Winter. Winter months. Winter phenomena of nature. Winter signs about the weather. Winter signs for children Folk signs of a cold winter

Folk signs about winter are a real storehouse of wisdom. This time of year is shrouded in mystery and wonder. Many people believe that it is in winter that real magic happens, but is it really so?

In the article:

Signs say that people born in the cold season are very prudent, wise, able to overcome any obstacles. Our ancestors were sure that people born in winter are able to work miracles.

Also, our ancestors paid attention to what would happen in the future.

Snow speaks of the onset of real winter. From the day it fell, you need to count 40 days. That's when the real winter fairy tale begins.

  • The more snow, the more opportunities in the new year to make a big profit.
  • The less snow falls during the winter, the poorer you will have to live the whole next year.
  • If snow falls only in, then expect a rainy cold summer.
  • If frequent precipitation begins when the trees have not yet shed their leaves, then expect a fierce winter with snowstorms and blizzards.
  • A harbinger of frost, a cold winter, was thunder at the end of November.
  • The sign says that if smoke comes out of the chimney, then the next morning it will be very cold.
  • If the weather changes during the day (it is very cold during the day, and warmer in the evening), then there will be a strong blizzard for several days in a row.
  • If storms often occur in winter, then the summer will not be warm.
  • A mild winter without frost is a harbinger of a cold summer.
  • Dry and frosty winters indicate that summers will be very hot and there will be little rainfall.
  • Frequent frost in winter indicates a rainy summer.

If a animal all the time he tries to be closer to objects that radiate heat (to a stove or a battery), then there will soon be a blizzard. If the pet behaves calmly and does not look for a warm corner, then the winter will not be cold.

The sign says that if a bullfinch chirps under your window, then winter will end soon.

If at the end of February it is very slippery, there is a lot of ice and icicles, then this indicates that spring will not come soon and will be very cold. The starry sky on the night of January 1-2 also testifies to the long winter. If at this time there are very few stars in the sky, then spring will come very soon.

  • Depending on what the weather will be in February, this will be November.
  • If it is very warm in February, almost like in spring, then most likely it will be quite cold in March or April.
  • If there are frequent fogs in February, then be prepared for the fact that the year will be rainy.
  • Frost on the trees indicates that there will be a large harvest of honey.
  • Depending on whether February is rainy or dry, the same weather will be in summer.
  • If at the end of the month there is heavy snow that sticks to the surfaces, then it will be warm.
  • If in February the cries of tits are heard in the morning, then expect frost.

Winter is a magical time of the year. Remember, if you pay attention to the signs of winter and listen to the clues of nature, you can easily find out what awaits you.

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This page was created to help children in grades 2-3, who actively study this topic in the lessons of the world around them, creating projects about the seasons.

For thousands of years, our ancestors have observed nature and the weather. Signs emerged from such observations. From generation to generation, new observations were passed on and new observations arose, because the life of the people, especially earlier, was inextricably linked with nature, dependent on the future harvest.

There are several types of signs:

  • winter signs by which the weather was determined for the near future;
  • signs of winter that determine what spring and summer will be like;
  • and the most important signs of winter, predicted what the harvest would be like.

Folk winter signs for schoolchildren

Signs related to the behavior of animals and birds

The bullfinch under the window chirps in winter - to the thaw.

Sparrows hiding in brushwood portend frost or a blizzard.

The chicken stands on one leg - to the cold.

Chickens perch early, which means there will be frost, and the higher it climbs, the lower the temperature will be.

A cat on the stove - a cold in the yard.

The cat closes its muzzle with its paw - to a blizzard.

The cat sleeps soundly and for a long time - to warmth.

The cat scratches the floor - to the wind and blizzard.

Hares stay near housing - to frost.

If tits scream in the morning - to increased frost.

If the dog is lying around, then it is worth waiting for a blizzard.

If the cat in the house stands on its hind legs and begins to scrape the walls, then you should expect a blizzard.

