Best time to travel in India. Weather in India: when is the best time to go on vacation The best time to travel to India

When choosing a time for a trip to India, one must keep in mind that the weather there varies greatly depending on the season. In general, the weather on the subcontinent is determined by the so-called rainy season and dry season. The rainy season, or monsoon, begins on the coast of the Indian Ocean in the state of Kerala in the southeast of the country. At the end of May, heavy rains fall on the hot lands of Kerala and continue their movement to the northeast, reaching the opposite end of the subcontinent by mid-July. At this time, regular showers occur throughout the territory, interspersed with hot sunny weather, high humidity air. During the rainy season, flooding of roads and disruption of communications are not uncommon, especially in the jungle region of the northwest and in the low-lying lands of Bengal. Landslides occur in the foothills of the Himalayas, cutting off entire areas from mainland» for weeks.

By the beginning of September, the intensity of rains decreases significantly, but for another two months the south wind can catch up rain clouds. The east coast of India in the southern states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala "soaks" for the second time between October and December. In the north-west of the country at this time, sporadic monsoons are possible from the Bay of Bengal. But by the beginning of December, clear weather sets in throughout the subcontinent and comfortable temperature air.

In the middle of winter, the weather in the north and south of the country differs most sharply: while in Delhi, for example, cold wind from the snowy Himalayas flat part The Tamils ​​and the coast of Kerala continue to melt in the sun, only now without rain.

As spring arrives, India begins to warm up again. By the end of March, in the central part of the subcontinent, on the Deccan Plateau, the temperature rises to 33 degrees. The heat reaches its climax by the end of May-beginning of June, then all life in the north of the country tends to the foothills of the Himalayas, escaping from the heat. By the end of June, masses of hot air over the entire subcontinent meet cool air over the ocean, and the rainy season arrives, bringing relief to the hot land and millions of Indians.

Thus, the best time to visit the country is during the dry season between November and March. Delhi, Agra, Varanasi, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh (northwest and north India) enjoy beautiful weather. It is these months that are recommended for visiting the palaces of the Maharajas in Rajasthan, Agra and the Taj Mahal. This is the most comfortable time for a trip to the ancient cities of Haridwar and Rishikesh at the foot of the Himalayas, for an excursion to temple complex Khajuraho.

At the beginning of the dry season, the temperature in Goa and in the central part of the subcontinent is quite comfortable. In the south, however, the heat is stronger, and in May and June it becomes suffocating, so the best time to visit the states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala is between January and March. With the beginning of spring, the Himalayas become the most popular tourist destination. The tourist season in this area reaches its peak in August-early September, when the rest of India has long been wet under downpours.

Recommendations for certain and most popular tourist regions boil down to the fact that you need to go to Goa from October to early May, to a beach holiday in Kerala - from November to April. The tourist season in Mahabalipuram and Pondicherry, which are located on the coast of the Bay of Bengal in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, lasts from December to July. These resorts are less noisy and crowded and are an alternative to a beach holiday in Goa. The best diving in the Andaman Islands is from November to May, it is comfortable to relax here from October to May.

The time of visiting India is often associated with Hindu holidays and festivals. The Hindu festival of Diwali is the festival of lights. It takes place throughout the country in late October - early November, lasts for a week. The Holi festival of colors marks the beginning of spring. Participants shower each other with colored powder and pour colored water over each other. The holiday takes place in late February - early March, lasts three days. In Rajasthan, on the edge of the Thar Desert, every year in November a camel fair takes place, it lasts a week and gathers thousands of people, attracting not only sellers and buyers, but also tourists, journalists, and photographers.

Holidays in India are a great opportunity to spend time on the seashore and get acquainted with this unusual contrasting culture. If you have decided to go to India, but do not know when is the best time to travel to this country, then you can not worry too much about it: it is always a season in India, despite the fact that the weather there varies, and in some resorts during certain months rest is not worth it.

