The ABC of nutrition: proteins, saturated and unsaturated fats, simple and complex carbohydrates. A balanced diet is the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The right balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a balanced diet Egg and egg products

BJU - nevermind! Life is short, mistakes are eternal. And errors in the balance of proteins-fats-carbohydrates (BJU) can greatly reduce your life and increase the number of diseases in it.

Here, for example, take the fans of the keto diet. Keto is now well promoted as an ideal weight loss strategy. Keto is a lot of fat, just a lot of protein and very little carbs. Fat should be 4 times more than protein and carbohydrates combined.

The total amount of carbohydrates in keto does not exceed 5-10%. Is it good or bad? For sellers of keto apps and keto recipes, very good. For you, it's very bad. And how bad - depends on the amount of protein and carbohydrates in your stomach.


Here is an instructive and explanatory graph from a study that ended in 2018. Scientists have been studying the dependence of life expectancy on the amount of carbohydrates for a long 25 years. The study involved 15,000 people. Many died in the process. No, they were not killed by scientists: the subjects died of disease and old age.

It turned out that those who ate fewer carbohydrates died more.

Graph 1.
Change in risk of death from all causes
with different amounts of carbohydrates in food.

The picture, I think, is as clear as it is an anti-keto diet. An excess of carbohydrates can bring premature death closer by 15%. But their very low number (with keto) increases the risk of timidly scratching at the doors of Paradise ahead of schedule by as much as 60%.

I am talking about Heaven because keto lovers often meet Hell already on earth. After all, an earlier death comes to them not because the keto-ed went on and on, and simply died. Not! Before an early death, a keto-lover usually suffers from various entertaining diseases for a long time, passionately and in different poses.

I will cover this low-erotic topic in the following anti-keto opuses. I can't resist, however, chuckling to note that the next component of the Great Balance of BJU is directly related to sex.

Let's take a last look at Chart 1 with a languid glance in order to remember the main thing. Namely: those who consume carbohydrates in the amount of 45-60% of the total caloric intake have the least risk of prematurely losing life, sex and health.


The percentage of protein in your food has a lot to do with eros and thanatos. I translate from psychoanalytic to human: to death and sex (hello to grandfather Freud). The study is about the relationship of the amount of protein and carbohydrates with reproduction (the ability to produce offspring) and life expectancy.

Chart 2
on the ratio of proteins / carbohydrates in food.

Everything is very clear here: the more protein and less carbohydrates on your plate, the more action in your bed. The less protein, the longer life. Healthy, but... but not very sexually meaningful...

The optimal balance between life extension and "immortality" of oneself in numerous offspring is achievable with 30% carbohydrates and 10% protein (of the total calorie content of the diet).

Graph 3
Dependence of life expectancy and reproduction
from % of protein from the total calorie content of the diet.

In another study, increasing the percentage of protein in food from 12.9% to 18.9% led to an increase in the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases by one and a half times!

Chart 4
Protein intake and risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

Excess protein is also very bad for cancer patients. Even for those who do not yet know about their cancer. The rate of tumor growth in humans and animals that eat a lot of protein is 4-5 times higher compared to those who have less protein in their diet.

Chart 5
The size of a cancerous tumor with different protein content in food.

Of course, the state of health is affected not only by the amount of protein, but also by its type (whether it is vegetable or animal protein). I talk about this in other high-protein articles.

In general, scientists believe that the optimal duration of a healthy sex life is achieved with a protein content of 12 to 18% (of the total caloric intake) in food,.


Especially if it's the right oil! The study, conducted on 135,000 people who lived (and died) in 18 countries on 5 continents, was a great comfort to fat lovers.

The risk of death from all causes begins to decrease sharply from about 27% of calories from fat.

Chart 6
Dependence of the risk of death from all causes on the content of fats and carbohydrates in food.

And the risk of falling victim to heart disease is the lowest if the amount of calories from fat in your food is in the range from 10 to 18% and - more than 35%. Food with up to 15% calories from carbohydrates gives the same effect (that is, the keto diet is less dangerous for cores than for those who want to die from other diseases).

Chart 7
The risk of developing any cardiovascular disease (CVD) depending on the content of fats and carbohydrates in food.


