The warmest region in Spain in October. Spain in October: vacation in the middle of autumn. Number of sunny days in October

The main tourist boom falls on May-August, but in other seasons, there is something to do

Since May, tourists from neighboring countries have been expected in South Korea, including from Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Sakhalin and Kamchatka. In Busan, Far Eastern tourists are called the first swallows of the high tourist season, according to the EHV with reference to the Compatriots Community consulting center.

However, you can find something to your liking in South Korea, if you try, all year round, even now. Below are valuable tips for each season.

Winter: Oriental New Year

Winter in Busan is quite long and cold due to the winds. The coldest of all is in January (Epiphany and Chinese frosts known to Primorye do not bypass Korea). There is practically no snow in Busan, so there is no flow of tourists during the ski season.

During the winter months, Busan participates in the Korea Grand Sale shopping, culture and tourism festival. In 2019, the holding period is 43 days - from January 17 to February 28.

However, the tourist surge, when Koreans occupy almost all free housing, falls on the days of the Eastern New Year. In 2019, this is the period from February 1-5. For those who want to fly to Busan in February on a profitable basis, it is better to fly right after the holiday - this is the time of the lowest season.

Spring: economical tourism

Despite the sharp warming in March-April, the tourism industry of Korea at this time is just getting ready to receive the first travelers. However, you can come here already at this time, when renting a house is not yet a problem, and prices do not bite.

At this time in Busan it is comfortable to walk around the city. The time is ideal for all kinds of cultural and recreational activities, outdoor activities, shopping tours. In early April, for cherry blossoms, there will be a little more tourists. And closer to May, it becomes quite warm in Busan, and city guests begin to occupy hotels near the beaches.

Summer: beach season

The high season in Busan starts in June. The air in the city warms up to +24°C, and in the sea - up to +16°C. In summer it is hot and humid here.

Officially, the beach season lasts from mid-June to the end of August, the sea warms up to +23-24.3°C. At this time, stalls with food and drinks are open on the city beaches, there are covered gazebos and umbrellas, boats and rubber rings are offered for rent, lifeguards are on duty, and the rules apply: do not swim after 18:00 in the evening. But the swimming season itself, when the water is warm enough, goes from May to September. At this time, the average water temperature is +19.9°C.

In July-August, at the height of a beach holiday, all apartments for short-term rent and most hotels are occupied not only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beaches, but also in the city. The most experienced tourists who fly to Busan for the summer holidays book apartments in advance, from the winter. During this period, it is almost impossible to rent a furnished apartment with everything you need for a holiday. And it is very important for Russian families to have a kitchen, the ability to cook their own breakfast and homemade food. In addition, when you rest in one place for a long time, eating in restaurants and on the street is quite tiring.

The rainy season in Busan is the end of June and a week in August. But the rain does not interfere with the rest. Stormwater systems are well established in the city, there are no puddles and mud in tourist areas. There are many shopping centers with cafes and restaurants, exhibitions and other performances - there is always where you can usefully wait out the rain.

Autumn: ecological and event tourism

Autumn in Korea is a time for ecotourism, a time for hiking in the mountains. On special paths, everyone can climb to the height - both old and young.

September is still the high season in Busan, at this time the heat subsides, and you can take long walks to the sights, but it's still warm for a beach holiday. But on the days of Chuseok - the Harvest Festival, when all Koreans meet with their families and many leave the city, a tourist may encounter empty streets, closed cafes and restaurants. Chuseok public holidays in 2019 are from September 12 to 15. But the period of complete calm lasts only 1-2 days - on the day of the full moon, when the largest moon of the year rises over Korea (this year - September 13).

In October and November, tourists are guided by excursion programs, event tourism, and shopping tours. October is festival time. Busan hosts the Gwangnali Beach Fireworks Festival (Busan Fireworks Festival), the Korean Wave Music Festival Busan One Asia Festival (famous K-POP concerts are held on Haeundae Beach), the Busan International Film Festival and others.