The friendly chirping of bullfinches, sparrows - to the thaw.

The crows croaked with the whole flock - to the frost, arranged round dances in the sky - to the snowfall, they sit on the ground - to the thaw, sat on the lower branches of the trees - wait for the wind.

Crows and jackdaws are circling in the air - towards the snow.

The crow hides its beak under the wing - to the cold.

The crow sits in the morning on the top of the tree and croaks - to the blizzard.

Wolves howl near housing - to frost.

Folk signs of winter, predicting the weather in spring and summer, as well as the future harvest.

  • Warm winter - to cold summer.
  • What a winter, such a summer, and according to it the harvest.
  • Dry and cold winter - to dry and hot summer.
  • December is snowy and cold - it will be a fertile year.
  • A lot of snow in winter - a lot of bread.
  • Snowy winter - to a long spring and rainy summer.
  • Heavy snowfalls in early winter lead to heavy rains in early summer.
  • If the most severe frosts for the whole winter fall on the Feast of Epiphany, then the year will be fruitful.
  • If a lot of snow falls at the beginning of winter, it will often rain in summer.
  • Clear days in the Christmas week for a good harvest.
  • Many large icicles mean a good harvest of vegetables.
  • In Epiphany, the hole is full - there will be a big spill.
  • On Tatyana's day the sun will peep through - to the early arrival of birds; snow on this day - summer will be rainy.
  • If the snow is dense and wet, there will be a rainy, fruitful summer.
  • If the snow is dry and light, it will be a dry summer.

Folk winter signs about the weather

  • Clear skies to frost.
  • Frequent stars - to heat and snow, rare - to bad weather and blizzard.
  • Snow is falling in large flakes - to bad weather and sputum.
  • The north wind blew, but there were no clouds - frost would knock.
  • Big snowflakes are falling - to the thaw
  • Clouds against the wind go - to the snow.
  • When the windows fog up in frosty weather, warming is expected.
  • If the snow begins to stick to the trees, then we must wait for the heat.
  • If there was frost at night, don't expect snow during the day.
  • If a crackling is heard in the forest, then the frosts will last for a long time.
  • Smoke from the chimney in a column - to frost.
  • The smoke from the chimney spreads to the ground without wind - to the snow.
  • Firewood burns with a bang - to frost.
  • Firewood in the stove does not flare up well - to a thaw.
  • Snow will fall - to warming.
  • The wind in winter blew from the north side - to a big frost.
  • It snowed on a frosty day - to the thaw
  • Large flakes of snow - to the thaw.
  • White clouds in winter - to the wind, blue - to the heat.

Winter signs of December

Warm December - to a long winter and late cold spring.

Warm weather in December portends a long winter and a belated cold spring.

North December wind - to big frosts.

Hoarfrost in December - to the harvest of oats.

If the first snow that fell in December is dense, wet and heavy, then expect rainy weather in the summer, and if it is dry and light, the summer will be dry.

If the clouds in December float from north to south, it will be sunny weather, and if from south to north, then be bad weather.

If December is without rain, expect a long dry autumn and a dry summer.

If in December the snow rolls close to the fences, the summer will be bad; if there is a gap - fruitful.

If in December there is a big hoarfrost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground - this is for the harvest.

If December turned out to be snowy and cold, then the harvest will be good.

Folk omens of January

Cold Januarys in a row are rarely repeated.

Early in January, the woodpecker begins to knock - by early spring.

Low temperatures in January mean dry and hot weather in July.

Frosty January is a fruitful year.

If in January March - be afraid in March January.

If January is cold - July will be dry and hot, do not wait for mushrooms until autumn.

If the most severe frosts fall on the Epiphany week, then the year will be fruitful.

If in January the echo goes far, the frosts get stronger.

If in January there are frequent snowfalls and snowstorms, then in July there are frequent rains.

If there are many long frequent icicles in January, then there will be a bountiful harvest.