Almost the entire territory of the state is located in subequatorial belt , feature which is the presence tropical monsoons.

In summer, the southern monsoon comes, which blows from the Indian Ocean and brings with it doji. The dry northeast monsoon blows from mid-autumn.

Thus, three main seasons can be distinguished in:

cool season– from October to April;

hot- in May and June;

rain season from mid-June to early October.

Despite the fact that in, the main tourist area of ​​​​India, you can relax all year round, most auspicious time falls in the cool season when there is practically no precipitation, and the sun does not bake too much. You can enjoy the rest on the coast and go on exciting excursions, get acquainted with the culture.

The coolest season lasts November to February, and here it is especially good for those who do not tolerate extreme heat. IN March the temperature begins to rise gradually, and the peak of the heat falls on May and June. At the same time, in this situation, high temperatures are practically not felt, since at this time there is a very low percentage of humidity.

To the west coast (Goa) already in June, the wet summer monsoon arrives, bringing with it rains. Before east coast (Bengal) clouds reach only in July, while the rainy season passes in this part of the country more calmly, there is less rainfall.

From mid June in the mountains thunderstorms begin, at first strong, then gradually weaken, and by the end of September they completely end. It is noteworthy that more precipitation falls in the mountains than in the flat terrain.

It is worth noting that, despite the rainy season, it is hot in India from June to October, much hotter than during the dry season. That is why the number of tourists in India at this time does not decrease.

The rains stop in October, but high humidity still persists, and the sky is covered with clouds. In November the long-awaited dry cool weather sets in. Clouds and clouds disappear, the sun shines brightly, this is a great opportunity to sunbathe on the beach and enjoy water activities.

The most warm weather during the cool season - in the south of Goa, where average temperature is 25–27°C. Goa is warmer than on the east coast of India - on the coast of the Bay of Bengal, the temperature can drop to 15 ° C, so it is not recommended to go to the northeast of India in February, as well as in September and October- at this time in Bengal it is especially cool.

The most populous democracy in the world, occupying the seventh place in terms of its territory, the world's largest supplier of cinema, wise and mysterious India is a state in South Asia on the Hindustan peninsula, washed by the Indian Ocean from the south, the Arabian Sea from the west, and the waters from the east Bay of Bengal. Read our article on the Tour-Calendar and you will find out why the best time to visit it is from the second half of October to March.

Tourist season in India

Crazy, noisy, full of contrasts, dirty, but at the same time bright and bewitching. All this about India - one of the ancient countries world, which you can either love with all your heart, or hate, because it does not tolerate compromise. The modern face of India is manifested in the astounding diversity of religions and castes, in landscapes, sights and sounds, in people known for their warm welcome and unbridled love of trade, in crowded cities and chaotic traffic on the roads. From lush jungles to sun-bleached deserts, from the soaring mountain peaks of the Himalayas to the golden beaches of Goa, from yoga centers to mind-blowing rave discos on outdoors- India has something to offer to all its guests. And she doesn't have many of them. Every year in tourist season, lasting from October to March, over 6 million tourists come from all over the world. As a rule, the inexplicable attraction of the country takes its toll, and most of them come back here again and again.

High season in India

The high season in India falls on winter months- December-February, when the beach season is in full swing. At this time, set optimal temperatures water and air, the amount of precipitation is sharply reduced, which favors not only swimming and water sports, but also active excursion activities, taking a course of Ayurvedic treatment or riding ski resorts country. It is very common to travel to India during the Christmas and New Year holidays: due to the mixture of many confessions and cultures, many colorful festivals, religious processions and exciting events take place here at this time. also in high season in India, mainly on the island of Goa, a lot of weddings are played. The cost of tours during this period of time is maximum, and all budget hotels, as a rule, are already occupied. good decision can become a "hunt" for hot tours: just subscribe to the shares of several travel agencies, and you can easily find an acceptable option for yourself.

