When will Venus retrograde in the year. Most of all, Mercury retrograde affects the moments of starting a job, moving to a new position, hiring, as well as during job interviews and interviews about new activities. But if you are worth

> > > Venus

It is generally accepted that Venus patronizes love, so the impact, first of all, will affect relationships. The importance of loyalty, honesty and devotion will increase. Material issues will be touched upon and the methods of child upbringing will be revised. Some problems date back to the distant past. But don't take action. Set aside a direct answer and focus on evaluating everything. If you feel even slight tension in a relationship, do not ignore it. This is a hint that a serious claim is hidden behind the facade of calmness. If harmony reigns in the relationship, then the difficulties of this period will not affect family ties in any way. You may want to re-evaluate your connection and figure out what to change, improve, or, on the contrary, break.

The influence of Venus retrograde on personality in 2017

The movement of the planet will negatively affect the wedding and the beginning of love affairs. The period will start on March 4 and end on April 15, 2017.

The glory of the patroness of everything beautiful and creative is assigned to Venus. Therefore, the impact will be on various exhibitions, competitions related to the assessment of appearance, or on the purchase of jewelry or large acquisitions (real estate, car). You should also postpone the trip to the beautician. If there is a desire to make a marriage proposal, then wait. Otherwise, something will happen that will disturb you.

Things to do? This is a great time to reconnect lost ties with friends and loved ones. Of course, everything will end well if you come to a person with sincere intentions. This is also a good period for trading. You can sell an apartment, furniture and other items that you could not get rid of for a long time.

Close attention should be paid to the reverse motion of these planets. But there are other objects that, although not so drastically, can affect your life.

There is such a thing as the backward movement of the planets. He is given Special attention. Why? For hundreds of years, scientists have observed the influence of heavenly bodies on all living things and came to the conclusion that several times a year, certain planets begin to reverse movement.

During these periods a person is inconvenienced, unexpected troubles appear, the mood changes and, as a result, conflicts are brewing. Annoying and annoying failures are more likely to appear during the period of the reverse movement of the planets. Therefore, it is so important to look into the progress table more often. Before planning the coming year according to astrological phenomena, let's consider the concept of a “retrograde planet”.

What does a retrograde planet mean?The movement of the planets in 2017 - what
pay attention.

1. Mercury retrograde 2017.

2. Venus retrograde 2017.

3. Jupiter Retrograde 2017.

4. Saturn retrograde 2017.

5. Retrograde Uranus 2017.

6. Retrograde Neptune 2017.

8. Pluto retrograde 2017.

retrograde planets in 2017.This concept is usually attributed to astrology, although it is also directly related to astronomy. one can find such an explanation - retrograde movement means the return path of the planet. Most of us take this definition literally. However, in reality, things don't quite work out that way. For better understanding planetary motion, take, for example, three points of reference - sun, earth and Venus. If the observer tracks the movement Venus relative to the Earth, which revolves around Sun, he will see that the speed of Venus is much less than that of the Earth. Also it has to travel a greater distance than the earth relative to the sun. That is, when observing from our planet, such an effect arises in which it begins to seem that the planet at a certain moment is moving in reverse side. But in fact it only "lags behind" the course of the Earth. If you draw a path Venus, you get a loop - it is customary to call it “retrograde motion”. When the heavenly body passes the loop, people should be more careful. According to astrology, during these periods a person experiences inconvenience, troubles appear. Many believe that the prognosis retrograde planets - an invention of astrologers. But no. These are the observations of astronomers different eras from which forecasts are made. Having figured out what a retrograde planet means, you can already start planning things. However, astrologers do not put the issue of retrograde in the red corner. On the movement of the planets of course, it is worth paying attention, but it should not be interpreted as something paramount. With the help of the forecast "Retrograde planets in 2017" you can make adjustments into business ventures and personal plans so that there is no unforeseen business fiasco or failure in relationships. Let's look at the forecast for the retrograde of the planets this year.

Reverse movement can be observed in the motion of such planets as Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, Mercury, Uranus and Neptune . However, astrologers recommend adjusting plans according to the movement of only two, the most influential planets - Mercury and Venus. This class also includes Mars , but in 2017 it does not enter the retrograde phase. Therefore, we will first consider the periods of "retroversion" of Mercury and Venus.The retrograde of this planet is characterized by minor and annoying shortcomings, errors in financial and reporting documents, failures in any undertakings and a fiasco in business. Also, Mercury has become associated with problems regarding computing and household appliances. It really is. If a person purposefully observes the work of, for example, a computer during these periods, he, not without surprise, will come to the same conclusion.

