamed with boiling water in an enamel bowl and then intensively rubbed with a wooden spoon. Quickly restores strength after suffering serious illnesses. Useful for those who experience chronic fatigue or often get sick.

Sorghum oil. Sold in stores. Very tasty and healthy. You need to use it in salads and for dressing ready-made dishes, you can fry it on refined, and store it in a closed package in a dark, cool place.

Here is such an amazing culture - sorghum. And since you already know about it, try to use it. A tasty and healthy product, most likely, will take root in your kitchen.

This is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the Bluegrass family (Grains). Its homeland is Sudan, Ethiopia and other states of Northeast Africa, where the plant began to be cultivated in the 4th century BC, and where the largest number of sorghum varieties known to modern science is still found. In ancient times, this culture was distributed not only in Africa, but also in China, India, where it is widely used for food today. In the 15th century, it began to be cultivated in European countries, and in the 17th century it was brought to America.

Today you can find both annual plant species and perennials. Interestingly, many young plants are poisonous.

This spring heat-loving crop, resembling corn in appearance, is successfully grown in the States, where places from Missouri to Kentucky specialize in the cultivation of sugar sorghum, the production of syrup and other products from it. In America, 40 grain varieties of this plant grow. The production of various sorghum products is considered an important part of the economy of Nigeria and India, which are also leaders in this industry, well ahead of African states, where sorghum is traditionally the main crop.

Now about 60 varieties of cultivated and wild sorghum species are known, which are most common in Central and South-West Asia, Equatorial Africa, the Americas, southern Europe, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine and even Australia.

Among them are the following types:

  • grain sorghum(the main ones are Ethiopian, Nubian and Arabian sorghum) looks like millet. From seeds of different colors - from white to brown and even black - cereals, flour and starch are obtained, using these products for the preparation of alcohol, bread, confectionery, cereals, baby food, various dishes of national cuisines of Asia, Africa, etc. ;
  • sugar sorghum, from whose stems molasses is produced for various confectionery products, sorghum syrup and sweet sorghum honey;
  • technical or broom sorghum whose straw is used to make paper, brooms and wickerwork;
  • grassy sorghum having a juicy core, which goes to feed livestock;
  • lemongrass, used as a seasoning for meat, fish, vegetable dishes and various seafood, goes well with ginger, garlic, pepper. A valuable essential oil is produced from it for the pharmaceutical, food and perfume industries.

How to choose

Sorghum is divided into 4 categories. Herbaceous and technical varieties are not used in cooking. Cereals or sugar are used for the production of cereals and flour, confectionery, drinks and molasses.

When purchasing grain, you should pay special attention to its appearance. A quality product should be well dried and have a reddish tint. The grits should have a crumbly texture and can range in color from light yellow to brown and black.

How to store

Sorghum groats are stored at room temperature in any dry room. It does not lose its properties within two years. Flour from this culture is stored for about one year.

In cooking

Sorghum has a neutral, in some cases slightly sweet taste, so it can be considered a versatile product for a variety of culinary variations. Most often this product is used for the production of starch, flour, cereals (couscous), baby food, alcohol.

Thanks to its fresh citrus aroma, lemongrass is used in Caribbean and Asian cuisines to season seafood, meat, fish, and vegetables. They combine cereal with garlic, hot pepper, ginger. Lemongrass is added to sauces, soups, drinks.

Sugar sorghum produces delicious syrups, molasses, marmalade, as well as drinks such as beer, mead, kvass, vodka. Interestingly, this is the only plant whose juice contains about 20% sugar.

From this grain crop, nutritious and tasty cereals, cakes, all kinds of confectionery, various soups and main dishes are obtained. Sorghum does not contain gluten, so for high-quality baking it is combined with classic wheat flour. This cereal goes well with fresh vegetables, lime juice, mushrooms and lemon.

In dietary nutrition, sorghum is used to prepare healthy and satisfying side dishes, cereals, and is added to vegetable salads. This product is able to relieve hunger for a long time, enrich the body with minerals and vitamins.

In China, maotai drink is made from grain sorghum. In Ethiopia, instead of bread, injeru is often eaten - flatbreads made from sourdough sorghum.


100 g of sorghum contains 339 kcal. At the same time, the plant has a lot of carbohydrates - almost 69 g. The rest is water, proteins, fats, fiber and ash.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of sorghum

Composition and presence of nutrients

Sorghum contains unsaturated and saturated acids, mono- and disaccharides, as well as various vitamins: PP, B1, B5, B2, B6, A, H, choline. This cereal exceeds the blueberry record by 12 times in terms of the content of polyphenolic compounds. And its mineral composition is represented by phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, copper, silicon, aluminum, etc.

It is worth noting that sorghum does not contain the important amino acid lysine, so it is advised to combine it with other protein sources.

Useful and medicinal properties

Sorghum is rich in carbohydrates and proteins, which determines its nutritional value. Thiamine has a beneficial effect on brain function and nervous activity, and also stimulates appetite, gastric secretion and improves the functioning of the heart muscle. It has a positive effect on growth, energy levels, learning ability and is needed for muscle tone. This vitamin acts as an antioxidant and protects the body from the damaging effects of aging.

Polyphenolic compounds, which are strong antioxidants, protect the body from negative environmental factors, the effects of tobacco and alcohol, and also resist aging. 1 gram of sorghum contains about 62 mg of polyphenolic compounds. For comparison, there are only 5 mg of blueberries per 100 grams in the record holder.

In addition, this cereal, due to the content of vitamin PP and biotin, improves metabolic processes that break down fats and stimulate the production of fatty acids, amino acids, steroid hormones and vitamins A and D. Sorghum also promotes the formation of niacin from tryptophan, protein synthesis.

Sorghum is indicated for diabetics, as it helps to regulate sugar levels and is involved in the synthesis of glucose. Also, the product stimulates the production of hemoglobin and helps to transport oxygen to red blood cells to the tissues of the human body.

Sorghum photo

There are several ways to classify sorghum. For high drought resistance and heat resistance, this culture is called the "camel of the plant kingdom." Study the varieties included in the State Register using Appendix 1/21 ... 1/24, determine the mass of 1000 grains using the method described in Work 28, solve the problem using Appendix 3/8.