Low season in India

The decline in tourist activity is observed during the season tropical rains, falling on part of the hot season "April-October", when the thermometer often crosses the 40-degree mark. Together with 100% humidity or, conversely, dry winds in some states of the country, such weather become very uncomfortable for any kind of recreation, and for some travelers - dangerous. And even in hotels public transport And public institutions It is very uncomfortable for a European accustomed to comfort due to the widespread lack of air conditioning. Perhaps the only place where you can go at this time is to the mountainous regions (with the exception of the ski areas of Jammu and Kashmir), located in northern India, where the daily air temperature ranges from +23..+29 ° С, and the amount of precipitation comes down to just 7-8 rainy days. However, even here the weather tends to bring surprises - in the form of a sharp cold snap or strong winds. In addition, not every traveler, having paid an impressive amount of money for a flight and spent 6-7 hours on board an aircraft, will want to voluntarily limit himself in the geography of travel.

The best time for excursions

Going to India, tune in to a rich excursion program, but at the same time, do not run headlong, hoping to see everything at once. If only because because of the incredible abundance of temple complexes, tombs, historical monuments and nature reserves scattered throughout the country, this is simply impossible to do. You can explore India all your life and discover something new every time. If you have come here for the first time to get general idea we advise you to take the Golden Triangle tour, which includes a visit to three main cities of the country - Delhi, Jaipur and Agra. However, the outcome of this and any other excursion largely depends on the weather prevailing at that time. The best time for sightseeing is from November to March, when rainfall is extremely rare. Mountainous areas are best visited from April to November.

Beach season in India

While the tops of the Himalayas in November are covered with another portion of snow, in Goa and Kerala, the aquamarine waters of the ocean invitingly attract the opening of the swimming season. Hundreds of kilometers of amazing sandy beaches- from wild and sparsely populated to ultra-modern with first-class hotels and well-trained service - they promise their guests an unforgettable pastime surrounded by exotic nature. The resort public is mainly represented by tourists from America, Russia, Israel, as well as many countries Western Europe. Some people prefer to hang out from dusk to dawn and a simple bed in a bungalow, while others shell out whole packs of bucks for a luxury vacation. beach season lasts until the end of March, at this time the water temperature can range from +25 °С to +28 °С. One of his bright features is a constant alternation of high and low tides, their schedule can be seen on every beach suitable for swimming. During low tides, especially in the evening, you should not go into the water very deep, you can easily drown.

diving season

The underwater kingdom of the Arabian Sea is rich in a variety of the brightest flora and fauna: coastal waters are teeming with groupers, barracudas, angel fish, moray eels, sweet lips, sharks, and are very bizarre here Coral reefs. Excellent objects for research are merchant ships that suffered shipwrecks here during the Second World War. Today, India has thousands of dai sites scattered along its coastline. but the best places for scuba diving, the Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar Islands are considered. Diving also exists in Goa, but it is designed mainly for beginners. best season for this sport lasts from October to March.

Surf season

So far, few people associate India with an ideal surfing destination, but in Lately the country has seen an increase in the popularity of this sport. Especially after the state entered into International Association Surfing Federation Surfing Federation ISA. The main surf sports are located on some beaches in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. The most favorable time for surfing in India is from May to September, when the waves reach 4-5 m. However, it is better for beginners to ride in more calm sea- from October to April on 1.5 m waves.

Ski season in India

Holidays in India are exotic even at its ski resorts, of which the country has a decent amount. Himalayan landscapes and great heights capable of turning heads, as well as the largest in Asia cable car. The skiing season lasts from mid-December to early May and coincides in time with the main bathing season, but unlike the beaches, the air temperature here fluctuates between -10 ..-8 ° С.

Wellness season

"Health Tours" - hundreds of thousands of tourists who go to India to entrust themselves and their shattered nerves to practitioners of Ayurveda, the ancient medical science, which is able to heal even the most serious diseases without a single pill. For getting positive effect the minimum course of procedures should be at least 3 weeks, since this system is based on a progressive process. It is believed that the rainy season, or to be more precise, the period from June to September, is the best for Ayurveda: the weather is quite hot and high humidity contribute to a good opening of the pores on the body, which is important for effective treatment.