On a plate, as in life, everything is balanced: sometimes it becomes less good, sometimes it’s worse ... That is, I would like, of course, to eat more proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates, but the total caloric content of food, whatever one may say, cannot be no more, no less than 100%.

Therefore, the number of some (or each) of the three contents, whatever one may say, will have to be cut. Let's twist the pieces of this puzzle to understand how to put them together in an optimally healthy and long life. And we will spin them around people who, whatever one may say, live longer than all of us (not taken together, of course).


If we compare the content of BJU in the diets of the main centenarians of our planet (Sicilian Mediterraneans and Okinawan Japanese), we will see that both of them consume close to the optimal amount of protein (13-15%).

But Okinawans eat a lot more carbs, while Mediterraneans eat a lot more fat. How so?

And the secret is in the form of products. Okinawan carbohydrates are complex carbohydrates: sweet potatoes, vegetables, fruits. And Mediterranean fats are healthy olive oil and fish fat.

And now I will demonstrate on the diet of my real one how to take into account the sources of their income when calculating the balance of BJU. That is, choose the right products in order to get the right BJU from them.


So how can you properly lay all these percentages on your daily bread, you ask me. Everything is laid out for you, - I will answer. I mean, for you! Come to me and I will cheat you. I mean, I'll calculate your diet.

I put together a program for calculating the diet, which allows you to choose the most optimal ratio of products. Optimal - means the most relevant to the main parameters of utility. At the same time, the resulting diet is as simple as possible to use.

Here is a diet table that was made for a specific person and for his parameters and favorite foods. Plus signs indicate the products that this person eats according to 7 different options (days of the week). The weight of the finished product (for the whole day) is indicated under each of them.

Ration table

But what turned out to be the content of BJU in this particular diet.

How great is that? All the parameters by which you can understand how healthy the amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in this diet are are indicated in the "Utility Table".

Diet Benefits Table

Red indicates options (again - by day and average per week) that are beyond the useful. And green - those that are included in this framework.

I will now explain how to understand these many parameters.


It is important to consider not only the percentage of protein in the diet. The amount of protein (calculated in grams per kilogram of body) and its general lack or excess (in grams or percentage) also speak of the usefulness or harmfulness of the diet.

A very important parameter is the percentage of animal protein in food. If it exceeds 4-6%, then the risk of getting cancer increases. And the rate of development of those foci of cancer that could already have arisen in the body is increasing. Therefore, it is extremely important to eat animal and vegetable proteins in the correct ratio and quantity.

The ratio of animal and vegetable proteins is exactly what determines how much protein you can eat: the more animal protein in your diet, the smaller percentage of calories we recommend that you get from protein.

To maintain a healthy body acidity, you need to accompany the protein with sufficient amounts of vegetables, herbs and fruits. If your diet is high in protein and low in proper carbohydrates (from vegetation), then you will have a high (and positive) acidifying PRAL of the food.

The amount of saturated fat in your diet also tells you how good and healthy your protein sources are. If they are more than 5-6%, then the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases significantly,.


What makes people fat is not so much the fat in food as the amount and, most importantly, the type of carbohydrates. But the composition and type of fats makes you noticeably more or less healthy. We balance the diet by the amount and ratio of essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and by the content of saturated fats.

The total caloric content of food depends on the amount of fat, as well as an extremely important parameter - the specific calorie content of food. That is, the average number of calories per 100 g of food. The lower this parameter, the healthier our diet. The specific calorie content of food also depends on the content of carbohydrates and proteins.


We evaluate how correctly the sources of carbohydrates are selected by the Average glycemic content of food (that is, how much sugar and how quickly your food delivers it to the blood after you have digested it). And also - by the total amount of fiber and by the ratio of the amount of fiber to the total carbohydrate content,.

These three parameters determine how many calories from carbohydrates you can receive with health benefits. The lower the specific calorie and glycemic load of food and the more fiber it contains and the higher the ratio of fiber to carbohydrates - the more calories from carbohydrates you can have in your diet and still be healthy!

I talk about each of the parameters in more detail in my other articles.


Now you understand why the Okinawan and Mediterranean diets provide the longest lifespan, despite the fact that they are very different in terms of carbohydrates and fats.

And you also see that the art of compiling a slimming and healthy diet is a delicate matter ... like the East!