At the end of October and November, it's time for tanphun (this is how the autumn appearance of colorful leaves is called in Korea - ed.). Walking in the park or forest is an integral part of the autumn holiday for Koreans. This is the time for those who want a quiet and comfortable pastime and immersion in Korean culture. At this time, Busan does not have a large number of foreign tourists, as well as a full house in hotels.

We talk about holidays in Spain in October 2020. What is the weather, prices for tours, popular resorts for a beach holiday. Reviews of tourists and the nuances of a trip with children. What to do in Spain in the middle of autumn?

Prices for tours to Spain in October - 2020

In October, the velvet season in Spain comes to an end. There are fewer tourists. Demand for tours is falling, so hotels are lowering prices for accommodation. Tours are cheaper too.

In October, the weather in different parts of Spain is different. Some resorts are already closed for the winter, while others accept vacationers, as in early autumn. Compared to September, tours are cheaper by 10-15%. True, in popular resorts near Barcelona, ​​Mallorca or the Canary Islands, prices are reduced by only 5-10%.

Consider how much a holiday in Spain in October 2020 will cost. The cost of vouchers for two for a week with a flight from Moscow starts from 45 thousand rubles. For this money, tourists are offered accommodation in 3 * seaside hotels with breakfast. For 50 thousand rubles you can buy a tour with accommodation in a 4 * hotel, and for 70 thousand rubles you can comfortably relax in a 5 * hotel complex. The cost of tours with all-inclusive meals is also quite acceptable - from 60 thousand rubles.

Advice. To attract customers to vacation in Spain in October, travel agencies offer discounts and regularly hold sales promotions. Keep an eye out for last minute deals and you'll save!

Most tourists like their holidays in Spain in October, and they leave positive feedback about trips on tours.

Weather in the resorts of Spain in October:

Resort air temperature t water
+23°C +22°C
Costa Brava +22°C +20°С
Valencia +23°C +21°C
Majorca +25°С +24°С
Salou +22°C +20°С
Tenerife +24°С +24°С
Malaga +23°C +20°С
Santa Cruz +26°C +23°C
Ibiza +23°C +23°C

Advice. For a trip to Spain in October, take warm clothes - a windproof jacket and a sweater. A light scarf, umbrella, raincoat and waterproof shoes will come in handy.

View from Mount Tibidabo to Barcelona (Photo © suetot /

Things to do on vacation in October

In Spain, you can still relax by the sea in October, but swimming and sunbathing are not the main goals of those planning a trip this month. In mid-autumn, beach activities become a bonus to an interesting excursion program.

It is not hot in Spain during the velvet season, and traveling around cities and national parks is a pleasure! The architectural heritage of Spain is unique. Everywhere you can see ancient monasteries, medieval palaces and temples. Walk through the Spanish botanical gardens and parks, go to the mountains and spend a pleasant time tasting national cuisine.

Intro image source: © Jimmy G /

October in Russia is often a damp and cold month. It is not surprising that many of our compatriots, whose vacation falls in the middle of autumn, try to spend it away from their homeland. Where it is still sunny and warm. One such country is Spain. In this article, the Tour-Calendar offers to find out what kind of vacation to expect when going there in a given period of time.

Weather in Spain in October

With the onset of October, a soft velvet autumn sets in on the territory of the Spanish provinces. A specific weather forecast depends on which region is directly in question - the heterogeneity of the landscape and the variety of climatic zones affect. The coolest regions include the northern and northwestern parts of the mainland, where the influence of the Atlantic prevails. October brings here a significant decrease in average daily temperatures: in the first half of the month, during the day, the air warms up to + 23 ° C, and after the 15th, when the sky is increasingly covered with a dense cover of clouds and it rains, the street thermometer shows only +20 .. +21°C. The probability of finding sunny days is greater at the beginning of the month. Therefore, if you want to sunbathe on the coast, for example, on the beach of Barcelona, ​​it is better not to delay your trip. According to weather forecasters, precipitation takes about a third of the month, so an umbrella is an integral part of a travel bag. For evening walks, you will need closed shoes, as well as warm and practical outerwear, because after sunset the environment quickly loses the accumulated heat, cooling down to +13..+16°C.