Mercury retrograde periods in 2017: Retrograde Mercury. -There are three or four retro Mercury cycles each year, each lasting about three weeks. Among all the planets, this is the only one whose retrograde effect is felt by most people. Most often, communications suffer during periods of retro Mercury, because in astrology it is a messenger planet. Another common topic is problems with transport and means of communication (telephones, computers, etc.).Mercury retrograde(also in Taurus) will cause delays and delays in all areas for which this planet is responsible: loss of letters, confusion in papers, difficulties with paperwork, delays in payments, delays, breakdowns in transport, breakdowns in negotiations. Creditors may also remember your existence. Computers and office equipment will fail more often. Travel, business trips can be in vain. Obstacles in publishing. Braking in educational processnew material will be more difficult to digest, difficulty in presenting one's thoughts (as in oral, as well as in writing). More often mistakes will be made, because At this time, people are characterized by forgetfulness and absent-mindedness.There are four periods of Mercury retrograde in 2017 (the first of them began in 2016). The degrees of stationarity of the planet are given in parentheses:

December 19, 2016 (15° Capricorn ) – January 8, 2017 (28° Sagittarius).

As we can see, in 2017 Mercury makes loops of retrograde movement in the signs of the elements of Earth and Fire. During these periods be careful, evaluate what you say, write and to whom. There is a tendency - everything that can be misunderstood will be misunderstood. If the points of stationarity make an aspect to personal planets and significant points of yours, it is better not to sign for retro Mercury important documents, do not make large purchases and do not go on trips, except for urgent ones.However, Mercury in reverse motion has its advantages. This favorable period to return to unfinished projects and correct mistakes made in the past. There is something that was not clear or went wrong, see what and where you can improve. The backward movement of Mercury is not conducive to any surgical intervention. Of course, the operation should be postponed if possible. Based on the characteristics of the planet, one should refrain from new undertakings in business, one should be extremely careful in paperwork, especially financial ones. Refrain during these periods from buying household and other appliances. It is also not recommended to plan long trips. Do not look for a job or think about a new project, and do not sign agreements and new contracts. Not worth spending large sums money or invest in a business. At this time, it is necessary to avoid signing documents, signing contracts, profitable deals and traveling to any distance. You need to be as careful as possible on the road! It is not recommended to start training, because new information will be poorly digested. But, especially stubborn and persistent individuals can achieve results in this area.During the retrograde period Mercury any quarrels and conflicts should be excluded. Otherwise, they will drag on long time. It is advisable to carefully select words in communication so as not to offend a person. It will be especially difficult to survive this moment for those who are born in numbers that fall backwards. Mercury . Soften the situation in all areas, this planet will help people who have Mercury in the same state in their birth chart (natal). They just need to become more patient in order to calmly get through this turbulent period. retrograde planet in 2017, Mercury is not as "harsh" as many people think. At this time, you can safely conclude deals, engage in promising work and buy new car. But only the car should be an "old" brand. It's good to finish the book you started, scientific work and other literature.

From August 13 to September 6 We are still in a retrograde period.Mercury, which will affect the sphere of communications and communication, trade and finance, education and entrepreneurship. note, the beginning of retro-Mercury will fall on the "Eclipse Corridor", this will make its impact more pronounced and unpredictable.Mercury has a particularly strong effect on urban residents, entrepreneurs, managers, people employed in the field of trade and communications. In addition, under the influence of Mercury is all electronics, Appliances, public transport.What can happen and how to get out of the situation?

The documents. - They can be lost, errors can be revealed in them, the deadlines for filing and issuing can increase. Be sure to check all documents personally! If you serve them during this period, and there is no time to wait and redo, we read the Ganesha mantra OM GAM GANAPATAYE 108 times dailyNAMAH, with a request to remove obstacles from the path.

Business conversation. - There is a high probability of "understatement", the inability to convey the idea, to present it well. In turn, you can misunderstand the interlocutor and start a chain of misunderstandings. Therefore, it is very useful to ask again, ask for information in writing, clarify and ask questions - this will help! To improve attention and concentration, I recommend the Saraswati mantra OM AIM SARASVATYE NAMAH.