Genus Sogrhum Moench. contains more than 30 annual and perennial species. In Russia, cultivated sorghum is represented by two main types:

1. Sorghum- S. vulgare (vulgare) Pers., which includes a large number of varieties and varieties (Fig. 42). It is widely cultivated for fodder, technical and food purposes.

2. sudan grass- S. sudanense (Sudanense) Pers., which is cultivated as a fodder plant.

Of particular interest are such types of grain sorghum as kaoliang and dzhugara:

Kaoliang- S. chinense (khinense) Jakushev (Chinese sorghum) - an early maturing and drought-resistant species, promising in breeding work.

Dzhugara- S. cernuum (cernuum) Host. - with a compact and curved inflorescence. It has long been cultivated in Central Asia.

Here are some characteristic features of the structure of plants of these species.

The stem of sorghum (except for special dwarf varieties) is high, reaches 1.5-3.5 m, and in hot tropical countries - 6-7 m in height, with a loose core.

The stem, like other cereals, forms underground branches - it bushes, but at the same time it sometimes develops above-ground branches in the axils of the leaves - stepchildren.

The degree of tillering and the tendency to form stepchildren in different varieties of sorghum are not the same. Usually grain varieties branch less, fodder varieties (for green fodder) - more.

The main stem and all side shoots end in a panicle at the top, but usually only on the main stem does the panicle reach full and timely development and fruiting.

The lateral branches of the panicle also branch in turn. Spikelets are located at the ends of the branches.

Spikelets of sorghum usually sit in twos or threes, and one of them is fertile, sessile, the others are barren, on short legs. All spikelets are single-flowered. In a fertile spikelet, the flower is bisexual, in barren spikelets it is male. Barren spikelets after flowering begin to fall off and are partially preserved on a mature panicle.

Spikelet scales are dense, leathery, wide and convex, usually glossy, often pubescent, more or less tightly cover the grain, which is why in some varieties it is threshed together with them, in others it is freed from them (naked forms). Floral scales are delicate, thin.

Sorghum grain is rounded, less often slightly ovoid, slightly compressed. Weight of 1000 seeds is 15-40 g and more. The panicle contains from 1.0 to 3.5 thousand grains.

Definition of sorghum subspecies

Referring all cultivated forms of sorghum to one species (Sorghum vulgare), at the end of the century before last, Kernike proposed to subdivide this species into subspecies, groups and varieties. This division has not lost its significance for practical purposes, although many of the varieties he singled out correspond to the species established later (Fig. 43 and 44).

1. Subspecies effusum(effusum) Kőrn. (Fig. 43) - spreading sorghum. Panicle loose, with diverging more or less long branches.

Within this subspecies, two groups of forms are distinguished:

a) the stem at the top is immediately cut off, i.e. panicle with a short axis and racemose arranged long lateral branches;

b) the stem imperceptibly passes into the panicle, i.e. panicle with a long main axis and comparatively shorter lateral branches.

2. Subspecies contractum(contractum) Kőrn.- lump sorghum (crowded). Panicle dense, panicle branches short, usually vertical.

This subspecies is also divided into two groups of forms:

a) stem and panicle erect;

b) the stem at the apex is bent down, the panicle is directed downwards.

Characteristics of the main directions

in the culture of sorghum and its varieties

Sorghum is a relatively new crop in Russia. The ease of crossing varieties with each other makes it difficult to classify sorghum. For practical purposes, a classification based on the different uses of sorghum varieties in cultivation is usually used. In our country, three main directions in the culture of sorghum are of greater or lesser importance, according to which its varieties are also subdivided.

1. Grain sorghum (Fig. 44 a, b). This includes all varieties cultivated for grain. They are relatively short, slightly bushy.

The core of the stem is dry or semi-dry, with slightly sweet or sour juice. The central vein of the leaf in an adult plant is yellowish-white or white.

The internode of the stem is shortened compared to the leaf sheaths. The grains are usually open and easily collapsed.

2. Sugar sorghum. Cultivated for the sake of succulent stems, sometimes used to obtain molasses, and more often for fodder purposes. It is taller, has increased tillering.

The core of the rod is abundantly juicy and sweet. The central vein of the leaf in an adult plant is green. Stem internodes are elongated compared to leaf sheaths.

The grains are usually membranous or semi-membrane, difficult to collapse.

3. Broom sorghum. Varieties of broom sorghum are cultivated for panicles, which are used to make brooms and brushes. They differ in a completely dry core of the stem. The central vein of the leaf in an adult plant is white.

The panicle is long (40-90 cm), without a main axis or with a shortened axis. Lateral branches predominantly of the first order, mostly unilaterally drooping.

The grains are mainly on the tops of the lateral branches of the panicle, always membranous, difficult to collapse.

A source: Workshop on crop production

Textbook / V.M. Ivanov, G.A. Medvedev, E.V. Mishchenko, D.E. Mikhalkov. - Volgograd: IPK FGOU VGSHA "Niva", 2011.


What is sorghum - a description of the plant and variety, places of growth, benefits and harms, areas of use

Few people know the sorghum plant, but this crop has been used by man for many millennia in many industries: industry, cooking, medicine, and is widely used in agriculture. Once upon a time, China, India, Africa, cereals were used in the manufacture of flour for baking cakes. Recently, the plant has not been so common, although almost 70 million tons of it are grown annually around the world.

Kaoliang (humai) or sorghum is an annual and perennial herbaceous spring crop that belongs to the grass or bluegrass family. Translated from the Latin word "Sorgus" means "to rise".

According to the scale of production, the cereal is in fifth place, which is explained by high yields, productivity, resistance to weather conditions.

The variety is unpretentious, growing a crop does not require the use of special equipment and machinery.

Sorghum is considered to be native to East Africa. There it began to be grown from the 4th century BC. Today, there are approximately 70 species of this plant, which are cultivated in the southwestern part of Asia, Equatorial and South Africa, the southern part of the European continent, and Australia. Kaolian also grows in Moldova, the steppe zone of Ukraine, and the southern part of Russia.