Time for holidays and festivals

India is an intricate web of religions, cultures and peoples who count years according to different calendars. It is difficult to imagine how many holidays and festivals are actually celebrated in the country, and even more difficult to count them. Therefore, in this section we will mention only the most significant dates and events for the country. January 1 - Christian New Year; January 5 - Birthday of Guru Gobind Singh, Sikh holiday; January 13 in Punjab - the holiday of the end of winter Lori; January 14 - 4-day Pongal/Makar Sankranti Harvest Festival and Ahmedabad International Kite Festival; January-May (movable dates, the 12th day of the month of Rabi-al-Awwal according to the Islamic calendar) - Maulid an-Nabi / Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad; January 26 - Republic Day; March-April - Catholic Easter for Christians; April 13 - New Year among the Sikhs "Vaysaki"; August 15 - Independence Day; July-August (the full moon of the month of Shravan) is the Raksha-bandhan holiday, the main theme of which is the consanguinity between brothers and sisters; July-August (8th day of the month Shravan) - Day of the appearance of Krishna; September 5 - Teacher's Day; August-September (month of Bhadra) - Birthday of the God of wisdom Ganesh Chaturthi; October 2 - Birthday of the leader of the national liberation movement Mahatma Gandhi; September-October (Ashvin month) - 10-day Dashahr holiday; October November (month of Kartik) - Festival of Lights; November 14 - Birthday of Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru or Children's Day; November-December (full moon month of Kartik month) - Birthday of the first Sikh Guru Nanak; November-December in the state of Goa - Indian International Film Festival; December 4 - Day navy; December 25 - Catholic Christmas for Indian Christians.

Climate in India

India - hot country where temperatures are high all year round. In a state stretching from the Himalayas to the coast of the Indian Ocean, one can count half a dozen climatic regions, but if you do not go into details, its territory is dominated by tropical climate monsoon type. This means that in India, the change of seasons is not due to changes in temperature per se, but due to changes in wind direction and increase or decrease in precipitation. It is also worth noting that equatorial features are clearly expressed in the south, and mountain subtropical features in the north, where it can even be very cool. The dry season runs from October to March, and the wet season runs from June to early October. The water temperature during the year ranges from +25..26 °С in winter to +28..29 °С in summer.

India in spring

From March to May in India, the hottest season of the year lasts, when the thermometer sometimes reaches +41 ° C, and the amount of precipitation is reduced to 2-5 rainy days per month. Solar activity is very high, so you should be very careful. In the capital, famous for its temperate climate, the air warms up to +38 ° С, in the south these figures are even higher. The most optimal region for travel at this time is the mountainous regions of the country.

Temperature and weather in India in spring

March weatherApril weatherMay weather
Mumbai +31 +26 +32 +27 +33 +29
Calcutta +34 +36 +35
Chennai +33 +28 +35 +29 +38 +30
Kerala +33 +29 +33 +30 +32 +30
goa +32 +28 +33 +29 +33 +30
Delhi +30 +36 +41

India in summer

In summer, almost the entire territory of India is subjected to a powerful effect of heavy rainfall, which are provided by the southwest monsoons. Rains can stand as a wall for 2-3 hours. At this time, about 80% of the annual precipitation falls, with the largest amount falling in June. It seems almost impossible for a tourist accustomed to the European way of life to move around the country - the roads are very washed out, transport is bad, dirt and unsanitary conditions are everywhere. In addition, acclimatization is quite difficult: in conditions of 100% humidity and air temperature fluctuating in the range of +29 .. +37 ° С, it is impossible even to breathe normally - stuffiness haunts everywhere. And even the evenings do not bring any relief, as the thermometer falls by only 6-8 degrees. It's hotter in the south. For example, in the city of Chennai during the day it is expected to reach +38 °С, on the southwestern coast, in Goa, no more than +33 °С. It is also rainy in the Himalayas, but it is much cooler there: in Darjling it is approximately +21 °С, and in the evening it is really cold - around +16 °С.