  1. Dietary carbohydrate intake and mortality: a prospective cohort study and meta-analysis Sara B Seidelmann
  2. Stephen J. Simpson: Dietary protein, aging and nutritional geometry.
  3. Heli Virtanen: Intake of Different Dietary Proteins and Risk of Heart Failure in Men: The Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study.
  4. Morgan E. Levine: Low Protein Intake Is Associated with a Major Reduction in IGF-1, Cancer, and Overall Mortality in the 65 and Younger but Not Older Population.
  5. Mahshid Dehghan: Associations of fats and carbohydrate intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality in 18 countries from five continents (PURE).
  6. D. Craig Willcox: The Okinawan Diet: Health Implications of a Low-Calorie, Nutrient-Dense, Antioxidant-Rich Dietary Pattern Low in Glycemic Load.
  7. T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. AND Thomas M. Campbell: The China Study.
  8. Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids. Health and Medicine Division (HMD) is a division of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (the National Academies).
  9. Position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada: Vegetarian diets. Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty Acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids (Macronutrients).

WARNING: Always check with your doctor before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle, as there may be contraindications in each individual case. The recommendations in this article are not a substitute for professional medical care, advice, diagnosis, advice, or treatment. The author and publication do not accept responsibility for the results of any use of the above information.

More and more often, formulas for calculating KBJU for weight loss appear on the network. The worst thing is that people who distribute these formulas understand little about the basics of adequate nutrition and sports nutrition.

Most often, these are bikinists (bikini fitness or FB), girls who, due to their youth, perseverance, and health under the guidance of a coach, reached the stage, and after that they became fitness instructors.

Everything is fine, you can rejoice and be proud of their work and perseverance, but it’s not a task when such “pros” undertake to teach people to lose weight, not just engage in health fitness, but to lose weight. This is where the thrashing starts.

No knowledge, no understanding of the elementary rules of dietology. The whole rule of losing weight for such pros comes down to the formula:

“Expense is more than Income = Weight loss” and to the BJU scheme: 30-35 / 10-15(20)/ 50(45)-60

And if Expenditure > Incoming is correct, but not enough, then the nutrient distribution scheme is not amenable to any criticism.

BJU 30/20/50 - THIS IS TOTAL CRAP!!!

Of course, in this scenario, you can lose weight, BUT at what cost?

And now we'll talk about the price.

To do this, we need WHO standards.

So, WHO tells us to be healthy and active, you need to consume:

1g per kg of weight - Protein;

1.1 g per kg of weight - Fats;

4g per kg of weight - Carbohydrates.

What fits into the BJU scheme: 10-15% / 30-35% / 50 -60% and is comparable with the proposed scheme during weight loss 30-35 / 10-15 / 50 -60, i.e. proteins began to perform an energy function unusual for them in place of fat.

Cool? - Not!

Fat has separate roles in the body. The most important: energy and plastic. The condition of the skin, hair, nails are all fats.

And if you look wider - VITAMINS.

With a diet that is only 10-15% fat, there will simply be a lack of fat-soluble vitamins!

Fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, K.

First signs vitamin deficiencyA- "night blindness".

vitamin deficiencyD :

- Depression and loss of strength;

- Problems with conception;

- Diabetes and obesity (Vitamin D helps to reduce parathyroid hormone, which in the long run helps weight loss. It also increases the level of leptin, a hormone that controls fat accumulation and is responsible for feeling full);

- Muscle weakness;

- Osteoporosis (you need not only to carry "extra" weight on yourself, but also make the bones rotten)

VitaminE- has the strongest antioxidant effect. Prevents the formation of blood clots and prevents the development of atherosclerosis of blood vessels. And why do we need this vitamin, right?

VitaminK- increases blood clotting, reduces capillary permeability and improves tissue regeneration. Also not necessary for weight loss? I doubt…

And now it's time to do the calculations. As they say cognitive in numbers.

Initial data:

Let's take the most common case of obesity of the first degree:

Woman: weight - 90kg, height - 165cm, age 30 years, BMI - 33.1 (first degree obesity).

Calorie content for maintaining weight 2600 kcal according to the Mifflin-San Geor formula and Kfa = 1.46. Sports are missing.

Results for the scheme 2600 kcal and 30/10/60:

Protein: 780kcal and 195g per day; 2.2g per kg of weight - Excessive protein intake!!!