Energy value and composition

The plant is a natural antioxidant. Kaoliang contains more protein than corn, but lacks the amino acid lysine. 100 grams of sorghum grain contains 339 kcal. Sorghum grain has the following nutritional value:

  • carbohydrates - 68.3 g;
  • ash - 1.57 g.
  • water - 9.2 g;
  • fats - 3.3 g;
  • protein - 11.3 g.

The table shows the content of the main vitamins and minerals per 100 g of seed:

The composition of trace elements and vitamins of sorghum determines its characteristics and medicinal properties. The plant is capable of:

  • strengthen the muscles of the heart;
  • stimulate appetite;
  • improve brain activity;
  • break down fats, activate the metabolic processes of the body;
  • accelerate protein synthesis;
  • remove salt from the body;
  • stimulate the production of hemoglobin.

Gaoliang is often used for various gastrointestinal diseases, rheumatism, and for the prevention of strokes and heart attacks.

Grain, due to the content of folic acid in it, is very useful for pregnant women, nursing mothers.

Lemongrass tightens the skin, makes it fresh and elastic, so the plant is often used in the manufacture of anti-aging cosmetics.

proteins and carbohydrates makes the plant nutritious, thiamine tones the muscles, stimulates the secretion of the stomach, and has a beneficial effect on the higher nervous activity of the body.

Antioxidants, which the grain has in large quantities, protect the human body, prevent premature aging, inflammation. Vitamins regulate metabolism, break down fats.

The product is suitable for use by diabetics, skin diseases, nervous disorders.

  • potassium regulates pressure, acid, water, electrolyte balance;
  • vitamin B1 provides the body with energy, promotes metabolism, improves the functioning of the digestive, nervous, and cardiovascular systems.
  • phosphorus is involved in many physiological processes;
  • vitamin PP is involved in the restoration and normalization of the skin condition, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the nervous system;
  • iron prevents anemia, atony of skeletal muscles, atrophic gastritis


There are about 70 cultivated and 24 wild varieties of sorghum. Depending on the scope of use, there is grain sorghum, sugar, lemon, broom, grassy.

All varieties are very productive, but in the first places in terms of fertility: "Durra", "Kaoliang", "Dzhugara". Several hybrids have been bred that give no less yield. These are: "Quartz", "Titan", "Emerald", "Eritrea".

There are 4 main groups of sorghum:

  1. sugar;
  2. lemon;
  3. technical or broom;
  4. grassy.

There are several types of sorghum. There are 8 of them in total, some of them have their own subspecies. There is sorghum:

  • guinean grain;
  • kaffir;
  • negro;
  • bread (Ethiopian, Nubian, Arabic);
  • Chinese (gaolian ordinary and waxy);
  • sugar;
  • herbaceous or Sudan grass;
  • technical (East Eurasian and West Eurasian).

The stalk of sweet sorghum contains approximately 20% sugar. The highest concentration of carbohydrates occurs immediately after the flowering of the plant. It is used in the manufacture of jam, honey, sweets, alcohol, vitamins, food additives.

Sugar made from humai can be consumed by people with diabetes. The cost of this substance is lower than that of cane or beet. The culture is able to give a good harvest in drought, high temperatures, on infertile soils.

The plant is resistant to diseases and pests, so less pesticides are used in cultivation.

The culture is indispensable when it is necessary to restore the fertility of dry, depleted soil. Grain antioxidants are able to remove all toxic substances from the earth, it is replenished with useful minerals.

After such treatment, sowing other crops, their growth will be productive. Sweet sorghum is increasingly used in the field of bioenergy for the production of bioethanol, biogas, and solid fuels.

In China, this crop is one of the main ones in the production of biofuels.

Lemon gumay is easily recognizable by its pronounced lemon flavor. This feature of the plant allows it to be used by perfumers and culinary specialists. The plant is used dried and fresh.

For cooking, it is pulp, onion and stem, juice, perfumery uses essential oils. As a spice, the culture is suitable for meat and fish dishes, vegetable soups and salads.

Especially often it is used for making marinades, brewing tea.

Lemon sorghum copes well with seborrhea, strengthens hair, prevents baldness. Kaoliang essential oil is effective in tsetse and mosquito bites, it is antibacterial, antiseptic, antipyretic, which is proved by its widespread use by medical workers in India, China, and Vietnam. The plant is often used in the treatment of infectious diseases.

Technical or broom sorghum is grown in household plots. The plant does not require serious care, the land can be cultivated in the usual way. Technical kaoliang is distinguished by color, shape of panicles, which are used to make brooms.

Red varieties are valued less because they have hard, stiff branches. The most valuable varieties with elastic, even, equal in length, dense panicles at the ends. In addition to brooms, the plant is suitable for making wicker things, paper.

Growing a broom variety can be a good start for your own business.

Grassy sorghum is widely used for fodder purposes. The sugar variety is indispensable as livestock feed. Hay and silage produced from this variety have many nutrients.

In animal husbandry, the best feed for livestock is a mixture of sorghum and corn.

The plant is used for land irrigation, crop rotation, has a phytomeliorative effect on the soil, and is able to remove salt from the soil.

plant application

Sorghum is a real storehouse of vitamins and useful elements, so the culture is in great demand. From kaoliang get:

  • silage;
  • soil fertilizers;
  • essential oils;
  • starch - used in the mining, food, paper, textile, medical sectors;
  • flour - used for food purposes in baking, cooking cereals;
  • cereals;
  • seasonings for dishes, etc.

Due to the thick and bitter-tasting peel, it is difficult to use the plant in cooking, but possible. Sugar is used for food (for making sweets, pastries, honey, alcohol), lemon (seasoning for many dishes, drinks, teas), grain sorghum (cereals, side dishes are prepared from cereals, flour is used for baking bread, flat cakes, cooking couscous ).

Depending on the type of gumay, it is recommended to use it as an ingredient or a separate dish. For example:

  • as part of rice dishes, the taste is more refined, bright;
  • as the main side dish is an alternative to buckwheat, oatmeal, rice;
  • as a component of separate cold appetizers, many salads;
  • in the manufacture of muffins;
  • prepare syrups, creams for baking based on lemon varieties.