Travel and travel. - Here, too, many difficulties can happen: from losing a ticket to rescheduling a flight, the trip may not take place or bring not the result that you expected. What to do? Plan a trip in advance, buy and immediately check tickets, make copies of important documents and carry them with you, carry money in cash and on a card, have several communication options (telephone, Internet). Be careful on the road! And of course, arrive everywhere in advance, at least 1 hour in advance.

Electronics and home appliances. - Do not buy it during this period! Just postpone the purchase and that's it. Even if you see a great promotion, you can miscalculate, the equipment will quickly break down or you will not need it. This also applies to large, long-awaited acquisitions, such as a car, an apartment.

Business and new projects. - It is not recommended to start new commercial projects during the retro-Mercury period. Initially, there may be difficulties in them, it will be difficult to get the business off the ground and get the desired profit. Also during this period gambling is contraindicated, money scams, bets, money bets - you will lose more than you will win!

Health.- Nervous system is "under attack", memory can fail and all this will result in insomnia and a breakdown. If you are a suspicious person, then drink sedative fees, refuse to watch crime films, read the news. Rest! And of course, write down important things, dates, expenses in a notebook - do not rely on memory.work nervous system the Dhanvantari mantra harmonizes very well:

Dhanavataraye AMRITA.

This mantra also protects against stress, improves metabolism. You can recite it 108 times for water, medicine, soothing tea.

Is Mercury retrograde affecting everyone?Of course, its action will be individual for everyone, or rather, the degree of unfavorability of this period. It depends on the personal period of luck, as well as the location Mercury in your natal chart. If it is retrograde in your chart, then during this period there may be progress in business, a solution to problems will come.

What can you do when Mercury is retrograde? This is the time to analyze the work done. If something is not completed, it's time to "pull up the tails" and what remains unfinished. During these periods, it is better to relax and unwind. During the retrograde of the planet Venus, you should not plan weddings or the beginning of a serious relationship.

Venus Retrograde in 2017: Venus is characterized by everything related to art and beauty. Therefore, its reverse movement has a bad effect on the holding of various exhibitions, beauty contests or the purchase of expensive jewelry. Also, do not invest in large purchases, such as real estate or a car. With regard to aesthetic beauty, it is better to postpone any cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery. young people should not offer their hand and heart to their loved ones, postpone this exciting moment for another period of time.In this case, everything will go well and smoothly.Retrograde Venus- planet of love and beauty Venus begins retrograde period on March 5, 2017 at 13° Aries , passing the way back to 26 ° Pisces, where it stops and on April 16, 2017 resumes movement in a straight line. When Venus moves back, you may find that the world takes on different colors, you notice beauty where you have not seen before. However, at this time, anxiety due to love and personal relationships is not ruled out. Some people will feel like there's not enough love, or what close person doesn't pay enough attention. Changes in relationships are possible, and they will not necessarily be pleasant. There are also positive manifestations of the retro cycle Venus - the old love that you considered already gone may return. There are chances that interrupted in the past love relationship or friendship will be renewed. If there are such plans, pay attention to the spring of 2017.Venus retrograde in 2017.Quite rarely retrograde Venus (1 time in a year and a half), which is considered the planet of Beauty and Love. In 2017, its backward movement was observed:- from March 4 to April 15.During this period, feelings and relationships will “slow down”, as well as temporary alienation and misunderstanding.Not desirable during retrograde Venus plan weddings and marriages. The wedding will be very expensive financially, and the marriage itself will not last long. romantic connections during this period will be short-lived and bring a lot of disappointment.If the list of retrograde planets in 2017 was Venus , then you should not radically change the external image. Eliminate cosmetic surgery, haircuts and hair coloring. All these procedures will bring grief and negative emotions. For large shopping is also an unfavorable time. During the retreat Venus many purchases will turn out to be of poor quality and "faceless", but it is unlikely that they will be able to return them to the store.The beautiful Venus has her own positive sides during retrograde. It is possible that past relationships with lovers (wives, husbands) will be renewed and become even more beautiful. Although, decide for yourself whether the “game of candles” is worth it? If you wait until Venus follows the straight path, then the reunion with the beloved will be successful.During the period of retrograde Venus, you can successfully complete needlework (knitting, sewing, embroidery), renovate the interior of the room and look for gifts for loved ones in the future.