Madrid Barcelona Malaga Ibiza Costa del Sol Costa Brava Costa Blanca Salou Costa Dorada Mallorca Tenerife

Closer to November, these figures may be 1-2 degrees less. In the central part of the country, autumn things are also relevant. For example, in Madrid in the evenings the temperature drops to +11..+14°C. The feeling of cold in the capital is intensified by rising chilly winds and slush. The latter is due to an increase in the amount of precipitation. The southern and southeastern regions are also gradually cooling down, but the number of clear sunny days there is much greater, so a swimsuit may come in handy. By noon, the air warms up to approximately +23..+25°C. When the sun sets below the horizon, it becomes chilly and uncomfortable. At night, no higher than +15°C should be expected. The only exception is Seville, where at night meteorologists register from +16°C to +18°C. Wonderful weather persists in Ibiza and the Canaries. The only thing is that the number of rainy days is slightly higher in the party resort of Balearic. During the daytime - about +23..+26°C. In the evenings it is mostly +15..+17°C, in Tenerife and Gran Canaria - about +17..+19°C.

What to do in Spain in October?

October in Spain is a fertile time. The heat finally subsides, and with it the influx of vacationers. Perhaps this is one of the most successful periods for a thorough trip around the country. The absence of tourist crowds contributes to the unhindered immersion in the Spanish flavor and the leisurely study of local traditions. And incendiary holidays and warm "beach" days only add rich colors to the rest and make it truly memorable.

beach holiday

October tours to Spain give an excellent opportunity to turn back the clock and catch the last days of the outgoing summer. The most win-win option for those who pursue the goal of a beach holiday is the island of "eternal spring" and a bright representative of the Balearic archipelago - the world-famous Ibiza. The beach season on these islands is still open. In the first week of the month, coastal waters keep the temperature at +23°C. As a rule, by the end of October they steadily cool down to +22°C.

Along with swimming and sunbathing, vacationers have the opportunity to practice windsurfing (there are a lot of specialized schools), dive to the bottom with scuba gear and go parasailing. On the Atlantic coast of the continental part of the country, dipping will not bring the desired pleasure, since the water is already pretty invigorating - about +18.5..+19°C. And the frequent storms often prevent this. As for the mainland southern and southwestern resorts, it is very difficult to say anything concrete about them. Judging solely by the water temperature - +19..+21°C, purely theoretically swims are possible.

However, do not forget about the changeable nature of the weather, which sometimes presents not the most pleasant surprises in the form of squally winds and high waves. So here's how lucky.

Entertainment and excursions

In October, excursion activity is activated with a vengeance. At this time, the most optimal weather reigns - it is no longer hot in transport, and thirst will not torment. What to include in your educational program? Of course, Barcelona with the ingenious architectural creations of Gaudí

And Madrid with pompous royal palaces, richest museums and spacious green parks. Equally noteworthy is Seville, framed by picturesque mountains, replete with ancient churches, Moorish mosques and Gothic cathedrals. The Old City of Bilbao with rich mansions and centuries-old monasteries does not leave indifferent to its beauty. Some certainly visit the strict Toledo, which has preserved traces of various eras.

Others prefer the colonial town of Cartagena, permeated with the spirit of the 18th century. Fans of an active and varied pastime can ride a horse, play golf, go to a football match, watch flamenco in a cafe or restaurant, and also witness a bullfight (except for Catalonia and the Canary Islands). By the way, this is the last month that traditionally ends the bullfighting season.

Holidays and festivals

October in Spain is accompanied by many colorful festivals. One of them is the Day of Hispanidad / Día de la Hispanidad, celebrated annually on the 12th. This is the national holiday of Spain, which is considered a kind of founding day of the Spanish civilization.