Lemongrass is versatile. To get a drink, the stems are poured with boiling water and infused for about ten minutes. The drink lowers the temperature, tones the body. Lemon kaoliang is a frequent ingredient in the cuisines of different nations:

  • Asian - used as a seasoning in fresh, boiled form;
  • Thai - as a side dish and seasoning for soups, sauces, pastes;
  • Vietnamese - for making fondue.

The grain type of grass is processed into flour for baking. Since the resulting product does not contain gluten, it should be mixed with wheat flour when kneading the dough. In its pure form, such flour can be added when cooking soups, gravy. Porridges made from grains of Sudanese grass give a long feeling of fullness. Mushrooms, citrus fruits, fresh vegetables go well with them.

In agriculture

In terms of its nutritional properties, sorghum is not inferior to maize, therefore, in agriculture, the plant is used as animal feed. The plant is fed by suckling pigs, hens and chickens.

The amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates included in the composition contribute to the rapid growth and weight gain of livestock and poultry, but the dosage must be observed - no more than 30% of the total feed.

The culture is often fed to fish, which gives an increase in fat mass by 34%.

Hazardous Properties

Kaoliang cereal has a unique chemical composition, but there are substances that can impair the bioavailability of its own minerals. Most inhibitors are contained in the shell of the grain.

In other cases, harm from the culture is possible only with individual intolerance to the product.



This is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the Bluegrass family (Grains). Its homeland is Sudan, Ethiopia and other states of Northeast Africa, where the plant began to be cultivated in the 4th century BC.

And where is still found the largest number of sorghum varieties known to modern science. In ancient times, this culture was distributed not only in Africa, but also in China, India, where it is widely used for food today.

In the 15th century, it began to be cultivated in European countries, and in the 17th century it was brought to America.

Today you can find both annual plant species and perennials. Interestingly, many young plants are poisonous.

This spring heat-loving crop, resembling corn in appearance, is successfully grown in the States, where places from Missouri to Kentucky specialize in the cultivation of sugar sorghum, the production of syrup and other products from it.

In America, 40 grain varieties of this plant grow.

The production of various sorghum products is considered an important part of the economy of Nigeria and India, which are also leaders in this industry, well ahead of African states, where sorghum is traditionally the main crop.

Now about 60 varieties of cultivated and wild sorghum species are known, which are most common in Central and South-West Asia, Equatorial Africa, the Americas, southern Europe, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine and even Australia.

Among them are the following types:

  • grain sorghum (the main ones are Ethiopian, Nubian and Arabian sorghum) looks like millet. From seeds of different colors - from white to brown and even black - cereals, flour and starch are obtained, using these products for the preparation of alcohol, bread, confectionery, cereals, baby food, various dishes of national cuisines of Asia, Africa, etc. ;
  • sugar sorghum, whose stems are used to produce molasses for various confectionery products, sorghum syrup and sweet sorghum honey;
  • technical or broom sorghum, whose straw is used to make paper, brooms and wickerwork;
  • herbaceous sorghum, which has a juicy core, which is fed to livestock;
  • lemongrass, used as a seasoning for meat, fish, vegetable dishes and various seafood, goes well with ginger, garlic, pepper. A valuable essential oil is produced from it for the pharmaceutical, food and perfume industries.

How to choose

Sorghum is divided into 4 categories. Herbaceous and technical varieties are not used in cooking. Cereals or sugar are used for the production of cereals and flour, confectionery, drinks and molasses.

When purchasing grain, you should pay special attention to its appearance. A quality product should be well dried and have a reddish tint. The grits should have a crumbly texture and can range in color from light yellow to brown and black.

How to store

Sorghum groats are stored at room temperature in any dry room. It does not lose its properties within two years. Flour from this culture is stored for about one year.

In cooking

Sorghum has a neutral, in some cases slightly sweet taste, so it can be considered a versatile product for a variety of culinary variations. Most often this product is used for the production of starch, flour, cereals (couscous), baby food, alcohol.

Thanks to its fresh citrus aroma, lemongrass is used in Caribbean and Asian cuisines to season seafood, meat, fish, and vegetables. They combine cereal with garlic, hot pepper, ginger. Lemongrass is added to sauces, soups, drinks.

Sugar sorghum produces delicious syrups, molasses, marmalade, as well as drinks such as beer, mead, kvass, vodka. Interestingly, this is the only plant whose juice contains about 20% sugar.

From this grain crop, nutritious and tasty cereals, cakes, all kinds of confectionery, various soups and main dishes are obtained. Sorghum does not contain gluten, so for high-quality baking it is combined with classic wheat flour. This cereal goes well with fresh vegetables, lime juice, mushrooms and lemon.

In dietary nutrition, sorghum is used to prepare healthy and satisfying side dishes, cereals, and is added to vegetable salads. This product is able to relieve hunger for a long time, enrich the body with minerals and vitamins.

In China, maotai drink is made from grain sorghum. In Ethiopia, instead of bread, injeru is often eaten - flatbreads made from sourdough sorghum.


100 g of sorghum contains 339 kcal. At the same time, the plant has a lot of carbohydrates - almost 69 g. The rest is water, proteins, fats, fiber and ash.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Sorghum contains unsaturated and saturated acids, mono- and disaccharides, as well as various vitamins: PP, B1, B5, B2, B6, A, H, choline. This cereal exceeds the blueberry record by 12 times in terms of the content of polyphenolic compounds. And its mineral composition is represented by phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, iron, copper, silicon, aluminum, etc.

It is worth noting that sorghum does not contain the important amino acid lysine, so it is advised to combine it with other protein sources.

Useful and medicinal properties

Sorghum is rich in carbohydrates and proteins, which determines its nutritional value.

Thiamine has a beneficial effect on brain function and nervous activity, and also stimulates appetite, gastric secretion and improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

It has a positive effect on growth, energy levels, learning ability and is needed for muscle tone. This vitamin acts as an antioxidant and protects the body from the damaging effects of aging.

Polyphenolic compounds, which are strong antioxidants, protect the body from negative environmental factors, the effects of tobacco and alcohol, and also resist aging. 1 gram of sorghum contains about 62 mg of polyphenolic compounds. For comparison, there are only 5 mg of blueberries per 100 grams in the record holder.