What can you do during Venus retrograde? If you quarreled with someone, then during this period it is good to make lost connections. Naturally, intentions must be pure and sincere. Ask for forgiveness and talk heart to heart. It will also go well with the sale of long-stale things, items. for a long time they could not, for example, sell an apartment, retrograde Venus will help you with this. Knowledgeable people buy antiques at a bargain price. It is worth paying close attention to the movement of Venus and Mercury. But there are other planets that can also upset plans, albeit not radically. Consider their movement and find out what things it is desirable to postpone. The direct movement of this planet means financial success. Retrograde is characterized exactly the opposite. The planet conditionally responsible for wealth (material and spiritual, including love).This will be reflected in the fact that the feelings and needs of people will become too aggravated. Too close attention to your person will impede the development and manifestation of feelings. A look at relations will become, as it were, from the outside, from the position of a detached observer. The ardent desire to be loved will be decisive. Flirting just for self-affirmation. But at harmonious development feelings and work on oneself, a person will be able to feel the need for close intellectual contact against the background of love relationships.The connection will cause the feelings and needs of people to come to the fore in the third decade of May, while there will be a loss of inner peace and the need to develop one's spirituality.As we can see, in May there is a high probability of making mistakes and vain deeds.

Jupiter retrograde in 2017: Retrograde Jupiter - pThe planet goes retrograde February 5, 2017 at 23° Libra. Reverse

Jupiter's motion continues until June 9, when it becomes stationary at 13° Libra, to then move into direct motion.At this time, many will notice delays and confusion in matters that are related to spheres of influence. Jupiter : education, social work, legal issues and etc. During this period of time, you should not start a large business. Most likely, you will not be able to earn big money. However, small business will keep afloat. The reverse movement of Jupiter should be paid attention to those people whose activities are related to financing. Be careful, there is a risk of losing a large amount of money. Retrograde Jupiterwill not let you see the whole picture of events, but compensates for this with attention to detail. Jupiter which will make many people philosophize, think about the most important thing in life and pay attention to traditions. Overseas trips must be canceled as they will not work. Studying in institutions will become tense, and gaining prestige in society is possible only with great efforts. You can correct the mistakes of the past and change your views on important aspects of life.During the retrograde Jupiter you should do the main work and analyze what has already been done over the past period. If you decide to learn a new profession or scientific field, then this is the right time. It is not worth taking on large-scale projects, but it is better to complete old cases.

What can you do during Jupiter retrograde? Self-education and self-development will be very useful and beneficial. Remember with a kind word and honor your "life" teachers. more time with your family, spend time with children, play, walk, relax together. Useful to do morning exercises and qigong exercises, yoga.

Retrograde Saturn- FROM aturn begins the journey to reverse direction April 5, 2017 at 27° Sagittarius and remains retrograde until August 26, when at 21° Sagittarius it turns head-on.Retrograde Saturn, of course, will test our spiritual values ​​for strength. Square with Jupiter also will not allow you to turn around in business and make you be alone with yourself.Retro Saturn is able to bringfeeling of heaviness, as if something burdensome is preventing you from turning around. You may feel that you are being controlled, as if some external force is controlling you. Retrograde Saturn in Sagittarius - a great time to reconsider your own life philosophy, rethink your relationship with those who, in one way or another, control your life. When Saturn moves back, he loses the ability to hold boundaries, which he does very well in the direct direction. Do not hurry agree to tempting offers, otherwise you can lose power over your life.Another theme of this period is the attitude to work. You may come to the conclusion that you need to become more responsible and disciplined. Saturn always rewards those who work hard, so that time can be productive, both in terms of career development and finances. However, do not expect quick results, because Saturn does not like haste.Be patientit may happen that you return to the project again and again. This is the right time to evaluate your victories and failures, learn from your mistakes. When the planet resumes moving in a straight line, you will feel that you have become wiser. The planet Saturn is a karmic planet. In the retro position, everything goes by itself. Therefore, do not waste your time and energy.