If the sun shines on Tatyana's day (January 25), it means early spring and the early arrival of birds; if it snows, it means a rainy summer.

Folk signs of February

Bright stars in February - to frost, dim - to thaw.

The colder the last week of February, the warmer it will be in March.

February fogs - for a rainy year.

February is cold and dry - August is hot.

February is warm - by a cold spring, and frosty - by a favorable summer.

Warm February is deceptive: it will be cold, with frosts, spring.

On the 15th day of February, they judge how soon to wait for spring. If it snows on this day, then spring will not come soon.

The beginning of February is more serene - wait for the early spring, come

If February is cold - to a favorable summer.

If February turns out to be rainy, then spring and summer can be expected to be the same. A fine February portends a drought in the summer.

If the sky is clear on the first day of February, then spring will be early.

If on the first day of February the sky is dotted with many stars, then the cold will last a long time.

Rains in February - to a wet summer, a dry month - to a drought.

Thunder in February - to strong winds.

There is a lot of frost in February - in summer there will be a lot of dew and a lot of honey.

In early February, it is warm, the snow melts - to a mediocre harvest.

At the end of February there are many long icicles - for a long spring.

A snowless February threatens with a summer drought.

Many hopes were associated with the future harvest, which is why so many winter signs are associated with the coming spring and next summer. According to what kind of winter it will be, they tried to predict the weather in spring and summer. Many signs have grown into proverbs about winter.

By the nature of winter, the whole next year was determined. Without modern technology, our ancestors could almost accurately predict the volume of the future harvest or the beginning of the thaw.

For people who lived in ancient times, signs were very important, because at that time there was no meteorological forecast and modern instruments to know the weather. What winter would be like in the old days was understood even before its onset. In the summer, by the number of acorns and mountain ash, they determined how much snow would fall, but in the winter they judged what the summer and the harvest would be like.