Temperature and weather in India in summer

June weatherJuly weatherAugust weather
Mumbai +32 +29 +30 +29 +29 +28
Calcutta +33 +32 +32
Chennai +38 +30 +36 +29 +35 +29
Kerala +29 +28 +29 +27 +29 +27
goa +31 +29 +29 +28 +29 +28
Delhi +40 +35 +34

India in autumn

Until the middle of calendar autumn in India, the northeast monsoon season lasts, flooding the country with heavy rains. However, in October (with the exception of southern regions) precipitation is almost halved, and the first tourists begin to arrive here. At the end of the month, the rains become already insignificant, and in November they disturb no more than 1-2 times a month. Some areas suffer from drought altogether. For example, the north of the country, where the Indogan Plain lies. In the south, things are different, here the entire autumn season is marked by precipitation. In the capital it becomes a degree cooler, while in the resort of Goa there is a slight warming.

Temperature and weather in India in autumn

September weatherOctober weatherNovember weather
Mumbai +30 +28 +32 +29 +32 +28
Calcutta +32 +32 +29
Chennai +34 +29 +32 +29 +29 +28
Kerala +29 +27 +30 +28 +31 +29
goa +30 +28 +31 +29 +32 +29
Delhi +34 +33 +29

If you are planning a trip to India and do not want to be there rainy weather then it is worth knowing when is the rainy season in India.

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First of all, it is worth saying that there are the following seasons:

Winter starts in November and lasts until February. At this time in India it will be dry, but not so hot;

Summer starts in March and lasts until June. It will be dry and hot;

Starts in July and continues until October. At this time it is very wet and hot.

At the same time, it should be understood that such a division is very simplified, since nature is different everywhere and does not always coincide. It is for this reason that if you want to know exactly when, then you should consider each region in India separately.

When does it rain in India?

The main feature is the geographical location. Because it is surrounded on three sides high mountains forming a semicircle. It is this that hinders the main air masses. As a result, in winter time cold masses do not come from the north, while in summer the equatorial marine masses do not go north.

It is for this reason that the period from last days May - early June and until mid-September, the monsoon season begins, accompanied by heavy rainfall.

The monsoons are the winds that contribute to the start of the rainy season. If we look at the districts, then the southern state of Kerala is covered with monsoons at the very beginning of June. And to Mumbai, the wind catches up with the clouds by the end of this month.

The monsoon itself does not immediately show its strength. This usually takes at least three days. And its very peak will be accompanied by very heavy downpours, powerful lightning and thunder. Moreover, if for tourists this is the so-called dead Season, then for the Indians this is a salvation from the debilitating heat.

Characteristics of the rainy season

During the rainy season in India, the humidity increases, which is very unpleasant at a fairly high temperature. In addition, simple showers are combined with severe thunderstorms. It happens that the city is literally flooded with a large mass of water.

It is for this reason that from June to September they try not to travel to India.. It is worth saying that such weather is not typical everywhere and not all the time. Most often, a few days after the start of the rainy season, the weather will be rainy, after which they become less frequent and hot and sunny days still prevail.

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And at first, showers can last for several days in a row, and then turn into short, but sudden showers that end as suddenly as they appeared. And in between the sun will shine, and the earth will quickly dry out. The only drawback of this period is the rather high humidity.

Hurricanes hit the coast during the rainy season. Of course, they are not as destructive as in other countries.

The least precipitation falls on the east coast, while the rainiest place will be the northeast of India. Here it can rain until November. Basically, already in mid-September-October on greater territory dry, warm weather .