Fats: 260kcal and 29g per day; 0.3 g per kg of weight - Does not fit into any framework !!!

Carbohydrates: 1560kcal and 390g per day; 4.3g per kg of weight - More than the recommended rate!!!

The result for the 2600kcal and 30/20/50 scheme for fats looks better, but still not perfect:

Protein: 780kcal and 195g per day; 2.2g per kg of weight - Excessive protein intake !!!

Fats: 520kcal and 58g per day; 0.6g per kg of weight - Fats did not reach the minimum recommended norms !!!

Carbohydrates: 1300kcal and 325g per day; 3.6g per kg of weight - The norm for weight loss, but the diet is to maintain weight.

Now the same thing, but for moderate weight loss. Let's create a deficit of 500kcal.

And consider the second scheme 2100 30/20/50 as less absurd compared to 30/10/60.

Protein: 630kcal and 158g per day; 1.8g per kg body weight - Excessive protein intake!!!

Fats: 420kcal and 47g per day; 0.5g per kg of weight - Fats did not reach the minimum recommended norms !!!

Carbohydrates: 1050kcal and 263g per day; 2.9g per kg of weight - Norm for weight loss.

Now the girl has lost weight up to 80 kg and now she needs 2300 kcal to maintain her weight and 1800 kcal to lose weight.

Calculation according to the scheme 1800 kcal and 30/20/50

Protein: 540kcal and 135g per day; 1.5g per kg of weight - Excessive protein intake!!!

Fats: 360kcal and 40g per day; 0.4g per kg of weight - Fats did not reach the minimum recommended norms !!!

Carbohydrates: 900kcal and 225g per day; 2.5g per kg of weight - Norm for weight loss.

Proteins: 70-105g per day and makes up 10-15% of daily calories.

Fats: 70-105g per day 30-35% of daily calories.

Face results. A complete and frank skew in nutrition.

And now the consequences of such a wonderful diet:

  1. Excessive protein intake leads to:

- increased load on the liver and kidneys up to damage. The level of urea in the blood rises. Eating an increased amount of protein is not recommended for people with type 2 diabetes. And this happens often with obesity;

- increased load on the gastrointestinal tract;

- putrefaction of proteins in the colon (rotten dyspepsia);

  1. Inadmissibly low fat intake leads to the destruction of cell membranes (plastic function).

(For an analogy, imagine that your apartment has no windows and doors. Whoever wants to come in, take what they want, put what they want, bring it, take it away. Would you like this state of affairs? The answer is obvious).

  1. Deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins.
  2. Dry skin, peeling, decreased resistance to infections.
  3. Low fat content can lead to menstrual dysfunction and impair fertility.

And most importantly, they get fat not from fats, but from inadequate intake of simple carbohydrates (sugars) and imbalance in the diet.

And now a short digression into the history of how the 30/20/50 scheme appeared

The classic norm of BJU in grams is 1:1:4, which gives 4:9:16 in calories, or as a percentage 14:31:55. This is with normal nutrition for retention. “Khudelki” reduce caloric content by 50% (Instead of 2400 kcal put on hold, they eat 1200 kcal, nutritionists have the same opinion), i.e. eat half of it. You can and should cut off only at the expense of fats and carbohydrates, proteins cannot be touched. That is, 14 must be subtracted from 4:9:16 (in total 29), of which 5 in proportion from fats and 9 from carbohydrates. It remains 4:4:7, which gives 27:27:46 as a percentage. This is where 30:20:50 comes from - they additionally rounded up, they also increased proteins by 3%, who doesn’t know that they lose weight from proteins, reduced fats, because they get fat from fats, and even threw fats on carbohydrates - like vegetables useful for weight loss. That's about such a train of thought was, then most likely everything was forgotten, but the formula remained. That is, this formula "30:20:50" is only for a weight loss diet, in which fats and carbohydrates are cut in quantity. And proteins increased sharply only in percentage terms, but in quantitative terms they remained practically the same.

That's the whole story of the origin of 30/20/50. Conclusion, this diet is only for a calorie content of 1200 kcal. And they put it anywhere.

In general, the distribution of BJU by percentage is a bad idea.

For a more correct calculation, it is necessary to build on the weight.

For Private“weight loss”, the norm for proteins is 1 g per kg of weight, and this is a constant.