More snow - more bread.
Large frost throughout the winter - summer is hard on health.
Rapid thaw - there will be little rain in the summer.
There is a blizzard on Epiphany - and a blizzard on Easter.
In Epiphany, the hole is full - there will be a big spill.
On Tatyana's day the sun will peep through - to the early arrival of birds; snow on this day - summer will be rainy.
At the beginning of winter there was heavy snow, at the beginning of summer there will be heavy rain.
Sparrows chirp together - to the heat.
Crows and jackdaws sit down at noon with their noses - to the heat, to the north - to the cold.
Thunder in winter - to severe frosts.
December is snowy and cold - it will be a fertile year.
Long icicles at the end of February - to a long spring.
During the day it was very cold, and in the evening it got warmer - expect a long cold.
Smoke from the chimney in a column - to the cold.
If the large frost on the trees hangs smoothly, the summer will be fertile, with good weather.
If there are frequent winds in December, then in March and April there will be slush in the yard.
If there are many stars in the sky on the evening of February 1, then winter will last a long time.
If there are blizzards in winter, bad weather in summer.
If in winter the rekostave is rough, torso, then the summer will be good. Recostave with polynyas for a wet summer.
If it is dry and cold in winter, then it will be dry and hot in summer.
If it is warm in winter, it will be cold in summer.
If frost in winter - dew in summer.
If it is dry and cold in winter, it is dry and hot in summer.
If it's warm in winter, it's cold in summer.
If there is sun on Efimiya (February 2) at noon - by early spring, if there is a snowstorm - the whole Shrovetide week will be blizzard.
If the road sweeps across the Candlemas - the spring will be late and cold, if it is warm on this day - the spring will be early and warm.
If there was frost at night, then there will be no snow during the day.
If the windows begin to sweat with double frames - to increased frost.
If snow falls when the leaf does not fall from the tree, then the winter will be fierce.
If the snow is fine and does not disappear soon, it will be a rainy year.
If the snow is dense and wet, there will be a rainy, fruitful summer.
If the snow is dry and light, it will be a dry summer.
Winter without snow, summer without bread.
Frost is a harbinger of snow.
Hoarfrost on Nikola - for the next year's harvest.
As it comes around in February, it will respond in the fall.
If the weather is clear on February 1, spring will be early.
If Dmitriev's day is in the snow, then Easter is in the snow.
If winter sweeps the road on Nikolin's day, the road will not stand.
If on Mikhailov's day he will forge, then he will unforge on Nikola.
If there is a strong frost on Haggai, he will stand until Baptism.
The ring around the sun - to bad weather.
The cat on the stove - to the cold, and the cat on the floor - to the heat.
Red fire in the stove and firewood burn with a bang - to frost.
Epiphany for a full month - to be big water.
Kurzhevina on the trees - for the harvest.
The ice has turned black, the forest is noisy - wait for the thaw.
The ice is very cracking - it will be frost.
On Epiphany, snow flakes - for the harvest, a clear day - for crop failure.
Winter comes to Nikola with a nail.
At Christmas, frost - for the harvest of bread, a blizzard - the bees will swarm well.
At the Candlemas of drops - a crop of wheat.
At the Candlemas, a caftan met a fur coat.
At the Candlemas, a snowball - in the spring a dozhzhok.
On Candlemas in the morning snow - for the harvest of early bread; if at noon - medium, if in the evening - late.
At the Meeting of the Gypsies, he sells a fur coat.
Starry on Tryphon - by late spring.
The first snow in December is dense, wet and heavy - to be a wet summer, and dry and light - to be a dry summer.
The first snow falls forty days before winter.
Before the cold, the winter is bright.
Bad winter roads - to a fruitful summer.
After a big harvest - severe winter.
Barbara will come - frosts will also brew.
Vlasiy will spill oil on the roads - it's time to clean the legs in winter.