What tourists need to know

If you want to have a good rest, then you should know when the rainy season is in India. But even at this time it will be possible to have a good long-awaited vacation, for which it will be necessary to choose the northern regions of the country. Here, at the foot of the Himalayas, it will be almost like in Europe. Namely, both hot and relatively dry. For example, if you come to the state of Punjab, then here you may not encounter rainy weather at all.

Another important point is savings. At this time in India, fairly cheap prices are set. . In addition, you can engage in self-development, make interesting excursions. True, for this it is still worth waiting out the rainiest peak at home.

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"When to go to India?" - travelers often ask on various forums. And despite the fact that this question is quite simple, it is not very easy to answer it briefly. There are several reasons for this.

Firstly, India is not the smallest country, so in such vast areas, weather conditions are very diverse. Secondly, the Hindustan peninsula stretched from north to south, and therefore in the same month at different latitudes there will be a large temperature difference. Sometimes it is very surprising - just yesterday you were chattering your teeth from the cold, but you drove only 4-5 hours and you can safely squint in the sun, shaking off all that is superfluous. And if you ride another 5-6 hours, you will already be barely crawling from the heat, begging for coolness)) The third reason why the climate in different parts countries are so different, it's the landscape. Here you will see majestic mountains, and dunes of deserts, and sea coasts of the warm Indian Ocean ... Where can the climate be the same here.

For the above reasons, I have divided this article into three main parts. In the first you will find out what the weather is like in Goa and others southern states, where people usually go to relax and sunbathe on sunny beaches. In the second part of the article, you will read what time of the year is best to get acquainted with the rich heritage of the country and drive along the Golden Triangle. And in the third part I will talk about the climate in the Himalayas and foothill valleys.

When is the best time to go to India to Goa, Mumbai, the states of Kerala and Karnataka

In the southern part of the country, in the states of Goa and Kerala, popular for recreation, the climate is humid tropical. This means that it is quite hot here all year round. From “moderately hot” to “dying from the heat” :) Only the monsoon season brings variety, which brings tons of precipitation and prolonged rains from the sea. The rest of the time, sunny weather prevails in this part of India.

in winter, and to be precise, even from November, the high tourist season begins and lasts all the winter months until March. This is the best time to visit the states of Goa, Kerala, Karnataka, Maharashtra. during the day it is usually hot sunny weather, and at night it is fresh and slightly cool. Indian Ocean in this part of the country it is warm all year round, the water temperature does not fall below +27 degrees.

spring, from about mid-March, a dry and very hot season begins in all of India. Goa and others southern parts it becomes very stuffy and heat sets in. Often the body, even in long-lived people in Goa, reacts to this change of weather as to acclimatization, which is why many in India fall ill in the spring. You can relax in Goa or Kerala at this time, but choose hotels with air conditioning, stay less in direct sunlight, use sunscreens. If you want to go on excursions, then choose not long ones, for example, you should definitely not take a tiring trip to Hampi during this period of time.

In summer The rainy season (Munsun) begins in India. Throughout the country, long-term precipitation is charged and everything is covered in clouds. This is usually considered low season and there are practically no tourists at this time. Most restaurants and shops in Goa are closed, leaving only establishments for locals or very expensive ones for tourists. On my mind to go to South India in summer months doesn't make much sense.

autumn precipitation is still ongoing, but by mid-October they are falling less and less. At this time, you can already take tours to Calangute or Bagu, and go on your own to relax on Arambol, Morjim and other beaches of the state. In October, winterers often come to find suitable accommodation in Goa affordable price, because with the start of the season it will be much more difficult to do this.

Cheap tickets to Goa and other cities in South India

Now you know the seasonality in Goa and other cities south india, which means you can plan your trip by buying cheap air tickets in advance. The most favorable prices for today's date are shown in such convenient tables. The price is for a round-trip flight.