Retrograde period Saturnin 2017: Everyone who is involved in the defense of rights or holds a position in the legal system needs to be on the alert. Also, do not rely on academic success, engage in philosophical discussions or speak on the topics of education, politics and religion. Do not "stick out" or take the initiative. Saturn will be in the sign of Sagittarius during this period. Therefore, there is no need to defend or discuss something. Relax and take a break from controversial situations. Let this period of time pass and then you can indulge in any controversy.

What can you do during Saturn retrograde? Do an analysis of your life position, actions and values ​​in life. Make donations to charity, feed animals and birds (especially crows). Accumulate wisdom. Let everything take its course, observe the situation. The planet is famous for the destruction of traditions, storms and extraordinary deeds.

Uranus retrograde in 2017: Retrograde Uranus. -The period of the reverse movement of Uranus begins on August 3, 2017 at 28° Aries and continues until January 2, 2018. At 24° Aries, the planet resumes direct movement.Retrograde Uranus in Aries good time to reevaluate ideas and projects you are already working on. Although retro Uranus may bring unforeseen plot twists, they give a taste of life, the feeling of routine leaves and exhilarating adventures begin. You will discover how your personality and behavior have changed so much that

others don't know what to expect from you. This probability increases significantly if in your natal chart personal planets and important points are located at 24 - 28 degrees of cardinal signs ( Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). will become a real help for those who create something new, create. Innovators will come up with the most unexpected ideas that can be easily implemented. Many managers will also have to be creative and solve problems from a completely different perspective. During this period of time, they will succeed with such ease and agility that even promotion up the career ladder is possible. It will limit the freedom of speech and action, as well as make it dependent on negative personalities. A good period for meetings with old friends, astrology and esoteric studies.

What can you do during Uranus retrograde? Creative personalities it is recommended to create, invent in the period of retrograde Uranus.

Retrograde Neptune. - retrograde cycle Neptune begins on June 14, 2017 at 14° Pisces and ends on November 23 at 11 degrees of the same zodiac sign.During the retrograde Neptune in Pisces, you can feel entangled, as if you have to navigate your way through a thick fog. On the other hand, at this time intuition is aggravated, dreams can be prophetic. Most of all, its influence will be reflected in the affairs of that house of the natal chart, where retro Neptune transits. Its influence can also manifest itself in various addictions and the desire to sacrifice oneself for the sake of another person. In astrology Neptune considered a planet of fantasy and illusion, however, during the period of reverse movement, it can show us that not everything is so cloudless. It's time to reevaluate your ideals and take a closer look at the people around you. This is especially true if at 11 - 14 degrees of mutable signs ( Gemini, Virgo , Sagittarius, Pisces) of your natal chart are personal planets and important points. The retrograde movement of the planet Neptune brings some confusion to beliefs, customs and traditions. This time is for those who have not found themselves in the spiritual aspect. a completely unexpected worldview will open up, he will discover many new things in terms of beliefs and religion. If you want what is called “Cognosce te ipsum” (“Know thyself”, Latin), now is the time to do it. Neptune retrograde is the time for spiritual development. Neptunein Pisces - a very favorable position for the development of paranormal abilities and opportunities. But you should know that until mid-May the opposition is active with Jupiter , so there will be many unfulfilled promises. Retrograde Neptune will lead to the search for new discoveries in the spiritual realm. Faith in the best will intensify, and the experience gained in the past will help to look more optimistically into the future. Possible exacerbation of drug and alcohol addiction in weak individuals

This is the most worrying period. Why?He touches political system and changes in it. For people, this means countries that, as history teaches, do not always end well. Nothing can be done about it, one can only hope that there will not be a coup d'état or something like that.Retrograde planets in 2017 do not bring danger or bloodshed, as it was in 2016, when we saw firsthand the validity of the forecast for the movement of retrograde planets last year. However, do not ignore the recommendations of astrologers regarding Venus and Mercury. Plan your affairs so that later you don’t have to lose heart over unfulfilled dreams or hopes. retrograde planets express themselves in different ways, depending on their nature and zodiac sign . Moving in the opposite direction, they give us time to think, reconsider our plans, return to the topics of the past. To understand how exactly their influence will affect you, you need to see in which house of the natal chart the loop is located retrograde with what personal planets and points of the horoscope it forms aspects.