In addition, this cereal, due to the content of vitamin PP and biotin, improves metabolic processes that break down fats and stimulate the production of fatty acids, amino acids, steroid hormones and vitamins A and D. Sorghum also promotes the formation of niacin from tryptophan, protein synthesis.

Sorghum is indicated for diabetics as it helps to regulate sugar levels and is involved in glucose synthesis. Also, the product stimulates the production of hemoglobin and helps to transport oxygen to red blood cells to the tissues of the human body.

The use of sorghum is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, various nervous disorders, skin and mucous membranes, it is very useful to introduce it into the diet of the elderly, children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. This product also serves as a means for the prevention of heart attack, stroke, and is often prescribed for rejuvenation.

It is used for problems with the intestines and nervous disorders, as well as in the nutrition of patients with celiac disease (gluten intolerance).

An infusion of the rhizomes of this cereal is effective for neuralgia, gout, rheumatism. An extract from the grain is considered an excellent diuretic, it serves to relieve swelling and remove salts.

Use in cosmetology

From the lemon variety, an essential oil is obtained, which is popular in the pharmacological and perfume industries. For cosmetic purposes, this tool improves the structure of the skin, rejuvenates and tones.

How brooms are made from A to Z.


Sorghum: what is it, benefits and harms | Food is medicine

Sorghum what is it, the benefits and harms

Sorghum is an ancient cereal crop that originated in parts of Africa and Australia over 5,000 years ago! The sorghum plant (lat. Sorghum), which is part of the family of herbaceous plants called millet (lat.

Panicoideae) still provides nutrients and much-needed calories to the poor living in these areas. In fact, sorghum is considered "the world's fifth most important cereal crop".

According to the Whole Grains Council, it is the third most important in the US (1, 2).

Due to the versatility of this cereal, sorghum is used as a source of food, animal feed, biofuel, wax, and red leather dye. Today, sorghum grain is widely grown in developed countries and is gaining popularity due to the fact that it does not contain gluten. Sorghum is used to make sorghum flour and is used in cooking.

Like other whole grains, sorghum (scientifically named Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is impressive when it comes to nutrient content.

Its addition to various dishes and pastries allows you to increase the content of protein, iron, B vitamins and dietary fiber in food.

Sorghum flour is also rich in antioxidants, such as phenolic compounds and anthocyanins, which help reduce inflammation and reduce free radical damage.

Sorghum flour

1/4 cup sorghum flour contains:

  • Calories: 120 kcal
  • Fat: 1 g
  • Carbohydrates: 25 g
  • Fiber: 3 g
  • Sugar: 0 g
  • Protein: 4 g
  • Phosphorus: 110 mg (10% RDI)
  • Iron: 1.68 mg (8% DV)
  • Niacin: 1.1 mg (6% DV)
  • Thiamin: 0.12 mg (6% DV)

Benefits of sorghum for human health

Due to the special chemical composition, sorghum has a lot of useful properties, and therefore its use can affect not only the food industry, but also human health.

1. Gluten and GMO Free

Sorghum is an excellent substitute for wheat flour, and sorghum flour is a great baking ingredient for people with gluten intolerance.

While the protein gluten (gluten) can cause digestive problems and other health problems for many people, including bloating, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, headaches and other symptoms - sorghum flour does not contain this protein, and as such as a rule, it is easier to digest and tolerate by the body.

Besides avoiding gluten, there is another major benefit to using sorghum flour over wheat flour and some gluten-free mixes: you won't be at risk of eating genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Unlike corn and some wheat varieties, sorghum grains are grown from traditional hybrid seeds that combine several varieties of sorghum.

It is a natural method that has been used for centuries and does not require biotechnology, making it non-transgenic (non-GMO product) - it does not pose the same risks as GMOs.

Why is this an important point? Genetically modified foods are currently linked to worsening allergies, visual disturbances, digestive problems, and inflammation.

2. Rich in fiber

One of the biggest benefits of eating whole grains is that it retains all of its dietary fiber, unlike refined grains, which are processed to remove parts such as their bran and germ.

Sorghum does not actually have an inedible hull like some other grains, so even its outer layers are commonly eaten.

This means it provides the body with even more fiber, in addition to many other important nutrients, and has a lower glycemic index.

High-fiber foods are important for the health of the digestive, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems of the body.

This helps to reduce food intake and normalize body weight.

3. Good Source of Antioxidants

There are several types of sorghum plants, some of which are high in antioxidants associated with a reduced risk of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and some neurological diseases. Antioxidants are found in anti-inflammatory foods, and they help scavenge the body of free radicals that, if left unchecked, can lead to inflammation, aging, and various diseases.

Sorghum is a rich source of various phytochemicals such as:

  • tannins
  • phenolic acids
  • anthocyanins
  • phytosterols
  • policosanol

This means that sorghum and sorghum flour can provide the same health benefits as whole foods like fruit.

Sorghum has been found to have 3-4 times the antioxidant activity and pH stability of some other whole grains. Black sorghum in particular is considered a high-antioxidant food, and has the highest anthocyanin content.

Sorghum also has a natural waxy layer that surrounds the grain and contains protective plant compounds such as policosanol. According to researchers, policosanol has a positive effect on heart health (4).

Policosanol has shown cholesterol-lowering potential in human studies that it has even been compared to statins! The policosanol present in sorghum flour makes it a potential cholesterol-lowering food.

Other studies show the great potential of phenolic compounds found in sorghum. They improve arterial health, help fight diabetes, and even prevent cancer.

Phenols are mainly present in sorghum bran fractions.

They endow this plant with pronounced antioxidant properties that help fight the pathogenesis underlying many diabetic complications and cellular mutations.

4. Slow Digestion and Balance Blood Sugar

Due to the fact that sorghum flour has a low glycemic index, plus is a product with a high content of starch, fiber and protein, it takes more time to digest, compared to the use of other similar products from refined grains.

This slows down the rate at which glucose (sugar) is released into the bloodstream, which is especially beneficial for people with blood sugar issues such as diabetes. Sorghum also promotes satiety for longer and prevents spikes and dips in blood sugar levels that can lead to depression, fatigue, junk food cravings and overeating.