Accommodation in Goa and other cities in South India

I spent more than one month in Goa, I also traveled all over Kerala and a significant part of Karnataka. Earlier in my articles, I have already shared recommendations for hotels where I stayed myself. You may find these detailed hotel reviews with photos in different cities south india:

  • How to rent a house in Goa cheap. Long term Goa hotels
  • Where to stay in the Kerala city of Alapuzha - Alapuzha hotels on the map
  • How to find hotels with sunrise and sunset views in Kanyakumari

    When you can go to India along the Golden Triangle - Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, as well as Varanasi and Khajuraho

    If you decide to get to know the true India, and not just bask on the beaches in tourist places, then most likely you will definitely visit one or more cities in the middle part of India. Here is the famous Golden Triangle route, which includes Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. You can also visit Varanasi - a sacred place for all Hindus, or you can ride through the colorful and colorful cities of the state of Rajasthan. Wherever you go in this part of India, your trip will be especially memorable.

    The landscape of this part of the country is often more deserted, with rare "blotches" of greenery. Therefore, the climate here is dry, sunny, but the temperature fluctuations day and night are very noticeable.

    in winter in middle India dry sunny weather sets in. During the day, the temperature is very comfortable and stays at +23…+25 degrees. Nights in December and January are quite cold, the temperature can drop to +3 ... +5, sometimes frosts occur. Since there is no heating in the houses, you have to sleep in jackets and sleeping bags. Traveling around middle India at this time is very comfortable, just be sure to take warm clothes with you! It is quite difficult to buy them locally.

    spring, or rather, even a little earlier - from the second half of February, in the middle part of India it becomes warmer every day. As a result, by April the temperature reaches its maximum. This time is considered here the hottest season of the year. Schools are on summer break. In cities it becomes very dusty and stuffy, traveling is quite difficult and not always pleasant.

    In summer local Indians, just like in Goa, meet the rainy season. But if in Goa and neighboring states the rains are more often protracted and plunge the cities into gray colors, then in the middle part of India the rains are shorter and rather refreshing. However, power outages are possible, so you can be prepared for the absence of a fan and problems charging your phone or other devices.

    autumn, when nature was greedily fed with summer rains, in the middle part of India everything is lushly green and blooming. Precipitation is still possible, but already much less. This weather is one of the most comfortable for traveling, when day and night it is quite tolerable :)

    Cheap tickets to Delhi, Agra and Jaipur

    From which city to start exploring the Golden Triangle with its luxurious sights, in my experience, it does not matter at all. You can start with the palaces of Jaipur, and then see the Taj Mahal in Agra, or first walk around the capital of India, Delhi, and then plunge into the colors of Rajasthan. Therefore, I recommend starting from where the cheapest plane tickets will be;) At least this is how I plan my travels - where there are cheap tickets, I fly there)) Prices are for a round-trip flight (round-trip).

    Accommodation in Delhi, Jaipur and other cities of middle India

    I have traveled many times in Rajasthan, lived in Delhi and small villages in Madhya Pradesh. Therefore, I have already shared my impressions about hotels in this part of the country. You can read my detailed reviews of hotels in the cities you plan to visit:

  • New India Guest House in Jaipur and other Jaipur hotels on the map
  • Where to stay in Udaipur. Review of Minerwa Hotel in Udaipur City Center
  • Hotel Evergreen or where to stay in Bikaner. Bikaner Hotels India
  • Rakshan Guest House and other Khajuraho hotels on the map

    When to go to India to rest in the Himalayas - to Dharamsala, Amritsar, Shimla, Manali and Kulla, Srinagar

    Northern states such as Himchal Pradesh, Kashmir, Punjab, Sikkim and others are completely different from other parts of India. Still, what an incredible diversity in one country! Absolutely unique mix of cultures, religions, traditions. In the foothills of the Himalayas, most of the inhabitants profess Buddhism (except for Kashmir, where Islam is), which came here from Nepal and Tibet. Therefore, not only natural landscapes here they are different, but also the inhabitants, their way of life and traditions are not like anything else.