Also on October 12, the memory of Our Lady Pilar is honored, under whose patronage Christopher Columbus discovered the New World. Initially, it was celebrated only in Aragon, but later spread throughout the entire state. For many older Spaniards, this holiday is loved more than their own birthday. In the city of Zaragoza on October 12, magnificent parades and dance performances are held. Another significant event of mid-autumn is the grandiose closing of the Flamenco Festival / Bienal de Flamenco in Seville, arranged once every 2 years. It was first held in 1980 and within a few years received wide publicity. Today, about 10,000 dancers from 40 countries of the world take part in it! In the first 2 weeks of October, seafood lovers flock to Ponteverde for the "La Fiesta del Marisco" fish festival,

To taste delicious dishes of lobsters, lobsters, shrimps, squids, etc. On October 24, residents and guests of Cordoba honor the memory of St. Raphael. The celebration is called "Día de San Rafael" and includes special services, as well as a number of social events, including folk festivals.

What are the prices for holidays in Spain in October?

October prices for excursions, flights and rentals are relatively low. The fall in inbound tourist flow is forcing airlines, hoteliers and tour agencies to reduce tariffs for services rendered by an average of 20% compared to prices during the peak of the high season. However, it should be borne in mind that this number is approximate, and depends directly on the geographical location of the proposed vacation spot. So, in beach resorts, the cost of a day in a hotel room will be much lower than, for example, in a hotel of an equivalent category in Barcelona, ​​which never knows a shortage of visitors, and which often hosts business meetings and other business events. In addition, last-minute vouchers are sold to many coastal cities throughout the month, allowing you to save a lot. At the same time, the quality of service remains at the same decent level.

In October, it provides excellent opportunities for recreation: the weather is no longer hot, and the velvet season ends on continental beaches by the middle of the month. Hotels are confidently reducing prices: the influx of tourists is decreasing, rooms are getting cheaper. Beach holidays are still available: in several Mediterranean resorts you can sunbathe, even swim. Mid-autumn is considered the best time for excursions and travel around the country.

Is it profitable to relax in the middle of autumn

When planning a holiday in Spain in October, tourists are counting on significant savings. Costs largely depend on the location of the holiday destination: Barcelona, ​​Madrid are still expensive cities to live in. The cost of accommodation in hotels of beach resorts is significantly reduced. The fares of air carriers are “cheaper”, the prices of souvenir shops, restaurant menus and excursion services are becoming more democratic. The total expenses of tourists, compared with the peak tourist season, are reduced by about 20%.

Of course, when buying a tour to Spain, you will no longer find the summer heat in October, but you will still get wonderful impressions. The busy beach season is coming to an end, the Spaniards have a rest in autumn from noisy travel companies. In cities and towns, everyday life flows peacefully, which will be interesting to watch for an inquisitive traveler.

Autumn joys: beaches, swimming, fruits

In the south of mainland Spain, it remains warm during the day - up to + 25 ° C; in the north it is cooler - up to + 19 ° C. The beach season on the Costa Blanca and Costa del Sol continues at the beginning of the month: the Mediterranean Sea does not have time to cool down by October. The temperature around +23°C allows swimming, but it is not always comfortable to go out to the windy shore from the water. With children, it is better to relax in Benidorm: thanks to the protection of mountain ranges, a special microclimate is preserved there without cold air currents and rains. It is often stormy near Santander - it is cold near the water, waves and heavy winds crash on the coast.

The weather in Spain in October is far from being as sunny and dry as in summer: it is rainy in Galicia, cool in the evenings in Madrid - the temperature does not exceed +14°C. Warm at night only in Seville - up to + 18 ° C.

Mid-autumn is marked by the harvest of the fruits of the "queen of the subtropics" - cherimoya. This plant is called "cream apple" - the taste of ripe fruit resembles creamy ice cream. Rich harvests of cherimoya are collected by Malaga, large plantations grow along the Costa Tropical. Prices for pomegranates are falling, grapefruits, lemons and clementines are ripening again. The peach season is coming to an end, but all green shops and fruit fairs offer persimmons and quince. In October, you can buy the ripest melons, fragrant apples, ripe sunny grapes.