Some varieties of sorghum bran, which are high in phenols and have high antioxidant status, have been found to inhibit protein glycation. This suggests that sorghum bran may influence important biological processes that are important in diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance (5).

One study by the Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences at the University of Georgia found that eating sorghum is a natural way to improve diabetes by better controlling glycation and other risk factors for diabetes.

5. Helps Fight Inflammation, Cancer, and Cardiovascular Disease

A diet high in whole foods high in phytochemicals improves protection against common diet-related diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. Therefore, it is not surprising that epidemiological evidence suggests that sorghum consumption reduces the risk of some cancers in humans compared to other cereals (6).

This is partly due to sorghum's high concentration of anti-inflammatory phytochemical antioxidants, as well as its high fiber and plant protein content, all of which make it a potential cancer treatment.

Sorghum contains tannins, which are reported to reduce calorie availability and may help fight obesity, weight gain, and metabolic complications.

The phytochemicals in sorghum also promote cardiovascular health, which is extremely important given that cardiovascular disease is now the leading cause of death in developed countries!

Sorghum, also sometimes referred to in research as Sorghum bicolor, has been an important food source for centuries.

This annual and perennial plant produces a large yield and can withstand high temperatures, withstanding periods of drought.

This is one reason grains such as sorghum have been staples for poor rural people for thousands of years, especially in tropical regions such as Africa, Central America and South Asia (7).

The earliest known record of sorghum comes from an archaeological site at Nabta Playa, near the Egyptian-Sudanese border. Scientists have determined that this recording was made about 10,000 years ago.

After originating in Africa, sorghum grains spread throughout the Middle East and Asia via ancient trade routes. Travelers brought dried sorghum grains to parts of the Arabian Peninsula, India and China along the Silk Road.

Many years later, the first known record of sorghum in the US was that of Ben Franklin in 1757, who wrote about how the plant could be used to make brooms!

Historically, in addition to growing edible sorghum grains or making sorghum flour, the grain has also been used to make sorghum syrup (also called sorghum molasses), animal feed, some alcoholic beverages, and even energy-efficient biofuels.

Sorghum is consumed in different ways in different parts of the world. They make from it:

  • A flatbread (made from leavened or unleavened dough) called "jovar roti" in India.
  • Porridge for breakfast or couscous served for dinner in Africa.
  • Flour used to thicken stews in some Pacific Islands.
  • Sorghum is also used to make both fermented and non-fermented beverages, or simply consumed as a fresh vegetable in some parts of the world.

In addition to its culinary use for human consumption, sorghum is also considered an important livestock feed in various countries. In recent years, the use of sorghum in the ethanol market has grown rapidly, and estimates indicate that today about 30% of domestic sorghum is now used for ethanol production (8).

How to use sorghum flour

Look for 100% sorghum flour that has not been refined, fortified or refined. Ground sorghum can be used just like other gluten-free grains to make homemade baked goods like bread, pies, muffins, pancakes and even beer!

In the preparation of various baked goods that are usually made with refined wheat flour (for example, in the manufacture of cakes, cookies, bread and muffins), sorghum flour can be added (partially) instead of regular or gluten-free flour.

In addition to providing nutrients and plenty of fiber, an additional benefit is that, unlike some gluten-free flours (such as rice flour or corn flour) that can sometimes be crumbly, dry, or gritty, sorghum flour usually has more smooth texture and very mild taste. It's easy to include in some sweet dishes, or use a small amount to thicken stews, sauces, and other savory dishes.

Most experts recommend adding 15 to 30 percent sorghum flour to your recipes to replace other flours (such as wheat). Using 100% sorghum flour is usually not the best idea because it won't be as fluffy as regular refined flour.

It works best when combined with other gluten-free flours such as rice flour or potato starch. You are likely to get the best results if you start with recipes that use relatively small amounts of flour in general, such as cakes or pancakes, rather than rolls or bread.

Keep in mind that when using gluten-free flour to bind ingredients together and improve the texture of your culinary products, it's a good idea to include a binder such as xanthan gum or cornstarch.

You can add 1/2 teaspoon of xanthan gum to a glass of sorghum flour for making cookies and cakes, and one teaspoon per glass for making bread.

Adding a small amount of oil or fat (such as coconut oil or vegetable oil) and eggs to recipes made with sorghum mixtures can improve moisture content and texture. Another trick is to use apple cider vinegar, which can also improve the bulk of doughs made with gluten-free mixes.

Are there any side effects or harms of sorghum?

All grains naturally contain "antinutrients" that block the absorption of some of the minerals and vitamins they contain.

One way to overcome this problem is to germinate the grains.

The main benefit of sprouting them is that it unlocks beneficial digestive enzymes that make it easier for all kinds of grains, seeds, legumes, and nuts to be absorbed into the digestive system.

It also helps increase the levels of beneficial flora in your gut, so you experience fewer autoimmune reactions when you eat these foods.

Even after sprouting sorghum or other grains, it is best to consume them in small quantities and change your diet. Get your nutrients, carbohydrates, fiber and protein from a variety of sources. These sources include whole vegetables (including starchy vegetables), fruits, organic meats, probiotics, and raw dairy products.

Sorghum is a cereal crop little known to Russian buyers. Meanwhile, this plant ranks fifth in the world in terms of production. It is famous for its beneficial properties, and its raw materials can be used for a variety of purposes.

Sorghum: useful properties

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Classification and cultivation

Sorghum (from Latin sorghum), or Sudanese grass, is a genus of herbaceous plants from the bluegrass family, both annual and perennial species are found. Since ancient times, sorghum has been grown in Africa, as well as in India and China. The birthplace of this cereal since the time of Academician N.I. Vavilov is considered to be Sudan, as well as Ethiopia and a number of other countries of Northeast Africa, where sorghum began to be cultivated as early as the 4th century BC. In the 15th century, the plant was brought to Europe, and in the 17th century to America. The largest number of varieties of sorghum is still found in Africa, where its importance is comparable to that of, for example, wheat for European crops.