Retrograde Pluto. - Reverse motion planet April 19, 2017 at 19 degrees Capricorn and continues until September 29th. At 16° Capricorn Pluto turns around and moves forward.Pluto retrograde in Capricorn draws attention to the structures and relationships that have power over you. Most likely you

review your habits regarding interaction with them. Pluto is the planet of transformation and sometimes brings up painful topics. It helps us to see our own shadow, i.e. realize true motivation and deep needs, although this is not always pleasant. Some will find themselves driven by a craving for power and money. Let the repressed emotions come to the surface, then you can heal on an existential level.Retrograde Plutoin Capricorn it will require you to direct energy towards the PURPOSE, to be more conservative, ascetic and disciplined,that's why public events and demonstrations must be cancelled. It is recommended to isolate yourself from places where there are a lot of people. In difficult situations, you can seek help from psychics. Spiritual practices must be used.

Attention: retrograde planets! What does this threaten us with?- If you carefully observe human life, as well as certain events that take place from time to time in society and in the world, you can see. Of course, this is due to the fact that the Planets, moving along their axis around the Sun, return, having described a circle: they move along the same degrees and points again and again. This is a big cycle.There is also the so-called retrograde motion planets is a backward movement for a relatively short period.In the natural course of the Planet, everything that is symbolically connected with its functions is more or less clear. But with retrograde movement, we observe the inhibition of all processes. The universe, as it were, makes a person stop at a certain moment and look back, pause, analyze experience, mistakes and success, draw conclusions, complete unfinished, abandoned cases, bring them to their logical conclusion ...In 2017, they will immediately be in the retrophase FIVE Planets. And this means that you can immediately come to the conclusion that KARMICcases for analysis and completion, but nothing new should be done. It is also not recommended to register new enterprises, start construction, make purchases and sign long-term contracts, and make large investments. So, Mars (hence Aries), Mercury (Gemini), Jupiter (Sagittarius), Saturn (Capricorn) and Pluto (Scorpio)will be in the retro phase.People who have the above zodiac signs in the natal chart (in brackets after the listed Planets), as well as Taurus and Gemini born in May,will feel this period more strongly.

That's all for today. Do not forget about gratitude and LIFE will bring you as many joyful and successful events in life as you allow yourself. An important nuance! There are two key points in the technique of conducting various activations. First, you need to be clear about what you want. And this applies to various activations - to attract love, money, help, improve relationships. That is, do not just mindlessly go in the right direction or light a candle in right place, namely to prepare internally for its implementation. Before starting the activation, it is very good to tune in to the desired result, see your goal, even describe it on a piece of paper, think about it in the process, imagine that the goal has been achieved and feel this state. The second secret is not to stop after the first or second activation! The rule of regularity works here, in this case you will experience really noticeable and long-term results that will appear from month to month. Everyone in the bonus below activation. Be very careful, money star, very capricious, perform activations exactly on time, think positively and everything will work out.

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Venus is the planet of love and finance. When it begins to back away in the sky, then problems begin for the majority of those living on Earth in these areas. Retrograde or retrograde Venus- this is an astronomical phenomenon, when it seems to the observer of the movement of planets in the sky that the planet has changed its direction of motion and is moving in the opposite direction. However, in fact, this is not the case, the planet cannot change its movement, but due to optical illusion, the inhabitants of the planet Earth can see just such a feature of the planet as the reverse movement. And during these periods, the energies of the planet reach us in a distorted way, as a result, many people do not feel love, do not feel the “taste of life”, and also have strange at first glance financial problems that they did not have before.

Venus retrograde in 2017 will be mainly in the sign of Aries and not most time - in the sign Pisces. What this will give us, we will talk a little lower in the article.

Period of stationary Venus (stop before turn): from 2 to 5 March 2017 and from 12 April to 17 April 2017

The period of the active retrograde phase of Venus in 2017 : from March 5 to April 12.

During the period of stationary Venus, it is not recommended to perform any actions aimed at realizing the theme of the planet: you should not change your appearance, make any purchases of clothes, change your hairstyle, or carry out any procedures designed to make you more attractive (attractive). Also at this time it is not recommended to make investments in order to make a profit. However, you can make attachments to save material value(so that money, for example, does not depreciate). Also, during the period of retro Venus, you can not be afraid to carry out cosmetic manipulations, because. they won't have any effect. But it is not recommended to do operations, serious procedures from which you expect significant changes in your appearance.
The period of retrograde Venus, first of all, is the time when the topic of personal life for many people will come to the fore. Given the moment that Venus will be in the sign of her exile, in Aries, she will feel extremely uncomfortable. That is, the main reasons for disagreements in couples will not be such a manifestation of emotions, lack of warmth, care, attention, manifestations of some kind of participation in each other's life, and of course, sexual problems and jealousy. It is jealousy that will become the key driver of problems in many ways, as a result of the lack of harmony in relationships.