October holidays

The main event of the autumn is Día de la Hispanidad - Fiesta Hispanidad. The most important national holiday in all Spanish regions (except Catalonia) is celebrated on October 12. This is a double event - official and religious: the Catholics of Spain celebrate the Day of Our Lady of Pilar.

Military parades are held in the cities on the 12th. It is best to go to a holiday in Madrid - there you can see the king greeting the participants in the procession. Zaragoza greets tourists with a special atmosphere, where the most colorful Fiestas del Pilar festival takes place with a massive costumed procession, theatrical performances, and a parade of huge puppets. On the 24th Cordoba celebrates Saint Raphael's Day. The San Rafael holiday program includes worship services, concerts, folk festivals.

At the beginning of the month, the flamenco festival ends, taking place every two years in all Seville tablaos. Barcelona, ​​Sitges, San Sebastian and Valencia host October themed film festivals.

Best excursion destinations

In autumn, medieval Spanish cities, fortresses, castles are especially beautiful. If you love seafood, Pontevedra invites you. During the first two weeks of the month, the city welcomes culinary connoisseurs. The Fiesta del Marisco festival is held here. The best Galician chefs prepare dishes from the freshest lobsters, shrimps, lobsters, all kinds of fish.

If you dream of seeing a bullfight, it's time to go to one of the main Spanish arenas: the bullfighting season is coming to an end. Pamplona, ​​Malaga, Valencia, Alicante, Cordoba, Benalmadena await connoisseurs of the art of bullfighters, the capital's arenas will also be full of spectators.

October is a great time for excursions to the picturesque mountains and ancient cathedrals of Seville. The rich houses and monasteries of Bilbao enchant tourists with their mysterious autumn beauty. The museums of Madrid and Barcelona are warmly welcomed by visitors, where in autumn you can get without any queues. But shoppers should not expect profitable discounts: the big cities of Spain have finished the sales season.

Where to go, what objects to visit, you will learn by reading the reviews of experienced travelers.

*** We rested in Malaga for a week - it was warm, just not like autumn, roses were blooming all around, but we didn’t swim much - the water was still cool. We looked at the Alcazaba fortress and the stunning Cathedral, went to Ronda.

***The 10th was in El Grove at the seafood festival. I love fish in general, but there is a fabulous abundance, only very crowded, just crowds of tourists. We tried Galician octopus with local white wine, delicious!

It is still warm and sunny in Spain in October. Escape from the chilly climate of Russia to a hot country is a great idea. Tours this time please with their availability. Spain offers tourists many options for recreation - sightseeing, beach, cultural, active. There are even gastronomic and shopping tours. In October, major cultural events take place in Spain, in which the whole country participates. Don't miss the opportunity to get to know Spanish culture better by visiting the national holidays celebrated in October.

Holidays and festivals in Spain in October

The most important event of October in Spain is the Hispanidad. This national holiday is celebrated all over the country October 12 It was on this day in 1492 that the Spaniards, led by Christopher Columbus, landed in America. Folk festivals take place everywhere, but the most interesting event awaits a tourist in Madrid on the main square.

In many cities of the Costa Blanca there is an interesting and colorful holiday "Moors and Christians". 18 -22 October this event is celebrated in Calpe. The fiesta is dedicated to the liberation of Spain from the Arab invaders. It is accompanied by dramatizations, performances, historical reconstructions of the events of those centuries. Costumes are made new every time.

From 22 to 29 October Valladolid will host the International Film Week. It has been going on since 1956, which is already remarkable. The beginning of the festival was laid by the "Week of Religious Films", but in the first 4 years the organizers were convinced that there would not be enough religious films to fill the program. And now this project already has an international status and is dedicated to copyright films. The main prize is the Golden Ear.

Time difference with Moscow

The time difference between Moscow and Spain is -2 hours.

Weather in Spain in October

Daytime temperature +21 °C, night temperature +12 °C, sea water +22 °C.

Spain attracts every year a huge number of tourists from all over the world, despite the weather.

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