Sorghum is a drought and salt tolerant spring crop with high yields. It can be used both for food and feed, and for technical purposes. The nutritional value of sorghum is exceptionally high. According to the USDA Nutrient Database, 100 grams of this grain contains 12-15 percent crude protein, 68 percent carbohydrates, and 3.3 percent fat. It is also rich in B vitamins, tannins, macronutrients (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) and micronutrients (iron, selenium, zinc), etc.

100 grams of grain sorghum contains approximately 339 kcal.

Due to the huge number of varieties of both wild and cultivated sorghum, cataloging this crop is quite problematic.

Therefore, sorghum is classified into four groups, depending on the purpose of use:

  • grain
  • grassy
  • sugar
  • broom (technical)

Flour and starch are obtained from grain sorghum, grassy sorghum is used for silage and haylage, sugar syrup and biofuel are prepared from sugar sorghum, and brooms and wicker products are made from technical sorghum.

Do not confuse the genus sorghum with the genus cymbopogon, which is popularly called lemongrass or lemongrass. The homeland of cymbopogon is the tropical zone of the Old World. This plant is used as a condiment, less often grown as an ornamental.

According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations in 2005, sorghum is the fifth most produced cereal in the world, behind only wheat, barley, corn and rice.

In Russia, sorghum is grown in the southern regions. This plant, although famous for its unpretentiousness, is still quite thermophilic. For full maturation of sorghum, the total amount of positive temperatures should be 30–35°C. Spring frosts can lead to the complete destruction of crops. But sorghum does not require a lot of moisture: the required amount is 35 percent of the total weight of the seeds (for comparison: wheat needs 60 percent). No wonder Vavilov dubbed sorghum "the camel of the plant world."

Sorghum - healthy cereal

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This plant has a fibrous, but at the same time quite powerful root system and is extremely resistant to diseases and various pests. He is practically not afraid of grain (food) moth, swedish fly, stem corn moth. Sorghum grows well in any soil. It grows well both on fertile loams and on clay and light sandy soils. The main condition for growing sorghum is the thorough removal of weeds. In order to harvest a good crop from poor soil, it is necessary to use mineral supplements.

Sorghum is one of the healthiest cereals.

Sorghum groats come in white, yellowish, brown, and black colors. The benefits of porridge from such cereals can not be overestimated. As already mentioned, sorghum is a storehouse of vitamins, and in the first place - vitamins of group I. Thiamine (B1) has a beneficial effect on brain function, as well as higher nervous activity. It also normalizes gastric secretion and the work of the heart muscle, increases appetite and improves muscle tone. In terms of riboflavin (B2) content, sorghum is superior to many other cereals. This vitamin supports healthy skin and nails and hair growth. Finally, pyridoxine (B6) stimulates metabolism.

Among other things, sorghum is an excellent antioxidant. The polyphenolic compounds included in its composition strengthen the immune system, protecting the body from the influence of negative environmental factors. In addition, they resist the effects of alcohol and tobacco. It is generally accepted that blueberries are the leader in the content of polyphenols. In fact, there are 5 mg of these nutrients per 100 g of blueberries, and 62 mg per 100 g of sorghum! But grain sorghum also has one, but a very significant drawback - low (about 50 percent) digestibility. This is associated precisely with an increased amount of condensed tannins (a group of phenolic compounds). Sorghum protein, kafirin, is not digested too well either. For breeders from countries where sorghum is the main crop, improving the digestibility of sorghum grain is a major challenge.

Sorghum is a fodder and partly a technical and food crop. Grain is an excellent raw material for compound feed, it can be used as feed for pigs, cattle, horses and birds. Green mass and sorghum hay are good feed for dairy cattle. Sorghum silage is close in quality to corn silage. Sorghum grows well after cutting, its crops can be used as a pasture. Leaves and stems remain juicy until the grain is fully ripe

Grain sorghum gives stable yields - from 2.5 to 5 t/ha. The yield of green mass for silage is 18-30 t/ha, and with irrigation - 80-100 t/ha.

Sorghum grain is used in starch-treacle and alcohol production. Groats are obtained from grain. Sorghum syrup can be obtained from the stems of plants of sugar varieties containing up to 10-15% sugars (24% in juice). Panicles of broom varieties are used to make brooms, brushes and other products. Sorghum is widely used as a rock plant.

The centers of origin of sorghum are Equatorial Africa, India and China. Sorghum has been cultivated in India and China since 3000 BC. e. In Central Asia, its culture is 2500-3000 years old. Sorghum appeared in Russia in the 17th century.

The sown area of ​​sorghum in the CIS is about 200 thousand hectares. In the future, it is planned to expand its crops. The main areas of sorghum cultivation should be considered the arid steppe regions of the south of Ukraine and Moldova, the North Caucasus, the Lower Volga region, Kazakhstan, irrigated areas of Central Asia and Transcaucasia (on saline soils), as well as semi-moisture dry land.

The world area under sorghum is about 47 million hectares. Large areas are cultivated in India. China and Africa, as well as in arid

Rice. 14. Panicles of sorghum;

1-lumpy with a straight stem; 2 - lumpy with a curved end of the stem (jugar); 3 - Broom (spreading) with a shortened main axis and long side branches; 4 - spreading with a developed main axis.

States of the USA. Sorghum is also cultivated in the Middle East and European countries. In world agriculture, the average yield of sorghum grain is about 1.5 t/ha.

The most common types of sorghum . Sorghum belongs to the genus Sorghum, which includes many annual and perennial species. Of the cultivated species on the territory of the CIS, common sorghum is common - S, vulgare Pers., kaoliang - S. chinetlse Jakushev. dzhugara - S. cernuum Host and Sudan grass - S. sudanense Pers. All of them are annuals and are cultivated for food, technical and fodder purposes. Of the wild species of sorghum in Central Asia and the Caucasus, there is humai - a malicious weed.

According to the nature of the panicle and the density of the arrangement of branches of different orders, sorghum is divided into three subspecies (Fig. 14): spreading (paniculate) -ssp. effusum Korn., condensed - ssp. contractum Korn, and lumpy - ssp. compactum.

Spikelets of sorghum panicles are single-flowered, arranged in twos or threes. The predominant type of pollination is cross-pollination, but self-pollination is also possible.