If you notice that something has started to go wrong in your couple, if something has not ceased to suit you, if you lack passion or, on the contrary, there is too much of it, do not rush to sort things out. Most likely, this influence of Venus creates a similar effect of lack of love and warmth, when you simply cannot feel its energy, although it is present in your field. You should look at yourself, analyze own actions, and try to (yourself) take a step towards meeting your soulmate, and not try to arrange jealousy scenes.

Quarrels and breaks in relationships during the period of retrograde Venus for the most part lead to reconciliation, but through a stormy showdown. Since in 2017 Venus retrograde will unfold into its usual movement in its power sign, Pisces, it is safe to say that most of those who feel a lack of love at the beginning of the Venus retro period will find this lost feeling at the end of the period, and can restore the lost harmony.

Make any drastic changes in appearance: new hairstyle, image, piercing, tattoo;
- buy expensive clothes and jewelry, invest in things;
- start new acquaintances (most likely that you will step on the same rake that was in past relationships);
- make plastic and cosmetic interventions;
- break off relations (reconcile anyway);
- invest in new projects;
- conclude new partnership agreements (especially key ones for business);
- enter into marriages;
- go on a diet, improve your appearance (lost kilograms will return very quickly and you can bring “friends” with you).

Given the fact that Venus most of the time (until April 3) will be in the sign of Aries, the sign of its exile, then in the period of March 2017 it is likely that many women will want to radically change their appearance. Even well-written beauties can succumb to general panic and begin to pay more attention than usual to their appearance. But at best, the efforts will be fruitless, and at worst, they can do harm. Therefore, from the point of view of astrology, I do not recommend starting any activities this spring (until April 17th inclusive) aimed at improving the appearance.

Favorable during Venus retrograde:

Do repeated cosmetic or plastic surgery (correct mistakes);
- return or renew relationships (even those that were many years ago);
- return to external image that you once had (hairstyle, as in 20 years, for example);
- repay loans, repay loans (this way you fix your financial channel).
- undergo repeated courses aimed at improving the appearance.

These recommendations will be true for most people. But there is a small percentage of those who have Venus retrograde in their natal charts. These lucky ones can use the period of Venus retrograde (not stationary) in order to make a breakthrough in the topics of relationships, finances and beauty. They can carry out various procedures aimed at improving the appearance, start any rejuvenation courses. Even changes in the image, updating the wardrobe will be favorable. New acquaintances for them and even marriage will also be successful. Financial questions during this period will also be easily resolved (provided there are no negative factors in your natal chart).

You can independently clarify what position Venus occupies in your natal chart by building it on our website for free. Retrograde Venus is indicated by the Latin letter R next to the planet icon ♀.
Remember that Venus retrograde affects all people. Therefore, try to be more gentle, understanding, sympathetic towards other people. Give warmth to other people more, without expecting reciprocal actions. And then the period of “lack of love” will pass more harmoniously for you. Love and prosperity to you!

The retrograde movement of the planets is a concept in astronomy. Periodically, relative to the views of an inhabitant of the earth, all the planets stop and begin to rotate in reverse. Undoubtedly, we are talking not about the real rotation of the planet in the opposite direction, but only an optical effect. In fact, the planet only slows down the speed of movement, which makes it seem that it is rotating in the opposite direction.

Astrologers have been betraying for a very long time great importance retrograde. They associated this phenomenon with events in human lives. For centuries, scientists have explored this theory. And today it is considered natural.

The most influential planets

The periods of retrograde Mercury, Mars, Venus are considered the most influential.

Mercury has at least three retrogrades every year. Each lasts 24 days. These periods are characterized by obstacles in business, delays, awkward situations, shortcomings, indecision, errors in documents. The most vulnerable during this period are computers and household appliances. In the retrograde period, everything fails more often. Astrologers do not recommend looking for new job, start new business, spend large sums, go on a long journey, settle for surgical interventions. It is better at this time to finish old things, solve minor domestic difficulties and relax.