Next comes a proportional reduction in fats and carbohydrates, i.e., if it is necessary to create a deficit of 400-500 kcal, then this is done at the expense of fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, fats and carbohydrates decrease proportionally. Also, do not forget to look at the borderline norms and, if we go beyond them when calculating, then it is necessary to stop at these norms and recalculate calories.

Only then the created calorie deficit will not differ so sharply from the recommended norms and a strong bias in the BJU will not be created, and, as a result, weight loss will proceed without harm to health.

For those who have been in the gym for a long time and have introduced sports into their daily lives, the calculation is based on other standards that have nothing to do with the recommendations of WHO and RAMS, but that's another story.

In the matter of losing weight and a healthy lifestyle, it is impossible to ignore the topic of a balanced content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body, that is, BJU. It is the balance between these indicators that determines how quickly you can lose weight, build muscle and improve your health, in particular, normalize hormonal levels.

What is the balance of BJU

At its core, the balance of BJU is adherence to the principles of a healthy diet, that is, you keep fit by making the right diet and sticking to it, and not limiting yourself in any products and, moreover, without depriving yourself of nutrition as such. It is more likely that weight gain is due to an imbalance in this balance, and not due to regular consumption of fatty foods, which may not go beyond the daily requirement of your body.

The optimal use of proteins, fats and carbohydrates allows you to maintain normal all processes, keep weight at the required level, provide nutrition to the muscles, brain, and maintain a stable functioning of the reproductive system. It is especially important to maintain a balance for women's health, since significant deviations immediately affect the hormonal background and the general well-being of a woman.

Maintaining a balance of BJU is the use of a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates throughout the day, that is, each meal should include foods that can fill all the needs of your body. This immediately highlights an important part of a balanced diet - it cannot be based on just one product. And for the same reason, mono-diets are harmful and do not bring long-term results.

A healthy diet is characterized by the use of 50% carbohydrates, 30% fats and 20% proteins from daily calories. This means that at a target of 1,700 calories per day for weight maintenance, you should get 850 from carbohydrates, 510 from fat, and 340 from protein.

The high content of carbohydrates is due to the fact that it is their body that uses them in the first place to make up for energy costs. Only after their consumption, processed fats and proteins are used. If you break the balance and eat more than 50% carbohydrate food, then unspent energy is converted into adipose tissue - this is how weight begins to gain. If at the same time you do not comply with the norm for proteins and fats, then muscle tissue begins to deplete, bones become more brittle. Similarly, other processes occurring between cells depend on the balance of BJU.

Why is the balance of BJU disturbed

There are a number of reasons for the imbalance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which in most cases depends on how closely you follow the principles of a healthy diet, how carefully you are about what you eat and what you pamper yourself with. In addition, a violation in the balance of BJU can be caused by a deterioration in the activity of individual organs and systems.

1. Bad eating habits. It often happens that, in general, your diet cannot be called bad - you eat a lot of healthy foods, eat relatively small portions, do not abuse heavy meals before bedtime. So what's the problem? In this case, harmful culinary addictions can let you down. For example, excessive consumption of chocolate or mayonnaise, due to which the amount of carbohydrates and fats eaten, respectively, significantly exceeds the daily allowance. This is what contributes to the imbalance. Most likely, in this matter, overdo it with carbohydrates, which are very abundant in sugar, all sweets and bakery products, especially rich ones, as well as in cereals, potatoes, legumes and many other foods that saturate the diet of a modern person.

2. Improper nutrition. This implies not only the neglect of healthy foods, but also the violation of the diet, too large portions, late-night snacks, as well as the choice in favor of low-quality versions of well-known dishes.

3. Abuse of alcoholic beverages, which may be relevant for lovers of regular parties. Alcohol is not only a rich source of carbohydrates, but also alcohol, which impairs the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which leads to metabolic disorders and a slowdown in metabolism.

4. Deviations in the work of the endocrine system, in particular, we are talking about diseases of the thyroid and pancreas, which play an important role in maintaining the processes of digestion and absorption of substances entering the blood.

5. The presence of other chronic and acute diseases.

6. Inconsistency in the nutritional value of the diet with the volume of regular physical activity, which can lead to a lack of protein or fats that ensure the health of ligaments, bones and muscle tissue.