The grain of sorghum is round, without a groove, naked or membranous, in spikelets and flowering scales, the weight of 1000 seeds is 20-30 g. From 1600 to 3500 grains are formed in one panicle.

According to the nature of use, sorghum is divided into four groups.

Grain sorghum - Relatively undersized, slightly bushy, cultivated for grain. The core of the stem is semi-dry. The grain is open and easily collapses. Food grades are white-grained, without smack of tannin.

Sugar sorghum - Tall plant, bushes well. The succulent stems are used to make molasses and syrup, as well as for silage. The largest amount of sugar (up to 15% in raw stems, up to 24% in sake stems) is observed in the phase of full grain ripeness. The grain is usually filmy and semi-filmous, difficult to break.

broom sorghum Cultivated to obtain panicles used for the manufacture of brooms, brushes, etc. For fodder purposes, it is less suitable. Differs in a dry core of a stalk. Panicles are long (50-90 cm), do not have a main axis (the axis is shortened). The grain is filmy, difficult to break. From panicles collected from 1 ha (1.5-2 tons), 2-4 thousand brooms can be made. Panicles of the best quality - bright green, without reddish spotting, 35-50 cm long, thin, flexible, even.

grassy sorghum (Sudanese grass) is characterized by intensive growth of thin stems and high bushiness. Cultivated for green fodder and hay.

All types of sorghum are easily crossed. The first generation of hybrids gives increased productivity. Noteworthy are the hybrids of dzhugara with broom sorghum and sorghum with Sudanese grass.

Biological features . Sorghum is a very promising crop for the arid southern and southeastern regions of the country (up to semi-deserts) due to its exceptional drought resistance, thermophilicity, heat resistance and salt tolerance. Its transpiration coefficient is 150-200.

In irrigated agriculture on saline soils of Central Asia, dzhugara (a type of cultivated sorghum) is more productive than corn, while on non-saline soils, corn is preferable.

Sorghum makes good use of the rains of the second half of summer and early autumn. It is extremely resistant to heat, drought, dry winds: when corn leaves already lose turgor and curl up, sorghum leaves continue to assimilate.

In the initial period before rooting (30-40 days), sorghum grows slowly and is able to “freeze” during drought (leaves curl, growth stops, the plant weakly adheres to primary roots).

In terms of heat requirements, sorghum is superior to millet, chumiza and corn. Its grain begins to germinate at a temperature of 12 - 13 ° C. Seedlings are very sensitive to low temperatures, even short-term frosts (below -2 ° C) are detrimental. Sorghum develops well at a temperature of 30-35 °C. The minimum average daily temperature for flowering sorghum is 14-15°C, for ripening - 10-12, the sum of temperatures for the growing season is 2250-2500°C. Sorghum is a photophilous short-day plant.

It is undemanding to the soil, grows on both heavy and very light soils. It has good salt tolerance, but prefers warm, loose, weed-free soils with permeable subsoil. It responds well to the application of manure and nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer.

Place in crop rotation. Sorghum is placed in crop rotation after winter crops, grain legumes, corn for silage. It tolerates repeated crops well and can be cultivated on permanent plots. As a tilled crop, sorghum is a satisfactory precursor to spring crops.

tillage. Under sorghum, the soil is treated in the same way as under millet. Sorghum is responsive to deep ploughing, and the yield of green mass increases by 22-25%.

Fertilizer. The need for fertilizers in sorghum is about the same as that of millet and corn. Sorghum responds best to complete mineral fertilizer (N60P60K60) applied under ploughing; it is also necessary to apply fertilizers in rows at a dose of N10P10.

Sowing. Sowing starts when the seed layer of soil warms up to 12 - 15 ° C. In unheated soil, the seeds do not germinate for a long time and rot. Before sowing, the seeds are sorted and heated.

Sorghum is sown in a dotted way with row spacing of 60-70 cm, the distance in a row is 15-20 cm (seeding rate is 10-14 kg/ha). When cultivating for grain, the square-nest method can also be used according to the scheme 70X70 or 90 x 90 cm, 4-6 seeds are sown in the nest (seeding rate 6-10 kg/ha).

For green fodder and hay, sorghum is sown in the usual row (15 cm), inter-row (30 cm) or wide-row two-line [(45 ... 60) x15 cm] with a seeding rate of 20-30 kg/ha. The sowing depth of seeds is 3-5 cm, on dry sandy soils - 7-8 cm.

To increase the fodder value of green mass, it is advisable to sow sorghum mixed with soy, chin, beans or vetch. Legumes are sown in separate rows or in a cross direction (50-80 kg/ha). Sufficiently effective joint crops for silage sorghum with soybeans and corn.

Crop care. Immediately after sowing, the field must be rolled with ringed or ribbed rollers to accelerate the emergence of seedlings. The first harrowing is carried out before the emergence of shoots to destroy the shoots of weeds and loosen the soil; the second harrowing by seedlings (3-4 sheets) - for loosening the soil and thinning; sometimes a third harrowing (6-7 leaves) is carried out to control weeds. On wide-row crops, 1-2 inter-row treatments are required. For chemical weed control, crops in the 3-b leaf phase are treated with herbicides of the 2,4-D group.

Cleaning. Grain sorghum does not crumble when ripe, it is harvested at full ripeness by combine harvesters with a reduced number of drum revolutions - up to 500-600 per minute. When grain moisture is above 20%, separate harvesting is used with a converted grain combine or a SM-2.6 sorghum harvester. When cultivating sorghum for green fodder and hay, they start harvesting before the coarsening of the mass - no later than the start of throwing panicles. The time of harvesting sorghum for silage is the phase of wax ripeness of the grain. Sweet sorghum is harvested at the end of waxy ripeness on a low cut. Broom sorghum is harvested at the beginning of full ripeness (panicle branches should still be green). Panicles are cut by hand, and the stems are harvested for silage.

Sorghum, mowed for green fodder, grows and forms aftermath. Hydrocyanic acid can accumulate in young plants (especially when growth is stunted) and in aftermath. With age, the content of hydrocyanic acid decreases. In the beveled dried mass, hydrocyanic acid decomposes.

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