Mercury in retrograde:

  • from 12/19/16 to 01/08/17;
  • from 10.04.17 to 03.05.17;
  • from 08/13/17 to 09/5/17;
  • from 12/3/17 to 12/23/17.

Planet retrograde Venus in 2017 it lasts about 40 days with a regularity of 19 months. It is better not to hold exhibitions during this period, theatrical performances, beauty contests, plastic surgery, cosmetic procedures. Do not change anything in your personal life, do not make new acquaintances and do not marry. Beware of real estate purchases, cars and other large money transactions. Do not buy Jewelry, aesthetic clothes, works of art. Venus is retrograde from 03/04/17 to 04/15/17.

Mars in 2017 will not enter this phase.

The following signs and degrees will affect retrograde movement in 2017:

Less significant planets in retrograde

Jupiter is retrograde from 02/06/17 to 07/09/17. During this period, it is not necessary to start activities aimed at achieving material well-being. Finish the things you started, whether it's education, travel, or legal litigation.

Saturn - from 04/06/17 to 08/25/17. This period is especially difficult in the field of legal issues, education, philosophy, tourism, religion.

Uranus retrograde from 3/8/17 to 2/1/18. During this period, you will be able to reconsider your usual views, you will be able to make unexpected decisions for yourself and others. This is the best period for change and new discoveries.

Neptune - from 07/16/17 to 11/22/17. This planet will allow you to re-evaluate your beliefs, aspirations, beliefs and take a fresh look at your own spirituality.

Pluto will start retrograde from 04/20/17 to 09/28/17. This is an important period for the state system. We are waiting for the restructuring of organizational decisions.

It is important to monitor the retrograde of the planets and take into account its specifics. However, remember that sometimes it is better to relax and enjoy your destiny than to be afraid of adverse periods all the time.

"Retrograde" means moving backward, however, this is the path of the planet as seen from Earth. In fact, neither Mercury, nor Venus, nor Saturn are moving backwards.

During the retrograde period of the planets, things are going well under the motto "I'm returning ..." to the business (person, place, paper, contact, thought), which I already started earlier.

If we are talking about retrograde Mercury, then it is worth returning contacts, friends that have disappeared from sight, reevaluating thoughts about shopping, concepts that were formed earlier, rewriting manuscripts. New contacts are not worth starting. There is also no need to rush to sign agreements for the first time. It is not recommended to make purchases, especially means of communication, transportation, unless with reservations, in this case only an astrologer can orientate at a personal consultation.

What should be devoted to the period - retrospection of some important thoughts, contacts, finalization of projects.

Mercury retrograde in 2017:

For those born at the junction of Sagittarius and Capricorn, Aries and Taurus, Leo and Virgo, Sagittarius of the second half of the sign - important thoughts, contacts, news can come on the first passage of Mercury along its retrograde path, that is, before the beginning of the indicated period.

Retrograde Venus in 2017.

Venus is responsible for evaluations and sympathies. We like a person, he attracts us, and we perceive him as valuable in our life - we love him. The key word here is "pleasant". The period of retrograde sends us back to find something valuable in past experiences and draw conclusions about what is valuable right next to us.

We re-evaluate our attachments, loved ones, image during the Venus retrograde period.

Retrograde Venus in 2017:

from March 4 to April 15 (14 gr. Aries - 27 gr. Pisces). The retrograde loop is wider, so early Aries and late Pisces may be affected by Venus retrograde a little earlier than the highlighted period.

Retrograde Jupiter in 2017.

Jupiter planet social success, advancement opportunities, educational affairs, international cooperation, earnings.

Retrograde Jupiter:

Libra should be ready to re-evaluate and refine some of their benchmarks before the start of the period. On retrograde Jupiter, it is not advisable to start business aimed at obtaining material benefits. It is good to examine the liver, find out and clarify the terms of the loan, reissue a visa (but not request a visa for the first time), retake "tails" in educational institutions.

Retrograde Saturn in 2017:

Saturn is the foundation of any enterprise. Therefore, its reversal is associated with a reassessment of what we rely on: work, real estate, parents, the musculoskeletal system. Saturn in Sagittarius rechecks our readiness to move forward, Sagittarius must be very responsible even before the start of the period, preparing for the return of some problems that temper them psychologically.

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