The bird hohlitsya - to bad weather.
The sun plays five times a year: on Christmas (January 7), on Theophany (January 19), on the Annunciation (April 7), on Easter Sunday and on St. John's Day (7.07).
Stars shine strongly in winter - to frost.
The bullfinch under the window chirps in winter - to the thaw.
The bullfinch under the window chirps - to the thaw.
Warm December - to a long winter and late cold spring.
Warm February is deceptive: it will be cold, with frosts, spring.
A foggy circle near the sun or a broken circle near the moon - to a snowstorm.
Fogs in February herald a rainy year.
Clear days in the Christmas week for a good harvest.
New Year's signs:
On New Year's Eve with a new thing, the whole year to walk in new clothes.
As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it.
On New Year's Eve, the starry sky is for the harvest.
You can’t give money before the New Year, otherwise you will have to give it all year.
New Year - to spring turn.
Notes about December
If in December there is a big hoarfrost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground - this is for the harvest.
If in December the snow rolls close to the fences, the summer will be bad; if there is a gap - fruitful.
Notes about January
In January, many frequent and long icicles hang - the harvest will be good.
If Epiphany frosts are stronger than Christmas and Sretensky ones, then there will be a fruitful year.
If in January there are frequent snowfalls and snowstorms, then in July there are frequent rains.
If January is cold - July will be dry and hot, do not wait for mushrooms until autumn.
If in January March - be afraid in March January.
Frosty January is a fruitful year.
Early in January, the woodpecker begins to knock - by early spring.
Cold Januarys are almost never repeated in a row.
Notes about February
In February, there is a lot of frost on the trees - there will be a lot of honey.
If the cat stands on its hind legs and starts to scrape the wall, there will be a blizzard.
If February is rainy, then spring and summer can be expected the same, and if it is weathery, then it portends a drought.
The beginning of February is more serene - expect an early spring, more beautiful.
Snow sticks to trees - to heat.
In the morning, tits scream - to frost.
Snowfall is indicated by:
pale color of the sun, thunder and lightning in winter, stars in the fog, a ring around the sun and moon, a month in a circle, the position of the month on the back, horns up, an interrupted circle around the moon, a foggy circle around the sun, a clear sunrise, soon obscured by clouds .
Frost persists or intensifies if:
crow hides its beak under its wing
crows croaked the whole flock, geese flap their wings, tuck one leg under them
smoke rises from the chimney
clear dawn
frequent stars (they say: "the sky has starred")
pet birds sit quietly
chickens twist their tails
the moon is round, full, the moon is on its hooves, its horns are steep and bright
the torch cracks, and the ardor runs through it in a zigzag
month, moon in mittens (with side pillars)
there is a lot of soot on the wick and on the torch, and the coal is grits on it
fluffy frost on the trees
little clouds in the sky
near the moon two red circles or one dim
sun with ears
the sun has white circles and pillars
tit squeaks strongly in the morning
Frosts will subside, it will get warmer, and with warming it may snow if:
the house spider will descend on the web to the floor in the evening
the forest is noisy
the young moon lies on its back
the night is earlier than usual, at the wrong time, the rooster will crow
clouds go against the wind - towards the snow
thawed windows that have appeared on the frozen windows, through which distant houses are clearly visible on the street, indicate the approach of warming (in January), frames or windows are sweating
To a cold or a storm:
white clouds in winter - to the cold
low clouds - to cold
if a frosty day gets warmer by night - to a long cold
the sun sets in a cloud - to a blizzard
coal in the flood itself lights up - to frost
the trees in the forest are cracking - before a severe cold