    I would say that the local climate is somewhat similar to the Russian one, at least ours middle lane. For example, we have the same in the Urals snowy winter, warm summer and blooming spring. All seasons in northern India practically correspond to ours, so understand local climate especially simple. True it hallmark both from Russia and other regions of India, are wild mountain howling winds.

    During the winter months in the northern part of India it is cold, it almost always snows, there are landslides on the roads. Visiting the mountains at this time of the year is not recommended, unless, of course, you are an avid climber and have a lot of experience, all the necessary equipment and a group of like-minded people. There is no heating in the local houses, and therefore it is terribly cold, the wind blows through the fragile houses literally through, the frames knock, and the doors of the rooms shake from the drafts. Never before have I had to sleep in a jacket and a hat, and even in a sleeping bag and under several blankets. You can warm up only by tightly clinging to the stove with live fire, and boiling water inside) I would definitely not recommend going to the Himalayas in winter.

    spring it undoubtedly gets warmer here, though only closer to April, in March the temperature during the day is +13 ... +15 degrees, at night it is about 0 degrees. And that's not counting the winds that cut to the bone. They also bring snow from the tops of neighboring mountains, even if it is already quite warm in the valley. Closer to April, it gets noticeably warmer, apple trees and others are already blooming in the valleys at this time. fruit trees, on the slopes of the mountains it is still quite cool, and only green coniferous trees. In May, the northern states of India bloom with exuberant color and fragrance.

    Summer in Himchal Pradesh is very comfortable and green. True, closer to August, and the monsoons get here, because of which it rains, fogs appear, the weather becomes dank. In the state of Kashmir, summer is very short and not very warm, the only suitable month to visit it is July. There is harsh mountain vegetation, stormy cold rivers and practically the absence of any civilization. A visit to this northern state is recommended only for experienced and persistent travelers, except that ordinary backpackers also reach Srinagar.

    Autumn in the Himalayas, it is almost dry, sunny, the weather is relatively warm until mid-October. Therefore, this is one of the best periods of time to visit the northern Indian states. True, it is worth doing this before mid-November, because. By this time you can feel the breath cold winter and the trip can be quite uncomfortable in terms of temperature.

    Cheap tickets to the cities of northern India

    The most convenient way to get to the northern states is by plane. If you drive to Dharamsala from Delhi, then it is 12 hours on mountain roads at night. There is less travel to Dharamsala from Amritsar, but many still prefer air travel, especially since there is even an airport in such a small town. Srinagar is even more far to go and with transfers, because the plane is the fastest and most convenient option, especially since there are plenty of flights from Delhi. Prices are for a round-trip flight (round-trip).

    Accommodation in Dharamsala

    Earlier I wrote about a cozy house on a mountainside overlooking the residence of the Dalai Lama and the entire Kangra Valley, I will also write about housing in other cities of the northern states in the near future:

  • Pema Thang Guest House - great accommodation in Dharamsala, McLeod Ganj

    When to go to India - conclusions from personal experience

    In conclusion, I will still answer this question, based on subjective feelings and rich experience of traveling around India. If to visit this beautiful country you have only 2-4 weeks, and you want to see as much as possible, then choose October. It is at this time of the year that the weather in most states of India is one of the most comfortable.

    If your trip is planned to be delayed for several months, then it depends on when you want to leave. If you are going to start your trip in the summer, then start from the northern states and then move south to Delhi, Rajasthan, Maharashrt, Goa, Karnataka and Kerala. If, on the contrary, you want to go to India in winter, then first explore the south, and then go north and north - to Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Himchal Pradesh.

    In any case, whenever you want to go, the main thing is just to go, and you will definitely find what to see and where to visit;) But on my own I can say that India is so diverse and unique that you definitely won’t be able to taste everything in one trip :) We have been traveling to India for several years now, we have been to different parts of it and to different time years, and so far the list of "must see" is not really decreasing. Who knows maybe new season will bring us new journeys to this unique country.

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