How to balance BJU

To maintain the balance of BJU, first of all, you need to make sure that you do not have chronic diseases and abnormalities in the endocrine system, otherwise you will not be able to advance in the task at hand, and in some cases, an attempt to restore balance can worsen the situation. If you are sure that there is no need to see a doctor, the second step is to think about correcting nutrition. This can be done in three steps.

1. Reducing carbohydrate intake by 50%. The list of such products includes not only sweets, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, but also all cereals, potatoes, pasta. That is, if you usually allowed yourself 300 grams of rice as a side dish, then at the first stage this portion should be reduced to 150 grams. The same should be done with other products.

2. Increase natural fiber by 50% with boiled or baked fruits and vegetables. On the plate, it should look like the garnish is half the size of the vegetable side dish.

3. Proteins should be 15 - 20% of the resulting portion. At the same time, it is best to use dietary varieties of poultry meat, rabbit, low-fat pork tenderloin and river fish as a source.

After these three steps are completed, you need to calculate the daily need for BJU for your weight. To do this, you can use the Mifflin-San Geor formula. For example, for a woman with a height of 165 cm and a weight of 60 kg, the daily intake of 50 grams of protein, 50 grams of fat and 220 grams of carbohydrates, with average physical activity, would be optimal. Accordingly, with an increase in power and cardio loads, the indicators automatically increase. After the initial correction in three stages, you must follow the data relevant to your weight and height!

Further, to restore the balance of BJU, it is important to adhere to the diet. Remember that food is digested fastest between 8 and 11 am, and then between 16 and 18 pm. The rest of the time, digestion slows down significantly, so light, low-calorie recipes should be preferred during the day and in the evening. Shortly before bedtime, it is good to bet on plant fiber and a small amount of protein. Carbohydrates should not be consumed in the evening, as this significantly slows down metabolism and contributes to the formation of body fat.

To maintain a normal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the crushing of nutrition will also help, that is, a gradual transition to frequent meals in small portions. This allows you to speed up the metabolism, improve their absorption in the body and quickly removes processed products from it, the accumulation of which contributes to the imbalance of BJU. The main principle of its maintenance lies in the observance of basic ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Everyone knows that in order to lose weight effectively, you need to eat right, be energetic and expend more calories than you get from food. However, success in reducing body weight depends not only on this.

In addition to the daily calorie content, it is necessary to calculate the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU).

A balanced diet is the ideal ratio of the main elements of a healthy diet (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) in the daily menu, taking into account individual needs. Each of them is necessary for the body for normal functioning, but, which is very important, in different dosages.

● Proteins (proteins) are necessary for the human body to maintain life and are especially important during weight loss and intense sports. All tissues and cells of the human body, including muscles, are made up of proteins. Normally, the human diet should consist of 30-40% of proteins.

It is important to note that there are two types of protein:

1. Complete

It is rich in essential amino acids (arginine, valine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan and phenylalanine) and is found in meat, poultry, cottage cheese, fish, chicken eggs.

2. Defective

Usually contains no more than 1 amino acid and is present in legumes, cereals, nuts. It is recommended to consume up to 80% of vegetable proteins. Herbalife Nutrition's Formula 1 Protein Shake will help replenish your body's nutrient reserves. One serving of the cocktail contains 17 gr. protein, including valuable soy protein and a complex of 23 essential vitamins and minerals.

● Fats are responsible for the regeneration of skin cells, the absorption of certain vitamins, the synthesis of hormones and are an essential component of the diet. Fats are divided into saturated (animal origin), unsaturated (vegetable origin) and the most dangerous for the body - trans fats (margarine). Trans fats lead to obesity, metabolic disorders and disease. The ratio of fats in the diet should be as follows: 1/3 - saturated, 2/3 - unsaturated. Of particular importance for losing weight and exercising are Omega-3 fatty acids, which lower cholesterol levels, speed up the body's metabolic processes and contribute to effective weight loss. One capsule of Herbalife Max by Herbalife* provides the body with 31.5% of the recommended daily intake of omega-3 acids.