// Folk omens winter

  1. Squirrels make a large supply of nuts - expect a cold winter.
  2. Large ant heaps with sharp roofs - for a harsh winter.
  3. A large harvest of mushrooms during the summer heralds a long winter.
  4. Fast, friendly leaf fall - for a harsh winter.
  5. In December, winter lays white canvases, and frost builds bridges across the rivers.
  6. In October, the birds fly lower to the ground - be an early and cold winter.
  7. Crows gather in a bunch - to bad weather, bathe - too; croak in a flock in the summer - to bad weather; in winter - to frost.
  8. The year ends in December, winter begins.
  9. Wintering rooks - for a warm winter.
  10. Thunder in September portends a warm autumn and a snowy winter.
  11. Thunder in winter - to strong winds.
  12. Thunder in winter - to severe frosts, lightning - to a storm.
  13. Good aftermath - to winter.
  14. The oak forest turned black in winter - to a thaw or a storm. Noisy forest in winter - expect a thaw.
  15. If there is a lot of fat in hares, then the winter will be harsh.
  16. If the forest is noisy in winter, it means that there will be a thaw soon.
  17. If the weather is constant in the first week of August, then the winter will be long and snowy.
  18. If geese and cranes are in no hurry to leave their native places, the cold will not come soon and the winter will be mild and short.
  19. If earrings appear in the sun in winter, there will be a severe frost.
  20. If in winter the snow falls evenly, this spring it is thicker; lays down in beds, inflates - this less often.
  21. If a cat runs around the room in winter, it will be frosty.
  22. If there is a lot of field thistle in summer, the winter will be cold, if there is a lot of sorrel, the winter will be warm.
  23. If the leaf fall passes soon, we should expect a steep winter.
  24. If the leaves on the trees turn yellow from below, winter sowing will be good.
  25. If the leaves, crumbling, lie inside out - for a harvest and a warm winter, face up - for a cold winter.
  26. If mice tear off holes on the warm side (south), then the winter will be severe.
  27. If a mouse builds a nest in flax, then there will be big snows in winter.
  28. If field mice drag a lot of bread into their holes, then a long cold winter can be expected.
  29. If a leaf does not fall cleanly from a tree, it will be a cold winter.
  30. Noticed: the drier and warmer September, the later the arrival of winter.
  31. The willow was covered with frost early - for a long winter.
  32. When smoke hits the ground without wind, in summer - to rain, in winter - to snow.
  33. When the month is born with its horns down (to the south), then it will be a warm month in winter and a hot month in summer; when the horns are up, it is cold in winter, and windy in summer.
  34. When ants inflict large ant heaps in the summer, expect an early cold winter.
  35. If there is frost in winter - dew in summer, blizzards in winter - bad weather in summer.
  36. If moles carry a lot of straw in their holes, the winter will be cold.
  37. Mosquitoes in November - be a mild winter.
  38. Moles and mice make large reserves - for a harsh and snowy winter.
  39. A circle around the sun that does not separate when it disappears - to good and dry weather. If the circle breaks, then from the side of the ring break, there will be wind. If the circle is darkish, in winter - portends a cold, in summer - rain and wind. The circle is greenish or reddish before sunrise or sunset - rain or wind for several days.
  40. Chickens begin to molt early in the fall - by the warm winter.
  41. Stormy summer - winter with blizzards.
  42. Rainy summer - snowy winter.
  43. Summers are dry and hot - winters are cold and snowy.
  44. Many ducks stay for the winter if the winter is expected to be warm.
  45. A lot of acorns in September on oak - for a fierce winter, there will also be a lot of snow before Christmas.
  46. A lot of acorns on oak - for a warm winter.
  47. A lot of cobwebs for Indian summer - to a clear autumn and cold winter.
  48. Ants increase anthills in August - wait for an early and cold winter.
  49. The abundance of berries in summer portends a cold winter.
  50. October thunder - winter is snowless, short and mild.
  51. In autumn, birds fly low - to a cold, high - to a warm winter.
  52. The first snow falls forty days before winter.
  53. Late leaf fall - to a harsh and long winter.
  54. The appearance of mosquitoes in late autumn - to a mild winter.
  55. The bird hohlitsya - before a severe winter.
  56. Bees close up the notch in the hive with wax, leaving a barely visible hole - the winter will be cold; leave the notch open - warm.
  57. In autumn, bees close up honeycombs denser with wax - for a cold winter, leave them open - for a warm winter.
  58. Horns to the wind, but the lower one is steep, the upper one is sloping, then the first half of the month is cold in winter, windy in summer; if the upper horn is steeper, and the lower one is delayed, then the same sign for the second half of the month.
  59. The stars shine brightly in summer - to heat, in winter - to frost. Darken - to variable weather, wind and thunderstorms.
  60. The bullfinch sings in winter on snow, blizzard and slush.
  61. Strict winter to be, if the bird went away together.
  62. Damp summer and warm autumn - to a long winter.
  63. Damp summer and warm autumn - to a long winter.
  64. Warm winter - to cold summer.
  65. A warm October predicts a frosty winter.
  66. The hare's fur has turned white - winter is coming.
  67. Harvest for nuts, but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh.
  68. A fruitful summer heralds a cold winter.
  69. Khleborod - before severe winter.
  70. Clear, roundish moon - in winter to cold. In the summer - to the bucket.

Winter is a stunning time of the year that combines bone-deep frost with rare but welcome winter sunshine. If we consider the ancient signs of winter, as a rule, people have always tried to find out what events of the future should be prepared for and how long to wait for the onset of spring.