● Carbohydrates - a source of muscle nutrition during physical activity. Carbohydrates are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, are found to a greater extent in plant products and are divided into simple (all sugar-containing foods and some berries, fruits) and complex (legumes, cereals, vegetables). Processing complex carbohydrates, the body spends more energy, so 80% of the daily intake should fall on them. Plant foods are also high in fiber. For those who lose weight, it plays a special role: it provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety and normalizes the function of the gastrointestinal tract. The average daily requirement for dietary fiber is 30 grams. The recommended level of daily intake of carbohydrates - 365g

Properly selected nutrition will help the body to be in good shape during the period of weight loss, not to experience a constant feeling of hunger, weakness, lethargy. Compliance with the balance of BJU in the diet contributes not only to effective weight loss, but also to maintaining weight at the achieved level, as well as building muscle or "" body. The basic scheme for the ratio of macronutrients for different purposes is as follows:

● Weight loss: 40/35/25 (proteins, fats, carbohydrates);

● Muscle strengthening and moderate fat loss: 35/30/35;

● Set of muscle mass: 30/30/40;

● Balanced ratio to maintain current weight: 30/20/50.

Educational cycle on

Speaking about weight loss, the topic of caloric content or energy value is almost always touched upon. The network offers a wide selection, as well as special ones with ready-made parameters.

However, it is worth understanding what calorie content really is, and how this figure compares with another equally important indicator - BJU.


Energy value - calories - represents a certain amount of energy released in the body from food during their digestion and complete assimilation. In other words, the products "burn" in the body, releasing heat. This value is measured in kilocalories, which are commonly called "food calories", without the prefix "kilo".

In contrast to the energy value, there is also nutritional value of products. This category includes the content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins per 100 grams of ready-to-eat product.

The lack and excess of calories carry almost the same harm to the body. But strictly individually. It depends on the following factors: gender, age, health status, physical activity, lifestyle, and so on.

Excursion into history

The initial data for the study of calories date back to 1891-1897. At that time, the American chemist E. Wilber and physicist E. Rose studied the relationship between human heat transfer and the calorie content of the nutrients he absorbed. Later, their follower and student F. Benedict obtained more accurate data, which made it possible to compare the law of conservation of energy to the human body.

However, all these studies were only applied work. And only at the beginning of the 20th century, the chemist Russell Chittenden, taking Wilber's teachings as a basis, introduces the calculation of the calorie content of foods into general distribution.

In 1917, the physician Lulu Peters published his book entitled Calorie Solving: All About Diet and Health. This is the first work in nutrition, which is aimed at promoting calorie counting in order to get rid of excess weight and keep yourself in great shape.

The main idea of ​​the book is as follows: "In order to keep your weight under control, you need to monitor the number of calories consumed."

To do this, the doctor taught me to change the course of thinking and think not about eating a slice of black bread, but about eating exactly 100 calories of bread.

The ideas of Lulu Perez were supported in the United States and began to actively become popular among the population. However, "American fun" is soon on the wane.

The revival of the question of the energy value of products begins in the 50s during the fashion for thinness and miniature models. Women's magazines are beginning to recall a simple but effective way to lose weight, using which even the most average housewife can have model parameters.

In the 60s, Twiggy's "reed" becomes the main star of the catwalk, the forms of which will be standards for a couple of decades. In all this hectic struggle with extra pounds and weight control, counting calories is considered a prerequisite for a proper diet.

Types of calorie foods

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates

In order to maintain an energy balance and make the right diet, one should take into account not only such an indicator as calories, but also take into account the ratio of BJU - proteins, fats and carbohydrates.


It is impossible to compensate for this substance in the body with other components. There are no substitutes for proteins. These amino acids must be supplied with food in finished form.

Proteins are conventionally divided into two categories: complete and inferior.

Complete proteins are considered that include eight essential amino acids: valine, leucine, isoleucine, threonine, methionine, lysine, tryptophan, phenylalanine - first of all, these are all dairy products, as well as meat, fish, eggs. Second group- proteins of vegetable origin; however, potatoes, legumes, rye bread, wheat bran partially contain complete protein.

Protein deficiency can lead to stunted growth in children and mental retardation. In adults, the lack of this substance is manifested in a decrease in the body's resistance to infections, a decrease in immunity, as well as a violation of blood flow.

But excess is no less harmful. With excessive consumption of protein foods, obesity, the formation of stones in the urinary tract, as well as diseases of the kidneys, liver and joints occur.


The feeling of fullness with food is a sign of the presence of fats in the body. Most of the incoming lipids are consumed as an energy material. Only together with fats do they enter and are fully absorbed. As for calorie content, this indicator is the highest in lipids compared to proteins and carbohydrates.

Fats are divided into two groups: vegetable(oils) and animals(butter, beef and pork fat). The optimal combination of these lipids in the body is 30:70.

With a lack of this substance in the body, a violation of the activity of the central nervous system and a decrease in immunity occur. An excess of lipids provokes obesity, and also contributes to the development of atherosclerosis.


The body's main source of energy is carbohydrates.. They are divided into two categories: simple (mono and disaccharides) and complex (polysaccharides). The first group includes glucose, fructose, sucrose and lactose. The second type is starch, glycogen, pectin and fiber.

A lack of carbohydrates can lead to disruption of the central nervous system and muscles, weakening of physical and mental activity, as well as general exhaustion of the body and a decrease in life expectancy.

As for the excess, the excessive consumption of carbohydrate food is fraught with diabetes, atherosclerosis and obesity, as well as disorders in the digestive system.

The ratio of BJU and calories

In order to determine the importance of combining caloric content and calculating the BJU of food consumed, you should understand what exactly this ratio represents.

Let's take regular sugar as an example. Its calorie content 400 kcal per 100 grams.
Suppose that in order to maintain the energy balance of a particular person
you need to consume 1800 kcal per day.
It turns out that to replenish energy reserves, you just need to eat
about 450 grams of sugar during the day.
However, such nutrition is at least comical and incredibly harmful.


Thus, when compiling a diet, the proportions of BJU should be taken into account in order to allow the body to function normally and not need any important substances. Scientists have established the following ratio of useful components:

Proteins - from 10 to 35%
Fats - 20 to 35%
Carbohydrates - from 45 to 65%

At the same time, for people who want to lose weight, the above parameters look a little different: proteins - 30%, fats - 20%, carbohydrates - 50%.

If during weight loss the mandatory consumption rate is not taken into account, then the body will begin to "eat" itself on its own, thereby reducing weight due to the disappearance of muscle mass - but the percentage of lipids can rapidly increase.

That is why it is important to create a balanced diet for yourself, which will allow you to lose weight without harm to health and with maximum results.

Some numbers

These simple formulas will help you correctly and individually calculate the amount of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates needed in order to lose weight.

1. Calculate the metabolic rate

Female metabolic rate = 655 + (9.6 x weight in kg) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age in years)
Male metabolic rate = 66 + (13.7 x weight in kg) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age in years)

The resulting indicator should be multiplied by the activity coefficient:

Low (predominantly sedentary lifestyle) - 1.2
Small (light sports 1-3 times a week) - 1.38
Medium (moderate exercise 1-5 times a week) - 1.55
High (intense training 5-7 times a week) - 1.73

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About 20% should be subtracted from the obtained indicator in order to obtain the daily rate at which the body begins to lose excess weight.

This figure has a certain range: +100 and -250. That is, if the indicator is 1500 kcal, then weight loss will occur during consumption from 1250 (lower limit) to 1600 kcal per day (upper limit).

2. Calculate BJU

It should be noted that 1 gram of proteins and carbohydrates = 4 kcal, and 1 gram of fat = 9 kcal.

Therefore, proteins should be from 30 to 35% of calories per day, fats, in turn, from 15 to 20%, and carbohydrates from 45 to 50% of calories per day. Based on these figures, the following calculations are made:

Proteins (if lower limit is 1250) = (1250 x 0.3)/4
Proteins (if the upper limit is 1600) = (1600 x 0.35) / 4
Result: from 93 to 140g per day

Fat (if the lower limit is 1250) = (1250 x 0.15) / 9
Fat (if the upper limit is 1600) = (1600 x 0.2) / 9
Result: from 21 to 35g per day

Carbohydrates (if the lower limit is 1250) = (1250 x 0.45) / 4
Carbohydrates (if the upper limit is 1600) = (1600 x 0.5) / 4
Result: from 140 to 200g per day

Thus, using the example of theory and practical calculations, the fact that calorie content and BJU indicators are closely interconnected with each other has been proved.

It is important to take into account all these data when drawing up the right balanced diet, not only for weight loss, but also to keep the body in great shape.

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