  • Remember the date when the first snow fell,- winter will come 40 days after this day.
  • If there is a lot of snow in winter, which means that you will have an excellent harvest of bread. Conversely, a lack of snow will indicate a poor harvest.
  • If there is heavy snowfall at the beginning of winter, which means that in early summer there will be heavy rains.
  • The snow fell before all the leaves fell- In winter there will be severe frosts.
  • Thunderstorm in winter portends a strong cold, and the appearance of lightning indicates a storm.
  • If smoke comes out of the chimneys of the house, it is worth preparing for a cold snap.
  • In the daytime it is very cold, and in the evening it begins to warm up- get ready for a long cold.
  • The presence of a strong blizzard in winter promises inclement weather in summer.
  • Cold and dry winter predicts that the summer will be dry and hot, and a warm winter indicates a cold summer.
  • The stars are shining bright in the sky- severe frosts are coming.
  • The sun is framed by a foggy circle- wait for a blizzard, and if it hides behind the clouds, there will be a strong snowstorm.
  • There is not a cloud in the sky- expect frosty weather.
  • When the moon is formed horizontally in the sky, expect warming, vertically - cooling.
  • reddish moon indicates that the next day will be warm and snowy.
  • If the moon has sharp luminous horns, expect heavy rains, and when steep, get ready for frost.
  • Frost appeared on the trees- warming is coming.
  • When light and dry snow falls, This means summer will be dry.
  • Falling leaves on wet ground promises a warm winter.
  • On a fine winter day, you can hear the sound of the forest- It will rain soon.
  • Snow falls on the ground in large flakes, it is worth preparing for inclement, wet weather.
  • If the winter is very cold, it means that the spring will be warm, and on the contrary, a warm winter portends a cold summer.
  • Strong snowstorms in winter Spring will be rainy and summer will be sunny. Our ancestors believed that on what day of winter a snowstorm passed, on the same day of summer there would be a downpour.

Winter signs for birds, animals and plants

Our ancestors paid increased attention to how animals and birds behave, as well as the state of plants. All this helped to make a certain forecast for the future.

Notes for winter holidays

A very large number of signs and beliefs are dedicated to the theme of the New Year.

So, for example, it was believed that how you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it. For this celebration, they always tried to dress in everything new, so as not to know the need for the whole next year.

The following are also very popular:

  • The appearance of a large number of stars on New Year's Eve in the sky foreshadowed a good harvest.
  • Frost appeared at Christmas- the year will be grain-bearing.
  • Snowstorm at Christmas indicated that the bees would swarm well.
  • If the days are clear all Christmas week- reap a big harvest.
  • If there is a blizzard at Epiphany, there will also be a blizzard on Easter.
  • Filled hole for Epiphany predict a big spill.
  • Full moon for Epiphany also indicates polyhydramnios in spring.
  • If on Epiphany the snow begins to fall in large flakes, it is worth waiting for a fertile year, and clear days will indicate a crop failure.
  • If it's colder on Epiphany than on Candlemas and Christmas, this is for a good harvest.
  • On Tatyana's day the weather is very sunny.- it means that the birds will arrive early, and if it is snowy, the summer will be rainy.

Signs for the months of winter

Winter signs in December

  • If in December the first snow fell dense, wet and heavy, prepare for rainy weather in the summer, and if dry and light, expect a dry summer.
  • The presence of frequent winds winter indicates slush in March and April.
  • December is warm- it means that winter will drag on for a long time, and spring will be cold and belated.
  • The presence of heavy frost and large snowdrifts when the soil freezes well, indicates a good harvest.

Signs in January

  • Long and frequent icicles hang on the roofs of houses- the harvest will be good.
  • If for 30 days the weather is snowy with snowstorms and snowfalls- a lot of rain in the middle of summer.
  • Cold January predicts that July will be dry and hot.
  • And warm weather indicates a cold March.
  • If at the beginning of the month you can strongly hear the woodpecker knocking,- spring will come early.
  • If January was very cold, next year is likely to be warm.

signs of february

  • If the days at the beginning of the month are warm, spring will be early and fine.
  • If on the evening of February 1 there are many stars in the sky, cold will persist for a long period. And sunny weather heralds a late spring.
  • Heavy fog in February- the year will be rainy.
  • The presence of abundant frost on the trees predicts a good harvest of honey.
  • If snow sticks strongly to the trees, expect warm weather soon.
  • Heavy rain in February indicate a wet summer, and their absence indicates a drought.
  • If you hear the chirping of tits in the morning, need to prepare for frost.

Listening to these popular beliefs, you will be able to make a certain forecast of the future weather and will be prepared in advance for its various surprises.

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